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Show OoiddiiMfeireP- THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH I t It'f bard eooogh to leep house if in perfect beahh, but a 'woman who is weak, tired and suffering from aa aching back baa a heavy burden. Any woman in this condition has good cause to suspect kidney trouble, especially U the kidney action seems disordered. Doans Kidney Pills have cured thousands of suffering women It's the best recommended special kidney rented). . i Mechanical Expert of Kansas College Gives Farmers Advice Baseo on Alfred Mr Hohedln, 117 S' As- -' bury Si.. Moscow. Idaho, saxs "I was unable to attend to my housework, to a seiere attack of kidnev disease and rheumatic pain. For ten weeks 1 had to be carried around like a baby. Mv whole body pained and my ktdnevs were In . . awful shape On a neighbor's advice I used Doans Kidney Pills and they permanently cured me. Got Doawt at Aa? Store. 50c a Baa DOANS FOSTERJAIUBURN CO, Practical ' K N. TAKE. Tuffs Pills Tb IHt often titoniibef tin Invalid, olootlctty of mind, buoyancy ofbodjr, GOOD DIGESTION, bawd and (olid flesh. Price. 25 ct GOOD WORD FOR THE BIRDS Beautiful, and Useful in Their struction of Much Insect Life That la Harmful. f De- The warm weather has brought the birds again. Their chirping and slug-inmake a morning symphony the like of which can be heard from no trained orchestra. They dot the landscape with a beauty that no artistic skill can rival. . They are beautiful, useful Jn their destruction of harmful Insect pests and aid us mightily in appreciating the joy of living. Now, then, Is a good time for a renewed appeal for the lives and wellbeing of birds. The best Instincts of the human race are devoted to the saving of all kinds of life, and sanction the taking of life only when such destruction serves a purpose useful to mankind. This cannot bejirged in the case of the birds. For the most part they are not food animals. The higher Intelligence and spiritualism of humanity should bring about a concerted movement for small bird protection. g Whert Soap Is of No Use. Lapland folk never speak of themselves as Laplanders, or Laps; they are the Samelatsh, they say,, the unknown people, the people of whom no one knows anything, not even whence they came. If any mention is made in their presence of Norwegian. Swedish, Finnish or Russian Lapland, their feelings are sorely wounded, for there Is only one Lapland, they hold, and It Is their land, the land of the Samelatsch. These folk, as other folk, have their whims and fancies, their little peculiarities, too. They regard soap, for instance, with profound mistrust, and have no great faith. In washing; no faith at all, indeed, In washing in warm water. As soon as a baby is born they bathe It in cold water; and they bathe It again, always in cold water, every day until, should it live so long, It Is two years old. Then the end comes. The child Is pronounced clean for life and has never another bath. . At the Wrong Desk. Caller (In newspaper office) Hello, old man! Anything new today? Paragrapher Well, Im surprised. And so many free schools in this coun- try. too! Caller Why, what do you mean? Paragrapher The Idea of any man possessing ordinary Intelligence coming tnto the humorons department and asking if there is anything new. Naturally. . patrons of a popular photographer must- - makehis plates Many of-th- e suffer. Why do you think so? Aren't his plates sensitive? As a rule It Is better to chloroform the sleeping dogs. . wagons pull niore-eas.lones So per cent of the times when the are used," eats 1 A irt, instructor in farm mechanics in the Kansas state agrlcul tarai cohege Professor ,, irt has just t completed experiments with wide and with narrow-tirewkgons Narrow tires pull harder than wide tires, gays Professor Wirt.; because the narrow tire cuts deeper into the top soil. The wide tire does not cut so deep and makes a better track on roads whith are traveled while the ground is soft The wide tire packs the surface into & firm roadbed ' The experiments show that in corn fields, plowed fields, field lanes, and trn pasture and on alfalfa land, the draft of the wide tire is considerably less no matter what the condition of the soil In places wheiV the mud is deep and rolls up on the wheels, iu ruts made by narrow wheels, or In a surface of inud with a hard ground beneath, the narrow tire will pull more The narrow wheel fits the easily rut, on the hard bottom of which it runs, and it collects less mud than the wid6 tire, Width of tire and height of wheel have a great efTect upon the draft. The usual width of the narrow tire Is one and three-fourth- s inches, while the wide tire Unusually three or four inches wide. The tires used in the tests were one. and three-fourth- s and four Inches wide respectively. wheels are used only . on low One type of wheel rarely trucks. found Is the low wheel with narrow tire. The draft with this is so great .that a team can hardly pull a load In soft field surfaces. A farmer who can afTord only one wagon will find many factors entering Into his selection. If he has to go on the roads In all kinds of weather, he will find the narrow tires better because they will collect less mud when the roads are bad. On the other hand. goes only when the roads are good, or uses the wagon In the fields a great deal, he will find the d y narrow-tire- d Six-Inc- h If-h- e .. Supply their growing bodies Hfith right food, oo that Brain, and Muscle, and Bone development may evenly balance. Grape-Nut- s rooD was originated to supply, in proper proportion, ths very elements required by the human body for growth and repair. To supply children, a dish of Grape-Nut-s and cream for breakfast regularly, is to start them on the road to sturdy health, . for Grape-Nat- o Sold by grocers. m rorTHFi.ui 4. t v 7v trial Kansas The re-- CARING suits confirmed our recommendation made a year ago that it is a grain sorghuni well adapted to sections of light rainfall ten to alxteei. inches a year. and that it has but little place where Keterita was gixtn a thorough In 19J1 in large fields lryiu City to El Paso and the Gulf FARM POULTRY 1 - .m n ti xxFxtdi hsiom the rainfall and soil will produce a fair yield of coni. In New Mexico During mi turner we siioulil provide fetertta yielded 15 bushels of grain an .thund.tnce of pun w.i'ci grit and with only and a .half inches of 'charcoal for the farm 'ock Keep "the rainfall during the growing season. cool at nigh; und well yen The growers in Norttest Kansas Dialed at all tunes w h n rln tow Is are were particularly well pleased with kepi inside Wheat, eats and a mash the yields secured In 1915. Feterita feed once a day makes an excellent yielded well in the Panhandle, In supply of feed dui"tg the waim eastern New Mexico, and in the drier weather sections of Oklahoma and Texas. HowFeed no niustv and fri nii'Med feed e e'er most of the growers In the sour mash is hlghlv iiiitirious Sour found dwarf nulo a more satis- nu'ik may be used to moisten the ma.--h Imi no more should ho mixed at factory crop. in eastern Kansas and eastern Ok- one nine than ,the fowl wjll iloan up lahoma feterita was generally unsatis- at one feediug Allow no feeds to si cumulate in the factory and will probably not be planted much In 1915 except In small feed Doughs Feat hit eating among patches for early feed and as a catch heps - usually prewi nt- during sum crop after winter wheat. A mer In some caves the leathers are field of feterita in Osage county, Kan almost stripped front the, neik of the in September, j birds and' the fieth is lacerated with 5as, examined the effects o.' this crop for dis- the beaks and burned bv the un. tricts haring good rainfall. There were This habit ia tnvanablv cflHSri! by t five sets of heads ou most of the lack of proper substance in the feed plants The grain on the center head Prevention Is better than cure, and was ripe and beginning to shatter, the perfect health and vitalitj among the grain on the older side shoots was In flock should do this. the dough, that on the other side Old hens intended for the market shoots was just well formed, the fourth should always b sold early before set of heads were in bloom and the the begin to ni'iilt or else you will fifth were Just pushing their way out he compelled to feed them three or of the boot. If the farmer let the four months before they have comcenter heads stand until the grain on pleted a new set of plumage and look the next older heads was ripe,-thefit to' be sold as market poultry. would lose most of their grain by I have found nothing better thnii shattering. He eouli have gone over to feed them sparingly with nitrothe field five times," gathering each genous feeds until about the first week set of heads as soon as ripe, but this September and follow this with an seemed Impracticable in large fields. One of the worst faults of feterita Is its shattering as soon ar ripe. Where there is no rain after ripening the seed stays on the head fairly well. Should A good tin come ifter the seed becomes ripe and warm, dry, windy weather follows, half the seed will be ou the ground in a short time Tlie growers of feterita most take special care to select for seed heads show lug the pure-bretype or In a few years this grain sorghum will be lost ' lu H. K. Marks, 211 freesiHirt, Tenn e y BAD ROADS CAUSE ACCIDENTS Claims Made on Insurance Company for Four Deaths From Mishaps Due to Faulty Highways, roads? The report of a Chicago traveling mans insurance organization covers the payment of ten death claims for the first 50 days of the year, and of, these four were deaths resulting from motor-caaccidents due to bad roads. It is singular that these four deaths occurred one each in the four northwestern states oL Minnesota the Dakotas and Montana. In each case the traveling mens organization paid 15,000. This furnishes a striking- - example of the financial and economic loss charged up directly to bad roads.'-r ' Meeting ef Builders. The American Road Builders association and the American Highway association are to meet togethed for the first time next September, Gov. & W. Gates announces. The convention will be held either at' Oakland, CaL, or San Francisco., - First Eggs to Hatch. .The freshest eggs are the first to In baying eggs It Is well to hatch. bear this in mind, and stipulate that all one shipment shall he of about the same date, say within three days. " Buy Seeds In Advance. . gardeners purchase seed of plants, such a lettuce, cabbage and cauliflower a year or two to advance And try some of It to tbe field in order that they may know what crop to Far-sighte- d ct-when tbe seed to used. Profit of Steer Feeding. In experiments made to Missouri to determine the profits of steer feeding, a toa of dry matter to tho form of' corn silage yielded 50.3 per cent greater value than a ton of dry matter to the form 'of shock com. w The implements employed In the compacting of soils are rollers, plank era, or floats, and their value depend) largely upon the nature of the soil and local conditions attending the seasons and the crops that are planted With the light, loose, sandy or gravelly soils, where it Is desired to pack the particles of soil together, these com pacting implements have an important place. Where land is seeded during a dry season, the soil should be rolled In or der to bring the moisture to the surWhere face to hasten germination. possible, such a rolling should be fol lowed by a light harrowing, thus restoring the surface mulch in order to !'xr Spring St., .i Poults Are Almost Sure to Wander Off by Themselves Brooder it tin te was Mur-- A Sliced Dried Beef she said, 'that time, .mil tliat not so xerv Mheii ht m.is as poor us had out lit e trout-m- e ilmeti ei did you " Libby, MFNeUI A Libby, Chicago the other discover HDDS ."Through bet knoMtng so absolutely m here keep all 1 "I (ixj the other good xm ml) ioducko U Libby Visa ax Sainage you tad tbao fresh sod appetizing -- ion n into of us 'Mari elou ' four girls "llt'M that Vy a the rest m lumsekeeping-- i Sht ktit'M that the lea caddy was iu the Mriting desk, that the t heese, biscuits, and other edibles he loved bv mice were in that tin box under the seta that Die alcohol for my stove was In Die corner behind the vvashstand. that Die butter andtmlk were on the window ledge, and that the eggs and oihet raw totals were In. it box on the bottom shelf of the ward lobe . ' When we were cooking she went DAISY FLY KILLER straight to the spot ami got everyone milat id those things, without once asking Laare w) aaaaon. N.saaa where they were, which is something mw, that u Hrsou who has not hud a wide T) Wttl Bot MU I B)r BBftlllBf. in one experience of housekeeping G(traMd AM foom could never have done." ipnM fmt4 for 0M VAftOLD SOUitt, 1M V ftl Ar.. tottlym, I. ' Matter of Doubt. ' At a rural council meeting In the north of Ireland a burning" question ns to unfair taxation was being disOfie mem- Kama cussed with much vigor and addrm of oapabltand reliable sinrieewa ber who was justifying the Imposition who undent and, farming and ranching. S plant'd of Die tux ejaculated durlrtg the opportunity for right party. (Strictly eonddartiaLy Valley, N.Wwefc Course of the debate, Tntll we get to IkddraM Mr,. Wabw, heaven someone must suffer." AND WOMEN UtV IIAf replied the gen- MEN Well, gentlemen, Still you cun buy fully ial chairman, "wed better adjourn to but m 91 ( at trryThpv ar thpallor of the matter until we get U? fenutna Had t'fofi things iiflLM.nti.. 3 au-toet- Wanted Quick Vliy Lose Hope. from any form of female troubles should lose hope un- til she has given l.ydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound a fair trial. If you Want special advice write to Ljdla F.. Ilnkham Medicine Co. (confidential) I.ynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, rest! and answered by a wouiau aud held in strict confidence. No woman suffering m Mr. Chairman, Hut. Modesty. Apropos of a painting to which An thony Comstock had objected, accord tug lu the New (i leans State, (lAvrge Luke, the artist, said In New York; "We are an overmodest people, al most a prurient people, and Comstock k,eeps trying to make us worse "I know a lady who went Into a department store to buy some underwear the other day. A durk romantic, handsome man waited on her. Comstock would have approved of the modest way this man described his wares.. "f can show jou, mudaoi.'he said, some very choice bargaina in, undies or all kinds -- nighties, combles, knick era and chlma an written funrunf pair, anil tlora not carry thrm w will your forward to you poatpnld on relp mt prion Han't In blatta taa and dmlrr'i nam navy; WVtnna. black and white Baud tn-- d, bi Intted ttoatery Mil la, lkB atatlnc llll, lioa An1ra. California. brant), there." retorted the wag of the hoard, with a merry twinkle lu hia eye, would you have a quorum? Tlie dispute was amicably seltied dalr If HOWARD RpM-lma- n E.BURT0M UKUM"0 Ookl, BHvwr, toad, fl ;Ool prifw. toe ; Sine orOoppM.il Mailing Bl'vcr, 7t- - j She Objected. on appllrntkre. ruvnopMiaod full prloaUstoent - - Orboooa WaalBaato "I rertalnly shall not give you Lead villa. Colo. You have disgraced recommendation. WHEN YOU THINK ns. "In whnt way, mndum? Hasnt my Than wrtre to u, for ooreloguo Vrk always hern satisfactory? "Your work has been all right. Its AMERICAN FLAG MFC. CO., Eaaton, FSn the reasons for your leaving ine tha W. N. U., Bait Lakt City, No. I object." FUGS Think of Factory Price 26-19- 15. "J) don ,1 understand had servants SOUNDED LIKE BAD BREAK leave me to get married, and because they were needed at home, and be- Though Anyono Who Knows Irishman Witt Know What Pat Maanl cause they found pleasant employment to Convyr- at summer resorts, but you are acROTTEN COFFEE. more to money get tually quitting When your coffee Is harsh and than I can afford to pay. What Will The talk t a dinner party having berries the know that nasty, you my 'to the subject of Inadvertently know turned when think friends they my have falTen from t,hetree, and have that?" bad breaks. Congressman JefDetroit Press. Free making been swept up from the ground after M. Levy of New York related ferson a certain amount of deterioration. an Incident about a party named Fat. Difficult Task. Remember, then, - that, there to one Sometime ago Pat was taken to a line of coffee that is all hand picked "The responsibilities of parents are and pure, and buy a pound of Denisons very great, remarked the proud fa- hospital to be treated for an eye troo- hie. Eventually the bandages were Coffee for trial. ther. e but It was aeveral daye removed, Denisons Coffeea are always packed old the "Undoubtedly," rejoined tho could In cans, cartons or bags. None other bachelor. the distinguish patient It must be awfully hard Is genuine. , to refrain from repeating the adjoining scenery them for DenIf your grocer does not have How about It now, Pat?" said tbo children are supisons Coffee, write the Denison Coffee smart things their doctor coming Into the room one aftCo., Chicago, III., who will tell you posed to say. ernoon. "Are the eyes Improving where It may be purchased. Adv, any! In Dlaagraemant, "Shu re, doctor, an they are thot," "Can you remember when you were Whereupon the Services Proeseded. was the glad response of Pat. course? It was a quiet wedding, of a happy, barefoot boy?" Thats good!" returned the doctor. "No. And my Idea of a happy boy Is asked the able editor of the Bnlffies Can you see better; can you see the one who wears shoes and doesh't get (Mo.) Weekly Clarion nurse now?" "You betchn! replied Mr. Jack Gap, Shure, an 01 can, . sir," quickly a moremost citizen of the Rumpus Pat. "Faith, an she gete1 answered "When the neighborhood. Ridge Al.t.rVH for the TROOPS Odkr and of Atlen'n tU Foot plainer Ivery day." Phil plainer fC, preacher aHked, Who glveth )4iwilr to nlmkr Into vmimHonn, nr Telegraph. us adelphla of four A UBiHi bv th (terntnn inl Kind troop gents Jumped blnfr t away? In fffv th Front Iwomitw It rent th right onto the feller that had been hunt to Corm aihI Huntoon, hot, uvullni), rllf threatenin' to do so, and choked him firhlnir, trndrr ft,nnd matte wanting ar. A Doubtful Compliment. soa he couldn't make a sound." Kan- Hold mmy tubihiutt.Sfx.Adv.Try It TODAY, W The Author By the way, old maiv sas City Star. what do you think of my latest book? The Critic Well, it certainly com-tainComparisons. much food for thought . "1 have a tireless cooker." AT THE FIRST SIGNS 1 have a smokeless The Author Do you really think soT Balhusband. The Critic Yes, but It seems to Of Falling Hair Got Cuticura. It timore American. have been wretchedly cooked. Worka Wonders. Trial Freo. ."Then Ill explain. Ive bo-for- stone-bruises.- FOOT-KAS- tliis-wom- an fl, vfyhr, ' Chicks Teach Them to Eat. SM itself Wttk . "Take j , Lk I been that Compound. early-showe- WATCH THE LITTLE TURKEYS Country Road. wide tire will be preferred because of the lighter draft and less damage to the fields. One of the main points in favor of the wide tires is that their use greatly improves the roadbed, as they will pack the top soil making the roadbed firm and thus enabling it to drain well In time of rain. The wide tire will not cut op the meslow or field as does the narrow tire. This Is also important, as a smooth surface in the meadow is much easier to mow over. j This famous remedy, the medicinal Ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for nearly forty years proved to lie a most valuable tonic ami invigorator of the female Women everywhere bear organism. willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Ljdia K. Pinkhams Vegetable e Well-Ke- j m Pan-hetdl- I I in a jiffy aq s ' FOR planting. We recommend the planting of a Barred Reok Cockerel. small patch of feterita for early, hog and horse feed on most farms In the Abundance of wholesome stimulating Southwest, as a catch crop after wheaf feeds to encourage lbe growth of where such crop Is desirable and aa plumage. the chief feed grain In districts havA little flaxseed meal or linseed oil ing less than sixteen Inches annual meal added to their feed helps the rainfall. growth of feathers and gives bright, healthful and glossy appearance to their plumage. The care of the birds IMPLEMENTS TO PACK SOILS during summer has a wonderful In fluence upon ,he nu her of eggs-thValue of Rollers, Plankers or Floati older hens will 'lay during the winter Depends Largely Upon Nature of Land and Crops. f. She looked rich and nited rich, and everyone km w that idle rich; because she had married a rh Ii man, vet the SherliH k Holmes of ;,ie tea party t Murfreesboro, "I have wanted to write to you for a long tuno to tell y ou w hat y our wonderful remedies have done for me. I x as a sufferer from female weukness a n d displacement and 1 xvoulfl haxo such tired, worn out feelings, sick head- j aches and dizzy spells. Doctors did me no good so 1 tmxl . the l.ydia Ik Pink-haRemedies Vegetable (miHuint and Sanative Wind). 1 am now well ami strong and can do nil my, own work. I owe it all to Lydia F Pinkhanis Vegetable Compound and want other sufferMrs. ing women to know aliout it. bee-grow- f. One-Roo- Other Suffering Women To Know It. Feterita apparently crosses readily with all other kinds of grain son ghum, with the sweet sorghums, brootir corn and Sudaa grass. AT though the crop has gen erally in large fields over a wide area, It already shows the degenerating ef fects of this crossing more than kafir and milo after 25 years of genera) expe- Theres a Reason au ii Rich Girls Actions at Tea Party proved That She Had Once Tleeri "Poo r, , By, Lydia E. Pinkhams Veg table Compound and Wants d Do we need good To Bu3d Strong Children , ' Experience.-- " t Summer SHE KNEW ALL THE TRICKS m MDE WEi Adapted ta Sections of Light - Rainfall. Ti-im- d V.'LjyY. BUFFALO. Nvfde-tire- "than Well One of theWorst Faults of Crop Its Shattering at Soon a Ripe Growers Must Exercise Great Care in Selecting Seed. WIDE TIRES IMPROVE ROADS An Idaho Cate ow-tr- CfflCKFNV m- - mabeb" PLANT SCME FETERITA Housework b a Burden s Watch the mile turkeys at first, for often they will follow off any moving thing. If brooder turkeys, when first let out they are nearly eure to go wan dering off after a pig, rooster or even a man, and wllL not come bock .unless brought hack. Often their own mothe,r falls to teach them how to eat at first. For brooder poults put in some little thicks with them These soon show them how to pick up food. If you would have your poults tame, prevent evaporation. every time .you go near them toss However beneficial this may be on them little feeds of bread, gralu, any some soils, yet all lands do not re- thing they like. It does not take them spond to such treatment with equally long to get to know you and come good result. Clay land, for instance, bunting you from far across the fields may be Injured by rolling, especially It when you let them get sight of you followed by rain. If, however, land Is or bear your voice plowed during a dry spell, Jt Is a good Idea to immediately follow the plowed feature of Poultry Raising. land with a roller to crush clods and Poultry raising has one splendid to hold moisture lb the eofl and pre- feature about It which makes It posvent drying out of the land A good sible to combine poultry with almost method with many crops Is to roll beany other branch of farming, without fore the seed is sown; then barrow, 1 icon ven ten re and with satisfaction,. making a good seed bedf afterwards drill in the grain. Pekin of Chinos Origin. Rolling serves a good purpose on Pekin duck is of Chinese origin The In lands the many pasture spring, by Like the Aylesbury, it to a wblte-plpressing Into tbe soil the roots of maged duck, and tbe legs are set far been heaved have that up by grass an upright carriage. them back, giving frosts daring tbe winter. Wherever is aim the should employed, rolling Care With Green Bone. be to restore tbe coil mulch by tillage Green cut bone being highly con soon as as possible. just centrafed must not be fed too liber ally. 'Overfeeding of green bone to Milk Calves. for Heating While the calves are young the milk apt to produce leg troubles,, diarrhea, should be heated to blood beat (20 to bowel complaints and worms. 100 degrees Fahrenheit). When two Sweat or Sour Milk. or three months of age calyes will do be fed either sweet oi Milk may well on cold milk, provided it to of the same temperature, or practically sour, hot should be fed either one wa) so. at each feeding. The Important or the other continually, for changlni one to the other frequentlx thing is that the milk be of tbe same from temperature at each feeding.. Dirty causes digestive troubles. or old milk should not be given. Separate Sitting Hens. Do not allow sitting bens to remain Demand for Good Horaos. .The. high prtce of horses abowa in the henhouee.,. By, ao. doing many there to bo overproduction and that eggs are started to Incubate, which the demand to sufficient to take care renders them unfit for use at home oi of all surplus from farms and to market. ranches. Farmers who have continued to produce good horaoa hate had Green Food Colors Yolk. bo cause for regret. Various forms of green food, especially alfalfa and clover, have a tenKeep tho Ever Lambs. dency to add color to the yolk. Dont be tempted to sell these ewe lambs, just because you are .offered Green Food for Ducks. a good price for them. ' Remember If After ducks are two weeks old, they you tell your best, your flock ia only should be supplied with green food ol weakened thereby some kind dally. . v u Torn Touch spots of dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment, and follow next morning with a hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. This at once arrests falling hair and promotes hair growth. You may rely on these supercreamy emollients for all skin troubles. Sample each free by'mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Peanut Millionaire. A man to our town who made hto start' as a peanut peddler, with a capital of 7 cents, left over a million when he died. Myer Dollars?. Gyer No; peanuts. A Gyer OWN ORl'COIST WILL TELL TOO Try Ainiiaa Hi Hoidy ter Hd, Wab, Watery IB? and Granulated Hynllda, No HuBrUnc Write ter Book of I a Kva Nya aouilort. tnfetBBall ITra. Marina fcja Ateniody Co.. Lfeiaatfu r When they all begin to call a man uncle,- - it to an Indication that he la about through. If he to a stranger and wears side whiskers look for the joker" before - Investing. Many a patent leather shoe hides an aching corn. fit rZ, iu A Whole Famllyr "What are you doing there with the paper and scissors, Klsie?" - Making a pig, mamma. A pig! You re making a litter. Exchange. When Yon Want Somethin? . Particularly Nice You can always depend upon K C not to disappoint you. The double raise males doubly certain nothing is left to "luck. If the batter is a little thin, K C will raise k light and feathery and it will be all the better. --Jarring die stove or turning the pan around makes no differ ence K C sustains the raise until baked. When theres a birthday or wedding cate to bake, or refreshments for reception or party . to provide, take m, chances Use K C The Proper Kind. What sort of a crew do you want to man this bark of yours?" 1 suppose one of old sea dogs. j- ( . WRITE US AT ONCE! l WE ARE SUCCESSORS TO THE KlATBrJAL COU 1 I) QoJaAlt A and have the cream of their old force with us. ,- J tJ. (Kid) KTTE Hoad of ear Sheep Departmoat South Omaha - UREZnei tr. oeiL Exj Ifrrta Yl:Z OUST SOlIUlSZ . At South Omaha or Denver, when you rhH to UJc:c:d - vs 6c:.:::.:-:::- : r V-- WE WILL KEEP YOU POSTED : f 0 ZZT |