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Show THE BEE 10 I Sporting OMiOlt ! Noth of the (Jilt Kdgee. Harry Jwkhead, the shortstop of the National Ieague, Is a graduate of the famous (lilt J2Jge team of Sacramento, Cal., from which Brooklyn secured Pitcher Hughes. Unfortunately for Lockhead, he made his debut Into National team, League company with a tail-en- d and he acquitted himself creditably ii . fer the circumstances. Manager CalifornIof the Quinn speaks highly an, whose good arm enabled him to the Cleveland club cf AMI ( 0111 It 'IIMM1 i.iki: Ml 11.1 IOM1WNV, lurliy I v'i v that t J,'i-'-"H!"- at a lvil k I!!, ,1 ! t t GOING EAST? V. nf li livcidr, liM tt i 1m TI i'th dav of Nmmil I''.', mi Meet. Tlioae In 't eliao yviii . imil of The newspapers are alwajs finding OM tli cNijiItal niu-- of fault with the baseball people for pro- - payable .it the .Jnl day of January, X to IL IL AltH'otuuhv, weiviaiy. trading their annual meetings, 6ald huildiii. President Hart, of the Chicago club, at hi ollire, t ily, T Main South Salt Iak 1 Mvt, today, but do not understand why. jd thi . 4. of the baseball leagues that the news UmI.-IIuf i ill ;jn ,uv .January, paper men acquire enough Information ju(.tll Kile at public V for advc,ilMd eP fhem out for months to come, au,.j,,ntaljanl uul-- - j .y mnt i made well as get Into touch with the In'Iuiv, will In koM on the 7th day of PIans of the several managers and fol- - February. P.am. to pay the delinquent ' ' t..-ih.-- r nltli the low up the deals for players, and learn the drift of baseball politics. Then, udvertMn;; and exp ire of Kile. It. F MtfnN.irtillV. 4 so far as the magnates are concerned, ar . 4 Secret meet over the to talk past years they business, as all partners in an enterprise like to, as well as plan for the next season's transactions. Base ball m m club owners have a great deal In com- m mon socially also and therefore they . . ii business enjoy as well as profit by the m (If ...RAILWAY... sessions which bring them together m Of m Chicago Record. annually. infftln On 11 ,u-thae- h $5 to $15 I Saved on tickets to... i m m AND KecUninu Inlr Cars mi all truiiiM (wruis free) io holder, of jvjrnlar ticket.. For maps, fold, pi. rates, ett.. rail on r m m m m m complete many sensational plays by great throws to first. Lockhead batted at a .233 clip in 1899. lie will play ball on the Pacific coast during the winter. m m m Erade, H B PAT AS!. Louis. EJ si Fault of the Magnate It is sincerely hoped by every true lover of our great national game that tlie new baseball organization that has announced itself a candidate for public patronage next season will avoid at least a few of the dark lantern methods that have of late years caused the present National League to become so heartily detested. Instead of the National League following the broad and fair dealing policy laid down by its founders and conducting its meetings in a clean, businesslike and fair dealing manner and its games on the come - and - get - your - money s- worth - and - you - wont - be - of- fended plan, some of the club owners have done exactly the opposite. They have laid awake nights scheming how to stick it knife into some poor strug- member of their organization without getting cut themselves. Thej have framed rules to govern rowdy players that they never intended oi didnt dare to enforce, thus driving of decent people away from their gates. In short, they have so fai from the original lines laid down by the leagues founders that to- they find themselves looked upon, and justly so, as a lot of unprincipled, the - public - be d sort of people, and the organ!- d zation they control as a gigantic base-ball octopus whose sole ambition is to gorge and fatten itself regardless of anybodys rights or feelings. That a business conducted on such lines will enjoy the public confidence or prosper is being proven as fast as Na- tional League baseball history can be TOWNSEND. FLYNN. T P GROSHELL, F &PA Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE CITY. 4,44 ::: 4 4 4-4--4 4 with 4 4 4 t Washingtons Way. - 4- Chic a go-- Union Pa cific ax a North-Wester- n line ,Wf 4 4 Leader of the League. Batsmen the great official record of .408. li li li li li li ii ii Scenic Line of the Rockies. 4 4 4 f - Tim Murnane in Boston Globe: The 44 Washington club, with Arthur Irwin in command, will be at the South End grounds for the next four days. As a 4 drawjng card Irwins crowd are not 4 the standard. Too many minor up league men and thig kind of a team 4 can play great ball and yet fail to draw 4 Qut the pllbiic who love to see the gtars stride across the diamond. Wash-glin- g Ington has done more than her share 4 t0 klI1 the national game by selling g00j men to fill in with unknowns. ' The mighty dollar has deceived the 4- - 4-- 4 yyO change of cars. Faster than any othe route. The Overland Limited equipped with Palace Sleeping Cars and Dining Carsy a la carte, meals leaves Salt Lake at 7.00 every morning. This train has Buffet Smoking and Library Cars (with barber) and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The Atlantic Express leaves Salt Lake every evening at 6.40 p. m. For tickets and reservations apply to ticket agents , or address C. A. Walker , Gen. Agent Chin cago & R'y, 206 S. Main St., Salt Lake City. North-Wester- 4-4--4 Washington magnates until good ers and the coin have both fled from d the senatorial outfield, as far as bau goes. Too many clubs and too many unknown players with no follow-da- y ing has handicapped the sport until the wise magnates are quite hensive of the outcome for the next two years. play-hundre- . H. base-straye- FOOLED BY USING CHEAP. appre-money-graspi- um-nev- J dont se ds The Real Objection. Several magnates are for doing system. away with the double-umpir- e double men are clever both When pjres have proved a grand thing for the will game. One dummy, however, make both umpires look like deuces. Boston Globe. . . . INFERIOR DRESS STAYS er BUT BUY THE J EVER-READ- Y, 4 221 MAIN STREET. li KOOSER. G A. 4 44444-44444444444-44444,4,4- 4- til write H C G 44 Ilf Ilf I if Ilf Ilf Ilf Ilf POINTS EAST SOUTH. HARRY LOCKHEAD. And all Eastern Points. Ur Uf AND ALL m f4 tlf l! Ar kansas CITY, m ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, NEW YORK, Of Of TO.. ST. LOUIS. m m Edward J. Delelmntjr. 14-4- "CUT RATE 4- m - OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, I Pacific F4 DENVER s Missouri F-5-4- F-- 1 t t - H- (Duett. 1Peabody 6 Co. MAKERS The Bees holiday edition be a superior paper. , wil1 |