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Show bffered Service CERAMIC CLASSES Starting November 14 Pag Seven )0X ELDER . WEDNESDAY NEWS EVENINGS FOR SALE Cl t,. Utah November 14, Eight rabbits, pedi- FOR SALE Used Westlnghouse gree,- registered New Zealand Laundromat, fully automatic. white. Also one baby bast-nettGood conditon. Phone 819-- J 1951 For Information Call e. INTERNATIONAL YolE Mercurr outboard p. motgr and Johnson Utaard Is H. ? motor. One gnd 30-3- nSALE only 1 used Coronado 11 Refrigerator Hirt vour 1 used FOR Brigham City Main Phone This ts Your Brigham City BUSINESS A a jmall Beehive Appliances. k Appliance Co. Phone L Ranges, ICO Radio, Freeze- Furn. Repair, Vac-ius, Refrigerators.' Hoover North Main EXPERT RUG CLEANING, Cleaners. furniture Co. Phone 250. e and cabinet work. Cadi D. C. Comia, 506 south Second west. Ph. 530. AUTO SUPPLY- CO. service. years friendly Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto IGHAM p. FOR SALE International floor furnace; suitable for four or five room home. Oil fired auElectric controls. tomatic, stove, refrigerator, kitchen set (four chairs and table); bed and springs. Hal Bosley. Phone 1022-J- . See at 649 south Fifth ELECTRIC rcogniid llni "R epm of m. FOR SALE MT. STATES All Paints And Glass west N14-16-p- FOR SALE Pigs. Phone 0189-J1- PAINTING, body and fen-- 1 work. Burts Body Shop, North Main. I CAPITOL tine 45 RPM Records Brighams Record Center Jewelers Paint And Body (o DECCA 9 foot refrigerator, excellent condition. Sbll has guarantee period. See at 446 So. Main. Phone 579 after 6:30 Complete 15 iepairs. Two Romex $7.00 per 100 It. repairing Repairs Kto furni-tuT- e e PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Rug Clean. RCA PALMER JEWELRY For Sale Diamond Your Byron d Nebe-ke- r. N14-16- p Real Estate Houm" Wrens Clothing A LITTLE EXTRA GLASS MEANS A LOT OF . EXTRA CHARM SETTING - ENGRAVING DIAMONDS Complete (outfitting from tots to teens. needle work, ' yams and 37 So. Main Ph. 23 Ladies ' f Pittsburgh Plata -Pennvemon Window Glass Mirroys For Every Purpose Kawneer store front Metals Pc. Glass Blocks Auto Glass Replaced While You Walt Work reads. Jeaners Ready-To-We- ar in Coats, Suits, Dresses, Hats. Elite Shop, 56 SMART STYLES RELIABLE CLEANERS South Main. Phone tialize in Quality Cleaning IS South Main. Phone 31. LADIES 43G-- or Shop. READY-TO-WEA- Your Washable dresses and blouses, CLEANERS. lingerie and guaranteed full Key to Finer Cleaning. Tex-iriz- e fashioned hosiery. House coats Fur Cleaning. Storage. and robes. Mode O Day, 86 IPhone 86. South Main. DEERN & Laundry Dry Cleaners LAUNDRY & MESERVY CLEANERS.. 144 South-MaijPhone 1. Dealers in Utahs fin-- t. Phone 62, coal, piled stoker slack, hn, lump and stove.': '..-' IHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE OF KING Ooal Co., ... TOUR SOPPILY Now! Wigljt 1wne.H0. , ad Animal Collectors ANTED-IDEI- or alive AID highest prices ultie and paid for horses, carp. Call us imme-iiatel- y after death of animal and receive more money. JWIES TROUT FIARM, ' Ph. k flyrum No. 1, or 2215 Logan. Service metrical ,VSER VICE on all makes of rttthers, vacuums, irons, q- - We fix anything. Just them in or phone us. heitenbeker ELECTRIC (hone 1190 - ' 84 S. Main BRIGHAM GLASS and PAINT SHOP 85 No. Main Lumber &. Hardware. Merrells, Inc Lumber Hardware - Moore Benjamin and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances Ph. O Good Printing old. Service O Better ' I'. DUPLEXES I We have two available and they are both exceptionally well located for continual rented. ' ' O Reasonable Cost C.B. Williams for all your printing needs 140 South Main PHONE 6 . PHONE 1000 Paints NEWS-JOURNA- Repair Service 8 EARLS FOOD FARE. Open a. m. to 10 p. m. Fresh fruits WASHERS, STOKERS, Furnaces, Vegetables Groceries. Refrigerators, Small Appliantom Cut Meats. ces. Beehive Ooal & Appliance. of SHEFFIELD I. G. A. The Store Phone L Groceries. Quality Meats and Radio Repair Frozen Foods. Fresh Vegeta120 bles. Every day low prices. 69. South Main. Phone RADIO REPAIR 649-- J Real Estate 134 So. Main Insurance Ph. 19 Im-diat- ad News-Journa- DRAPES, Vene-EBnd- s to order, tlng and linoleum In ed. Hadfield Furniture. made Coverings .. - nd , and GUUSTAN Car Rugg, Gold t Seal, and Armstrong LinoTile. Free estimate North installation. Furniture Co. spraying News-Journa- . J0,500 Requires $4000 down 112. FOR RENT 2 room apt. Phone furnished 450-- 05-lf-c- h Mirror, befui, Pint, 85 Better helves. North wtfS 1&0 So. Srri ALL WAYS Mala PbootlSS genius that developed new processes, equipment and greater efficiency. Every phase of coppei production, from mining through ore haulage, milling and refining was subjected to constant, research for improved methods. A key development in the search for improved methods was the flotation process used in milling. The g i , The engineering miracle that keeps Utah Copper operating, rt-IK the first six months of 1961, in the production of 27 L 529,608 pounds of copper, a payr roll of $11,418,630.66, supply purchases of $12,168,607.66, othey expenditures of Sli.628,614.91 and taxes of $24,233,408.97. Jr ' Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of December, 1951, an election will toe held a for the purpose of electing commissioner for District 3 1 of the Willard Precinct Cemetery Maintenance District, said commissioner so elected to hold office .for a term of four years Polls- - shall be opened for the purpose of said election from 1:00 P. M. to 5:00 P.'M- - of said day.' The place of election shall nished apL Heat, hot and cold water; electric range and rePeach frigerator furnished. City Apts. Phone 723-J- . - floor poasner for rent. Beehive Coal & Appll-6- ELECTRIC 8 - North Main. November Specials NOTICE OF NOMINATION AND ELECTION 2 room furnished apt. Phone 264. FOR RENT 2 bedroom unfurFOR RENT F18lf-c- h RENT Furnished 3 room apt. Heat and hot water fur be at City Mall--nished. Front and back en Notice is further given that trance. 18 north Second west. any person residing In District 3 may become a nominee for FOR RENT Very nice, fully the office of commissioner by modern, furnished apt. All filing a petition signed by 5 utilities paid. Private bath. electors within his district which $49 month. 493 south First petition shall nominate him east. Phone 19 or 94. for said position. All certificates of nomination shall be filed FOR RENT Large trailer, most-l- with r of the modern, permanently loca- said district, Hannah B. Nichols, ted. Access to toilet facilities at her residence in Willard, and water, lights paid. Near Utah, on or before November 28, FOR , Secretary-Treasure- 7th So. on Main. $20 per mo. 195a. Warm and comfortable for District No. 3 begins at and winter comfort. Baird Agency. including James Keyes resi Phone 19. dence, thence south on the east side of highway 91 to boundary OWanted To Rent Weber-BoElder county line, WANTED TO RENT A garage then beginning at and Including Wells residence, thence located close to Mattie's Cafe. Clive south on west side of highway Phone 825. 91 to the Weber-BoElder line. Of this the public will please Business Opportunity take notice and govern themLOCAL MAN WANTED to rep- selves accordingly. WILLARD PRECINCT CEMEresent Singer Sewing Machine TERY DISMAINTENANCE surCo. for Brigham City and TRICT, rounding territory. Good salBy Geo. W. Facer, ary? opportunity for advanceCommissioner Dist. No. 1. ment. Singer Sewing Machine By Gus Perry, Co 2456 Washington BlvcL, Commissioner, Dist. No. 2. Ogden, Ut, Phone 5771. By Delbert E. Cook, Commissioner, Dist. No. 3. x , , ch THANKSGIVING SPECIAL Wf-- atomobiliouuu well-bein- V.'ri. O Leaal Notices Attest: Hannah B. Nicholas, Secretary Treasurer. ' WRECKER SERUIGE ff .fur-ap- t. l. Co. depart-ment- t - l, Paints And Glass nom I J, Orchard Supplies Produce I . . , . full time on 1,000 acres, and then succeeded off the yield of just ten acres, he would be considered a miracle man. Yet, in effect, this is exactly what is accomplished at the- Bingham n Mine of the Utah Copper Division, Kennecott Copper Corp. An engineering miracle makes par possible successful operation of a discovery that metal bearing, mine with ore that has a coppei tides of sulphide ore will cling to increased froth chemical low greatly ( content as low as 0.4. This amount of copper . recovered jrade ore, combined with siiRntiv the made and mine possible the use of lower higher grade ore, gives the 'f . , an average ore slightly less than grade ore. 1 of copper. The lowering of the cut-oTo appreciate the problem Inpoint between ore and volved in mining such low grade waste to the present 0.4 )ias had ore, it is necessary to go back to a profound effect on the prosperity of her the beginning of the century, when of Utah and the Daniel C. Jaekling advanred the people. Had the life of the Bingcopper could be ham mine been limited by Daniel theory that 2 mined successfully. At the time, Jacklings original estimate of hia idea was considered completely 12,000,000 tons of ore averaging 2 impractical. Yet todav, this 2 copper, Utah Copper would. not of the figure has been cut 80, even now be producing j!0 though production costs, wages and nations new copper. taxes have risen materially. the of Binghsni Productivity The ability to operate success- mine has brought the benefits of fully with ore that 60 years ago payrolls, supply purchases and tax would have been considered waste to help every segment of payments to material is a tribute engineering Utah. If a farmer worked in living . good 1ft every Js rare that something Suitable for couple, heat and in high school , football teams. water furnished. Phone 1Q49-This comer would like to see the .. . .. DinojS, and Twin- Falls meet in a game. It should be lulu. FOB RENT Three .room, Phone nished basement just plain APARTMENT FURNISHED 'i 7' . x FULLY MODERN HOME includes new carpeting, curtains, Venetian blinds. New furnace, stoker and blower. Full basement. 14 acre land. Chicken coop. Ideally located in 6th ward. . Made l. y Baird Agency L Joce is. THREE BEDROOM BRICK We can give immediate pos session on this beautiful home located on east third south. Will require about S7DQ0 down. This fine home was built by the owner and v nothing was spared in its construction. Only one yea? for Prompt and ExPhone Men & Boys Wear pert Radio Service. T. Howard Good Smith, 107 E. 6th N. QUALITY MERCHANDISE. Cleaning fair Prl,ce8'v?1ckS and service , Sales Books - Tickets 'vacuum clean all makes and the Friendly Store for e heating equipment service. Phone 420. Office Supplies RESTAURANT checks, manifold lLafsen Sheet Metal books, salesbookA of all kinds, w rta.1' Mch Adding TYPEWRITERS, ' tags and tickets.. We can save Register Cash ines and you money. Order from the Vfniture bought old Office. Phone 1000. Reminder The . COMPLETE of LINE restaurant checks, Service Stations Nationally Advertised Home SALES SUPS, ledger sheets, books, manifold rnihlngs in Box Eldet Coun-all PrintL8 and office forms North Main Furniture Co. Ph- - 10UU' Mark Brightenburg's ne 250. needs. .rn BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY We have listed a substantial business which has been in operation for many years in Brigham City. If you are ambitious and' have about $81100 you can take over immediately. This operation has shown a good income and the volume can easily be increased substantially. Monthly payments, about the same as rent would be, will pay for the building and equipment This is a bonafide proposition and the best deal we have been able to offer. 696 t John Deere Farm Implements . Knights Spring Canyon Coal , DRY Markets I Utah Engineering Miracle Gives U. S. Third of Vital Copper Supply N14-16-c- KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS DIAMOND '.k GIFT SHOP i prediction. The Bees will make it to the state finals next year have and will also come home with CELERY GROWERS We 50 bundles of old newspapers. a state title. This .prediction Is Come get 'em. made on the following facts and tf.pd with the following qualifications: If the boys next year play 'Afintpri with the will to win that this years team played, if they have the guts of this years team, and they should have because they PIN BOYS , have had this year and barring injuries to any of the key men. WANTED The reason your editor feels certain of this statement is that in Must Be Over 14 the third quarter Coach Ferguson played almost a junior team. The only seniors in the lineup Good Wages and were Andersen, Josephsen LaiFramboise. He moved RobSee Ross Norr ert Hunsaker, CNIel Hunsaker AT THE and Elwyn Olsen around in the DANCE-BOW- L backfield and they clicked In pretty good shape. The team functioned on a par with the RELIABLE MAN .with car want- team on the field during the ed to call on farmers in Box first two and with the Elder county. Wonderful op- additional quarters they experience portunity. $15 to $20 in a day, should be rough next year. No experience or capital re quired. Permanent. Write toThis year, however, your ediday. McNess Company, Dept. tor knows how the West High 2423 B, Magnolia St. Oakland footballers felt when they ran d . 7, Calif. up against the 1946 Bees In the WANTED Woman for general state championship football housework, excellent wages. team. The Carbon Dlnos had, speed, deception, a good passing Apply to Dr. W. R. Merrell. h attack, a beautiful kicker both on punts as well as conversions. O For Rent or Lease In faot the Carbon Dlnos were I Just 33c ea. 14 Vital step in producing copper concentrate from low grade ore at Utah Copper is the flotation process. Here copper particles float to the surface and are recovered in chemical froth. CLEANING News-Journa- Steal at $21.50 Phonograph Records "Bubble Bath" for Copper Phone "ONE" Electric Wall Boxes distance long moving of household effects, phone 79-- J for free estimate. Mav A Son PRODUCTS, Furnaces, Radios, Washers, e SHOTGUN FOR LOCAL or 1GIDA1RE FURNACE Iver Johnson (single shot) e I Your editor will stick' out his We Vacuum, Clean and Repair neck and he has plenty to stick All Make of Furnace BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE out too, and make the following Now $6.49 A Oyler might have made a I difference because he can block and pass as well as run, but White certainly was the star of the day as far as playing hls heart out for the Bees. Phone 540 General Electric Room Heaters . I SUPERIOR DAIRY s Only $21.50 e CREAM DELIVERED Large Size Pressure Cooker pick- & TRY IT Brand New $98.00 I RECTORY. Furniture Moving MILK Zenith Washing Machine 1040 1950 R Pasteurized A $147.00 handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions. jp liances Grade - up truck, extra speciaL SI 195. 1947 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4 door sedan, now $1045. North Main Motor Co. Phone 778. k PHONE 300 SALE 459-- Ml UK Packard Bell Radio Phono. Combination. Plays ail speeds. MILLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE IMPLEMENT CO. G.A. NELSON Phone ELECTRIC n, BRIGHAM TRUCK & NOW your automobile insurance? Fire, theft, colli-iobodily injury and property damage liability is your protection adequate in every way? if it's not adequate have Miller's adequate it for you. Don't put this off. Ring 1040 now. Massey Harris 33 H. P. Tractor. Good condition $550.00 PHONE 741 -- M 1040 I JEAN BARNARD CLOSEOUTS AT How about Real good buy ........ $50.00 .LONDIKE f (It lure its a Klondike I asd not Just a cover). Wdiate delivery. Erection now. i your own property H Ho. RING Well, the Bees made it to the finals again in the state'football race, but ran into a wonderful! team from Carbon and lost 27 to but the score is misleading as the match betwen the two teams. The Bees wasted all oil their energy between the 20 yard stripes, while the Carbon Dlnos exploded for long distances fori their scores. These distances! ranged from 78 yard pass play! down to a 15 yard reverse for the final score. This explosiveness is the difference in a nut shell. d MOUNTAIN STATES ft. ft. Coldspot 6 RAGES FOR SALE sets in. let i, before winter GARAGE for appointment N14-16-p- FOR SALE White Feldn ducks. Dan Davis. Phone 0180-J- 2 $275.00 1 used 1 Capons for Thanksgiving. 7 to 9 lbs. Call at 670 north Third west. Elec. Refrigerator. Exc. Condition $125.00 used refrigerator. Mrs. Dredge, 270-- FOR SALE International Harvest Home Freezer 0 action rifle. Rea- at Bee Sport 1 wt S 1 used used gauge shotgun and one 4m TRADE-IN- Reasonable. Ph. 845-NCall at Third north and First DAYTIME CALL SUNDAYS NIGHTS 3 035-03- 3 33-074- 17 Machine Permanent Wave $6.50 Bring and friend and 2 for $11.00 get Cold Wave $8.50 Finger Wave and Shampoo .... $1.25 RUTH 0. HUNSAKER phone for appointment Bear River Exchange 2262 PRICE AND QUALITY CANT BE MATCHED 2 Only NEW 1951 , !' i ! AT OLD PRICE BEST i SAVE BUYS ON THE MARKET! 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DELUXE SEDAN Overdrive, radio and heater, hill holder, sun visor.', $1495.00. Only 1950 WILLYS STATION WAGON Low mileage, very clean, new throughout, overdrive and heater $1395.00 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN. Overdrive, radio and heater, new tires. Only $1295.00 1947 FORD Very clean, heater, good tires and paint . $895.00 1 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Radio and Heater, new tires $895.00 i 1946 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE SEDAN radio, new paint. Very good condition Heater, t. ; $895.00 i 1942 CHEVROLET AREO SEDAN (Streamline) 2 tone, heater and radio. Good condition. A steal at $595.00 1947 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER drive, radio, heater, very clean, new tires. Only 1941 PLYMOUTH good condition. JOE 750 SOUTH MAIN i t. I f i $1295.00 SPECIAL DELUXE GUARANTEED u Over- Only OLDER CARS ALL LOW PRICED TAKE YOUR PICK !! 1 Very $395.00 $65 AND UP- if r V CONDITION HU eAElEl, Dnc 0 . - v. PHCN3 737 i' t |