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Show DESERET EVENING NEWS WEDNESDAV Thought 3 Little Children! Needed Mother's Care Office Ogden BASEMENT REED HOTEL XlfredGUdw e I lManser. g?STL 1W-W- . Horn TeL 15MTR ta make ftXronm an nmtd lnedlat eomplalota delivery. cmracR rasardiDgUB-iumfaata- rf nnuciriAin. STRENGTHENS Provo Office All eefeeeripttee paysate " sad stomach suffering wa so Rfinilst igeltvary .plats La icould not have lasted much ahoold bs mads to James A. Oliver 11 North lit W-- al Br , Telophoae longer. I did not cars for my1U. Agent for tea Dally. Batarday self but did not want to leave by three A asd ovd Chares Weekly little children, who needed a mother's sad siasc pskhcattewa. i love and care. A cousin In California .wrote- ms about Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and I Apok a course of it. 1 have sinus been entirely well.4 It is a j simple, harmless preparation that re-- I moves the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which, causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal-ailmentsIncluding .appendiettisr fine dose wj!l convince or refunded. money Hchramm-Johnson- 's 5 good stores and TROVO. March 28.: The board of drtigg!$t everywhere Advertisement. health of Provo city yesterday after a general discussion with physicians and business men relative to the Influenza Building Operations., situation Issued an order prohibiting OGDEN, March 26. Total estimates atl poblic and private gatherings in for building work In this- - city dqrinV tbs first ii days of March Juts reached this city. The order will go Into efl!i ,009, according to City Engineer fect Thursday. March 21, at ( oclock Joa Tracey. This included oclock a-pne indus- a m. and continue until trial plant, two huHluess building al- Monday, March Slat. In addition to terations and Id new residences. It is the Closing order the city will add that many new residences eight quarantine officers to the presanticipated will be erected during the preiyunt a view of patrolling rear, as there is a great demand, til ent force with section of the eityknd homes by workers who in the residential this elty In connection ' with ' new, man- maintaining a more rigid quarantine. concerns com are that The order ufacturing prohibits the burning of rubbish within the city limit. msneing operations hers. - Order roar Charek works and atl-. through say Ogdea ragattar-'books llv of The Duertt News. J.TSara tbs tnmsass stock of tbs News Book more, tbs larg- -, n,,rri (ha stats, to draw from. r I . ' OGDEN. Match 2(. City health suthorlUe are sending out warning of t possible return of the Influenza epidemic unle4 the people take all necesAny cold, however sary precautions light, should not bs neglected, and a svere cold should bs taken seriously. Report from the health .office show that there were If new casta of influenza here Monday and-- 12 yesterday. Tbs disease in Its' present form qgecond Annual Day.' Home Town to Honor OGDEN. Senator Reed Smoot March 2. The Fourth of elders of the to be: of a light nature. quorum Ogden stake, comprising members from North Ogden and Fleasant View, will hold us second annua day, Sunday, March tit, yesterday afternoon after a two a.t North Ogden. A business meeting of influenza. The chad wiiffbe morning at I o'clock and a pro weeks illness was born at Kanesvllle, July 1, If 18, gram at 2.39 p.m, are planned. and is survived by its parents and Christian Joseph - Bouwhis, Infant and Mrs. Christian Bouwhis, on of died at the family residence at Kanee-vlll- e B. H. Roberts Will Speak. Championship Winners Are Welcomed Home ch fX-Eider- Brigham H. Robert Is expected to deliver an address in tbs tabernacle Sunday evening, April (. under the auspices of tbs Weber stsks Mutual associations Rejoicing ever tbs As this will bs the first time Elder Ogden, March 28 the stats Roberts ha addressed a meeting in this basketball team winning championship in Salt Lake, Monday city since bis return from Frsnce a sight, 6 students of tbs Weber nor- record attendanee is anticipated and mal college spent a merry day cele preparations are being made to make tbe event one long to bo remembered. brating tbs event yesterday. The basketball warriors were met at the depot by hundreds of students of Relates Navy tbs local Church school, who quickly termed in line and paraded through the business district and indulged in OGDEN, March 24. Kenneth Wright much cheering. Later they assembled at the intersection of Washington ave- of this city, who has recently been nue and Twenty-fourt- h and gave discharged. Xromfhe.lI. iS navy tells of street numerous school yslls. A number of his experience during the past year. abort speeches were delivered by the He ia 1 years o( age and mede'three- student body president. Coach Watson round tripa to Europe on oil tanker of the school and other ipembers of being one of the naval guaVd on boari the team, . Coach Watson said but team these craft. He also made three coastside and had put In many days of hard training wise trips on the European aaw parts of Engfor tbs tournament and they were during the journey Scotland. The land, Belgium, Ireland, worthy ef the great reception. students dispersed for lunch and enj- France. Spain and Italy. He tells of submarines oyed a dance In the school auditorium various encounters with which attacked convoys in which the during tbs afternoon. tanker oa which he was sailing was included. In oua of these attacks near Seeks Sardinia! three Austrian submarines were officially reported sunk after a battle with the various guarded ships and dewrovers. White" orr "Barcelona, Spain, the oil tanker was missed only OGDEN. March 2. Cathryn a few feet by a torpedo from another baa filed suit in tbs district court submarine. for divorce from Albert Carlos, a young Greek. They wars married in Salt Lake March 1, and on the night of their Destroy Home, wedding day both wars arrested when cams to this city. The defendant they Loss $4,000 was charged with the theft ef two 1190 Liberty bonds, which he gave to. tbs siaintiff prior to their marriage. Mrs. to The (Special New.) Carlos states that as a result sf the March 2. Fire at MURRAY. arrest she suffered great mental humiliation and disgrace and oclock this morning destroyed a Jjouse lew seeks the dissolution of the bonds owned M. N. Hill and occupied by sf matrimony and the restoration of Mr. and by Mrs, Trambo. at Fifth East her naldn Mint South street. It was and Thirty-nint- h f to the a frame structure and burned much gathered and Neighbors ground. Violinist Visits Home. MurThe was saved. of the furniture but the responded (ire ray department ' when well under way OGDEN. Me Miss Mary flames were March harm lev, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. the firefighters arrived and their efto fort s were directed toward saving adA Parmley. who la well known property. music lovers in this city, paid a surjoining loss win reach nearly 84.991,g The prise visit to her parents this wqek covered by lneurance. The fire and will remain here for a few 'days partly an overheated from is appear ha a concert to bs given In originated OGDEN.-Mar- Experience; Separation From GreekHuaband 11, Fire Put at dls-trea- s, First Congregational churchThnrs-da- v kitchen rany . Miss Parmley is solo evening. violinist of tbs Ionlon. Concert comMurray Death. members of which will also appany. pear at the concert. The concert will as held for the purpose . of raising (Special to Tho News.) funds for the new ehnreh organ. Jan March 24. Mrs. MURRAY. Rowvwell died yesterday of lnflusnza Hotel Man Not Guilty. in Welby. She is survived' at erher home husband and five children, her March Mr. B. OGDEN, and Mrs. Joseph Park" of 2. Henry parents," Prouty, charged with unlawfully hav-ta- g West Jordan, tiro sisters and one liquor in his possession st the brother. The funeral will be held FriWeber hotel, of which he Is prsprlstor, day afternooit At T oeloek in the Mill u found court pot guilty by a Jury in tbs Creek cemetery. The casket will es-be monlrtpal yesterday afternoon. open at the The charge was made against- - Prouty tablishment In Midvale from .11 till when police officers found nine pints time for the service on the day of the ef liquor la a suitcase in a room St the funeral. hotel. Miss Verna Gordon. IS years old, Prouty acknowledged the liquor was daughter of Ben Gordon, died yesterfound in a suitcase that, belonged to day of infiuena She is survived by him but denied it there, abating-- her father, one brother and one sister, placing that the room had been rented by her mother is dead. mas named MTUer, that ha carried a MrThomaa A. Martin, died .yeater. Wwsl when Tie entered the room and day' in"a Balt Lake' hospilal, where she Hut ho must have placed the liquor In submitted about two weeks ago to an th suitcase. r operation. Rhe Is survived be her husThis is the second ftms Preoty has band and two children. Funeral service sees charged of violating the stats Friday afternoon ai 1 o'clock in the liq. nor law. On the former occasion he Murray First ward, chapel. was found guilty and ordered to pay a fins. --the by-h- Jenkins-undertakin- . i !6. SenatoP Read Smoot will ban guest of honor at a big home coming reception being planned by the Republicans of Utah have been couqty Preliminary made and committees plan have been appointed to honor the senator with on of the largest public receptions of its kind ever held in this city. County chairman. Harvey-- dolt announced that he had received word from every town in the county advising him that such an entertainment would have the hearty support of tbs elttzoM generally and for him to make arrangements for a big crowd. Owing to health conditions tbs exact date haa not yet been set but the fob lowing committees have bean appoint- ad to perfect arrangements: General Arrangement and Program Preston C. Peterson. Harvey Cluff. Mr D. H. Madsen, Walter P. Whitehead. Mr E. T. Jones and O. R-- Thoms Banquet John D, Dixon. James Clov W. 1a Bier sack. Mr J. M. HarMr. mon. Mrs. J. H. Beck.. Publicity H. A M. H Graham; Mitchell. C. Hick E. John P. McGuire, Dr L. N, Ellsworth, O. N. C. Christensen. Howard. M. E H- - Straw. C. L. Warnick, .X O. Miner, HJohn - Wootton, and Will A Knight. Finance W. L. Blersach, Willis K. Madsen. S. I Goodwin, Spafford. D. and Ellas Hansen.D.-- Decoration Prof. Bonnett. Nellis E. H. Eastmond. Jone Mary J. Cluff and O. R-- Thom a The reception and other committees will be named at a later dat R J. Jurors Drawn. PROVO, March 24 The following Jurors have been drawn for the April term of the district court, to report the court room Tuesday. April 8, at at 10 a.m.: S. S. Grange. Provo Bench; Lawrence Atwood, Pleasant Grove: H. Collin Tho Provo; Nathaniel West, Pleasant Grove: Robert J. BradWalter Cox, Proford, Spanish Fork; vo; Delbert Bank Spanish Pork; Alvin H. Grovsr Pleasant James Kirk, Grove: Ed. Money, Cbtpman, Pleasant C. L. Provo Pork: Riding. Spanish .Bench; R. S. Bradford. Spanish Fork; Wm. James Gllllep'e. Pleasant View; Pay-soPalmer. Provo: Frank X Ballard. An- n;R. A. Charles Ward, Provo; derson. Lehl; John L. Clark, Sprtng-viUWm. Clhiger, Provo: Andrew Pleasant .Grove; George C. Lundherg. Jr- - Lake View: Henry Matley, ; Scott, Spanish Fork; Peter P. Larson. Spanish Fork; John Warren, Salem; Bird Huntington, Springvfll e; Jerseys From Missouri. E. Rouse of March Bonneville- - andLL,. M. Price of S2T? of shipped three carloads (47 head) Jerseys from tt. Joseph, Mo. Feb. 11. The lot Included 17 cow four yearlinga heifer five hetfer calves lees than bull calf eight year old. and one were selected months old. The cows from the herds of J. M. Taylor. Dr. F. W. Froehllng and C M. WalbrMge of Kansas Citv and Rolls Oliver and Dr. Thomas of St. Joseph. Mo. The price of the cows ganged from 8150 to I486 each, -- the eat ve sad beifem from U9 to 1158 each. Three cattle arrived at Provo Feb. 96. They came through without misand without delay. Ten head of hap cows were brought for dairymen of the Payaon and PprjnsvHle. PROVO. Third Member of Family Victim of Influenza Ernest' Leo PROVO. March 2 son of Mrtt 'George Ektna of Pleasant View, died at the family residence Monday night of He is survived by his mother, The three brothers and three ulster deceased waa born in JBaovo, Sept. 11, TTRIn influenxa-pneu-moni- a. cut expect weak titer the acids and poisons Tea kidneys to out of roar system unless they are given a bttl help Dont allow them to become diseased shea a little tttentioa now will pre- vent It. Don't try to chest nature. A aeon yoa commence to have backache feel nervous and tirsd. GET BVUt., These are usually warnings that year kidneys art set working . properly. Do not delay a minate. Go tfter the ' cause of your ailments or you may find s yeeruetf n tho grip of an incurable GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil cap sule will give almost immediate relief from kidney trouble GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capeale will do tka work. They are the pare enrinil Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direct from the laboratories ia Haarlem, Holland., Ask year druggist for GOLD MEDAL and aeeepc no snhstitats for the asms GOLD MEDAL oa Three aisc oeaied package eirry box. Mosey refunded if they do not quickly XTOT in. twenty-fiv- e years has there been any notice-able. change or improvement in corset clasps UNTIL we - die-es- perfected the now famous Non Pinching Clasp. With this n&w clasp the -- Lk & e a. next Thursday at undertaking' parlors will be held at the l;89p. m. Services city cemetery. whether front lace or hack lace, is greatly enhanced and the Service improved. as this clever clasp holds the corset flat at front thus equalizing the tOJ " strain, and resisting wear. , Ask YOUR DEALER for BON TON in corsets having the clasp why not have and wear 55 the BEST when they cost no mote? ! 'a.Price $3.50 UT$15. , Funeral services fof Joseph X. Church at the city cemetery Thursday. The cortege will leave Bargs undertaking parlors at ,11 :l t John Barry Bott haa wired his father, In Now E Belt of hie safe arrival Be will go to York from oversea Camp Mills for demobilization. A painting representing an autumn sunset looking down Provo canyon, the work of Prof. E. H. Eastmond, he been added to the. collection at the B. Y. university. - Pieaaxnr Grove city ha" filed suit and Annie against Artemus Holman Holman, his wife, to recover approxito be and alleged interest, mately f59 due on delinquent taxes for water the furnished defendants by platntiff. The Utah Valley Gas and Coke company is the plaintiff in a suit against Thomas Warner. The action ia brought to recover 881.18 alleged to be due oa an open account. Jans C Jensen, age 76 ef Pleasant Grove and Bengta P. Thomsen, age 1, of Lehl, were married here yesterday by county clerk JL T. Epperson. will be held - O-I-- C ft tignifiet thaf the 0-I-- r Dees Does Dees Clasp C JUjal Worcester net Pinch not Break net Twist Does And always stays absolutely Flat - of nationalization or unification by national purchase or Joint control, for the present . ay ste m of ownership and system of working. 28. Declaring CHICAGO. March that there ia only one league of na- tions constitution before tbs - world and that people moat accept this hr nothing. Senator G. X Hitchcock ef Nebraska, formerly chairman of the on committee foreign relation paused a moment in his speech to the of Commerce today and Association added: "I ami for It "We "heed not ""deceive ourselves with foolish hopes that wars will naturally cease," Senator Hitchcock said. "They vrUl conUnue in the future as they have in the pest unless nations unite In n plan to . avoid them. For the first time-ihistory nations are making an effort to do thi If the league la not formed the peace signed .at .Paris will . bo only a truce and every nation will resume war preparations on n bigger scale than ever. Taxes in the United States t cover these preparations would run into hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Most of this burden would be In the form of taxes on Incomes and business profit Public sentiment probably win never again submit to the old practice of raining the bulk of the revenue by taxes on the consumer, no matter bow they are .levied. This may he a co way of looking at the question, but I wMi to make it plain that the Paris conference la not entirely academic, hot affects ns all tre. mendously. ' PEOPLE OF LIFT 'Em 25. ques- (By the Associated Press) The tions of supplying food to Germans within occupied areas has been investigated by various military commands of the Allied armies hi Germany and it ia gagected that .within a tow days supplies will ha received for distribution.. So far as the American areas are concerned the problem is seeing that ,150,069 German within the occupied son Tecetve sufficient food to maintain bodily health and vigor. A census ef food suppDee revealed that rations sd supplies for only TOO persona up to Sept. 1 existed throughThe authorities beout the are lieved. however, that oly abeut.lt per cent of actual supplies wee reported as the concealing of food Mocks' has been going on quite extensively. The immediate problem before America Is to furnish supplies for 158.666 persons at rages so low that even the poorest persons can make purchases. It is proposed to supply the civil government with meats, tods and flour at e charged In America, pins tha cost of transportation aod then fix prices for retail sale It is expected that ss soon as supplies aii Iso concealed stocks win be released, as the motive for concealment wQl be absent sad thus a larger supply will he at the disposal of the CM population. The American to the Commission dealing with tha question ware made an after only investigation and wtth American and German doctors who reached an agreement ae to what would be considered a a ration. OF SANKEYHEPDRT A revolution adopted by the confer-ene- e calls for the Immediate withdrawal of tho tnQltary service bill before parliament. Oiherwtee the conference threatens to take steps to compel parliament to withdraw the bill The men are urged to continue work pending a further conference after the ballot Is taken. - ' Tbs' Banker report ' recommended seven hours' work underground imtaad of eight from July 18. n qxt,( an six 7 u Drop Freezoo on a touchy corn, then Tift that com . hours from July IS, 1821 subject te the economic cond ition of the industry. Increases In wages of two shilworkers lings per shift for colliery waa adnow undsr the sliding scale vocated and an advance of one shilling The pe for workers under 18 year port recommended an effective voice In the operation of the mines for the colliery workers and the substitution ; ,'e- ftt. -- . ? ! New Discovery remove the dangef of: neglect J Coughing until the parched threat grows 'painful .should not be permitted. It should be relieved beiors it gains headway with u dose ofjPr. Kings New Discovery. The same with a cold or hroncjial attack. Millions have used this remedy for half a erntjiry of chkgqe.' regularly without-thought Sold .by druggists since 1S3. ;An adjunct to anvfamily medicine cabinet. 60c and i.2g. off with fingers - well-kno- The Burden of Constipation f " is lifted, comfortably but positively when you treat your bowels with Dr. Kings New Life Pills. The liver gel busy, digestion improves, the sickly, sallow skin is freed from the bile. Get a bottle today start jhe day. right ' 25 cesits.- - Advertisement.-- . Doesn't hurt bftf Drop"' little Freezoce on tan aching corn. Inetantly that corn stops hurting then you lift it right out. Yes, maific! No humbug! A tiny bottle cf Freezone Costa but a few bents at any drug store, but ie suf-- ! fleient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or com between the toe and the calluce without soreness of irrlta-tk- Freesone'ls the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. Advertisement.' LADIES! DARKEN I s i. ' -- T , Says Thick Sluggish! ! Blood Should Be Purified A Greasy, Pimply Skin, a Fmif Odor to Perspiration, Boilst And Arties aw) Pains All ished by Snlpherb Tablets." : like Grandma's Rcniedy l'oi( Spring. ' ; 11 Take these, tablets made of sulphur, cream of tartar, calcium sulphide gmf extracts of rare herbs and take rekru-larfor a TTTrm(jr..pr o. and you tan drive the poisons out of your eytlm Bulpherb Tablets" are wonderful to overcome constipation, sluggish lii'er and kidneys and they quickly starPair the eliminalive- - organsworking... They flush the sewers," as it were, and You Wilt (Wi their ait through sprin and anmrrwsr. H&dachec; ly ' the miners' demand 0tment aided by Retinol Soap Ml CORNS! Grandma Sage Tea And Sulphur Rfcipg &nd Us , - V " . fine-effects stipation and kindred ailments dutv to poisons in the blood, ail g6, the sklh clear pimples and boils are absorbed and pass out through the proper waste channel Every package Is guaran- heir beautifully dark, ghesy and' at- -' teed so yon can prove it easily; Good tractive. Whenever her hair took on for children and adults. A11 druggists that dull, faded of streaked appear- 60c per sealed tube. Get Sutpherb ance, this simple mixture was applied Tablets (not sulphur tablets). Adv. . with wonderful effect ' But brewing at home In mtuvnr and , .Nowaday by asking at of any drug store for a bottle STyeths Page and Sulphur Compound." you will get this famous .old preparation, ..Improved by the addition of other ingredients, which can be depended npon to restore natural . color and beauty to tho hair. downtown druggist A well-knosays it darkens the hair so saturator and evssdy that nobody tan tell t ha been applied. You simply dampen sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand: at a time. By morning the gray hair disappear and after Another application or two, R becotnee " beautfully dark and glossy. LONDON. March 28. Tba miners The nas of and Batpbur for conference has decided to recommend restoring faded,Sage grey hair to It natto Its members that they accept the ural color dates book to grandmothSankey report for tha settlement ef er's time. She used ft to keep her nerves. , Dr. Kings . COBLENZ. Tuesday, .March :::F0R bodies , khsuW I S TD MINERS1 CBNFEHEHGE sonec- - fsas.f, t Corset Company, 28 Geary Street, San Francisco, Calif. NobodyiWiIlKxtow dear away tod) affection and thoroughly. . UVkdi Fwtwmeyds ewds i !3SiS33S?3i contains ihemin- - wally T - not Squeaky sun-talni- Quickly N ; - Cease tampering with that painful f'uptioa. Apply a healing and aooth-- 2 ointment that ha the power to fink at and Correct the trouble. Resino! ng Look for this Trad Mark SENIITDR HITCHCOCK qua attractions this year will bs J. Mua Beds, former Congressman from Minnesota, and known throughout the ceuatry as a great hsmonat- - It la also announced that h great band organisation would be one of the chief attractions this season. The program for the ctrrutt Is being completed st the offices is Portland. The company will start on Its tour in April, and expects to be In This city In the early part of June. it quick! Non-Pinchi- - 1 March M. Announcement mads that included In tba Chautau- relieve -0- omfort of the fashionable He received his early education ia the public school of this city and later attended the Brigham Young uniIn January. 1511. he left versity.to fill a mission in the western Prove state devoting moat of his time In at Denver. Soon the mission office after his return Tie engaged In farming, which occupation he has followed since. third member of His death takes-thmonth tho family within the last tourInfluensa-pneumoniall of whom were victims of Abel J.. died His brother, while In tbs base hosuital at Camp Kearny; November 5, ISIS, and Dr. George Warren died here March 15. Tho funeral cortege will leave Berg's 1885. OGDEN, bandaged over V . (Adrwthsmeat). (he-pric- that 6lan eruption will i -I-C holy yon. J.Adam Bede Coming. Is We Couldnt Improve the Corsets So we Perfected the Clasp ! PURIFIES BLOOD -- oon-tinu- es , KIDNEYS' My -- 26 1919 MARCH- 1 ' ' ! I I i |