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Show TTIK Shadows of the City By EDWIN BALMER and GENE MARKEY PROTECTION W.K.U.SUVICS OR (CrrWfclM tbrr eoimecutlv ruorn- - w.a maa'a voice called: -- Billy I" Tha whUtltng rested. -la that tha doctor A younger maaa voice answered: tag this appeal bad atod la the classified col a tuna of Chicago new a; s per: PERSONAL If anyone TU are." know tbe whereabout of Bertram moved toward the atalr-waJaoiea MacLares, twYnty-tAbort, over the banister, peered a years, wbo left bla boro la Union. Illinois, youthful face, topped by sleek blond oa November tS oa a hair, parted la the middle. business trip to Chicago, Teure Doctor Darand? -Tea." , communicate pleas by "Coma right up. telegram, chargee collect. Tha stairway waa rather dark. Berwith Robert MacLaren, Linton, tram thought, as bo ascended. Tba lie waa the eon of tba Hon. Robert only light cams from dim windows MerLarrm. who waa well known la tea below. Bertram crossed to a door which tral I'llnol aa a tanker and aa a mem-te-r of at ate board for local Improve. stood half ajar, knocked nnd walked James. wbo tad been tiring Intp n wldg front room. well lighted at bom after finishing Ida Course at by three windows. Ha found hla pa(ha alala university, tad gone Into the tient alone, pacing back nnd forth. real estate tnalneea In lJntuo and Harper Colton was a large man, waa doing exceedingly well at IL tth something of a tendency to Through Ibe Chicago firm of llowell waistline, and Company be bad procured option Aa be came forward, there waa upon a suburban tract of land which distinct nervousness In bis manner. waa rapidly Inrreaalag la value; and "Morning, doctor," ho nald huskily, taring formed a ayndlcata among bla and cleared hla throat frirnda la Union, ha tad collected Colton did not offer to ohakt hands. thirty thouaand dollart and gone to Once more ha cleared hla throat; and Chicago to take np bla options, He aa the doctor met hla gas the palo-bltied wired Howell nnd Company for eyee shifted uneasily. I ol an appointment for the afternoon of you may think It's funny tbe name day upon which I left Un- Pm up feud around, hut they they tell ion, tut be ted never come to their me Im bad off even If I don't look office, although ho reached Chicago U." oa that day, for he cashed a check for "Tell me," said Bertram, wondering five thousand dollars at Chicago at tha maa'a strange uneasiness of tank. manner, "why you're worried about The nest morning ha Identified him-rt- f yourself?" and raalied a Chech for three "Ill tell you." Colton cleared bla thouaand at another tank: tod la tbe throat. "A serious thing a mighty afternoon he cashed serious thing for a man la my posicheck. tion, doctor, happened to me last All tbeae drafts endorsed In tits month. I applied for a hundred thouhandwriting tad returned In the or- sand Ufa Insurance and got turned dinary course of business to tto Lin- down flat. Now you know what It ton tank and there waa little doub meant to get black-listeby life Insurance means It that James hlacLarcn himself waa the companies; you're Kreoa who received the twetre thou- finished, tf you ever want Insurance sand dollars la cnh. Trt he never again. You cant get It; and It looks appeared at Howell and Company's bad awfully bad for a maa la my offices; he never wired or wrote to his position. Now, doctor, you're not only family or to any of Ida aaaoclates tn a donor but you're In with big. Influthe syndicate; wae sot to he found ential business men w bo Just about run at. nay hotel; he gave no account of Insurance companies. Tbey'll do a himself whatsoever, aad by hla thing for you, aa a friend, that they be let hla very valuable wont .do for aa outatder "Not good Insurance company," options ge by default. Because be ted had with him eight Bertram denied. Quite mechanically Bertram brought een thousand dollars, hla friends dea stethoscope aad went through out clared that he had been robbed and the routine of listening to Colton's made away with; hut against thla waa tbe proof that ha had been free heart and lung. lie waa lifting hla head from Cotto cash rhecka at Outrage hunks both ton's chest when he became aware on the day of hta arrival In Chicago that the n.en'a attention waa not upon nd on the next day. this examination of himself; he apDriving along. Bertram Darand. kL D pondered over the telephone sum peared to be Itsten'ng. Curious, BerA telephone aitorta that waa taking him to tha tram hlmfcelf listened. hell rang somewhere below; It erased ftouth aide. and n voice, which Bertram thought Occasionally some one at a distance was that of the negro .houseman, railed him, ngt at all for hla profeo-glob- railed: "Mr. Severson I Telephone, skill hutHeaiie that some one Mr. SeveraonP a of attendance born doctor ought "Coining. Fred; thanks I" acknowlDa rand Only ooe call fell out of voice of Billy Severson, tlie edged thebe categoric the night of tht and a doorgaydown tho hall banged. ptortn. noine weeks ago, when Kitty Billy Severson ra me In a hurry, Hewitt, that rhamitng and bewilder whittling; Bertram heard him run to Inf girl, mistook bla door for another iht of the stairs; then heard: doctor's and to summoned Bertram to "Thattopdamn rug I Ob Ah God I" A -the bedrid of Eddie Pel ten, Eddie a tumble, a crash, a fall; and thump, th Immune." notorious gunman. the gay voice was at III That mistake brought consequences Bertram felt himself seised and from which Doctor Da rand waa by ne held. "Tbe boy's fallen, nald Colton means free tndeed. knew be waa hoarsely. Wow Considered by Pellen and hla Bertram aald: "lit may have hurt frlenda aa -- on their staff.- - So that himself." when again they should need the Cotton strode out of tbe room, Bersecret sendee of a surgeon. Doctor tram .following, and scrota the dark Darar.d would be very likely to bear hall to the head of the stair. He from them. leaned over the banister. "Billy P ha Hla call thla morning, however, fell railed, "tth, Billy Doctor Darand found himself gax'ng quite plaln'y Into the category of a nodal affair. Ti e maa wtm had sent down the polished step to a pattern for him waa Harper C. Colton, whom of light at the bottom where n young Bertram knew by reputation. Colton maa la gray clothee lay sprawled oo waa mld lle aged and rich-oof the floor, lie hurried dowa aad ortwo hotel la tho city nnd much real dered tht lad placed on a couch estate. Ilastlly Bertram knelt aad begat let whatever bad been Cotton's Idea, hla examination. He heard Colton Bertram bad no choice but to proceed he supposed It waa Cotton, but did la response to the call Colton waa a not look up coming down the stairs. rich man, and Bertram needed patient. "BUtyt" gsaped Colton when he wan Oa the step n bent old man. bla down. "Billy t" And to Bertram, ho face obscured by a battered bat pulled appealed hoarsely : "Doctor, he tint low and blue woolen muffler wound detdl Tell me he ain't deadr around hla chin. waa sweeping now. "lie's not deed." said Bertram and Tbe walk steps had been awept before, himself breathed freer for It. "Will ho dler apparently, and recently, for ararre n down of powdery snow awaited the "1 dont know." broom. "Why don! you know?" -"1 dont," replied Bertram patiently, la thla Mr. Coltoa'a boose?" The bent old man did not reply, but "nea fractared hla skull Of took one band from bis broom and. courts he's aneoaacioth, you sea ; hut ' turning, pressed the button betide the be'a living. Wheres tha telephone I" door. He Beamed to pres It three "Telephone?" repeated Colton. "1 want sn ambulance nt once." times, Doctor Dorsad noticed; perhaps It was merely that age caused Bertram explained. "We must take hla band to fumble. Tet. a sudden him to n hospital aa soon aa possible." Colton seemed to rouse at the glimpse of the obscured eyes beneath that hat brim gave the doctor rather word. "Hospital?" be repeated a rtsrt. U seemed to him, oddly hoarsely. "I goes not Hospital's a enough, that he had seen lhee eyes place where people die. 1 want that e before and In no anrh aa this. boy ta gat well He stays here, docTbe curious thooeM , Interrupt- tor!" ed by the opening cf the door. A III only cbtace." said Bertram. young pegru. in the whit coat of a "I a hospital sr.d tba beat bralB maa houseman. Blood there. 4 mean n surgeon who special lies 1 am Doctor Darred." oo tha brain we can get." "Y ra, air. Mr. Coltons expectin' "Ton mean, yon don't dart do It you." here, doctor?" Colton challenged. - Inride tbe pcinia w!nut-pancteSomething rang falsa in this; what y tialwav the aejrro took Rererarea list It ws Bertram did not know. si4 ulster.-- Rome ene u,talr was not here, Mr. Cdlton," he anwhistling Barney Google,- -' Them 8 swered. "Nor nt t hospital. tf I could M r y. o LIU-ool- a. UH-ut- a. - u WEEff.V WFI EX. KAYSVILLK. UTAH tram about his seek and chit; then straightened and scowled St Doctor Pa read with smelt, pig hkt eyes. By his straightening, by removing his hat sad muffler, he had peeled off twenty year. AH disguise was dropped; and who stood there tt was Gram Grama, the cruel sod merciless confederate of Eddie reties, "the. Immune," the gunman. "This way ordered Or m and. selling . Bertrams arm, led him through the asm door tnt the dining roots. A few paces behind. rubber heels, tt negro followed. In the dining room. Gram swung round abruptly. "Look hers." he nald leas harshly. "yoa saw him, didnt yoa. wbea he was sH .right upstairs?" Gram Jerked his head at tbs still Cgurtoa tha couch In the next room. "Yes." admitted Bertram. "Yoa was there when he was called te the phoo and took a tumble You AH right. tended him afterward. Just say that and sign. Doctor Darand; that's all yon got to do; and stick to tt. Get me now?" "I get you." admitted Bertram, and clenched his hands, his blood stinging within him; for what Gram wanted was now perfectly plain: It was n rertiflemts te he signed and attested by Bertram Darand. M. D that be bed attended on William Severson, a "Nobody" guest nt the home of Uarper Colton, Bertrams pulses pounded In hla ex- when said William Severson required citement ; he whispered te himself, medical aid aa the result of aa acciTv got to keep cool And la bln dental fall downstairs which occurred bewilderment be cast over and over wbtls Doctor Bertram happened to bo te himself; "What's oo here? What to the house. This statement was to tn the world was I called her for?" be the death certificate- when Billy The subject of discussion between Severson died; nnd It was Intended Colton and himself upstairs had been te prevent police Investigation. S blind, he now felt sure. But what Suddenly realising all this. Doctor was bsek of tbs blind? Was it that Perand barked away from Gram and which had happened or something els Colton nnd stumbled against tbe big which had been Islanded nnd which negro. Billy Severson's fall downs! sirs bad Clamorously tha telephona beU rang rut short? again. Tim negro answered the phone. "Oh, my God I gasped Colton. Gram crossed tbe room to the In"For you, sir," be nald, turning to Colton. strument nnd took the receiver, then "Tell 'em," Jerked out Cotton, "not quickly he turned and beckoned to now." the negro. Tbe fellow shuffled for "They've got to talk to you." the ward and plcksd np the telephone. "Hello." negro repeated sharply; and Colton Grain bent over to listen, rutting started, then .went do tbs phone. Ber get a better man. New, Ill use tbe teiepiione, please." "No, yoa won't." What does this mean?" "Tea you cant taka him out." A light of fear showed ta Colton's eyes. With s trvtaUitf hand ha peued s handkerchief across bis brow. "1 won't hate hha taken away from ills house 1 Bertram adrasced to the roach and gaud nt tbe boy's quiet, pale face. Its aspect pu tried him end. Ignoring Colton. be wandered into the next room. Bewilderment had taken the place of Auger within him. Tbe old man who bad bees sweeping tba front steps when Bertram entered tbe house was sweeping the rear walk now. Very recently he must have cleared the cement, for only the lightest af white down Uy ta front of his broom. Yet on this fluff af snow a single net of footlay footstep steps, leading sway from the house. And Bertram, tot ldBg thee almost roused suddeoly ta realization that tha old assn was busy at obliterating then marks, . Startled. Bertram swung about ta Cotton, wba had followed him : "Who Is la tho house besides your mat sad us and him?" "Nobody." said Colton hoarsely. "Who's Just been here?" aheeat-mindedl- y, - d tr fig-ir- vs d Cor-tsln- Da-a- reporter. tfed st . ) i j to I:k oa him unh Uy. for h detested s Doctor Darand nan turned up the collar W T' kj V troubled glance aa,,,' of the hospital. Km, Heat here la aight-a- nd .he to meet him here. T ,n caught sight of beluw at the curt,. ' down the tpa. H k,:il "r Ured." ah 8rrte:1 murmured. -- business rather got cr "I don't Aooder. j u fidgety myself." Do you," site asked v. r the real story Lw, "No all of It." he aie back there at.uUt yoUBT . LAKB Mm nv- ia t'h' a .. little loan, with taeh, lara in certified check,, and li ,ho3 thousand In Liberty going tuts tome sort f , ayndicate. and the mn-- y bdon?I meP the people in his t.IU, o' was And Doctor Darand knew It must have been prem j(,Qrx j uaekeoa to flght Menacingly. Gram and somebody aaindied and the negro cam toward him with half of his bond. He h'm out trWd u r a the rope. They seised him and bound back by gambling." nor bit wrists, and b did not resist "And there," aald Kitty Hewitt . cry out, for be knew hla voice would lost tha rest of hu bond, aa snd not carry beyond the beavy-pane- d one by one. He cashed the checks, curtained front windows. They bound blmself they couldn t. aithout filbla legs and sat him dowa and with evidence ing against th, wadies. Grama's broom under his knees, tied asked Bertram "TbeyP him. bent forward. In such position be "Don't you kn.wr She could not rlM. round at him." "Graiue. of course. Hi "All right." ordered Grama, breaththe biggest gimbimt JoUi operate , Colton left ing heavily. on the South eld,, it . 0ned by the room, the negro following, aad Colton. That s where he went upstairs. After a couple of min- Harper hla money for hi car and dul-a-pn utes both of them cam down again, for his new wife and ber plunj and Cram stepped Into tbe ball. Into society." There cam sounds of whispering and Bertram exclaimed, hut sh went . Then front door. steps toward the "This .boy up against Grarne, him got Bertram beard tbe door dooe; he wts and the self; gttine rrooltd, not turned so that ha could see, but course. They I used him oo for i he knew thst they had goon, Ore me. II waa left time to make him think he could fit Colton, and tbe negro, what hed been indled out of; alone with the body of Billy Severson. back took everythin! theo Juat they (Uy sudden footsteps sounded and Of from him. He found out that the a door opened. Not the front door waa crooked, hut protected; be this time; the steps came from the place found out that Colton oned It Wed, kitchen. Who had tome? be went to Culicn'i house last eight Bertram bunched himself around to Mrs. wbo doe-n- 't know usck Colton, see belter. The door to tbe pantry about her husband's was sot business, swung back, and a young mat Doctor Darand bad seen twice before peered of town and there was a row all i right The kid knew too much; h la. too much evidence to let him loess had Bertram recognized tha face now. he threatened to spill It all an! and Thla was Eddie Tellen. Kitty Hewltte Colton. So they kept him la tbs ruin friend, for whom Kitty had sought a all night and sent for Grsme-tha- t'a bouse doctor oa that night when be had been I got In." where shot; thla was tbe youth whose life do you ntranP "You? What Doctor Darand had saved that night ' "I heard Ooltoo had sent for Graas and who had later become bla enemy; quick. I didnt kntflv then wbat thla waa "Eddie the Immune," the gunGrama did, but I could guess. Great man. went It bis own way; he tinned at ImWell." demanded "Eddie the the boy. Da wanted to go ntl tbs wty mune" ta n harsh voices "what about . through,. with it rklll him and csry tO "What about what? Bertram asked him out by night Bat rlton kwt gambling He his nervs,. protected hollowly. before "Look here, dont you get funny P and robbery and, yea, murder Is hud never killing But he's this. Suddenly he skipped to the window, witl n got nearly crazy parted the curtains and peered out hit house, test II chockled again and Bertram, that boy dying la the house. Hi sal on doctors; their of for regular watching hltn, knew that ha bad waitlive a whU would he said the boy ed too long In this house which Grama cooked p and Colton and the negro had de- and then go. Then they you'd tht for Idea tend to you; the serted. Pellen sidled into the hall, and reputfamily sort of name, around the partition and out of Ber- right accident an ation. have They'd trams sight Whether be went upaccident stairs or whether he went . te the ordinary, perfectly natural when yoa were In bouse tbe rear Bertram did not know, but ha happen admired th'e immune one's nerve. For ther. You'd aee Severer; y j whatever maneuver Eddie Pellen at- hear him fall downstairs; the at the botto. tempted, he had Uttlt time. Tha po- find MacLaren down and w Severson waa You'd he think lice were coming. NoUH A minute later they had arrived. tlfy to the whole bna'no, handled be "Who are you P demanded tbe po- outside who couldn't ever have to ae the boy ; they'd h lice captain. "Doctor Darand," answered Ber- a perfectly aafe nd proper fr tram hoarsely, getting to hla feet nia for Billy Severson, with tbs knees felt shaky; he sat down In tbe rioaed, and get blm aafe below gTtrere "Severeoo waa ready to ge threap chair. "I wae called here profesvultb hla part to give np sional visit." Well, J "Who I this boy hereP pointing to clothee and disappear. know the rest," the motionless figure on the conch. Sh aald; "I rot the tip tble "What happened? What was " te A confusion of demands crowded on tag that Gram tent for yon Col tons. Bertram, and more police"You took a big risk for men came In. Suddenly there waa a Bertram and seized her a feminine cry from the doorway. P hot h It waa Kitty Hewitt's role. rt did not draw It away, "Not for you not entirety, that He started. She had never called him I that before. An officer was removing I cam for thst boy. to. figured I the clothesline from his ankles, and aa know wbo he was; but Bertram twisted round te see ber a waa somebody else la trouble. " shoot,-fragrance that he well remembered there waa Eddie to think became Bertrams filled the air, and Kitty Hewitfs clasp 1" he cried. anna were about bla and ber cbeek Ed Pellen I I oh. touched hla Too wouldn't understand. She raised her head with a sigh of relleL "Thank God." she exclaimed much to thla thing" roM aloud. "You're szfv P ' Then In hla nnd gave it up Bd g ear; "Pellen keep hla out of thla out of ' the cab window. He wasn't la P "By this thing' yon wH ; naked, "your association "WbatP muttered Bertram. ' and OoltonF "Eddie PeHes wasn't la. So keep -Not with them new. him out of thla" Bertram nodded. cop on them. Im done forever." rsptaia." shouted a police who dyou say we've found here? . Tm glad of that "But they wont be try That boy James MacLsren tbe depart, can understand that Thv "I ment and the papers are taskin' the to bowl about P injure yea. But sorely r?wer te protect you." "Look at 1m, captain P urged an-hh towwd ber voice. Its MacLareo. An around rlgbL" Lord P exclaimed the cap- la. while Ed PeHensBertrsA ald "Tellen P tain. rushing across to tho couch. t,i 7" Interrupted Bertram, Ton'll look to blm die unless be gets attention soon. For a moment bis jeslcuty handvoro yontk uk t once tea bospt- - lithe, . "I believe," he sa4 rt4 . ggi to that house for m uwni a chance for hla life." to protect film. I Two hour, later Bertram Darand. apeak of him." haring assisted a epecUlk la the Her hand waa goo fro" upon James MtcLarea, waa poamsf tripped off his whit surgeon's gar-m- grarp ; she t cab t dow for the and went dowa to the thirf hospital a good s waiting room to find that Ethel Wing. Good byr stie rest ' tH opened the dooe. CUcage famuie. to. ' White-faced- - nd . il t wner "Scared, ehP Grama Jeered at blm. -Well, 111 handle this." U turned to tl negro. "Get blm atrlngn quick." "String P cried Colton. "Ah. abut up," growled Grama. A few seconds later tht negro hurried tn from the kitchen with n coil of clothesline. "Now," ordered Gram cnrtly, "get hold of him." Doctor Darand leaped to bla feet. "Start something," snarled Gram), thrusting a hand quickly la hla aid pocket, "and you'll never leave this boose Get eurance tha her .e Seised Doctor lth thankfulness wept Aa Doctor Daraud., y of the fco.piu!, ltr al r what It waaP "Tell Gram knocked Colton's hand frinn bis sleeve aad crossed to n window, ll waa plain that Kitty Hewitt had aald something exceedingly disconcerting ; It waa plain that she waa checking and balking Grain' pita landing off by blmself, Colton offered no defense whatever. He had become almost helpless In his terror now. , -- Whatr w going to do?" he begged abjectly of Grarne. "Blow Do P mocked Grama. But do. to we'rt that's wbat gln firat." and he leered across at Ber tram, "we ll fix youP -No P cried Colton. "No more here tea poralsted. blue-coate- d d Through Doctor Oarande A max meet Cam the Soft Whlspor f Kitty Hewitt's Words. "I'm Cth.l wing- - Oo You Hoar, Ethel Wm9r tram, listening, beard: "What? He's not here. . . I tell yea he's not I don't care what they here. told you. 1 dont know a d o thing bout him." And Colton slammed down the receiver. "Look here," eald Bertram boldly. "If you Imagine that you bar a right to prevent proper medical attendance for thla young man, yosre wrong I Move than titat. you're committing n definite and dangerous crime He strode forward toward tha telephone. "Fred P growled Cotton. Obediently the big negro blocked the way;' but Bertram waa merely making n feint. Ut dodged swiftly back Into the dining room and through tbe swinging doors Into the kitchen nnd rushed to the rear door, which he found locked aad chained. Before be had the bolt back, tbe aegre was after him. and be swung np a chair sad flung It la front of the negros leg. With as oth the maa sprawled; but w second. Bertram up tn wrenched the door open and blundered out upon a cold porch to be confronted by the old maa with the broom. "Where yon going?" the old man demanded. Let roe byP "Oh. nor Tbe old maa wasted no word, but raised his broom sad vrttb amazing vigor thrust him backward. Now from the rear the negro seised Bertram's thooldera and Ceng hm roughly Into tlw kltri.eu. Tbe old man stamped tat the boo, slammed the dor abut, and bolted It n pulled off his battered hst and with n Jerk unwound the muffler ... r t his heavy hand over the mouthpiece, he whispered hoarsely to the negro. "Tell ber nobody's been here tills' morning." Doctor Derand nt up. So tbe per- wh bad telephoned before was n woman. But what woman? Evidently no switchboard operator, no stenographer acting for some one else. Fifteen minutes before, when Cotton himself bed answered, be bad tpokea to ber aa If she were a principal in tht mystery. Wbat woman that n knew would hae been Inquiring for Doctor Darand here? That bad been Impossible to answer, for a knew nothing of Coltons acquaintances. But Gram knew her. too; aad there was hut one woman tn the world whom both Grama aad Doo tor Darand . knew. She was that yoeng. fair, antra a ring gin who had. by mistake, appeared at Doctor Dae-andoor on the sight of the Kona when Eddlh Bellen, tbe gunman, had been ahot; abe ft was who, by mistake, bad anmmoaed Bertram Darand. meaning te rail a doctor already on Creme's "staff." and thus Kitty Hewitt started the chala of events which had led to Doctor D rand s presence In thla bouse, though ail the links of the chain were not yet forged. rUlnly ah 'suspected hi had st plainly recognized hispretence, danger Hsrper Colton spproeched Gram and plucked at hla sleeve. "That wta her again?" "Weil, what tf It was?" Cotton begged: "Now wbats she Col-to- Dee-tra- d dolngl" But Creme only muttered aa oath. "She aald someth '.rg to you." Col- - "Ber-tram- we-"P- ellen Terr, ctS-ee- r. - ld. er - Woa s!P--Tha- w ndreeL Ur mug Kitty newltt tat the W.t A. he entered. . and hurried watk; and. too late, rir gray-halre- d "V3 Iwdy had lady cam MacLareas Doctor Darand. rah and tried t H fH isj4t if. |