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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE, UTAH RUSSIANS MARCHING THROUGH SALONIKA- LAFAYETTE - MONUMENT AT FALL RIVER UNVEILED V, I 1 X VICTORIOUS ; , Ljt xAt d jSl. v,t- - 7V . X " . v ITALIANS ENTERING GORITZ ' ' j ' Jl - jit - .NVWvVWw ,.L X?'VV ,v - ', v V, -- rtrf 1 -- AMERICAN ANDMEXICAN COMMISSION itatue of the great Frenchman BEGINSVVORK 1 w.xi,.ve. A TX . t .. the parade during tin laifujette celebration ut Fall Hlxer, Mu., when a us unveiled; and, Inserted, the monument at the moment of unveiling. - -C fc5pVV' ti ! '' 'V V:9 :-.- 'i ... i . . V T vws . .. .. ...Wi e aaSf s pliot ograph slmwing the American and now holding sessions at New London, Conn. Left Eliseo Arredondo, Mexican ambassador designate, Judge George Gray, Secretary of the Interior lame, feated are the commissioners. PRINCE LEOPOLD OF BAVARIA PAYING HOMAGE TO VON HINDENBURG aw .w,Vviv Fir This is the first photograph of the victorious Italian forces entering Goritz. Ok .X ti t LOOKS DEADLY, AND IT IS . , - !,' w T f K AV, . - t Hxjw i, A'- - - ( ;-- r C V v XX s ::U i Mexican members of the Joint commishlnn together. They are to right, standing, are: Mr. Bonsull, Secretary of State Lansing, and Doctor Rowe. Dr. John It. Mott, Left to right, seated : Luis Cabrera, Ignacio Bonillas and Alberto J, IanL The men GENERAL SHUTS TAKING AN OBSERVATION 4 : ! v j V Commander in chief of the XJ ; Austro-Germa- n armies of the central eastern front Though seventy years of age this veteran soldier is robust and in perfect health. Each day he takes a long swim and Indulges In ateeplechas-In- to keep In trim. ( w.J M a v U . - g at Overdrawing "No funds. German soldiers hammering nails into the gigantic wooden statue of General von Hindenburg, newly appointed chief of staff of tbe German arm j, which stands in one of the principal squares in Berlin. For every nail a donation Is made to the Red Cross fund. Kensington Gardena. EngKesstngton Rogers, report tw during the New York performances land, were at first only 28 acres In exof The Stampede, and wrote ltog tent, but have been several times Pieces for Mr. Ilearsts Journals. jpow havqjtn ,ttreabf.?10 ASfS'iMiejMB, rote them he stopped in acres!! The gardens are traversed by at the Astor every evening and dictat- walks and ornamented with rows and wested them to the young lady w ho stenogs clamps of noble trees. Near the there. Rogers acted jast like ern border of the gardens, or park, for such they are, stands Kensington palreporter. He carried copies of the paper ace, an edifice of brick originally the around with him until the next days seat of II encage Finch, ear! of NottingPaper came out When his first story ham and lord chancellor of England. was published a week ago, Rogers The palace was afterwards bought by unProudly showed It to a regular news- King William II, who enlarged it paper man and Inquired his opinion. der the supervision of Christopher The pewspaper man read it and show- Wren, the architect of St. Pauls catheered praise upon IL dral. WIIBam and Ms consort Mary, It is very good. Will, he told him died in Kensington palace and th.-r-George IL 'very good, indeed. Quite praise- died Queen Anne and King Vicof Queen worthy. I know how it is Id prob- It was the birthplace rest a been cot royal has It ably be an awful Joke trying to throw toria. 1 Pope, too. .fence since- TCk Faint Praise. W411 ) Sr cowboy,-turne- d gardens.-'-Londoa- ;' Itog-reall- y' e - i Bank iiMnn ii if f Health. On this French reconnolterlng aerotwo machine guns Joined toplane Thats the way your check is are mounted behind the pilot gether when bank allowance stamped your The skull and crossbones indicate the gives out Every good business man takes care feeling of the aviators. not to overdraw his account Gums and Health. But bow many men give a thought to Two ' drops of camphor on your their balance In the First Natural Bank toothbrush will give your mouth the of Health? Not many. They overdraw when freshest cleanest feeling imaginable, they oversleep la the morning; when will make your gums rosy and absothey overeat at noon; when they over- lutely prevent anything like cold work late In the day, and when they sores or affections of the tongue. The overdrink and overplay at night gums, by the way, are barometers of And they keep on overdrawing, day your, condition.- - . If they . are clear, good health, In and day out because the accounting bright, red, yon are-iblood Is If and wantthin In while the your of Bank Natural First system Health differs from that of an ordinary ing in the mysterious red corpuscles that make one healthy, the gums Will baDk. be pale plDk. or If you are in a very not are suddesi a to They brought bad- - Way, Indeed, end much. la. need No the Reserve;' Warning, stopwtth So they keep on until the day when of a course of dialyzed Iron, they Will disease draws a big sight draft and be almost white. Leonard. Keene then they, find their tad Hlfshberg. not a physical asset In sight 1 - A -- v f i -- Yi v ;Vf i '' j r iV. trr , .: V.-- riw General Smuts, commander of the British forces in East Africa, making observations from the top of an armored car: It has been officially reported that General Smuts has occupied the chief town of German East Africa, and a prtnrtpal seaport. . Dar-es-Salaa- n body-bankru- n. The car over which the driver had Just lost control was a big, higb-poered one. It mounted the curb at 1! miles an hour, crashed through a plati glass front and continued its way leaving wreckage In Its path, to tin rear of the store, where it was broughi to a stop. The Palm Beached dnva looked about and perceiving it was motor accessory shop, remarked; "3 Just dropped in to see if I could gel a new windshield. "You bet replied the proprietor, and I can fix that steering gear for you, toolf fouT wait about ea minutes, 'Sentiment Voiced at Last, "It must te a great comfort to have Josh at home for his summer vacation. . "Yep,,replIeJ Farmer Corntossel. "I dunqo when Ive been more comforted than I was to hear Josh tell one of the summer boarder LMt fi folk' set the best table In the township an that anyThe Office a Home, body who didnt like it could git out A young fashionable was graduated It's what me an mother often wanted from Yale in Jane. His father is set- to say to Josh hlaself, but we didnt ting Mm up iu business. Tills father have the nerve. asked us if we would not aid in the seA Conservative, lecting of the office furnishing for the What sort of view does Dubwaite young man. The father said: "Spend whatever yon like. Not because I have take of life? "The sort that is not Incompatible money, hut because when a man works in a place for so many hours It should with an easy chair in a club window, be made as comfortable as possible. something to drink at his elbow and a Many men spend more actual hours in good1 cigar in- his mouth. "In ether words? their offices than they do in their While granting that there may be homes. Their offices should therefore be as attractive as their homes. That room for Improvement la this world. Is my theory, and I am going to prac- It does not come within the range of Ms immediate observation. tice it for my son. - Old-Tim- e Grain Reappears. A grain culled guautli or huautll Is mentioned In old Mexican chronicles as among the articles of tribute paid by the Mexican pueblos to Montezuma. The identity of this grain has long been a mystery. In recent years wild and cultivated varieties of a grain, op- parently theanclent guautli, have been found la Sinaloa and other states of Mexico, where the natives use it for food when maize Is scarce. Species that are similar if not quite the same are cultivated for food in Teru aLd Bolivia as well as la Tibet and the mountainous regions of India. A Hard Turn. Redd In a new automobile r il for following vehicles hands are I Inated to Indicate tie direct! a t t car is going to turn as t ? t -- rre a v)i - Greene t7cll, now, r' t would the signal lock like to L tie car was about to turn frrtM |