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Show I I I FLETCHER AND ADMIRAL jiES'-- FLEET lillliS CAPTAI.IS . IDS Jim ME STATE lEliSjpThe Finishing Touch F (ill M th th bnde-to-- (MMMt Fire supposed to have been started eeUac of pie lot (he lufy gow. by sparks from a passing locomotive, with watches and without ud Hardestroyed the home of George ditnood imp sod thouaandi ol thiop. Afl ris at Midvale. A delight to owo ooe. emwill 200 be who teachers Nearly ' CONFORCES ployed in the public schools of BACK THE TINUE TO DRIVE City during Ute year 191546 have ,ACK MADE UPON CHIEF EX. RUSSIAN TROOPS. signed contracts. -- CUTIVEB HCME ANO STATE -In attempting to ford the Weber MILITIA IS CALLED OUT. makers of near Ogden, John Maw, a 'Plain river MXnttDN3 OffenTheir French Are Keeping Up . SALT LAK CJTT two horses work drowned farmer, City sive In Arras Sector, While ItalGovernor Commute! Sentence of Leo he valued at 8400. that ians Have Occupied Twice the M. Frank to Life Imprisonment and Two paroles, one commutation of Territory Offered by Auetria. Incurs Enmity of Georgians Who sentence and the termination of four Believe Frank Guilty. indeterminate sentences were granted Salt Lakoa LaaSloS l Fwllf Haul hantlsome furniThe strongly fortified Galician town by the 'state board of pardons on the Luxuriously euipp"l ture. Kow, MoSeeo ei HNyraet. waa the where of it predicted Grodek, 19th. to Ga. hundred several With Atlanta, Conveniently located the heart ( the Russians would make a stubborn city and in the ehopplnf dietriet. Ketee, men and boys clamoring to get into Eugene Dodge, 21 years of age, was Me, 7V and SI. With private hath SI go. the fallen before has stand, home ot front of of his one In the rollers the the 1 a. State Street. Bex Theatre Buiidiac country gates caught Pree Bee Maota All Traiaa assault, according to an Aus- Utah Ore Sampling mills at Eureka on Peachtree road, which had been the River and his trian official statement; barricaded with barbed wire entight leg was fesrfully Tsnew, believed to be another strong crushed. tanglements, and threatening to overbarrier, has been crossed; Komarno, power twenty country policemen A flourishing condition in the lumYour armed with riot guns, Governor Slaton only a few miles south of Grodek, has ber industry as carried on by . the WlU lyyredtle yjHCf been taken and the called out the militia late Monday has government forestry department if raw buy and tt forces are within less than a days been noted in sections of the Wasatch night for protection. oar martial The governor proclaimed march of Lemberg, the capital of Ga- national forest in Utah. Baeauao theta midlaw at exactly 11 oclock and hy licia. superior Vnton-ntad- o Millard county is enjoying an era These claims were forecast In the Of night the crowd had virtually been work cloth moan no buttons In agrigrowth and development fhere wss no firing. on. no patohln. no work and dispersed, saw German official statement from Ber- culture to which stamps that 'section as Over, The assembling of the mob followed thorn. Novor-Ki- p for worry lin, which preceded that from Vienna. one of the most prosperous and rapall are guaranteed. Got a pair now the action of Governor Slaton In comThe Berlin statement asserted that growing in the state. from your local dealer. muting the sentence of Leo M. Prank, the Grodek positions were being at- idly deA fire of unknown totally origin who had been condemned to death on tacked, the Russians to the north restroyed the principal business' block Jane 22 for the alleged murder of treating as far as the Tanew line. Giving Mothar a Tip. of My ton. The loss Js estimated at Mary Phagan in the National pencil The Austrians subsequently recordlooking man was trying serious The ! to have fire is supposed factory in Atlanta on April 26, 1913. ed the fall of Grodek and claimed that $30,000. The to the speakers elolisten to hard saloon. in rear a of the The governor commuted Frank's the south bank of the Tanew had been originated the but squalling ot an infant quence, The Park City Elks and the Park sentence to life Imprisonment, and cleared of Russians. seats directly ahead row of in the all are very frank waa taken to the state prison The French are keeping up their of- City people in general little him opportunity. Annoygave farm at MiUedgevllle, secretly and Admlrsl Fletcher, commander of the Atlantic fleet, conferring with other officers oi! the flagship Wyoming. fensive in the Arras sector, and the much elated over the fact that the ance gave way to irritation and irritaL. of before the public had been made Standing, with his back turned, Is Capt. Albert Cleaves of the Utah; seated, left to right, are Capt, W, Rogers British again have attacked the Ger- nett B. P. O. Elks state association tion in turn was superseded ,by rescare of the governors action. will be held in that city. , the Delaware, Admiral Fletcher and Captain Muse, chief Of staff. man solve. He leaned forward, touched positions around Hooge, gaining meeting At his home, Monday night. GovAlice Gould of Price, while the mother on the shoulder and in a, Miss considerable stretch of trenches ernor Slaton said: which, according to the latest advices, horseback riding through the town of dispassionate tone Asked; The mob can .come and tear me to ACRES OF CANNON CAPTURED BY THE GERMANS horse Has your baby been christened, they are bolding. Of 'this gain the Helper, was thrown from her The pieces, he said, "but I will know that Official statement makes no and very seriously bruised. German yet? I have done what should be done to horse fell- and broke Its leg and was mention, t "Why, no sir. Why do you ask? follow the right' course and uphold Shot Of invasion Italian Austria, The Merely because I was about to t the honor of Georgia and the office Work of assessing the property of suggest that if he had not been the all whicht is along pushed being ' 1 occupy, ' frontier. Is said by newspapers of Utah, which has been reported hy the christened you might name him The ones who are howling the -, Rome to have resulted thus far in the county assessors at s total valuation loadeat now are 'the very ones who '5nri- And why Good Idea?' asked the occupation of more than twice a of $173,827,623, was begun last week fat months from now will be the first '23 board of the state Ausmembers woman. of, offered was ss by much by territory to approve my action of today, 1 BecSuse, the man struggled hard tria as the price of Italys neutrality. equalisation.-- ' could not hang a man when there was to his feelings, "it should be EL, Elizabeth the repress A doubt ha to his guilt , WIFE MURDERED. WARDENS R. carried Oliver Mr. Mrs. out of and daughter T could not sit here like Pontius Meredith, was killed when 'she was Pilate and turn Prank over to be exeft VT" vvT' ,avac How He Escaped. Negro Convict Suspected of Brutal thrown, with her mother, from an au1 cuted. had to do what waa right Crime at Joliet Penitentiary. Some of my bulbs have rotted in tomobile Cottonwood in canyon, Big The whole thing ia Just this: the ground. Ever have that happen Joliet, 111. Mrs. Edmund M. Allen near Salt Lake. The people who are doing all the f to you? asked tbe commuter of M N. wife of the warden of the state peniThe plan for the annual summer entalking hare not read the evidence in who sat beside him in toe train. Ult comic ivk'krt; former and opera here Guard of National of tentiary the Prank the case, campment I cant say I have.eplied the "No, burned and dead was found favorite, Utah has been completed. The first DE WET GUILTY OF TREASON., on Sunday in ber bed in the wardens camp will be held at Fort Douglas, other. v And the bugsln my rose bushes suite in the penitentiary. A wound on July 18 to 21, and the second from are a pest. Do you have any trouble Loader of South African Revel! the left temple and the rapidity with July 22 to 24 of that kind ?r be Sentenced to Death. , which the flames charred her body Whether 'Albert Geddes, minor eon Not a bug on a single bush. rise gave almost recognition, beyond Union of South Bloemfontein, of Margaret Geddes of Salt Lake, is That's strange. Now, wfth my been had to the belief that she Africa. General Christian De Wet, a son ot David Eccles, the late Ogden find that only about b&lf the I lawn, and head on the blow a stunned one of Afrileaders of the South by -multimillionaire, is the question at her night clothes soaked with alcohol issue In the case to come up tor hear- grass looks healthy. The rest wont can rebellion against the British govgrow, no matter how much I water It. and ignited. ernment, waa found guilty of treason ing In Ogden during 'the week. Sr' But I suppose you know from experion eight counts. The law provides tor Joseph Campbell, a negro convict, lagiatwirsr;.i ence what that Is?" Joseph Henry Martin, who is servserhouse Allens atf the who aqted death penalty. five in the state t Never had any grass troubles, Scenes at the Krupp works In Essen, Germany, showing acres of field and siege guns captured from the vant and who lived in the wardens ing for years shot Dave penitent! General De "Wet headed a rebellion Edwards, either. ary having remodelled. and be to i sent to Preach "and and Russians confineEsspn repaired in was solitary placed suite, In the Orange Free State and Westwill be taken to Ogden June 28 to be Great Scott, Man! exclaimed toe ment after a committee of prison offi- Med in the district ern Transvaal In October, 1914. Ha court on the commuter, How do you manage to - had lire. He the cials Investigated was captured on a farm at Waterburg, IDMIRAL WINTERHALTER Mrs. Isabelle escape all these of robbed charge having ELOI AT ARTILLERY ST. annoyance" would be charged with murder, it was British Bechuanaland, to which place Royle Wallin. Easily, sir. I live in a hotel." ' aid. he had been pursued by a motor car Hyrum H. Homer, a Park City i brigade. General De Wet pleaded not Enlightening Him. ranchman, died from the effects of a STEAMER SINKS SUBMARINE. Mr. Meek was laboriously hooking guilty to a charge of high treason, but kick from a horse he received three guilty to a charge of sedition. Germans Charge That Usual Order days 'previous. He was taken to up the back of his wife's evening Reversed In Case of Was wss local dress just as the clock was striking an where hospital, operation FIVE BILLION DOLLAR LOAN. Berlin. A statement given out by performed In the hope of saving his their dinner hour and their dinner guests were ringing the door bell. Mr. Blank Cheek to Mest War Expenass the German admiralty to the effect life. Meek breathed hard; his forehead was ot to had are Utah Fishermen submarine German Voted by British House of Commons. reported the that have paid- for about 17,000 fish and damp and his hands shook. a British sunk and by been'rammetj London. The house of commons "I do wish some one would invent tank steamer balling under the Swe game licenses this year, and it Is ex adjourned Monday night after unani orbeen had and machine to do this kind of work!" vessel a the grouse the after pected dish flag mously giving n first reading to the dered to stop ia expected to have an duck season closes this fall the num he muttered miserably, bill providing the new chancellor of ' "Why, they have!" replied his wife important bearing on the German ber of licenses will have passed the the exchequer, Reginald McKenna, mark. 30,000 American negotiation. brightly as she applied some powder with a blank check which may It is estimated by officials of the nonchalantly to her nose. ."They have, German naval officers and the pub-- , amount at a maximum to (3, 000,000, lie at large ask how it is possible for Ogden tabernacle choir that the num- and you are it 000. German submarines to treat mer- ber of members and others directly - , . Balloonist Ascends Flvo Milos. Slightly Altered. chantmen In the way requested by the connected with the organizations as to "He to or take is a Pawho States will steps make the United man, is he not?" San Francisco. A height of 28,900 management Yes, except .for the alterations certain the nationality of ships dis- cific coast trip next month will not feet was reported reached by Edward made by his wife and her mother."- playing neutral flags In the war xonc be less than 205. Unger, who in the balloon Jewell to adhere as . British . Panama-PacifiJudge. so capatalns Provo from will and ascended the long Logan, City," Farmington the rule laid down by the admiralty, hold local option Selections Jnne 29. exposition in an attempt to , , When the Price Goes Up. break the worlds altitude record Copperfleld will also, if the supreme FARMER TWO CENTS. "We never learn to value things sn-FINES which is said to be 85,420 feet, made court of the state decides that toe pe tll after. they, are gone. 1901. tions which have been filed are suffi at Berlin In Ungers mark, tt Judge Practically Exonerates Dairy cleat and that the new town is enThats very true, A silver-plateia believed, constitutes an American man Who Defended His Herd. butter dish that cost us $4 becomes titled to an election.' record. family plate worth $100 if burglars Chicago. Judge Kenesaw Moun600 With of a and poulation people Real ' Estate Man Convent, tain Landis of-- the United States dis only 13 opposing a voting proposition break to and steal It" ' Detroit Free - . ' trict court, who once assessed a fine to raise it Into the third class of Utah Press. Los Angeles. Cal. Various features Standard the of Men 129,240,000 a against of In Scots disthe Royal the fiercely Fusileers handling of the real estate business were heavy gun cities, Roosevelt is about to enter on ' , Horror. Oil company, imposed one of 2 cents a splendid era of progress with a fine tasted Monday at the opening of the contested battle that took place in the ruined village of St. Eloi. -- have "Times of changed for toe betJohnson Barrington, As-against Henry waterworks ' system ' as one of the ter. eighth convention of the National for instance, is no Torture, with Johnson I1L, on Saturday. ooclatlon of Real Estate Exchanges. first Improvements. . . allowed." off LEAVING LAST REFUGEES YPRES longer agent a drove government More than 2,000 delegates registered shotgun While definite Information ia ntn. know I about that. don't There was bis premises when the agent ...S" during the day. given as to toe reason for gathering are four families to this apartment mouth and of foot cases for looking the information, all members of the whose children take music lessons" Annuls Upper Berth Ban. disease, medical reserve corps in Salt Lke Washington. The Wisconsin stat-have received letters of Inquiry from Hi Aim. FAIL TO STARVE GERMANY. ute prohibiting the making np of an the office of toe surgeon general of are "What you doing down there at pper berth on a sleeper until the Berlin Protestor Says Food Shortage the United States army as to whether the clock it) the hall at this time of Is was as an annulled berth engaged Is Only 12 Per Cent they would be available for active morning? ...... Rear Admiral Winterhalter is the unconstitutional taking of private duty. reBerlin at , new commander of the Asiatic fleet London. Lecturing Arbritratlon, mdear; toyin' to stop property without compensation by the Resolutions setting forth that Utah a disastrous Baltimore strike. of the American navy and has gone cently to the war committee. Including supreme court v to China to succeed Admiral Coales. representatives of the grand central veterans of toe Spanish war are as American. Pro- ready and willing now, as they were official bodies. - France various some and For has been time he staff, Alaace Mall. serving Handling . Just Give 'Em a Chance. ' In Washington as aid to the secretary fessor Ballod of the University of Ber- in l89$. to serve this country shpuld has been ...Paris. Announcement were there be need, "Men are too alow to embrace an adopted by dele for material. lin said, according to a Times dis made here that the French 'postal 1 a th to gates-tannual Germany encamp opportunity,remarked the sage..m patch, that the shortage service is handling mail in ' ninety to only about ment ot the United Spanish War VetBut they are always looking for a amounted food supply I towns and villages in Alsace, all oi Flits Dislike Color of Blue. 12 per cent, and the attempt to starve erans, department of Utah, held at chance to hug a delusion, added the A French scientist to authority for which now bear the nanies they had had failed. fool. Cincinnati Enquirer, Ogden, forty-fivstatement that files nave a dis- Germany the years ago. Dr. W. F. Holland, head of toe retinct objection to the color of blue. Turk Fighting Fairly. Amply Described. search department of the Carnegie Attacks Fee Splitting. This waa first discovered hy a farmer London. The Turks are fighting museum at Pittsburg, Pa., of a fellow is he?" "What kind Vernal paid division secret San Francisco. The who keeps a large number of cows most fairly. In one Case a .Turk, and kind .of a fellow who the Oh, hes a last week. flytag visit vicinity of fees between physicians and surIn several sheds. One of these sheds while under fire, dressed the wounds for walk with you and out goes a He was from the returning said Is expositions criminal dishonesty, geons happened to be painted blue on tbe of one of our men. In another case a and ten then how democratic he fa you to off make an inspection Dr. William D. Haggard of Nashville, inside, and in this tme the cows were Turk left a water bottle 1th a wound- ot stopped not seen with anyafraid of being the dinosaur famous at before in quarry an address Monday Tenn., little troubled by files. He blued all ed Australian soldier. Yale Record. body. Jensen. the American College of Surgeons the walls and thus protected .all his Seven Bathers Drowned. John Cronin, 7 years of sge. son of the cows. in fanners French vicinity r Job Outdone. - ' Stahl Pleads Not Guilty. N. J Buffeted by a Mrs. Frank Cronin, a widow of Euto their blue now Atlantic ' are a City, coloring adlng most patient man on recHes the New York Gustave Stahl, the Ger whitewash. Their formula la as fol- huge wave and carried into deep wa- reka. lost the thumb and the first ord. ' , man reservist who was indicted on a To twenty gallons of wter ter by a treacherous undertow, seven two fingers ot his right hand through lows: a charge of perjury a week ago by d ten pounds of slacked Urn and bathers; including prominent men of the explosion of a giant cap. The The once beautiful city of YpVcs, which has been so terribly battered by 'federal grand jury, entered a plea oi , He can group a crowd of person of .one now both is the abandoned The pound of 'ultramartns. The walls the Philadelphia Bummer colony, were child found the cap while playing its guns armies, inhabitants by utterly to take their photo and not once lot not guilty when arraigned in the fare tinted wice during drowned in the surf here Sunday. around a mine. to. of the refugees are here seen leaving the city. his temper .United States district court here. Philadelphia Ledger. toe United Cowherd Dead. Warning has come-froCongressman Steamer Has Close Call. bureau and Mercy, No! Pasadena, Cal. Former Congress- States public health London. The Anchor line steamei REPORT POOR YEAR FOR SHAD approximately 20,000,000 less than that field where there wss a possibility of Samuel G. Dr. care If he Is a millionaire! made dont through public S. William Gowberd man of Missouri s run but the offlsh of last year. There were slighMn-creasesecuring them, Cameronlm under charter to the Cun-trhealth for you to anl, commissioner, Its perfectly outrageous city against In the egg collections and out- which were reported as decreasing in died Sunday of anaemia after an illline, had a narrow "escape TTonr a Bureau of Fisheries Unable to Aecom-pllslack care think wounds of of caused of by spending your young life ness of six months, He came to CaliIn the Irish sea on het of try on the Susquehanna 'river? numbers .early in the month, became Anything Like What It put with tost of old thing! Fourth 7 especially explosives, July ' Had ' v from New York to Liverpool, but a material falling off occurred in less numerous as "the work progressed, fornia last January from Kansas City,. wounds from blank cartridges, which Planned. of spendisn't all "Oh,. that think I Mo. He 55 was old. years t C passengers. the work on the Potomac river and and finally It was decided to discondear. of cause Life. often the ing, mother, development Shad operations by the bureau of also In the Albemarle sound. Only tinue operations, owing to the failure Turks Win a Battle. tetanus. lo t'ioeo-url- , fisheries, department of commerce, on 12 054,000 fry were produced at the to secure ripe fish, r 'Matter of Location. Constantinople. The Turkish war The first prosecution that has been k mss tbe Susquehanna river, the Potomac Bryans Point station, while at the I was a boy," said Mr. Wt "When officer has issued the following state-- tor. Mo., attempted to Ogden under the Harris Bread and Good Tsath. river, and the Albemarle sound were Edenton station the output ot young , I wanted to go to sea In ment: terstock, near battle Oltt a (Trans- son federal drug law was started last 7ve kj.fi concluded late in May. Taken as shad numbered only 23,070,000. Spein Bavaria have found caucasia, Investigators west of Kars), week with the arraignment of C. JE. boa pirate. I K tie results of the work were cial efforts were made to increase the that the more bread school children 269 Rusaiaaa weremiles kiltod , "Aad yen changed year miad, r Clark, oil a charge of distributing the total output egg collections la the Albemarle sound eat the better the condition of their era and war material wereaad.prL: 7?aetory. Miss Cayenne, "to the extaxt ( pUed taken. cocaine and morphine UleaaBy. three stations being by extending operations into every teeth. i tv i m txnfi. AU8TR0-GERMA- III GAUGIA be oif eg-de- n N BOYDJPARK jewelri I Austro-Germa- The New Hotel Rex n Women Folk Austro-Germa- n - ..A' '.w V- Good-Ide- a. - . r KAW av, Ik . toe-ma- - i't -- r k -- tazUZ ryocd .. ...vW.AwJoe, U-2- U-2- 9 - that-befo- re - self-mad-e c , i - til 1 tamiiiiM - -- . , , the-nin- ( e - I j X .Honor (' 4 1 l h " '' fifty-fiv- e f ? |