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Show 1935 rTgTUY. JANUARY 31, Page Five kaysville Mrs. 4 Jk Economic Highlights !' J. J. Bowman and for a weeks jeft Tuesday California. ait the El- regular meeting of Griddle nit of ,th? A6811 held auxiliary will beBarnes at at M. A. Mrs. of nme Monday evening with rlen Robins as the assisting ; ; j j interesting program j arranged and all mem-- 1 q the unit are urged to be An sjS a ,sent T. A. Official buriiiR Next Week , , saying, - A That adage can be accurately up-- ) the present congresas it considers the presidents new frhifavl covery anJ relief pr0rram Jt is moving slowly, it is talking a good deal , and it is gradually grinding U n last Sa .letlhlatl0.n toward thc two wM. Evans Principal projects of the White Jrt. House social security, and an un- 9 Uice Thornley, daughter oi precedentedly vast public works Mrs. John ' program, designed to eliminate the ,jvville. dole. W. spent j Mrs- King Harvey in Salt Lake The public works is of 'Sonday and Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. j he most immediate program interest. rity as the guest will cost $4,000,009,000 the larg-- , filliam H. King. will entertain est draft ever drawn against the Mrs. Floyd Millett ftLantern club at her home next United States treasury for anv sin- kednesday afternoon. will give t jun Parker William Galbraith 2 wlLlJ The following t esuknts of dropped in for a visit last loiy-'tu- UV S"Wide O'SIHY V ' ii n'ollu tl e road In 'if W ildei tifss for Ids sliH l,ou 'pit' 'C and at i.'l.'.ev ed drill ng (tif.Mitrt, rppo.ir nm was the til, Post part of Un vmdr Z ; .. It Hint Nui'iy !t(! 'he In Jams' In itift, In tin nn' I. r HxtT'Jou to them hut Sm.' h hi to he on Broil hn fhnt li '! on nn urmiiil A hi Min". 0, hlls'tn... V;H t hi j -- I 1 -- I inn of ted a pr (,he j a' num-farew- chil-tiv- 5: es ell i T en Years Ago dissatis-pandmothe- I pub-pec- ts I ed com-rose- . r, . ... I VrTwT EfYK.i " 44. REWARD m 1 HOW MUCH IS IT G WORTH? Local-Students To get the doctor in case of sudden illness or accident I To summon help quick- ly when fire breaks Mil the veterinarian lor sick or injured - stock! get-togethe- n;.1,- , arrange parties, rs of all kinds and make plans for meetings, church ffairsetcJ Enrolled in U School of Law rHephone & Telegraph Co. nt Im . .oon'ij Judged toes. Tin t'c . Pi ii turned whit the Madn termed got out t Suddenly, Soup on his nrm. jer- around. Why, I haven gllhl)., .as lie alw . u!r a hard tug : him halfway - on eer-tai- ofr.islons He unfortunate at upped, when he saw that a huge hulk of a man w is a Idiessmg him. Sn, tin Buddy. Hulk whined, wanna from Tc is an' know where m meet some o' these pretty girls Soapy eyes nnrowed and In wondered to whl'h r.o'ket tills hoef-e- r Tin Just I 1 belonged 1 ipiimo where ple around here, Oh, w a ( 'm.ipN thats all riJii, an meet peo- admitted, the Bruiser I said airily, loweimg Ids voice. He gotta thousand Inn lo wlf me. fished In his lest pocket, pulled something out, coxered by Ida huge, cupped hand. Then, to Soapy, he revealed what looked cnutionsly like a million dollars. Soapy a eyes popped as tie saw a twenty printed on one of tile hills. The size of the roll enchanted hltn; glued Ids feet to the pavement. Well, I duniio, Soapy admitted thoughtfully, taking a deep drag You might try on his cigarette. Oranski's street." Iavilllon across the-nav- dis-Ja- ! j ' j I 1 Soapy began ns did d Ihe work on the Ianmngton canyon project is progressing, not at any rccoid In caking speed, lent, .till j regressing towards the ulti-- ; mate end, the completion of a five) uule road with a twtlvo.por cent rade. When the List shovilful of du t is thrown, all the tools put away and the roud declared officially open, it will servo as a means of ucccsa to he upper reaches of the local portion of the Wasatch range, will greatly facilitate in combating forest fires, f any should occur and "will serve ' fdy innumerable other purposes. The cement portion of the abutment is complete and at the present time the men are centering their efforts towards building it up to the required height of feet.' This portion is thirty-seve- n above water and is being built of rotks, reinforced with concrete, dusting operations are still going nt full force and a crew is on ihe north side of the canyon, where the men are cutting brush and excavating the road. the J. C. Rebholz, state director of transient service for the Btate of Utah, and George Harris, purchasing agent for the FKIIA for this state, were inspection visitors to the Farmington canyon project on Tuesday, January 22. They ex-eased themselves as being favorably impresed by the amount and quality of work performed by the men under the pryaent adverse pi conditions. one-thir- longer will the night men have to grumble about lack! of sleep, for after months of hem- No Hey, you gotta matih? were coming too fast. Soapy looked at the recent arrival, and absently held out Ids cigarette. Do you know where 1 can meet some of these pretty gals?" the tall Hulk asked the Broadway lie. Soapy got auspicious. studies Indicate Increase in hog Income Is resulting from the adjustment In hog marketings effectuated by- - the 1933 3 emergency hog buying programs and the 1934 corn hog production adjustment program of the Agricultural Adlust-niou- t Administration The gruph above show s that the total estimated cost to pai kers for hogs slaughtered under Federal Inspection during the first eight months of 1931. Including the processing taxes duo, was ap proxlmately HoO.OOo.om) larper Hum for the corresponding period in 1933. This represents nn Imrease of In total cost and of about more than one hn'f !n the hundred weight cost of live anlmiUa At the same time, the total Inspected PRELIMINARY laughter of hogs for the first eight months of 19J was about 12 per cent under the total for the corresponding period for 1933. A psrt of this gain has been due-t- o an'lnrrease In consumer' Income and to some adjustment In tonnage effectuated by the shortage of feed supplies resulting from drought, but production control under the Agricultural Adjustment Act has been a large fuctor Hog prices throughout the current, marketing year are expected to average higher than for several seasons. Corn hog farmers of the United States will have an opportunity to hold gains made this past year ly -- cwperatlng In the 1935 corn-ho- g "Theyre working together. It's IMPORTANT NEW S a he admonished hlmselt. Soapy wondered If they had Idm In mind as the goat for something. Sure, Big Boy." said the brilliant example of what not to wear. know a place where we can get together. An' -- I got some dough." Now Soapy knew It was a racket, No two people on Broadway ever discuss the slate of their finances! to a forfeit stranger, unless It U for a rompHilson all around. Being the stranger, Soapy didnt sny nny-- . thing. the Okay, well go together, racket." for Reflex Readers 1 threesome?" Naw, I'm broke. The Brute and the City Slicker begun prevailing on Soapy to change his mind. Soapy noticed that each conepoke In turn, each brought up obso was It vincing arguments. vious ! Boys, Soapy said sorrowfully, I kid; other lae I'd In a minute. Im sorta go with you broke. The sorta" did It, The other two begnn exerting their strongest per- gotta wife an suasions. Forget the wife, suggested the Texan. Soapy shrugged his shoulders, and to give his words force, began waving his arms as he spoke. "I cant do that," be aaid, tapping the Hulk's chest. Broadways Aw, come on darling argued. Td like Soapy turned to him. oo I 1 can't Just guess to, hut oofl Some one bad pushed Soapy hick-se- t one's chest against the I hi balance, recovered The little gu.v direction the In general and glared of Central park. llow much dough you got with you? Broadway demanded. Oh. only about half a buck," Sonny lifil Broadway smirked, and the Hulk took the cue. "Well, I gotta be breezin, he said. Cornin' with me, ! The attention of citizens throughout the state is focused on Capitol Hill in Salt Lake City where the THventyfirst legislature of the State of Utah is now in session. He looked at Soapy Hulk wild. Mow about milkin' It O'Shay. ' Matters of tremendous importance are coming before the legislature laws which will affect .every citizen of the state. In order that readers of The Keflex may be informed as to how their legislators are REPRESENTING THEM, we have arranged for our own capitol correspondent to , contribute weekly articles on the session. Under the Capitol Dome to the brim with inside information and gossip current in the capitol halls, as well as in the senate and house chambers. Authentic hits of news matter, discussed informally in order affecting the vital that all may understand the powerful under-currenlegislation to he enacted during the present session. A sparkling column-fil- led ts Spot News Feature Service In addition to Under the Capitol Dome The Reflex will present a spot news story each week, telling the citizens of this district exactly how their representatives and senators ore voting on important bills how they are presenting the problems of our own community whether have or not theya7eTRU'rrRi:RltKKENTAXIAfief--t4e--iHople-w- h elected them. Every article is written from an unbiased viewpoint; yet every story, packs a wallop , Sure," the Brofldwaylte said. So long," he flung over his shoulder Three Davis county students are students in the University of Utah " law school, according ' to'"an an? at Soapy.' form to nouncement received from the unihis eased slight Soapy versity. They are Thornley Swan, the curb by a sidewalk newsstand, Kaysviiler'Kerth SthlrRoHtiXul, and Then' walked i rapidly' Th the opand Dale Clark, Farmington. from the other two. The University of Utah school of posite direction Forty-flfthalMIt stret, entered He law has experienced a gradual ina dark semi Into in ajley. recent and swung crease in enrollment coat sleeve. P hi years, according to William II Reaching Hulk's roll. out the Leary, dean of that sehooL At pulled Soapy the present time the enrollment in As he susjieded, there were about law course is alThe new medical science building the three-yepieces of paper, twenty doliar-sls1C0. i most of $500,009 donation double sawbuck. financed by a the under folded Although law courses were ofwill be the fifth new building on Mils he dropped. Utah of The dummy at the University the University of Utah campus fered as early as 1905, a school of law, From his left outer pocket. Soapy feinte 1925.- - Other - new buildings vci own dean, was not estab- 'extracted the Broadwaylte1 billfold. fls th the engi Union building, are the hall, lished until 1913. It was not until This contained seventeen smackers neering building, Kingsbury school was approved by the which lithe the and the mining building, Soapy also pocketed. American Bar association in 1926 construction. under now Soapy chuckled. Twoulda been a brary and admitted to membership in to let them two go round shame Law American of class work at the Association engaged for 'regular session took school with all that money on 'em.' of the Schools in 1923 that the the 193!) summer ranks. foremost the in its place University of Utah. h pro- gram now being offered by the Ag-- b cultural Adjustment Administrate a. Events Mac? t Keep Informed on Legislative News The articles in The Reflex will give you an accurate picture of what is happening in the house and senate chambers in the committee rooms Dont miss a one of this interesting educational new and back stage. series. ar e -- The Mountain States - talking t; toward -- To call To men turn in its drive to make people build and renovize their homes. A recent annalist statement, sent out over the financial wires, said, in effect, that all matters of interest to business are overshadowed by.theposfibilities inherent in the supreme courts forthcoming decision on the gold seizure act. It seems sure, however, that quick remedial action will be tak en if the court holds against the government congress is prepared for an adverse decision, and bills are already, drafted in case it again becomes necessary to re vamp our money system. e e After ii oxer the put pose of the camp, etc., and heaiing two members of the ijUaiUfie pitfonn ofr a while, they wire served nn impromptu .'Upper. Those to attend were lan - Dan -- Sullivan, I Warct laonnul Layton, Bert loiyton and . covered and developed. Layton. Wu--au- h on his way. -r con-191- jellow-stiit- prosperity him. and Soapy the limn with hi Bright Light of Ids head, reveal! ison Square gm ti cuullilower ear the Keyhole Klub last Thursday evening same magazine. the spending power of the first 3,- laid for Miss Vera Odd.Miss j the past three years, h500,000. During' Helen Hyde, Bitta Unford, Miss duties have taken hr.to ail PEf'C BevMrs. Mary the are promEqually important iljs Edith Layton, tions of the United States. Her, mdre. Miss Marcell Linford and ised principles upon which the pro- when not in thi field gram is predicated. All work is to aead(!uarters j, V. Woolsey. The club will 1 aat'onal office of th- - Na this evening (Thursday) at be useful, in that it will either per- - a. ( ojigrcss of Parent and of Miss Helen Hyde. manently improve living conditions ;r'nai! create new wealth. Pay for, n c hr r in Washington, I). C. Sim Mrs. William E. Getz returned home in Tremonton this workers will be above the present M her "prLI-ederatioof level but will be' lowipff visited with dole Borning after .. having r! ion J In and tin associations, so that the men pHcal 'enough empkvyed raaHeriaI rtderaHon of Homo will still keep an eye out for jobs at h",d in private business. Projects wilD n t dam.. July 2'd, to Aug. 1, be selected so as to use the largest! possible amount of labor for the!1' Parent education' has bei one, money spent. The money will be the major projects of (he Na-- i allocated on. the basis of the great-- 0 cst need that is, a state which t'nal Congress of Parents and has 20 per cent of its people on re-- 1 Teachers since. its organization in The present parent educa-- J Items taken from the files of lief will get more than a state Tbe Weekly Reflex for January 2d, which has but ten per cent on Program of the national lief. It is said the public works gross seeks to furnish help ami will avoid' . competition guidance to parents, in their eveiV-- i program IdaThomas Barnes of Downey, with private enterprise, which is experiences with th r ko. visited with friends and rela- to train study group leaders; dren; about justifiably governjittery in Kaysville the first of the mer.t activities in the industrial to bring about better understand-- 1 ing and closer coop ration between! Miss Alta Craig of Layton, who Held, and teachers; and to make! parents The list of possible public works has been called on a mission to the the community a better place for, northern states, will be given a has not been completed, but a children. party on February 5. Miss her are known. Public buddings will be one. honored at been will has Craig Bridge building already Soil conservation and showers given by the Primary and be another. the Young Ladies' Mutual Im- - sanitation will come in for their share, as will tunnels, flood dams provement association. Miss Jane Smith, who has just and forest conservation. Road returned from the northern states building will naturally be near the Items taken from the files of here she spent sixteen months in head of the list The Weekly Keflex for January 29, the mission field, is visiting her r, There was considerable Mrs. Mary E. Smith, faction in congress over the fact 122a: The senior class in the John R. of Centerville . Miss Smith ex- - that the president wants the to leave for her home in lie works money under his control Baines seminary gave the followMountain View, Canada, in the congressmen wanted to distrib-aea- r ing program at Clearfield ward future. ute it themselves. However, this chapel Sunday: Talk, Annie Rigby; Franklin R. Smith of Centerville idea seems to be definitely out--will song by Mary Clark and Drucilla leave for Los Angeles next allocation of funds will be in the Moon of Farmington, Vera IJaiton, Saturday where he will pursue his jurisdiction of the White IIousj, Paul Layton, Howard Williams, Alan Blood of studies in music and electricial en- through a board appointed by the George Wilcox, and Howard Williams; Kaysville; talk, fineering. president. Jenness Conrad, Kaysville; Bishop and Mrs. Cook of Syra- So far the 80cial security pr0 talk, cus will leave duet, Ila Seoffield and piano Saturday on their gram is concerned, is finding annual trip to California. Peak, Kaysville; talk, ErMardge rather hard going. It seems that ma Manning, Roy Walker and Miss Margaret Farmington; and has his own talk, Eugene Bryson, Bountiful. Were "mar--1 fdVcaryastTho7athc ill, the aged 04Ffrmirigt0n school Davis The basketball high aidbe should and the Hanson, formerly cdthereunemployed is much argument, many team was defeated by I D. S, high words and little agreement. By school in a game played at the Farmington the time this is read, the Kaysville gymnasium Fridayd JiS?ne JSr mth relatives, stop- - Townsend Plan, whereby every night. The Davis lineup was ptng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of person over 60 would be given Walker, c;Thomas, If; Stoker, rf; Henry Robinson. Taylor, lg; Chipman, month the $200 a government, by Mrs. A. L. Clark and daughter, will probably have been introduc- rg; Cleveland, If; and Layton, c. Phyllis, and son, Dale, of Farm-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Ware of lower house ed in proponwent to Logan Sunday. ents ofthethe announce the engagement Layton plan claim enough of thcirda-eg'htcPhyllis is one of the girls who won Bessie, to Jesse The to it through. get high honors at the state fair in supporters L. Thornley. will hoys and girls club work. She will presidents influence, however, Miss Marjorie Birkin, daughter be thrown aggressively against it, he entertained with other guests) and in favor of a much more mod- of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birkin, wen t the Farmers roundup. the $2.00 prize offered by the farm erate policy. bureau to all eighth grade studens Through the efforts of the of the county for the best essay Business are encouragreports medical department of the United on the subject, WTiy Dad Should is The experiencing ing. country htateg navy, typhoid fever and gradual improvement in about ev- - Belong to the Farm Bureau. Miss have uracticallv been Thora Seoffield won the second tradirntA jme 0f eiKjeavor. in the naval service. All eryTrace according to of $1.00. prize Personnel of the navy are subject The Ladies Literary club of aw .... Farmington met at the home of 4000 ...U f0r !CUltl0n,,U Prevcn beginning of 1932, that companys Mrs. A. L. Rose Friday afternoon. . business activity index stood at Frank B. Muir of the Davis high Modern 50.1, it now touches 74 a gain school faculty, discussed club the Members of is increase 45 This cent of History. per nn Robert Mesdames were: distribution to due present retail . largely which are 5 per cent above Miller, Bell Rogers, J. H. Robinpn. . ni gains, Taaable personal jag ear n E. II. Clark, England g to 12 son, G. R. Chaffin, ' "usmca papers in tan suit- - per nt up jew on the Pacific coast, Hyrum Welling, Nephi Palmer, case lost Tuesday. an(j o to 30 per cent improved in Thomas Brimley, Robert Stelter, the middle west, with the balance Delia Robinson, Rose Knowlton, of the country showing rises of Horace Van Fleet, Charles Lloyd. from 12 to 15 per cent. Reports Guests of the club were Mrs. Lucy from grain and livestock markets Hess, Mrs. Mamie Dumke and MrS. Dora Barlow. are also encouraging. Miss Zena Williams entertained Steel production is at 44 per Four-club at here hofhe last rethe over cent of capacity a gain cent levels. It is still advancing. Thursday evening. Those present Electric power production shows were Mrs. R. O. Layton, Mrs. N. ... some gains. The construction in- N. Reeves, Mrs. Fred Kershaw, and Misses Claire Gleason, Norma dustry long dormant, is showing the Doris Thornley, Ar-te-ll Underwood. due of principally recovery, signs Linford and Muriel Reeves. to the activities of the housing administration which, after a slow re-tl- lt. thoe hett. pre-pau- euning. .Sunday try offtuals were bumiuss visitors nt Camp Lake View on ThurMloy, January 17. At the cnnvluv.on of tin ir visit, they enj ycd n well supper. Those present were: TV . OKon, supervisor of the National forest, ami inenlent- ly of the Davis county mhbtiou; xVayno Bettenson, assistant supervisor of thu Wasatch National for-sW. des Payne, acting engiil i S. to In: neer fur this district, and C. W. 'miMml, think- - Vvchnuyer, supx rintendent df the He spot- Moods Cross CCC camp. it nt ti tsiSed ' sir," Soap. No, vnme -- 1 It WllMtt v .S' poor. lts - v I r- ! ! I - Plied. I f j , - d s mills,0 thc goL giind slow- the erind exceedingly The United States navy is one of the best agencies for the proper development of young men because of its combination' of manual and physical training and the opportunities for self education and advancement. The broadening effects of travel and the association with meft from all parts of the United States and foreign countries are additional benefits from service in the navy that help a man to hit his stiide. Thousands of men in civil life owe their present success to the training they received in where their ability to ' get ik results and to lead men was i , county Part. nt Teacher ns-- , locution officers are looking iith much interest to the vis-- ! it of MisAhee Sowirs, adult edu- lution ha i man of the National t ongie's of PaiMits and Teachers, ; who vmII Ys.t local un Is of the as- sociation during the connng week. Mi-Sowers will address meetings at tlie ou'h. Junior high in Bountiful mrd at the Liy- ton school duiing her visit to Da- . v,s lountyIn carrying the parent education piopram of the National Congiess of Patents and Teach rs to the various states, Miss Sowers gives addresses before conventions anil dh-- r public gatherings, to inter- Pret parent education to the cbm- mumty and to stimulate the ffnmzation of study groups, hods conferences with educators tv de- vclcp parmt education leaderhinrl con ucts cot.ferences atV an.l or Parents with parents 's .H 'd teachers to plan programs for; sU.ldy "rouPs an,i methods of car-- , w,,k. Miss S'wers ryipg on t i.s for-var- j -- inlM- 'bcnw club at her homo Wednesday . afternoon. Kington entertain bSdge club at her ev!1 evening Evans oi Richard Mrs. Mr. and the birth City Uke tilt Coming to County kbit happenings That Affect the Dinner Tails, Dividend Checks and lax Hills of Every IntHv.d--vloc- k ual. National and Interna' ioir.1 Problems Inseparable Er.-' "l'l-biic Welfare ming, hawing and stalling, lumber has been "finally procured aod Work f ' at ted on a sound proof room so "thv night men can obtain their full ' quota of sleip. THE WEEKLY.REI -- Davis County's NEWSpapcr 1 i -- |