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Show Davis miss to compete For national honors Staff judge Advocate New at Hill In ki ( nine-year-o- Col. Krysakowskis prior assignment was staff judge advocate at Edwards AFB, Calif. At Hill he replaces Lt. Col. John V. Knaus who left recently for legal duty at Robert R. White Va. returns from Mexican Mission. Langley AFB, Native of Stamford, Conn., Col. Krysakowskj was commissioned ah aircraft navigator in 1942 and served in Europe during WW II. Released from service in 1945, he the Air Force as a captain in 1949. He received his BA degree in history and public speakClearfield -- Robert R. ing at New York University in 1939 and an LLB in 1948. White, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1946-4- 9 he was an at-- , From Charles A. White, 680 E 400 in Stamford. torney South, has just returned home from the LDS Mexican Among Col. Krysakowskis Mission. Bob served in More- decorations are an air medal lia, Michoacan, which is six with one oak leaf cluster, comhours northwest of Mexico mendation medal, and bronze City by bus, for three and star medals. one half months. He was He is married to the former then sent to Tuxtla Gutier- Helen Tracey of Norwalk, rez, Chiapas lAich is on the Conn., and has a son Donald, Guatemalan border for six 9. The family soon will leave months. He spent another temporary quarters at Hill six months in various AFB to make their home in branches in Mexico City, and Roy. his last year at Tlalpan, where he served as branch our door. We grabbed our president to about ninety broom handles that we used people. for protection, went to the When he was sent to More- front door and there was the lia the people werent very local policeman and the outside of our door was in friendly and Bob tells this flames. Someone had poured story. gasoline under the door and "My companion and I were set it afire. sleeping: jn the Chapel and After that things went at about 2 a.m. we heard a noise out front as if some more smoothly and ail in all one was trying to pry open it was a successful mission. the door with a crowbar. We got up and peered through The forfuture that we study and begins today. a broken window, but could plan Chester 0. Fischer see no one. This happened three times while we were there. Then one night real I tell you the past is a bucket Carl Sandburg late, we heard a banging on of ashes. ... People gave Missionary Bit of trouble -- i i final plans to compete for national honors in Boston. Since she won first place trophy In the Juvenile free style division of the Northwest Pacifid Coast Amateur Roller Skating Association last month in Portland, Oregon, Mary Sue has been Beundergoing rigid training tween two and four hours daily on the Normandie Rink has been a routine part of her life. July 30, 1959 That which comas after ovtr conforms to that which has gang before. Marcus Aurelius To live Is not to learn, but to Logouvo apply. Suggested for military bases by Sen. King Rep. David S, King Idaho, Montana, Waskington and Wednesday asked the Congress British Columbia. to' provide static test stands and In 1957 she missed the first small rocket ranges at military place trophy by one point. Her installations in every state to introduction to the juvenile divi help "young scientists and amaslon in 1953 netted tier a sixth teur rocketeers test their invenplace in dancing and eighth place tions under safe conditions. in free style. This year she was Mr. King introduced a bill, judged best of the 15 competing in her class, and won the right which he authored himself, to to attend the national contest in amend the National Aeronautics and Space Act and provide one Boston July 21 to Aug. L or more test stands and ranges She got her start at the South in every state. Urging support Davis Youth Center in Bountiful of his program in a speech to the under the direction of Kay and House, he observed: Louise Randall. Later she moved to Normandie Rink in Salt Lake the danger, these "Despite with Rikki Klandin as instructor. small amateur shoots shoots )i That Interest is the foundation cans in their studies of rocketry nations future space ef- and other sciences. This proConMr. fort, King said, and the gram. he said, would implement gress has a responsibility to pro- that policy. f mote and nourish lt. self so that at last you knew "The amateur shoots are an Winfred Rhodes In 1954 Mary Sue rolled away how to livo. expression of tbe deep and widewith the number one medals in spread interest In rocketry which the new age of science and space both the state meet in Ogden Only that day dawns ta which exploration has kindled in the and the regional contest In Spowa are awake. hearts and minds of imaginative kane, Washington. Competing in the region are skaters from Utah, Henry David Thoreau joung Americans. The spiritual sons of LHo and its grand pursuits is of Itself A and oylm bliss, spiring. Mary Baker Eddy of the He said military experts have assured him static test stands can be assembled at a cost of no more than $10,000 each. He said he believed safe air space and safe impact areas on military bases and the test equipment could be provided all of the states at a total cost within one million health-givin- on. dollars,' ODDS AND ENDS measured by the current scale of military costs; the figure would be nominal, he said. As hoes MISSES WHITE CASUALS CHILDRENS WHITE FEW NUMBERS FOR ONE-STRA- Back-to-Scho- Leva must be laamad, and learned again and again; there Is no ond to It. Hate needs no instruction, but waits only to bo provoktd. Kathorigo Anna Portor Frozen V ftf t ftV . t t FRUIT PIE 1 f -- 1 Melvin s Shoes Clearfield - ' 1 Is v 4, mm wcss if $ , t S 4 ; 1 i a, il 4 " f " m V ' I1 l v TTimrinp r- -n , Premium Quality-App- le, Cherry or Peach Bel-a- ir i Ig. 24 oz. r-- 3 for $1 00 r Premium Peas r Broccoli Bel-a- ...LONG! , ' 'r . ' I - ' ' : - 1 Fruit She. iiet Special ! Sweet Party Pride Assorted Flavors Chopped ir Orange Juice Minute Maid a? RESULTS' or Hatch You Need to Remember is Safeway! spc,ai 1, ., this Mix Cut Corn ?o:rGo'd,nSw"' Green Beaffs l7cThw yiC HAPPjm Tender Bel-a- ir Foort-'- Quality-Fro- zen fT.it If! ' fy Bel-A- ir r . ' ICE CREAM Snow-Sta- '-S--. ' i ?j '' - ' r ; YOU GET Whole or Half U.S. Choice Grade Cut and Wrapped Free For Your Freizer I Frozen Concentrated 6 oz. LASTING t i ECONOMY 1 WHEN BEEF ROUNDS T Potatoes or HIND QUARTERS U.S. Choice Grade Cut and Wrapped Free For Your Freezer ioai it CONTRACTOR Now Foci Summor BEEF FRONTS ' Better Start Now il you plan to spend Thanksgiving in that new home-cf-your-o- . r . Modlum Orongo, tomon Umo, or Applo DHnl Ig. 44 or. wn Farm Fresh Produce! Our own planning department is hard at work , , our trucks are shuttling back and forth to job sites all day long . . . the people who arrange the financing and those who make the loans are right in the middle of their busiest season. Thats your cue to get started now . . , winters less than four months away. Naturally, well be glad to give you every assistance . . . with plans and quality materials, help in arranging the financing and our recommendation for a qualified, T U.S. Choice hi I Jcr X . Repair - Remodel Better Living ' Ideal for Sunday Dinner RUMP ROAST UADA. Chotso, Tondw, FlevorM. This Suoday And Your M Sonro On Whole Family Will lore It. m 09 ' 100 Nro Orouml hot Will, on hr enough .1 mm ir non to inucR tot In ftte pan. Fecleet eaHny every ewey lime. Sofewey yuarenteee lb. nwtr t. POT ROAST nectarines 49c 1 Selected New Reds Serve 'em Boiled, Baked, Mashed, or Fried -I- deal With Pot Roast U.S. No. ' lorgo Sweet Bartlett FlavorM FretK 4 Cottage Cheese Saladi 1fllb.to39 Carrots I L- ", - S. No. I Now Crop Forfoct With (oaitt 1:1 i Green Onions large Bunch Mild Flavor ' ' i BACON UlOmtec Tender Check Cuts 49c - 59c Wkllow -- t lamb Kyh LAYTON, UTAH f r ft i t lb. Ft 89c . U Ik Pears ' GROUND BEEF !H toes Boneless Sirloin or Boneless Rib Grade Round or Swist reliable, local contractor." Build 1.00 Beverage t Ypur reliable, local contractor is not 5 ' Doomd M os. - the only one whos busy these days. I 1.00 Cofdoo No. 300 Scott's Waldorf Bathroom Choice Grade Cut and Wrapped Free For Your Freezer U-- cans 11 59c Shrimps Tissue 12 rails 39c King loult PLANNING A NEW HOMl 40 os. pig For AH Your Homo Soling YOUR OWN r 41c Bisquick YOlf an upon : P. in Childrens Shoes. ol MM i g Continued the state diaper For Quality Meats... All . 4 Page - blonde with a Tbe grey-eye- d The young scientists could be of in technical parlance are misShe is the granddaughter winsome smile is the daughter aided and supervised by the en sile of terms in launchings are, Mrs. George W. Wilcox. Her fathof Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Wilwhat they represent, no less im- gineers and scientists serving in was former a er Kaysville cox, 35 East Center, Bountiful. the nation's military reserves. portant to the overall, long-rang- e She has been on skates since she American space effort than the The Department of Defense, he was four years old. big satellite shoots executed by pointed out, has a policy express Is our defense scientists. Life's achievement ly framed to aid young Ameri greatest in fourth she That year placed the continual of yourdivision contest Yl gal. r Aw REFLEX. REPORTS Rocket testing ranges for young scientists . . roller skating meet Hill Air Force Base, Utah Lt. Col. Joseph E. Krysa-kowsWith blonde pony has arrived at Hill Kaysville about four feet from tail whirling AFB for duty as Btaff judge the rapidly spinning roller skate advocate for the Ogden Air Mary Sue wheels, Materiel Area. Wilcox of Bountiful is making ' SENATOR KING Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, and Saturday each 3 , |