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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH 0 NOTICE TO WATER USERS. nated in the State Engineers office as No. 8239. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit m duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $2.50. and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. i G. F. MGOXAGLE: State Engineer. Date of first publication Dec. 4, 1919. Date of completion of publication Jan. 1, 1920. Engineers Office, Salt Lake Utah, Nov. 26, 1919. Sy, ' is hereby given that J. Kotice rtTvd Suiter, of Hopper, Utah, has '"i. application in accordance with 9 p g g y y. y ,g BOUNTIFUL Nnn mile north of Salt Lak City. (ubu-ha- n and residence town. lutMt ntr in liana county ; baa watorworka, tactnr liyhta and powar, toiephon. ramant sidewalk. Surrounded by nek market garden and fruit landa. two iltrtne railroad with km far, two transcontinental roalroad. brick yard, .requirements of the Compiled ffws of Utah, 1917, as amended by two bank, good businaa boo, com. Session Laws of Utah, 1519, to mercial club, of one (1) second-foand btgb school and churcha. A good Plata in which Howunnamed branch of an from to hr. ards Slough, in Davis County. Said means diverted of a by Lter will be at a point 1435.5 ft. north and Mrs. Ellen Brown is very ill. fu fet-- west from the aotheast corner Ra 5 North. Range If Sec. 25, Township or Sale. A street gasoline pump I arol Hanson is enjoying the holiLake Base and Meridian, 3 West, Salt first-clasin 64 a ft. and s there and tank, all in pipe conveyed working days at home. . from April 15 to September 20, condition. Going out of the gasoline Mrs. Henry Smedley of Syracuse is Vch year, to irigate 40 acres of business. Call on or address the Lay-to- n of said land embraced ip NEi SE1 visiting relatives-her- e. Drug company. Layton, Utah. 25. This application is desig- Sect Hyrum Sessions hat. moved into his ne home on Main Street. ap-rpri- ot !p ed I William Brown, Jr., is building new hou-- e on the bench. m yZ -- Harr Iioate if taking charge of Mr. Xuhoi' chi. ken ranch. R. M. i - " unf born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Groves recently. A daughte- Steven Mo-..- - s ill with bronchia' two children are very pneumonia. Mrs. Pearl Boce of Salt Iake was in town Saturday on business. . Mr and Mis. Henry Call of Syracuse are visiting relative here. amount of work now remains to b doM which tb of wr ha oMwmnlv dflgyvd and rrumw Uted. and the result t that very larirr capita) ure ouaht to be made to make up for the inter xprndtt ruptHMM inevitably due to the war. and to prepare tW railroad to aervt adequately the increased trafhc throughout ta country. V1ALKKR 1). HIVES. A 1 X But we cant continue increasing our production unless we continue increasing our railroad facilities. factories caoTiot increase their output beyond the capacity of the railroads to haul their products. Railroads are now near the peak of their carrying capacity. Without railroad expansion more engines more cars, more tracks, more ..terminals there can be little increase in production. But this country of ours is going to, keep right on growing and the railroads "must grow with it. and' last wreekT Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Holbrook, Sr., have moved into the house they recently purchased from Hyrum Sessions. W. . LEWIS Blacksmith and Horse Shoer . Wagon and Farm Machine Repairing a Specialty Prompt Service To command in the investment markets the flow of new capital to expamkrailroad Reasonable Charges facilities and so increase production there musF'be public confidence in the future earning power of railroads. The nations business can grow only as fast as the railroads grow. Owen Shop East of Barnes Bank . UTAH big- the most .notable gathering of livestock and livestock men par-'M- r. lhe history of the west! in OGDEN 1 LIVESTOCK SHOW Jan. 8th, 9th, 10th, A hy tn fluent ml men g keenest played interest farmers and b dis- stock-.-aise- rs Ogdena everywhere reputation for showing visi- all tors a rousing good time combine to make this event the Miss Glen Smith of this place and Edna Kendall of Manchester, fornia, were married in Salt Christmas day. They left the evening for California, where will spend a few weeks with hm-kOt- -- the Miss Catherine Arbuckle is spending morning at the home of Mrs. the holidays with her sister, Gertrude Woods parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Arbuckle of Salt laike. Cherrington. outstanding show and carnival of the mid-wint- Cali- Lake same year. they The live ones from all over Mrs. the intermountain states are Smiths .parents. rarin' to New Fish Story. Indian fisherman In a Rangoon hospital was fishing along the foreshore recently when be caught a small fish. Ills basket being u short dlstunce away, he put the liend of the fish In his mouth, and dosed hla teeth on It. while he was rehaltlng Ida Jiook. The fish slipped Into Ids throat, and struggling to escape, got stuck Mrs. Harry Harper and son, Arthur, there. The lisheniian was hurried of Salt Iake guests of Mr. and Into the hospital, where an Incision Mrs. Thomas Fearnley on Christmas wus made und the lish removed Just ill time to save the pal lent from chokday. ing to death. George P. Garff of Farmington has purchased the Joseph Argyle resiPoetic Nomenclature. dence and has moved his family into Is an Indiiin word with the Illinois the same. French sutlix ols," meaning "Tiibe ol Perry Ashdown of Wyoming is vis- Men. Indiana means Indian Land. iting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miehlgun Is an Indian word meaning Fish Weir," so eatbsl from a fancied William Ashdow-n- , prior to leaving on resemblance of the lake to u fish trap. a mission. Minnesota Is Indian for Skj tinted Mr. and Mrs. J. McMurrin and fam- water." Ohio means "beautiful waily of Ogden are visiting with Mrs. ter." Wisconsin means "rushing waMcMurrins parents, Mr. and Mrs. ter. William Moss. Bank hfat a Liquor Llcenee. The home of Henry Moss has been The Bank of England has the released from quarantine for small right to si ll beer wi bout u license, pox. Mr. Moss two children have lids privilege was granted to the bunk in its charter of incorporation under fully recovered. the great seal, dated July 27, l(li4. The West Bountiful ward is giving And so the bunk, if It liked, could a banquet and dance in their hall opin a public lious"ln Threiulueedte g this evening us a to its street, or could send ditijs round and deliver beer from door to door. soldiers and sailors. i . . A convalescing - go. Remember, Be among 'em! Ogden, Utah is the place January 8th, 9th, and 10th are the dates all your friends will be there so come. e OGDEN LIVESTOCK SHOW Jan. 8tn, 9th, 10th, Fountain Pen Reservoir. The reservoir of a new fountain pen holds as mttch ns an ordinary small bottle of Ink. and Is shaped to fit tha hand comfortably, Electricity Save Timber, English scientists have decided that passing electricity through freshly cut timber makes it more resistant rignltist decay and fungus growtha. home-comin- KAYSVILLE, ! gest time in seven states daughter was born to Mr. and Leone Cook was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John G. ,M. Barnes of Kaysville i Tit-Bit- Wo Suspect the Compositor, Advertisement in New York Pap r Wanted, twenty men to work la night shirts unloading steamers." s. Alfred Hill, who is teaching school county, is spnding the Ridere. Bicycle for holidays here with his parents, Mr. A French Him has devised an IngeThe Happy Ending. ancMrs. William Hill, nious method of adapting a blrde to "No can you rook? Is "Marguerite, rut chain The rider. the Utah. Kaysville, Mrs. J. II. Simpson returned to her to afford a can you keep and one end attached to the sprocket, Perclval; home in Sunset Sunday, after spend- while the other end Is secured to a coil limousine? So they did No, dear, ing a few- weeks with her parents, Mr. spring from the lower frame. In tills not inarry and they lived happily ever and Mrs. William Ashdown. way the rider simply pushes the pedal afterward. down, and the spring draws it up again, Deputy State Livestock Inspector Mr. and Mrs. James Smedley enterand the usual rotary motion so difficult So We Have Heard. County Veterinarian tained Friday evening in honor ot for the rider Is eliminated. A of chips is often a chimney stark . Office Thone 2 their son, Dan, who leaves January 7 Vtuck through which a mans money LAYTON UTAH on a mission to New York. Her Wish. goes up in smoke. Wee I5esle on being I old that she would "have to eat condemns! milk on her oatmeal exclaimed, I wish hat Useleea, Bosold condensed cow would die. Next to n silver loving cup our ton Transcript, notion of the most useless thing In the world Is one of those elaborately Jeweled sword they are presenting to Fertilizer in the Netherlands returning generals nowadays. One source of the demund for the Netherland Hint one Is Mentality. ept to overlook Is Hit fnlriy extensive AYiULi has- - bad- hind of wMc Iliii4jruiU--roclfpnntion four husbands. What, type were they-- " of dvking m! draining that lm won large sections of the country from-th- Mrs. GIIHs "Tliej mental, temperasea and it culmination In the proj- mental, accidental and experimentaL" J Town Topic-uect to drain the grenler part of the Zuider Zee are wail known. Henpecked, "Take your wife and go somewhere Tricks of the Trade. for a change." If I take my wife Lawyer (to fair client, a defendwont be any change." ant) When a young juror look at along, doe, there Igiuisvllle Courier-JournaBiographers relate tusi Georje Washyou, weep; vha an old oe, looks at fiirL a you, ington opened hank account when be was Jue Kids. sixteen years old. He had a job with a "Guess Ill go into the parlor. "No a Charee. Take Moral: surveyor. there, only sis with her beau. "One of the p'g.v mistake vou kin Youth is the accepted time for opening make, observed is bein' SO What do you venter go in there fer?" I wont be tor g. HCii pay me a quarv b, f scurf o' makin hank account It is never too late, you dont ter to git out." 'do nufljiifut all. how ever. JOHN R, GAILEY in Duchesne One-Legge- d Notary Public 4 QliiS' admlisamnt Ever body's off for the g , buckle to Tola Muir, loth of this Ruth Brown, who is teaching school place, has been announced. in I.ogan is at home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jardine ure reFrank Peck of Fielding is isitmg over the arrival of a daughter, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William joicing bom to them December 22. Peak. W illiam Wiseman of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spence and fam Miss Eva Hansen of Salt Lake were ily of Farmington ar visiting relatives married in Salt I.ake last1 week. here. Israel Call of this place just reVictor Morgan has just returned turned from Blackfoot, Idaho, where from Idaho, where he spent a few he spent a few days with relatives. months. Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Buckland of Rodney Pack, who is attending the Bancroft. Idaho, returned home TuesA. C. at Logan, is at home for the day, after spending a week with relaholidays. tives -- L AMONG EM w-il- Work more Produce more Save more The-farmsrmincs- attend-aTH.n- BE OUT Mr. and Mrs. Mark Waddoups, Jr., Clyde Crosby and Miss Laura Mrs. Arley George on December 24. and family are spending a few" weeks Crockett, both of this place, were married on December 22. They l make in Sout hem California. A daughter was horn to Mr. and their home in Salt Lake, where Mr. Mrs. Harry Hatch on Christmas day. The engagement of Andrew- - ArCrosby is employed. A btemotmn Cara Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith, Jr Mr, and Mrs William Miles and and family of Salt Lake are spending family motored to Salt Lake Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. the winter. Joh'n Bancroft and family. Mrs. Elija'Tiepgraass and family Mr. and Mrs. Myron Barlow and Mr. of Eva nston, Wyo., are visiting relaMrs. Kimbcr Barlow, aKo Mr. and and here. tives Mrf. Clai'ence Barlow, all of Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Stnngham and Idaho are visiting relative' here. family of Heber City are visiting relaAlfred Cherrington of this place tives bore. and Miss Cleta Kennedy of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Fred gleverly and were mu:; ted Christmas eve They family of Nevada are spending the w dl make their hom M.arvsvale. winter here. Chariton Stnngham. who is Mrs. lluro'Id Barlow and school at the A C. at Logan, is daughter of Farmington visited rcia 'ding the hohdavs with his fives here Friday. and Mrs William Stnng- ham Mr. and Mrs. Archie Briggs are t ward choir rejoicu g over the arrival of a son. The Bou bom 1 lecember 24 joyes! their u made sev last Tuesday even, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Call and fammes for the mem oral at stops ily of Chesterfield, Idaho, are spend- luncheon'. ing tht winter here. L. Hanson of this placi Miss ll.irel Crosby, who spent a Mrs Zeiia Crawford llcadcll of Sai few months with relatives in Pnyson. Lake were married Wednesday in Salt has returned home Lake They will make iheir home in a Malad.-ldILmnUful. Lphmim Uriggs , Jr.T of ho, s)c't Sunday with his parents, Mr. A daughter was bom to Mr. and and Mi. Ephraim Briggs. Mrs. Lew Wood of Garfield Christ-niu- f h published bifihe - Dr.E.H.Mo,D.V.M. SksotiaiioixoJ Efcailwwj xccuUvex ... Than desiring information eoneerning tht railroad situation may obtain liitratur by writing to tht Amur lotion of Railway Ezeculitet, St Broadway, Sew fork ) d one-legge- 69-N- Jlr. Washington Was Thrifty In Youth Sh.e.-Miiyas- . l. tf if if if if if fld-bon- t great fortunes have had modest beginnings. Many men have made fortunes after middle life. See us today about opening an acAll M. W. PHILLIPS f - r in Jto. vsrx J u. vn aitip t a. count. twer c, .in-a- .... g Cdvcr Loom, Bo'.cri Ls,d lost a peitnv. 11! mother irntt to show b't! tlt- ui'qo of He br ?; : :; f; ; r tt.at enr TutMven, eni and If. he six I"' W.tTloLr 0 Lai . L j, 0 d ; she v, nti' ) h.i i , ,i takb., u u hi e, ii be tvr After Hut : i But ot con-- t buy nn r, A!v-?y- s . - , LL 1 1, - ,t. . x Cigars, Groceries, etc. j BARNES BANKING CO. KAYSVILLE, UTAH ZM KAYSVILLE, - UTAH : t j u!! end tT.v-- Mil." 0.111 to. V t ! 1 1: jA T , hit t (' , i.lei t would make t -- - Whsttf a Fust and, Anyway? "I f the icir f,. f, I, ; .nt i trod nep rny cli'1'.o u r, vv i - i - J" A du"n at Ami did they say an tiling hi. t. good a t'orr 1h r? "They ".H swore s!wn I ini to I or noodb." 1 Vf? j u'Ung. u The old fashioned genius who used to have t get up ut night gnd jot dwff hi brdliHttt- thought now has a son who can sleep teu imurs straight without Hny difficulty. . - - i- lie (r s The tfhougbtie's $sn, , v.a'k picas- - - - |