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Show TOE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH upon real and personal I'Miwly ih.ll be axempt from taxation; and that th tha indigent poor may ha remitted or nh(a at such tima and in auch manner aa may Located tn th nkUt of fertile field. ba Excel m production of milk, tomato provided by law. 4. Tha Legislature ahall not Impose taxes and ugsr beet. Ha the factory of th Iay-tiifor tha purpose of any county, city, town or Sugar company, eannary, roller other mills, creamery and concrete section of municipal corporation hot may, by law, vast in the corporata authorities' thereof, state road. Good opportunities for thoae the power to aaaeee and collect eekinir suburban acreage for fruit grow-in-g, taxea for all purpoeea of auch corporation, truck gardening, chicken raising and 5. The aurface ground of all mmea and On line of" Salt Lake A Ogden dairying. and Oregon Short Line. Haa electric lights mining claims, both placer and rock in place, and waterworks. Writs Layton Commercontaining or bearing gold, silver, copper, lead. Iron or other valuable tnrtals. after pur cial club for information. chase thereof from the United Stair, ahull be taxed at a value not greater than the price paid the United Statee therefor, unless Charles Nalder started with the aurface or some part thereof, of other shipment for Mr. Adams yes- auch mine orground, claim, is used for other than and haa a separate and Inmining purposes, terday. dependent value for auch other purposes ; in which case said surface ground, or any part Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jacobs of Pleas- thereof, so used for other than mining purposes, ahall be taxed at its value tor aui h ant Green are the guests of Mr. and other purposes as provided by law ; and all machinery used in pining, and all property Mrs. Lucius Laudie. and aurface improvements upon or appurtenant to and mining claims, which hate E. P. Ellison is now-- at the Rebel a value mines separate and independent of such claims, shall be taxed aa Creek ranch of the Ellison Ranching mines or mining All Jands. containing coal, provided by law stone in Nevada. granite, marble, onyx," gas. oil. hydrocompany carbons, gypsum, or other valuable' mineral oher then those enumerated shove Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ellison, deposits. in this section, after purchase thereof from on Thursday of last week, a daughter. the United States and all property and aurface Improvements upon or appurtenant to auch Mother and child are doing welt. lands which have a value separate and independent of alt auch lands shall be taxed as Mrs. George Stephens has opened providedof by. law. In addition to tha asseaa-methe surface grounds, improvements a restaurant and bakery in the build- and niachtnary of Ininas and mining claims, all mine and mining claims producing net ing formerly occupied by the Layton proceeds shall ba taxed at a value not to Mrs. Stephens., will serve exceed three times auch net proceeds. bakery. 6. An accurate statement of the receipts first-clas- s meals and keep on hand a and expenditures of the public moneye shall be published annually in auch manner as the full line of bakery Legislature may provide. T. The rate or taxation on property for Lucius Laudie, manager of the Lay-to- n State purpoeee shall never exceed eight mills each duller of valuation to be apportioned Auto company, will unload a car on aa follows: Not to exceed four and one-haof Ford autos at this place tomorrow. mills on each dollar of valuation for general State purposes : not to exceed three mills on This is the first car of autos ever re- each dollar of valuation for diatrirt school mill on each purposes ; not to exceed one-haceived in Davis county and we are dollar of valuation for high school purpoeea; informed that all the cars have been that part of the State tax apiiortioned to high school purposes shall constitute a fund sold. to be called the "high school fund" and ahall be apportioned to the cities and achoul disthe manner The many friends of Alexander tricts maintaining high school In And whenever the Legislature may provide. Dawson will be pleased to know that the taxable property within the State shall amount to-- Four Hundred Million Dollars, the able to attend .church-Su- n? rate shall not exceed five mtUa on each, dollar valuation ; unless a proposition to increase day. In company with his daughter, of such rate, specifying the rate proposed end Mrs. Edward Simmons, he made the the time during which the same shall be levied, be first submitted to a vote of such of trip to Ogden via the Bamberger on the qualified electors of the State as, in the year next proceeding auch election, shall have Monday. paid a property tax assessed to them within State, and the majority of those voting Len Sandall, Golden Adams and tha thereon shall vote in favor thereof, in such Charles Nalder have returned from manner aa may be provided by law. 8. The making of profit out of publia the eastern market, wrhere they went moneys, using the same for any purpose not authorised law, by any public otlicer, shall with a shipment of sheep and latnbs be deemed by a felony, and shall b -- punished as for-II. Adam provided, by law, but part of such punishment Theboy-repo- rt to hold public odlce. shall he a fine time and that the sheep t, No disqualification appropriation shall be mad, or any authorised by the leeisixtnra. expenditure brought a good price. whereby the expenditures of the State, during fiscal any year, shall exceed tha total tax Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Green, Mrs. then provided for by law, and appltrside for such appropriation or expenditure, unless the Mary Jane Layton, the Misses Hor-ten- Legislature making auch appropriation, shall exand Mary Green, Mr. and Mrs. provide for levying a aufilcient tax, 5 not tills of rates allowed in Section the ceeding John II. Thornley, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- article, to pay such appropriation or exiendi-tur- e within such fiscal year. This provision eph W. Ilill, Miss Jeness Ilill and shall not apply to appropriation or expendi-ture- s - ths to suppress tneuKeetUuja,. Miss Dora Thornley, formed a party in defending the United Statee assist or State, which motored to" Downey and Pres- in time of war, 10. Nothing in this constitution shall be ton, Idaho, last week. They visited eonstrued to prevent the legislature from prowith friends and relatives and had a viding a stamp tax, or a tax based on income, occupation, license or franchises. fine time. Sec. 2. The Secretary of State la hereby ordered to give this proposition to be pubThe people of Layton are much lished in at least on newspaper In every county in tha State where a newspaper it pleased with the nomination of Lawr- printed and publishad for two months prethe next general election. ence E. Ellison, cashier of the First ceding See. . This proposition ahall bt submitted ofto the elector of this State at the next genNational bank of Layton, for the election for their approval or disapproval. eral Reon the fice of state representative All official ballots used at auch election shall printed or written thereon the words, publican ticket. The people here feel have "For the amendment of Artlol IS of the and elected be that Mr. Ellison will Constitution, relating to taxation," "Y "No, and shall otherwise be prepared and know that he will work for the best submitted to tb tier tors as may ba otherwise and said ballot ahall be reinterest of Davis county in the legis-Iatur- provided by law, and canvassed and return ceived, counted, will poll a large thereon be mad In Hi earn manner and in all respect aa in or may bo provided by law of party affiliations. in the case of election of State officers. See. 4. If adopted by the elector of the Steam has been raised in a portion State, this amendment shall take effect Jan1, 117. of the boilers at the sugar factory uary Approved March 20th. 1915. I for .the purpose ojf testing out the OF STATE UTAH, machinery preparatory to the sugar SECRETARY OF STATES OFFICE. campaign. Work on the beet dumps I, David Matteon, Secretory of State of the and loading stations in various parts State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of of the territory is progressing in a SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER EIGHT propoaing an amendment to Article beet for Orders manner. satisfactory IS of the Constitution of the State of Utah, to revenue and taxation, as appears digging have not yet been issued but relating record in my office. , will be in a few days. The prospect of . In Witness Whereof, I hive hereunto act affixed the Great Seal of the for a successful campaign - is evi- my hand and thla 22nd day of August. 191. SUto of Utah, denced by the big crop of beets in all DAVID MATTSON. ISEAL1 Secretory of State. tmnf LAYTON toolsiiLtfe CEMENT SWE Jitos ' n f u'S POTTER FARM NORTH OGDEN 100 Tons Capacity of Silo Jias proven entirely satisfactory to owner, who says its ease and economy are' vital rJi A The Bamberger Electric errs will leave Salt Lake City every hour on the hour from G a. m. until 5 p. m. Thereafter trains will leave Salt Life City at G:15 p. m.r 8 p. m., 10 p. m. and 17 midnight.' . will leave as trains noted, Effective, Ogden at 6 a. m., 7 a. m., 8:15 a. m., 0:80 a. iij. and every hour until 6:30 p. m. Trains will leave Ogden at 8 :30, 10 :30 and 11 :30 p. m. goods." county, all of which are giving satisfaction, For information as to "uses of concrete off the .coupon below ana mail. oncrete Co. Osoesv- - Utah Please Scni fi A W C ww w Mo feUlogug HcSPv m m m m lf 4 - hewas B H Known Everywhere As The -E-EeVERY BEST-S- lf tear OUR NEW PREMIUM OFFER . EFFECTIVE oi Monday, Aug. 7, 1916 nt There are many siloes of this construction in Davis NEW BAMBERGER TIME CARD -- Made of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled jn the most modern mill Packed in the neatest manner ' EVERY DEALER HAS IT. se Free To Our Customers Call and see them and get a punch card The Strength of Business largely on the banks. A bank that is not strong, well directed and thoroughly able to give the best service to its depositors is a hindrance rather .than a help. depends Bring Your Deposits Here . Go. Stewart-Burto- n & .Phillips, . Myron lie vote,-irrespecti- ve .. KajrsJille, Utah g, State Banf( Sriion 7 - Confectioner IP and be convinced that we can and will be of much help if courtesy and judicious accommodation is of value. Your business will be better for it., er -- BOUNTIFUL, UTAH parts of the territory. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION, .THE CONSTITUTION HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER SIX Wealth That Works NUMBER EIGHT Joint Resolution providing an amendment to Section 17, Article 7. of the Constitution of the State of Utah, relating to the dutie of the Auditor and of the Treasurer, Be It enacted by the Legislature of the But of Utah Two-thiof all til member elected to therein t each of the two Houses concurring therein I Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article Section 1. That It is proposed to amend IS of tb Constitution of the State of Utah, Section 17, Article 7, of the Constitution of so that the same will rsad a follow t the Bute of Utah, a that the tame will read 1. The power of taxation shall never be a follow i 17. The Auditor ahall be Auditor of public surrendered, suspended, or contracted away. Tha public money, shall be deaccounts, AU taxes ahall be uniform upon tha asm class of property within the territorial .limit posited by the Treasurer, under the superof the authority levying the tax. and ahall vision of the Board of Examiner, and a be levied and collected for public purpoeea provided by liw. Sac. 2. The Secretary of State la' hereby only. amendment 2. The Legislature shall provide by law directed to submit thi propoeed State at the next gen-for an annual tax auffiiient, with other source to the elector of themanner provided by law. of revenue, to defray the estimated ordinary eral election in the See. t. If adopted by the elector of th expenses of the State for each fiscal year. amendment ehall take effect Jan-For the purpose of paying the State debt, if State, this 1917. for uary I, shall provide the be. Legislature any there Approved March 17th, 1915. levying a tax annually, sufficient to pay the annual Interest and principal of auch debt, within twenty year from tb final passage of STATE Or UTAH, the law creating the debt. ' OF STATES OFFICE. SECRETARY 2. There ahall be exempt frwn taxation L David Mattaon, Secretary of State of th State, property of the United State, of tb municiSUto of UUh. do hereby certify that to counties, cities, towns, school districts, is a full, true and correct copy of pal corporations and public libraries, lota with foregoing NUMBER JOINT RESOLUTION the buildings thereon used exclusively for HOUSE 17, providing an amendment to Section either religious worship or charitable pur- SIX of th BUU Constitution Article of used tb or 7, held not burial of and places poses, of UUh, relating to th dutie of th Auditor for private or corporate benefit. of record of th Treasurer, aa appear Ditches, canals, reservoir, pipes and Jlumea and in my office." owned and need by individuals or corporation set la Witneaa Whereof. I have hereunto for irrigating land owned by eucb individual and affixed th Great Seal of th or corporations, or tb Individual members my hand of Utah, tiua 22nd day of August, 1914. thereof, shall not be separately taxed so long State DAVID MATTSON, SEAL as they shall be owned and used exclusively Secretary ef SUto. for such purpose ; provided, that mortgagee of CStitiWs Values Q ,No matter what will passing money's tvorth, correct style, superior quality and a perfect fit if you let us take your measure for a Custom Tailored Suit i ,v, im Should the garments p ore other than right,-o- r isnt 100 per cent your "satisfaction per cent ood, back cheerfully. money COME IN AND SEE US 100 A Money saved and deposited in a banK ts wealth that worKs. Wealth that worKs is capitaL UnliKo brain and muscle, it does not wear out or deteriorate. It grows and improves. 11 of two-thir- prices you pay, you receive in return sur- Rose & Company to Article the Constitution of the State of Utah, relating to revenue and taxation. Be it resolved by the Legislature of the d of all members State of Utah, elected to .each of the two house concurring Propoaing an amendment AM. m- - rd i V The only gain from labor Is what is saved. Labor, therefore, maKes. wealth and when wealth worKs it is capitaL . Capital at worK pays wages, which, when saved, creates Labor s the producer when labor saves. more capitaL Savings bring independence. A savings banK is a public servant bO-Op- ." iC-aysville-- -- .T G, D. . 'The House HERBERT E: SMITH GO. of Quality. Pure, Unadulterated Insurance If you IKttlledge PHYSICLAN and SURGEON Cffic and Residence on Locust Street Near Bamberger Depot CrS tuwuej promptly day or nlskt JEATXYILL3 ... UTAH nornffsoff j.Licenced Abstractor b, and Notary Public Office F. C. & M- GTOJf - One WANT TO SELL your real estate we can do it. your service. CLEARFIELD UTAH or 'Dollar Starts an jiccountl BARNES TRADE BAtllKG COliPAIlY KAYSVILLE, UTAH Always at w 'nL-f.- UTAH W- r. -. La er wrcsijiS Ai i. r. r |