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Show :jn Pacific :n Will As Visit A Tn SCHOOL BOARD PLANS PURCHASE OF BUS GARAGE IN TREM0NT0N 1.5 ntv VOLUME 56, NUMBER 5 Feb- - on Monday. lira ' M fUunities that will t0Ur of 10 western Adopt Resolution To Pay $40,000 For Garage Equipment And Lots From Mr. A. E. Roche BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JAN. 31, 1951 5 be com ; hv the Union Pacific agricultural improve a! MW on its fourth an Vic Forsgren will past, the car Place for far: agrlcul- experienced i r' 1 :i. , i ("PAOJddt? Fire Ravages Home In Brigham For Year 1951 acting I lly The action was taken by the V board following examination of figures showing cost of opera- to discuss farm I speakers tion of buses per mile under the picmotion C. Vic" Forsgren was named view original system of having prito head the Brigham City Golf vate garages do repair work, and wUl r h and Country club at their anunder the current system of Brigham City m2 nual meeting which was held at io a. mi 1 P- leasing a garage and operating (lt ,t the club house Monday night at 1 7:30 P- 1 it. 8 m. discussed be p. .S matter to According to the minutes the In calls two three r Answering house-Other officers named to ftrated includes equipment curdays, the Brigham city fire de- shop and heavy livestock in this years election were: posts used by the board; arden. crop and Rex being rently left here last at partment night and their con-- Earl, vice and insects president; Bob Fisher, 6:50 P.M. for Harper ward to and owned by A .E. Roche, could . secretary-treasurerbe used by the board for $200 a rodents. The new fight a blaze there. men three year directors elected The firemen had not returned month or by purchasing it and standing agriculture Lin be on the train Include Butler, E. J. Larsen and at press time and further details the equipment for $40,000. Roche Indicated, the minutes Max Morgan. F. Knowlton, were unavailable. of Utah State said, that he would sell buildIn the absence of the past R. ultural college; George Fire ravaged the home of Leon ing, land and equipment for a president, Lloyd Reese and past animal extension vice Gilbert at 545 south Third east, down payment of $15,000 and president Frank Earl, Omer .json, the remaining sum at $5,000 each U.S.A.C.; of Call r secretary-treasurendtnan for the Brigham City, at about 3 p. m. for five years, with a low wild- - year presided at the year deord, U. S. fish and almost yesterday, totally meeting. ex-rate of Interest. it. ervlces; Glen T. Baird, After a few words from the stroying ! - ' The fire broke out shortly after It was pointed out that when agronomist of U.S.A.C.; new president and Dean Cand-laniL . lv v; v U.S.A.C. Mrs. Gilbert had left to attend a reasonable allowance ls made Sorenson, club pro, the members had Dr. Wayne a dutch a Relief society meeting and no for the land offered with the lunch. one was home. The blaze evi- building owned by Mr. Roche, head of the department and for the equipment now in Jerinary science at U.S.A.C.; dently started at the rear of the the shop, the cost of the buildhead of the Edgecombe, quickly spreading. building M pVanent of horticulture at ing is $28,792 or approximately Reported by Homer Tingey, a $5.88 !; per square foot. E. Dorst, C,; Howard neighbor, firemen were quickly The minutes After stated: f S. U. depart-oof the summoned. considerable discussion, it was agriculture, and Walter grease Monday evening a 8 fire broke out in the rear of the feeling of the board of eduUSA. Robbins bakery at 9:30 p. m. It cation that since the operation No less than six brand new was quickly squelched by fire- of Ajleet of buses is,- and will movies are on the program for continue to be, an Important men and damage was kept at a function lolstery of such operation, the the annual John Deere Day show minimum. to be held for farmers and their long view of the problem indicates that it is desirable that the families, February 8 at 1:30 p.m. 3e Taught board not only operate the reat the Capitol theater, according to Merrells pair and service facilities for Inc., local John the school buses, but that it also Box Elder Deere dealer and sponsor of the a part of the own them." Adult Education . Home Was Almost Destroyed By Fire pro affair. In the resolution adopted, the Miss Bessie Hansen, Farmers who have not yet reabout 3 oclock yesterday afternoon. The home beat The blaze was reported by a Relief a meeting, society board indicated they would pay as home demon-o- n ceived their tickets, reminds broke-ouMr. to and Mrs. Leon Gilbert. When the fire longs neighbor, Homer Tingey. It spread rapidly making fightPvt. Richard R. Kuwata, who the full sum in cash to avoid agent for the county, Merrells, may obtain them by was Mrs. the at for Gilbert rear the the fire difficult of it attending ing building department. was drafted recently from Brig- paying interest payments If each a class in upholstery, calling for them at their store. ham City, today was assigned to Roche would accept it. . ling to C. E. Smith, head The feature of the day, One Steel For Gymnasium Southern Californias 40th e program. Don stars Happy Family, And Art Of division. Acting on the previous recomStrong persons interested are ask-meand Marjorie Reynolds and He is one of the thousands of mendation of Wayne Sandall, at the court house is the story of a small-towfamStill Is Huggins draftees, volunteers, and reser- Tremonton, member of the board mrsday, February 1, at 3 ily and the things that beset vists from all parts of the coun- who was absent, the board authOn to register and consider the Here of them when they win the title Display to be given. try sent here to fill ranks of the orized the architect to order The paintings of Doylo M. f Family of the Year in a con40th. steel for the new Bear River high , test conducted by a national Strong, noted Utah artist and A former National Guard or- school gymnasium, soon .to be ;c of The the annual ceramics Mrs. meeting of Ira the Huggins pack magazine. Leading ' p. m. each day. The main show ganization commanded by Maj. constructed. - r, ist H. The Thing" Is Title five more applause .winning Box Elder unit of the Cache display will be at the Brigham will start at 8 p. m. and the Gen. Daniel H. Hudelson of Los Association will be City library only . one week OfJExcellent Show films is JHa ..Fathers ICjpicq, -4 4 M! concessions .will again, open, Angeles, the 40th was recalled to ' featuring Tom Gordon who, held in Tremonton at the Utah (longer, Mrs! Henry Thome' ' the performance. active duty last September. BEHS And At advised Program today. along with his typical American Power and Light building, Fe(. Participating on the program Before he was inducted Into The art work of the two has be will family, has won so many friends 1, at 1:30 p. m. dance groups under the the army, Private Kuwata lived Who knows what The Thing Deere John wel in been and received pictures. previous At this meeting Elmo Packer, est Herman direction of Miss Murray, the with his mother, Mrs. Klyonok dmany is Wendel, 33, The four films that complete the manager of the organization, band . under the direction of Kuwata, In Brigham City. A iful. died people have enjoyed the disSunday at 2 a. m. be at will it revealed of entertainment offer and Lyman Rich, extension, dairy play, said Mrs. Thome. Perhaps Salt Lake Johnson, a chorus under graduate of Box Elder high Wayne hospital of a parade and Girls the "direction A ' nation-wid- e of Earl Johnston, school, where he was a member something new and different in man, will be present to discuss , When the ; art is removed the 11th annual Boys ailment. movement for circus at Box Elder high and acts from the coma "'as born at Blackfoot, Ida dealing with subjects close to any problems that members or next Wednesday the work of league silent prayer for school, Future Farmers Amerof of the tomorrow school next and the cominterested people have regarding George Dunphy of Salt Lake 8, 1917, a son of George the hearts of todays farmers. munity and surrounding ica club, Kuwata was working peace at all civic and public ga'Those who attend this years the Artificial Breeding associa1 Martha munities. City will be placed on display. day, Thursday and Friday. therings has been instituted by in farming. Norgall Wendel. " Animal, vegetable or mineral? Mr. Mer-rel- l, tion. More information on him will the Fraternal Order of Eagles, feature of the program , Special imily moved to Salt Lake John Deere Day, says 40th was ln The reorganized The Thing is the theme of the will be a performance by Lloyd have a real treat in store he California National Guard in and Box Elder Aerie No. 2919, The report comes to us that be published soon. following year, and in the event famed for annual its gala Hust and his trained dogs that 1946 for them, a day so packed with they are more than pleased with noved to following rigorous cam- local Eagle unit has pledged jts Brigham City, circus activities and superb pro- do for the entire the response which has been entertainment but Mr. Wendel talk. everything attended , paigning in the Pacific and oc- wholehearted support and coopgram. The circus ls put on for a cupation duty in Korea. It came eration, Art B. Stowell, chaplain B. E. Judge Former family that they will remember shown and the number of cows The which will concessions, for months to that have been bred during the dual purpose, was explains W. H. Into being in 1947 at Camp Kear- of the Aerie, announced today. employed by Perry it with pleasure feature a host of games, eats Griffith, Dont miss it! Get your passed year. Last year they It serves to ney, Calif., and was shipped to The opening ceremony of all sponsor. "8 Co. at Perry, Box Elder come. anl contests will begin at 6:30 furnish activities on your very next trip to bred in the neighborhood of to students France for World War I service. subordinate units of the Eagles 0 tickets '.when he joined the army now Includes a silent prayer to who are outstanding in certain cows and shipped semen to miary, 1941. He served for town! God for peace for all peoples. fields and it raises funds for f at Fort Lewis, Wash., the counties in about one-hal- f We are living, said ;M. L. went to the Boys and Girls leagues to carUtah and Idaho, Wyoming, NeB.E. South Pacific on activities. Brown, administrative director of their ry Anson f wHto New Mexico, the 161st infantry and vada the order, in a turbulent world Various committees have been Call, county agent, said. - J10"-ind He returned in May, threatened with the devastation chbsen to prepare and present was stationed with At this meeting the associathe In our spiritual, moral, and maof are the " circus. them Heading ' at Dugway to have tion directors would like proving terial Maurice resources, We have come s Anderson, Faye his discharge in 1 all members present and any Varlene Cook won first place to the conclusion Jewell Jensen, DeAnn the Marriner Merrill MorrisoiV 40, In interested is who dairyman in the American Legion oratori- one universal way through Before making up the 1951 as- this program. former district judge of the First Thompson and Varlene Cook. eJhat tme he had been cal contest held at Box Elder which we can aid in defeating y International Har-C- sessment books listing all real district, which includes Box El At the present time they have high school Tuesday at 2:30 communism, preventing war and He was and Of Principal assistant shop estate, personal property Meeting of sires. In the fine a Cache Rich and group der, counties, very oclock, according to Norm Jepp-son- , promoting peace can be by the for the for taxation, Mr, Fred Holstein line they have semen at buildings the company chairman. In Held Tue. Taking second mobilization of our prayers of )f Ins died at a Logan hospital Monday Brigham Box Elder county death. L.' Petersen, at all times from Carwas Richard Bosley. available our more than one million memplace on a the demonstration With married Ruth a that afternoon after heart suffering Hansen In assessor, is very desirous ; nation breeding, Burke Breedwon the speech honors bers. aae Use of the Film Strip by AnThey attack his at temple, Church of Je- - any outbuildings which have Call Monday morning sires, and proven In seven Art a ing of who field Perhad from Brigham City, Chaplain drew Jones, principal of the residence. Latterday Saints, been torn down in the pastto three his ry elementary school, as high- previously won the right to com- B. Stowell announced that the or four years be reported A son of Andrew and Hattie light, the monthly meeting of pete out of a group of 21 en- Eagles' will invite other local member of Veterans office either by mail or in perMerrill Morrison, he was born the Box Elder school districts trants. organizations ln the communin this respect. Mr. Petersen inars Bountiful n,n son. I post, of ity to Join together at all civic who have any direction under Held the Feb. board He at Richmond. was at all 14, the vites We 1910, held taxpayers the for yesterday machinists union. It would be impossible received his early education at of education office in Brigham Miss Joyce Thorum of the speech and public gatherings in a to year questions or problems relative to a "delu ls Survlved Marriner M. Morrison by his assessor to make year of old the assessment of taxable propIA Brigham silent, universal, and Tremonton district school and City at 4 p. m. department, the students disremoval on the check City,, his wld. . . succumbs . . . was graduated from Bear River of the cussed Constitution, Worth Hav- personal prayer for peace. call at his office and disto all With erty practically coopethe afrwke City: two dauEh-ilbuildings, therefore, cuss them with him. high school. principals in the school district ing Worth Defending. i! and Beverly Wen- - ration of the taxpayer is solicited Others who were finalists in Local He received a bachelor of sci- in attendance a host of problems Polio Penney Store To Campaign ence degree at Utah State Agri- that face the teachers were dis the contest were Barbara RasITS CREATIVE IF ITS THEIRS s and sisters: Fred Dress Ideas Promote Lou Connie mussen, Siggard, Fails Quota, Will cultural college and a LLD. de- cussed. Willard; Mrs. Ruth DeAnn Wood, a was Included Thompson Marilyn Ruby by unireport at gree George Washington On Be Extended Week The local J. C. Penney store is Annie How- Hansen on the national school and JoAnn Hess. versity. tf rd Hre,: Wilford were participating during the week of Mrs. at Kan Harry Smith, Judges He had practiced law in Box lunch convention held The polio campaign in Box 3 ln a nationwide Wendel, Brig- J. Leo Nelson and Mrs. Ruel Jan. Mrs. on discussion a sas public City, Elder county has fallen short Elder county and was county school art Arthur Wendel, sales promotion featuring dregs exhibits, county fair, Eskelsen. Wash., and He had been of the goal by the deadline, attorney there. Box Elder at Raymond winner As chair Mrs. Victoria Johnson, high and home decorating fabrics that by 0re- February 1, according to Verl awarded the United States Jun- man, and many others. Cook will com- appeal to rural women. school Varlene eral .Gr?nde invited outof ior Commerce Chamber services will be con- The public has been Petersen, chairman, and the The undertaking is built the high school. In her discusK. E. Weight pete in the region contest someSuperintendent modern dance closing date for the campaign standing civic, service award, at 2 P- - n. at this week to an art exhibit at sion she said around two editorial features aplSe-a1.' March before time of was the in meeting. charge sponhas been extended for at least and was a vice president of the ? pearing in the February issue ward. the Central school library, truly belonged to the caveman. Utah State Junior Chamber of American Associa- Her discussion was climaxed ln another week. the sored of Country Gentleman magaby City 20-3which e seventh-gradzine which 6how a variety of 0 tion of University Women, with a dance by six .The polio dance last Satur- Commerce. military Survivors include, his mother, dress fabrics and offer ideas for is the work of local children, it girls. Miss Barbara Earl day was very successfuL" Peby postndUCted tersen said, "but we now have Mrs. Hattie Merrill Funk, Richwas announced today. assisted Miss Murray. brightening up the home with a on was new decorating fabrics. Patterns mond; his widow, and the folThe art work, which at the Creative Writing A Necessary only about half as much monBy was contributed as we did a year ago at this lowing sons and daughters: Marfor the dresses will be available Brigham volunteer basis, who collected Emotional Outlet was the idea ey Mortime." riner Rae Linda Barlow. at the store and by ordering N., Loenza, Mrs. Roy by the teachers by f developed Brigham City will be the scene-o- the A coffee day is contemplated, rison, H. Earl, Jerry L. and Ted iw0sda tom io a. m. the work from their students. several examples of were vocal solos by from the magazine. read program She Idaho-Utathat sumlocal Penney store Is one funeral. The result is a collection here stories and songs written by var- the chairman said, if the res- Allred Morrison; the following mertheconvention ofdistrict TID qoa sriM pue upi puB uoreg of The1,612 the taurants are favorable. Under brothers and sisters: Ernest M. the - nationwide ls one of the finest shown Ricn-arstudents. level . in ious age MW PUB d MJPBd ma chain. clubs sometime in the latter part aiBd sjpi to Mrs. restaurants tentative Cache Morrison, Park, plans according Hyde in own a childs years, If mw ucueg xaa sjw its Called To It is art would donate profits from cof- county; Mrs. Lillian Christian- of June or early part of July, Dee sjw pus Alston of the A.A.U.S. With U, 5. pus MW iwuis uaio eaa sjw work, said Miss Norma Jensen fee for one day to the fund. backa Glen Nuss-bauat as Smith Mrs. served reported Hattie sen, regular Payson; V.F.W. Post Here Will MW Navy . The exhibit in her discussion of art and hanmeeting at the Howard Pub mw ajJIIPOOD u31 saw Ogden; Mrs. Loenza Was-saground for the clubs program. saw dicraft. pus pssna ujnqqsid Stan-wortcafe Child, 8 j Meet Tomorrow Monday evening. Garland; Mrs. Ethel fn of Mrs. Leona Creative Arts and the 25. Sev- The meeting was well attend- Civil Service Openings Pub aopo3 puBipoojw auXBAV A. The will attract event Morrison, Delta; about January Guy held Thursday, 3X '9JW PUB MW 1131 uopaoo ed by parents and guests of Listed By Secretary Regular, meeting of the Brigduty Jnthe U. S- - eral fields of Interest were treatWenatchee, Wash.; Rodney and 100 couples from all over Utah saw PUB JOIDOQ UOSJBPd - ham City Veterans of Foreign members. IJ3A coWek. as Salto N Morrison, Tremonton; and Idaho for the two day pleasThe thirteenth Civil Service Henry ed with Mrs. Frank Wars post will be held Februsaw PUB MW 3J3M By popular request the exhibit . district today announced com- Mrs. Loie Cahoon and Mrs. Hyla ure and business event. Crhpmk?ieen employ- - ordinator. SB XJIO U UOIJU3AU03 be left another week. will JIBS ary 1, at; 8 o'clock in the eveana 3I1 Chevrolet were: petitive examinations for the M. Nelson, Salt Lake City. of the convention for os-o- z The six year olds rhythm demMemorial home, in Winning Committees charge P3PU3JJB aqi oq. esoqj, ning, at thetoWarLeland tor the naval dancing development i 'ere Kot-te- r Mrs. Funeral services will be con Brigham City was the result of sesinaq , L. Nelson, uo Barlow, chairman? Mrs.-Ell- following positions: :eS uoa3 ; according sqnp Ray moq jnq nclsco Calif Business economics, labor ducted Thursday at 1 p. m. in active campaigning by the Brig- 3J03S S9B3J3 3t;4 SujABq StUBM adjutant onstrated by Mrs. Herman Saito, Frank Mrs. and inWar ' 20 Long Miss Iris economics, transportation econo- the Richmond tabernacle of the ham City club at the winter conand Mrs. Ella Lon; with years n, T0 he served for Darrell S. Robins, deputy disMUM papua auiBf HBqiajj IX program - committee; th Pacific. children from the Line rln school Schow, chairman, Mrs. Ora Ham- mics and general economics, with Church of Jesus Christ of Latter vention held ln Salt Lake City SBq siubmim-OS-Otrict service officer from - the rn his b luaaai jBqi wfr, the former participating. ' dance blin and Mrs. Mary Pearce salaries from $4825 to $6400 a day Saints by Justen Ericksen, last week-end- . Sujjaaui aqj jb pajaodai sbaa ji department of veterans affairs Rader, have two chil- The history of modern bishop of the Richmond ward. year. Special musical numbers hostesses. aiUBJana paBqata will be present. Owens, was traced by Miss Murray !! I r, 1 of-fica- Gilbert Home At Heighth Of Devastating Blaze : pi A resolution to purchase a garage in Tremonton to handle the Box Elder school districts fleet of buses was adopted at a meeting of the board of education January 15, approved minutes of the meeting indicate. (Earlier information on the purchase was not released by the school board because the minutes had not yet been Heads Golfers states company, by the H City Tuesday ' sr t;r I d . ;l:! t st nl i. n v profes-entomolog- v o Asss e - Merrells To Fete ! en-ogi- st Joifew. Farmers Feb. lit;;- Class Here I Richard Kuwata Is 'll ... regu-employ- Assigned Division , t in-rant- ry De-for- Artificial Breeding et n 11TH ANNUAL BOYS, GIRLS Assn Plan Meet ? , LEAGUE CIRCUS THURS. ERL f - V-- V e; . Wendel - -- g lg ; Prayer For Peace 11 1 . 20,-00- County Assessor - m Asks Information Former Judge Succumbs Cache Varlene Cook Wins In Legion Contest Hun-sake- i r, that n , Creative Art Display At Central Rob-clfna- 29-Fe- School Of Children; Public Invited - District Convention Won For grave-f:ulV.F- l11 SfroMto9p;m. Brigham City Local Club In July h 20-3- 0 y 20-3- 0 at itive -- PU3-1I33- - S&S aray Z .w; f |