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Show THE BEE No sounvr had the Democratic conftontinji thrm, not a fmv Drill-- ' ocrats would gladly seek refuge in county convention adjourned than Salisbury. It begin to look like the discovers was made that a Hobson's choice all around. of the candidates were Mormons, and this in a I he Herald claim that people where the majority are KTKR the exciting and dra John T. Caine will cease to be the fight over the legislative can- count) It is hard to see malic incidents of the supported by the unwilling tax- . didates in the Democratic countv why this should cause alarm, exDcmocratic convention m Sat-- 1 payers of Salt Lake. He will then convention was a victory for its urday last, which culminated be too old for a policeman and side. How does the Herald know ' cept among politicians. TlieTribune calls especial attention toil in the overwhelming triumph too stupid for a police court clerk; lOlic candidates arc ,iii.lcilKc.l. ,ltfl,Vf ,n hc nMtl,.r C. Dunbar over so the church will take him up David of (and it stremmiHle nryed that no .;,v ;,s clliloria Cl),llmns- his enemies, most people naturally and gi e him a berth of some kind; loK'slat.ee candidate slnndd he lhl. two Mornto a(mjts will say that John T. Caine could casting up accounts, perhaps. It nominated who was pledged (. how ill;lll.s fl)r ofllcw of Cl)m. never again have the gall to enter will be all the same to John T. does it out a majority for lnisjm.r are IIU. n.hl, ,crvcil lhc a Democratic convention. Decent Caine, so long as it is an office McCune. its first candidate, or lvitI, n,,iu, That ,K.in . people assume that while there is and he draws a alary. ' its second choice." King, the American . . . true, a little bad leavened wi.h most principle that Other people figure moiercc.- - !a man s , t no be should bar . is a in he there religion this will world, contest political things begin, rately than the Herald, that using to political preferment ought to reasonable amount of good in al- so far as the state is concerned, keen horse sense which picks prevail in Utah ns it does elsemost everythin- g- even in politics. when the Populists have com- out and fits together the business, where. But seven years of experHut there is an exception in this pleted the work they are social, family and church relations iment proves that it does not. case. engaged in. which men sustain to each other 0 John T. Caine is the best exam-- j in Utah as nowhere else. These Another striking example of the in So as Utah the of Pecksniff of the pol-the j long campaign pie have discovered that while Mc- mismanagement of the Herald in Utah is to be waged on Cune itics. In any other community his parties may get two votes for sena- management was witnessed in the h be would short cut brea political tor from the Salt Lake delegation Democratic state convention. Mchis he deserted the moment party he is certain of but one, and that Daniel shoaed his hand bv sec- in the two Kverv the state lience.it country years organization. King has probably four. Richards onding the nomination of King for hu-a mistake to turn down a comes in for a share of j seems Union but Utah is spared the the re- congress, when it was plain to any ( ). . in like man Salisburymil.ation of a historv- like that any mainder, together with Rowers neophyte in politics that Kings it was an to has Caine T. which John outrage imprinted convention; and Thurman, if the latter be a name before the convention was time of sands outlie footsteps candidate. an invitation to slaughter him. As turned from a seat in the nations McDaniel is not very well known is seven years since the peowa- - week at their state convention It office of the to capital petty and the mischief to King was shrewdand the of Utah on divided he holds which office through audacity ple party lints; completed before the Herald deltermastcr; an neither by choice of the people ness of Arthur Brown, and the seven years in wdiicli to overcome took a hand in it, the inciTribm c clique was forced to take the bitterness of the past; seven egate nor fitness for the place. dent passed unnoticed, serving No Italian meiubcant is more its medicine. years in which to cultivate busi- only to show again that the HerAlma Kldridge, whom the Re- ness, social and friendly relations. persistent, more importunate, more ald never did the right thing at e for Vet it nominated how does come that at Congress, audacious than the political every publicans the right time. deis at the head of the water reputed to be a wealth) man political convention no Gentile is Golfing llarkirard. So decent people are livingat Coalville. This is about secure in a field of Mormons, and partment. golfers have arranged a tournamistaken when they suppose that all that most people know or care but few Mormons stand a show if ment in which every competitor la to the course backward. play John T. Caine has been smoked to know about Kldridge. except the majority of delegates belong out. The chances are that during that he is Arthur Browns candi- fo the other class. Sagacious Trouble With Tires. Arpoliticians may make slates and the campaign he will make his date. This means that like A great deul f trouble with tires might Browrn he is a Republican do make slates, where an effort is be aoii!ed if riders j aid more attention to appearance in some village in the thur keeping their wheels in the best places. cow counties, just before or after from the crown of his head to the attempted to have the ticket well In the course of time sunlight will cause balanced, that term comprehend- tires to hero me cheeked. It makes no some stake conference, and, and sole of his foot, w'ill vote foi mutter whether the tires are of a as against Bryan, and will ing an equitbale distribution of quality or the best t lie effect will be poor to his about Kinley fidelity the prate same. ideal An for storeroom of Mormons offices the between the tires of futuie and the He may lose no sleep ovei the Democratic party. is a cool, basement or dark, dry bicycles But too often their cellar. even do the same thing right here silver coinage. The mistake made by the Re- plans gang aft aglee. How long in Salt Lake City, with the aid of Chine? Take to Cyaling. is will it is endure such lamentable. hard almost The Chinese art; taking to the exercise politics a dozen of the brethren and a publicans wth far, Rm,tcr ztsfc t,mn nugut have been The genuine silver men of Utah to say. but seven 'years appears too Tribune reporter. expected trom people so naturally eon- as inland But all things will have an end, regard it as a calamity. With short a time to correct the bad servative, ami as fast a cations improve in the blood of Utah. and the time is coming when even Roberts and his chuich record evitably result. Mfitol filies. three-fourth- s A non-Mormo- n. 0 , ! ; j j j fij-nr- e j I ; . 1 to-da- y , 0 j . laza-ron- 0 Mc-the- re non-Mormo- ns. j communi-disorder- s Fergus Coalter. Joseph J. Daynes. Jos. J. Dayr.es, Jr. DAYNES & COALTER, The Salt Lake Music Dealers. 0 PIANOS, ORGANS, P. O. Box 1090 BOOKS AND SHET MUSIC. General Musical Merchandise. 74 Main St. Salt Lake City. |