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Show BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City, Wednesday, November 1. 1950 A weekly newspaper, established in 1896, published at Brigham City, Utah. Charles W. Claybaugh, Publisher Published every Wednesday and entered as Second Class Matter at the post office in Brigham City, Utah, under the act of March 8, 1879. Member United Press, Audit Bureau of Clrcula-torla- l Association. Advertising Representative: National Advertising Service. gMioL Amendments To Be Voted On The forthcoming election is one of great importance to Utahns. In addition to making known our choice for representation in the Congress of the United States, we are being asked to decide a matter which will greatly influence the future of public education in the state. Constitutional Amendment 1, on your ballot next November 7, if passed will provide that' the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be the administrative officer of the State Board of Education, and that he shall be appointed by the Board. The second constitutional amendment would act to delete the name of the Superintendent of Public Instruction from the list of the states elective officers, and thus make appointment of the chief state school officer legally possible. The State Superintendent is the educational leader of the state, presiding over our school systems from kindergarten through junior colleges and adult education programs. He should be the finest educational statesman obtainable. The present political method does not guarantee professional qualification and fitness for the position. Often top professional people will not run the political gamut to get the position of chief ' state school officer. Students of the problem, including education committee members of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce and the Council of State . Governments, believe that an elected, nonpartisan board can best choose a school administrator by considering all candidates calmly and on the basis of their professional Where the board of educaqualifications. tion is elected by the people, this method protects the public interest without sacrificing public control. The special National Education Association committee, which recently studied the organization and administration of Uths state education agency, reported that sound administration in the states department of education can be effectively accomplished only where the State Board of Education, without restrictions, selects the chief state schQol officer who serves at the pleasure of the Board. Under this method the board is free to choose the most competent person it can , find without regard to party affiliation, thus making possible the removal of the office from partisan politics. These factors tend to attract candidates of high calibre and make possible continuity and long-terplanning for a more efficient educational program, they reported. Passage of Amendments 1 and 2 will comin our plete a strong school organization state and clarify the relationship of the Superintendent and the Board by placing the g on the responsibility for elected Board. As its administrator, the Superintendent would be responsible for carrying out the Boards policies. This w ould provide for the same organization setup on a state level that functions so successfully in each of the 40 school districts of our state. Both of Utahs political parties favor the proposed method of selecting our State SuIn their 1950 platforms, both perintendent. Republican and Democratic parties went on record as favoring the proposed constitutional amendments for appointment of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by an board. elected, Utah will not be the first state to consider this change. Eleven others, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York and Texas, now provide for appointment of their superintendent by an elected board. Reports from industrial, civic, and educational leaders of these states show the system is working successfully in these states. m a With Bushnell, policy-makin- non-politic- al The Mighty Deer Hunter Editor Bo Elder News and Journal Dear Sirs: I am in possession of a letter from Frederick P. Champ, Logan banker, which concerns Senator Elbert J. Thomas "disservice to the people of Box Elder county concerning the establishment of Bushnell General hospital in Brigham City during World War Two. Mr. Champ I feel, ae does who worked on the Bushnell project in Washington, D. C., concerning that information Thomas activities on Bushnell should be presented to the people of Box Elder county. Mr. Champs letter fallows: Sincerely, Walter G .Mann, Chairman of Box Elder County Republican Party. sub-zer- o days. But I sure hated to leave1 those wonderful people that labored among up there. It has been like leaving home. Thomas No Help Says Party Head bit after last winters The missionary Box Elder News Journal Brigham City, Utah, Dear Editor: After eight and one-hal- f months of enjoyable laboring in Prince Albert, I find myself being transferred south and west for the winter. (Now that I am being moved, I hope that it is to be in the southern part of this fair land for the winter) I might say that I dont mind the part of being transferred south work there DONTlf is BUND going ahead full swing and Is showing much progress at the present time, and is going to keep on with diligence on the Elders part and the Lords help. It truly has been a choice field of labor. I am enjoying my mission Immensely, and the longer that I am out here in the mission field the more I love it and realize what I have had In life and never knew It I am afraid that there are a lot of us that are in that boat then sometimes we find it out too late. Thanks for sending the News and Journal my way, Its always nice to keep up on the news back home. Also my best regards to my friends back there in Box Elder county. iMy present address Is 2184 Danial street, Trail, B. C., Canada. Sincerely, Elder Chester R. Kunzler. Know The it , V ATTENTION Bod! Mali FARMERS any help on this matter, but if I can be of assistance to you beyond the brief quotation above referred to, please let me know. The time is short and the facts What Is wrong with Demoshould be revealed for the benecratic Legislature that has fit of the people of Box Elder allowed farmers to have county and Northern Utah, but more tractors, more autothey can best come from a group mobiles, more refrigerators, of your own citizens representamore homes, more mechantive of both parties who know ical improvements and the the facts and are willing to Budding Farmers Thrifty stand up and be counted. best standard of living ever Future SALEM, Ore. (UP) known by Utah farmers. With all good wishes, farmers enrolled in 71 Oregon Dear Walter: Very sincerely yours, high schools have farming inassoYou and your former vestments totaling more than FREDERICK P. CHAMP. ciates in the Chamber of Com$1,000,000, an average of $321.01 merce at the time of the closing Mr. Walter G. Mann a boy for the 3,132 members. A. of Bushnell General hospital, in- Attomey-at-LaMessrs and First Bank Horsley cluding Bldg. Security Humphreys, can do your com- Brigham City, Utah. munity, state, and nation a great service to the people of UNITED PRESS Box Elder county setting forth briefly and directly just what you know about Senator Thomas assistance or lack of assistance O.T.C. Supports are exto you at that time. cellent for low backaches 1 believe you will all agree and sacro-ilia- c pains. that it was perfectly evident that to Lightweight, easy inhe was conniving with other feels it wear, terests in the state to build a Exright. new hospital when he was givfitted reto service pertly you with ing lip to your dogard to his alleged efforts to save Bushnell. If you make ctors pressuch a statement, you can quote cription, by our .trained me as saying that in my work fitters. Dont delay get on the project in Washington I that relief now, had no evidence of effective sup800 ON-- YOUR DIAL Mrs. Donna Bosley 1 from believe and him, port you Roy Grant will recall that I worked directTrained Fitters ly with the office of General Bradley and, in fact, had a conference with Generals Bradley and Howley, the latter of whom was the architect of the extraComplete News Summaries Of National, vagant and altogether ridiculous JJx druggist new hospital policy which inInternational And State News At volved the building of new Gmtdf&iuteeo 7:00 A. M. - 8:45 A. M. - 12:00 NOON hospitals with materials sorely needed for veterans housing and 2:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. the closing of numerous hospb tals which, like Bushnell, had KBUH THE ONLY WORLD NEWS been built for permanent or OUTLET IN BOX ELDER COUNTY operation. This is just one aspect of Sento the ator Thomas people of Utah. I hope a bipartisan group of you leading civic workers of Box Elder county will' come forward to tell the AUTO people the truth at this time, when they should know and can CONOCO PRODUCTS thus choose between the candidates who are presented to them. Anto Repair Lubrication And Tire Service I dont think you men need MSTmiiMOlMIC 38-3- 9 . . , an just as I walked around this bend there was a six point buck standing as still as the George Washington monument, glaring at me straight in the eye. The buck suddenly jumped straight in the air and I knew Id have to shoot him when he hit the ground or he would tear into the brush and Id never see him again. I raised my gun and squeezed the trigger and squeezed the trigger and squeezed it harder. The deer took off for the brush without me ever getting a shot of I didnt have the weapon loaded. Why I pressed so hard on that trigger I had bent it clear back to the finger guard. And so go the dozens of hunting stories, now that deer season is underway and so will they go after the season until next year when a new set of stories will replace this years. It would be a man of letters who could put into words the reason or reasons the greater portion of the male population give civilization back to the women every fall, hoist their guns to their back, and take off for the tall cedar. They come back after a few days or a week of tusseling with the elements in search of a deer smelling like a 10 year-ol- d wood ticks sage hen, with a coupla-thre- e usually attached, and with their hands and faces tanned a deep brown, except for dozens of white scratches from coming to blows with needle sharp underbrush. For one or two 15 or 20 second shots at an elusive deer, modern man, at least a great many of them from this area, will take on the life of Jim Bridger and love every minute of it. Facts BaOK'aGHE'? BUH Every Hour On The Hour 'ray semi-permane- We, the undersigned ers, want to tell you hoS National Association oil tacturers is taking the for a ridel We farmers Gft know been on the rocks. Untutw teen years ago there,, muck security in Until "farm parity" tablished the farmer ,n ways taking the 1 When our prices were ping, we were forced to! higher mortgage and inti rates. When we needed! most, our credit was the r est. NEW APPROACH IS HELPFUL Beginning in 1933, Democrats put some senw to the farm price-credt lial ture. Farmers farm program got they We got some help M vation. Our prices were to those of industry, a program developed. Utah incomes rose from $26Mj in 1932 to $1 60,000 ,000 in m THE NAM FIGHTS BANX DEPOSIT INSURANCE When farmers deposit banks were insured by 1 erel law so that they v, be protected up to $5,0001. the NAM FOUGHT IT iW it would ruin sound bank (NAM Resolutions and hj form. Dec. 1934). NAM WASK WORRIED ABOUT HOI MANY FARMERS HAD BIS RUINED BY BANK FAILS NAM BATTLES REA When we farmers 1 rct THE NAM FIGHTING AND ANY BENEFITS BDSf ELECTRIFICATION MIGtl BRING TO US. When we farnfWs and 9 had a a find obtained electric power an farms at reasonable through the REA, there cooperatives A1 f n M chancs reasonable credit and suppe through Farm Security (lit Farm Home) Administratis there was THE NAM OPFQ ING BOTH THE THE FHA. (NAM and Platform. Dec. FSA A Hesoluh 19(3). dis-servi- BRIGHAM This Winter It can be rough SUPPLY CO. OBSTRUCTIONISTS THE NAM HAS NE BEEN ON. THE FARMII SIDE NOT LAST TWENTY YEAR! spoil) NOT WHILE THE CAN CANDIDATE FOR TE 23 SENATE, ITS PRESIDENT AND OF THE BOARD. ) . F. Hi! WALLACE NETT. WAS NATI0XA! CHAU MILLIONAIRE BENNETT RUNS ON NAM "GAS" Do we want someone Hi si--. ' BENNETT HEADS" to j back to Washington who it fought against the only a? cultural program we bn had, or someone who help to build it? Where would farmer get off with NAM President Wallace F. lbe representing him inMillii ted States Senate? Bepnetl can only run on ... in winter! going for your car Freezing temperatures can slow your starts . . . sap the power of your engine! Corrosive combustion acids . . . increased by winter driving . . . can cause extra wear that cuts down on your gasoline, mileage. But . . . winter can be smooth sledding you protect your engine with the winter grade of new Conoco Super Motor Oil! Ui ...if record: CHAMPION OF NAMI We are convinced t would spell ruin for the is 1 COMMITTEE PENDENT OF ffi FARMERS. SIGNED: E. Floyd Ross Myton i y Rpugh going Super Protection s Change now to the amazing new Conoco Super Motor Oil . . , proved by wo winters testing in the sub-zecold of the Colorado and Montana mountains ... to be the great new winter wear-fightt Conoco Super Motor Oil safely gathers up acids and harmful moisture . . . flushes them out of your engine when you drain! New Conoco Super engine your inhibits corrosion, reduces sludge! fights winter-rus- t, So, get quick starts fast pickup full power! Keep that new-ca-r gasoline mileage! Drain and refill with the winter grade of new Conoco Super Motor Oil . . . at Your Mileage Merchants . . . today! V ro you see this gleaming GMC on a rugged new truck, you know its owner is sitting pretty for years to come. For GMCs have a reputation for long service with low maintenance cost and with minimum down time for repairs. When Or count how many new GMCs you see on the road far more today than ever before. Then see your GMC dealer and let him give you the inside story that ex- -' Vernal ? Bergeson Salt Lake City ! E. R. Behling Kaysville S. S. Lower Lewiston Wallace E. Slough Vernal er Oil-Plat- ... plains why so many cost-wis- e operators are switching to GMCs because experience proves them best in the long haul! ... Thats because every GMC Is a real truck truck-buiby the worlds largest lt exclusive manufacturers of commercial vehicles. Every unit of every GMC, from grille to tail gate, is engineered for truckI ing service! es Wayne Hinton Hurricane ... FORT YOUR COUNTY ,NDI DATES HO WILL SENATOR To find quick proof of this, just compare a GMC with any other truck before you )RT buy. Compare engine, frame, transmission; compare cab, axles, and springs see how much extra value you get. NGRESSMAN &e IOMAS AND UGHT MEDIUM HEAVY MODELS Mod In wide voriety of mngintbodyhassis combinations to fit ovary trucking need stuck! tarea! rn UVI 333 North Main Street ri In iiuil 3RANGER rHEIR FIGHT THE FARMED OF UTAH c continental oil company Brigham City , Utah You'll do bettor on a used truck with your CMC doolor IgffigMS i VOTE DEMOCRAT , |