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Show 0 'iii ,7 1 I Ip,. DESERET VI InpoPpOpmplonedimoOMM Again Groat 5 1 I Woodrow Wilson and the Doctrine of. Sovereignty L FOUR SECTION' ' Unit EVENING NEWS SALT LAKE CITY S shioli has fotiwa4 Ms dm. thsliostrins et toovorsteaty,, 'sotto& proteot snd truction Of the houses ortbro ltoinatioff :trusts nould only dclite raataal mole i Pavel Russia yttrium e a ta Chocolaec I Au-ifi- nto trottot poidelyi tit fiat's meant wer &ad tsOuld '641141411 Inaltam to satt goveranssol. 'would hove detormItiod lite limes tof similar., 'Lave establishoti & dangerous P MOO. 1 Wbat ,. lmatily the I.Poricias et is deal-- , It oleoold& tietwitsay 4,4)444 tatters? borersigoty. , hetrevet Tock Ntw 'onatit6 fluiel sad Melee in Afoot, program, ho ily ratta4 the et daa. flopPod undar that the LU. tazierttritere Dot la difficult La Addrea it t,a , 19111. by , siskod, so alight Groat Britain William bow Sepenetbet ; comes as in say program , hovrover 'Irmo. la understaad , , , icgOod was Ica. OormanY was Protertod Potoaaded h imaa It tbat ha 1 tioneficont. - DARWIN , Paitaa P. KINGSLEY, Oarman old ammo tho , of Great good and fiction monstrous mess,. by tithe no 11 . Ibrilete and t"renoit were paralysod by 004. Ha Inesk wp In statecraft lie ru't : rtrookket t4 ilas New Volt Us temosowto aptial, toe , I ; Torasseinada. a to rope politimi As result tot yreporetione " :It, i on Wrest. as Irradarick Md. that there .............n. of a toed aomootosto th world wentMd.i , - boom ha ma ultimate 'lash. a final trial 0h111"1401Y ., Ind oPhnlY world lift ttio shoo Ilia le Tba tolinsa eery i I epics. ow" bsgaa appropriato IP I a I Is icuirmo? Of ISIS the peol,le pLM datin . i .. , housewives folly controls the deotinits of men of otratigth. GermanyDe bad beanrrisoll46 with ttlfortolatad honor bathing Lion Of this oavag law. ful. I! ! , , of trace, hod reperced tkei woo el I Oar Hal!" praparing for aa difficult attar that. The paopia The groat Inditidual criminal& liv today. ef sours, the De this of war, tirot On rice for The tauopt Oil mte. of Germany atilt think thsy basso itsg had died, wets both & product and August. years. tb pros; pieradettylik of hat diahostor ta. what aturdar is. I comm. They vier the product of Oita great oriole. le, therefore, tho 1111, litilliam balitivad that ha had timed '''''' i ' cola period tied 6044014y Vitt ha of tharefora trial tha at hour ilictireigniy. moos 0, ot those things, Feh lg.-lonbeteroon ilia ,floctrinit , hat rape la, but hhohilitg tat; rite reptilian way I sec the borders ot i tt hen Germany la Imaton Itt old Gorman arid unite of flfgholood a.aelailr, Thor woro living criminal is William. good Iraerhad IL,' hay. Wth,ff WIlillam Ir"11 ' that reveille. the teal of the world got...woad by lb. good old Passe Ottr & room isi that thoy not unnaturally will thereby hate fundamental At 1111' '11,', your grocer's an 0 do. ; .. l''' ; The war after lb. war would !have smiled, shrugged ita ahoub, tnaa God and th Ka tar seams what W iled opportunity and gathorod IMO I gainad Milo If sovereignty ;111111' Ili 2,41 lb., I lb. 'ancl i moans mambas. Tbo inhibition their 0 "1 n bends th postsr which so. full'd doh hot' litt with him. If in ! wit, come perhaps vary 000n. if tha T.1 dere mod said the Itio atonable rrenel II 1 hew will William IstM against all those trims mail num. cionty thrust &t them The dortrin itrit of doctrine thirvivoo(f h'il moploa of tho world do sot unit anti 1 3 lb. cans. To be were metal thiatia as between O. atiOrassaara ' Ika bid al b a. pi:M44 lout but bolds Malty doctrine and Divine barbarism rule tho inn an ta and that by Right ' mewl ' I 1914 the people hat so aignifiratoo la their mutant, at If In the outwear i :2122I111,d contra!r the relations of nations . 0 ausareignly isre Vary Nearly oyort". were. of the cniinat sure at I.Igium had ceporteel that a itroaa rsiations. indant to commit thy The Brea t quootion is, tan hin pro-- , ... a l'!1' mono of th &anis idea In different .... ha '" of Nationality 'rho ii promortation In la ail worth that eery at dioessurs hal maddest? PPeated crinisa against Waders Is rathor preerning ': ,1,11 4 forms. When Louis XIV asiut ha wee tors boon tha supremo purpom Of low. quality-chocolate- 4: nod hid upon (lantana and emoted by than the tomtit., h waa trig, ! It the gates ofam'het ktr.gdont becalms undor tha bitiar only defining III. nationality without war? Or is therol f bosun to kill toptiles 11114 when as da duty and an asidsaco of loyalty doctrine Of sovereignty in personal something in nationality that snake' Wrists!. for iatancAs man saw wifely' t look for the Ghir, virtue. world star Itocemaryt Could governments ' terms. reptilea ruled the earth, the ': Gorernmont.oliv Ilia in state. only I The blasting Indirtmont that lias i,' would agate hae shrugged It ghoul,e,frfec..tively funcAon Jig gloiIrnment:l men hen been :,7 thimoirtieles hors built itocloty--it- ot ardelli label on the 'It'''' taught and or Mill 1 , allra tad roue about ha business. lodsy against tho (Jarman paopla he not savernmentaon the Idoa that all " n ey arranged ea.. men of look to othr upon taught IntilvIdas aattlod their dIttarncee , If In the staring tt 1111 Aive had ion that tit), Ira guilt,' of orimoa taae tee be truatadl that tha stale" ! '''' can! 410P enemies. Vaa eatartan ludeacribabi. but that the nallitary man do, aa Una Mates ot this Warta Wind sa their polantial , Ghirardelli, 'been told that a plealoaeur he la 'rill- - usla ,1 la not now ha meAs a II that can Om state les' riii.s:n41,L1 voloo cast do? a program daltborataly Mr to coneeda the rights to Whore dthrough that swarm In the opt in the age of IsaL i on tho moans anima barrier. to and. II motto I i of bat a than Italian reptile. bad ouricliely reared ha aw. tidoptad he demands for himwelt. ThrougP1 litvw to hicitt,vo Enduring Prisoe. that divide damooracY from daMot ' iqua AI,.0.) , tiara crust liars. the kind. to bland that I fel (coot Si! the hood of bid Iiineele listohallsr th development of arlnre lima and I1 ...-- 1 Navar ham all lb world been ea recto can ba broken down. let uo atop Made hall t that it. puts bad kiliod 1.300 people asnopipit sail era .. ware world-Deaeestathlata4: that. us "tenet lot , DO on ot one sub. about mind "Clar-or-11any ' , start, (haftging forams's.", . our en worse oltiseue. weenie wore S'ay o( I I t he foreign lands escape goo. Jae as how. Thar mum ha se more tilt becosn Proaalanisad In war !liberals Il l zi And why did the military coati ha. today bialuting women sad battles. we would D. I rnmentally. Govrnmenta are aa tar auch ware ea this. Lverybodlf adVet , and wannars and moth's; lit to arm ' ' makCOace yr ..' haws It GHILAIIDEaLLm to leave been snore (Ms Incredulous. to as they were before Van, Wed. How. then. to &entails it. :11 bocomary (trot lel Natoday port the for and prepare tt the. teeth limo 11 Bell and Field le each amossneet happening the wtheir ona people and then to lielOSatts and Morn sod Britof ram. suppsup... the ' ' Oros( shall people tive that (Instil allow.aven :;. sra- - one maroons were brie. Goveroments skin rranee holeale through thoir J1 l' la , world outside thole who saw diail Mit , the United State& Italy Pei Wiltiam or stoma otharDarhape h 84 ' i:1:'.1' muttyr ve tact far is their telations are still unstieetifie. ''tared would have said the reports were basailnr Austrla-Hurtgar- y had and o on Ott Argio-dasantfoot an his sot Oarmarty ! ' Con aboard., such animals did end some years have boon chiefs in an unpre- - ilaViitt, and tiiik4lieViiii the condition been i n nms 'tort of effective -g overn- - etto.k ot Out world. ,.... . a eteillioate Of years ago: they were roP- codented army of espionage. contains red is tooth einst elow wilt rematati .,,... ear- IIt .,,,...1.1 --'- -' means anything' generation If la the army of dialvesort German' The age passed physically her than Aug. I, MC They had been wartstounocracy they did ruler the land and the 1 tent. totein everything. It Ma program in part because b.eaus. reptilian conditional i sea :. arid the air: emit they song alma adopted 00 , the sari& for longer than tint in touch In bold- , ; a of of obassolon kind 1 i aatural which juat the rights of the oltixotia ett thir . changed physimily. There were Un- ants. They bad steeled groat inter. Irefiebloc. leased away. Thui ta the twentieth made hat itadoct If ail Men are codtwel liri believe la beavals from time to time. Th. land. ii ,, century. such filosaters so longer exist Toutoole superiority. really all interwoven national by structure' 1 .,1.nabi, because with carttln their and Partly. less (orator tbe sea and the air became and Ouch thieve cannot happen. the relations of commerce and bank- 1 of a people would not follow th mill- - loam Dulled to saurian& COUTqlSq ire But at times and places Indicated the e;ah:aiari leg. They had no trouble in tinder- l wore caste told if h isatiucra a the troth. lessthey tory new etlicient I and trusted happened as sinister. and portly from what seemed to bl forms of lite apparently NotturallY the ataadtaa each other. Thoy 'yenta actually men e! whit (hid tob to other 1ron &moored. ot n tsar i each other. did oath hideous, am pellful. as unbelievable real noceasity. They reptiles fought the newer forms of life other- .- They . hail in all thous pia. nve them. Np civilised man. as a citt, . : glg,kg as thrs e0t114 PEI been If tha Zeppelin, - TM Vet is the eetmlitatil of the with Inereaaing ferocity and slew them lions no desire to wrong each other. son. ants to do that. and when tba been Ger. and a bad the pterodactyl waa German otinati which me program t IM k they could. But finally when the but in thi governmenta 12 l of dine. toted at 'Poet ma war machine group the by words progrIM- hour tame there was & vaster up kit was tenacious purpom, have been broatan ti . satire, and lb. submarine a plesiosaur. And that has keen the world guts. diffennt. They all faced pro- - heoval. conditions thanged vitilently. and reformed,a that be possible got. which were dead walla- .: The reptilian bodies of the aaurions grant? ' the very atmosphere changed. and now frontiers Nero was a sharp lino of demaros orntlents must abandon a program hY $ t are dead, but reptilian morals. repill, of TOMoini thee. ail that of Cause phyalcally War, rri lion: while the people told each other whiests they aro ()Ismail,'" 0.,mta7ti Ian faith. reptilian manners and rill). early lords of the land. the 114a and the truth diplontata Min to dO .that.. ........- Lied to each oth. to ' That brinn ea le the primary num the titian purposes. we now know Lave is their Impress In the clay or sir. dealt openly. g g pine mag mass Ita nruiton. 110,1111 ther flourish In the keren. of the war. ' . marl where the, died when the sixth ttr: whits the pooplo (For The News by H. Addingten Brum) 11 . diplomats spied on each other; while The primary cause of this war la a became tired of them. Utah eentury; thee bave addod to the d Timms' ,Ieffersem and-th- e p aorlr ) ' terrible betake and claws and armor rondition a political tondition inher- - The dominance of the doctrine of the people through their commerce i received benefit' diplomats I ehtts e di us out into a Woe;o:'s Jorrn tANDING in line. waiting to belenee you know bow true this Ia. and at their physloal forbears the power lied from previous centuries; a con- - sovereignte in the relations of nations gays andruin for each other. Out of wiser. trey declared that life and Pt the make. Mut Political' the age of the planned painful even trivial indignities et trained intellect and all the forces odition which in Its history records e4.1.. served at railway ticket office. nihosiwy be. a ritil,ta of the tho relations tho war inalionet of of human would ine glea trug erty people .society is hate of ontentifie :', . knowledoi; bank assorted or they saurian& hovereignty i by Let toe then remind you that thie theatre box office window. found lodgment in German bodies, (tinily as the rock' tell the story of- either s democracy or an autocracy In probbl never h ave sprung. Out of ALL tite;t We have rrou.Ly tied Put teller's cage. )ou are instantly re-- la precisely the way the other fellow minds and souls; they have found ex the evolution of the potthz S remit- the loot onal)sts means war. and per-lio- n relacertain. .., tr0 inflict these indignitlea and more wars ars until we ontered this war wail for sonata if a newcomer contrives to feels if you which has qualified end hugely haps th most incooalisent and absurd. . 1 pression In the unipeakable criminal controlled us little more than a dream beyond eecure attention out of hue turn. You on him. the mbilione. the tri- - yet. under existing conditions. entirely, equally certain. r; since made record that V Germany long lif. therefore. the people were able out ovo frontiers. . teopyright. ISM by The Aseodated We h",: l'en umpho, the defeats. the spirations of necessary thing in the world ila a do. a parish amongst the nations. .' Newspapers.) glare wrathfully at the offender. who lb. butnaa ram; a condition which hoe meer,cy . amerting - its sovereignty in spit. of the handicap of frontiers. boon., the law of ' I we have &WY lust begun to appro. served - i., few a of tariff& of races. and religions. to Iti she but has also bound it againet another democrat'''. of overran's. Whet has craftily wormed his way - elate these drestiful facts. It has teen and stillmankind ILEAP "A E, LIVIN'" build co with bands of . This war la that vetoer a a Ineast bind. it seized up fabric with or we ws war effect in this peaceful entered ahead of you bodily almost !myopia))e for us to grasp the By Edgar A. Guest--A i''''' I We bare nroW reached the age that violent change which upheaval. enrereintY had little to do ex- - vited all democracies to unite with places at the very head of the line. is either which r:,, truth. It was in fact about as colt).- - steel position fresh optimistic book dellehtfally in politica when. if dernocratie civill- - to embalm William lant it n coot to embarrass it, us that break chains with likely and the along again eat a talk for us to dialoetto. disme111 to w must fir" 61Y ander end that If allowed they could build up a we broke in 1711. Can democracy do Angry thoughts surge into your et verse. ourvive, , and tribe all that Napoleoe her and deetroy qur usual conceptions this reptile and then break these for the education and edification of fu- like rotation governmentally and if that? On the answer to Contemptuous epithets. of Cloth Bound. Gold Stamping that glues. mind. - of stately?. In order. tor oureelves and bonds. Vital as the tint duty is the ture le to crush tem' they did what would reoult? is the mildeet, form on Khaki Edition. small else for eoldiers. or which Ar it Hon of the future generations 'hog" hangs Liberty. 1 each In b" D. world. mato resist the bedetnands of setond in doe couree will become even porarily that form of politteal life Fortunately we have a concrete. a What 41.nitx'clicY shall mean to our $1.25 Rightly, you feel tricked Hand Tooled us would It tongue. to your for a convineing example. Germeny. more Important. . Leather Zditton. In The eons and daughters and to their which found expression in Magna living. has AlvIliere atm brcethe it the chested. survive been done. The history of box t The chief human agent hi the per' Mil and the Declaration of 1776. thing will be determined first in the and ;. a., of the sti of saurian" were uddenlY petuation of Hut politics! condition In Charts A similar feeling takes pomession By the Same Author. Lot us not deceive oureelvs: Either this country from the time when the great battle now raging. in which i our man who Confederation substituted the of for usual 1711 air War the modern times. of Time wee leen to be Prussian autocracy is to be defeated of "Over Here," relatively can 'till happen: Right does not Rhymes, I i,., you if. welting in a crowded ant.. end fihttlY driven from power.- and tho prevent , hour habitant Ws are temporarile wearing used It most effectively for the fur. thing tee win. Barbarians - conquered ords aboutup- -allto Om mil l tthhet reflect. the lore and loyalty of to wait toreed ate' room. $ou' : t o;',. moral gee Meeks while the bote over theranco of his own purposes and his alwayi all home. an struggles, Rome: Archimedes was slain by the, wend in the success or failure of a Cloth, who has or- - vrtaemploinigs. at. end therefore the norant . goslidls Roman 14.4...., there fight the great repine aimIlarly own ambitions, oldier; Alexander defeats and all the victories that alit federation-o- f the democracies of the longer because another, . ciltime proteeteni phyolcally- .- We lia:e lit- hot inlet criminal le Frederick .of Prue. Hamilton, the most lumhioua IntelitCa. beSI.35 .. precedence Khaki.Edition much later, rived battle. world If Pros? that following made an end of its Fredericka, it: : I eometimes miscalled the Great. genes in our history. one of the great-an- d . "Just Folks" verses that are brim-Yo.:.,oe've got tottli, - it and we are going . will over you. is democracy pianism victorioug. NanalatTheend Its William"' tut of the spirit of good cheer and apotheosised In eight volumes by eat political thinkers of any age. was through it for a long time survive only in Ttio same thing hex been patience, already severely taxThe chief living criminal. killed by an adventurer. n ' It seems to me that thee. reptilian Carlyle. human kidnem Cloth. gold stamp. Mita and "yea. It Pros In done IR out the the thlPolitical In person British all after ed by the delay merely ettrrying seeing As the evolution of the earth inx empire. After tt,.'4,qualities were kept alive and developed whg Meg is cruahod. Democracy may war the is William task be will the J. program. In Germany in this way: completed there. become ap splendid as its principles. you have coins to eee. is transf ,rmed DESERET NEWS BOOK STORE. . ually drove away the mioam and mists, But Of and German ' Prussia in no In .I'" 'dli cond. completed You that It ill the hare which king flourished. martian Men t the oni" rational animal. ! But Into fuming Impatience. still have the Anglo-Saxo- nempire w .or" tar glorious tut Its professions. ''' i man is the only animal that emperor. increasing love of ordered liberty I words to sprees your opinion of the will it? .. " Therefore Back of William. back of Frederick, driven awaY in part the politieal mietel split In twain. it Will I has who One the i t of and can lie or be deceived by Ilea Lying I Not if the doctrine of aovertignty Interloper . 600 ACRES FINE FARMING I and tab, defenseless, . Is a wicked and unforgivable perver- - and still dominant In the world lite and the mysteries on -which Frederick! ! to I unduly favored him. : state continues ourvivell:Thot If the e- The bestial. inhu. groat duty of the hour there- and his kind have ourishod. The LAND : So. too, you chare it itept waiting ion of mart's loftiest powers. LYin g thle condition. brutal, the auprente end and not a means but accumulation of public opinion 3tkuI fore is not merely to mike an end of be anof some One Who unintelligent. - Olin suoceed only if the person lied to matt. monetrous, by the to end. William all more to than. but 1 a make an in the the aocumulation of sediment end of the me. is credulous and honest or if he be en- - neverthelesaall kaiser powerful Send William to another St. Helena. has made an PP ointment with you Partly Irrigated, joining pross. the chief goitres shallow seas of the mesosole period causes that helped to produce Wil. kings and her toss the Hapsburs onto the scrap- - for a stated time. Every minute .. tirely at the merry of the liar: Lying Ham : That I all of ancient.' Thercia their indeed perous "Mormon" . colony In weakened authority. haa of cruet the his coming adds fuel to In the the Postpones end the to another liar ix less effectiv' ei- - and 107,14; of preeent beaP keep .0 history. expressed In terms of goy.- order; there have been through the onalro Of men: it will be at the flood 'program otherwise, and you will have Indignation. Montana, 'offered . on terms. less 1, I when dangerous. William fails. It will be the 8 I We call the Doctrine of Soyrnment is likewise some An centuries reaction violent be. upheave's, unpleasant made little progreas toward abiding I1 .ff,-The appalling crimes committed by reignty. That doctrine is the law of fore, and some within our knowledge preme opportunity. This cum t Box 97; Drummond, Mont. will- ' pelmet. 'Why was Washington right Produced by the man who bumps and , not weet- another such oPport unury Germany within r our years do not the etill the and memory:- in MC-270- 2. on your I ty. MCI jungle; its morality Is wee : ,Of peaoe pre. 'oldies you, or mayhap walks f 1:,',.' reach their climax In her said times "In he when born perversion It car of street the jungle. Immediately after tam Passes, pare for war?" Why is that maxim heels . as you are entering a ; , i of Scientific' achievements lute im- - morality the Allied nations wi IIWilliam to ..,. i-the struggle for exietenee, beltin. - way home from work. inoyal ()Thwaak. begin pull Just as true today as it was a hun- - on 14'your 41I "".'' plerments of- - indiecriminate murder.- In if they do not Immediately 1 in the primeval oose before either apart o doubt he has the excuse thatt It t enme Becalm dred do We can . in democracy reach not when well climax that the years their ago? nearer 'together. With they Imagine rap. reason or coneelence had been deo& But you heatedly is th e 11,i; --"aging ha had and has now no oomprehen- - tell officially eendoned if not ordered, nor toted. It has yielded little to the reg - earth began to tremble and the air to day the nations will drifteach I I yourself-e- nd possibly You just as toward the MVO because sufficient and in forcing people through hunger into non and' to waters freshen the program: old shift, a as him-t4.'1, order: old tnel or conscience of any nation feuds will revive, what tberty-lovin- g hat this is really men are divided into heatedly tell slavery; her great crime consiats in such; in Germany it has utterly over. saurian made a, concerted a psault; seem to be economic i i i no excuse for lack of consideration neePlinitleS will 11 hostil 1 camps: systematic lying. -- lying first to her -- borne- both. upon all otheeforme of life. William' 'reassert thenuteiveei I strictly' limited and . S ' preludict.a-lril'n'and 1 hen becauxe eech- democracy Is- Certain, forIS' others. ior ''it has persiste d. 'essentially un- - and Frans Joseph.' prouteseed of rep" rebornthe On 11410plt call of or do you think much better of the ti 1 , 11I 1 to economic :Von charaoteriraunder and titian pressure, develop repmorals. people& Papen's sound and the Allied reptilian faith advancin g Intent. who verbally bumps Into you In 1 , changed against ' for land. for dominance at sea;- man titian purposed, had been listening to forced for a time by the governments. I greed - lion of the American people are idiots dif" course the of conversation It and in. a by morality. of war improved gene perils felhas In It thoitneer of Pilephietophelsis. I l'i, :,:, fol- - the rumblings At democracy for 401into unified salon wit! return to the because democraeles made up of leer whatever no from 0' in the you -interrupting (era cesaantly respect t To the Germans how gullible we lowed little and ambitious men, ruled by the hare to say. He Is They smiled as they looked at! status quo. Once that is The cave. Years. unPladonably rude, by the cave-mai were: what children not to see the lie laws of sovereignty, cannot be trusted your verdict runs, twin their own equipment: theirhuge elates, ed the great opportunity is, lost. Ara,,., and brother of of talk Its purpose. We are children by snag evolved from his family a larger I451t ; because the to be frontiers beaks and and and teeth There Juet; is erniorpiatel abroad who a would unit curious feelltue untt that the monopolist tribe, akeep ttie nailed LA; But honor: war meshstandard the German of lthe and observed that peoples 'whet that while ;..I can be internation. democratic movereignty "Ai4,4'1. conversation tme.sidedi ory entiere now We know. now we are keeping the evolved a still larger , unit' called the were etirring had no means of offense' ally just inpeople of fr as the moat se certeinly business they cannot be ' Irritation again possess.' you if any and that unit evolved a still atid little of defence. They laughed es: an in , one to whom you are talking shifts government. Men rated as wi,. autocracy mean war. rrte"ifilrienset liar pay l'iorortel)esevtttoermmisk et , citify not larger unit called the. state. When ;i ; do dW saw are trontironthat eneer their There enemy they demoeracy, let looks and and while beinternationtlism.; fidgetstell you away crunches they state after , allif bloody F. farthing. 46 vided into SO or 30 hostile campa. eachlyou that a federation of the Demers-professin- g mean war a n 1 we who live under that speak. A Life Insurance Policy . for 7 , What a welter of lying precede.' came large enough or etrong enough. a program of human broth. cies of the Is IImpraetical; that unparalleled achievement are only beHe may be a victim of nervous rest- l''1' ,.':' and prOduoed the present mental and it took its place as a unit in a little erhood but internationally following: it can't be world Your Livestock. 1 ginning to realise its prophetic power and therefore 'fewness. but inwardly yOu accuse him the people of the grow of equals, and established what the program of autocracy,- They PAW waste effort dolie. There are of I ti . ' moral attitude of in trying to achieveit; 'nhy and its moral obligation of Inattention, indifference grotto i if you like has Ibeen called a balance of power.' 6 eeneration ago that 'either they Gertnaa empire. Assume preserve 'Seal pelf-gofrontre that tl tc' orfimposaible. That...was-one-a certtin natural- - ortieity, truttlitY Frequently with otbers WE 'WILL' INSURE the 1- r ,, - - and must gq. liwy were ' of one name Forgetfulness amt, your institutionet by Or ruthlessness in the Teuton, admit ally alone It then forced smaller , cal. They did not falter. When the: his followers of states. and y 1 IbIlb who should know it well is yet M.. when he ao near-tim- e 7. that be doe not normally react to weaker powers Into a condition of came they struck as the greatily defeated the Federal Constitution ar. Such frontiers delimit the cen other cause of a painful reaction. 11 s -kn- to the standards adhered did-hnett the unit ;:till by Whenever any of this Union. Thatwas us Mateo one of the arguments inferwhether-wrongly-or-wit- h reptiles, . I St Stock and the Latin- and you time-about to linICeseLYork: Resit a was : strong enough The great criminal of this' thought reason-t- hat alwaystrue.andThere it implies lack Of inter-Richmond - have not explained the exsting-non- . ,-, "Aleregard-ths--,"balaof power" so the man whose name wiltao down in when be "ought to t . thirty- years ago-w- henstates est In- - you. even a, disdainful attitude' out t 11. hALOdrod la The Usritian people ROM created, it has tried, and naturally , history with p, American tutors , of th of Ihe Union.- - My 1 o th toward you, such Your ' , , 184i hive been tonsformed through tried. to dominate the entire world. William the Second, German Emperor. a program is neither , in frontiers what Europe meant e a . more k 8till ar ni just hurt a y you if Imprectleable . .1Y... successful and " ,,. i brutal philosophy t The whole etritoture reeted and otill But Williani after all represents a nor iniposalble, and no. man, and car- mean now. promise made to y ou -- a s of some sr. t lug. They are today high and loszit rests on essential savagery. Frederick, viten), an Idea.. lieta tr4a.-10.- . hia isiolY.00 loader-ha- s, right-tosaoriginal Thirteen Stites tried te itel 0 SO 0 0boughttor. yolL.during ,,the 4 :The any ed united and ignorant,- - utterly , saw that and taught Germany its brit- close He is morally a Saurian. Thal Ma. onleati he at the Berne time live together 1 -is not carried out. . il monstrouSlY cruel. . , cia;,.,', in Its aut, Partite sovereignty I ou deepleed the:mits his belief thflt man Is incapable law. Frederick saw that a probably Reptiles Jai or tzeopt you .: They failed- - It angrily refuse toreluctantly. Gemany. Traeldngs to Germans. his belief that our l' promo trial of etrength between thee hordes or'birde tied fish and animals, Of r -accept, the excuse of . will nelfr. be mere forgetfulness. to It the Liston of 177S watt after Cle could. not be done. the ..The tuly doubt- -' so indifferently equiepod both for a of inevitable. units few ivaa things You. tense 3n. .. of.IDeclaration were fence . Order It in and our were defenee. German would when They Great Reptibile, the don. taught people La...questions pleasantly that the forgetting has some '1--- ' to prepare them for this war:. The eentederation a union between deeper caul's, tarrying come. and what peple would be best ateumed enthat they. themselves could Itltittet of an itecklent. ' Against , Death From: Any-Causwith It a diaa have-be--: became as tree, maid: "What doe. right mat, --- such. Ito tuiIttlenat 1 lot no. of citizen sovereignties every perefmality.-------. , wonderfully. your T 1. voelure netwens of Nutioni preparedEvery Our existing fd- - Par1"ne - n;- the ter to me? I have no neon of it. 1 tion. of the Al; Such demoeratic as Well as autocratic, dewed exeept city on government. reactions to alights ?den are alreadl taillint ebollt the , oral ' e., . 'a. fedetation, a union of Put upon-you-areyour though-t- al ill the., union. have the right to do what I - have knew this In a hasy sort of way; every mighty. If th-From personal expel..., Write us- for .2 ; i: fectione the power to dti. believed they were the war atter the war; , Victor y there !th.e"frree Its ' citlee of spry sort of country has for doubtleett applications- and bwopitehofiltibietswoimrldP0r fore over Germany Is not xPefied to t, 1., merit. "Slay the great reptile, no mat. The Kaiser said:. "Woe and denth centuries known in his heart that his chosen of god. rates.. . many international to all who shall oppose my will. Woe In its inception, construction and ter what it costs." I, There Ices no euch thine as reformt- settle no- gueetiona. - and death to those who de not be- - tits was forfeit at a moment's ,... J ' Presatient Wilson fit my opininn a egurian: he had to go. There Ir thil war le lost it will lettlemanY history. the federal Union telle the 'Mg state rolled it. ics.....4f for the Every ' MIORIOn" . international never in my I such Allies how they May Ortanlaf peace. moved as Tepidly al public opinion questionsuntg apparently no such thing poialblo oa time es eenturtee has for known eitigro 11 Of said:"War ran Von the Ilfen talk 'bout. the difficulties her Others liberty movedt he Istd it, and finally cry'and 'humanising aiteh,n. roll was ire to nom. It not that'll' , - Moot august and smscred of humon ac the or a Hapsburg: they mustgct. extinguished torch-- If this war la srich a progrem! 00 to Belgiunv to hid, then for his eons. For esnturies . -it Poletta.---ttivitles." it itatilitstedeal:b.y.th,,is.a31,simetalys y:Indt 01ribsepTins: i The shouldaltbough which 'vim maynot, Frederick portioukko on. ,M human of unite ! And again: "tot us lough ith tilt ''etle,-- - th. future - tele (tone of tte t tpoansdleinugghrotoirol otli oFurarn:lernt bko'laol,i.tdhedosexd- -. either been fighting or 1 tions. . But why should there be war ' our Weirs It the Old women in trout'. 0104Y have .. , afterwards. , f . Of lived isthleh: condition in hive LAI that this war? Whet will cause it? Vice the certainty that. thie is- not Rut in 'his vision of a ,' L o era who are afraid of war, and there-ad tt,firnto,firelit after wa , I I' whteb reAtO hipttintystorrwIteb It la ' cruel that answor:Tha very conditions,' in the end but the Iseginning and tiro program. In hie prophetic. forsseast oil , . km, .fore complain . as about wino' would td.owkrt thrigr.iiat idnt stLitr:31t1L-mr...bTher different form.--thNo! war is beautifut- "' . faulted this war; talk of difficultiee. IF , ,, hideous. . munt be what if I all this done, "' , is happen.... GENERAL INSURANCr: Jalkol shout prma- Chart. another in the Declaration titovarsignty. ?h. fiction that human "Germany Pastor Lehmann-W(1,,!4blood is not to be spilled in precioual "rederation"tho'heYword. , tor-- the Font peace aryl deliberately porpet 1 771. another in the French frontiers are different rights behind the center of God's I 22AVta1n - - plane ofi --ist,! ' neve Street otherbeed. alsoutIllretlenl.rtarAse -those who withtlatod 11 quibble from and are inherently-1- a which tneont war. Away world." . nother- - tn our itedarat nations and in really . -- - ' (d- IdantiCiat human: Sall Lake. City, Utah a poorle wa Davi for a balf..con tin. tariffs, and mulct:isle. anu tront I 'ago Bernhardt aid: Iklight la the -, Cu-esti!' and Oen.- - Ilia mOvemant nag tio 'drone in h,eirity inv.itve aPPIlYi almost what. n I tho ; the the juin border. ,. prem. thm brother. call a o'er that rieso.w ?Of thoory tory right." lianneeelenatreprtehider uthtearas nmeeist,d Ulnae alöne that has peace shall reignad fictionit IS unfortunatebt a tarribla . Tannenberg said "War must leave f hooit of man hal been achieved an4 ter mere than a hundred He vaare be,. that tater --of ' ---tO war .- --the -the bour -supreme .it ta a fart real aa that one soon come '' tothing to the vanquished but their therefore we mode no reationahl twson the two great branches of the tart "11P---- -Man Oa white and another is black crisis. ,What are we to do? Who shallidernorrecies Mae unite. not as states, , eyes to weep twith." . preparation for' the truant which Anglo-Saxo- n 1 race., an ts not NG 'SIB have,"61 Not those mere, US who' 11'n"rrigntint. then? load bettered anti have gos another la brown and another is to opri. a out of tho interns. ; 1 we," ,..; , - The German great crimefollowing yellow,. But while we can understand been eatitrat ed with the precedents: ernrnents hut Nti ttfwpie. There sounds 4 thitt instruction. They have in maoy aloval system of which governmentalIV theWillism'a of A his the cauees that matid this tn Fredericktie prophetic solo.. e la teaching that listth not left even eye to , weep we were rases wer:inthnel variety of ,hofiteohasloirputaeo.. 3osrettoshotiolditytio litete othtoror part. Of sli the irreat bitter oppoeltion to that movendentreoter. and dwith ectior a 04 Which victory ean be ' ' U .,, re, of with .were variety .7the moat utterly cflatfre in a I e pOwora, ' complete perversion oflittiona and while wa can Socialists. the Bolshevists made' worth .all - it s dreadful the tremo. And having touslir the PeoPit to illogical. understand . g Is Wilsottrib He rrettident hes l a Peofshk '. of dragged greet the not ordered, how theist fundamental program cal.f :thoee etandbirdio. Innen, to this. meaning differences who know , IT no surrender of liberty. nu, toss 4 race bock and dowrt Inin.thaleou)d - accept 1.6 , net vulture build 1e F.,0..rruntl, and .a.Dhine of, ructut:.--, whole E oho aid liberty , nattiftny er.ste tearImp,,notr,bio -' , Abodlevathent. moat lime of to. lie seas local 0 tbarHers of of . t behind which bile corpses. and bate re ibedrais upon 2 pfeeerved the savage underlying The ilertnan people. of thomoolvok And ..., of tears. and the death rattle of the 'condition contrary it mieunderesandingavOutt 'Intrens.11 ; ,:, ais completely In subatancOlmust crawl,Ap out elf that slime sod thenuselvett. l ; to net aoiesy to unworld where Itp, it 4. vanouistied?. Tee, it muste sihrilst ee.rful tie did, man a It 1 enGermany men or littforo at the and anywhsraletand the power-thpeace be oporw of WOodrow,he is derstand : "Not only Alance 'advoneol ihe Memo said; by thte greateet of all wars ; '.;.: G would avoid gulto4 upright In tha morat damnation that abould bit controlled by no finch non, It takes us ne whither to Pal: IS suttee and their 35 foliose have and all Ite einietor prograrnthat Lorraine hut till a ,,IE I watts was he , denounced Under peri4, - - all who the for am Federal hole enteredworld we the theta,:should ondstatton. have well the stay The as Constitution. that argritomid 11 0 1 factts amazing Europe that, a a and as, ' theorist . dreaMer:- that la .1Vhr did int,- altio4 rattori allow, thew,. the moat fundamental and soone- r- Most of Ns will regret So lortit Mere leltatie Of K141" Root do. A will belong to nit:' 4 pm ., true. Mari faced lb. factslaermany to huild up her terrible war. ilmahly moat controlling elf eZIndi-- 1 as IIVP shall live our long period hf,Partnership et sovereignties wit) sot It's Chn,rnberLain, the rewind Entnien. atill fly ot:11 did the,' not mop maid: "Ite who doe riot believe":o4 demanded adequate provision forimactiln1 re rot controlling.. The lines of beettAnel? do, man Itlay '1 Britain ai hen $he toolllohloion In thil 'oar orO tylthor racial In the diYilt0 In leminit r f Gortnnny na,11 &grime. ht was drhoutloOd aa a 'Poi It he did GA.-aOur delay in getting into the wart The key word ta-- Tederatitm tvituc '''' Netter- tn.limn himnott, lonti tither trv." that Is no )(Inter true. It na. lied the rnoniaro content bernelf Mere.; Dor reoua .. in the bogintelng the will he tosely Hew costly to you and I " Federatneation!? to, ly ti,,n4 solve :141-ifr hirtw .;. th.tilr-1,,,p.4 .to attempted :.: thln to -tinavattonitlitaletort 4.1211.0.1evelt1.011,0,erLiaeti- rrederloi; ?;t1: laY4to i i- etri--- t aTroo, 1,,..1,1", ,iapliday in air put liberlYwa oolt gide and tr- - we, do not yrt know., flut under the name ander heayert tvn among mon i' .:' -'4:7k :sortintiona ere eloc must be tiaved.' of t44.por,"" we i tered and abutred Icon have nnt 1 Pt 1 br dtd nermany sneer proparaticivjlethie on the other. fittoseis ty.on have wrierehy prpoadentro iestiorttvp I a ti. ii is , . neen a wit bin not conariouely enter theolyrtainly And so we nnve lbw If ng bat linnited'omaile ansi immodiatftly erred up !lett war in through that tr.-al- l of soul which 1 That is the great new Erang!. end . I iisfemie Of human . liberty and the re. enahl,s UP nOW to PR y to the- govern- - Woodrow Wilson is Its prophet.climes, 4ot by any me, no , .1 cern- - I Arcatato take the gmat et ,p rimee.tp4pertitio-itt- ! j , . . . , . . , - . . a , , ' t 1 Ghirardelli's Ground ready from the can. That to use it means there's tratieyou can , um your needs to the spoon. appreciate this Thrifty distinctive feature of Ghirardelli's. 1 re s g 1 I , .' "el 1 g " "" 1 13 1 ' - 116, I" rina 1 v 0 rn-at- ni i a I ' ji , I - , , 1" 2 i Ne 10-bs k:- - III .... - 1 , tti& - N . r -- -- ' ttt 1"" , ' , i 1 '1,-- . m' ',.; Ii ' I. A . Reactions . 1 I S 1 Alex-"Lie- - Gtifiirp2ERDIFJ iLlrg etirótagi' al Chticolmod6 - nrc.:. , - recorded-when-humanki- nil " ra -- -- .............. nd ur 1 ,," - , 's 1 ao-a- 1 -- , eaan " , non-arriv- - i.:.:-.- - . 1 . - - - ' - - t- . - I' - - rush--hour- ... 1 i 4 t- el FARMERS - , 4 I '- ,: AlinTIMEN n. , - 4 r ''' - , , - rn, logl..Clinton . -- 1 33 v- ' as glo-gax- .., .- arumr nce and-Atti- 111 :1 YourRegiitered dairy herds , . 41 Youi.fara- and L 1 et , : 1 1- -- Kull - '' horses' . '' ei - , -- - , , , .. . ' a . -- 1,- - - -- - - - 1 - r . . . - o -- - florvia.-to-ATm- en-- -.-- ' . - -- post-bellu- . . - ' - th-e- I 1 - , - ebéri. Grant re-lig- m & Co. -- - -- - - - er - rent 4 . 1 3 1 '''. - - - 1 ., - : .!' -- x -- ,, . -- - 1-- sY , -- - - . M e. - N I esliltjetcthst., . ty hie...-eac- t ert - D . . . ,- asa , - - larger thie-vol- !r ' sp s E'' . , , , - - . - . , 1 . -- |