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Show BOUNTIFUL t Correspondent MRS. FRANK II. MUIR Telephone: Bountiful 127-- Mrs. Alvin Sessions. and famtJy left .Thursday for St. lamp 'where they will spend the summer. Charles Trump is erectiihg a new home one block west 'of the Drug store. Mr. and Sirs. Alvhi Moss enter-taine- d at bridge Saturday evening. At a late hour refreshments were 'served toi Mr. and Mrs. lien Hepwbrth, of Farmington; Mr. and Mrs. Lew Mu'.' and Hampton, Mr. and Mrs, Jeff Holoy, ,Mr. and Mr. Fred Rampton, and Mr Mrs. Clarence M os. Mis Emily' Brough, of.'Kaysville, was a guest arthe home of Mrs. Samuel Brough, Wednesday. . Mrs. Frank Jardine, Jr,f entertained her Bridge club Thursday afternoon y Luncheon was served at , to th following club, members: Mrs James Moss, Mrs., Evan Moss, Mr. Ford Hatch, Smedley, Mrs. Joal Smith, Mrs. Ilulon Horricks, and Mrs, Alton Cleveland. , Miss Ethel Ledingham entertained the Evening dewing club at her home evening. ' Refresh ments Thursday were served, to Miss Thelda Wood, MissTIattie Rol-- . Miss Maxino-MerceDonald Mrs. Thomas,'' Miss oman, Francis Carlson and Miss Nora Holbrook. "and one-thirt- Mrs.-Geo- . r, A Parent-Teache- 'meeting rs was held Thursday afternoon at the Stoker school, with Mrs. Leander Thompson conducting. Plans were made for n summer kindergarten. A small will beeharged eaeh child attending the kindergarten. The Kimball camp of the Daughters of Pioneers met at the 'home of Mrs. Joseph Naylor Friday afternoon. The following program was given: the California Gold Rush was reviewed by Mrs. James Bums; Mrs. Ruby Had ford gave a sketch of the life oLher1 mpthcrT Mrs. Aston, and Mrs. Ella Smith reviewed a number of chapters tui-tio- . ' ' of A Lantern in Her Hand." Refreshments and a social followed the program. Speciul guests present were Mrs. Alma Page, Mrs. Nephi Duerden and Mrs. J. P. Jeppon. Mrs. Sarah Ann Bumingham was the pioneer guest present. Members present were Mnf. Alice Hayes, Mrs. Martha Mrs.. Mary Moss, Mrs. Shirley, Mrs. Amrostne East, Mfs. Mary Nelson, Mrs. Maud Mrs. Susie Bowen, Mrs. Cleo Clark, Miss Fushia Stringham, Mrs. Dacie Jolliffe, Mrs. Lucretia McNeil, Mrs. Phoebe Halford; Mrs. May Burns, Mrs. Ella Smith, 'Mrs. Emma Riley, Mrs. Janet Barrett, Mrs. May Wood, Mrs. Kate Smedley, Mrs. Bertha Porter, Mrs. Emily Snarr, and Mrs. Susan Page. The meeting adjoined to meet in one month at' the home of Mrs. Alice Hayes. Five seminary students from the Davis county seminary at Kaysville were the speakers at the Second ward church Sunday night. They were Miss n Fern Griffith, of Farmington; Miss of West Point; Thornley, Maude Duncan, of Centerville; Allen Holt, of Clearfield, and Miss Janet Ford, of North Centerville. Mr. and Mrs.jJack Springer gave a reception .Wednesday night in honor of their daughter, Marjorie, and Preston Hughes. The young couple were married in the Salt Lake temple Monday night, April 13. The Hughes and Springer families will be the guests at the reception. A number of parties and showers have been planned in honor of the bride. The following officers were elected at the Lions luncheon Thursday night: Presidents, Dan C. Smedley; . Burn-inghar- n, La-va- un Good-fello- w, Gor-.do- vice-preside- Janjes Rampton; Preston Thatcher, and Everett Nelson; directors, John S. Ledingham, Horton Fackrell and E. 0. Muir; secretary, T. Bumingham; treasurer, R. W. j Ashworth; lin tamer, William Holbrook, and tail twister, Kenneth Harmon. After the luncheon and election the club members were taken on a tour of inspection through thi' armory. Captain Preston Thatcher conducted the inspection, and explained the various departments of the armory. Therice Stahle, who has completed the law course at Leland Stanford university, will remain to do post graduate work. The Evening Bridge club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brimley Wednesday night. Dinner was served," after which the evening was spent playing bridge. Those present were Mr. .and . Mrs.. James - which'. refreshments were served to dredge, Mrs, Dick. Bumingham .and Airs. C. C. Gardner and Mrs. Deward Mrs. Clarence Roberts, Mrs. Wallace Muir has been very ill Hardy, class leaders, and. Martha Day, Florence Bangerter, Alildred Mann, with flu. Vonda Hardy, Belh .Ashley, Lea Ben- Camp Eutaw, Daughters of th net, KUth Bryson and May SmidL Utah Pioneers, will meet at" the home Airs. Ilulda Thomas and Air. Jacob of Airs. Joseph IIar$ on Thursday. In Price visMoe spent the week-en- d Andy Guynn, who returned recently iting at the home of Mr. and Airs. 0. from a mission to California, was the I Thomas. main . speaker at South Bountiful Mrs. Alice Singleterry, of Salt Lake,, church Sunday 'hight. spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and "The Val Verda Sunday school gave Mr K. W. Ashworth. , a very successful dancing party at Air. and Airs. Iwrence Eldredgc, of Odeon ball, room Wednesday night. the Salt Lake, were Bountiful visitors Mxsr Wilford Hatch, and Mrs. JoSunday. seph Day entertained the K, K..K. The Bountiful Ildkding club met at club at luncheon at the Elks club SatMonD. Tolman It. the home of Mrs. and at the Capitol theatre afurday day evening, with Airs. Perry Reed as terward . Those present, were Mrs. assisting hostess. All8 Jessamine Elbert Eldredge, Aliss Ruby Muir, Shepherd, class leader, discussed the Mrs. David Holbrook, "Mrs. Leland Life of John Marshall. Musical numMrs. Clyde Mrs. Jack. bers were given 'by Miss' Eveletta Smith, Airs. Charles Lee, Miss Garrett, Hatch, Grant. Those present were Miss Zara Geneve Juel Mrs. Trowbridge, Hatch, S. J." Sabrine, Aliss Ruby Aluir, Mrs. Mrs. Bob .Hatch, and Mrs. Jack ChrisLedingham, Mrs. Walter Grant, Airs. tensen. GardC. James Smedley, Sr., Airs. C. Miss Geneve Hatch, Mrs. .Joseph ner, Mrs. G. D. Eldredge, Mrs. WilMiss Ethel Woolfgange atand CanDay liam Bumingham, Mrs. Quayle the tabnon,. Mrs. F.. B. Aluir, AItb. Leqnder tended the piano concert ernacle W. night. Tuesday Ashworth, Thompson, Mrs. It, Mrs. Alfred Hatch entertained ,the Mrs. J. A. Taylor, Airs. Horton Fackrell, Mr. Clarence Eldredge! Miss Pricilla club at her hdme Thursday Eveletta Grant and Aliss Geneve Can- afternoon. Luncheon was served at non. Club adjourned to meet at the after which the time was ' home of Mfs. Clarence Eldredge. spent playing cards. Those present Mn am Mrs, Mark Holbrook enter- wre Mrs. Ruben Hatch, Mrs: Philantained at dfrincr Monday evening. The der Hatch, Mrs. J. A. Hatch, Airs. G. and Airs. Merrill Hol- W. Roberts, Mrs. B. X. Kesler, Mrs. guests were-Air- . brook and Air. and Airs. C. A. Foster, Polly Grant, Mrs. Abe Hatch and Mrs. James Smedley, Airs. Frank Smith, of Salt Lake. Eugene Willey, who has recently of Centerville, was a special guest of returned from France, where he ful- the club. filled a mission, was the main speakThe John Pack Camp of the DaughMr. ters of the Utah Pioneers, held its er at Sunday night meeting." W.'W." Willey; fat herrof Eugene;also regular monthly Meeting at the home gave atalk. Music was furnished by of Mrs. Christie Fackrell Friday afjthe mixed quartet from the Second ternoon, . Assisting hostesses were ward, composed of Alice Riley," Leone Mrs. Lucy Roberts and, Mrs. Nora Porter, Janice Williams, Nora Porter, Hatch. Mrs. D. Li Rice and Mrs. Frank Mann, Kenneth Spencer, Nor- Emily Barnes were guests of the ris Knighton and Kenneth Samuelson. .campr-JtfrRice reorganized the Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Graham have camp, and the following officers were moved "into the home of Mr. and Har- elected: Mrs. Clara Stevens, president; Mrs. Lavena Argyle, first ry Hatch. Airs. Lowell Barry Mr. and Mrs. Nora Hatch, second havo moved to Salt Lake. . Mrs. Emma Newton, secW. H, Burgeners band will give a retary and treasurer; Mrs. Chloe concert next Sunday evening at the Grant, chaplain; Airs, Martha Grant, regular Sunday meeting. About two parliamentarian; Airs. Chloe Arbuc-klhundred of the county children are custodian of pioneer relics; Airs. Pricilla Hatch, historian, and Mrs. expected to participate. Airs. It. W. Ashworth sang a num- Lucy Roberts, registrar. The lesson, ber of solos at a banquet given at the California Trails," was given by Belvedere apartments by the .Ladies-Ai- d Mrs. Edith Eldredge. Refreshments of the Presbyterian church. were served to twenty-fivmembers Miss Geneve Cannon has been very and guests; The meeting adjourned to meet May 8 with Mrs, William ill, suffering from flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth have moved Aloss. into the Telford place. The following Davis county seminAn inspection was made- of Bountistudents took part in ary Sunday ful City by Alayor Stocks and Coun- -' services at the West Bountiful night cilman J. S. Ledingham. They report church: Dora Nelson, Areta Benson, that the city has been well cleaned in and Pearl Moss, of South Bountiful, the recent clean-u- p drive.. and Lawrence Waite and Lawrence J. W. Lee has moved his family Bangerter, of East Bountiful "" into the home of Airs. Rose Bryson. Frank Pierce gave a talk on art Airs. E. O. Muir a'nd children spent craft at the meeting of the art workhome her the of mother, ers Atonday.at Tuesday at Relief society. Mrs. AI. AI. Whitesides, of Layton. The South Bountiful Relief society Delbert Stoker has gone to Boise, ladies planted a Norwegian maple tree Idaho, for a short business trip, on the church square Tuesday after- Airs. Delbert Stoker returned Satnoon. Airs. Walter Hogan, president urday from a short stay in Los An- of the organization, had charge of the , geles.. ceremonies. The tree was planted as Airs. Phil Roberts entertained at luncheon Tuesday in honor of the a George Washington memorial and will be dedicated on the date of hla birthday of her mother, Airs, Sam birthday anniversary. Nelson. The Afternoon Bridge club will meet at the home of Airs, Delbert Stoker Thursday. Airs. Lloyd Bishop and Mrs. DonMARGE AIABEY ald Thomas were guests at a bridge , Telephone 85 J 2 dinner Thursday night in honor of Miss Virginia Savage, at the Savage Air. and Mrs. Howard Ellis, of home in Salt Lake. Airs, Orson Sessions has been quite Farmington, announce "the arrival of ill for a number of days. a son at a Salt Lake hospital April 5. Russel Goodfellow has been suffer- Airs, Ellis was formerly Miss Edna ing from rheumatism for the past Thurgood, of Clearfield. week. Airs: Steve Rumell has been very ill with the flu, but is recovering. J. . L. Mathias had his tonsils removed Saturday. He had been suffering with flu for a week prior to the tonsil operation. Airs. Julian Sessions is able to be around again after, a months illness ' caused by flu. , . pne-thirt- s. vice-preside- vice-preside- nt; e, , V e' te - -- ' Thursday. Mr., and Airs. Charles Rowe and family were. Sunday visitors at Syra- cuse. , Guy WUson returned by airplane to his home in Los Angeles, California Tuesday, after spending the past week with his mother and sister, durfathing the death and illness of his er. Alt', and Airs. Myron Payne, of Syracuse, were Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs. Joseph L, Alabey. Airs. Irene Alontgomery and Aleen Thurgood were Salt Lake visitors Sun. day. Airs. George Holt is recovering nicely from a recent tonsil operatjon. She returned Co her home Sunday," , Mr. and Air. Janies Warren returned to their home in Clearfield Sunday, after spending the winter month? in Los Angeles, California. A large crowd, attended the entertainment which was given by the Relief society and M. I. A. Friday night ; - Correspondent MltS. FRANK B. MUIR 127-Telephone: Bountiful W , , . v The Sagamore .omp'of the Daugh- ters of Pioneers met at the home of AIM. Mable Randall Friday afternoon. Mrs. D. R. Rice and Airs. Hess, of Farmington, were guests of the camp.a Mr. Lila Barker Brandon gave sketch of the life of her mother, Mrs. Barker. Members present were Airs. Caddie Parrish, Airs. Emily Parrish, Mrs. Elizabeth Parrish, Mrs. Effie Smith, Airs. Emma Walton, Airs, Edith Smith, Mrs. Nora Barber, Mrp, Caroline Harris, Airs. Melba Jacobson, Airs. Addie Williams, Airs. Celia Roberts, Airs. Lila Brandon, Airs. Eliza Cottrell, Mrs. Drucilla Streeper, Airs Naomi Smith, JUiss Kate Chase, Airs. Lula Reading and Mrs. Clara Cleveland A social afternoon and refreshments followed the regular business meeting. Airs. Celia Roberts ana Mrs. J. E. Williams were assisting hostesses. Special guests were Mrs, Caroline Harris, d" pioneer of 1847, and Airs. Mary Anne Page, a pioneer of 1852. The camp adjourned to mebt in one month at the home of Airs. Flor , turned over, to Irwiif1 Fisher, of the fraternity. The male quJ? consisting of Albert Miehell, T" Murdock, Warwick Lamrux and Lyman rendered four selections, ShT talks were given by R. N, Hendn,n son, Jay Lillywhite, Whitney and Irwin Fisher. George Torry, an employee Federal Reserve bank, was operJw on Monday for double goiter, w Torry has been in a Salt Lake hosniw two weeks taking treatment prenuT at-t- b -- . with their children in Kaysville and 4 Ogden. of Frank Wilcox, Burley, Idaho," is here for a short stay with his mother, M rs." Rebecca' Wilcox. William C. Smith, of Clearfield, and Bessie Robins, of Layton, were mar-tiein the Salt Lake temple Thursday April 16. A shower was given In their honor at the A. T. Smith home in Clearfield. Many friends and relatives were present. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Reed Duncan, Helen Mabey and Georgena Whitesides were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stelson Whitesides, of Lay-to- T est Y ourRadio TUbes o d FREE on our New Acremeter Perhaps your rdio set is not performing at its jjest, and it may be only a tube or so that is causing the faulty reception. Come in today and see your tubes tested FREE on our new acremeter, the latest scientific tube testing device now at YOUR Service in the n. Miss George McPherson 'returned home from an Ogden hospital Friday, .. . April 10. Many' officers and teachers of the Clearfield Sunday school attended Sunday school convention ,held in y Kaysville Sunday. Golden Stoker, of Clearfield, a junior at the Utah State Agricultural college, has achieved the distinction of having his name placed on the college honor roll for the winter quarter of school just passed, according to an announcement last week from the office of the registrar. To attain this honor, Mr. Stoker carried a full academic course, receiving A grades in students every subject Forthy-tw- o made up the honor roll, out of a total college enrollment of nearly 1500. Mr. Stoker is registered in the school of agriculture and is majoring in animal husbandry. He is a member of the Ag club and belongs also to the Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity. Inter-Mounta- Territory. J . ' j in . r , ." . The tubes in your radio mean the difference between satisfaction and Jones Music Co. 2524 Washington Ave. Phone 486 OGDEN, UTAH - J- - Authorized Dealers for Majestic 'Electric Refrigerators and Radios. Presenting the NEW . in tirelre at tractive models i CONVERTIBLE CABRIOLET A comfort a U- i- crap cr tar, rm4atrr. m WUla rumbia arat. HaUUlorrriUa. . . . . Oil A r-- CONVERTIBLE LANDAU PIIAETON avertible touring aar. , full; iadabieb ,. 650 folda forward. 9 . Sport roadster THE COACH -- An Ural rar for Ike family. Koomaarala. tuber body. Prircra aaal adjualaLlr. , D'iO faat, amart. youthful open aar. rumble real. Special nykolatcry. A Wbfo..ae 4yd 9 WOODS CROSS STANDARD FIVE-WINDO- An carcptlanal value COUPE ia an attractive'!. . m .... t)it) 510 bti.llh 9 de luae model. Frank Mitchell is reported to be Had later grille and cow I lampo. . . . . . O r- - Ihlf if your Ldt Opportunity to in the next get ixxue of the TELEPHONE DIRECTORY .. ' ham, of .Bountiful; Jlr. .and .Mrs.. apartments. Sherman Robinson and Mr. and Airs. Arthur Fackrell, nephew of John L, Glen Robinson, of Farmington, 'and Fackrell, was buried in the Bountiful Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bower ing, of Salt cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lake. Fackrell died last week at Ogden from Airs. Harry Muir, of Ingel wood, spinal meningitis. California is visiting with relatives The members of the Woods Cross and friends in Bountiful. Bridge clublwill entertain their husAir. and Airs, Conway Bryson and bands at dinner Saturday evening at family are visiting at the home of Air. the home of Air. and Mrs. Lawrence and Airs. Frank Soloman. ARRANGE NOW TOR NEW 1arkin. Mrs. Josephine Aloss is very ill. Airs. Frank Hatch entertained the LUTING, CHANGE, Air. and Airs. Charles Newcomb Woods Cross Bridge club at her home AND ADVERTIZING have- leased the home of Alvin Ses- Thursday . afternoon, - Luncheon was " OUa MANAOER WILL sions. . served, after whiqh the time was spent HELPYOU Jacob Aloe, returned Thursday from playing bridge! Those present were toa short business trip l.os Angeles. Airs. Ralph Wood, Mrs. Wallace Muir, The Slountain Climbers club met at Airs. Lawrence Parkin," Airs. Lawr1 HE MOUNLVl N JIAT El TUiTELCG. the home of AI rs. Jane Jacobson Thurs-- , ence Hatch, Mrs," Ralph Streeper day. .Luncheon was served at 1:30 to. Mrs. laul ;Simthr. Mrs. Elbert--EMrs Thomas Sessions;' Airs. William. Holbrook, Sr., Airs. Kelly Davis,"Airs. Hannah Fackrell, Mrs, Da Ka Davis, Mrs. Alary Curtis, Airs. Evelyn Pierce, Mrs. Sarah Riley, Airs. Hilda Iterm ansen. Airs, Susan Page, Airs. Wil- The best grade of nusery stock that which is sure , liam Howard, Airs. James Smith, and to GROW is not sold at stores. , Diatlnetlve In style. Tag fabric Ka body colon Top boot standard. COUPE FIVE-PASSENG- pletion. Mrs. John L. Fackrell is making Smedley, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Smedley, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Burning-- . her old home over into two modem PIIAETON W ntv model. Sacioua rear deck. Saturday morning. The Eldredge apartments, owped by James A. Eldredge, are nearing com- , DX CMIEVlMDILE'ir i SPECIAL SEDAN . Imglioaal beauty. Ml da luaa wire wbaela. Special fender well. , OdU ...... jj STANDARD COUTE SPORT COUTE An creel loot paranatal car for buaioev, or profaaeiooal uae. Large rear deck, STANDARD SEDAN Sno car for general family nae, smart- ly styled. Wide, comfortable eeate. . , A A I pric0M f. Faery Inch a amart automobile. ,.nH Ka 575 tlut). rumble seal. , quality car at a very low price, S.UH'ioua rear deck. Tag boat standard. i . Adjustable rear window, STANDARD ROADSTER ! A m 6. Flint t Atiekigmn. Sprimt rtjnlpmmnt g 475 ra - . , . - - .. L -- Why Take a Chance ? ' Airs. Nephi Duerden,. Scout AI asters. Barry Wride. and Scouts a treat Saturday and Sunday. The troops spent the two . days in Mueller park. Thirty-fiv- e scouts enjoyed the trip. Sunday school was held for the boys Sunday morning. The program was as follows: Prayer, . , Stewart. JardiooLaturyAlerrill Hatch short talk, Scoutmaster Wride, ana America "and songs, community Utah, We txve Thee." Airs. , Elzie Koch, . of Fillmore, is visiting at the home of Air. and Airs. Ted Ilepworth. - The Beehive girls entertained at the home" of Ruth Bryson Friday night. Various games were played, after bargain Simply because the kind of nursery stock is jhatwhich comes fresh JgRWJSLKIpw:. JS from the ground. When you buy this kind you know that it will grow when transplanted at.vour Why? . her rise in I hr field U a such widr rlrrtion of fine roarh-rra- ft m In thr Chevrolet linr and Chevrolet alone in It elan provide the many reeognixed advantage of Body by Fisher. This mean not only attractive styling, Now . - The best nursery stock costs so little more than heikintLthat niay- - not-- gro w t hati t is read" economy"" to do1 your buying from a recognized nursery. ecl scientifically combined. J MOORES NURSERIES 1266 Wash. Ave. Ogden, Utah Phone 782 v And as for performair remember that Chevrolet give you a smooth, easy- motor that develop running fifty horsepower, yet operates witk lm expense for gas, oil, tire and upkeep rV ,lviMvdme,.ljtcrior.. mul iue...tuwdcra. but also the safest, most appointment durable body, construction known wood-and-at- f Iow-pri- I here than any other car you can buy! , nwM n When you get ready to buy a car, inspect the line of new Chevrolet Site now on display at your dealer's. low-pric- ed See your dossier below RAMPTON AUTO COMPANY: BOUNTIFUL Phone 80 f I s at the Clearfield hall Mrs, Corilla Muir, of Clearfield and Airs. Verna Munn, of Hooper, spent ence Roberts. Fair Saleslady Could I interest Thursday with their sister, Mrs. ' Eight members of 'the Delta Phi you in a Studebaker? Layton.'" fraternity from' the U. of U. supplied Youth Lady, You could :nterejt Air. and Mr. Henry Hodson have the program at the First ward church me if you were in a second-han- d flis. letumed to their home in Clearfield Sunday evening. The meeting was ver! after spending the winter months CLEARFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mitchell announce the arrival of a baby boy, bom f tory to the operation.,,. The teachers of the Centerville buL ! lie school entertained at dinner wt cards at the new home of Mr. Mrs. David Winn Wednesday ning. The guests were Miss Hik, Ford, Air. and Mrs. Frtmeis Jex Ruth Cox, Aliss Jane .Alyeij jjjll Bertha Balderson and. Miss Major. Airs. John Walpole, Airs. A. D P,j and Mrs. Frank White, retiring J, f icers, were guests of honor at a pam ! given by the Second ward Relief ciety ladies Tuesday afternoon Relief society hall. A social after noon and refreshments were enjoys by all present Mrs. Lizzie Rawlins Mrs. Charles Linford and Mrs. Wit liam Parrish are the new officers. two-hundre- -- , y, CENTERVILLE -Miss Ida Holbrook, of Bountiful,' visitor at the home of was a week-en- d her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Page. ' Mrs. Al. 0. Roberts and daughter, Wilda, visited relatives' in Kaysville UTAH -- i t |