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Show ' ; v , Pag a Eight r pj 1951 fjU f Royalty That Rates B.E. Camp DUP BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, November 14, f ' Fitnetal services for Olivia Petersen Jensen, who died at her Brigham City home, November 5, were held in the First LDS ward chapel, November 8, Thursday, with Counselor Andrew Carruth-er- s ' ! conducting. - Family prayer a the home was offered toy Alonzo H. Petersen, Prelude and postlude at the church was played by Ruth Reeves. Invocation by John Olsen Jr, was followed by a vocal trio, composed of Norma D. Jensen, Dorine Wheeler and Jessie Cable, singing In The Garden. A tribute was given by Ora Andersen followed by remarks by Fred L. Petersen and a vocal duet by John and Martin Rasmussen. They sang Prayer Per- Box Elder County camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold their county convention on Saturday, November 17, In the Fourth ward chapel, beginning at U0.30 a. m. with afternoon session beginning at 1:30 p. m, (Lunch will be served at noon. 'AH daughters were urged .today toy Mrs. Lucy IWrlght, captain; 'Mrs. (Rae Christensen, first vice captain; and Mrs. May Smith, second vice captain to attend the convention. New county officers will be elected. Central camp visitors will also be present. If Your Picture The Best Gift Of All! . . . 20-3- to be more precious a keepsake than a likeness of you. To give this wonderful gift) just call J today. Have the pictures ready in time for Yule giving. 5-- COMPTONS STUDIO Photos by Glenn Compton Monday Evening .Regular 20-3meeting was held at the Howard cafe Monday evening, at 8 ,p. m. with 'First Vice President Leon Good-liffpresiding. A girls trio, composed of Dixie Gordon, Sharlene Felt and Thompson, sang a number, accompanied toy Ruth Berntsen, Searl Beecher, of the Box Elder high school, gave a talk on the problems of school children, telling how their home life can effect their school life. Verl Petersen reported that a ladles night would be held at the Canyon club, Ogden canyon; Saturday evening, November 17, 0 e beginning at I Home-Mad-e ' 4 PIPING mite HOT!! ORDER ONE HOUR IN ADVANCE Made In Her Own Kitchen ... TVE CATER A TO .. PARTIES AND DINNERS only $1.50 dozen Any Number Sold For Family Dinners ORDER NOW Ferrin Pettingill Perry Building Buried Saturday Fund Dinner lor Ferrin Pettingill, who died last Wednes- A. Delicious Reigned Over Foot ball Dance Monday Carol Hunsaker and Richard White, king and queen of the football dance. Attendants are, left: Lyle LaFramboise and Bunny Reese and Nancy Stallings and Phil Oyler, Wearing the smile in the center of the group is Coach Earl Ferguson, who has come in for his share of the honors at football celebration rites, for producing number two team of the state. . . . Funeral services Invites You To Try Her ; hS sft PHONE 870 day morning, November 7, were held at the Harper ward with Bishop Joseph Yates officiating, Saturday, November 10. Family prayer was offered by Emery Wigh. Prelude at the chapel was by Frank VanCott on the organ. Invocation was offered toy L. R. Jeppsen followed by a violin solo by Harold B. Felt. Samuel Welch offered remarks folowed by a vocal solo by Lillian Felt. She sang The Lords Prayer. Remarks were then offered by Merrill Glenn followed by a vocal solo, Face To Face, by Elmer Gibbs. Concluding remarks were offered by Bishop Yates. Final musical number was an organ solo, "Going Home, by Frank Van Cott. Benediction was . by Paul Hunsaker. Dedication of the grave was by George Facer at ' the Brigham City cemetery. ANNOUNCES HE drink of all ages. Youth needs It need it to go on. No one ever out- to grow on; grown-up- s grows the need for milk. Its natures best in food and re- Rich in natural vitamins for life; a freshment, too. dependable source of health-givin- g minerals; and an eco- nomical provider of essential proteins, milk is first in foods, r Look good., .feel good. . . drink at least three glasses of milk a day! Mealtime, in between time, any time o' milk time! is glass Superior Dairy fr mlttees are nc event afternoo eemtoly w the standing Harves queen will OF HIS OLD SHOP THE BRIGHAM SHOE REBUILDERS m City a ntnerce ayceettes, Friday e Memorial m. nembens AND IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS x He Welcomes Old And, New Friends Bad! guests to baVerd J su will comir a C Glen 771- - Perc Norm Id, Choose oney's I her gifi at Mode O Day for Convenience ! , iiseBi Savings ! Workit Guaranteed Satisfaction! een Urn the ii is t (every some qui MODE O' DAY GOWNS oney in fine aching nt around hav iger loan ray, colu dcasilii at your Bed Dr. F. N. Barker ... be gone week . . Truly outstanding are these beautiful gowns, fashioned from luxurious Multi, ament Rayon Crepe trimmed with sheer Nylon. So perfect for gifts, yets Inexpensive. Choose hers now from Medium . Large, sizes Small Use our easy LAYAWAY PLAN! Dr. F.N. Barker To Attend Meet Dr. F. N. Barkef, Brigham City Co lidej Of MS naturopathic physician, w i 1 leave Saturday, November 17, with his family to attend a con vention, in Los Angeles, Califor nia, it was learned today. He will be back a week later, Saturday, November 24. IJ jrcoun Nove iy, ward c a. m. beginni ton w laughter recording Wrig acy county Cent! be e so VA If6 later than you think! war Sat trd nee Member today, meetin uil be tor to mi winter repairs! all s, inclu Belie (d lay at wd ses. and b will be school lal. STORM POORS STORM SASH drafts, steaming windows and heat loss with storm doors and sash. This Improvement pays for itself In fuel savings alone. We have in stock most standard sizes, reasonably priced. Stop ament INSULATION i the to a in d Save up to 30 on fuel bills year after year with Balsam Wool. Rolls out smoothly be tween ceiling joists. Permanent. Highly effi .Meting rtion . who w mvite s dent, Sealed SA AQ moisture. end. against 10 down. CAULKING SuiLcL 'SahaqsL PROTECT YOUR COSTLY INVESTMENT New tare cait plenty -prated youre tram winter weather, build that new " wow. We can furnhh (elected elding, dimeniion lumber, roofing, ate., and arrange far (anitruction Small dawn payment. Term, ae low at . . . . lelephone d up som tan at a (NEWS nit for if mi hove Donald Colntz Finishes Air Force Basic J Donald P. Colntz, 17, son of Mrs. Paul Colntz, Peach City apartments, Brigham City, has completed his basic airman indoctrination course at Lackland Air 'Force base, San Antonio, Texas. Colntzs basic training has prepared him for entrance into air force technical training and for assignment in specialized woik. to img Rayon Crepe with Nylon trim! Multi-filame- , , Following the serving of the dinner toy the teen-aggirls of the ward, a very entertaining program was conducted under the direction of the M.I.A. with Isaac Young as master of ceremonies. , Several numbers were sung by the Paramount quartet from Ogden followed by a song and skit by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Anderi sen accompanied by Mrs. Lorin Andersen. Two whistling numbers were rendered by James Razston accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Mamie Razston, who also gave two comic readings. Afton and Jennie Razston then entertained with song and skit followed toy outstanding tap dancing numbers brought from Layton by Mr. and Mrs. Don Bourne and company. Fine vocal solos were sung by Gerald Jensen of Mantua accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Mary Stokes, accompanied toy Mrs. Louise Davis and Shirl Carter also accompanied by Mrs. Davis. Concluding number was Jim Wollaston of Ogden, a professional assisted by his magician, daughter. Auctioneers, Harper Billings and Eugene Bott, were m charge of the auctioning of various articles including Merry Joy, the Perry Primary doll, a beautiful quilt, many cakes, pies and turkeys. Merry Joy" will gladden the home of Bishop and Mrs. Rulon Hirschi and William Wagstaff was the recipient of the quilt. The bishopric and building fund committee of the Perry ward wish to thank all who assisted in any way to make this event successful. The News Journal number is 1,1)00. B 21, a learned t iber HAS e MILK IS THE FAVORITE w aron. The building fund dinner and social held In the Perry ward last (Friday evening, November 9, proved to be a very successful affair, according to reports from the bishopric, building fund committee, ward members and many out of town people who attend. The financial receipts of the evening now enables the Perry ward to begin construction on the new addition and remodeling of their church house. Serving Friday evening began at 6:30 p, m. with a delicious turkey dinner served under the direction of the Primary and Relief society ladies of the ward.- - The long tables wete beautifully decorated using the Thanksgiving motif. Golden apfrom miniature ples hanging trees, surrounded with fall flowers at .the base centered each of the tables. Brown and yelran the full Everyone is Invited to phone low streamers their society items for the News length of the tables and miniature turkeys stood at the ends. and Journal to 771. weTe Thanksgiving napkins used. Decorations were under the direction of Mrs. Florence CHOICE O? All high ces Taken Over The Management Everyone Is invited to phone their society items for the News Huge Success Wight. ;der TED WOOD Remarks were offered by Abel and concluding remarks were given by Counselor Andrew Carruthers. Final musical number was a vocal duet by John and Martin Mother. Rasmussen, singing Benediction was offered by President Glen M. Bennion of the South stake. Concluding services were held at the Mantua cemetery where dedicatory prayer was offered by Bishop Norman Jeppsen. and Journal to Future Fi louiemake he . 8:130. MRS. M A. BilRICHER 1 JLv S. Rich and the gift he (or she) will prize in the years come. 'For what could ni.S 23-ye- fect. Club Meets 0 C. And Fathers Party Mrs. Jensen Held Slate County Convention Sat. t MATTO0N, m. mp. Townley told amwuL AT cers he never had ble before. They agrSa isv a peaceful a check by the Identification bureSH All girls 16, 17 and 18 years old that Townley had fiLS in the South Box Elder stake and 112 times in several I their fathers have been invited lng a period to attend a stake Junior Gleaner Sixth ward. PerryjT'u'' Fathers and Daughters party to of the favors and Novemevening, be held Friday the serving table. ber 17, at 7:30 p. m. In the Fifth All stake board ward recreation hall by the MIA. - On the agenda are a program their partners are MIA officials. A of games, with all wards assistis extended to the Mantua ing in the arrangements. and the First ward are in charge dency and their wives, th of refreshments. The program is tinued. The officers urged under the direction of the Willard and Second wards. Fifth Gleaners to attend reea,cJ ward is In charge of games, and it is impossible for t to be In attendance. prizes will be furnished by the Plan Daughter Final Rites For $11.99 A Month Stop those drafts around door and window frames with caulking. Easily applied with special gun. Costs only a few cents per opening. G0O0GQ cafe n par 10. 18 JQC deci hold s Thurs giving bnern WEATHER STRIPPING Spring bronze. Tacks around door openings, tops heat loss. Available In complete cartons or by the foot. As low as .... 6' m ie fle Thai v&w gui i&vd a - Remodel lmprva Repair On Convenient Monthly Teft,i 1 0 Down 36 Month to |