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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX PAGE TWO News Review of Current Events the World Over Presidents Four Billion Dollar Relief Program Is ' Jammed Through Douse After Bitter Fight Hauptmann Takes Stand in Own Defense. By EDWARD Waatarm by W. ment, would bs sold below par. Thers would bs no Interest, but each six months ths bonds would President's to th Jam opposition lo valus at tbs rat of 84,800,000,000 relief program through appredat the house. Efforts 2ft per cent, plus compounded to fight ths grant earnings. of such unpreceHugs sums ars Involved: first, dented authority to the creation of a revolving bond th President were authorisation fund of 82.500,000,000 unavailing as th and second, th consolidation of ths nous, Whits cracked tbs whip over revolting representatives. Final vot on ths measure was 828 to 78. Ths vote climaxed a furious eight-hou- r two present revolving funds of each Into a Joint fund for blila, certificate and notea TX7AB flamed again in Mancha- kuo as Japanese troops struck suddenly at three points In Chahar debate on ths measure. Members attempted to attach province In northern China. Three amendments which would protect prints Industry from government projects which might bo launched under ths relief plan. When this failed they endeavored to allocate the money for specific purposes. When ths debate had reached Its height, ths President sent a message to the house "declaring It would be Impossible to segregate Items for which the money would bo expended, but that the huge outlay of suma would be devoted to public projects and that after tbe Immediate crisis of unemployment had fortified cities were shelled, and there were Indications Farmer-Laborlte- little one-eight- h -- case-presentin- g Legislation similar-measur- ten-yea- i- - that the drive had only begun. Tbe Japanese attack came as s surprise since It was reported that negotiations for a peaceful settlement of ths dispute over Chahar province had been nearing a successful conclusion, Japan bad asserted that Chines troops In Chahar had invaded Jehol Military authorities declined to announce the real objective of the drive. The district which the Japanese troops occupied la about passed It waa his hope that the 150 miles long by 50 miles wide, and country could set aside 8500,000,000 Is said to contain valuable gold a year for the "national plan." mines. The White Ilouse message was Japan's action Is seen by Chithe signal for the Democratic ma- nese leaders as a determined gee jority to push the message acroaa ture to Intimidate Mongolian princes with little change from Its original of Inner Mongolia and to cut the form. On the final vote 20 Repub- overland rtute connecting re! ping licans voted tor the bilk Seven with Urga, capital of Soviet s and three Progressive controlled Outer Mongolia. also registered affirmative The situation Is viewed with convotes. Ten Democrats, five from siderable apprehension by Soviet Georgia, three from Virginia, and Russia. The drive will bring two from Indiana, voted with the Japanese military operations Into opposition. direct contact with the borders of Because of the gag rule adopted Outer Mongolia, and practically all by tbe house, only amendments of- high officials of the territory who fered by the appropriations commit- have been attending the Soviet antee could be considered In vital sec- niversary celebrations In Moscow tions of the measure. Such minor have hurried back to tbelr provamendments as wore decided upon inces. went through without serious opposition. XinilTE-FACED- , under the glare One of the' amendments striking of the courtroom lights, but apout a list of projects that might be Included in spending the 84,000,000,-00- 0 parently cool, Bruno Richard Hauptand left the vast sum to be used mann took the stand to begin hla fight for life. Ths or nonfederal projects" "federal for Flemlogton of the broadened powers actually (N. J.) courthouse the President The 8SOO.OOO.OOO will was packed as ths be used at the President's discretion man accused of ths for relief purposes while the promurder of the firstgram Is being put Into effect son of Charles born Another amendment struck out a A. Lindbergh began subsection which gave the President hla testimony which authority to postpone the end of any bs appears confiexisting government agency. This dent will save him Demwas a move to satisfy certain from ths electric ocrats who were opposed to Secrechair. PWA hla and Ickea, program tary Bruno Calmly, he told of Another which expiree In. June. Hauptmann his early life, of his to the clause granting authority President to acquire personal prop- war service, end admitted that he had once been convicted In Gererty by the power of eminent domain was also removed, as was the many. Ills thick, guttural voles resounded through the room as he resection granting the Chief .Execuhow he had made three atcounted tive the power to Impose two years to enter this country before tempts Imprisonment on any violator. The was he successful. sucamendment which only other Under the smooth questioning of ceeded In passage waa one which provided that an accounting be Chief Defense Counsel Reilly he related the details of hts life up until made for all moneys spent Minority leader Snell attacked the time of the Lindbergh baby kidthe bill declaring that the money naping, and then proposed the alibi Involved amounted to of upoiv which he la apparently relying the national Income, and that the for acquittal house was entitled to know what the Hauptmann declared that on the money waa fun Later In conced- night of April 2, 1332, when 830,000 ing the minoritys defeat he said was pnld to a man In St Raymond's that If the opposition waa free to cemetery. New ToVk, he, his wife speak Its mind, the bill would be de- and a man named Kloppenberg had feated two to one, but that under been at home until about eleven the executive lash, there was no o'clock and thAt be did not leave hie chance of defeating It home at all that evening. He also denied that he had been absent from work on the day the kidnaping took sighed with NEW DEALERS as the Supreme court re- places Two witnesses Introduced by the cessed until February 4 without handing down It decision In the defense to establish Hauptmann's geld cases, thus giving the adminis- alibi were not entirely satisfactration more time In which to pre- tory. Chrlstlnu Frederlckson. Bronx pare legislation designed to handle baker, said llauptmann's wife had the situation In tbe event the court been employed In bis store as a waitress and counter girl and that renders an adverse decision. thfc..aame time the. coiriLpram-.- . the accused had called for her on tlie'nlglil'of MarchT UponfrosF ised to decide clear-cu- t examination, however, he stated test of the constitutionalwas he' not that sure, but that It of the national ity recovery act, and which will have considerable must bare been so because It was effect upon the ultimate fate of the llauptmann's custom to call for bis wife whenever she worked late. already bedraggled Blue Eagle. - Mrs. Frederlckson also stated that Mrs. Hauptmann worked late on the which would Investor to buy night of March 1, but was unnble to government securities and which Viy whether Hauptmann had been provides for radical changes In gov- at the bakery. She stated, however, ernment financing has been Intro- that she had seen Isa dor Flsch, furduced la the house by Chairman rier friend of Hauptmann who died Doughton of the house ways and In Germany, on the eve of his sailmeans committee. ing for Germany In Novcmter, 1932. ' "The'nblTkprepareTby' the Treas- - ThesaTir"FTsch"dIsplai ed "i"Targe try department, places the admin sum of money, but she was unable istration squarely against Inflation. to say whether tt was In greenbacks It provides authority to raise money or gold certificates. necessary for the public works, Throughout llauptmann's testies, social eeenrlty and mony- Colonel U ml .ergh continued meet federal deficits, and to stare at him. During the Court might ecn be used to provide funds session, IJmlliergh reiterated his befor payment of the soldiers bonus. lief that Hauptmanns voice was the Under provisions of the measure same as that of the mysterious r there woull be bonds In John" who had housed him out of amounts ns small ns $25, and as ex- the ransom money nearly three plained by the Treasury depart years ago. . I EOOMMENDATIONS that Utah Legislature Amer-AJca- a O air defensqsdlltles bs will bs mads by Increased greatly President Roosevelt In s special message soon to b sent to congress, It has been Indicated by those Conclose to ths administration. struction of s series of sir bases National Topic Interpreted for th United- States, the addiby William Bruckart D. C tion Of 4,000 planes to tbs servWaahlnstoa, BulMlar National ice, and building s bugs dirigible will bs among the projects which tbe President approves. dollar In gold. At that time gold It I aeldom that Washington Th proposed construction Is In valued at around 821 an ounce waa I Interest widespread any genuine administration armade accord with a report Just by evidence la 06 The Roosevelt that Talus to a Increased ths special aviation commission. It tbe bitrarily Court clslon by With-oSaprem is ths purpose of the commission to Court few cents oxer 835 an ounce. Word Last It Has details th6 leas the dirigible to a commercial folnf Into all. of of the United amount earn firm as a slater ship to ths Graf tha to gain States. Although that distinguished means that now which a dollar would Zeppelin which will start regular of hands gold In Its bolds men of nine to th Roosevelt transatlantic servlcs within a few body to that of the Presi- have brought prior power on wUlhave weeks. and of congress, some way It administration action It another atata Tbs series of bases along the Pa- dent haa never been a part of th gov- to pay 81.6a. To Involve will make cific and Atlantic-coastcontract tha gold ernment to which attention haa way, If obliare who America Impregnable to sir attack, those 81,000,000,000, been directed nationally. Of course, to will have while ths there are more people who are not gated to pay In gold ths commission believes, addition of 4,000 planes to the army tha at present than who are familiar with pay 8L690.000.000, under and navy service will bring It up lawyer law and that may be the answer to rate. Obviously, debtors to far mors than tbs existing fightfind themwill can circumstance court that the fact that the Supreme ing strength. selves between the upper and nether be said to be little known. If tha Ths commission has also recomBut It seems now that the court millstones, well squashed. mended creation of s special fireto th la to b a center of attraction Juat court rule adversely man aviation commission to regupolicy. as Interesting as either tha execulate civil aeronautics. In tive or legislative brancheai The Attorney General Cummings mad court to the his Supreme reason la that tha highest legal plea POSSIBILITY of n move by tbe tribunal In the land haa befora lt the argument that an adverse deciItalian government to make a for decision some of the most mo- sion would mean chaoa to the counprotectorate out of Ethiopia was mentous legal controversies to en- try. I believe there can be no seen by European statesmen. Ex- gage tha country since the day of doubt about that. But th point Roosevelt administraploitation of tbe an- the Civil war. Through many la deeper. nouncement of the months, questions concerning the tion policies were hammered through slaying of a French New Deal their legality and consti- congress and received the legislaSomaliland admtutionality, have been wending their tive body's rubber stamp by diinistrator and 00 slow, tortuons way through the low- rection of the President. French colonial em- er courts, through the courts of ap0 ' ployees and Somalia peals to th court of last resort unWhat Is going to be dona about waa said to Indicate der the structure which w know as ltl I dont know. Further I dont that a movement our government believe tha was on for Italy to One of these, as I reported to you ministration take over ths moun- previously, has already been decidb,t.do11 In Be Done? tainous African ed. In that Instance, the Supreme to going kingdom to restore court by a rote of eight of the nine court rules against tha order. The consent Judges determined that President event the In these cases. Thera of France and Great Roosevelt had gone beyond the pow- government numerous been haa conferences, Britain to the plan has been ob- er! accorded him under tha Constiby suborspeculations frequent tained. tution In prohibiting export of oil dinate officials and many guesses A number of recent development from th state where It waa recovby Individual. Tha President himpoint toward some action by tbe ered. self said in a press conference tha Italian government Premier MusWithin a very short time now the other day that he would not disofsolini recently took over the moat Important case of all affecting cuss the gold question while the fice of minister of colonies; Gen. the New Deal will be decided. I matter waa pending before the SuEmilio de Bono, former minister of refer to the gold cases. court It was a simple way colonies, waa named high commis- Five questions are before the court preme to avoid. expressing his hopes or his sioner of Italian East Africa; mili- and if It decides adversely to tha fears. roads have been constructed tary governments claim on any of them, It Is to ba noted, however, that through Italian Somaliland to the the monetary policy upon which the the ten days In which the during Ethiopian frontier; and the ItalbeNew Deal has been operating court heard ians have recently taken over a big- comes arguments In tha gold virtually null and void. The cases, s considerable number of senIn share the of the court heard lengthy arguments by ger operation sat DJlloutl and Addis Abbaba railway high powered lawyers on the part ators and representatives In In the seats with French consent their gloomy glued of the government and on the part Recent history affords a numof private citizens who claim that old Supreme court chamber under. ber of precedents for the Italian their the dome of the Capitol They, were rights have been abridged by government to follow. Japanese In- the Roosevelt money policies and obviously wondering. None of them thus far has offered publicly a tervention In Manchuria waa "to they naturally are seeking redress as to what he will do In restore order and reduce Chinese No one dares to make a predicevent and the use tbe tion monetary policies are banditry," Italy might concerning pending action by overturned. After excuse of reducing Ethiopian banall If the Roosethe Suiceme court It can be only velt la upset, congress program ditry as a reason for Invasion. The guess at any time In advance of British action In Egypt and the will have to enact some new simply a rule by that group of men because Sudan, and the French subjugation with one or two laws, and that waa the chief reason exceptions since of Tunla also offer parallel cases to so many of the congressional why the nation waa founded, its decifollow. leaders were seen lo attendance at sions hare never leaked out ahead War In Ethiopia would Involve of tha time court handthey are formally considerable expense due to the rug- ed down from The eoort will rush Its decision. tha bench. ged nature of the country, and this Of that there can be no doubt AlLawyers throughout tha land are la seen by some as s reason why It has put cases of paramount ways and for the courts waiting the Italian government has not act- watching Importance to the nation ahead of most But of tha findings. fidgety ed sooner. The Ethiopian emperor those that affect private litigants haa been buying all the arms and all lawyers are those in the government who an adverse Everyone believes, therefore, that recognize that munitions he can. It has been redecision court will flatten Id this Instance the Supreme court the by ported, In preparation for the Im out the New Deal and a has laid aside most of Its other force pending trouble. wholesale revision of policies I work In order to devote its attenexaminaam told that this group of lawyers tion to s thorough-goinKokl Is none too certain of Its groynd. tion of the present problem. minister, foreign JAPANS warned Soviet Russia True, they made what Is recognized Lawyers tell me that If the court that she should stop fortifying the as a strong argument In support of rejects the Roosevelt policies as uno Siberian frontier north of the governments position but the tenable under the Constitution, conIf friendly relations are to difficulty seems to be from their gress will have to put through be continued between the two counstandpoint that the Constitution was some new laws on the subject at tries. Ills remarks, made In an ad- written before the brain trust came break-necspeed In order to avoid dress before the Imperial diet, had Into action and the Constitution It- a hiatus that would flood the courts special significance In view of re- self provides ' the only ways by with an unprecedented number of ports that Japanese troops are In- which It may be changed. suits. vading Chahar province to prevent Sovletlzatlon of that region. Among the questions before the The agricultural adjustment adRussian fortifications In the Far Supreme court In the gold cases ministration has fixed the cotton that one brought East, particularly of the strategic crop for the com- beof are the Amur forward Important river, crossings by a suit To Restrict tng season at to compel the govcoming Increasingly Irksome to the Question 500,000 bales the ernment to pay Output Japanese army In Manchukuo. Other same as In to which Japan Is object- gold projects redeeming one of Its own At same we have the .double-trackinyear. time, bonds Is are most tbe of far the by ing Important to In bear talk begun case can Indeed, that VladivoWashington be to said to railway stok and remodeling of the strong have an overwhelming Importance. of a plan to seek a world agreement If the court rule that the govern- restricting the output of cotton aftfortifications of that Pacific port Illrota also referred to the So ment cannot void Its contract for er the manner of the attempt to revlctlxatlon of Slnklang, the huge, a bond la generally recognized as a strict the world production of move that went exactly sparsely settled plains of north contract to. pay back the borrowed wheal nowhere. term under which money In tbe named China, adjoin the Russian that bond, then the seizure of gold controlled regions of Mongolia. Determination of the same proGovernment officials In Washing- by the government in 1933 likewise duction for cotton In 1933 that was ton were said to be favorably Im- Is voided. In other words every used as the base lu 1934 Is acceptpressed with part of II! rotas ad- person holding-government bond ed as in line with tha administradress which referred to Japans de- containing a promise to pay In gold tion's plans for raising prices artisire to avoid further expansion or la entitled to have that gold from ficially through curtailment of armahiehE It Is hopedTUiat ne the treasury- ;- urtakcrno'stmchor will be resumed soon for the Imagination to see what effect the 1935 crop might be as high as gotiations another agreement to replace the that will have on the whole money 12,000,000 bales . But since the adrenounced ratio for the United program. ministration has decided to carry on States, Great Britain and Japan. Likewise, If the court determine further its experiment Into artifithat an Individual who haa prom- cial price raising fields by produc'T'HE death toll continued to ised to pay in gold must observe tion limitation, some of the backA mount as reports seeped In from the terms of that agreement, the ground of that policy and the administration is again In a hols American relationship to the world northwest Mississippi and Southor condition warrant examination. west Tennessee where the turbu- Since contracts agreement lent Coldwater river was a raging bonds containing tbe promise to pay The American production until a torrent, threatening the lives and In gold are In general use and have few years ago waa about 60 per cent property of thousands In Its march been written stnee time immemorial of the world' cotton output Now the amount of such payments la It Is down to about 43 to the Tallahatchie basin. per cent of Free?! ngw q,Uhcr..ad dcd4ath e. virtually Incalculable. I have heard the .Jotal La sL,I?&rJ..th.e.w.orld suffering of thousands driven from manyestIum'U3of1Ke Ifttal'amouht consumption of cotton, according to their homes. Workers tolled to res- of money Involved by the tbe Department of Commerce figI clause to use hesitate but gold cue as many as possible of those ures, declined by about 700,000 who had been marooned on roof any of them because It Is patent on whereas the world consumpthe face of things that an accurate bales, A number of tops and In trees. tion, that used In the Including communities have been evacuated figure Is Impossible. United by- someOne can get down to brass tacks because It Is feared the waters over 1.300.000 bales. It la to thing will continue to spread. Appeals on the effect of affirmation of the be noted further that although for additional help in caring for gold clause, however, by the sim- American la the homeless have been made by ple application of the ratio of gold creased lastexportsthe general inyear, quality of cotpublic officials, and Red Cros aid to the present dollar. When those ton shipped last fell off by ap. year has been rushed to the stricken gold contracts were written a dol23 per cent " proxlmately areas. lar In currency waa redeemable for WwUra ti - fmi t ut NvwPr Clio. force win crushed all Administration PICKARD O co-equ-al s got-ernme- -- iwt d tug-gestl- g Man-ebuku- k as 10,-Cott- on last g Trans-Siberia- n a -3 d -- States,-Increns- ed C i I Nni polo. The third week of the present session, of tbe Utah Legislature finds the lawmakers deliberating on taxation, liquor control, schools, utilities and labor question as out- lined In eleven resolutions and approaching two hundred bill Introduced by the busy legislators. More bills an tbe above subjects and also on many others are exWater control pected to appear. ai-relief J social security are and In tbe offing as subjects for much legislative labor. Among Important bills placed before the legislature were resolutions by Jensen of ML Pleasant. They propose to submit to tbe people of Utah constitutional amendment which would give future legislatures considerable' leeway In arranging the tax system of the state. Constitutional limitations are to be removed and the legislator would be able to substitute other forms of taxation for part of the property tax. "nush firm builf TJ ly completed th railway bridge in the Lower Zambesi I provide uninterrupted:, munlcatlon mL Nyasa, In East Afrie, feel or nearly nd 1 ter. In length, t there proach apans the latter being 1 auS.1 eret. pier. river, or on mas, founded on the rock bank. Hell Gate fork Is nearly nt - legislature. ' Important bills have been Introduced by Mrs. R. B. Bosone, of Salt Lake. One of them proposes a tax of four cents per 1000 cubic feet on all artificial and natural gas delivered In tbe state, and the other would limit the number of cars In both freight and passenger trains operated in Utah. In the list of things the legislature proposes to operate on. It bills now Introduced are passed, are the fJJj 2.000 1 tbe Lower Zambesi bridl??1 W8 feet of this total ot 2,735 n)j . thrw lopant. brand,., ' river, whereas the entire the Lower Zambesi brl the water during the Inal little liver Ib-- 7 Ityut. r w1 "' wSP&g;, Ry The legislature would be obliged to classify tangible property for assessment purposes, and tbe aggregate of tbe state school funds would be raised. Other sources than tbe property tax would have to provide the school revenue. These ' resolutions would provide a framework for a new tax setup for adoption by the legislature two years from now. Tbe program is being backed by labor, farm and educational organizations. ' Bills for curbing traffic accidents have appeared. Two of the bills would make drunken driving and 'hit and run driving, felonies whenever serious accident or death results from such driving. Under the present laws these acts are misdemeanors. A bill providing for control of the liquor traffic by licensing private dealers was Introduced and the state store bill was also launched. Tbe Lamoreaux deleted or changed store bill was previously Introduced to the consideration of the eolona. Two house bills, one a measure to extend the period for redemption of certain properties from January 1st last to April 1st has been passed. This was an emergency bill which went thru under a suspension of the rules In both houses, at the suggestion of Governor H. IL Blood. The other bill was for the expenses of the r of Light "There Is today more lerioni i. rt in the problem, of acter and social welfare? ever was la the era of Harry Emerson Fosdlck. pr5 Doctors lino; aa a and they use liquid laxath Youd use a liquid, too, if fc now much better it rnalt yoi y0Bt A liquid laxative can alwin taken in the right amount Yoi gradually reduce the dose. Ra C aosage is the secret of rtal end itlieffrom constipation. ft Just ask your own doctor ih A' this. Ask your druggist how pope liquid laxatives have become. 1 right liquid laxative gives the ft kind of nejp and the right emo; of help. When the dose is repeat instead of more each time, yoi h People Who have experienced I comfort, never return to any fora help that cant be regulated! I liquid laxative generally used I Caldwelll Syrup Pepsin. Iteceh senna and cascara, and tha natural laxatives that form sol It relieves a condition of bilio or sluggishness without upset To relieve your occasional safely and comfortably, try Pepsin. The druggist has il SYRUP PEPS! They Kiow None think the great unhtrjj the great following: Barring elective officers, from participating as delegates In politi- CHAPPED cal conventions. Creating the state planning board a permanent part of the state got-emine- LIP nt Forcing tourist camps to comply with health and other regulations Imposed on hotels. Appropriating $1000 for Uintah basin industrial conference. Creating of a great basin of Utah authority to develop natural resources and sell power, fuel and water so developed. Empowering state land board to drill, lease or sell experimental wells. Requiring railroads to repair rolling stock within tbe state. Preventing the state bank commissioner from Toting by proxy stock of corporations under hts Jurisdiction. Providing for confiscation of slot machines and other unlawful devices and diversion of their funds to police mutual aid funds. Diverting ten per cent of the state gasoline tax annually to municipalities for city street construction tinder supervision of the state road commission. Vesting of police powers In the state highway patrol. Setting up standards for gasoline and other motor vehicle fuels sold In the state. The following Includes a number of the measures of general Interest before the legislature: SJR 8 Constitutional amendment taking out provision that cities of first and second class must have Te qlclly itlk duippla j. SSBtBSS III -- H t awrPJ.T'l !' tad f -- H By lo mdtt Keep No greater crime than r L Exchange. Help Kidneys, o BjsaisSftgS O SMhTKsH ar Itchtafc Cystcx Differ Thata the The fool wanders, th travels. Caticara separate school districts. 76 Distribution state school funds. of proposed S 78 Making the 85 per capita school equalization fund effective at once. 8B 79 fixing state district school fund at $20 per capita of school population. SB 81 Increasing the sales tax rent, urn ri SB 68 Creating iTloglsIatlve reference bureau for drawing up of laws and advice of legislature. SB ,0 t ion 1 balance to schooLwnd Judfilary lur KEED MORE Mr. 1217 S. qwnpx, Egjl a. -- foUowtff t y in "J, p, re m Non-po- ll of-flo- SB 72 es. Reducing tax discount for of taxes 8B 3 Changing the membership of the state hoard of pardons. SCM 1 Thanking the president ond congress for relief l ni-- tod zrwSba.- - 5 |