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Show PAGE elder news Utah OX JJay, fl8 seven City. November I. 1950 Goldenrnd is claimed more Mates as their official by than any other American flower plant There are more miles of river shore line in Nebraska than in any other state. to 1000 your news 192. Cen!eofaUn'Sfor70to80Per Central School Third Grade modem a narrow trail in the Colorado Rockies. Hear tell youre aiming to plug our pop, said Bobby Walker, 9, in even tones. It's gonna be mighty un healthy for you in these parts, pardner, said Michael Walker, Mrs. Hamblin, Teacher Each time zone in the United ares is approimately 15 d grees of longitude in width. DONT VOTE BLIND 8. s' X . Know The Facts absolutely FJlm Shop7 i e Cok too., him ,o lh .1 th.lSSSSlMd Producer Arthur commissary. Freed Immediately offered him the second male lead in Pagan Love Song. 'His big scene is a spectacular Tahitian dance with 'Esther Williams. I believe my people will be to see me on the thrilled screen," he said, "as ' long as they dont try to make me be hurt. My people believe everything they see in pictures. Mauu, whose first name for Hollywood purposes is Charles, became the ruler of 1,200 people in the Papeari district five years ago when his father died. Except for his official duties, he has nothing to do but swim, fish, sail, sing and dance. t WC fore their eyes. Now they have found out the cause. They had been wearing one anothers little poi, picks up mangoes and By PATRICIA CLARY United Press Staff Correspondent 'breadfruit that drop in his lap glasses. and officiates at trials and marin HOLLYWOOD (UP) People riage ceremonies. Phone your news to 1000 Hollywood slave all day so they he earns a salIn Hollywood can retire and go fishing In Tawhich entitles him to rent hiti but a native chief in Tahiti aryroofed apartment, stand in comes to Hollywood because he line at the market for food and likes to work, battle through traffic. He likes Back on his native tropical is- it: land, Chief Mauu Arieteuira is my first job, he said. Teriitahi catches fish, grows a I This theenk eet ees wonderful. I like to act. Mauu, pronounced came to Hollywood on a vacation trip and looked Joe Cook of the MGM - production department, with who became acquainted Mauus late father when MGM HOLLYWOOD (UP) Two deswas making Mutiny on the perate cowhands, hats pulled Bounty in Tahiti. low over their steely eyes and Signed Up Promptly their hands on their shooting The island- - Jonsgreeted Burt Lancaster onj LAGER BEER BREWED. AGED AND BOTTLED BY INC. is. ST. LOUIS. MO. U.S.A. ANHEUSER-BUSC- 9X1 Ma-oo-o- ! THOMAS ROLE OF LEADERSHW IN UTAH MILTARY AND INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATIONS it INSTALLATIONS MILITARY WHICH COME HAVE UTAH UNDER. THE TO DEMO- ADMINISTRATION CRATIC SINCE JULY 1, 1940 'Bushnell Hospital, ham CitY BrigS 9,822,916 Utah Relocation 4,174.891 Center, Delta, Deseret Chemical Corps $ 7,851.383 Depot, Tooele Fort Douglas, (New installa1,922,846 tions) Dug way Shops. Salt 77.000 Lake City Hill Air Force Base, 26,473.571 Ogden Hinckley Field, 599,460 Ogden Kearns AAF, - 10,886.408 Depot Ogden AG Regional 47.843 Records Oflice ..... Tooele Ord. Sub- 31,594,235 Depot Hannum Warehouse, 2,033 Salt Lake City ..... Army Air Base, 6,291,448 Salt Lake Quartermaster Launry, 19.233 Salt Lake Sub-Depo- t, 19,449,272 Salt Lake Utah General Depot - 51,609,331 Ogden ..... Wendover Air Force 11.457,496 Base i Dugway Proving Grounds. 3,825,000 Tooele Camp Williams, 465,978 Lehi I SlNATOfC . : SENATOR - I ; ; it e DJ. OLLYWODD 4 'v-.- Back row, left to right; Vertis Anderson, son of Alonzo Anderson; Paul Kotter, son of Wendell Kotter; Billy Long, son of Bill Long; Floyd Wixom, son of Frank Wixom; Saun-dr- a Beecher, daughter of Merl Beecher; Annette Olsen, daughter of Lloyd Olson; Nancy Jeppsen, daughter of Wynn Jeppsen; Louis Olney, son of Daniel Olney; Linda Rae Jeppsen, daughter of Elmer Jeppsen ; Margaret Ann Baird, daughter of Don J. Baird ; Bert Dickey, son of Ed Dickey ; Arthur Brown, son of Theola Brown ; Bonnie Gay Gun, daughter of Elmer Gun; Marjory Biccmore, daughter of Vaughn Biccmore; Ora Hamblin, teacher. Center row, left to rght: Dona Kay Jensen, daughter of Wynn Jensen; Carolyn Jeppsen, daughter of Lavon Jeppsen; Barbara Workman, daughter of Arthur S. Workman ; Sandra Petersen, daughter of Ivan Petersen ; Mary Eleanor Johnson, daughter of Paul Johnson ; Irene Wright, daughter of Clorance Wright ; Rose Marie Pett, daughter of Vernon Pett; Alice Hollist, daughter of Orson Hollist; Lynda Peterson, daughter of Sidney Peterson; Juanita Buist, daughter of Harvey Buist; Sharon Bock, daughter of Violet Anderson; Dorlene Baty, daughter of Seth Baty; Allen Tingey, son of Reid Tingey. Bottom row, left to right; Billy Bell, son of William Bell; Teddy Saito, son of Frank son of LaNell Byrd; Michael SAo; George Peterson,' son of Ivan Peterson; Finis Byrd, son of Roland Jorgensen; Don M. of son Mrs. J. Craig Cosgrove; Jorgensen, Cosgrove, Tea, son of LaGrand Tea; Gene Olsen, son of Cleon Olsen; Glen Kimber, son of Lawrence Eyes Right Again Kimber; Stven Parker, son of Mr. P. R. Parker; Gary Jaggi, son of Walter G. Jaggi; LAS CRUCES, N. M. (UP) Kent Beecher, son of Mr. S. W. Beecher; Dahl Johnson, son of Chester Johnson. two weeks the public works For nhv er, with his Samson-hkcommissioner, Walter M. Swiet Many friends of BUDWEISER prefer to call it BUD. By either name it is just as good ... for the distinctive, delicious taste never changes. Ask for it either way . . BUD or BUDWEISER. There's nothing like it nothing. s' Lets talk this over, men, said Lancaster, and he explain ed that he really likes Robert Walker and was only pretending to shoot him because MGM said he had to. Besides, hed stopped some of the best fishing holes in the region and how would Bobby and Michael like to go fishing with him? Dad Has to Explain They took care of Lancasters It still left Walker problem. the problem of explaining to his kids how come he's the kind of a guy who has to get shot at the end of a picture. Its just what the guy I play Walker said. "But deserves, the boys are used to seeing me as a Private Hargrove type. Somehow, Im going to have to do some explaining about the make-believof movies. As far as Walker is concerned, though, the part In Ven geance Valley" Is the best hes ever had Its really the first time Ive played a villain, he said. Try ing something new like this Is always an exciting challenge Of course, it keeps you worried until you can see how It comes off in the film and is accepted by the public. ELBERT D. Total THCO& $204,941,073 . Disposed NAVT INSTALLATIONS j 1 The NAM propose eliminating all taxes on corporation profits. Would its president now running for the senate, shift these taxes on workers? Sit' PiB tOIO EZER :kes DEMOCRAT seed. ie(( a ly ei froM u j in width Know Your Candidates! , B&ladi ROSE IUSTA ..won PER W Want to enjoy the relaxing feel of a car beneath you, that when the road level even stays doesnt? Well, sir, ease into a Buick and see how such matters are cared for. sure-foote- tent yon I-s- d iew stance and ton beauty for over-al- l balance and the cradling comfort of its roomy interiors. And while youre at it, get the very special thrill of its mighty Fireball See what a wonderful difference can in level buoyancy coil springs all on them have make when you ones. front the jour wheels, not just steadiness Note what firm and solid torque-tub- e is yours when a keel-h- ow drive is your course when smoothly you stay on run the rear wheels cant help but power plant, plus the full-leng- th bird-in-flig- tires what big, do to can rims wide and Buicks without course jounce pillow your or sway. this two- In other words, sample low-pressu- re taun.wAY FOKtnONT-Th- on repair ab U co.tv-v.rti- col horn. (3) avoid, 'locking , HENRY j. TAYIOR. ABC parking and garagmg Democratic This new Frigidaire Electric Clothes Dryer with built-i- n Ozone Lamp dries a whole washerful of clothes In 15 to 25 minutes! And sweetthey come out fluffy-sof- t, smelling. New variable temperature control provides the right heat for all types of fabrics. Start now to have perfect drying weather all year 'round with this new Frigidaire Electric Clothes Dryer. It's available now at a new low price see it today! .r. Your Key to Gf ater Vaiuf '0! rffpL Off! Co. motor undy 19 South Main Street WHEN BETTER automobiles Brigham City, Utah Phone 272 ARE BOUT BUICK Will BUIID THEM 1933 1949 VOTE r.plao Network, every Monday eventng 924433 1,599,851 649.134 4,422,387 17,088.817 374,865 912.639 88,562 it AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ,tyl ) bar. or. .nndually (4) mak through Standard on ROA DMA STKR. optional at extra eott on SUPER and SPECIAL modeU. rugged front end $ ............ Amounts spent free-as-- a bliss of its Dynaflow ht Lake $28,405,588 Drive. Its an experience that you owe yourself and its yours for the asking. The thing to do is get in touch with your Buick dealer and discover the ride that only Buick owners know. true. See OR THOMAS' ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IN RECLAMATION BENEFITS. FOR UTAH Newton Ogden Provo r Sanpete Scofield Weber River Duchesne Tunnel-S- alt Lake Aqueduct 2,445400 Dg (0 izeorsw to be free from that nervous tensing up for a jolt every time a rough spot looms in the road ahead? ... $243,750,953 ' Moon yourr oisti: Grand Total Hyrum ngefkej e$, V afld i7 I Utah: LVIS gfrulB- , As Senior Member of ' the Congressional Delegation, Elbert D- - Thomas helped bring these reclamation projects to HORACE mu' ' Naval Depot 38.579.611 Clearfield Naval Training Center, 110.249 Salt Lake Naval Training Center, - 120,249 Ogden $ 38,809.880 Total Candidate For DEMOCRATIC County Treasurer A young businessman with FORA Dependable, courteous, honest. e ONE . -- j 2. 1 68 North Main PROSPEROUS Married a Brigham City girl, the former Ruth ADMINISTRATION Sed-erhol- BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE ; UNITED AND Served in the Armed Forces during World War II. VOTE DEMOCRATIC A?. N0V.7TH. years, of experience serving the public. NOV.7TH (Paid Political Adv. c THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WORKS FOR CONTINUED EXPANSION OF INDUSTRY IN UTAH ,, (Paid Political Adv.) Z7 |