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Show eU;tt K voir September Marked BiHS TAKE game from S pt. mb. ; this year is the drve.-- t r. (.r according to William II Kaysville weatherman Had it not been for the o , from the llighline canal the , u in this vicinity would hat in,-failure, said Mr. Blood, . (Li.'i; June, July, August and Sipunum there was only l.tij indie.-- , of - MONTPELIER , No Match for llahows Crew Crafty Davis ! a-- Friday Game in I Residents of Davis count)., q .iavTPELIER. IDAHO After the latter part of Soptimou start in the first half, the and the fore part of Oct o. i Sl. Hart football team came witnessing: ideal fall wtathn. w win from Montpelier warm days and coed night-- . to arfhnol by the score of 26 0. the Montpelier grid- ,ra by several fumbles STfiSt quarter, the Darts failed nd were held score- In the second canto. this lfS." Davis kicked to jSjelier. who brought the ball . their own 38 yard line. fumbled and Davis recovered. fzL and a line buck netted two lor the Drt end Bob finp took the ball from the one-L- a An line for a touchdown. IS Sd run scored DvA the extra point for - Changed Team completely changed Davis took the field in the muter, and two touchdowns tan lushed tramp owns to third were and Richard Points after these touchdfailed, making the score across by Bob for the Darts. passing attack by the Montpelier crew in the last quarter (hastened for a time but was beftoon broken up 'by the Darts in were danger-ut ore the Idahoans A The final touchdterritory. made by Ray was Davis own for Everill who charged through the Montpelier line to make substantial gains from the Montpelier Kne. Read de out-sandi- ng Club Is Wednesday s a- teams from Davis entered in the middle- -' wbich was won by mJt88; McConkie of Roosevelt. L Youth in 8 - Davis Jail for Alleged Forgery FAkiHNGTON Ronald K. ffW..2T,f Salt Lake City was Im ,,V1S county jail Monday in bond after arraign-Xt- m fft fever joopmg cUgh heldPre8Ch001 COnfer- - ' food Sewage ! EpmL88Uney of Private ijnng ontTTAugust. said Dr. D. Keith Barnes, 1 county health director. The aver-have not need age family, perhaps of thi disease because of proper immunization of its members. Others, however, permit their children to run the risk from without serious results, said the doctor. All babies should be completely immunized before their first birthinday. Your health todepartment their attend vites' all mothers community infant conference and his-servic- Cros- ATTEND FUNERAL The ftUlTral services last Friday -rof George Nichols of Murray 32 attended by Mr. and during monthof A. Z. Green Green, Mr. and Mrs- August. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green. e rl 1 Unixersitv SM.r I.AKE CITY At the end uw-ti- l time the Mnrvm Thornlex farm south wh railed, and within a of .Clearfield was appioved b theTheblare was under control home and contents numbtrs if the Davis count) (maid 'of education, met ting in ngulai seson lure, Monday. With the purchase of the hind. construction of a new North D.tviJunior high school, will begin on or hi fore Novemln-- t, Supermti ml-- t nt li, t'. Btn ton, announced. To ( ost $1X7.00(1 , The m-structure, which will house all seventh, 'eighth and ninth grade stmUnts from Farmington north, will he huilt at a cost of XI s7 ,ooi ami will comprise Hi class rooms, a g.vmnasium, an auditori- um od cafeteria. Plans have been drawn by II 1'opc, Salt latke City architect. The building's cost will be de-framed by ic to per cent grapt jfrom thtj federal government ami the, remaining tv. per cent will by fur nished by the school district.' -' r , iuKv at that time was 371.t, an in- -t o,' 2V over the number regis-teie- d .m the corresponding date last )em Regi.dintmn lagan at the state unixeisi'y September 23, when the freshnnn registered after a round uf l" inimary tests and activities ,n,nxhieing hem to college hf freshman was provided with n faculty advisor and a student spi fisor, u big .toother or b:g Msler ironi the uper classes, who nsMte.l the new student with his problems of registration and getting acquainted .Daxis Students Davis students registered at the end xf the first week were: David Harlow and Milan Smith. Clear-folWilliam Cottrell Ann Cottrell, Robert Wilson. Joseph Nessen, Dw.ght Walton, Franklin Walton, CcnUiville; George Hess, Milton Hess, .Wallace Hess, George Robinson, Rulon Gregory, Beth, Welling, Arthur Rice, Donald Barton, David Cannon, Merline Clarr, Patricia Robinson and Cannon Cheu-e- lease AOP r)M K H II IDI) Ift I I Vd 11 J kJ kJ WORKER TO ... Fill 1MTV illllll LULU 1 1 . ' 1 Quota Set at for Annual Roll ('all 1 November i on the i lass rolls at the UniTotal registra-lio- n versity id Utah - coveted by msuiaine Rax is the fust week of legistration, vuitvninc Davis county studef, wen- st N00 . fde 11-2- j 1 . d; Centerville Boy Loses Life in Crash y, Wil-fo- rd d bus-truc- Piig-mor- e, 11-2- 4, lit-T- Mrs. Robinson Be Honored On Birthday nt Salt Laker Held In Connection With Theft s n. n. grand-Delawar- ef great-grandchildr- Uni-vresi- great-grandchildre- n, j ty THE LOW DOWN com-fear- Repre-sentatix-- es HICKORY GROVEi o, Noted Speaker to Appear in Forum Meeting full-moo- Davis Dart Team Roster this Larceny Suspect Slated for Today 2, Parent-T- eachers' ' sub-iff.- i- , Don Hess L, thirirTrBr -- (Grasses Planted With Big Seeder get-ou- Friday Trial for Petty -- Mr-'Ca- OHS Students Enroll at e. KAYSVILLE Fi tends anti tela- tives of Elizabeth Williams lai.vton participated in an optn house hcltl tn her honor at the home of her BOUNTIFUL-Pla- ns of the Wa! daughter, Mrs. R Bruce Major. Red Cross j chapter tee enroll son Wednesday, during th annual roll 011. No- Mrs Layton is the widow of Uhnstopher Jaiyton. Mormon Battalion member and colonizer of Utah and Arizona She is said to be the only surviving widow of a inemlter of the Mormon Battalion, Elizabeth WVilliahts was born iff Bus-Truc- k Kajsvtlle September lii, 1n.. and married to Bishop Ioiyton in Faripington. CENTERVILLE Cecil Hallman, the Endowment House. August i:.. Mary Wood. Willis lliggs, ls7 by President Joseph F. Smith. l., son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac P. Salter, Romaine Smith, Graca In lvs; when was Ilnllman of Centerville, died early Moss. Roger Hammond. Ernest set apart as president of the St. Wednesday morning' at St. Mark's Argyle, Aaron Mosa, and Horace Joseph stake in Arizona, and sent hospital in Salt Lake City from Hatch. Woods Cross: Jean Flint, k there to colonize she accompanied injuries sustained following a Allen Strong, Alan Layton, Kencollision his home near here him in he all that him, assisting neth Whiting. Betty Morgan, John Monday. undertook to do Stewart. Don Linford. Val Shefon board of the Riding running Because of failing health he Loftia Sheffield, Eugene field, on a truck driven the main highwas released from the presidency Richard Strceper and Junior Aid of the stake in lsys and came way by John Packman, Centerville, Hayes, Kavsville; Philo Dibble. beHallman was thrown III home to Kaysville. where he died young Claude Sill. Wendell Adams. Joseph Paand was buried Mrs. Layton ac- neath the wheels of a Union Tanner. Lucille Ellison, Beatrice cific which 1 the bus, AeW TOjeCt companied him home, then resideswiped Rosmait, David Adams, Adams turned later to Arizona where they truck. ' Cowley, Dean Sheffield, Franklin officers Investigating reported American farmers have planted had many 'interest, llickenlooper and Helena Millard, that the bus passed over both the a larger area to forests than any Layton. During his presidency ofhe stake boys hands. The left hand was, so other group, reports from the Uni- - Mrs. Iyton presided over the Btake Richard Camp, Merrill Hatch, crushed that badly amputation ted States forest service show. Relief society. She was also r. Maxine Clark, Kesler, Joseph was aid NY1.ES CHRISTENSEN After first necessary. Since the Clarke McNary law, pro-- ( mistress at Thatcher. Arizona, for Stuart Soffe, George Vo Jardine, wn the boy brought nurseries j many years, and when th$ Arizona treatment, iding for federal-stat- e will be expedited by Philip Thompson. Wayne Toiman, x'ember to supply small trees to farmers temple was opened at Mesa, she Salt Lake City. Other injuries inNylea Christensen. National Red Don Fisher, Woodrow Taylor, Doroat low cost, was passed in 1!24. Jwas the first called from the St. cluded internal hurts and multiple Cross field renresentatix'e, who will thy Sessions, Beth Sessions, Lora cumulative tree planting record Joseph stake to do temple work. cuts. e here October 5, 6 and 7, Mrs. raine Clark, Marie Stringham, ArmA. Asa of Driver the bus, has been maintained. About 70 in which she is still actively en- F. H. Muir announced today. Helen Davis. Bowen, Janet Ray held Lake was Salt City, strong, per cent of all planting has been gaged. Mr. Christensen will present new Jardine, Ruth Gordon. Ruth Lee, blameless state by highway successful. Mr. and Mrs, Layton were the phases and features of the roll call Margaret Nelson. Reva Wicker, Yhe y nursery in part.Dts of ten children, eight of to local board and roll call com- Robert Harding, Theodore Sorenlocated on the Utah State jwfj0m are jvin and will be mittee members. A national goal sen, Robert Howard. George Fauel, pres- Agricultural college campus, has,en (j0 jer honor Wednesday of tt.tsio.tssi members has been an- Vinson Call. Marne Mercer, Kenoperated since HMi, has supplied Lnd a8() at nounced by Chairman Norman II. neth Rodgers and Max Day. Bountemple To ro7.0oo trees to turKjon approximately Ditvis. This membership is required tiful. Tuesday, farmers in Utah and Nevada for to finance for another year the They are: Lottie L Iarson of windbreak and farm woodlot Los Angeles. California; Leslie humanitarian local and national Each number the of puses. year and Lillian L. Claridge, FARMINGTON In honor of her Red Cross activities in such fields trees shipped from the dispensing Layton Solomonville. Luella L Arizona;. soth birthday anniversary, friends as disaster relief, health, home and office has increased substantially I . and relatives of Mr. Dora W, farm accident prevention, first aid Priscilla Major. Kaysville; until the distribution reached Cow McIntyre. Rosexriile; Minnie L. Robinson will gather at the home and life saving, emergency high11.' i.noo trees. "first and Junior aid Lay-tostations, Hatch. way Solomonville; Gilbert of her son, Dr. K. C. Robinson, SunAn area of 3,k(I square miles l Red Cross. San Francisco, and Bessie L FARMINGTON Grant Worth-eday. has been successfully planted to of Phoenix. Man Utah Savage be will the held house was arrested at who Salt Open, Iake, the all total trees by . agencies, Mrs Uton has 4 living Mr. Christensen has been field by ' Salt Lake police Monday, is Robinson home in Farmington benearly twice as larire as tween the hours of 1 and 7 p. m., representative of the Red Cross being held for Davis county offi-er- s Of this area farmers jildren and is in connection with the slaugh-erin- g at which time friends are invited in Utan for almost three years. . , planted L2!H square miles. and stealing of a registered to call, A family birthday dinner Prior to tiiat time he was agriculThe forest .service reports ap-- 1 UltlZefl IndUCtlOn ture insXHtor of the state board of heifer from the Edwin Irving farm will be held in the evening. square miles of j proximately Mrs. Robinson is one of Farm- agriculture and district supervisor at Woods Cross. September Id. successful plantations on national! a States have planted forests. ingtons oddest residents, having of the Utah rural rehabilitation (iternie Jones, also of Salt Lake crossed the plains with a band of corporatvn. Mr. Christensen is a City, arrested by Davis county oftotal of T'.Hl square miles of for Mormon pioneers in IMti.' She is native of Utah and a graduate of ficers in connection with the same ests. Municipalities have nearly Tentative plans were drawn up the mother of 12 living sons and the Utah State Agricultural col- offense is at liberty under flOUO lift square miles of successful night for a program and daughters, 33 grandchildren and 11 lege. He also attended the social Mind, pending his trial plantings in community nd water- - Tuesday be given at the Davis to dance most of whom service department of the n shed forests. Industrial organiza-ion the night will be in attendance Sunday. of California at Berkeley. tions have 372 square miles, tat of county high school 11 for the purpose November of and sons the are Following which were for pulp and paper During hia stay in this chapter mills. 123 for lumber companies. 32 of inducting into citizenship all daughters of Mrs. Robinson, listed he will uddess a first aid group from for mining companies 4 for rail- persons who have reached the age according to age: W. O, Robinson, Friday evening, October 7, at 8:i this year. n of 21 during Salt Lake City; Eben Robinson, p. m. in the Bountiful aecond ward roads. S3 for water and power in clubs service from Salt Lake City; Maud Foote, Ne Scout cabin. pan.es. Other organizations plant- - each of the towns of the county phi; Iearl Trumble, Atascadero, Schools and ed 41 square miles. are asking members of all re- California; Allie Fisher, San Fran-eisccolleges planted l.'. and various t n California; Clair Potter, I individuals planted !! square ligious. social, and literary clubs Once in a the county commission, city and Farmington; Dr. R. C. Robinson, somelook to miles. the up encyclopedia to. assist in making Farmington; Mattie Bourne, Fieldand when I do, I always run In addition to the trees planted county-board- s, thing success. a celebration this huge ing; Beth Thomassen, San Jose, into oth things, and sometimes by the federal Boil conservation The program will consist of in- California; Grant Robinson, Iona, me up till maybe will it service, the Tennessee Valley keep strumental music, vocal selections Robinson, Salt Lake around midnight. thorily tnd the s.',,kkuimo planted and an address by some prominent Idaho;andFrank DuKAYSVILLE Dr John C. Clifford Robinson, Blanoa, And the other City by the forest service in shelterbelts be thosen later. A vall, instructor of sociology at Colorado. I was lookunder the prairie states forestry speaker to will be hired for good day the world and orchestra 4.70 Syracuse university square ing up Europe, project, approximately follow the exertraveler with' extensive observa and I run across miles of trees were planted in re- dance, which will be in will the in tions cises. northern Europe, gymnasium. Alexander forestation projects during It37. presented as the first forum the Great, speaker at the Davis high school And the wray v at p. m: Friday. he was throwing The forum program Friday is out his chest and FARMINGTON Trial has been the first of a weekly series of 20 onto pouncing Name Xo. other countries, set for this (Thursday) evening for to be presented under the direction LeGrand, Gregory 71 who Monday plead- of the board of education, the Neil Stolk, it was just like association and the V we have in the Reed Stayner ed not guilty to a petty larceny 64 papers today. charge when arraigned before Jus- Farm bureau. Jack Weaver 73 the ency- of the Peace William H. Holtice Dr. Duvall will speak on the Serra Je Robert Trump 72 i Gr brook of Bountiful Effect. dopedusu.jit.says . mer.lU,Causes, g C., Alexander, he lie is cited as a gift'KtbTKTscfiarg"ea wTLlTTakihg'YTCr Treatment. Dale Hatch from the cash register in the C. A. ed speakerwith a wide range of got clear down there into Fersia 79 He has specialised in before he died at S3. And then Olson service station near the Par- expertness. Ted Woodhave 49 He was'arrested the subjects' "of" crime "and crime his' soldiers, they found they had kin underpass.7 Rex George 74 in Salt Lake by Deputy Sheriffs prevention and stimulated an in- been suckers and had to mosey Dick Balderston 62 Calvin G. Roberts and Reed Oviatt. terest in juvenile delinquency. His back home on foot. LaMar Steed But on his way east, this Alexmaterial is of the best and his out66 he had built the city of ander and on crime prevention line crime Norman Nance 67 shows-of Alexandria in Egypt. And the mature understanding 65 Clyde Willey rthe problem. great buildings there, they were Bill Batt 75 big and grand, and some of emcon-as Feller Don unnecessary and as full of 60 Built on the orBOUNTIFUL pAVIS TAKES SECOND cousins, as some that Stoker Russell one 69 The Davis county jersey hen gressmens der, of a large grain drill, a on our own Potomac. we have here Jim Manning Jk rse seeder is being used by CCC won second place at the Utah state 63 I was to say what the world If on fair in Salt Lake City, Twenty needs most aside from a sane enrollees for planting grasses Howard Wicker 77 denuded areas on the slopes of the eight head of the animals com- dance band or maybe a good colHeywood Gene 68 Wasatch range. prised the herd, which was ex- umnist I xvould say it is fewer Owen Bennion "In previous years this work had hibited by Smoot brothers, Eugene 46 Alexanders. been don$ by hand, which proved Bair, Milton Nelson and Robert 78 Rpy Everill a slow process. It is estimated that Burton. First honors were taken Yours, with the low dov--n, Ralph Argyle . 70 and third Weber of work does the new seeder place the county by Burt Davis 76 Jo r was won by Box Elder county. ten men. Dle lllth pur-Ke- is believe ,76 whn b spieml to a g.uage on the piopeity The fire then 1 swept to the borne and within a 'roper 1 shell tune the entire lawk pait was FARMINGTON lNmh.tsc of in i mass of flames t be Bountiful file depai .tens of land at sTtfi pt r ;nie on stunt KYPriPQ Will Ba both of by and Arthur L. Crosby,the 14..th of members and Bountiful field artillery of the Nat, end to Guard, were ordered Monday coun y Davis the serve five days in 10 I . i treatments J 00 jail for failure to attfnd TNL . tested The complaint was signed by 23 oflicer k lnsPections 11 Roy J. Kanuith. summary of the battery. 8yatroar edrsal Authorizes lurihae of Marx in Thornlcx Hoard 1 a more common cause of illness Utah, especially among chil-- 1 dren, than people are willing to John E. U ; Valuable Aid to .i Curb Uipntneria FARMINGTON and pre BY 79 AT afttninnii he fue lepoltcd') stalled from gl.l-- s tire at the Mat o! the barge Group of Daxis County Clarke-McNar- Two Youths Ordered,. To Serve Five Days wLA,ctlvites: 1 j Innoculation Is obta in-- 4 LAND ' to overcome the Ptmber- - REPRESENTED t: Dan. age bs Miniated at appruxiiiuttclv V1 mm was repotted at the Joel Parrish home tn tint tulle eatly t Surnlav Kaysville Woman At Major Home n t'ENTEKVll .lit post-Parke- ce Report Major Activities prob-al- Centerville Home DAVIS COUNTY Hurned on Sunday PURCHASE SCHOOL 27 KeiOrestatlOn Under Sher-Cslv- in alth Department Issues of Probable lam up o.n h Diltieu Young will stait 1a Grande NUMBER Utah Farmers tbe Peace on a forgery year to year without proper imhaf Hk.brook Preliminary hearing has munization. m Saturday. The value of innoculation was b? proven in Carbon and Wnkya,larre8ted pP Jlbrook and Deputy Emery counties during 1U37 when lter wai al- - 233 cases occurred without a fa;E,rts reorei HO check of tality. Records of these cases imWoorf. r Yb or incomplete m complaint vealed one dose ire Schulter, cash- - munization having been given some One innoculation, nk at years before. Cmsamer9 Stat for complete ineffective though immunity maintained sufficient disease urCtistice TO Relatives Honor l: est Diphtheria 1 IJh'vH. DAVIS BOARD lpiui ami taikles, Willey and Russell Stoker at guards Bob Trump and Dick Bauierston at halfbacks. Burt Dais at fullbaik. Reed Sla.xner at quarterb.uk, and LaMar Stetd at untet In the event that Burt Davis is unable fo overt ome a leg injury, received in the Morgan game of J?0' l oluh Young will Ilay Bob Trump in the fullback position ancj Dick Trump in the halfback spot. He may also start M 'cker at tackle in place nf 1?aU ,,r Hatch. ' twhedule October Cjprus at Davis -- Davis at Bingham. -- Grar.tsville at Davis L'v -- Granite at Davis Novemlver 4 Davis at Murrav November 11 Davis at Jordan tr FARMINGTQN (K'TOHFK 6, Hi - touted watthed thi- - .at, Dait- - aie fa-- t founding It am into championship l.c Don Fell, i! 11 Butt at teams participated Were no tli g'ttn a! t s - wmy 11,1. K attending ti.un to Mai -- !Welve a a State Fair this class. - l"l i Teams Win atr i!L IHIKSDW, . KAYSVILLE Mrs Ennl M was hostess to the Lantern club at her home Wednesday alu noon. Mrs. Ralph Williams reviewed the book Winter in April" Piano m leby Robert Nathan ctions were given by Carolyn White-sidewho played Stephanie" and Gypsy Dance by Martlyn White- sides. Refreshments were served to twenty-on- e members and two guests. Mrs. J. T. Arbon and Mrs Wayne Sheffield. The program for the year was announced as follows: October to guest day, hostesses. Mrs. 11 C. Burton and Estella Criddle; lesson music and art. The Gail Martins" November Hostess. , Mrs. Rulon Barnes; lesson, domestic art. Mrs Rulon Barnes, and to Mexico Mrs. "Alpheus Harvey November 1C, hostess. Mrs M W Phillipslesson, art. Mrs. Chester C. Flint November 30 hostess. Mrs. William Parker; lesson. My Son. My Son, by Howard Sperry, Mrs E Van Sanders. December 14 hostess, Mrs. Clifton Linford; lesson. Prodigal Parents by Sinclair Lewis. Mrs. 2.7-gu- H, what promises to be the highlight rep toothall i idles this week, the DavU Dart foot lall team xx.il meet the (prus Pirates at 2:110 p. m. mi the Davis gridiron h rida I he game this week is the curtain-raise- r m the Jordan tiistrut race and should In' parked with plent of thrills for - Stoker at guard and Gregory at end were in the Davis line. The entire Davis line showed polish and wendeii Barnes Jnuanr l- ipower on defense. Mrs. E. Van Sanders; hostess, Davis made 16 first downs as Life with Fathers. Life with compared to four for Montpelier. Mothers Mrs. Wells Collett. Jan-- , day. hostesses. Mrs. uary Mrs. Lloyd Bish- Morris and Barton Davis op; lesson, drama. February s hostess, Mrs. J. E. Barker. Jr.;, Utah lesson, Fanny Kimball by Mar- Mrs. William . Dvi county entrants at the garet Armstrong, 22 .hostess. February lUte fair this week took the honMrs. Wendell Barnes; lesson. The es ia the respective classes of the Nutmeg Tree. Mrs. J. J. Bowman, koreepulling contest. March K hostess. Mrs. Wells The team weighing 3720 pounds Collett; lesson. Art, Mrs. Alan tad ewned by John Draayer of Blood. March 22 hostess. Mrs. Clinton took first place m the Alpheus Harvey; lesson. The Im- ketvy class when it pulled 3200 portance of Living by Lin Yatary jwmdi the full distance of 27 V4 Mrs.,W, C. Barton and Mrs. Lloyd fret on the The Bishop. dynamometer. tm owned by Alvin Waite of April r guest day, hostesses. Syracuse took second place in this Mrs. Alan Blood and Mrs. John tltss by pulling 3100 pounds 20.8 lesson, drama. Mrs. D. fret M. Merrill. April Ilk hostess. Mrs. There were eighteen teams from J. J. Bowman; lesson, music. Mrs triout parts of the state participJohnson and Mrs. M. W. ating in this class. Phillips. May lo hostess. Mrs. In the Giant lesson lightweight class the Kent Johnson; Mrs. wm owned by Kelly Draayer of Joshua by Maureen Whipple. 24 HostSheffield. urnton and Kenneth May 2TiSr weighing pounds M.- - Merrill. Mrs. first place by 2000 esses, Mrs. D. pulling pounds the full distance. In this Chester C. Flint. Mrs. Ralph Wilion LeGrande Hess of Farm-fto- n liams, and Mrs. Kenneth Sheffield; took second and Archie lesson. Poetry by Sarah'Teasdale, reterson of Woods Cross took Mrs. Morris Barton. Russell l.r. IM1S( Ol'N'TY, IIT riday s (iame Will He Opening Bun of toot ball Season in Jordan District; Spectacular (iame Is Promised k.u s Years Program for Lantern 11 Dart Football Team Will Meet Pirates On Davis Gridiron AsJ)ryest Month KAYSVILLfT" V) a ". |