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Show I Polio to help pro- - er Gets rom National When March of Dimes funds the share was exhausted are raised, Mr. Bowen explain- last chapter June and we have conseBox ed, half the money stays here by had to call on the of the with the local chapter and half quentlyaid fund a national headfor Infantile goes to national headquarters quarters." to- - for announced research, professional educait was The Box chapter tion and emergency aid such as chairman Elder county chapter toss C. Bowen, said that by late the checks received here. over $6,000,000 had been re-Bowen said check Kflial 8 PAGES 1951 BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 14, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 46 polio Patiente Campaign emer-genc- y n Sep-temb- L the second record-breakin- sent in response to requests for epdemic aid from more than 800 chapters in 45 states. At present the Box Elder county chapter is providing funds for the care, in whole or in part, for about 26 patients afflicted this year in addition to underwriting the patient care costs of four stricken prior to January 1, 1951. g national foun- polio Incidence during the past ds In September three years had exhausted the check of $1,605.68 treasuries of hundreds of drapived making the total ers across the country. Our own chapters year to care for plight j this$3,580.68. The money provides a typical example, contract-anMr. Bowen continued. In .the able to anyone a 1951 March of Dimes we raised Is In no sense $1605.68 as qur share. However, the S 1 d Bowen Elected President Of The 'And Fork Club; Will Directors Named Hear Civil i 12 x IT Iored chartreuse, drive to make Friends For Scouting will be held districts Friday in the North and South Box Elder scouting in a dawn to dusk campaign that is designed to contact hundreds of people in the district, according to Clyde Stratford, campaign chairman. A drive to raise funds for Boy Scout activities in this area, to win friends for scouting and to acquaint everyone with scout aims and activities, the campaign will open with a kick-obreakfast, Friday, November 16, at 6 a. m. m the . A program featuring numbers by the 74 Second graders of Lincoln school will be presented as a part of the Lincoln ff Box Elder high school cafeteria. . Money raised from the camschool associaand to used is support paign tion meeting Wednesday (toof 15 scout activities promote . . BEHS in . auditorium i the night) Y troops here.'. beginning at 8 p. m. The board of directors were On the, campaign committee, The prgoram will be under the elected earlier by mail ballot besides Stratford are Qrval Sac direction S. L. of Mrs. Moskowitz, from the list of charter members kett, North stake, and Desmond as of November 5. The direc PTA president. South stake, Christensen, One Of Two Vehicles In Wreck tors Include: Mayor Lorenzo J. chalri R. C.' Alston, Guest speaker will be Leonard acciBott, Ross C. Bowen, W. Vosco A. Higgins, field representative section and . . . last Friday evening near Maddox Ranch house south of Brigham City. The business' man of the Saturday will be a gala day Thomas Tommaney, Intermounbusiness firm In Brig-l- ? Call, Charles W. Claybaugh and of the Utah Civil Defense council, dent occured when a northbound vehicle turned in front of a second car. for Brigham City shoppers, when of Brigham who will Deon It being contacted this O. Dee Lund, all Civil tain Indian school chairman. speak Jack Shumway, Tremon fense In The nearly every retail merchant In Home. His lecture i defense bond selling City; J. Harold ' The bara In will cooperate the city Reese, Bear River will be illustrated campaign began with the by the ton; pi sponsored by a executive compromotion. Charles J. gain day Wood, Garland; City; planning of the uid mothers of national film. : officers and T. W. Woodland, Willard. F,en serving in Korea, to sales event will mittee which includes The one-daSouth North characters various from the and Portraying were for cars Flans the used and from completed employes offer everything employers in costume, the second graders, South stake From the stakes. dinner Sat lyroN saving plan.' meeting inaugural to fall and winter wearing apunder direction of their teachers, are Hervin Bunderson, they urday, November 17, for charter Miss jewelry groceries, shoes, were parel, Glen M. injured last are deceiving Mary Nichols and Mrs. Eva Three men splendid members and their authorized and gift items with a touch of counsel Price Advises Delinquent Child President Friday evening at 7 p. m. in 'a Mrs. Dean Freeman, stake Burrows, a e, South will president; program Bennion, present In guests. specials thrown: collision near Maddox that correlates all the subjects two-ca- r ra chairman, Sam Gordon, district; chairman; reported Reflects Home At South Stake Conference for good measure. Of interest to the directors Ranch house, south of Brigham have studied. Wallace Christensen, M.IA. suat the end of was the comment ay evening they are we c? Mr. Schlotz if more must We to were turn Robert Clair spiritual development City. Injured i day of the drive. "Most fall shopping fes- perintendent; Desmond ChrisThe annual of brother Wells Bowen, that Allen, 20, Perry, broken collar- to save ourselves from destruction by scientific warfare. business firms are offer tival Is designed to clear the tensen, finance chairman t and Ross C. Bowen, was nrxned presbone, cut sand braises; William was the observation of Elder Clifford E. Young, decks for That lit wholehearted Christmas merchan- Glen Wagstaff, district couima-sione- r. coopera- ident of the formed afM. Argyle, head injuries, Box dise and displays which will be South at the Twelve to the assistant From the , North stake te feel confident Apostles, quarterly that filiated club innewly Ora Weable, 69, Ogden, head Anchorage, Alase able to when he gpoke on the feeling appearing in Increasing numbers are Emery Wight, last conference complete the ka. Sunday, injuies and shock. his week and earn Howard Call, M.I.A. suthe Well Vwen was elected presduring the weeks to follow the of uncertainty and unrest in the world today. . - Vernal ' Willie, The accident occured when was conit for Brigham iy award Mrs. N. event, pointed Price Mabel Elvira Johnson perintendent; President day bargain Rudger ident of the Alaska club last ' stake driven northbound 5 the vehicle, Job North New out. his in Stokes, president; Qrval and conference toAlil summer when it was the first ducted the 60, died Saturday night f ; ; by Mr. Argyle, attempted a left talk on parents obligations to j finance chairman t and at her here. Soft Sackett, home winter and fall New goods in be the to ram goal to organized rt qualify as group She was bom March 4, 1891, turn on the highway and col- children and building a good and wearing apparel will hit a Lei and Nelson, district commis-sipnecity is enlisting 80 per Territory for Knife and Fork prolided with the car driven by hoiM for them said a -; f: vr in a of James new low price .in Brigham. City delinquent ; Logan,, daughter under the direction of all Robert Clair, employers in the pay grams, ,'r ;: K- - child Is very apt to reflect a dethis week-end- , cooperating merMary ;Hansert-Johnso- n. ? Functional organization . for rings' plan 'vvitn aeasi lrr.- Scholtz. , been have of the injured She was reared in Logan and home. and the one-dachants saifi, linquent drive includes the following: the sit of employes signed Mefrom the Cooley graduated from the old Brigham released shopping event is expected- - to North and South stakes M. I.1 A., ses" at the morning morial Speakers hospital. seekers ''H" there. attract Young college thrifty bargain' D. breakfast; Wallace Christensen, sion, besides Elder Young and sponsoring group will She, was married to Leslie from all over the trade area. Howard Call,, : their included three Price President contacts this LoAll bargain day advertise- chairman; Leo Nelson, chairman Stokes, June 23, 1916, in the In missionaries: returned aiming at completion of recently ments will appear in the Friday of gan temple, Church of Jesus ive on First ward, prospect s committee; Hervin Lloyd Andersen, Christ of Latter-daFriday Saints. They evening, issue of the Box Elder Journal, Charof Bunderson,Canadian mission; Wayne their cooperating, business since of Bothweli lived in offering' shoppers a feast and Donald Toombs, 22, PromSpanish-America- n Jack les fiH be publicity Fifth Claybaugh, ward, in the published values. marriage. two-ca- r radio. Wade Glen ournaL collision A in and ontory, Box Elder county, died She Ebeling, mission; Perry taught school in Logan Monday at 11:25 a. m., resulted Monday at 5:30 a. m. in a Brig-- two years There will be one Major for Seely, Fifth ward, British misfor several years a m City hospital after a n Bothweli. and qach main scout division.. He She was a member in severe head injuries to George sion. . months illness. will have 6ix captains beneath Also giving talks in the mornTheater J. Fetch, 46, Salt Lake City. of t h e Community He was .born Nov. 11, 1929, at him and each captain will have G Green ing were Leo G. Meredith, former Evan State the served in had Trooper and Players, Penrose, Box Elder county, a son Bothweli LJD.S. ward as presi- reported Fetch had pulled onto member of the Alpine stake committee workers who will six of Roland J. and Emma Marsh dent of the 91 U. six people. from contact S. side a Keith visita and as Highway Deljerito, wnbs presidency Primary, Toombs. He was reared and eduthe Relief Society, road after stopping to let two member of the Indian school for the various areas in teacher Majors ing attendcated In Promontory and vehicles pass. He ap- staff, who spoke .to about 100 In oncoming follows: Bear River City, as a as are teacher Sunday yre RIVER CITY Nephi ed the Box Elder high school in school and Mutual Improvement parently drove into the path of Navajo youngsters attending in R. N. Burt; Harper ward, , La-Ru- e Okason) Anderson, 82, Brigham City. for several a .third car, driven by David the Navajo language. and Yates; Honeyville, Clauditis resident of Bear River He was a member of the associaton, In the evening President Glen MI.A. drama John (Ganthess of Cache county. been had Corinne, Mayrice Laryears Tolman; M Latter-daTuesday morning at Church of Jesus Christ of District One of the Veterans of sen; Third ward, N. V. Watkins; M. Bennion gave an address as director. at the Cooley Menjo-spkSaints. Cpl. Raymond Hansen did President J. Oleen Palmer, Foreign Wars elected Romeo W. Fourth ward, Clark Rasmussen; husband died Jan.' 20, , Her after a long Illness. Survivors are his parents, 1947.. . . . instructor . . . counof Corinne, its com- Seventh ward, J. L. Roberts; and the Christensen, Douglas Quayle high ' torn Alin 1869 at Bear Promontory; grandparents, cil and Elder Clifford E. Young. mander at a recent meeting. are six sons) Jay Surviving Eighth ward, L. Max Bott. Mr. ity, the son of Andrew ma Toombs, Brigham City; Music for the conference was Lt. D. meetBothweli; and and Stokes, VFW The Stanley auxiliary Also, iFlrst ward, Dr. C. A. Gertrude Pearson Andpr-- r and Mrs. George J. Marsh, OgDarsupplied by the stake choir, unheld at .the War Me- Munns; were Glen Second ward, ings Wil- Vernon Stokes, Tremonton; was reared and educa-wa- r a died Fredrick Jacobsen, Jr., 74, den; der the direction of Harold B. rell Stokes, Heber; Serris Stokconducted BunR. Steven Ray home, by morial, Fifth, Knudson; River City, and mar-w- a liam J. Facer, Malad, Ida.; one and DeLon Stokes, Friday at 11:45 a. m. in his Felt, accompanied by Louise Adams and Adele Christensen, nell, Sixth, Arthur G. Steffen; (Donna) es, Riverside, of Mrs. Eugene causes Incident here Margaret Hansen in sister, home Davis, organist with the IU. S. army at Camp commander and president, re Perry, Douglas Quayle; Willard, wigham City. to age. Flint, Promontory. Special organ music on the new (Prior to leaving for service spectively. Roberts, Calif.; seven grandconade their be will Wayne Woodland and Mantua, born at was services He 26, 1877, Funeral home .at Bear May organ was played by Frank Van in Korea, LL David Odell Anderchildren and six brothers and : Officials named include Alston Jensen. "y, where he has Other been ducted Thursday at 1 p. m. in sisters, Mrs. Richard Roskelley, Mantua, a son of Fredrick end Cotti and an organ-piana his with sen, duet family, spent m farming. He was a Brigham City First L. D. S. ward Clearfield; J. Clarence Johnson, Christina Hansen Jacobsen. He was played by VanCott and Rula few days at the home of his Claude Iverson, Tremonton, se of the Lowell L. D. S. church. chapel by Orson Jensen, bishop Oliver G. Johnson, Mrs.. Pearl was reared and educated here Jeppsen. parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. David O. nior !V'ws vice include his wife and of Penrose ward. Friends may and attended the old Brigham Lewis, Richmond, junior reThree of members of 58th Andersen, Clara the Mrs. Bemtsen, and City, Brigham Carter, wghters and .. .. one son: call at the Harold B. Felt Fu- all of Logan, and Miltow L. Young college, Logan. He mar quorum of Seventies presidency cently. commander; Fred Bradford, Co y (Pearl) ried Anna Nielsen, Sept. 26, were released, Willard Christen:,i rinne, quartermaster; Carl JenElwell, Mrs. neral home in Brigham City on Tremonton. Lt. Andersens wife, the for- sen, Brigham City, adjutant; (Murle) Sorensen, both Wednesday from 7 to 9 p. m. Johnson, 1906, in the Logan LjDE. temsen Orrin and because anAstle, be will services Funeral mer Betty Papworth, and their Henry Nielsen, Brigham City, r City: Mrs. MelVin and Thursday prior to services. ple. Mr. Jacobsen operated a , nounced Rogers Mortuary, farm until his retirement five they have moved; and Wynn N. two sons, Scott, and .Kirt, will Nelson, , Corinne; Burial will be in Brigham City Tremonton.by who chaplain; Arthur LaBeau, Tre a has become Jeppsen, Mrs. DeAna MacDonalds art e e jenneth and Dr. will be at .the Brigham City liyears ago, due to 111- health. member of the Second ward make their home in Portland, monton, cemetery. (Ethelyn) Korea. he is a while whs in in Man He Oregon, S. high L. Mrs. priest Joe Moskowitz, surgeon. City; bishopric. brary for the remainder of this hti Zito, tua ward, Church of Jesus Christ Help Fight Inflation at the various sessions . A fighter pilot, Andersen flies Ogden; - Mr. the VFW auxiliarys month on public exhibition, acPrayers Attending Latter-daat the of time were given by Joseph S. Carr, J. one of the Anderson, San Leandro, armorSaints, meeting from the state depart cording to Mrs. Henry Thorne, of his death, eighteen grandchildren, Wesley Perry, David O. Ander- ed planes,' equipped with bombs, ment were President Ida Goff; sponsor. are his three widow; machine all Surviving rockets, etc., and gun,:, sen, D. Floyd Jenson, Call Senior LeRoy Mary ers: Mrs. Following her, the art of Prosons, 'Uriel M. Jacobsen, Man White and Newel J. Larsen. controlled by the pilot. Emma Jenson, and Eveline Corgiat, Harriet fessor Farrel Collett, Weber Col Clty; and Mrs. Adal-,rso- n tua; Duain Jacobsen, Brigham Just before boarding a transMinnie Gordon, Mertell ege, Ogden, will be on display at Bear River City. City; LaMar Jacobsen, Rawlins, port plane for Japan Lt. Ander- Smedley, the library; sen phoned his parents from Aldrich and Lillian Templeton. services will 'be held Wyo.; six grandchildren and a Sgt. Wayne Kimber business a After the 2 P. m. Mrs. MacDonalds art class, meeting two . San sisters, Francisco. ; in the Bear Returned To Duty joint social was held with the which will be held November 15, Mrs. Oluf Nelson, Mantua; Mrs. ward chapel with luncheon being served by Brig- at the library, Is gaining memSergeant Wayne Kimber, son vernon Johnsen Minnie Jeppsen, Ogden conduct Fighter Pilot Mrs. Lawrence J. ham City, Corinne and Tremon? bership and' promises to be very Funeral services were held of 'Mr. and ' returned to Kimber, ton auxiliary members. Lackland , 2 at m. Man the at p. successful, said Mrs. Thome. Monday, Jf ?ay call at the famForce base, Lackland, Texas, tua ward chapel with Bishop Air Thursday evening and last Tuesday via United Air Prior to Norman Jeppsen officiating. services. Lines following two weeks - in Prayer' at the home was by jent will be in the Bear Brigham City. W. Nielsen. Prelude and John under the jyof cemetery While on Sergeant the Harold B. . Felt postlude at the chapel were Kimberi wasfurlough able to go deer nome. ' played by Millie Jensen. A duet, In the Garden of My Heart,1 hunting and also attend the was sung by John and Martin wedding of his sister, Helen, A fVoice of America speech' three winners will each deliver and Gordon F. Davis. Rasmussen., . contest for 10th, 11th and 12th their over . radio station At Lackland he is serving Invocation was offered by graders in Brigham City' Is be- KBUH, talk; with the 3702nd processing Sunday evening, NovemJames Nielsen followed by a ing sponsored by the Junior vi specific duty is Chamber duet, "Railway to Heaven, by SQuaIron whose of Commerce, accord- ber 25, at 6'p. m,;. Alston Jensen and Nellie' Lar-- 1 Processing reserve officers, Three judges in .the listening ing to Ed Butler, chairman. sen. Remarks were offered by ; ral Open to all students in those audience will pick1 the winner. services for Fredrick Lucius Hansen followed by a Margaret Masters Will grades, the talks will- be judged Winner of the local contest "Teach Me To a died Saturday, vocal solo on con twit, delivery and origi- will compete in the state conj,' conducted At BaZOOT Wednesday Pray," by Milton Jensen. Re-Pnality. They must be on Demo- test and the state winner, will Margaret Masters of KSL radio marks were then given by New-jn the Strowville ward trip-tcracy and must be suitable for receive an expense-paiand television be stations will ell Larsen and closing remarks church, by Dan tan five minutes of broadcast time. Washington, D. C. where they bishop. ... were given by Bishop Jeppsen. present at the Fourth ward Relief Students should enter by con- will meet the president and Max Grunig may call Tuesday from Mantua ward choir sang society Bazaar to be held in the The Bunny Reese And Miss Thorum at Box El? other dignitaries, and. havS. tbP tacting and . ward chapel on the evening of and Wednesday young Brighamites as Miss Utah Through Deepening Trials. der high school, Butler said. opportunity of . competing lor r. of 110 end wive, tomothers December the was offered 6, it was learned Benediction time of services w01 by help to there will be two con- national honors and valuable Locally on the wmeofviiiiam Hurd, til payJohn Isaacson. Dedication of the day. jjax father, Oscar, tests. On November 21, Wed prizes.'"'' i Burial will be The event will begin at 6:30 aU happy about Lt. David Odeil Andersen s L. grave was by IN. T. Nielsen at Butler stressed that students nesday, all entrants will be roTplan for U. S. Savings Bonds. Theyll p. m. . . . Korea bound the Mantua cemetery. by Judged at the high school. The Interested should enter soon. Nortuay, Tremonton. too. it, .n - Parent-Teacher- s jtemAims Saturday To to City Be Bargain iAward Day In City Three Injured In iSPIRmiAL DEVELOPMENT ; vice-chairme- n; NEED y Wreck Friday Eve OF PEOPLE YOUNG ADVISES Mabel E.J. Stokes :ale . ' ; A ) her bath, a 20x4T Breakfast At BEHS Cafeteria Kick-O- ff At PTA Meeting Knife and Fork Elder county elect-C- , thi Will Open Friday Morning At 6 A. M. With ' elected created s like FOR SCOUTING IS DRIVE AIM Defense Lecture directors of the Fork International, at the Idle Isle Cafe last Thursday evening. Box The directors also elected Bowen, Brigham City, meeting JackW. Shumway, Tremonton, and during a ,t Woodland, Willard, of the T. imer E. Schlotz, Dee Glen Smith was Knife and office of appointed secretary treasurer of the Knife and Forkers and will serve as an member of the board of directors. , RAISE FUNDS, WIN FRIENDS Three Sent To The Hospital . SHER 59 ger Succumbs Saturday . ! 108) : r-e- -- famous lie Peri t riding woven, sti even bet i. Shop not i i.J ases v7l il' v-A- n4 ; y Jack Toombs vice-chairma- n; Injured Dies Here Monday y Perry Auto Collision Bos-wort- h VFW Elects New ,82, Commander At Tuesday Combined Meet y Services Held For Fredrick Jacobsen al 0. Andersen r, Leaves For Korea o LION" DeAna MacDonalds READ Art At Library Sar-Lak- l effect i le thats1 a period :ury 1 low pd1 many SP31- judge-advocat- y ultra-moder- Vice-Preside- 7 ' great-grandchil- , HER ES If iaycees Plan Voice Of America Speech Contest Here For Box Elder Students . No-ren- e, . - 1 . d V 5 Sh direct-cemeter- y Ca S na-M- , V' |