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Show 1S33 October 6, THE WEEKLY REFLEX PAGE THREE jjJoiToftiolorto air Dainty Rug From Old Coat WHOS And Scraps of Folt By RUTIl WYETn SPEARS .V' NEWS To give young men of the a broad educational, contact abling them to be better farmers and better eitltrni, la the purpose of tho farm folk school" Instituted by tho college of agriculture at the of Wisconsin. The school term runs from (he middle of November to the middle of March. Tho full course requires two years hut many go hark for tho third and fourth.. Average ago of the 300 atudenta is 23 years, ranging from 19 to 26 yeara and older. Entire cost of the course. Including THIS ,.r 3?M By LEMUEL F. PARTON SJEW YORK. A Miss Louise A. Boyd, wandering far from, sun-n- y San Rafael in California, pushes ty farther up the East Greenland coast Venturesome 30, Cross Ua (shades of one color Triors) on scarf, towels, or cloths and enjoy possession! Pattern L. W a transfer pattern by 15 Inches; lllus materials , ranging from 4 B ft by 1V4 stitches; of rw-eol- or schemes. pattern, send 15 , stamps or coins (coins to The Sewing Circle, ,uia this S Arts Dept. 259 W. Y. t, New York, N. name, writs your ad-patte- rn i number plainly. lea Ma- - Towels. Life of piece of tape along each your roller towels before i them. i i I zj Windows. An lnexpen-j-j of frosting the cellar i to insure more privacy jsolve one-ha- lf pound of cits in two pints of water over ini with niceties of Victorian etiquette before she shoved into the ice pack' and began polar bears nine in one day. She might have felt like the late William James who, free from a long stretch at a Wisconsin Chautauqua, asked y if they could direct him to a nice Armenian massacre. For the last 12 years she has been equipping stout little Norwegian sealers for her Arctic expeditions. She has trained herself in scientific observation and her findings are published under scientific auspices. bolds decorations from two for--, elgn governments and the American Geographical society has published two of her books. She surveyed a stretch of the Greenland coast, previously uncharted, and for this the Danish government named the area Miss Boyd Land. She has ventured farther north than any other white woman. She dislikes publicity and has little of the hlstrlonlo sense common to explorers. So far as the reporters are concerned, she might Just a well make an expedition to Flatbnsh. At great labor and expense It has been ' ascertained, however, that the takes a nice wardrobe north with her and that she always powders her nose before going oa deck. She probably was trapped into these Indiscreet admissions as she has made it clear that all this is nobodys business. Weaving through ice packs on an Atlantic voyage gave her her big idea. One of her chief interests on her Borthem voyages is photography. She is the daughter of John Boyd, wealthy Californian. The old manse at San Rafael, which this writer has seen on occasion, is a citadel of decorum, from which, it would seem, none would ever wander, so far and so dangerously. pot-shooti- bvstitchcharm them the Inside of the this liquid. tit 1DARK BIDS YELLOW 4 YELLOW 8 GRAY ON REO BRIGHT Do yoo scold Embodiment of lanoiniiilnuflNM IP tneral ayatam toaia, try Manns Theme I fUba'a Vegetable Compound of Li . ' Attendance at the farm ,ves youths 'aluable oc al contact with their fellow e rU.aJ clt,Ipns als teaching en lfic phasea of agriculture, , ; Farm atudenta Uv and work together In their dormitory ea the agricultural campus. At right, a lad makes up his bed In one of the Tip on Decorating a Nursery: Use New Crepe Paper oii Walls By BETTY WELLS couldnt have a story book nursery for his little majesty with a royal budget to tap? But what about all the babies who areevery bit as nice as princes and princesses but whose exchequers are far from panels so you wont have such big pieces to hold. My little boy la Just carried away with his room.' The rest of the walls are white and the furniture (all old) is painted white with 'red trim. The floor is varnished and bare and the chairs sre slip covered in plain red. For a bedspread, Ive made a qiillt with appliqued designs of circus animals Everybody thinks its a darling room, and so do I even if it is bragging to say so. Thanks, Gertrude L., for a very good idea. Were passing it on to our readers because we think a Jot of them will want to copy it. Who Ive fixed up the cutest nursery in town, and Ive spent next to nothing. 1 got one of those new crepe paper patterns printed with a Jolly circus parade design I got enough to run all around the babys' room and pasted it on the wall like a wall paper border running horizontally home-mad- e By Betty WeU. WNU -- aounded hi voice. ow can go wherever ho can go. Thera are very few of tho llttlo im-porta-nt OI Intellectuals As the dottor sees it, mathematicians wont be worth a dime a dozen If these highly gifted men keep on coming. However, bis observations i indicate no narrow insularity oa his He is all for the enrichment of our intellectual be. bu notes that ( . hotel ple Square fl4 It I , hECOHMEXDED ' riOSSITtlt. Mtr. the University Barvard. people of the Green Forest and the Green Meadows who do not know fear at some time or other, but it comes to Chatterer as seldom as to anyone because he 1 very sure of himself and his ability to hlds or run away from danger. But now as be clung to a little branch near the top of a toll pine tree in the Green Forest and looked down at the big sharp teeth of Buster Bear drawing nearer and nearer. antf listening to the deep, angry growls that made his hair stand on end. Chatterer was too frightened to think. If only he had kept his tongue still instead of saying hateful things to Buster Bear! If be had known that Buster could climb a tree! If only he had choaen a tree Xutrla and natural imported near enough to other trees for Mm ,re kfllfuDy combined In Vtu are to jump across But h had said beautiful autumn coat. There .L. wool-Da- rt 1 oi the hlM-cnutria tricorne, ut Urt- - VNUSnri. In H No Profit Here , So. He Plows It ! ex-eATLANTA. Low prices for ari" caused many cotton have IL A. rs to take drastic action. ' of Cowetto planter leading oUs, his crop under county Ga.. plowed ss because "! cant make any money ctk Consolidated Naw Taaturaa. trouble and there wa no on to blame but himself. That is usually the case with those who get into trouble. growled Buster Bear. T11 teach you manners! IU teach you to treat your betters with respect! IU swallow you whole, thats what Ill do. Oh! cried Chatterer. Ill eat you all up to the last hair on your tail! growled Buster, scrambling a little nearer. Oh! Oh!" cried Chatterer and ran out to the very tip of the little branch to which he had been clinging. Now if Chatterer had only known It Buster Bear couldnt reach him way up there because th tree was too small at the top for such a big fellow as Buster. But Chatterer didnt think of that He gave one more frightened look down et those big teeth, then he shut his eyes end jifmped jumped straight out for the far away ground! It was a long, long, long way down to the ground and It certainly looked as if such a little fellow es Chatterer must be killed by such a jump. But Chatterer had learned from Old Mother Nature that she had given him certain things to help him at Just such times and one of them is the power to spread himself very fiat He did It now. He spread his arms and legs out Just as far as he could and that kept him from falling as fast and is hard as he otherwise would have, because being spread out so flat that way the air held him up a little. And then there was his tail, that funny little toll he is so fond of Jerking when he scolds. Tv.ii helped him, too. It helped him keep his balance end keep from turning over and over. Down, down, down he sailed and landed on his feet Of course he hit the ground pretty hard and for just a second he quite lost his breath. But it was only for a second and then be was scurrying oil as fast as a frightened squirrel could. Bus-to- r Bear watched him and grinned. I didnt catch him that time, he growled, but I guess I gave a tree which stood quit Tavotlia ?2ccipQ of the GRANDMOTHERS SPICE CAKE I cup flour tk cup shortening tosspoons baking 1 cup sugar 4' toaspoon dove powdor Ifc toaspoon mam Ilk toaspoon c loot tartar namon I eggs well beate teaspoon nutmeg Ik cup cold, strong Ik toaspoon salt coffoe tablespoons molasses Gr-r-r-r-- r! Nearer and nearer cams Buster Bear, and deeper aad angrier vs rmmlM boud " crowding.' When Einstein began batting bis hot relativity grounder thi Doctor Birkhoff wa one of jry. the few men In' America whe could field them. He to a prolific writer in the overlapping lone of mathematic and philmoot heavily osophy, en of the scholastic garlanded men In the Cstholio world, a distinguished bon- papal high layman bolding 4 Gr-r-r-- r! ry ow Des-plain- es e Chatterer was in th worst kind of By THORNTON W. BURGESS ISNT very often that Chatterer IT 1 the Red Squirrel knows fear. That is one reason that h is so often Impudent and saucy. But once In a while s great fear takes possession of him, as when he knows that Shadow the Weasel is looking for him. You see he knows that Shad- - 1T1PATED? tel ; Sift dry Ingredients. Cream sugar and shortening and beaten eggs together. Add molasses and coffe mixture. Start with flour, Gr-r-r-- r! ist, he has given his life to an exemplification of democracy as an Cawpooad. ethical and cultural aspiration and not a political formula which is rn nmptoms which oftaa ao Thomas Manns Impassioned thesis. I koala htactiaoal disorder. This writer thought of that when he ' k a ehaaea to hatp TOOT oomaa has writtoe to read the book, and spotted up Doc4lia baatflu from Pinkham tor Adlers birthday In the future book for attention here. Be la the only president of Obedient First two colleges, Dropslo college of obeyi with modesty Philadelphia and tho Jewish aj i tnrthy of being some flay Theological Seminary of New der Cicero. York. A fellow of Johns Hopkins nnlverslty, where be obtained his doctorate, ho tanght at tho University of Baltimore. Be has been a stanch defender of science and the humanities Rollof tar W"11" Oooto Siuaniob Bowoto against bigotry and Insularity thlak tS tomOoe -- B youbaa. through the. more than tom try asm -- J III eeeetast UiMIm. of hi teaching, writing and speaking. HS " Athis' retreat at Woods Hole, 2mEt "4 Mass., he is still creative, alert and vigorous.. He is saluted here as th ;i(proprietor of on of our most birthdays. ! Uiir Q'JICXEOUF GEORGE D. BIRKHOFF, FC2 ACID DR. of mathematics at CESTIC.1 karvard, seems to be the first to, bote the competition in the academic world from Prof, Birkhoff tho Influx of Warns of Influx superin tellectu- H f at the upper left. The foundation (1) is made of the back width of a very heavy old coat. An allow ance was made for a hem to add weight to the edge. The founds--tio- n may be pieced if a large se tion of heavy cloth is not available or felt purchased by the ysu'd may be used for it. Next, circles of felt In two colors, cut from old hats and discarded school pennants, are sewn together with heavy black thread as at A. These are then sewn In place as at B beginning at the center of the foundation. Tho large circles in the three center rows are two inches in diameter. Those in the next two rows ar 2Vk inches. All the small circles are one Inch. You can . make slipcovers, ' all types of curtains and many other things for the house with the help of Book for the Horn Decorator. Just follow the pictures. Step by step you learn to make the lovety things you have been wanting for your home. Book 2 Gifts, Novelties and Embroidery illustrates 90 stitches; also dozens of things you can make in your spare time to use or to selL Books are 23 cents each. If you order both books leaflet on crazy-patc- h quilts will be included free. Address: Mrs. Spears, 210 S. St., Chicago, 111. O Studying beef and steera la an Important phase of study. Barns and buildings are used le show student bow varlou operation on the farm may bo correlated. Tonights Bedtime Story e - h oaa aroma kaa told a, af" "atoUnj thru" with raliablo It beipa aatora build Najataaea aad tbna balpa 74 t wa and laaaea discomforts with r Service. theme; ,cho1 ar and human- - bunk. d t a0 J, V V I regal? writes Gertrude L., double-decke- Herr Manns half-centu- 1 jl s. scl-Sh- Well, BLUE 7RED "d ' on rco ON BRIGHT BLUK pass-ersb- Win ON CRAY aeatCHT blue farm students learn how to test milk (above). Dairy study a,!0 tncludes figuring yields, detect,n& common adulterants of ?a!ry products and operation of IERV0US? "sbjwtbrttablsi m 1 In the laboratory, Wisconsin Just above the baseboard. in fishing Silk Stockings I did some experimenting, with oa a pair of rubber gloves before I started. paste s fishing stockings. There You use regular prepared wall be tea no danger of catching paper paste it doesnt lump like and causing a ladder. paste and just costs around 15 cents a pound, so its One test of a Jiag a Pillow worth the gamble. It can be used i piov is to press it in the with hot or cold water. But heres 's He more quickly and fully the trick put the paste on the wall bv comes back to its origL instead of on the paper! The reason tape and aize, the better are for this is that this paper is thin and ieiien. so apt to tear when you pick up 'T'HOSE who liked Thomas Manns is wet sheets, whereas you can the. "The Coming of Democracy," handle it beautifully if you put the will find In Dr. Cyrus Adler, who paste on the wall. If you still find it celebrated his ?5th birthday the oth- - difficult, cut the strips in smaller er day, a llv-. Dr, U Adler hdaawaomyo waattosermat ing statement 4 3 V- skilled in the rubric of serving tea and all the fjttcrn 6023 T a of j vr can ever went be Louise Boyd fore. She was Modest Sout comel7 woman rug in my book SEWING,' for the Home have Decorator, brought many letter from readers describing rugs that are new to me and very interesting. Th reader who shares with us this idea for using pieces of heavy woolen and scraps of felt, tacked Uher rug to the aide of the house "and took' a snapshot of it which she sent me. The finished rug Is 34 by 23 inches. Half of it is shown her 197.30, with medical care also provided. There are no entrance requirements. The course of study IS built around aoelal and cultural nreda aa well as vocational Interests of young farmers. Economies, history, sociology and political silence are studied, as well as fsrrn subjects. Wisconsin Is only one stole developing special training for Its farm youth, hut It offer an rxrrllrnt example of this type of training. Ity such methods America Is safeguarding the future of her most.important Industry, agriculture. en- t'nl-versl- WEEK "pHE directions for making th farms food, ahelter and tuition, comes to by and Buster Bear could climb. lL lesson." e BurftM. 10-ln- ch Ilk cups brown sugar cups granu letod sugar After the days work, atndento get together for some community mule la the group participation field. Above, Down on the Farm la being rendered," with music furnished by fellow atndenU. A WKU Sorvlco. , (' cup corn syrup Ilk cups milk S tablespoons butter Combine sugars, syrup and milk, and bring to boiling point, stirring constantly. As soon as the mixture boils and sugars ar dissolved, cook, without stirring, 8 to a very soft ball, degrees F. Add butter, remove from fire, cool to lukewarm, then beat till thick and creamy. Spread quickly. While spreading one layer, the remainder of frosting may be set over a pan of hot water to prevent it from stiffening before it can be spread. 234-23- ORES P R E A DAO NAR OJLSXS to C Thus, future farmers of farmers than themselves. It Is A Shortcoming a great evil not to be able bear an evil. Bion. Aracr-k- s ar sent forth with a college training, bound foriiome where they a. jrULpcpbablyJtecfimajRb thers hop they will Jdfflajtoa4JMgh T. W. then coffee, etc. Bak In square pan, 375 degrees, 23 to 39 minutes. Cut in half and cover with caramel frosting. Caramel Frosting. be better Help Them OetiiM th Blood of Harmful Body Waat.. Tear kldatri r Altarbi eonaUstly from tho tooed Mroom. But uu mattar ooraotlwoo tag to tho work 4o kldooy sot set aa Natua Utondad tafl to rs asoro tmpwitia that. If ratal nad. say poina th ayatam pad pot Urn whoto body machlaary. Symptoms may bo Bering tafceh pornataat kaadaen. sttaeVa of dtxam fatting thop aig ht owalliag.of puffin som sndar footing oym an maty and tom of pop and otroagth. Othaf sign of kidney or bladdae dm. rdar may b burning, scaoty or too groouoBt urination. Tbor abould b ao doubt that prompt treatment la wtaor thaa Sogioet. Lao Dees' VI. Deeai baa baca winaiag saw friesda for more thas forty yaera. Satwo-erxt- o TO ha rapotatkw. They Art aeeommmded by grata! a! paoS to country oasr. Aab pour nM1 k for a fa! Yrain crop h |