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Show A I . Srfte KAYSMLLE. LAYTON Get Jayers hold Bambergers Denver Endorsement MEET SPIRITED V Cure for Over-sditu- r,:jv re of Money, rt Rolapp to Craig juJ TSsLis"1 , & tu 8f , .nT". , - public v !TwimhrT pJSilapp would like to ee tn bulk tba mir expenditure t alao who get the money, sveeli tk to ee what the Jones it fetting, and whose broth-- I retting a Ury addressed tho tra ef the opinion and tai3 it, that the more publicity bad concerning the i midpublicbe officials who have the miLurt of the peoples funds, ths artfully those funds would be 'tsH and the more interested the those who i would become in A3 these expressions publk 4 af-- 1 were x'Jj indorsed by th delegates, but lir.jv t say the matter of publicity Tuition as provided by law, a vluck k pretty generallr ignored 1 ncaty, school .and municipal of x was not covered by the resolu 3 fceicltte. it tte request of President Rolapp, f t. Epperson of Davis county, pro rj a resolution which was pre -- to th committee th convention on fad u demanding that the stats pending for the publication of supplemental & thick placed 't nooeys be enforced. tf9f voting on the resolution Carl I lorruswa of Carbon eonutf, aross d vkt d ths maker of th resolution i Ai hw applied to cities, - towns d euUs m the same manner as districta. Kkoal Mr. Epperson vwd, 1 do not believe exactly ." This innocent query on ut ef Mr. Marcusson prompted k De, vho is 0 member of the board Question of Carbon county and hand was forced to print its 53 faucial statement by a deci-f the the 1 supreme court of the state, statement that the printing statement were expmiiva'and eo read them. Wlien the ft resolution was takes it y considerable tot a majority of thosemajority present wVt the action of their pub ifficah mafic public if payment rj words de for that service. In may be said that they !L their wtforring the laws that purpose and ignoring rT "7 karh did not. After aU j attitude of the bootlegger toward the laves wtuck St i'ssrsam. wiJ Wactiras. uv.o time result in The proposition that k'gh taxation la mostly m m jyfatlbly brought out, being gpmditam for city, county and Th legislature 5e creation of sinking w j triire bonded indebtedness adit of the books of 4a ifr nrt r?rd StUhiU a and commissions, business on a basis' S sTzl u i m Kmi- -' 'ard , bih-- ' nun.ttvv if' '.ru,.-- nii"g tonnr?"w , is tw.ig h, i ill arni-'- ! f uv J til ngt m 'hr . II Th o i ra that iivratc.t m' Jirr. n ' 1 n't thr N Th? following statrinrnt is uu?J by i!!rz Wr of Internal K??nu? Jam? H ntt?ron ?f the diMru t f Utah th? granting ?f applica- Jo ?x,-?ittttonn by mhIimJu! fur ra trillion of time m tak'y?r whuh tu file m rt Ar.nu c in 124 if Vir.h ai i. l w. :h w u.i k Earmington wn 1 o intrutir is six-mil- e o tun-nel't- Pay Roll Results From Hens Activities 100,-00- xpt taust be met. issue, when they cam due r--"vwne ue pracuc th. nresent law bonds mast i to funds psg those obliga-of oniv gourc refund with another bond Lowed taxation Uxatloa. trough ' only com, through publk' Cessing ia public business. will never sve officials anpublic Ii V u u V f;. penalty the persistent violation U A law without teeth is uA no better .than a tax U rides no penalty for taxes. non-payme- 1 nt f of Commissioners of Davis County, State tht, Cnty as 0T the 22 th day cf December, 1925, t next He?, g?4 pxs, a budget for the in Chap-t? ciir exPeiiitares for 1925. jls provided for Sesshu Uirs of UUV1925. .. t held on Monday, 1 cay J oclock A. 1L, at which toe any taxpayer w which De i04 1 heard on the tentative budget the office of the County Clerk and may be ex at any time by persons interested. IT. W. EVANS, Oerk. H Farn Bureau Member Says Boot Industry Will Staire Comeback f - n.t ! t- -. I ! . Mi- - ' s- , Hg.-tf- I!- - 1 I 1 1. - , . , , 't 1 le-- t r abae-m-- e fi-?- r lf, - ' a- riil 1 rVT ,- , ? rtnr?-ntativ- ? i th-A- xi-- ti i Kaysville to Honor Burton Blamires - tM-l- l e - -- nart-Burt- Bla-trii- e pie-tentin- - n one-fourt- h ; one-fourt- h Ker-Uta- h gJJ in Layton Recently Dale Jost Operated On for Appendicitis Pr. A Christmas Gift for all the family. Enjoy this Christmas with a $1-2- new ford pit It U a Us th5 NOTICE! j I tvb.-rnclc- SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. looking for meana of building up a steady payroll or ways to expand their present payroll total should give serious consideration to encouraging the poultry industry, in th opinion of Clyde C. Edmonds, sec petary and awiatant manager of the Poultry Producers, a cooperativemarketing organisation with a mem berahip of 1600 Utah poultrymen. Comments in various parts of the United States point out the UUh co- operative as the outsUnding exampleof axweess in this method of marketIngr, which is steadily -finding more favors among farmers. Mr. Edmonds calculates that a com0 munity handling the egga from weekbens would have an average ly payroll from this activity of $5,000 to 10,000 per week. This many hens may seem a large number to most people but in reality it is a comparatively insignificant total, is Mr. Edmonds comment. "There are shout 15,000 if farmers ia th state of Utah ndthe 200 hens, of each had a flock rrand total would be 7,600,000 bens. Thus there would be 75 communities with this big a payrolL This is not impossible for Utah, so encouraging has been ths growth ia poultry inthe been last few years and 0 fin baa the reception of Utah eggs , nd poultry products oa all mrcetf-ALtah From importing eggs ia to ,u basis the has gone oa to a degree that the annual turnover approximately ia nd errs poultry money paid lor $600,000, including state. th Ubor within BEET CONTRACT I ? thr fuilfWirg rooty, for rwryj tom? tat roturn. ('omnnnimrr o ad t,i ft.unty Ii.tnnal Revenue David H. Blair ha a., it l?gatei to collectors of intern I Mfcy iud ia a Mriwhrr f the rg h.nisrlf f ihr I arm Burcaa ifg r??nu? authority to grant eatri ton fti pricing 1. It,.- world tittiay, thrrr etitx m' Heretofore, umhfr the revenue ait of r ff application for extension have IJt, aiiiireKed gnil: t .I'.'t.r if organizations, all U?n r to the comm nummer hnh of Um U.n orgariiri) pro i a'trnsion are granted in rase of r r w ifl tf ji k ahs'ixe, suk rime or inability to ob'Mrrs i - . r tain data to make correct return with g an tumor mg nn,i t r. Mm arr i.rth certain provision. No extension will if-- t. U- grante-i- l t unle application i made 'f.,. r ti' ; g tK. ijt h, n on or h fore the date preacrilw-z- l by T " 'h. law for filing the return. o SO,, nt . fi M Hi'il Up The applicant mut state iprcif jr It'tl W r ' s arid a r. ' uallv the reason for ui h request, baniiMmt dftiraiil i i' rir at h which will be granted only if the am is it, harg. of tht "nu" txith. ia satisfactory to the col explanation and ft 1'ourx , is d nr g a !' g hus'llirss i tor. Ali thr thin ha'r.M tat imiif organuation thr ward Il!n? of a jarticular of or !,i f irim r i nmrssar), has mg U,,.,r shin s t """ of a corporation or a member of l.?n nigniz-for agea. rt not uti partnership doe- not constitute, in til t r. (M'tvizfn l'.ltO and me rn.uwig?m?nt of Mi-Kiivn-a sufficient reason for grantw h n !h? fa rmiz tx gan to beaut. f orgamz? ing the corporation or partnership jnutig ladv w flu cnmmiiii) grtui ui h extension. w,h,,v, manipulating "upation iTi art i. in takrn Th-In no rasa will a particular exteUjhonu ukthaigv b a Uv h' in tension lw granted for mun than VO of attraztiv? lit 1. uruaMTaliona gr w aui' ir.' and conwijuintl in m in day The usual time la from 30 to n' n'" '"rU(,uUr -ut and numtxr. until in Non m mi day Extension may lie makirg zhang? when pan! fur th? In r from thirt in meritorious cases, for a granted, Jo, r remit th?y period of m vhnh thcar group orgamra E wry body worth while will Isp" ores atati-not to eaceeti six month from the d mrt and fnmird ent at the zamiAa! tonight and 'to tiont i pteaznlwd date by law for filing the in an farm burrau federation, return. No extenioona mi y be granted morrow nrght and one will have to hnH aim to give aer n ? to and for more than 90 dayat any one go thr? or be in a irvwd by himself promote the g ru ral vielfare of the time, or for more than 11 month, in farm? i of kmeri a. all, except in the case of American From thi farm bureau organization citizen residing or travelling abroad, a all other members, non resident alien individual and forDad, a receive great benefits. First, he eign lurjHiration having no office or eionomu- advantages Thrtmgh place of business within th? United the powerful purrhaaing ability of the States. r. bhor'ly aftr the atteinp.-v- l Individual are required to file a toie aid farm bureau, th? farmers are able to biry of tht Mi Ilur-!f- r aa suzh ommolities f and pay one fourth seeds, th? iohb?r tentative ;etu?n pmzure by young rapture Blamires, h i umber of the riti-7- ? livestiak. feed for livestoek. Coat, etc of the estimated tax, on or before the ns zf Kays' Lie asked for contri- at almost cost price Through the date prescribed by law for filing remar- turn. whenever, in the of method bureaus bution for cooperative young opinion of the with a.i apprtprulr gift in keting the farmers can market their collector, it is possible for the particular indivizfuTkJo do so. tilen of his 'enices in brrgmf to products with a great deal lesa and can alao receive much highthe. af?ty of Where, in the chae of such indijustice and .ie community. The committee with er price For examfSe- an average vidual, the application was made on as chairman has acre of onions marketezl under the co- or before the date prescribed by law I)r. D. Keith h tight with the contribution a f.ne operative plan will net approximately for filing the return and where it ia watzh, engraved appropriately on the five hundred dollar (I'dHi) more than impossible to grant auch extension in another average acre of onion mar- time to enable the taxpayer to file a cuso an inscription showing h? for which the witch will be keted by the individual fanner. Again, tentative return, on or before the the farm bureau encouraged the uae due date for filing end payment of giver. to the estimated lax may be hunday evening services, Decem- of certified seed, which is sure to the result financial better ber 13, at the KaysnlU bring dvtnced. a is done in the rase of In general, it enables Dad will be given over to the committee. grower. corporations. and his family to live in the country In all cases of requests lor an exA very interesting program has bee arranged for th evening with th community and yet to have the lux- tension upon the filing of a tentative return and payment of Rev. Elmer I. Goshen of Salt lake uries of city life. of Second, the farm bureau benefit ita the estimated tax ahown thereon, such Otv as the principal speaker. The member educationally, in each local requirement must be met or th exprogram will be as follow; Musical aclcction, Thorrlty tno: orgnixatkn every member has the tension ia of no effect. Th taxpayer participate, need only show on hia tentative reduet, Paul William and Fred opportunity to actually do?a an m- - turn. filezi on appropriate blanka, hia and Burton; by participation only Christopher shaw; prayer, member ita It Rev. name and address and the estimated dividual brings grow. olo, Afton Rapworth; addreas Elmer I. Goshen; presentation, W. P. in eloeer contact with learned men and amount, if any, of the tax due. Much blanks for making returns in women; it teachea them newer and Epperson; prayer, Samuel Morgan. of doing their the district of Utah may be obtained method efficient more r work; it atimulatea mental growth by from the office of Collector of InterJoUIUl n.jy . helping them to systematically solve nal Revenue, Salt. Lake City, and their every-da- y problems; and it gives branch offices at Ogden, Provo, Locommon understanding and gan and Richfield, Utah. a them other fellow's difthe for sympathy A farm owned by S. H. Nalder in ficulties. to some Layton and rented by him week-enThird, th farm bureau develop its d last raided was foreigners members socially. Every year fsnners by Sheriff Mann and his deputies, encampments are held, in which the A Urge Burnett and Van Fleet. farmers and their familie, in a comlast Tuesday evening, Dale, the quantity f liquor and mash, together mon company, make a three or four 2 year old on of Mr. and Mr. Rowith a bug hundred gallon still, were day excursion to eons designate land Jost, was stricken with acutz confiscated by th officers. piece, usually the Agriculturalincollege and was rushed inamed1 appendicitis social The engineer of th works was hard of where they join their state, Dee hospital by Dr. G. D. to stelr the surwhen as nefarious his calling at entertainments of various kinds, Rutledge. The little fellow was opprised by th above gentlemen, and well aa in meeting of educational and erated upon late Tuesday evening, declared he would have been far away commercial Interests. During the year, when was found appendix had with his rood in another twenty many other social gatherings are held, broken itand the childbinextreme! ilL minutes, fl also declared this was all of which enrich the lives of the The his bedside latest from morreports the as in his farewell job Layton members. Above all it instill hi its tell of bis doing a well a can be row would bavt found him bound for members desires to achieve and adalthough in. such case another atat. Now be is in jail and vance, yet to have moral chanty for expected, about three day are needed before a vault in th his liquor is safely stored those who fail. e port can be mede. Dale complete all to act aa evidence. Verily the way rive The farm bureau not only ia e bright little youngster and U of the transgressor is hard. of these advantages to it individualin irved by every one who know bin. members, but it benefit the publicwel- At th time of hi sickness he was IMPROVEMENT ROAD ASK FOR general. It promote the general listening to Santa Claus tiding ever fare of the agricuJtneal group and the hi daddys radio. Let oa hop Old th ef 1 meeting At the December ITWP Santa bring him good health for a and progree f board of county commissioners resi- welfare the mU welfare ?! Christmas present. meana a peWeber preeented dents of South entire community, end ultimately tition asking that, now that the new the whole nation. . Th receipts during th past year the bridge over the Weber was completed, reason Dad is from mineral teasing thee for on th public doTherefore, direction that the road in westerly of fb farm bureau; first, main under the mineral leasing law, member a and be improved t from the bridge naked because H benefits bim uereonally according to a report mad public at straightened. Tbe improvementfor the economic, educational an4 social Does; the interior department, were 18.27," provides the petition for tn because it benef its. Dd 70S. Thia is $5452,122 less than the second, and in turns elimination of three sharp community aa a whole receipts from th same source daring the present roadL the preceding fiscal year. Th greatest dacraea is from leases on public lands ia Wyoming, when th receipt declined from $12470400 in 1924 to $6, 952401 in 1925. A decline ia the price of oil from a maximum of $2 per barrel during March, April, May and June, to a maximum of $140 during August and September and ia October, November and December resulted in th wells being closed tem. ' porarily, or ia pumping te storage and holding for better pneem. .t- - EMBER 51 Federal Taxpayers PLEASED WITH Will (let Extension Farm Bureau Prize ,. United States It will 10 provide an additional trrontinental line for Salt lake Cit The Salt Uke and Denver railroad U to be completed imultaneouly with the completion of the Moffatt tunnel through James Peak, now ,re- ported approximately 70 per cent fin lahed. The new link will shorten between Salt Lake City and Denver some two hundred miles and materially reduce operating expenses between the two points. Applications for rights of way to the eaat and west portals of the connect with the tracks of the Denver and Salt Lake railroad, were filed with the register of the Denver land office the same day petition was filed by Denver interests with the interstate commerce commission. The rights of way applications were accompanied with maps of the proposed approaches. It will be necessary to forward these to the interior department. Each right of way will be two hundred feet wide. the problem, and thatlntcre.tcaimot he developed until th whom, what for, what their tax money is imparted only that information can beternfR-through publiah.d must The law say putbtion to manner a ia made ny formation but does not infl.ct for failure to do ti "iri . .e ' dr r ' , r nd i . r , r n- ai J wul I. 19, 1 - ft tsT Pavrair id ti ,i.. puo-- re8rion j TOnviwa tM ana traverse me iimtah ho.,,.. air I n- - HURSPAY, DECEMBER 1 Annie Rigby Wins Carnival Now On . .. Colo., Wednesday of last week wh,,( :h? Denver chamber of commerce . petition with the interstate comrwne commission urging the f granting the application. The Denver r,Prp?r t td by Harry organuation, Dickinson, mai the chamber transportation opposed the application on th. would injure the chances f r t uiid - r was a cross section in the Dotsero cutoff. l th The Salt Lake and Denver vuth.in w ) opposition to the I)otsen turoff II St diy of th- nnir tni ,i, - ths dared ita intention to m-w- d ,ih 4n th delegates construction of the road regard th ?t0fkf -- PPtion, and the D, n of commerce swung lt van 3.!0Rf.v; J..?? be ac- - .Tfr A ,ut that nothing jm Wednesday Jf Construction of the Salt Uk? and "tSP w,th the iVnver y excessive taxation. d ,0 of th.rr.ot- - tmand . ( Kaysville Ward Final opposition to granting the ntUroad t construct a railnuj f4,m Prw AND FARMINGTON. ITAII. H the Femfly will epprecUte in the prin. Kid .miner but winter, thit not only month to come. cost, ia esse of low In km purchase price anduniversal semce charges, the J smdturkinr, in of Dependable Standard Ford car is the unquestioned cost. low transportation at FhoeelCfr up-kee- Th Aatherixed Feed the thn zp(innli(- attitude exita auar !- -?( f Utah rai?r last id?rni Tnhun? wa av The ?ar at thi This com lu a merting Saturday zam? 'fn-afternoon of the committee of the Utah state farm hun-au- . Tbe committee n?t to onui?r matter touching the 1925 cntrat anzi general interval to th? producer. topic Indicate! point to a l?2tt contract aiutdiir to the zne in effect this vrar, whuh guarantee the producer $6 a on date tf ztelivery, ton f?r hi with uhequ?nt payments depending on the prevailing sugar market and of the beet The prosugar ducers, it wa pointed out at tbe meeting, are well satisfied with the pre went zentract. which give them an ample latitude for profit when all factor, u h aa per acre yield, aurar content and xflgar prices, are friendly, Th? committee heard a lengthy report from Professor C. T Hirst, assistant heniist at the Utah Agricultural college, who wa employed to twir, urn urr f check extraction prvcee at the var- ious sugar factzrriea. Thia work was authorized by the farm bureau aa a the beet grower and the safeguard rrport says that in mzt tnJncea the corndiomtion teats checked within a reasonable margin for experimental error. Following discussion the chemists report was accepted by the committee. Wwrk la On The bureau committee expects to complete negotiations with the sugar companies on th 1926 cont rmrt by th latter part of December. The present contract is on what is called the 0 basis and In order that both sugar company and producer may prosper the committee is planning an intensive campaign to induce farmers te grow beets of the best Possible quality. Educational work in beet topping ala ia to be conducted, for the method in which the top la removed haa been found to be of influence in the quantity ef sugar that ia derived. Ephriam Itergeaon, president of th state farm bureau and chairman of the beet committee, presided at th meeting. M r. Bergeson will leave next Friday fop Chkaro Mr attend the annual convention of the American Farm Bureau federation. fr 50-5- -- Jeernal Started Commencing at once, the Utah farm burean will iaaue a regular publication, It was decided yesterday. This journal will be to .inform th bureau member what ia going on in their organisation and te keep on community in touch with developments in another. Opinion at Saturdays meeting was that, providing th sugar price improves, th sugar beet acreage ia Utah wdll he back te normal next year. On the first payment for beets thia year farmer ef Utah received mor per acre than they received th whole season last year. Increased yield per acre mad thit possible. Many Davis County Students at University Kaysvill Eesented and vldnity arc well raw-by students attending the ef Utah thia year. -- Thera art now more students registered at th state institbtkxi than hat ever before attended school during the fall term, A total ef 2411 student from Utah aa well aa from many ef th other state of the Union and from eight foreign countries, are now attenziing classes at the Unieersity of Utah. By spring ever 2.900 students are expected te b enrolled and thia will tax the capacity ef th Institution. In numbers, Idaho and California lead th list of state having students on the campus of th Utah nnlversity. They ara followed by Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Arisons. Territorial possessions of th United State and foreign countries represented oa the campus ara th Philippine Islands, Hawaii, Russia, Japan, India, Canada, franc and China. Th students from XayxviB aqd vicinity at th nnivnity ara: Wa A. Dawson, Jot. 8. Dibble, A lean Ellison. Harris Ellison, Stanley C. Ellison, Smith S. Evans, Elliott B. Holt, Andrew Watt and Fern White-sidesf Layton. Dne B. Bishop, Alan B. Blood, Kristi Bodily, Chn. K. Burton, John C Barton, V. Galbraith, Alpheua Harvey, Lncille Hyde, Was. IL King, Malba Thornley, of KsyiriH. s, Dates for Davis Dramatic Club Play THE HOTTENTOT p Layton AutoDealerCol 5 nii-r- ? auw-f-i- r t December CENTERVILLE SYRACUSE ... Saturday, December KAYSVILLE Monday, December LAYTON .. .Thursday, December FARMINGTON Thursday, December W. BOUNTIFUL Friday, December 11th 12th 14th 17th 19th 18th |