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Show f ' . THE WEEKLY REFLEX, K A YSVILLE, UTAH COMFORTABLE. 1EN FOR DOGS. IN' Automobile Accidents L Often Can Be Avoided ! . Atrro pni' automobile accl eratlon are conducive to traffic acciIs avoidable, dents. if brakes, the Ignition system, horns, lights, windshield wipers and ytecordlnff to W. S. Isherwood, presiand club Automobile .steering mechanism are kept In good" dent of the Flint . condition fewer mishaps will oocijr. In work. safety sell known figure The press has done .much good i Kever before In the history of the work In promoting motoring saftlT; automobile Industry," Mr. Isherwood aald, "have cart been made sjj stable In educating ctrf owi ers on driving with' care everywhere. 'Equally good and with such a degree of safeties lhoae of today. In fact, cars are made work cun he (jane tn educating moto-tst-s to keep their curs In good meao well that many owners neglect to 'and serviced this chanical condition t.irough periodic inthein properly kare one of Is the at the various service sta really spection negligence .aery of traffic tions. factors contributing iiajor IerWidle insection means prevenmishaps. The motorist who takes good a careful Is tion driver and car of mishaps as well as prevention of his tare It Is prevenof undue depreciation Seldom, If ever, figures In an accione. blmne for tive to benefits of service. the Is Besides, dent or a service from VIth the Increased traffic of today preventive safety standulck deceleration and acceleration point, there is a, definite pecuniary value to the car owner. A car propire paramount requisites of the modatdeceleration is Good The car. erly cured for (s easy to sell. ern owner often gets a. better allowance tained by keeping the brakes, espewhen lie turns It in on a new car as cially the front ones, tn good working Riere is no abnormal reconditioning 1 Practically When You ' every bent that occura today 1 needed. ' Buying a well cared for cor usualpurchase. And It could - ly Is a good altused cars tftheT) wrier would iiave them serviced periodical ly and keep them In good running con fillion through adoptlug preventive rY?- oj jmm - V ' ' :V i -- Thomas Nulls, of flouring Gap, N. j (sing men from last year's freshman quad. Coakley will have no trouble filling the vacancy at second base, for he calculates' that either Manuel lllvero,j flashy little Cuban halfback of las) fears football team, or Bob McCoj second highest scorer lii ttie Intel leglate Basketball league this season, will fill the hill acceptably. . But .promising as 'these youngsters are, the greatest addition to the team d this spring will be a young fornamed Ray White, pitcher merly of Richmond Mill high school. New York, snd captain of last years freshman nine, who Coakley says will be the best twirler that Columbia has had in many years. As a freshman last season White showed signs of unusual talent. He Jiag a good fast ball and an effective curve, and he has the physique and the head to go with these other assets. Andy Coakley, who was a famous baseball pitcher on Connie Mack's Philadelphia Athletics several years before tlie present generation of college men was even born,' faces another baseball season at Columbia university with as muchy enthusiasm and optimism as ever, confident that his varsity will be one of the strongest contenders for the championship of the Eastern Intercollegiate baseball league. At the start of his seventeenth season as Columbia's baseball coach he Is to havlooking field on a this the veteran team ing lost Columbia has only one spring. regular from last year Second Base man and Captain Jimmy Morrison. The other eight young men and the entire pitching staff have remained In the fold, reinforced by several prom- - Ishsrwood. order and well balanced. This Is particularly. Important when driving on slippery pavement as it eliminates tide swerving and minimises traffic mishaps. "Good acceleration can be Improved If the cars Ignition system Is in good per cent of working order. Sixty-fivthe cars towed In by service cars are Un(Stalled due to faulty Ignition. tenable deceleration and poor accel- - right-hande- forward-complacent- ly e : nans Wagner played the outfield before becoming one .of the greatest shortstops of all time; Hal Chase, though lefthanded, used to play second base occasionally. George (Peaches) Graham, another major leaguer of 20 years ago, was also a jack of all trades. He used to it.tch for the Bos- - t lie My Greatest Thrill in Sport t i J By BARNEY OLDFIELD World James Tufts, 1iiieliurst, N. C., C. The dogs Take Bayer Aspirin for any ache or pain, and take enough to end it. It cant depress the heart. That is medical opinion. That is why it is only sensible to insist on the genuine tablets that bear the Bayer cross. The pocket tin is a convenient size. The bottle of 100 tablets is most economical to buy. Columbia University Now Looking to Vets to Win Baseball Championship Blue-and-Whl- r. it C., uud returning to their cabin after a quail hunt near Binchurst, N. nmy be seen resting comfortably in the rear of the automobile. service measures." - A headache fs often the sign fatigue. When temples throb its time to rest, if you cant stop work, you ran stop Hue pain. Raver Aspirin will clo it. very time. Take two or three tablets, u swallow of in comfort". water, and carry-01Don't work with nenrs on edge "Tit try nil day to forget u nagging pain that uspirm could end in a jiflyl Genuine aspirin cant harm you; just be' sure it's Ilaycr. ' In every package of Bayer. Aspirin are. proirn directions lor headaches, colds, sore throat,' neuralgia, neuritis, etc. Carry these tablets with you. and be prepared. To block a sudden cold on the strect-car- ? quiet a grumbling tooth a headache in at the office the theatre; spare you a sleepless night when nerves are 'jumping." AndluTniodefn girl needs.'ii"me out for the time of month! Raver Aspirin is an absolute antidote for periodic pain. Greatest Auto Racing Driver ton Braves, pitch, or play uny infield But I guess the player of all time go to the outfield position. greatest was Itoger liresna-hau- . lie is best remembered as a catcher, no holds bnrred, but old Rajah was much more than t tint, lie could play any position and withal was a fair to middlin pitcher. d Attracted by the presence of Chief Bender, In the camp of the New York Giants as a coach, members of three Indian tribes who live near San Antonio, went in one day to watch the Giants work out and get glimpse of the fuinous pitching chief of ' days gone by. Frank Healey, the young Giant catcher who lives lu Massachusetts, had heard a lot about the Indiana of the Wild West, but he was bit doubtful about the aborigines that assembled at the Giant training grounds. "They don't look like Injuns to me," piped Healey. "Why, those fellows haven't even got a tommyhawk. Suhr Is Big Star what was declared the most dramatic and thrilling finish ever seen in Califesslon for so fornia," winning in the final moments many years that I of that grind by Just s few almost lost count seconds. of the days when During the race I never switched life was uneventmy gears nor made a atop and in the ful. last few laps finished with such a Thrills of all "whirlwind rash that the gaps of the kinds have come, leaders wer closed like flames lickI have ing paper. And being the veteran of to me. crashed through the starters It gave me my most tre"fences and plunged mendous thrill to lick the boys of the into groups violatday. ing rules for specIfi kr Public Mnr Com May.) t (WNU Barrio.) tators. I have been Samsy cut and bruised and smashed until death seemed Penn Crew Meets Allj the job. Yet these things have not Airnlshed my greatest thrill. The University of Pennsylvania meets every college crew that engages I Many would think the climax was -cached years ago when the world was in the sport, either In dual or trlan-galAtonlslied through my being the first affairs, or at Poughkeepsie. Y. Ban ever to drive a car faster than a This year Penn Is r scheduled with Bile a minute. Or again, years later, Yale and Columbia, Harvard and Navy, Gus buhr, Uie big first sucker fur the 1 'hen the American Penley.an4 the. Childs hurtled, along the Daytona ITS I Pittsburgh Pirates, who has - played ch for a new. worlds record at Cup regatta at Princeton. ffrat a whale of a game during spring praclearly three miles a minute. Or again Coach Rusty Callow, hag only one tice, is expected to prove a tower of hen I beat the notable Vanderbilt In veteran of last year's crew and the strength for his team this season. Ills match race. Or some of the other rest will be sophomores. But he Is fielding has been marvelous and his Utstandlng events of my younger rachighly optimistic. hitting, hard. ks days. But not to. It seems to me now tHHHHHHHM SSBSkXKBBBMB BttStHH B my greatest thrill came with a i ictory In the last few years of my th tiv competition over the greatest J slots of the modern - Juggernaut -- In HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI Be. Grand Prix race at Los The University of Illinois Is building Tha New York State Golf associamgelss. For I had to nse all my The National Boxing association ttB Mil and Judgment In this event and a new e controls the sport la 34 states In the tion baa abandoned lta annual state gelf coarse. Bded it in first place by Just a few Union. open tournament Icon da Bob Welland, Chicago White Sox E Fourteen out of a possible eighteen It was a nip and tuck race from pitcher, la a draftsman during the In four years of eoachlng at Bntler Vrt to finish, with thrills piling one university, Tony Hinkles basketball worlds speed boat record wera shatteams have won 81 per cent of the tered in the championship regatta of ICE yen another and the crowd being 1030. All of the Beats, 22,000, have been v fought to lta feet with an Intense games played. told Cincinnati for the of the of emotion opening time after time. ply Reds in 1031. J. Wilder Tasker, former director IMany master of racing cart were Indianapolis will defy tradition, this of athletics at William and Mary, baa season by wearing dark blue salts at I the struggle and one after another r to the front at times. Alwaya contract to the home grounds Instead of the tlme- Emory university of Atlanta, which been given a on maintained frowns coach bonored white uniforms. will a Rutgers. intercollegiate sports, dogged chase, bnt never 10WI H nesr the SiJ a nevertheless bolld field house final costing nntll the leadership wu; "''TheHTtMetf Mlwr ah inter WBegiate "Rattier 'Frtberg.miar 'ef IIP ork tktt tkme to' trfe'fcear 11,000,000. cricket association in the United and now the oldest player on the IM1 leend.- ; t1 ran through the best bantamPhillies roster In point of service, has Stanford States, the members including Harto university's gesrs high .Ire been named captain. He succeeds after the getaway and from weights on this year's boxing team are vard, Pennsylvania, Columbia and lat moment nntll the checkered flag Yujl Imal from Japan and Mark e , Fresco Thompson, traded to Brooklyn.' , Bl.waved 1 ' netfef touched the levers from CMna. They're- - fast. .J EarT" UcCready, heavyweight wresSub as In aubgum, says a jV I my car. I never iet myself get. far the leaders and as the end came Jim Brillheart, southpaw pitcher tler who learned the game at "Oklaanthoritj on the Chinese tongue, kng I shot after those In front with drafted by the Red Sox from Minne- homa, claims to have never been means ten. Hence the .old custom of r I had. With two laps to go It apolis. has had previous trials, twice thrown either aa a collegian or prosuying sub for the tenth man on the I'tned that I could .never-wilth Washington and once with the fessional. baseball nine. for erf I'e Lewis, at tbattime a. wonder Cuba . . W8 r Tom Nash who garnered football Babe Ruth bewails the passing of f'w lading with what seemed I he a sura margin., Max nannum, referee of a chamfame at Georgia and as a pro la trying the sacrifice fly and Bays It will cut .rcn one 0811 never tell what pionship high school basketball game to 4and a Job as outfielder with the swat averages 20 or 23 per cent which k y happen until one ts corr past the finish In Pittsbugh. worked so hard la fol- New York Giants., Reports from San he fears will be followed by n ease Lewis was forced to lowing the speedy boy up and down Antonio, Texas, the Gothamites trainresponding cut In wages. Rut the I gave my car all she the court he had to be carried off at ing camp, say Tom Is going great guns !?! only way to get even Is to refuse to md stand and store from third on an outfield fly. during the practice sessions. fought tha others In the finish. le ar ' 3 AN' PARKERS HAIR DALSAM ItawniUtaMI Htop, r falling ImdaiIs Cal or And Hah BMtOtoGrar ud 0 At 11ml small shine atop one of the of t ho Jaimnoap Alps, seldom visited by foreigners. Is the control object I11 an Interesting legend of old Japan. The shrine Is In the shadow of a large cypress tree, whirl! Is l or called I ng'T'ypress tree, and Is dedicated to the memory of a dog whose sacrifice Is supposed to have saved the lives of the population In that district. Tradition has It that once the two provinces of Kll and Klnkl were yt!ted by a terrfhle deluge, which made the mountain streams Into rushing torrents that swept all before them and filled the valleys with water. was The population, forced on to filglier land, but accordthey went ing to the story the higher the water followed them. Flnnlly the people could go no farther; they hod reached the top of this peak. Tnmaoklynnia. Fnme committed suicide bv Jumping Into the water, and the others were sure that death was near. At this crucial moment n dog climbed to the top of a cypress tree on the summit and for three days nnd nights bnrked at the rain and floods. On the fourth day be Jumped Into the water and was drowned, hut the floods Immediately receded, and the people w,ere saved. It was In honor of this deed that the shrine was built and the tree given a special name. For the climber who goes out of the wny nnd ascends to the top of Tnmnoklynma there Is A Inuboe-Nu-Hindk- M sod ll i hm tLOKESlON SHAMPOO ',4. r Uniyvtsu I'tffhogvtf I0m1 for om JTla eonnwiioa with Firktri Hair Blaun.Maka tha hair soft and fluffy. 60 ranU by mail or at dru (lata. lileeoji Chemical Works, Patcboguw N.'j- Dog-Bar- Und orgr 100 ytan (or tana, txiii, Kino, eorug, Basil gu CT bmg, instate, (M I Grays Ointment 'iic boi usually dnicfM fka A Jog r W.T.Ony Co, haabtUla, Tma. Oh I I the irrirk. hadnraod by Prod daat Aadrm Jackaaa. Write far frtt eoaaaaa. waiting one of the grandest panoramic Jlews In Japan. Washington Star. terror-stricke- Cflnly Boar Nearly Extinct Unless they are afforded gi'tet protection, grizzly bears will be PXV tlnct throughout the United States within a few years, according to Dr. William I). Bell, In clxirge of biological survey. He ntnted that grizzlies had decreased 37 per rent In the last five yenrs, and that they are already extinct In California. Most of the remaining species, numbering approximately 3,300, are In Alaska, he asserted. the-44gh- 8haklng dice with death and skirting the rim "of eternity, was my pro-- SOl-ml- Japanese Shrine Honors'' JDog That Ended Flood Jury Cull Are you prejudiced, sir?" Yes, your honor; the plaintiff sold me oil stock." Silent contempt Is responsible for many an unblncked eye. DAYS Fretful NIGHTS Restless -- -- i INTERESTING ITEMS OF VARIOUS KINDS OF SPORTS 801-mi- le lh-hoi- n. 2l an d two-yea- ly - Kal-Ke- a ---- eve-lan- d ...give child Castoria Fussy, fretful, eat n, - r - gk-- "en J sleep, won't a Just where the trouble is stomach bc a child. It may young upset; it may be sluggish bowels. But when coated and there is even a slight suspicion of bad breath it's time for Castoria! little-tong- ues e Castoria, you know, is -- a pure vegetable preparation especially node for babies and children. When Baby cries with alic or is fretful because of constipation, Castoria brings quick comfort, and, with relief from pain, soothes him to restful sleep. For older children up through all the school years, Castoria - is - equally - effective - in helping to right irregularities. Just pve'it er do3ea.-- - What comfort Castoria is to mothers! Get the genuine, with Chas. 1L Fletcher's signature on wrapper and the name Castoria that always appears like this: a--- During Childhood lay the Foundation for a Healthy Skin By Regular Uae of - - cant to find .... It isnt always easy with (Duticura Soap and Ointment . Tcacli your children tlio - Cutlcora habit w sums |