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Show TilS Vt'EIKLY REFLEX puss of Eas Ls Conr.ty. pVsthe Ita BUTTER WRAPPERS The Reflex prints the best parchment ' butter wrappers. Not only the . best, but the cheapest. list ,f'7licRl i cf Eli is County's "4re jon test citizens. among them? REACHES EVERY NOOK AND CORNER OF DAVIS VOLUME XI KAYSVILLE, LAYTON primaries, EVENING, A I GUST "bEPUBLICAN SATl'KOAY 5 rSAMEAND - PROHIBITION AND FARMINGTON, UTAH, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1916 hcan party, and the rule holds good with all political parties. Attend the primaries of jour partv lo the end that jou .vote may be counted for the prineiplcs you hold, both from a moral and political County seat of rich and fertile Home of the Miller Floral company, the largest grow-- , era of -- flowers in the inter-moutain country. Location of the famous Lagoon resort. .Has waterworks and electric lights. A fine lace for residence. Davis County. n- DAVIS COUNT REUUEEICAN I'UIMA KIES to every thinking and veman of Utah that the Bias Saturday, August 5, 19 If. parties; of the slate have political The Republican state convention forced to come out squarely for l,(fa Hen called to meet at having Ogden, prohibition by legislative Biiiie aide on Tuesday, August 8, Utah, at 1116, fiuctmcnL 11 o clock a. nu, for the of of state counties the the the purpose all In and met as nominating candidates for United Lue is being presented been held, states senator justice of the supreme have fist as the primaries court governor, secretary of state, mi the result has been the selection state auditor, stale treasurer, attori great majority cf delegates who ney general, superintendent of public demand for a platform ire pledged to instruction, four presidential electors, itite wide prohibition by legislative and to select a new state committee w ithhold enactment, and instructed to to serve for the two years; w ensuing ho is their votes from any candidate and the convention congressional of 6uch jot in favor of the adoption of gan county. C. II. Bourne and family have autceU to Idaho for an outing and a visit with Idaho relatives. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Daynes and children are at the Pinecrest summer resort for a two weeks outing. Mrs. Ellen Weaver and Miss Joanna Weaver of Ogden virited at the hme of Mrs. Bertha L. Prale Wednesday,-Jul- ,26. the Second congressional district of Utah having been called to meet at M. E. WADDOUPS FOR Salt Lake City, Utah, August 9, 1916, COUNTY ATTORNEY at 1:30 p. m., .to nominate a conM. E. Waddoups, attorney-at-laof gressman for said district, the appor- Bountiful, at the request of friends, tionment of delegates for said conven- has announced that he will be a can- i platform. The unusual sons-in-la- and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robinson are enjoying a visit with relatives in Mor- IION. CHARLES R. MAHEY Of Bountiful, Candidate for Congress, Second Congressional District. NUMBER 47 The family of John R. Barnes celebrated his eighty-thir- d birthday at lagoon last Friday afternoon. The celebration was in the form of a family reunion, and all the family Were present with few exceptions. All of his living sons and. daughters, thirteen in number, were present; of FARMINGTON standpoint. is. apparent It COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanders have just returned from succesrful fishing trip to Lost Creek. w twelve daughters-in-la- w were present; of grandchildren, for eightj and great grandchildren, ten. One of the features of the banquet was a birthday cake on which ua placed eighty-fou- r candles, all of which were lighted by his posterity, being a candle for each of thdse present. The afternoon and evening Vere spent- - in conversation, feasting and dancing. Mr. Barnes acted as host of the occasion and saw to it that all his grandchildren and great grandchildren had the time of their young lives. All the amusement features of the Lagoon were patronized to the fuller! extent desired by the youngsters, and the older ones were urged to go in for all the sports by the liberal host. IION. THEODORE L. HOLMAN It was a gala occasion most thorOf Salt Lake City, Candidate for Con- -, oughly enjoyed. gress, Second Congressional District activity cf the people be commendecontinue, not About twelve of the friends of Mrs. this through only campaign but Rose Knowlton met at her home through future campaigns. ' The Thursday afternoon, July 2?. A very SUNDAY EXCURSION RATES tion allotted to Davis county weakest feature of government by the having didate for the Republican nomination enjoyable time was had. The occasion Via Oregon Short Line. Mr. Waddoups was a The been fixed at 19, and the apportion- for county attorney. Knowl-ton- s people has been indifference. Mrs. in of honor surprise Half rates for Sunday trips. On ment' of delegates to the said con- was born and raised in Davis county. primaries are the one place w here the . birthday sale every Sunday. Also tickets good to shape gressional convention having been For several years he hah been actively people have an opportunity KnowG. The A. the of IL, rom Ladies fixed Saturday to Monday at a little at 23, the Republican primaries, engaged in the practice of law.' He is political policies, and strange to say of home circle met No. the lton at 7, bit more. Ask agents for details. been neg- - j berefore, for Davis county, are her- a competent lawyer, and if elected they have nearly always at 27, DrAnn July Thursday, Perry jby called to be held in thewarious vot- - wjll give the xcounty efficient service ein 5 p., m, They will meet next at the YELLOWSTONE-PAR- K : of said county on SaturAdv. .. Davis' The people of county, by a. S djstricts ThursMrs. home of Nettie Brown, EXCURSIONS have voted in favor day, August 5, 1916, at 8 oclock p. ?n., great majority, day, August 17, at 3 p. m. All the for the purpose of electing delegates August 12, via Hotel Route of prohibition, but by virtue of locatmembers are urged to be present at from said districts 14, via Wylie Way to said August the voting ion between the two principal wet . this , The meeting. of North association See L. agents for details S. state Primary and 0. conventions congressional cities of the state suffer daily from Davis county will hold a celebration Mrs. George A Hess was operated and folder aforesaid. Adv. the liquor nuisance. Our people on at 11. at on for SpeLagoon appendicitis The Sunday evening and delenumber Friday, August of district should bear this fact in mind and decial features will be given in honor of the L. D. S. Dr. Groves hospital and Read the ada in The Reflex, it means alloted to eagh is as follows: gates mand special legislation fer enftthe - . Aurelia S. Rogers, founder of the is now getting along fairly well. Mrs. money to you. The Reflex accepts ads State Convention orcement of the prohibition- law,-- both Primary association. The program Hess has been aiUng a little for sev- only from reliable advertisers. South Bountiful as it now stands in Davis county and will consist of songs, marches and eral months, but last' Saturday and West Bountiful STOCK WILL BE IMPOUNDED as it wiil stand as a state wide measushe was in severe pain, and on Sunday Bountiful 3 .... re. There i sufficient law at this Senator John W. Thomley returned recommendation of Dr. A. Z. Tanner On and after Monday, July 10, all 1 from Centerville time to prohibit Nevada drinking in public morning, she was taken to the hospital Sunday stock found at large on th$ streets of Tuesday 3 where he went with E. P. Ellison to places and on the local trains within Farmington Kaysville will be impounded. This 3 look over the ... the county, but until such a time as Kaysville . of the afternoon. properties order applies to all stock, whether In our audience An unusually large 3 Ellison Senator l state wide police force is provided Layton Ranching company. herded or not By order of Kayaville with listened 1 ... South Weber the law will remain a dead letter. .was impressed with the meeting house Sunday Thomley council. X At the and with the condi- rapt attention to President Nephi L, city V11 of the Clinton matters political is to d, and it is hoped it wiil is w , KAYSVILLE ' CHANGE OF TIME V0N BAMBERGER Effective Auguet 7th, there will he me-teri- al changes in the time of tho arrival and departure of trains on the Salt Lake & ' Ogden1' railway. The change has been made necessary in order to give a better service to the public and enable workingmen to reach Salt Lake City, at an earlier than heretofore. Trains will pass Kaysville as follows t hour - vast Republican primaries on Saturday evening, August 5, and at the Democratic primaries, which will be held on Monday even- ing, August 14, delegates to the Etate conventions will' be instructed as to prohibition, but there are other matters which are of interest to Davis county which should not be forgotten t that time. Today in Salt Lake Gty county county officials are protesting against a raise of the tax levy in Davis Davis by the county should have a on the state board of the body which has declared county, as made Davis county Qearfield Syracuse Pei Total .... .:........EE.E......T.. Congressional Convention South Bountiful West Bountiful ... Bountiful .... Centerville country pleased tion of criops and livestock on the Morris of the Salt Lake stake, who WEEK END EXCURSIONS was here by special invitation, his 1 ranch. ...1-- 3 Via Oregon Short line. subject being Prohibition. Another John W. Burton has recently1' pur- interesting feature, was the singing by Attractive rates for excursion ticksections of the South Bountiful choir, that choir ets good from Saturday (or Sunday) T9 chased eight and one-ha- lf land of the Lindsay Land & Livestock being here and our choir singing at to Monday on salt every week. Still It will be observed that there is no 2 company. The land is located east cf South Bountiful. An Interesting mu- better a tea for tickets good Sundays .train passing Kaysville during tho 7 o'clock hour. 1 Paradyce and Avon, Cache county, and sical program was given by each of only. Ask agents for details. Kaysville Layton only that this For this reasbe a live and abid- on there should es interest in Davis ; i i of the best sheep state of Utah. The for the property is is considered one ranges in the consideration The KaysviUe Mills fr ' ;s tc LA The LIVER TROUBLE liver trouble I am bothered with writes Joe Great Film in Seven Sensational Parts Great Drama of Moral Uplift as Enacted by Original Broadway Company at the La Tohia on MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST Ding-maabout twice a year, I have Webster City, Iowa. and back and an aw pains in my aide ful Bbterieis iA tny stomach. I heard of Chamberlains Tablets and tried half a them. By the time I had usedfine and bottle of them I was feeling Obtainable bad no signs of pain. e v erywfcere- - Ad w n, - the Eldctric Hansons " Shoe Shop - 7 , A Admission 20 cents t LLlxdrca Utah Kaysville Under 14 Years of Age Will Not Be Admitted r: Frank J. Thenn and Mabel Williams, both of Ogden. July 22 Jack Diamond and Eva Fulton, both of Butte. July 22 -- b. county. LAYTON, UTAH City. e. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REFLEX It carries all the' news from Davis HOUSE PICTURE IONIA July 20 Claude Illingworth and Mary F. Young, both of Salt Lake July 25 Howard B. Spring of Salt Lake City and Caroline L. Greene of Midvale. -- ciency has been greatly improved and July 25 J. L. Loveridge of Bingthe smoke nuisance practically abated. ham and Mi Grace Fullmer of Spring-villThere is almost a total absence of smoke from the stack when the plant - July 27 John Stathakoe and Jane is working under full load, and there Lee Carrick, both of Salt Lake City. is a grut saving in the' coal con.July 28 Charles A. Elkins and Jo" sumed. sephine Tren, both of Salt Lake City. July 28 Roy W. Yeager and Julia The new 105,000 gallon tank bousz V. A Erickson, both of Salt Lake of the Kaysville water works system has been Completed and water turned City. July 23 Alrick Johnson of Granta-vill-e into the same- .- The tank is of reinand Louisa Snyder of Midway. forced concrete, and was constructed July 31 John F. Parrish of Garby the Wheelright Construction comAndrew of Salt Lake pany of Ogden, and is said to be a field and Viola fine-joThe city now has storage City. Mrs. and July 31 A. .A Nicholy for 160,000 gallons of water, which R- - Lea, both of Salt Lake City. M the present should prove ample for August 1 J. W. McCleer afid Eileen water supply of the city. It is proLake City. posed to be more liberal with water Dupont, both of Salt for sprinkling than in the past. te and First Clam Quick Work r Our45-- MeUa J TELEPHONE 'Up-to-da- KAYSYILLE, - - . UTLU REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST IIE BEST LAXATIVE regular the best Oak Farm laxative is outdoor exercise. Drink a l full glass of water half an hour before CASH PAID FOR POULTRY bicahfast and eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables, also establish a AND EGG3. regular habit and be sure that your boweltr move once each day. When a Agents for medicine is needed take Chamberlains They are pleasant to take Ccnkeys Pcnltrysd Btedr Tablets. and mild and gentle in effect Obtoin-anl- e Remedies. &?p the bowels Leaf Poultry MARRIAGE LICENSES a 3 ville precincts at the city hall at 8 county in mat-!- p. m., Saturday, August 5, 1916. Political other than prohibition, . C. A. EPPERSON, and The Eeflex hopes to see the presePrecinct Chairman. nt interest in politics continued. Primaries trill be held in Layton Attend the Primaries-De- t precincts at Farmers Union hall at 8 every citizen of Davis county p. m., Saturday, August 5, 1916. ttend the E. M. WHITESIDES, primaries, but remember (hat only Republicans should attend Precinct Chairman. nd take part in the of the primaries, fpublican A local wag has made the following party, and ,the same is the Democratic AttThe state ' Prohibi announcement: primaries. endance at Utah will convene of party primaries morally tion convention 6Re to of loyalty to that party and inlhe city Ogden on Tuesday, Augits nominees for office. , . ust 8. Ogden thought she was getting pvniocrxt has no right to partiei- - a Republican convention when she in the deliberations of the Repub- - went out for the gathering. the two choirs. around $23,000. Mr. Burton will use the land for a summer range for-July 19 Arthur Betts and Pauline Broolonan, both of Salt Lake City. part of his sheep. are again in opi eration, after a thorough overhauling, ,. i during which time much new machinery has been installed. The mill is now equipped with the latest devices .23 for the manufacture of high grade JOHN W. THORNLEY, Chairman. flour arid' other cereal food products. W. W. EVANS, Secretory. New furnaces have been installed unPrimaries will be held in the Kays- der the boilers, whereby the fuel effi- tical channels. Special road legisla-do- n is also a matter which should be taken into consideration, and it is through p olitical channels matter can be reached. 2 3 3 3 Farmington J. member South Weber Gin ton nation, diat our . already excessive tax shall Oeapfield raised, and the only way to secure Syracuse member on this board is through poe- Hooper assessor. 4 everywhere. Democratic Adv. County Convention Pursuant to the call of the Democratic State Chairman for State and Congressional Conventions, to be held ateOgdn, Utah, on the 18th day of August, 1916; and pursuant to a call from the Chairmen ofthe Counties in the Second Judicial District for a Judicial Convention to be held at the same place and upon the same date-a- s the conventions named above, A : Democratic 7 County- - Convention is hereby called to meet at LAYTON, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16th at 2 oclock P, M. in the La TONtA HALL, for the purpose of dec ting l9 delegates to the State Convention, 19 delegates to the Congressional Conventions and 19 delegates to the Judicial Convention; for the organization of Precinct Committees for all the Precincts of Davis County ; for the organization of a County Central Committee; and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before said convention. -- Apostle Heber J. Grant will address this convention on the subject, Prohibition. Subscribe for The Reflex today, It Honorable Mathoniah Thomas of Salt Lake City will address has all the news of Davis county. the convention, opening the campaign in Davis County. Delegates to this County Convention are apportioned to the several voting districts as follows : HYDE & SHEFFIELD 16 South Bountiful 20 West Bountiful 16 16 Contractors Bountiful 30 .16 Building 3 . 9 Centerville We -" Let Farmingtonf. Kaysville 1 tunic! all lands of Bu3dtngs and do all kinds of cement concrete work. 20 .26 South Hooper South Weber for the election of delegates to the County Convention called above will be held in the several precincts, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 14th, at 8 odock. Signed, 0 . " Precinct Primaries ns figure with you KaymUe, UtaL .14 .12 .14 pi l. j. nun c""r- Br tr V , J a k, . k |