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Show N THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH GUNS THAT ARE BATTERING THE GERMANS. Our Expert Jewelers BATTLE GOHTIIIUES Can ipnjform your old Jewelry into new, remount your diatnoncfi'and make old pieces sparkle in a way that will delight you. Our modest prices make buying easy. F .ASSAILS ADMINISTRATIONS OF IN HIS SPEECH POL-IC- Y UNCEASING PRESSURE KEPT UP BY ALLIES, BUT TEUTONS ARE RESISTING STUBBORNLY. ; OF NOMINATION. BOYD PARK rovww for New Policy of Firmness and Consistency Toward Mexico and .Declare Russians Are Pressing Closer to Kovel, Having Crossed the Stokhod River,. Austrians and Italians Fighting Furiously, of for Unflinching Maintenance American Rights op.and and Sea. Xew York. Charles E. Hughes on July 31 outlined In his Bpeech of the issues upon which he IH' conduct his campaign foir the' presidency. Mr. Hughes assailed the administration for the course it has pursued with reference to Mexico, maintenance or American rights during the European war, preparedness and other great questions of the day. He declared for a new policy of firmness consistency nd toward Mexicofor 1he unflinching maintenance of all American rights on land and sea, and for adequate national defense; adequate protection on both western and eastern coasts. We denounce all plots and conspiracies in the interest of any foreign nation," Mr. Hughes said. Utterly intolerable is the use of our soil for alien intrigues. Every American must unreservedly condemn them and support every effort for their suppression. The nominee assailed the administration for its direction of doplomatio Intercourse," from the beginning, declaring that where there should have been conspicuous strength and expert ness there had been weakness and He cited Santo Domingo as an instance where trust , was shockingly betrayed .by appointments and given to deserving Democrats, lhe failure to continue Ambassador Herrick at his post in Paris after the war had started aa a lamentable sacrifice of international repute. I indorse the declaration in the platform in favor of woman suffrage, Mr. Hughes declared, and he added: Opposition may delay, but, in-judgment, cannot defeat this ment. 1 UVor the vote for women. of the speech was devoted to Mexico. Step after step taken by the administration, with reference to Mexico was assailed, from the days of Huerta to the note sent the de facto my One-fourt- h government by the state department July 20 last, part of which was quoted in the speech, t The seizure of Vera Cruz, the nominee said, was war, of course. Later we retired from Vera Cruz, giving up this noble warfare. .Recently the naked truth was admitted by a cabinet officer. We are now informed that we did not go to Vera Cruz to force Huerta to salute the flag. We are told that we went there to show Mexico that we were in earnest in our demand that Huerta he must go. America," Mr. Hughes continued, has no policy og aggression toward Mexico, no desire for any part of her territory, hut wishes her to have peace, stabilityand prosperity, The conduct of the administration has created difficulties we shall have to surmount," he said. We demand from Mexico the protection of the lives and property of our citizens and the security of our border from depredations. American Safeguarding rights abroad had not been accomplished by the administration, he said. There had been brave words In a series of notes, but what does it avail to use some of the strongest words known to diplomacy if ambassadors can receive the Impression that the words are not to be taken seriously." ENGLAND REFUSES REQUEST. Red Cross Will Not be Permitted Aid Germans. tT enter-territor- y Carranzistas Aid Americana. San Antonio. Carranzista and United States troops fought side by side iu the engagement with Mexican bandits aouthor Fort Hancock, JTexas, early Monday, according to the official ceport from Brigadier General George Bell, Jr., at El Paso, to Major General Funs'ton. -- Woman Named for Office. Washington M Us Julia Mary Cross f Douglas, Wyo.,. Was noifainated by President Wilson as receiver of public moneys at Douglas. Butchers Any size roll film Strike Ended. SL Louis. Striking employes of the Lhree large houses in East packing SL Louis, I1L, have voted to accept Lhe concessions made by the employers and to return to work Tuesday. bout 4,500 men are involved. . Make Hay While Moon Shines. Blooming, 111 Make hay while Lhe moon shines, Js the motto of bany central Illinois farmers, as a lt of the intense heat, and thousands 6f acres of hajr is being harvested by the light of the.moon , ' re-u- 1 ' CITY V CdltS . lainJon. The entente allies main-- . CdllS fain unceasing pressure on both the western add eastern fronts, as "well as Salt Lake Photo Supply Co. the Italian o ntho Austrian front, and Butt lake City, Utah ri S Mio Street heavy battles are being fought (ln all theatres. Oniujm red tn THKFK DAYS at The British and Freruh started a HDtMF The tnmlefn, LXXilN XV tlit- Neal In.limti-- methntl Iain-a(p ami pleanmit fresh combined attack on Sunday neaeru.e-1edle hit tit I AHI wood to the Somme and - H , injei-tlon- a t ravin for alcohol remove! in from. Delville FHKKK PATS or money will be refunded All made dogged progress, whUh brought Pro uni Tobacco tlabtia treated them near the village of Maurcpas. We tiuatantre our treatment NCAL INSTITUTE The misty weather, which has hinF,?m1 So Ht. Halt Lake Cltr. ans WeatBroad dered the operations, has given place ajr. Uutte, Mont , MiS Cleveland Place, penvert Co clear skies, with intense heat. Colorado, eo Neal Inatitutea la principal cltlee. The Germans are making the most Now fat tbs MKN A VP WOMEN. determined counteraUavL sul "Jfflc time to learn the barber trade. BarIn reatdeinand, Hpeclal rats lally claim that the entente allies now open (orber so daf Onlr Short time required. This is one of the heavy British guns In action on tbs west front, where mail cannon hate smashed the German have not gained a foot of ground by Tool lurnUhcd and eommiaalon paid while learn-ICall or write Moler Baber School, 13 Comtrenches for many miles. Sunday's attack. mercial Ht., Ball Lake City. Utah The Russians ars continuing their success and notwithstanding the AUSTRIAN TROOPS IN THE TYROL ALPS German resistance are WHISPERED STORY OP RUTH strongest To closer Kovel, pressing According to latest unofficial news And lull Llttl. J.wlih Girl W.a R wardsd With Fsaat Cak for they are across the Stokhod over the whole stretch between Kovel Sarny Hsr, Effort. railroads. and General Leichitzky, whose operaIn the East side of New York aa tions were suspended by the Dniester tn the East end of London, the Jewish floods, la moving again and working quarter of Parte or Jndengasse of Bertoward Btanislau, another important lin, thousands of Jewish mothers end railway center. grandmothers gathered the little daughters of the family to them on COURT GIVES APPAM BACK. night recently. Into tiny ears wa " whispered the story of Iluth, the faith- Germany Held to Have Lost All Claim ful. In each kitchen stood a new -to the Steamer. broom, and- - tallow candles burned of the brightly on tablea spread with meats, Norfolk, Va. I'osseaslon British liner Appam, brought Into wines and cakes. Little daughter, each mother whisHampton lloads last February by f on pered, do you know what Ruth said Germany prize crew, was awarded to Naomi?" the owners, to her English Saturday Yes," each little girl replied eagerAfrican company, Steam Navigation V Vv. ' i by Judge Waddlil of the federal dis- ly. She had aehearsed the great epic trict court. An appeal will be taken for weeks. "Ruth 'said Entreat me' when the opportunity is given next not to leave thee, or to return from ,"1 Jr ft Wednesday, but final decision in the following after thee. For whither thou libel proceedings probably will be goest, I will go; and where thon longCan 5 xasPv , est, I wtll lodge; thy people shall be given by the supreme court. In the meantime the Appam will my people, end thy god my God And, beaming her pride, each UnAb-stay at Newport News in the custody then said: will or of the United Statea marshal, Good t Here Is a cake for you I" be turned over to her owners under of inouMHiiu the the on the feast of Bhabuoth was Austrian shows range the Thus grout peaks tf troop This remarkable photograph just received, bond. Her cargo has been sold for in. The broom was Just aa ushered where the Italians and Austrian troops are engaged. It Is rejiorted that In muuy places the lee and snow are beginning ijjqoq fcn(j held money Is being HtJcks of suovv and Ice are sliding down the mountains, imped-a much to melt and groat holes are encountered everywhere. part of the ceremony as the court, reward of a coke. With It one couidj Jng the progress of the Alpine fighters of both countries. PIONEER UTAH BANKER DEAD. sweep out the spirits and demons, the scheldlm and maslklm, which ghettoj MINE USED AS A BUOY BENCH Financier and Mining Magnate Sue- - traditions of the medieval uges Insist! cumbs to Long iilnees. are present 4uring Gmer, the time be-- f tween Passover and Bhabuoth. Newj H. Matthew Salt Laks City. W&lker, president of Walker Bros. York Tribune. Bankers, and known as one of the Nominating Cardinals. foremost financiers In the lntermoun-taiThe ceremony of nominating cardH west, died July 28, after a lingnals, which takes place at Rome, Is ering illhess. Matthew H. Walker was born In not without its picturesque side. ThJ Yesdon, Yorkshire, England, January consistory of the sacred college meets 16, 1845, and came to Utah In 1853. In secret though particulars of thd There were four sons Sharp 8. proceedings are afterward given to Walker, I). F. Walker, J. R. Walker the pres and, following upon a brief and M. ft. Walker. The first bank In address, the pope names the person Salt Lake was,opened by the Walker li? wtHjea to ejevgte to the purple brothers. M. if. Walker and his ilia nomination is final, but In accojL brothers were also pioneers in mining ance with tha old custom when thq In Utah. They first operated at cardlnala vptef fgj the. flection of Stockton and , Opblr and also in the their comrades, he asks, What is your Little Cottonwood district, where was desire? The csrdlnsts then silently located the famous old Emma mine- Jay down their red silk cap, rise, and bow. It is the formal assent, and the i new cardinals are declared elected, Miners Bury the Hatchet cardinals other than; . Great Falls, England has Mont The biennial convention of the Western Federation those created by the pope. At one of Miners, In session here for two time there were officials of that title weeks, concluded lts work Saturday attached to a number of her cathel and adjourned. All factions buried drala, whose duty Jt was Jo visit the their differences by the adoption of sick and Telievd th nSedy, but Sl Panls is now alone In tha possession on a joint harmony resolution pledging This German mine, Intercepted of a senior and a junior cardinal, a as used cease to the further press-nthe Tigris river, is being delegates of grievances against various offi- elected by the deans from among the buoy by the British. cers and members of the federation. minor canons. One of the holders of the title In recent times was the auUnique Document thor of the Jackdaw of Rhelms. Draw Deadline Against I. W. W, In the American Mngazlne Prof. Mitchell, S. D. The most radical Charles Downer llazen tells some Youth In th Fighting Line. move in Mitchell Franco-campaign against Incidents the of ludicrous I have received a pathetic letten Prussian war, describing a documenl members of the I. W. W. was made from a mother who has lost her soni Saturday by the committee that is a modern curiosity : She gav hlmjto the cause of empire which hgs been named to rid but ther is a feeling In ber breast numwere Cohesion was lacking, as A dead that at nineteen ha was too bers." he says. Many general were lha city of "undesirables young fort sent to command troops with which line has been drawn two miles south jf the city beyond which no I. W. W. they were entirely unacquainted. daresay a hundred sympathlzin member will be permitted to pass. sometimes but hava consoled her with th friends Not soldiers, only be John Hessln Clarke of Cleveland, O., uouhuated by President Wilson to unable to find whom tha gods lovej went "Thos words: astray, generals federal judge Bpeech. Hughes Complete, Beassociate Justice of the United States Supreme court, has been "arrived at die Have And I would like to addj their young. places. Chares E. Hughes, that In this western world the sacri-- i for the northern district ol Ohio since 1914 Bridgehampton. lfort telegraphed General Mlohelon on flee of young life for a cause la naj July 21, can't find my brigade; cant Republican presidential nominee, acnew thing. find (be general of the division. What Saturday completed his speech of In the great Civil war in' Ameri shall I- - do? Dont know where my ceptance. It is approximately 8,000 SEACOAST TRENCHES IN FLANDERS regiments are. This document is prob- words in. length .and. will require 800,000 youths,- - seventeen years oi quarter for and under, enlisted iu th Northei ably .unique in military records. An- ibout an hour and other general hunted for his artillery army, and from 1801 to 18C5 mon than 2,000,000 young men, from eightj staff; another for a cavalry corps Mexicans Maks Another Raid. ? A een to twenty-two- , were fighting j which did not exist 5 ' -- Brownsville, shots making Tex, Several s of the armies were exchanged Sunday sight be- Lincoln put in the field. The oldert Corsets. and Whiskers ' and guards- - at the men were iXf working at industries. UafietK-I see that the first baby tween outpost fi . of the Firsts Illinois cavalry, backing up the fighting line. Wom-- j iMirn In Lorraine, 0, will receive from :amp and supposed Mexican bandits who an had not then found herself." merchants of the town gifts including ipparentlY were attempting to steal P la the Vancouver World. theater pass for life and corsets or horses, barber service for life, as the case may Harsh Diet Garment Workers Back on Strike. Do Little Pitchers you like corn atrice It would be awful If the New York. The garment workers and Mrs. Gaddy? gravel, and the corsets to should cling baby an Wednesday refused to ratify the Neighbor Of course noL WiiUa, W ' decide to let the whiskers grow.' agreement entered into by their lead- Why do yon ask that? t ers with the garment manufacturers L. P. Because ? heard ma say you V In These Days, association and were ordered back on were coming to her supper tomorrow Wife You say you saw Miss Pick- itrlke by the president. said he supposed hed have and pa . ering walking on the avende. What to dig up some chicken feed f.r th J) Hoosier Bank Robber. vlid she have on? old hens. Two armed men held Husband I cant recall. Indianapolis Wife Well, she must have had on up and Tobbed the East Tenth St Feet Many PartLx State bank and escaped la an autoconstruction of German trenches on the something, call remarkable her Mrs. HoraUrx the "They shows Photograph Husband Quite possible, my dear; I mobile with fl.SOO. Harvey B. seacoast of Flanders. Boomproof shelters extreme that? Why y finds Oi cashier, fought with the bandits, probably overlooked it Life, Shes always boldicj a briJyh out of timber work, and sand and sand bags. built hcea wa but eNo overpowered tSTt auccv-.alull- f n. Kovel-HoJHsch- e er MUMAVA-V.V- I 1 .HUGHESSUCCESSORONJUPREME n - J ntes de-iiver- y. three-fourth- J' - - -- - J I itr: I i. r-,- -, Til-ma- vmm I f & 1 I U . . developed size film pack OA --Any . . ZU developed g Washington. Great Britain in a note made public by the state department Monday reiterates her refusal to permit Red Cross supplies to controlled by the Teutonic allies unless assigned to Red Cross uoits. The communication, ,waa as virtually closing the negotia-lion- a in which the United States has endeavored to get the supplies through despite the recent withdrawal of the Red Cross units. - MAKERS OF JEWELRY loo main Him I salt um r , |