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Show Puts In Fast Minutes Of Play . 0 ii '' b ( ! . CACHE MOVES INTO 'Bowling Results vVS t M. League, January 2S Thursday Services Uttered 9006 Flv In the first week of thd Me For Rent or Lease NEWS ond half of league play Brigham ELDER Hivers Fold In Second Half As Bulldogs ,0X Tire Shop, winners of the flre for rent 3 room furnished .jty, Utah half got off to a good start with Force Battle All The Way, Boothe Hits 14 apt. in basement of newjiome. a four point victory over the l Cali at 476 south First east A well coached hussling band of fighting North Cacne Eagles who finished the first ToTSole Box Elder Bees 45 to 44 lastlhatf in second place Bulldogs upset the high-ridin- g on all makes of FOR RENT 3 room chicken end Seagull Aviation also started on the Richmond floor. downstairs, jerrrTied Friday night : furnished apt One race and out fast by taking four $ofnta The one was contest the the junches. SI. 00 at Washers, vacuums, irons, in Region top DO jp . took Phone from Andersens. 467 North Main. cate. etc. We fix anything. Just proved that the Bulldogs earned their rights to the first the Indian School for three ajiide place spot via the victory. ' ' gun and rifle; bring them in or phone us. points. It was the driving set-u- p shots of F. Johnson, T. Smith, Special 'f.fSw. Mountain States ' Frisea lost and Found and Jessop that tore the BEHS defense to rags during the Walt Mathias rolled a 201 LOST metric. , Basketball about week whole battle. These speedy little merchants counted for 22 score to win $1.00 In trade at tfib ago. If lound phone 276-R- . "eTnPstudio couch, first or of the dogs points and helped drop Oyler and Johnson Brigham Tire shop. Red Hansen see Chuck Whitaker. Edition. See it and scored a 195 to win a grease and l8 from the game on personal fouls. 113 Phone 990 north at 84 S. Main Call wash job at Andersens, and Jem and he broke loose for 13 points. Nielsen and Frank - Ammons Help Wanted Long Shots Were Hitting ELECTRIC floor pollsner for David Malmrose again found each hit a 175 which entitles -Smith end While the North Cache five Boothe hot and he rent decided to them to two beers each at -- the Beehive & Coal Appli-oncnew, was making their favorite play 68 North Main. F18lf-c- h naadding machine, Rea-ftoHave steady dairy and farm into the slender lad rather Taho lounge. 'pass times. on the stingers kept up than shoot It himself. Dave was hut a dozen Round Robin Northern Utah 825 or 1016-W- . the pace with 6ome sizzling long still good for nine points. Oyler FOR SEPTIC tanks and sewer job for a good reliable midM Max Morgan rolled a 1038 sershots from ' way out. Hansen, was good for six. Reese Neagle service call 027-J- 4 collect dle aged couple with a lot ies in the second week of the Boothe Malmrose and sparked is the underdog as far as scoring . to in th td the attack. After keeping even in the game goes. He is usually round robin B stay n jjsed electric refrigera-of experience. Must have Kel-Zof class with a ten division, one and for the first five counters, the confined to rebound work, but Norge total score of 2108. Larry 'Gilcar. No children, non drinkto sell quick. Bees hooked up a 16 to 13 first -fopportunity knocked and he took more took over first place "1ft Vrerhauled and in good er or smoker. Good salary quarter lead. over with 11 points. White bead- class C, with a two week tdtal Thompson condition. North Cache tried to slow ed but very peppery Frank of 2110. Perc Petersen climbed ch and furnished home, garden the game down and their plans Johnson was the thorn In the into seventh place with a 2018 Grade A Pasteurized back-firein their faces as they Bees side for ball controlling. and Ray Reeder went into 10th spot, etc. Write P. O. Box Tt r 1942 Chev. arrow MILK Bees roar out in front His long shots from way out, ga& saw the CREAM place with a 1953 series. Next heater. Good 389, Ogden, Utah. 25 to 20 at the junction mark. thered in 10 counters. Bart John- week the aju. Radio and 495-RBrigham bowlers roll DELIVERED Phone Johnson had collected four fouls son collected nine. at Logan. ' X TRY IT. The box score: WANTED Riders to Hill Field. during the opening half. Brrrl a Call Box Elder porta jjAtE 6th Elders Quorum Plop Starting the third canto saw Practically typewriter. . For Sale Real Estate the Bees with Icicles on all their SUPERIOR DAIRY phone Party At 8th Ward shots. Nothing would go in, and Phone 504 (FOR SALE 2 lots between For SALE OPli9ht Beiriwin was behind the results falling To promote est and First south on Second fellowship .aim! condition. Call 237-J- . for the first time In the game the Sixth west BALES Incompanionship enjoy of east side street restaurant 27 to 26. Both quintets tried to BOOKS, of Elders of the North quorum quire Glen Bennion at Van checks, cashier pads, punch for work Into ball the the post - Colin Hunsaker, Fast Moving Box Elder stake plans a social Player J24-tf-- c or phone 980. 1 SALE 1939 International 2 checks, printed to your order. shots and the quarter and dead-surNow he In the Eighth ward recreation truck. Only $250. . . . for the Box Elder high school Bee squad. V pick-uh so order ended with mild scoring which delivery, 545 south hall with condition. 9 contest Feb. their are for Saturday, February 3. mates his team Lowest practicing early. yiint found the home team North prices. The News LOTS FOR SALE on Wtheast Journal. Beginning at 7:30 there will toe South Cache here. Colin is six feet tall and was center Cache Bulldogs leading 33 to 32. a te mention sleigh honorable Just east party for those who like KBUH. of Into The Bees deep freeze lasted the football team, winning 1 used washing ma SALE the snow, and at 8:30 In the ball fell stanza the last and both they honors. ironer, loo and $25 down $10 month there will toe games, dancing helpless to their superior foes. $25. Mountain States Elec WE SPECIALIZE IN and refreshments. with minutes three left, Stalling, This is a wonderful opporAll are in members threw the jammed house Into quorum SMALL LOANS Used General Elec-i- c H SALE structed to bring a box lunch tunity to get your building riots with North Cache holding lot. for themselves and their . part a 45 to 40 lead. range, only $67.50. Moun ners, and come prepared for - a gin States Electric. A N.C.H.S. foul offensive gave Team Standings: $25 TO $300 Leon Christensen good time, honey-getter- s out the the ball L. MODERN HOME W. MACHINES !D WASHING said. - , ' quorum president of Hansen bounds. got FOR RENT Has extra Doyle 0 3 Mantua Queen and Score jaytag. Speed by quarters: 2 1 his mits on the ball and let go Box Elder $15.00 bedroom in basement. 13 20 33 Indian School u$. lotge. priced BRIGHAM LOAN CO. long shot North Cache h 1 with a 2 First ward .. 16 25 32 Furnace, electric water impson Hardware. as smoke nets that made the it 1 2 43 So. Main Coach Dale Rasmussen direct Second, ward Phone 448 heater. Located in Fifth went Then with right through. 2 1 Services Offered ward. $40 a month with ed his swimming team to a con- Willard 1 2 only about 27 seconds left in the to 16 triumph over Fifth ward 58 vincing Norman and Helen Shelby years lease. 2 exciting contest, Boothe grabbed 1 the Granite Farmers. The meet Sixth ward i'RNACE CLEANING O For Rent Lease the ball and shot it more than Hunsaker of Honeyville are the 3 or 0 Bees was the held in pool after Perry Vacuum, Clean and Repair half the distance of the court ' parents of a baby daughter, born week. Box school last BAIRD The AGENCY of South series last AH Makes of Furnace RENT FOR Unfurnished and it also the nets for a January 27 at Cooley Memorial basketball field goal. jerked the Elder stake The stingers dominated deluxe apt. Peach City Apts. 493 So. 1 East ' Smith tossed the Ph. 19 hospital. yHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE Its whole contest and showed signs ended with Willard winning Ph. 723-J- , Dean Keller, apt. 35. ball into F. Johnson and he took A boy was born to George 56-3Phone "ONE" toe In the thick of first contest against Perry At the regular meeting of the Wendell and Charlene Coleman his time getting across the half FOR SALE Four room modem that they will the state action in. the future. Hapless Perry still ha6 their first way mark as the gun ended the American Legion last Monday Holmes PAIRS And service on all FOR RENT irame home with building lot January 27 at the local Furnished apartThe results of the meet are as game to Win.' contest. The North Cache fans evening, Thomas Tommaney, as- - hospital, 19 north Second west Phone appliances, guns. etc. ment Steam heat Call at Second ward made it two wins and students rushed to the sistant superintendent at the follows: . Wallace and Opal Wight iuannleed service and repair Horsley's Feed Store. Phone one loss when they beat floor and smothered their heroes Intermountain Indian school, Reeder announce the arrival' of I arit, lowest against B. 40 free Phone E.; Cottle, style yd. prices. 29. 37. First ward won with cheers and embraces. Ex- was the principal speaker. I S3 lor service at a boy, borft January 27,- - ? TSm A Fjfth .43 to Trowier, G.. Hanline, 3 E. your home. oVer Sixth and Mantua citement was all over as both At Cooley Memorial hospital r bring them to His discussion of the school 100' yd', toreast stroke Taylor, Thompson FOR RENT Five room framd subdued the Indian school 36 to quintets shook hands and were was followed by comments on baby boy was born to John and lardware and Implement. B. E.; Craghead, B. E.; Cook, G. house in Willard, furnished. 19. friends once again. Navajo tribal customs by Dr. Shirley Hunsaker ValCarce- prf Phone 0382-R2- . 200 yr. free style Davis, B. E.; of play for to schedule The on the A. 28. team, losing Although I Boyce, superintendent. January George Anderson, B. E.; Barlow, G. . follows: Darrell Anderson, accompaLee, Boothe again witnessed his Jay and Marilyn Runt Rigtoyy 100 yd. back stroke Stein, B. night vs. First 7:30 p. m. Fifth to crowd on the piano by his mother, R.F.D. No. 1, Brigham City, are the fine nied eye shooting B. G. E.; Barnes, E.; Jensen, ory advertisements of four linos c: .cs, C2.30 par colen-Boot; Sixth vs. Second 8:30 p. m. in tailing up 14 counters. Sleep, Bernice Anderson, sang a num- the parents of a son, born Jane 100 yd. free style Cottle, B. one month minimum. Additional lines 50 cents Mantua vs. Perry 9:30 p. m. ing Doyle Hansen finally woke ber. , uary 28 at Cooley Memorial JhosG. E.; Tronier, i line per month. day, Thursday, up and he took advantage of It A hot dinner was served. n 7 ; individual Medley Jensen, B. .The following . ..... pital. ., 1,1 the Indian school February B. E.; Pederson, G.; Humphreys, and Willard will play at 7:30 p. E. V m. t Diving Knudson, B. E.; ThayG. er, G.; Whitney, 7, Medley relay Box Elder, Gra- Airborne Divisions Now nite. For Enlistments Free style relay Box Elder, Open Mii I restrictions for All enlistment Granite. persons who Meet Bears divisions airborne the have.been are now covered toy the Social The next meet for the honey-getter- s lifted and volunteers are now not to have Security law will team will be with the being accepted, according to Sgt. K ) pay their social security tax Bear River Bears Thursday af- Howell, local recruiting officer. until 1952, This statement was ternoon at the Bears pool.' Thd majority of the men who made by Charles W. Feldhauser, enlist in this branch of the sersocial security field representato the vice will be assigned tive. famed 82nd airborne division, Optimistic Is Right We don't guess J . . we Snow If you are a Mrs. Howell said. Vt. (UP) POULTNEY, that your tractor Is rtady when soof Off. The recruiting officer is In person, the first payment Chung Hi Weber, a Korean naleaves oar shop. And so do it cial security taxes on your tive enrolled at Green Mountain Brigham City each Monday and you because you can tell by the income will be due Junior college, won a student Wednesday afternoons. He is In way it works for you in the field when you file income tax re- contest with her optimistic let- Tremonton on Wednesday morn . . . and keeps on working. That's turns on your 1951 income. This ter to the class of 2050, which mgs.. vCity he may the result of our IH t Bine means that most , little office contacted the at j be in the post predicted change Ribbon Certified Service the social r first their will pay next 100 years. people building. "care that counts in the field" security taxes in January, February, or March of 1952. The tax on '' vy 'v1' ) tv'b y IET US GIVK : percent on income will be 2 f in net income the first $3,600 of YOUR TRACTOR . 5 ' r m y' " 2 A. a taxable year. If your income ft NOV m THISI 2' TISTS niiinta exceeds $3,600, that part above $3,600 will not be subject to social security taxes. Also, if your is income from less than $400, it will be exempt. iI All newly covered persons unI der the Social Security law will need social security account number cards. Some people already have a social en 5 security card from previous covered employment. If you do not have a card, you can obtain an application for one at the Employment Security office or the j 4- post office. Mr. Feldhauser will be in Brigham City, Thursday, February 1, i dki at the Employment office from 2 to 4 p. m. He will be glad to We take the guesswork out of finding IgniWe quickly test your tractor for the condianswer questions about the new tion power leaks in your tractor. tion of pistons, sleeves, valves and gaskets ' Social Security law. and do exactly what is needed to correct servicemen, using the right testing equippin-poithe . trouble . . this coal bin mean house An a the trouble nothing more. ment, Only may Weekend empty freezing replace , Brobsts Spend needed the save time and vacuum and compression gauges in the I parts you Winter. .To protect yourself against unexpected cold Visiting In Brigham See us today for IH MfoeT Blue hands servicemen our of money. of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brobst weather, order coal NOW. And be sure of the best, Ribbon Certified Service for your tractor in inside the engine, find out whats wrong Layton, spent last weekend at our Brobsts parGuesswork Mrs. is out of shop. the home phone 8 for KNIGHTS SPRING CANYON COAL its ents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Olsen. See vs for IH Service today Mrs. Brobst is the former Doroharder, cleaner and gives more heat. ' Olsen. thy With them was Mrs. Minnie Patterson of Los Angeles, California who will spend the next week visiting the Brobsts in Layton. Mrs. Patterson is the mother of Mr. Brobst who plans to visit with her son prior to . "Walk A Block. And Save" his departure into active .duty I . v . with the 1). S. air forces. ; TOP SPOT WITH WIN OVER BEES Uir2-lss- SERVICE Tri-Stat- e BREITENBEKER jt7cT ELECTRIC J' e, 6et-up- u, MILK gj d Low-rumo- n. 481-R- Smith-Coron- ' Sat i 757-M- , En-gele- e p One-mont- l all-sta- t Hivers Swimming Mantua Leads In South Stake Team Defeats , Granite, 58 To 16 J19-tf-c- & births roof-dustin- g j Legion Holds Meet j-r- Thursday Evening n i V 375-M- IflauA Tbuv BUSINESS DIRECTORY 55-2- ' , SIOJJRlTfl , V- dont guess... Unovj '-- your tractor is ready d I 4 'ti'''''i 'i 4 . d ignition compression test test ' IH-train- ... ed IH-train- tar 2-S-tar M EMEU'S, I t . ! i s -- 708-W- n.m. ,1 INC. Truck & Implement Co, I |