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Show 1 THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH JUST AS THE TORPEDO STRUCK THE VESSEL SUPPLY TRAIN FOR THE ALLIES IN MAnunUKlA f unique photograph was taken by an amateur aboard the ship at tlie moment she was hit by a torpedo fired from an enemy submarine. The committee on public Information, whkh authorized Its use, will not permit the printing of any further Information regarding this photograph. Tlii in Manchuria. military train with supplies for the allied armies, from Siberia, arriving American mddlers in front with soldiers of all the allies, A 0 KING BELGIAN TROOPS AND THEIR FIGHTING HARBOR. OF DURAZZO, RAIDED BY THE ALLIES lV ? '-- jf V i. psW JO r ! - If S' f i v fsrz'vSvtZF A- v 1 ill fvV ' ... ij S I ' r ? vv .B? - . II 'I b3r. ' v I V . hfy , ysc;nii 1 i b v . ub - f TS,V Sfc "Ct ' i 7? The photograph show ,T AV ?v seeXy W '' & nx ',iy '' l , 4 jit v" r' rr (Mir tvt ik Vtf -s cju y v"! Vw SU-Grt- 40 . f -- A v' . i .A rrffrr.-'- - .. nrrrn' .V. MlTIWf iiiiiinnifm . t. J y V a'v . k zr ,j IV 7tf .'.' Ill V A 1 ,v gglYHffhihW Will a naval force of the allies, the Austrian naval View of the harbor of Duraszo, Albania, which was catered by hose being destroyed and all enemy vessels sunk. gets commission chinaman pv.A, a. orftete. 1u0tq and the latest portrait of Some of the brave Belgian soldiers who are driving tlia Huns from their country, their fighting king, wrho led them In their offensive. HIGH EXPLOSIVE SHELL FALLS IN AMIENS tots garund iN New role WIPER OUT OF THE i MACHINE-GU- NESTS N This Is one of the small British tanks that do such valiant service la nests that the enemy relies on to make good hi wiping out the machine-guretreat. n fire of This photograph taken when Amiens was still under the roof. on a shell exploding man artillery, ahows a high explosive . . n t1 TO THE MEMORY OF BELGIUMS DEAD Ger n 'Sf&rn A AMERICAN ARMY STEAM LAUNDRY I I ) f A W r - JL v Charles Garland, an American mil-- I cavEdward C Chew of San Francisco is Uonalre, served with the British disriiarged. was comhonorably and a alry the first Chinaman to receive Britisher mission in the United States army. lie Iwcame a naturalized for enparliament as and is a candidate Chew was In his third year In dvll ol-- I the discharged of Calirepresentative gineering at the University of This division. fornia when be enlisted in the const diers of the Warwick was taken at Mr. Garrecord Ills good of photograph On account artillery. t college and recommendations from lands home la Warwick. the faculty of the university he was This Dog Bitea placed In the school for sjdnlists at Fort Scott. After haring made good Whoa F. O. Book at Ben Avon aa to the artillery ofThere he was emidoj ed by the otiayl-vanlficers training school at Fortress Mn-roe- , baggageman railroad, has any more French Virginia where he received hi poodle la ids custody for shipment commlsrion as second lieutenant. lan- he will be very careful with his a-- t WBkF 1Ea FeaCHera. ts tmufm tn Bitter words passed between battalions of American France over a stolen goose. The bird fronta little farm In the ms arc occupied by oho battalion but the Bathers were found in the district by the other. To protect the proyicrfy of the Ta tnes In the area occupied by the Amer-ieiregime nts the robcc! 'has prescribed the following penalty; Any tnflu in my ronmand vho lays i a and on a fowl thpt has not -hoagtit sad aid for yr have bj nt ' the fetthcra." mi'-se- d An Ant enema ate; m laundry going close (h- uniform, of our JJ UrJ bofliu .t,r or. oinil-- ii fo again after their lasttles. M-rp- .r ,-.- lk ,J H. toi l d7 Kew Zealand TAKEN FROM EXCHANGES iTbfndlhe engine m has an annual detnh rate of h than 1 per rent I Portable th (trie ma littery has Iwca Abt at fl(tsMXior acres of screen cod snl hvd it ri mcr V Ubncco xuUha'i a in the Inverted to awkh I In wueut. d ts i rvMwrt.jRO'- gUiigO BcccnOy Bode received a crate con to mining a French poodle consigned to refused slop canine The Detroit. of fig- barking. Rock had a great deal him. J j Bring to do, and the dog annoyed 'Shut Bp, Kaiser, or I'll give yen a Yankee wallop he yelled. The poodle wuy set up a louder fierh8 at yelp and when Itock passed Us head by the crate the poodle stick him and aim'd slats the out an the ankle. Bock , ju fore rsHIng the dog Kaiser was ( i B1ji4 ft li eked Ids hand end The dedication of this mausoleum, erected to the memory of'TVtgun II un too eoldlers who fell In the fight to protect their country from the U the only oo tnansoleuin The pint is the KhorncUff Garrison cemetery. of Its kind is a?! Eg gland. , Woman suffrage was lie ws- d at the annual convention ,f the Vunalnma Ftste Federation ofalmr. before Englands prison population The Inventor of e pulley with de; rc- now IUW, is the war wp 18,00;lt In Us saifio-- contends fhrt t dons fvew Ztaliiiid 1ms an annual death very will not ri'p whoa it Is used. rate of less then 3 Icr rent. - BRIEF BITS e 'c-o- |