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Show DESERET EVENING NEWS f Safe mm Infanta DISCUSSED aad ACIDITY Invalid at most MALTED MILK Consider, ed Especially in Re- lation to the Hungarian Upheaval Reparation to Be Made by Germany Was Also Up. 2. A kfITVGTOX, March nomte the White to Bimm from the American peace delegation at rarta raid greater progrow toward peace was being made thao appeared on the sur. face." No details of the proerrvq, were offtclai.H given and White declined to Hjsstilale on what development might have furnished tlie baels of the dispatch. In"ime quarters It ' was assumed that the American deleXT to-d- ay u f: - gates were optimistic over the important amendments to the league of nations constitution-agree- d npon yesterday, Including one sped finally to exempt domestic questions fnfm the Jurisdiction of the league, and owe the ap- -. parent certainty that the asao-elat- rr r it' ?r (people. The secretary pointed out' that this latter feature was something which "must be carefully weighed, aa lit showed the danger that might reso-- 1 sult from rash or ' don. Kherson-en- d Nlkolalev here been1 taken and Odessa is being defended the bottom of is. by French. Greek and Russian forces against Bolshevik attacks, he said. The digesore ills. position of the Bolshevtki near Odessa. he pointed out, has exposed Ru- mania to a very direct threat of In, the Hungarians ad- vaidon which, vanclng on the other side, has made' the situation very difficult. j FOR INDIGESTION . In speaking of Gen. Denikenes' army the secretary said that it was rt Great Britain's policy to.give.lt afford pleasing and but not Jo involve any British troops. ' prompt relief from He said that Gen. Denlkene had suffered a severe reverse while advancing the distress of add-dyspepsnorth of Novtf Tcherkask. but by striking back toward the Caspian he had successfully taken 10,000 prisoners The British retain control of ADI r SCOTT tnrm Caspian, but there Is a Bolshevik AIMS Of SC01TS EMULSION fleet at Astrakhan where the harbor Is at present treboond. Small detachments of British troops stretching toward the frontiers of India are holding! back, without serious' fighting, Bolshevik emissaries seeking to advance and spread disturbances there Admiral Kolchak'i armies In Liberia have done well In the northern sector, although not so successful further south. Mr, Churchill said, adding; "The British have a handful of men March 24 First WASHINGTON. there as a symbol and guarantee of the authority of 'Admiral K&chak. Aid instruction for public school chil is dren introduced under the to be supphed-AdmiraThe government has Kolchak's armies with a very large supervision of the American Red number of rifle, some cannon and I Cross in schools throughout the eoun-othmunitions try. Red Cross headquarters here an- "It la Intended to continue this today that arrangement had course to port by sending technical instructors, beon made for adding theschools of and exports to Siberia.- ths curriculum of the Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, California, Washington, Alaska and New York City and that the plan bad been Indorsed- in many other states. The boy scouts of America have of ficially championed the course and- a special merit will be awarded to each scout who passes the examination and It receives s Red Cro& certificate. is estimated that there are 100.000 fatal accidents in the United State each year and first aid authorities of the Red Cross believe that in many of these cases death could be averted by first aid treatment administered while the doctor was being sought W. (By . THE 1 RkiqidS Rich milk, malted grsia, in powder form. Tor infants, invalids sstgrowmg children. Pure nutntioo.uphu.ldmf lb whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers at the More nutritious than tea, coffee, aged. etc. Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking.' Sobititotei Cost TOU Same Pries erlng of premiers under the plan proposed, by the president that continuous meetings be' held until great questions which have been obstructing the early conclusion of the peace treaty ahould The seseion began at be resolved 11 o clock this morning, was resumed after lunch and continued into the evening with no other councils or conferences to distract the attention of .the president anLthe premiers. It marked the initial step by Ihla super-eounin taking d rection of affairs and in meeting apprehension due to the revolution biasing up in eastern Europe. It is expected (hat many sharp divergencies will have been- - reconciled before the next meeting of the council of ten as the four conferees intend to continue their work until this is acMr Wilson a nib the precomplished. miers spent a large part of the dav on the questions of reparations by Germany and an early disposal of this problem was expected when the meeting began. The Russian situation, particularly In relation ta the political unheaval In Hungary, was considered at today's conference and It was understood that would also be boundary questions taken up. During the day the Hungarian revolt and Its effect in bringing Bolshevism Into central Europe was also, sup--po- ia. J nl without doubt, examined as experts had prepared a huge map showing powers will accept Presithe vast extent of Bolshevik author dent Wilsons prq vision designed ity. which now , embraces virtually half of Europe. On this map heavy to preto-rUe Monroe doctrine. red lines mark the outer limits of Bolshevik authority with red arrows PARIS, Tuesday, March 25. (By showing the main avenues of advance tbs Associated Press.) In President westward. This line around Rusnth Wilsons study ar the Paris "White takes In Hungary and shows BolsheHouse" occurred today-th- e first gath- - vik Infection in parts of Ukraine, Lithuania and other independent section of Russia. The premiers also had access to reports showing the extent of disorder in all sections of eastern Europe Including private reports of a grave character concerning regions in the southeastern part of the continent and around Odessa which have not as yet I am n wrought up and nervous been made public. and 'feel so blue I Just want to cry, sobbed a the other day, says Winston Churchill I sympathized with her tr. Reid. patient On Russian Situation and prescribed two tablets of phosphorated malt after meals. LONDON. Tuesday, March 25. When, she came again her cheeks r rosy, her eyes bright-- and her Discussing the situation In Russia tonerves steady like a healthy womans day in the house of commons Winnerves should be. Khe said: "It Is ston Spencer Churchill, secretary for said that events during the last wonderful a hat phosphorated malt war, or three months In Ukraine had has done for me In such a short time. two been extremely disastrous to the Note: Phosphorated malt is sold by had entered French. He said j druggists under the manufacturers from the south andthey had gone some guarantee to steady the nerves and distance from the coast when they double endurance in ten days time ft were confronted by superior forces many instances Advertisement, and encountered hostility , from th l", Oh Doctor! I Want lo Cry five-gra- in Chiropractic ior Dropsy Joseph (New York World-Deser- et News Spe- IL ' PARIS. 1 , ' ' I U fantllj. 1 .. , , ; remain ' 'ours truly, I1. J. is1 Only stop the conflict, one man" who can and that is PresiM. Renaudel quoted dent Wilson,' Jaures as saying. The assassins bullet stopped Jaures appeal to President Wilson's arbitration, M. .Renaudel continued. I will not say war would have been avoided, but if arhlrtation had been accepted time would have been If arbitration had been regained. fused Germany would have appeared as a criminal In the eyes of the world and America would have entered the war two years sooner." CHURCH NOTICES Officers and board members of Pioneer stake will bold tbelr regular monthly meeting in tbe stake hall Wed24. at 7:90 p. m. Those nesday, March work are engaged In teacher-trainin- g specially urged to he in attendance. The officers meeting of the Pioneer take Relief society win be held Friday, March 28, at 2 pm. is the stake A full IL attendance la desired. Ward chairmen of home econotnic and genealogy are especially urged to be present. Tbe high priests of the Salt Lake stake of Zion will hold their regular meeting Sunday. March 30, at 10:30 in the Seventeenth ward amusement halL The Salt Lake stake Primary , hagen. In asking for a credit of doning the eastern districts of the marks In the Prussian assem- state. bly yesterday Herr Suedekum, the minister of finance said the debts of Prussia would amount to 6,000.000.000 The total j marks by the end of May. deficit would be 2,490.000,000 marks, .which the minister said was U npreee-- 25. March .dented and must, be termed cas- TUNIS, Tuesday, f Havas. ) Prince Osman ' Fouad trophic." Premler HIrsch declared that the 9ImmI Talas- I w. IIS Pasha, who claims to be a son of the government X ml K , had no thought of aban Abdul late Sultan Hamid of Turkey md is said to have come to northern Africa for the purpose of setting up a government in Tripoli, has surrendered himself to a detachment' of French troops. He has been turned over to the Italian military authorities by the French. E Clitic ura Promotes .Hair Health "Oall-aj- The Delights of So far as known Abdul Hamid had no son named Osman Fouad, tbe only Turkish prince by that name being a son of former Sultan Mehnied Mourad V, who was dethroned Aug, 31, 1874, according to available records Prince Osman Fouad was a lieutenant of a. regiment of Hussars of tbe Prussian guard and stationed at Beuthen reof Landsturm cently In command Prince Oman Fouad was troops. beru ai Constantlnople. Feb. 24. 1895. Tripoli is Italian territory, having been, taken by that country after the Turco-Italia- n war in 1911-1- 2. 11 1 oyland dUalMmfy gssEsasnsr GOOD GOODS are open to the kiddies the year round at Walkers now. For the first time in the history of the store this department is being kept available to those who are interested, jn play during twelve months instead of only at the holi- day season. ? T This Week we IntroductT Great Shipments of New Toys which our buyer bought while East and which have just arrived. New Garnet offi- WITH THE ALLIED FORCES IN NORTH RUSSIA. March 24, Monday. Malcolm V. Arnold of Lincoln, Neb., NOTICE. a Y. M. C. A. worker is missing and Black Hawk Indian Wax Veterans is believed to have been captured by and their widow are hereby notified the Bolshevik! He last reported at that a meeting is called for them at which was raided, and.; the1' Bishops buMding at f p m. Satu:r-day, then taken by tbe Bolshevik! forces. 5. Tfieir is resolution again April urged confirming the appointment ot Dr. Seymour B. foung as their agent PRUSSIAN DEBT in helping to secure necessary legislation looking to the establishing of SIX BILLION MARKS pension claims from the general government. and also a reminder that BERLIN. March 28, via Copea- 820,000 was appropriated by the Including many which have been constantly asked for during tbe weeks past: Lotto, Rook, Flinch, Parcheesa and many others. GARDEN SETS, 1 9c, ,39e - .50c- - Three piece , sets, large enough for real use by young- - sters. Fire Girlsr.eadi 50t Complete Mother Goose, 1 Newest edition, duced by Senator- - Reed Smoot. ..On Oct. IT, 1918. this bill was read twice before the senate and referred to the committee, on pensions. Please all come to tbe appointed meeting at the appointed place, the fourth floor of the Bishops building. Saturday, April the elevator. 5, 1919, C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use ForOver30 Years Ahrsys beats tbs at 2 pjn. Taka Sgnamts A TOY SPECIALL. New Society-Scro- ll A regular 15c game', peasant hour. Puzzle, Special 10c a picture puzzle to pass many a Also new paper horns, rubber balls, paint sets, toy pistols, toy lawnmowers and many others. cut-out- s, : Boomerangs 25c, 40c and 50c Each eries. rugs: evervthing! ,. Pfivce a gallon or more of gasoline m a dlrhpan or washholler, then put in the thing to he dry cleaned.-thewash them With Bolvlte soap.- - ghorrly everything comes out looking like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or Do not attempt to dry wrinkles wthow&vlvfto'seiap. ThfcTfca-ohn- e soap is the secret of aU dry tops.-quoit- . - -- ' ' SSMX cers and teachers union meeting will be held Saturday. March 29, at 3 p.m. ward chapeL in the Twenty-secon- d wju. ' cleaning. A package of Solvlte soap coirtajn-- j Ing directions for home dry cleaning, costs little at any drngJ store. D-j clean or away from flame, y ! out-doo- ra , f - Advertisement. t 'VhcucAs HICRHR. ' yidiA The Man WitK a Principle 311-3T- 8 Boston B,!dg Salt, Lake SPRING CANYON PRONE the During legislature for the benefit of the 22 rejected companies, whose claims have been continued by a bill Intro- Benj. R. Johnson, D. C. r-- 25. SEYMOUR B. YOUNG. tinr T began" with the adjust- isslv Is reduced to Its normal size and I Sro a welt tnan. able to my dallr tollj would Is- - glad if the public and especially my friends suffering from tlironle Ills knew this. .lad will give any information on m case tq those. skeptical. If the will .. . , i write me at Delta. ? Vi I cannot rvprew rnongh gratitude to Dr. Johnson and the Silent of Chiropractic, bring a godsend to ns and March leader, Pierre Renaudel, succeeded M. Jaures In the Socialist leadership, quoted some of the words Jaures need in making known his decision to appeal personally to President Wilson Aug. 2. 1914, In an endeavor to have' the president intervene and a veil the war. Save five to ten dollars quickly by the home dry cleaning everything in with gasoline that would be ruined by water: and uits, coats, soap silks, luces, gloves, shoes, furs, drap- , !ll whig. VILLAIN TRIAL who- Try it! For few cents you can dry dean everything. aajiMiuenis. llrree months froth tlie L IN D Socialist There iSALT LAKE 6oM from Alaska to Australia. trial of Raoul days session of the Villain, charged with the murder in L. 1914 of Jean Jan res, the French THINGS AT HOME a) mcnls, m ARE-QUOTE- . WOMEN! DRY CLEAN 11. TO MIOM IT MAY CONCERN: I again want to express iluuiks to the wonderful Science of t1ilrora'Uc7 Alte-r- being pronounced Incur-c bv several pin riciana o( Spit lake, and arcing the u poison fanss of Drops? slowly sapping my vitality, 1 lliO advice of mj friends and came to Salt lake to take Chiropractic adjustments, as this was jmy last ' . hopes for recovery. I un onnsnltlttc Benj. R. Johnson, chiropractor. 311 Boston bldg., he refused to take itty rose until an liidnre of mv spine had liven "la ken. After reading tle be told nr 1 could receive jxrmnnent results from cSfade Ar'SWEET-- ' e re-ee- nt bait Irtkr City. Utah. March 14, and-becaus- JAURES WORDS cial Cable.) rCopyrIghtril, by Press PubT Co.) . LONDON, March 21. The worst industrial disaster with which Britain has been threatened in modern times seems to have beep averted by the action of labor's triple alliance tonight in deciding not to strike tomorrow. but to continue the negotiations. The miners, headed by Robert Smll-ll- e, by all odds the most commanding figure In the British labor movement,of turned the scales for peace Instead industrial wap at" the eleventh hour, and more than a million miners were requested to remain at work pending a further meeting next Wednesday. Although the railway men have refused the government's terms, the railway workers havs been asked to remain at work pending further negotiations. It has been a day of the greatest anxiety, for a last the pubUc seems to have awakened to the possibilities of Industrial strife U a huge strike occurred. In the business world it had the most depressing effect, especially when coupled with the drop in exchange, at one time to 4 4S. meaning a loss of more than 50 cents on the pound, and the certainties of hardcost ships here owing to the increasedAmerof many primary articles from ica such a cotton, meat, 'Wheat, oil and the possibilities of a still further decline in the rate of exchange. In the labor quarters there was widespread condemnation of what was considered the governments threat of force, and many consider the march through London tomorrow of the famous Guards division. 14,000 men, as a hint of the Immediate strength at the governments disposal if it becomes necessary to use force, but labor put aside these considerations In making its decision on the momentous issues. Unless the unforeseen occurs. If la almost certain that Premier Lloyd George will be able to remain, hi Paris until the conclusion of peace. ALASKA TO AUSTRALIA They are favored because they areal-way- s . pure and fresh there is variety to meet every taste. Crigg.) DUBLIN, March 25. The executive committee of the Sinn Fein party Issued an official statement late last night announcing that the pubhc reception planned for Prof. Edward de Valera who escaped from an English prison on Feb. 4 has been abandoned. The statement explained that Professor de Valera had sent word to the committee that he did not believe a reception tor him would justify risking the lives of citizens of Dublin. he FROM Crisis Delayed For Time Being ABANDON RECEPTION TO PROF. DE VALERA Following testimony of E.fJ. Whicker showing how grateful he is to the Science o f Chiropractic and to the efforts of Benj. R. Johnson: Sweets Chocolates have become instantly- popular wherever they have been introduced- - And that means British Labor e - er I ed is-t- 56 '.1019 I HORLICKS ORaNAl BY WEDNESDAY MARCH a XVASVTCH 4038.' HOCKS;-- ! 1, 4, xaV, EGG COAL. AIYOUROMIH Throwing boomerrangs is great sportT'' A. staple twist of thJ rtet' you can throw them, round the bouse and will corns back- to r row them straight down the they return street and they, , right Into your hand. BRIST is game you can Bets for this with play boomerrangs. at 8100 and 44.00. Rakahs, 41.00 and $LS5 each. These sro baskets which women in throwing boomerang 11 nave ' the hands. prf,r Start throwing Boomerangs and see how much fun you can h- - s, |