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Show M Thre ELDER Kindergprten Ladie Enjoy Book Review A large group of Kindergarten i95z club members met in regular monthly meeting on November 8 in the War Memorial home. The pledge was led by Mrs. Lapriel Price. Mrs. Marjorie Lish offered the prayer. Business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Jean Barnard followed by a delightful book review, "President's Lady," by PICTURES" g. THE Miss LaPreal Wight. A piano selection, ''Deep Purple," was played by Portia Peeves. TODAY TLMES The program was conducted iT by Mrs. Royal Reeves, literary JOCKEY" ISC committee chairman. Hot cider and doughnuts were served from a serving table centered with a large bouquet of fall flowers. Serving' committee included: Mrs. Olive PeterSOUTH SIDE sen, Mrs. Ruby Smith, Mrs. Jane Linfod, Mrs. Norene 1000" and Mrs. Marjorie Lish. Adm Se Mts 'heon and Mn. irjorie l Mrs. Ivy : son, - Mrs. ochle ph 8 Mis. rs. Ivy - T Old-roy- Nelda mber NEWS oi ursday- tyeti d Beta Sigma Phi Begin Story Hour Today At Carnegie Library agricultur Saturday Mr. Week. with is held in National Eagles ' Auxiliary m MARJORIE by . iwiiUR- of being a partner - poultry producers. WCTUlB.i.y -CO- .. BY -HIT . . performing services that cut operating Corinne Camp Slate Monthly Meeting Corinne camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold regular monthly meeting Friday, November 16, at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Alice R. Davis in Corinne. Members are urged to attend. In Attempt To Save Lives of a plane full of passengers, James Stewart has the fight of his life with two of the planes crew in this dramatic moment from No Highway In The Sky," which will be at the Capitol theater next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, ... To Charter banquet for members of the F.O.E. Auxiliary will be held this evening, Wednesday, November 14, at 8:30 p. m. at the Howard Cafe according to "Mrs. Lola Stewart, president, A special business meeting will be held prior to the bana quet the War Memorial home. Business meeting will begin at Mr. Mr. Hutchinson is employed by General Electric at Richlan. They plan to remain for about ten days and also visit with Mrs. Hutchinson's twin sister, Elma, who is employed as a technician in the L.D.S. hospital in Salt Lake City, I North Stake Primary Workers Will Attend Union Meeting At Seventh Ward November 18 Union meeting for Primary V.F.W. Auxiliary Past worker of North Box Elder stake will be held Sunday, No- President's Club vember 18, at 2 p. m., in the Honors Jans Petersen Seventh ward chapel. The campaign for The subscrip- the Childrens Friend tions 7 :30 p. m. magazine will be the theme for A special program has been the meeting. Officers pnd teachplanned in connection with the ers from the Eighth ward are expected to attend. banquet. All priesthood representatives are cordially invited to be presMisfit Dance Slated ent also, said Mrs. Earl Ferguson, stake secretary. By F.O.E. Auxiliary F.O.E. Auxiliary are planning a gala misfit dance to be held 2nd Ward Bluebirds at the Dance Bowl on Saturday, Entertain Mothers November 17. Bluebirds of the Second Ward A charge of $1.25 will be made entertained in honor of primary the per couple. During evening their mothers on afto V.F.W. Ellsworths Announce Birth Of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ellsworth of Van Nuys, California are the parents of a baby girl born October 30. The tiny Miss will be named Sherrie Ruth. Mrs. Ellsworth is the former Ruth .Knudsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Knudsen of this city. Mr. And Mrs. James A. Weaver Back After auxiliary club and their partners held a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jans Petersen, Thursday, November 8, to celebrate Mr. Petersens 82nd birthday. Members attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ida Farrel, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Rasmussen, Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Romeo Christensen, and' Mrs. Ellen Richmon. Guests were seated at a long table. A hot luncheon and a birthday cake were served. The room was beautifully decorated with flowers. Many friends and neighbors called to offer congratulations throughout the evening. past-presiden- ts Attending Wedding Mr. and - are Hutchinsons grandparents, and Mrs. Heber J. Sessions. Book! Hold Charter Banquet Mrs, Earl Hutchinson of Rlchlan, Washington, visitors at the home of Mrs. ..P" Thursday, November 15, ,and ourth grade students will be entertained with stories by Mrs. Erma Jensen and Mrs. Selma Weir. and sixth grade students will hear Mrs. Evelyn Daines and Mrs. Iris VanCott on Friday, November 16. Mrs. Leah Barker, project chairman along with Mrs. Erma Crompton and Mrs. Verna Ann Ilendersen, announced that stories each day will today begin at 4 and James Mrs. the groom is the son of Mr. Mr. Lloyd Hansen Of CorliWi. They were married in the Manti temple, " Nov. 6, and wlU'make their home In' "Brigham Cry, B ORNNE OMMENTS Visitors At Mr. And Mrs. H . J. Sessions Highway In The SLy" Ahead Today, Wednesday, November 4 P- - m. first and 14, second grade students are invited to Brigham Carnegie Library to hear stories told by members of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Story I tellers for the afternoon will be Mrs. Iona Cefalo and Mrs. Lola Campbell. p. m. This project - Friday " No Albert Marijane Morris Utah. that 1 sometimes - suspect readers of this column wonder what Pll say or do next, because Im forever dragging out my soap box and making a speech . . . Well, heres another one. . . Have you noticed the number of stray dogs around town? We are giving temporary shelter and food to two small female pups at our house, until I can find out Just what ought to be done, because Im a lover of dogs and I find it hard to pardon a dog poisoner and ust as bad, I think, a person who will load some tiny pups them Into a car and "dump off. That is how these dogs got to Corinne. Why cant we get city council aotion in posting signs on our highway and through publicity making it punishable by a fine for anyone to dump stray dogs in the Co- rinne vicinity? This wouldnt be! such an impossibility. This is one suggestion. Then another, concerns the action promised by the city council concerning and unlicensed dogs bv October 20. It looks to me like the surrounding communities have enforced their laws and brought us all the stray dogs. As I stated before, I love dogs, but I think the humane thing to do Is put the dogs away rather than have them starve or be abused by strangers. Mrs, Wayne Anderson has a stray dog at her place that insists on taking things away or getting things off the clothes line; then there are two around town that aTe crippled, that makes at least Weaver of Brigham City .attend ed the wedding of their oldest granddaughter, Norma Deem, in the Manti temple, Manti, Utah Norma is the daughter of their daughter, the former Lucille five. Weaver, now Mrs. Parley Deem. Mrs. M. A. Pobl Home Following Operation -- By Mrs. Alma V. Smoot if?: - has had her sister and brother-in-lavisitors this week. They are jilf. and Mrs. Elmer ' Coo mbs .. ef Fielding, Utah, i Safer Cough When new drugs or old fell tO Stop your cough or chest cold djrft c Sy. Creomulsion contains only safe, keip-fu- l, proven ingredients and cotics to disturb natures pranas.. It goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raW, trader, inflamed" bronchial membrane. Guaranteed to please you or dxugge refunds money. CreomuJsioohasMMra the test of many million of men. -- CREOMULSIOM lwUth Urns Coufta, Chart CxUa. Aorta J ' Congratulations to Mrs. Charles Fredricksen and Mrs. Wendell Holmes, they both had birthdays recently. Mrs. Holmes . TODAY ONLY OPEN AT 4 P. Mv Come Early! o THE GREAT LONDON SHOW ir'I'IEHniillHEI received a lovely gift from the Rebekah lodge. Also, Mrs. .HolmHOW tS YOUR NERVE" es is the new (Pinochle club president and Mrs. 'Hazel Hewlett, the new vice president. Wednesday BADE YOU--- -to a turkey will be given away. A Besides ' Mr. Maurice Larsen sesin ternoon primary regular atTEMD who is a state - representative prize also will be given for the sion. best costume. this week at Denver, Colorado offered the invocaWood Ruth assoThe party is open to the generfor the Holstein-Freisia- n the ' V. Smoot is on ON THE SCREEN al public and will begin at I 9 tion followed by a song by Alma Mr. ciation, Bluebird group led by Diane Missouri oclock. his to Kansas City, way "THE WHISTLE AT;-- , Hyde. Adrienne Litllewood gave Mrs. Clarence Burrup to represent the State Farm Burthe code followed by the Song Pinochle Club Hostess Sego Lily Camp Slate EATON FALLS" ; " a eau. He will meet with group of Welcome" by the Bluebird interested in animal sanitation. Mrs. Clarence Burrup was pin- Past Presidents Party with Lloyd Bridges,; group. The first wedding and recepPast presidents party for memand Dorothy Gish Thursday The girls then introduced their ochle club hostess tion of the fall season was that mothers followed by three fine evening. Special guests for the bers of the Sego Lily Camp of the of Mr. and Mrs. Arel Hansen. of Utah Pioneers will THURS. - FRI, - SATj talks by Ruth Andersen, Mary evening were: Mrs. Arden C Daughters be held Thursday evening, Nov The bride Is Mildred Bagley, Ann Cobb and Martha Claire Balls and Mrs. Theron Jensen. TWO BIG FEATURES-- - ! A delicious light luncheon was ember 15, at 7:30 p. m. at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Horsley. of Utah and Kersherm, home of Mrs. Vamick Hansen, 46 Bagley Janet Williams gave a Review served followed by pinochle. South Fourth West. went to Mrs. Glenna Anof, Diary followed by a discus- Prizes A good attendance is desired, sion of the band by Jean Dunn. dersen, high, Mrs. Ferl Petersen, Closing prayer was offered by cut, and Mrs. Donna Reeves, low. Members present were: Mrs. Leonard M. Olsen Sandra Petersen., The girls then served (cookies, FerJ Petersen, Mrs. Geraldine Here On Vacation which they made themselves the Simper,' Mrs. Barbara Pella, Mrs. Leonard M. Olsen, son of Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs. Doris day previous at the home of their Pennyand Mrs. Glenna Andersen. Bert Olsen, Is spending a two leader, Mrs. Norine Burtcher, and weeks vacation with his mother ci'FF soda pop. in Brigham City. Girls present with their mothers No-Ho- st Held Party Mr. Olsen, a resident of Para were: Ruth Wood, Ruth Ander dena, California, is employed by sen', Mary Ann Cobb, Martha Thursday Evening A party was held on the Paradena police force. Claire Horsley, Janet Williams, l3SEFr:;:,Hl'LLWn1 Thursday Sandra by Mrs. Marevening Jeann Dunn, Petersen, CO-HI- T Adrienne Littlewood and Diane ion Jeppson, Mrs. Thelma Lar- Locust Camp Of D.U.P. sen, Mrs. Lorraine Petersen, To Hyde. Painless Treatment Meet Thursday Eve Mrs. Mary Lou Call, Mrs. Melva The Locust of Mrs. the Baron, camp Brown, Virginia QUICK RESULTS! Dublers Enjoy No-Ho- st Miss Betty Ruth Seashore and Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet Thursday evening, NovemMrs. Vila Brown. Every day thousands are Party Wednesday ber 15, at 7:30 p. m. at the home Idle at dinner the .'Following Members of the Dublers club Isle discovering how chirothe group enjoyed seeing of Mabel Hoover, Fourth north dinner at the enjoyed a practic can help return of the lovely things Miss and Sixth east. Idle Isle on Wednesday evening, many Ruth them to health. See us Seashore brought November 7, with Mrs. Irene Betty, for a consultation now. back to this country following Visit In Bingham Canyon Hansen, Mrs. Phyllis Call and her ITQ to Sweden. The group Mr. Mrs. and Woodland trip Ray Mrs. Merle Cradhead in charge theyn .JUKSIEJUI enjoyed going to the movie. and son, Del Ray, Were weekDR. C. R JONES of arrangements. end visitors at the home of Mr. During the evening a gift was 124 East 1st South D Woodlands parents, Mr. and presented to Mrs. Beth Madsen Mrs, Speth And Mrs. , . Phone 182 Mrs. A. G. Woodland of Bingfor her new son. ham Canyon. v Guests Burrup Special For your special pleasure, the November dining car feature for the coming year Officers Mrs. Mervin Speth and Mrs, were elected: Gertha Williams, on Union Pacific trains is savory roast turkey, with all the , secre- Clarence Burrup were special and Viola on Pacific Pett, Union president trimmings, Deliciousl And when you go Friday evening, Novemtary. Officers for he 'past year guests these many 9, ber at the home of Mrs. Fred or enjoy trip, any have been Merle Craghead, W. fpur Thanksgiving trip, Speth when members of the other advantages: president and Phyllis Call, sec-- I Friendly Sewing Club met. SENSATIONAL NEW STUDEBAKEN WONDER CAD , retary. A. delicious was luncheon served- following an evening of Ladies Faculty League sewing to the following members comfort Meets At Home Of Mrs. and guests: Mrs. Bill Shaw, Mrs. The Eugene Wright, Mrs. Clyde P. o! wide, roomy seats. , , Larsen, Mrs. Clifford Hobson, Elwynn Seely Recently The Ladies Faculty League of Mrs. Laren W. Balls, Mrs. Evan Box Elder High school held their Owens, Mrs. Arden C. Balls, Mrs, November meeting at the home Speth and Mrs. Burrup. of Mrs. Elwyn Seely. Joyce Thorum, president, presi-- I Good Comfortable air conditioning that Program For was ded. A business meeting assures you pleasant temperatures held followed by two vocal solos Seagull Camp Meeting A good program has been ar regardless of the weather. by Paulette Lichtenstein accora ranged for meeting of 'the Sea panied by Ruth Morrell. FASTEST SELLING COU MAKSES DMOntf-re ud odwr Kncifle.tloM asbjMt to dun IM aotiw A luncheon was gull camp Daughters of Utah in Studebaker history! I served to 33 members by the fol Pioneers to be held Thursday to and out. I Mrs. committee: Grant stretch November 7:30 to at 15, lowing evening, Plenty o! space club Prisbey, chairman; Mrs. Elwynn p. m. at the home of Mrs. Louie roam about. If you prefer, attractive B. Call. Seely, Mrs. L, A. Richardson, Mrs. Norwood Hyer, Mrs. Edward cars in which to relax. Refreshments will be served. Ward, Mrs. Voscoe Call, Joyce All members are reminded to attend Thorum and Beryl Clark. has returned to her home following a major operation performed recently at Cooley Memorial hospital. She is recuperating nicely. Mrs. Freda Adams of Spring field, Oregon, sister to Mrs. Pohl, is at the Pohl residence until Mrs. Pohl has fully recovered. Mrs. M. A. Pohl Se-cri- st mm -- cm Fma no-ho- no-ho- l"7 Vinss:;:ue y juaosc PASM?D5 K1 Yu I . - , pn Tint i whyt iistry b ion I two-cours- o mow ad into i t mi - 1,0 doC' : Your choice of accommodations, including private rooms and berths in Pullmans ' . or economical reclining doach seats. ond rti.rva- Vour neoroit Pacific . Railroad 'U Make fti, ft. trip you'.. Save gasMts designed for cues most .nioyobl.Thonks9i.in9 taken. Go Union Pocftcl sparkling power plus thriftl Save repair bills! IPs ...r amazingly Children 5 yeort eld half and under IT free lore; under 5 "I'm. not an expert historian, but know this. Strong countries produce more, and the countries that produce more have won the wars they fought against their enemies. That's why Utah' mining industry is going all out ffer production. We know what our freedom cost and we're going to make sure wo keep it. I ... )r ' Spendable Freight and Passenger Transportation W,c...say (jjj 4. fl PAS D PD A thrill-pack- Far-advanc- ed wear-resistin- ' g! v performer! V-- 8 engine needs no premium fuel! StvUbtitr At ed mslle Drhl Extra marvxlous! Skiff M itulf m thUck ptdall Extra cut and am Mi JOE CARR, Inc. "t1"' V-- Phone 737 nw.M :?. |