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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX KAYSVILLE, UTAH BOUNTIFUL north of Sntt Laka City, tub and midno ton, Itrnrt ait; ti coast; t has wntarvrorka, olaeurto aad power, tetephena. laanl aide Surrounded nch market gardens MOfOSED AMENDMENT TO THI CONSTV TUTI ON HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NIMbEK EIGHT. MYRON W. PHILLIPS Nine mile urben Davw lights walks. b; and fruit lands. two eleetri railroads with loy faroa, two tranacooUsaatal railroads, brick yard, too banka, Rood baainoaa kosaaa, eommsTcud club, irradad aad kick aekoola. eharcboi aad lodge. A good place to ttoa tlon I. ArW-l- Constitution of th and uniform tax 13 of in l Vw bixt of lluk, rcUtmc Vo UmpUo&i. Ho It resolved by tho legislature of tho Slat, o eg 1'toK. of all tho rnnlxn elected to oaob house concurring tbercia : EkIwi I. That it ia proyoood to amend Section I af Article XU I of the Constitution of tho State of Huh ao that tho aamo will toad aa follow l and Mrs. Edward Mr, Fackrell art, Svctio I. Tho lagulatoro ahall provide by law a uniform and equal rate of aaeaanent visiting relatives in Randolph. and taxation on all property In tho State! according to iu value in money, and .(ball preMr. and Mrs. Parley Noble of Gar- scribe by geaeral law uch regulation aa ahall securs a )ut valuation for taxation of all field are visiting relatives Here. property, to that every pereon and oorporo-tiu- n ehall pay a tax tu proportion to the hie. her ar Ite property : Provided, Roy Peck and family of Holbrook, value a efdeduction of debit from credit may b that Idaho, are visiting relatives here. authorized ; Provided further. That the property of tho United Stateo. of the State, coo tischool district, municipal Mr. and Mrs. Schyler Call of Mur? tle, title, toern. corporation and public libraries, lota with the used exclusively for either reray visited ralatives here last week. building thereon or charitable purpose, aad ligious worship place af burial not held ar used for private Mr. and Mks. Gerald Eldradge and ar corporate bnht, ahall bo exempt from taa-atiD ltehea. it reservoirs. ptpa family of New Castle are visiting rela-- I flume . owned and used by Individual or cortives here. owned by such lend , poration for individual ar corporation, or the individual ahall net bo aeparately taxed Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Grant have amember a thereof, shall bo owned and uaod they lung moved back from Echo and will make lustvcly for ouch purpeeei Provided further. That mortgage upon both real and persscial their home here. proparty shall bo oaempt from taxation t Proof tho Indigent vided further. That the tax may he remitted or abated at auoh time Mrs. Oliver Rickart of Salt Lake poor aad In such manner aa may b provided by but formerly of this place is at the, law) Provided, further. That tho Legislator the exeaiptleu tram taxation may provide L. L. S. hospital. of he eita, hemasteads. and personal property, not t exceed two hondrod and dfty dollar Mrs. J. H. Hardmaan of Salt Lake In vmlae far ham and bomeataad and an hand rod della r af parasnal property. Section I. The Secretary of Stale la directed City spent Friday with her parents, oaua this reposed amendment to bo pulp Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Warner. lUked a required by tho Conetttutton aad m aubmlttad to the elector of tho State at Eldon Brown has accepted a position th next general alotion In the manner provided by law. as truck driver for a sugar factory in Section If approved by tho elector of th State, this proposed amendment (hail Idaho. He left here last week. affect on the first day of January, fill. Approved Marsh 12. 191T. Rudolph Bartbw, who has been home I. HARDEN BENNION, fleer tary af But th State of Utah, da hareby certify that on a y furlough, returned to af tho above I a full, tru and aorroct aopy of Camp Garfield, Florida, last week. . a resolution proposing an amendment to See-tiI, Article It. 'ot th Constitution of the State of Utah, relating to uniform tax aad Miss Violet Wood received the schol- - exemptions. In rrttneea whereof, I hav hereunto set my arship from the county this year and hand and affixed th Great of th fll is now attending the University of af Utah, this 23rd day of August, ISIS. HARDEN BENNION, (Seal) Utah. jlhLsSn BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY two-thirel- ' KAYSVILLE, UTAH Butter Wrappers at Reflex Office Q)- o. aal. libiiiig Refrigerator cars for carrying meat are ice boxes traveling on wheels. Most people in America would have to go without fresh meat, or would have to pay more for what they could get, if it were not for these traveling ice boxes. Gustavus F. Swift, the first Swift in the packing industry, saw the need of these traveling ice boxes before others. o heoretery af State -- see one ofthese Swift & Company Company, U. S. A. & Qur Fall Shipments of 81 cars in a train, or on a siding, you will be' reminded of what is being done for you as the fruit of experience and a desire to serve. Swift Must be clean, soft, cotton rags, free from buttons, hooks and eyes 60-da- box as you have in your home. Day and night, fair weather and foul, through heat and cold, these 7,000 cars go rolling up and down the country, keeping meat -just right, on its way to you. Thus another phase of Swift & Companys activities has grown to meet a need no one else cguld or would supply, in way that matched Swift & Company ideas of being ' useful. When you Reflex O c fr He asked the railroads to build them. The railroads refused. They were equipped, and preferred to haul cattle rather than dressed beef. So Gustavus F. Swift had to make the cars himself. The first one was a box car rigged up to hold ice.. Now there are 7,000 Swift refrigerator cars. Each one is as fine an ice WANTED AT Lend the Way They Fight BuyLibertyBonds Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Johnson and family of Salt Lake City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jared Brown PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THI CONflTl-- ! TUTION HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER NINE . on Sunday. A Joint resolution providing at for amend- to Section 4. Article 14, of th ConstiHolbrook and ment Mr. and Mrs. tution of tho State of Utah minting to th Mr. and Mrs. David Holbrook and taxation af mine and mining property assessment of some. families of Syracuse visited ralatives th B it oaaatod by th Legislator of the State of all th member elected af Utah, here Sunday. to th two booses concurring therein i two-thi- rd action 1. That It la proposed to em Bastion 4, Artiste It of tho Constitution of th State of Utah ao that tho asm will road M fallow ; Becttan 4. AH tetUlfroo mini shall lag tlxl ma, hath placer and rack la cssmcsd at tt.M par asm. aad la a4ditiea therat at a vain based a pen some maltlpl af th not annual AU other mines ao mining thereof. and sthar rateable mineral deposit, tactediag shall lands containing anal ar at their fall vain. AU macblnacy aad need la mining and all property or oorfi Improvomoais opon or appartencnl to ml or mining claim, aad the vate of any sarfaee see mad af mining claim. or mining property for other than mining parpeeee, ehall eased ot fall vote. Tho state hoard af agaattsdUea shall asses dad teg U proparty herein enumerated, previd d that th men! of II 04 par acre and th aaseoamont ef th vate af any ns ether than far mining porpeaea ahall ho mads as provided by law. Section 2. Th Secretary of State Is hereby directed to submit thl proposed amendment to th elector of th State at the mext general election in th manner prescribed by tew. Section I, If adopted by the electors of th State, this amendment ahall taka effect Janu; Ernest, Groves of this place and Ethel Warley of Manila, Uinta county, were married in Salt Lake City last week. Miss Delila Stoker of Clearfield is clerking at Joseph Knightons store. Miss Edmunds having resigned to get married. Mr. and Mjs. Norman Lamph and uncle are spending a week with Mr and Mrs. A. W. Sabine at their ranch at Grouse Creek. Eldora Rampton has just returned from a months vacation spent with her aunt, Mrs. A. Pierson at Le Grande, Oregon. pin, hydro-carbon- ary let, s, o ' Are Now Arriving We expect to show our. patrons a better line for style and service than ever before. You will find the ODonnell, Patterson, Godman and Lion lines meet every requirement. Stewart-Burto- n Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE KAYSVILLE, UTAH 1414. Approved March 12, J41T. Cleon Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs L HARDEN BENNION, Secretary of Steta Whitney Roberts, also Mrs. Monie of th State of Utah, do hereby- certify that above is a full, true and correct copy of tho Mann, Jr., are dangerously ill with a Joint resolution providing for an amendment of Beetloa 4, Article 13, of th Cunetitotba the Spanish influenza. M MV - of the But of Utah relating to th taxation minaa ond mining property and th ascas. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Plant and family of menu of soma. In witness whereof, I hav hereunto set my of Aberdeen, Wash., are spending hand and affixed the Great Seal uf th State few weeks with Mrs. Plant's parents, of Utah this 23rd day of August, HARDEN BENNION, Mr. and Mrs. William Wright. 1418.-(Sea- After seven months of waiting we have received a shipment of Crockery, which we ore offering at very low l) - Secretary Bishop S. C. Holbrook, Jr had his tonsils removed in Salt Lake City last week.5 He is recovering slowly Wing to the diseased condition of his ton , sils. & of State. BROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT ION-HOUSE CONSTITUT- RESOLU- TION NUMBER FOURTEEN, A Joint resolution repealing House Joint lUoolution No. I. ax paed by the twelfth aum of tho LgUlatur of the State of Utah, and proposing a new resolution in liru thereof amending Section 22 of th Constitution of tha State of Utah, by adding Section 3 thereto, relating to the prohibition and regulation ef advertisement of, tale, manufacture, of, or traffic In Intoxicating liquor Hon Joint Resolution No. 1 Where, of the proposing to amend th ComttUittoa State of Utah by adding Sertion 4 to Article XXII, ha been passed by both House of thl and filed with th becretery of Mrs. Leland Sessions returned home from the L. D, NS. hospital Sunday after having takenabout a months treatment. She is much improved in u, health. prices. Private Carl Brunson isxRt Mare Island! Cal., very Rick with pneumonia Stele; end th engrossed eopy thereof differ His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyum In Where, a certain important r raped from th resoa actually passed by both House, In Brunson, left for California las' lution that in the sixth line of Section I, a, proand posed. after the word "nature" th word Thursday. were omitted and brewed all drink malt from said sorrowed eoiy. resolved by-tbe It Now, therefor, leg!, Uf th la'ure- - of th State of Utah, cancer of the stomach. member elected t each of tha two Uooa Mildred Kesler h us just returned concurring ; Section I.- - That It I proponed to amend from a few weeks visit with relatives J Article 22 of th Constitution of Utah by in Nephi. j adding Section I, thereto, which section ' shall fend as follow ' sale, keeping All churches, school-?- theatreT arid or Sertum 3,tar The mensfectur. or offering r exposing -r storing have kind sale, er importing, carrying, transporting, public gatherings of any vert icing, distributing, giving gwy, been suspended indefinitely by Ing. dispensing, er serving ef all fermented Hqitora, alcohol, to malt, vines or of thsi city board of health, owing wine, porter, ale, beer, absinth or any other exso many people having and being Intoxicating drink, mixture er preparation ef Ilk nature; and all malt or brewed drink posed to SpanibH influenza. fruit preserved In alcohelie liquors of any kind; and all beverage eentalnln ia excess ef ef ton per cetttee ef alcohol by seThe Barlow' family reunion was r propara-tun- u. and all mixtures, eompeand ism; ward held last Monday in the First whether liquid or not, which ar In-- 4 when mixed with water, ar sthsrwi, to tabernacle. A large number of the tend a nrodueo by fermentation ar otherwia were are near hereby forever proIntoxicating liquor, Barlow family from far and hibited in th State, except alcohol for acten-tlin attendance. and win and purpose need for sacramental purpo. Section 2. Itie Secretary of State is hereby Alvin Jacobson of Salt Lake City, directed to submit tho proposed amendment son of Mrs. Irene Jacobson of this contained herein to th lector of th State th next general election In th manner pr place, died Friday night of pneumonia. atided by law. Instead of the resolution aa emFuneral services were held Sunday braced in Boom Joint Reaohitton No. 1. heretofore passed by thl Legislator, and afternoon at the city cemetery. Mr. which is hereby repealed. 2. Section if adopted by tho elector of tho Jacobson leaves a wife and small son, State thi amendment shall have affect JanuA. D. 1414. his mother and four brothers and ary March 8, 141T". three sisters, also many relatives, to I.Approved HARDEN BENNION. Secretary of State mourn his loss, of Utah, do hereby certify thaf th above la B full, true and correct copy of a joint resoPrivate Roy Nelson, son of Samuel lution providing for th amendment ef th ef tho State of Utah by adding Nelson . of.. Randolph, and. grands on. ,el Constitution Seerteu- - to ATtltU XXjI relating to th Mrs. Dan Lee, Sr., is very hick with Come and make your he selection. two-thir- d I , f- 1 A bank account not only ilri;ta pro- tects your coney against theft and Ion, but also protect it against temptation to spied. and Every man owes himself ha family the protection of a subsavings account in a pod stantial bank like this one. r iV' i jj 'list fr VV O-- - way and !' f f f Great Why cot start in a mail : b eve 4ME- -1 every pay day? mnufrtrug Known Everywhere As The VERY BEST lt, , r from Little Acorns Grow BM53S BAI3KG THE HOUSE OF QUALITY ne-ha-lf CGIIPAIIY 4 EATCTILLa 0TA3 and rogulatten of sal, manufacture, Mrs. Eliza Nelson of this place, died . advertisement of. poeemelna of, nr trnffia at Douglas, Fort afternoon ha Tuesday tstoxienuag liquor. In witness wheraof, I have hereunto t my Salt Lake City, of Spanish jnfluenza. hand and affixed th Groat Seal ml tho State Mr. Nelson was 21 years old and was ad Utah, tin tird day of Anemst 1411, HARDEN SANK10N, tXmli Funeral training at the U. of U Secretary ad State. services were held friday at 2 p.' m. at the Bountiful cemetery. Dont mistake by thinking otherwise at this The Kaiser is still Germany. We Need Riws ot Once. Bring Them in Now time. I M&dai of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled in the' most modern mill qwsesw Peeked in- tho r.zzizz 1 EVERY DEALER HAG IT. 3 |