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Show TOE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSVILLE, UTAH Pllilll!lliilil!l!llllill!llllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllM 15 Ml 6 A RES to the happiest, the most prosperous and best year you have ever known. V t Heres to 920. 1 $ Phone No. towH TW Hr to to twri MMitrt ftM pi MM vtito Bate BUI amt aatatototo tratt aaulaf at Ivwtto ataadttr to to waaltk at to attr. Oam and towtoz. fraM am4 wwtiUt p-to- p tor h4 wnlai hlp to arm tow Daria Rich partoal to4rtrtah Baa aa4 kaaaa, CMp itoih ikanto water 4 aiaatito Hpktoaa4 Mwa. am aaaato hwitowt to lateaS Pvtettes toto ptoat. Thomas Bone is reported ill with smallpox. Mrs. Joseph Peak has been ill for the past two weeks. Mrs. C. A. Epperson is suffering from an attack of tonsilitis. Miss Evelyn Galley is home from the A. C. at Logan for the holidays. The Kaysville American Legion gave successful dance Christmas night a The brickwork on the building of the Inland Printing company is Kaysville, Utah 1 com- pleted. President Ilenry II. Blood is still in , Mayor and Mrs. John W. Thornley the L. D. S. hospital in Salt Lake City. and family of Kaysville, Mr. and Mrs. He will be able to return home in a Melvin Adams of Layton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barton of Ogden were enterfew days. tained at dinner Wednesday by Mr. Friday evening of last week Mack and Mrs. John Robins at their Salt Swan entertained a party of friends Lake home. at cards at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs, 'George Swan enteron east Locust street tained at dinner New Years day. Mrs. C. Q. Cannon and children, of Their invited guests were Mr. and Salt Lake city, were New Year guests Mrs. Will Thornley of Layton, Mayor of Mrs. Cannons parents, Mr. and and Mrs. John W. Thornley and famMrs. John G. M. Barnes. ily, Mr. and and Mrs. Shepherd of Lake. , Salt Mr. and Mrs, Selroy Boyer, of - Eto Springville, were the guests of Mrs. ESTRAY NOTICE BoyerB parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jed STATE OF COUNTY OF UTAH, Sessions, during the past week. In ss. Precinct Clinton the Davis, a Mr. and Mrs. George Sowards and of said County. MrsTEddie Sowards, of Managua, ColoI have in my possession the followrado, who have been visiting with ing described estray animals, which if relatives in Kaysville, have returned not claimed and taken away, will be to their Colorado home. Bold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at Sunset, Utah, in ClinMiss Mollie BarneB is spending-hton Precinct on the ninth day of Januholidays in New York with her brother ary, 1920, at the hour of 12 oclock, Shirley who is a cadet at the Naval M.: Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. On black bull calf, no ear mark, She will visit Washington before rebrand visible, IE bgr combined, on turning home. left ribs. , One red i bull calf, no ear mark, John Flint entertained in honor of the birthday of his son Chester, at the brand visible IE bar combined, on left Flint home in west Kaysville, the first ribs.' Said strays were taken up by ms of the week. The feature of the evein said Precinct on the 13th day of was and music followed games ning 1919. refreshments. December, by JOHN RANDELL, Mrs. W. A. Fletcher of Fergus, Poundkeeper for Clinton Prfccmct. . MonL,' is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. G. D. Rutledge. Mrs, Fletcher Laid Color on Thickly. arrived Wednesday morning and will There were periods when even men make an extended visit lu the Eighteenth century rouged. little attempt was made to Imitate A Christmas party was given at natures coloring. The ladies laid It the home of John Flint, Friday eveon thick In round red spots, and ning and was attended by all his seemed to apply It, as they did patches, Grandchildren. The young folks had to obtain a supposed decorative effect, a jolly time and thoroughly enjoyed and to simulate the blush of nuture. the entertainment and refreshments. The red and white they used, unlike the modem cosmetics, were actually 0. R. Layton has purchased the old and there Is record of more Bennett homestead at the comer of poisonous, than one lady of quality who died Maple street and State road. Ole has from the effects of white lead. demonstrated the fact that money is to be made in Kaysville real estate Ther for a Good Time. and has set an example worthy of emuWhile entertaining our club one lation by other young men. evening our hostess felt It her duty to a member to sing. Realizing what ask Doc Rutledge" Is sporting a new we would have to endure, and without four passenger Stevens car, the first stopping to think, I suddenly exof its kind in Davis county. Jimmy" claimed, Oh, we came here to have Fletcher, salesman for the Shane-Mot- a good time: lets play cards. The company of Salt Lake City painful silence which followed, tomade the sale. lie Bays that selling gether with the look which the would-b- e Stevens cars is just like shooting fish, singer gave me,- - made-mtruly exonce a prospect has a demonstration. perience the most embarrassing moment of my life. Exchange. ; e . Miss Agnas Noble, of Moore, Idaho, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Irin-thi- a Simmons. Miss Emily Brough has been the guest of relatives and friends in Ogden during the past week. . Miss Eldora Hampton, of Bountiful was the guest of Miss Elizabeth Green during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Williams entertained a number of friends and relatives at New Years dinner, Mrs. Dollie Brown, of Clearfield, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. John G, M. Barnes, during he week. Brigham Bosworth and family, of Preston, Idaho, are spending the winter with relatives in Kaysville. Mrs. Alice Pulsifer, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. V. Robinson, returned to her home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blamires entertained a number of friends with a watch party at their home New Years eve. Mr. and Mrs. John G. M. Barnes will entertain with a family dinner on the first day of the New Year. All their children and grand children who are in the state will be present. or e Great Pile of Sweetness. The largest cke ever baked was mnde for Frederick William I, of ITusslu. It was eighteen yards long, f eight- yards wide and one and Feet- thick. Heals Sore Throat Promptly Asa rule the results obtained from the use of different one-hal- sorethroat'remedies--arIesare"verj'unsatIsfactor- y especially with children. This is due in no small measure to your dread of their swallowing a portion of the gargle. All this trouble and worry is obviated by the use of NYALS Sore Throat Remedy and to irritated and inflamed membranes healing sooting antiseptic and prophylactic yet harmless if swallowed. It is absolutely dependable in all cases of sore throat, relief - following the first treatment. WE SELL IT 25 cents the bottle - -- - Besides good goods you get good treatment at our store. Always glad to have people come in and look around, whether to buy or not. ' We wait on you promptly, give you what you ask for but never tease anyone to buy anything. v Co. Layton Drug . - LAYTON ' - - UTAH Prescription Dr iggists - Naturally Road Is Crooked. For the benefit of automobilists who have wondered why the road from Exeter to Hampton, N. H is so crooked, It Is explained that when the first settlements were being made In New Hampshire, a bear made a night raid on that part of the Hampton settlement known as Wigwam row, and men In pursuit the next morning followed Its tracks In the light snow tc Gala extremes take BLACK VELVET Its watering place at Squamscott Falls, and Jbuilt the road accordingly is Fashion1 Latest Decree Corsages are going lower than ever. And who ever would have Costliest of Books. It Is said that- - the highest price ever realized for a book, was paid at an auction sale in London recently, for a book of private devotion, a XIV Century Book of Hours, formerly the property of Jeanne n,33ueen of Navarre, which brought $59,000. thought of leather for evening hats? Or leather for frocks, or sheer.shimmeringevening gowns? That is the newest Paris craze. yards. How Weather Affects Steel. In the heat of summer, owing to expansion, a steel bridge is appreciably longer than it Is in the winter, and at various times of the year It may be longer on one Bide than on the othen A Mild Call. I dont mind you writing gush letters In office hours," explained her employer, "but the management of the building complains that you put so much love in them that they block up the mall chute. - d In this issue: A directory of Xmas com-ple- te gifts for all ages, tastes and temperaments. You All thsa and yxm riQ find in die cplca dully eomplrtn pwenutwo. of Jim i ftohiom pftoMlad JM tbc gr t manM yqf Averse to Borrowing Trouble. Jimmy nas been rather unfortunate lately in the way of minor accidents, and his mother has grown quite cautious about his taking chances. One day he came In and wanted to ride his tricycle down to his aunties house. His mother hesitated before consenting to his request, and Jimmy cut In with the comforting assurance, Maybe there wont be a thing happen, mother, so dont make a worry for yourself till it does. Pigeons Are Speedy. In calm weather a carrier pigeon can fly at the rate of 1,200 yards a minute. With the help of a moderate-winIt will attain a speed of 1,540 yards, and before a high wind, 2,0HJ PARIS by storm! may begin and end-yo- shopping in Daipei$ Basar December biggest issue ever published now on sale DAVIS COUNTY DRUG COMPANY Pacific Coast Line. The United States, with' its Islands, has a greater Pacific const line than any other nation, possibly equal to those of China and Japan combined, says Gas Logic. When They Growl. the high cost Of pleasure, but after the dancing they glow! when the fiddler asks for pay. Atlanta Constltution.- We Eat Little Rice. Scarcely six pounds of rice e sumed each year by every resident t the United States as compared wjd a per capita consumption In England of twenty-seve- n pounds, in France thirty-fou- r pounds, and In Italy of 1 pounds. 1 No one considers - Word of Many Meanings. word cheerfmeans, a contented pure heart ; It mm What 'does not that ulness Imply? It spirit ; It means a Paul Verlaline. a kind and loving disposition ; It nietn Passion, wisdom, creative genius, humility and charity ; it means a gene the power of mystery or color, It has ous appreciation of others, and a mod- ( been wisely Said, are allotted tathe est opinion of self. Thackeray. hour of birth and can be neither assimilated nor learned. For good and Agreed Better Apart evil for lie was a mixture of evil and Ansel and Fred were chummy, h Verlaine all these good possessed a dispute before playing la Into qualities. Verlaine is always faithful got remained to himself, to the two sides of himself, gether long. Finally they several dayt and he has thus succeeded in render- away from each other for him whgt asked ing as no one ever has before, the and Ansels father didn't plT whole home duplex, the eternal con- the matter was that they replied Why," more. any together flict of humanity. Arthur Symons. to stay Ansel, weve agreed from each other, cause we get aloof The Honor Code. together better when we are apart Those of us who would have our - Eggs Five Cents Per Dozen. ITice fixing can be dated as far back as the fourth century, when Diocletian placed the price of eggs at days glide by peacefully should not Occasional Vacation Profitable. expect too much at the hands of others. 5 cents a dozeu. 8t0 A noted writer of detective This is a strenuous age Indeed, alhi P of most most every minute of every hour is once said be solved Deserved the Cookies. all too crowded for the average person. zles over the billiard table, 80too neighbor small sonwas well There! but one honor code to go scenario writer declared that the a 60is bred and he never asked for things to plqy fair. The girl or woman who by does for a sluggish lmaginatioa biards. eat at our house. The other day he so will have absolutely no regrets, and point game of pocket surm' came Into the kitchen Just as I had will prove a real Inspiration to others all of which it may be spread the last of a batch of cookies on around her. New Tork Evening Tele- the fellow who gets away fr01 P the table. The sight of so many and gram. grind, spasmodically or regularly. L their delirious swell almost overcame a better perspective of the the his manners, for he said, Cookies are feels who fellow than the Something of a Leading Question. one thing that have never disagreed cannot spare him. An older brother marhad recently With me yet. Ht- - got the tw o largest rted and Bobby hod been told that he In the batch. Chicago Tribune. could call his new sister-in-laMary, Humility. instead of Miss Barbour as before. A Independence Stole true Lunch. The Lightning only few later, when a devoted adButhumimy . Lightning frequently acts the rob- mirernights of his older sister was enter- humility. ber with foodstuffs, and some extraorthe virtue of a fool ; slnc at tained dinner, caused much Bobby have been recorded dinary happenings consequent upon any from time to time. On one occasion cmharrassment by Inquiring. Moth- tween onrselves and otbJrs . a party of tourists were preparing din- er. how soon can we begin calling Mr. tween what we are an ADstoto ner when suddenly and without warn- Carter Mary? ought to be. Washington ing a storm arose, followed Immediately by vivid flashes of lightning. A few seconds later not a trace of the prepared meal was to be seen. The dishes were strewn on the ground, but all the bread, cheese and fruit had vanished, while the bewildered tourists were, covered from head to foot Still has the agency for the famous BUICK CAR J with straw. also the- Whitman t--Oor -- - w Success. Life Is Indefinite a bundle of contradictions, We men, with our ideas, strive to gHe it a particular shape by melting it Into a particular mold Into the definiteness of success. ' AH the world conquerors, from Alexander down to the American millionaires mold theniHelu's Into & sword or mint, anc, thus find that distinct image of themselves which is the source-otheir Success. Rabindranath Tagore. - f Kind of Horse He Wanted. Billy admired Charlies rocking horse very much and "begged his mother to buy him one. His mother could not uaJerstund what he wanted, so he said r Ob. I want a horse that keeps on going and never gets anywhere." Value of Salt Ton can clean your teeth with It keep jour eye, bright and strong by daily salt baths, gargle with salt water to strengthen your throat, throw a handful of common salt into your bath for toning up the system generally, and bathe your feet in salt water to prevent chilblains. London comp" Farmington Garage Battery. W atch this space for Used Car Bargains. We have on hand at this time a 1919 Buick which - Origin of Names of States. Connecticut Is an Indian pame mean tag Long River; Maine Is regarded as of French origin from the province of Maine; Massachusetts is an Indian word meaning Iiace of Great Hills New Hampshire is EngUsh. coming vfrom Hampshire countv. England; Vermont is French, Vert Mont, meaning Green Mountain." With reference to Rhode Island there is a difference of opinion, some claiming that It was named for the island of Rhodes and o.hers for a prominent settler named Rhodes. m- has been slightly used as a demonstration ina chine. Price, $1,550.00; a Velie Six; one Buick Four one and a half ton truck. -- Farmington Garage N. N. HAYES, Manager f Farmington, Utah |