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Show . r "V . ! THE WEEKLY REFLEX KAYSVILLE, UTAH appropriated WtfMg gJcfttx Llorchants1 Protective Association of Davis County Henry Ellis, Layton President and Treasurer, andSecy,, W W. Evans, Layton, Counsel, T. McClure Peters, Kaysville Vlce-Preside- nt v bond with the Secretary of State Send us your slow accounts and we as required by law. will insure prompt collection and return. BANKS First National, Layton, and Barnes This Company has filed its Banking Company, Kaysville. Post Office Address - Layton, Utah pose. KAY8VILLB UTAH u aecond-elaematter FebEntered ruary IS, 1911, . at KaysTUle, Utah under the act of March I, 1879. s Advertising Rate for said' pur FjEUITvIliyDi4 the This the and Iless asked to be use the dray on the to employed roads for leveling, purpose bounty and also to run the road sprinkle! when needed. Mr. Iless was instructed to proceed with the road dragging as needed,' and tol that hrwould fgivradrf mite information as to the' sprinkling of roads on March 2nd. Meeting adjourned until March the 2nd. David BY W. P. EPPERSON A SON $16 ' C,M time of the year, kind of weather that brings Pneumonia. Dontlet thatcoldstaywith you .If : t on application. is dangerous! Subscription $1.25 per year when paid in advance. $1.50 per year on overdue subscriptions or when " not paid in advance. SECRETARY UNABLE TO HAKE PROMISES Office Phone, No. ' 10. Residence Phone, No. 34. Leading Utah Citizens Take Up Conservation Project With John (I. M. Barnes has return- Utah Head of Interior Department. s ed borne from the National "convention at Baltimore Washington," Feb. 19 Govand reports a bright outlook for ernor Spry, Judge King, Wm. R. Utah eanned produets all through Wallace and Richard W. Young the east if prices can be made low called upon Secretary Lane toUtah enough to compete in the far day and urged, that the trader-taken ire atiouu coi He visited markets: project points away as far south a$ Houston and Dal-laby the government reclam Service. The secretary "was ation as and east far as Texas, New York and made stops at all unafeje to give any adoption the principal cities in the Missisthe of the governin Colorado. and enterprise by sippi valley ment, because the available recWANTS TO STAY IN DAVIS lamation funds are needed to complete .projects which have COUNTY. been commenced and which must-bBisop O. W. Kendall, of South finished before new ones' are Weber, was in attendance at the started. Mutual entertainment and dance that He suggested, however, in Kaysville Monday night and possibly legislation might be said he had one of the great secured which would provide a times of his life. While in con- plan of between the versation with the bishop on states and the national govern-men- t he requested Tuesday morning for enterprises of the charThe Reflex editor to say that acter of the one under he was not in favor of going inter W e b r "couri tyTTl re said tha t to be raised from" the all the improvement made by sale of bonds redeemable from of the county commissioners payments for the lands and water Weber county was a short piece rights. The proposition suggestof road in River Dale which ed may be discussed at the meetwould in no manner- - equal the ing of governors which is to be new school house recently erect- held at. the request of Secretary ed in South Weber by the Davis Lane to discuss irrigation matters County school board, lie docs Governor Spry requested the sec not think that cutting off from retary to have the proposed meetDavis county would reduce the ing' held in Salt Lake (ity. taxes, which be considers alTaken Claude Smith left Monday for ready high enough. he thinks it is bettor on Chicago where he will enter the whole to rciqain in .Davis Coynes electrical college for a county and many of his neigh- thorough course in electricity. bors seem to think as ,ho docs Next week Clyde Bishop will join about the matter. him there and take the same 0 course. . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING For Sale A 140 egg Mandy Lee Incubator. Mrs. J. S. Clark. 1914. Feb. 16, Monday D. F. Collett, secretary of the Farmington, Utah. Adv. Merchants and Manufacturers asNOTICE. sociation was present and consult ed the board in regard to Davis Bids will be received by the county placing an exhibit in the undersigned until March 13, 1914, Vermont building' at Salt Lake, for watermaster for the Haights The board arranged to meet Mr. Croek Irrigation company for the Collett atjrnid building on Tues- year ending March 15, 1915. JOHN II. BLOOD, Secretary. day before finally deciding the WeVe got the Remedy, IT S FRESH THE KAYSVILLE PHARMACY fO 1 ! The Home Drug Store aa (Mtt Can-ner- Mens Dress Shirts The Finest'line ever shown in Kaysville. Four-in-hand'J- ies An excellent selection. Make your selection while the stock is complete. Trunks and Suit Cases A Fine assortment just received. Spring Ginghams ' A full.line ofSpringQfnghams just in,.. We have a few Mens DRESS SHIRTS going at 50 cents each. Staple and Fancy Groceries Weare headquarters for Fancy and Staple Groceries! and the prices arerlght. , frj " The car that will give the most service at the, least expense. s, - encourage-nientior.lheJmmediat- -- That w why every 'third car on American roads today Is a FOfto. e. Drop us a postal for catalog and demonstration. Touring Car $625.00, Roadster $575.00, delivered. RAMPTON BROS. e the-wor- jr- AGENTS FOR DAVIS COUNTY BOUNTIFUL, UTAH arness k' ' I desire to announce to the people of Davis county' that my Harness Shop is now fully equipped .with the latest and best machinery for the manufacture and repair of light and heavy harness. Special attention to Harness Repairing O- Co-o- p Kaysville The House of Quality and Popular Prices. -- Look over your harnesses and see how badly they are in need of repairs and then bring them to me and have them repaired while the weather is bad. I have rings, buckles and other hardware to match almost any style .of harness trimmings. I can supply any harness parts and make to order J O- . i, gating Man! Dont you knojv that a Banking Account is a necessity? Start one now, either checking or savings account. Vmon State BanK, Vtah Houn tifal , matter. Frank Lambe and Wilford Stevenson; as a committee representing the Farmington Commercial club asked that an appropriation be made to help pay for poison to destroy squirrels, as - they are pests and are doing thousands of dollars worth of damage AUCTION SALE. February 28th,- - the Kays villc Horse company will offer one gray stallion, cart and har ness for sale to the highest bid deiy on the corner ot Main street, opposite the Barnes Bank, Kaysville, at the hour of 2 " " . .. board p. m. Adv. - T7 Kausie Made-o- 11 Choicest Utah Wheat-Mil- led in the most modern Packed in the Neatest Manner. f EVERY DEALER UTAH HAS NATIONAL BANK SUC.CC I I I have a big line of harness soaps, saddle soaps, harness dressings, oils and wagon and buggy oils and greases, and a hundred other things usually found in a first-clas- s harness shop. Biggest line of whips ever shown in the county. Whips from 25c to $6.00. When in need of anything in my line come and see me. My guarantee will mean something to you and I am right here to make it good. D. L. BUTLER ' The Harness Man, Kaysville, Utah. IBS an-nual- ly to farm erops.-Th- e -- Be it' ordained GRACK-A-JAC- PRIVATE CLOTHES K FOR WELL DRESSED MEN : by the City Council of Kaysville City, Utah. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person- to become intoxicated in any public or private Dance Hall or Dancing Academy, or on any premises connected with the same, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, association or corporation maintaining or conducting any such public or private Dance or for any floor manager, or other person or persons in charge of such Dance Hall or Dancing Academy ta allow or permit any intoxicated, boisterous or disorderly person to enter be or remain therein, or to allow or permit dancing in such public or private Dance Hall or Dancing Academy unless the same is fully lighted. And it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any profane, vulgar or obscene language in sucL Dance JIall or Dancing Academy, or in any entrance, entrances, approach or approaches thereto, or premises adjacent thereto. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person in any public or private Dance Hall or Dancing Academy to dance any indecent or obscene dance, or to engage in any dance commonly known as designated as. ragging," turkey trot and Walkdance, or other dance of like character; ing" or the moon-ligand it shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, firm, association, floor manager, or other person in charge of such Dance llall or Dancing Academy to permit or allow any such indecent or obscene dancing in such Dance Hall or Dancing Academy. Section 3. Any person or persons,' .firm, corporation, floor manager or other person violating any of the provisions of this ORDINANCE, upon conviction thereof; shill be punished by & fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars nor more thanfiffy ($50.00) dollars or imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than thirty days, or by both such ' fine and imprisonment. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance are hereby repealed. - The Spring Line Is In Never before have we shown such a wealth of beautiful samples Co. Stewart-Burto- n 'Where Quality Tells. ht VTAH OGDEN U IT bands, enffs, toilet sets, etc. On AN ORDINANCE REGULATING PUBLIC AND DANCE HALLS IN AYSVILLE CITY. Known Everywhere As The VERY BEST any- thing wanted in the harness line. A fine line of fancy leather goods consisting of hand bags, purses, belts, hat 0.(0 The Utah National Bank has always maintained. a position of stability and offers to its depositors and clients a banking service of exceptional value. Checking accounts (large or , null) arc cordially invited. Vice IT. Pres.: RALPP E HOAG, Pret.; J, PARKER, A. V. 31c IN TOSH, Cuthitr H. J. PEERY, Vice-Pret- .; If it b Printing You want head in at REFLEX Section' 5. This' Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and approval. Passed ?rad approved this . ,16th day of February A. D. 1914. - IL J. SHEFFIELD, Attest; IL J. SHEFFIELD, Jr, 1 Mayor of Kaysville City, Utah. v Recorder of Kaysville City, Utah. n(1fst lJ cx-- V in gs Wort bfnetit wktn Ic count comes. Then it is a prop of mighty Our Saving Department it altvayj ready to eerxe you. JOHN R. BARNES, L. S. HILLS. Vice-Presiden- President J. R. GAILEY, Cashier. BRUCE MAJOR, AaeL Caehler t, 'Barnes Hanging o. CAPITAL, $25,000. ,AyjVLL. X7TA.H SURPLUS and PROFITS, $65,73C , L St JS8 sr&ss .1'zrsxzs. sr, rsst ss-- 1 - Barnes, John W. Gailey, e Payble quarter. Notary ftobiic fa |