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Show vS U TrrB WEEKl.Y --51 BE8SS2K8S&J8KS3X sturdy for the outcome, be it what It might Dusk was falling, la a cer tain furtive way Ransome Jordan strolled through his native town, and every step he advanced seemed accompanied by diin hovering wraiths of tlie- past.-- " Several times he passed under the red lamp of a' police station. Finally he entered the place, asked for the officer in charge, and was shown into the captains private office. The official glanced admiringly at the bronzed stalwart specimen of humanity. I am from the west, stated" Jon nave come ony. to give myself up as a fugitive from justiee. The police captain regarded his visitor with curious expectation. My name is Ransome Jordan. Did you ever hear it before? A strange smile crossed the face of HE WAS A TRUE MAH What TJEFL'EX, KAYSVTLLE. UTAH Eastern-Minertear- ned When He Made Pilgrimage to Old Home. By VICTOR REDCLIFFE. "We are looking for a good candidate for mayor, and were come to you." The speaker was one of a group of SAMS UNIT OF FOUR HALVES Ouenrbiwn 0iltUl imffi the official. he began, Why, yes went on with his story! but Jordan "I was a wild wilful fellow rv A 5IDEMGnrP5 colored r.ifo h w.n a r "I s.u.l Air t'r.i's in J poni tl.it-i- ; fo .1 inflate the robins from m t; t me, Mixn-.s- ; eu-to- non .vs S.imm-- hr : Mr I'taii? Ah drink Mh.tl einli pas, mans front, said Sam upl. ZAh done,! hi'iight lLup. Mah boss hei ah starts a day wtvout be puts iir a later of em Mr t'ralfi ordered one of the new intention lit leaned listlessly upon the counter, hi sheer ennut, watching Sam Alehins some of this cordial and some of that in the class Then he fra p pod it It tasted to Mr. Craigs parched gullet as good as It looked The recipient at once ' demanded the recipe Ah takrii Well, Bah, said Sam. one half Scotch whisky and f vermouth and sherry Mr Craig interrupted That can't be right, said he. There cant be more than two halves In anything Boss." aa Id. J hahe way Ah tnlx the drink theres four halves In it - San Francisco Argonaut ! said I m i( lim down a . -- senting not only the brawn but the ln and enterprise of Lucky Gulch. Ransome Jordan's eye glowed for a moment, he threw back hla head in his characteristic bluff and independent way. Pride and pleasure showed for a fleeting moment In his handsome full bearded face. - Then it faded, slowly, steadllj until those of the men who Tiewed him became as grave as hie own from some Innate sympathetic sense. "Boys," he said, and. his full clear voice was broken from some intense emotion. I thank you, but I cannot - z accept.' "See here, Ransome' Jordan!" cried Bir Ben, leader of the crowd, the giant irresistible champion of a. man when he was his friend, youll run. There isn't a man in the Gulch who net a is b.utnulvr in SQL 1 a - down -- husky -- miner- roughned shirted, lacking all thejormality of the average "Committee," but repre- TN , To.-il- WHEN HE GOT WRONG NUMBER here years ago, and trained with a wilder Party at Other End of Telephone Numcrowd. One night in a drunken brawl ber Refused to See If Mlea Mca friend named( Prescott insulted and Cormick Had ' Retired. attacked resented him with a knife' thrustTl heard, later he died. Telephone bell rings. It was self defense, but I have Come Hello! back to clean the slate,-- whatever tbs 'Hello.ls Miss McCoriAiek there T I dont see her. law may say. WelL you would know it if the Phave heard of you! cried the arising and wringing the hand were there, wouldnt you?" of Jordan with strange fervor. Why. I ahould thlnrso." Corns this way." Perhaps she has retired." He led his visitor into an adjoining That's to, perhaps she has. 1 bad court room. He pointed at a large oil not thought of that." "Will you see? portrait. doesn't want you" See" what?" Prescott still lives. He Is "Ben," interrupted Jordan in' anon If she is In bed." of unutterable pathos, "1 cant do it Judge of this court, and after .that I cant do that very well." There .is a reason. Next time maybe, night you refer to become a reformed I man. wish to speak to her about somehut not until Thank heaven!" murmured Jordan thing important." "Until what?" challenged Big Ben I am sorry, but I Just cant" In a great aspiration of joy and sto rally, " j Why can't you?" "Until later," . faltered Jordon. Because I dont know her nor Do you recall nothing further of "Don't press me, boys. Its an honor that fills my soul with pride and grat- that night?" asked the official, a queer where she lives. lent this Hadley itude. Pass it up till next year. Then expression on his Ups. No, this Is Hadley Little but brain My flight, despair. maybe. Oh!" Houston Post That was the way that Ransome was crazed with the .drink and the of deed. I horror a recall and my fire, Jordan turned down what his friends Most Unflattering. called the chance of his life. The com- plunging into its exciting whirl, hoping ' W. Perkins, In a tariff argume would George blot fate out, mittee retired, less worked up as Big I "Again come, with me," invited the ment, said the other day: Ben expressed it than uneasy. There Well, be that a official. defense, may good . was a reason, Jordan had told them. He led the way to the street and to but it certainly Isn't very flattering to He held his secret and his loyal the out8klrts of the town where a the Intelligence? "the "American peofriends respected it ple. It Is. In, fact so "unflattering that ' 'Ransome, dear, why? were the large building stood. fire you speak of." he said,' it reminds me of a chap who was The words that greeted him as the wife old structure of the sued for breach of promise. who had overheard all met him at the destroyed the This chap was twenty-live- , and the Th.at night a Dorothea Sisterhood. doorway, and that was the hardest brave man means of a plank span lady suing him was forty or so. by part of it all. 'Wheres your defense? the Judge two roofs saved every soul in She was a little dark woman, the nlng the building from death. You never asked. daughter of an old prospector who had heard of it? Strange! See," and The defendant waved his hand topicked up Jordan in the old days when guide pointed to a neat column ward the lady and promptly replied: he was sick and poor. It was Nance surrounded "Insanity, your honor. by an iron fence, and bear Dalzlell who had nursed Jordan back visible broad metal a plate plainly ing in the white moonlight Unavailing. waa The mermaid taken I will read the Inscription said the suddenly official. In grateful memory of Ran ill a case of seasickness. Uncle Neptune, she moaned, "I some Jordan, Hero, who lost his life wish you would dive up among that worn fourteen after saving imperiled en He was a true man!- "groupof bathers over there in the urf and ask them ltthere ls a doctor "And that was me, gsspedthe pet .. -present." rifled Jordan. Uncle Nep. did so. and presently reThat was you, responded the offi clal, reverently lifting his cap. Held turned with a professional-lookinin loving memory, because you disap- young man, who presented his card. The mermaid glanced at the card, peared amid the flames and it was supa wild shriek of hysterical uttered had perished." posed you So the pilgrimage ended, hut Its laughter, turned tail, and fled. He was a chiropodist Puck. echoes, now made public, reached Ad of return. Gulch she Jordans Lucky ' His Aim. And when he appeared, a cheering dethe Whats matter, sick?" knew of friends welcoming putation No." he would now accept a rightful honor. Eating well?" A patient loving little woman claspTea. ed her arms around his neck as be "Sleeping well?" stepped from the train. Bully." - Oh, my- love! ray hero!" the "Then why this expression of hopesobbed a man among men, and less gloom? mine, all mine! Im trying to make tbs boss think O. W. 191J, Chapman.) by (Copyright. Im in a badly run down condition and need a vacation, "My Name Is Ransome Jordan. KEPT LIVING BY MAGNETISM to health. . It was she who had staked HOW IT IMPRESSED HIM. him with a claim that panned out hig, French Physician Makes Public Am x and married him after she had turned sertlon of Remarkable 8ue-csss of Experiments, .. him from his old reckless ways. Now those clear searching eyes of hers challenged his soul His love, Dr. Henry Durvllle of Paris, whose his gratitude, his loyalty spoke in his feats of mummification and preserva. ction of animal and vegetable bodies . fervent returning glance. "Dont ask, Nance!" he pleaded. by the magnetism that passes from n "See here, it is you who made me what his hands are attested by I am. The boys have helped, ! dont physicians, now asserts that by simiN know why." lar passes be has been able to extend in--an murWho could help it!" gently extraordinary way the results mured Nance, stroking his great obtained by Dr. Carrel in preserving brown hand caressingly. Ufe in the detached parts of living orbe me to Now they want mayor. ganism. In these new days, of progress, that According to Dr. Durvllle, he has meaner something. It means schools, succeeded In keeping a frog's heart of 1 per churches,- - good roads, better citizens immersed in a instead of saloons, gambling houses, cent solution of salt water, beating hours and more by road bandits and roustabouts. A man for twenty-four- , of clear record, who will make the "magnetizing it with passes from district proud of him, deserves the time to time. In this way, be says, office." he also has succeeded in making the Is there a better one than you!" hinder parts of a frog respond to an What" waa your impression of Eucried Nance, her eyes sparkling ' with electHc current fifteen days after kill- rope? - - pride, "is there a man who has made ing the animal, three days being the WelL judging from what mother Lucky Gulch clean and respectable as extreme Umit under normal circum- and the girls say, there doesnt seem have done? What Is It, Ransome stances. to be much to the place except art " ybu He further declares he tested his and matrimony. It depends for revwhat is troubling you?" It is no, I cant tell even you!" theory with two frogs hearts. One enue almost entirely on pictures and of these which had ceased to beat he pedigrees." Jordan. At least not now not yet, Nance, do you trust me?" put In a magnetized serum; the other, stlU beating, was immersed in an orTo the death and after!" Tyranny. a to If I go away sway to pay dinary serum. At the end .of several where you have Well, explain sir, .to debt, to clear the books, to take my days the magnetized heart began been. medicine like a man so that when I beat and continued to beat at the con"My dear,, vfalt until morning. Ill come back and can look every man tact of an electric current, while the then,." explain in- the face and ear tonestly J "owe other wss completely dead." "No, sir! It would be much easier the world nothing, what will yon say? Dr, Durvllle began his experiments for you to explain in the morning. 1 Nance gave her husband one look with a study of the effect of magnet want an explanation now. of Ineffable love and faith. Then the ism on microbes, and says he is able stood back with set Ups and steady to stupefy or even kill cholera germs. How It Happened. He says also that he ha completely eyes. Brown You look tired. she said resolutely, mummified a human hand by passes.Ransome, Jones Yes. Ive lost a good deal of "how soon shall I help you pack np sleep within a tew days. Deal. for your Journey?" Brown Hows that?, "What are yon and your wife alAnd thus began the pilgrimage of Jones Ive Just come in from the mar Ransome Jordan It wan no brief one: ways quarreling for? When yon ran a sleeper Puc west rarer TfaeTangeATpast the prairies, the ried each other, ft was with the under were taking the great lakes, the eastern ranges, and Handing that you Explained. one evening the train to Easton, a step for better or worse, wasnt it?" "Is that your ladder?" My little New England town, halted to let "Yes, and thats the trouble. "Sure. ever since that wife complaining keeps off the pilgrim arrived. "It doesnt look like yours." end of This was his Mecca perhaps his shes been getting the short "Well, you see, its my stepladder. , Gethsemane, he knew not, but waa the transaction." Purple Cow. mef ' 5 one-hal- one-hal- f - TRUTH OF IT, - -- -- - well-know- -- . seven-tenth- do-dare- , s d - - One-Side- d -- -- America James WASHINGTON of W. Uldley. the National museum, has completed his work of exploring the cave at Corrtgansville, Md., for the bones of prehistoric animals. The cave was opened when thu cut w as made for-- a rail hig way extension from Cumberland to -- Con nella villa. At) extinct peccary, a hoglike aaV mat of 'more thau twice the size now found In Central America. l!ssi two small ones, about the aVxe of Che common black bear, but of v x Line speciea, and one large one about Lb atae U a r grixzly bear. The wolverine, an extinct apwetea 4 an animal not now k now n exerpt in northern Canada. An extinct spgriss of-- a B he animat sboat the large-d- og size of a gray wolf, also cam sr tvs smaller species of the same animat, now extinct. Several spodea of the rodent family. Including woodchuck, porcupine and small Quid nice families. Two now extinct ipotMS of t.he rsbbit fun y, one ahent the etae-of the jack rabbit, the other beloaup , tng to the group of iltUo oooey now known only on the high peaks of the Rocky raouatatoa an4l the high plateaus of Asia. Thre difIn this ferent forms of bats vicinity, and one form of whldh la now Thirty-twdistinct forma of prehistoric animals virere found, and when the bones are cleaned up and looked into closer the number may run up to more than 40. There are lu all shout 17 skulls, and ten forms are represented by good skulls. In the find one of the most important yet made la the following: The mastodon, which lived in about the mldplelstoccne period, estimated at 150,000 years or more ago. An extinct aperies of the horse, similar In some living In New Mexico. - rah-bits- Congressman Fields Tells a Good One on Himself 1 was making my caia- paign last fall," said Representative Fields of Kentucky, 1 started out to cover a country In which 1 waa but little acquainted. Believing, like iolonlus; that aflne front was a valuable asset, I arrayed myaclf In my best When I got off the train at the county seat, whence I was to make for my atari, 1 met the candidate Judge on my ticket, and making known to him my vlewa, I found he agreed with me. Accordingly, after putting up tu tbe best quarters at the best botel in the town, we next morning engaged the handsomest rig the- - beat livery stable could boast, and, with a haughty driver on the box, sallied forth to conquer. "Night overtook us some miles frota the vlllage at which we had expected to put up, but soon after it fell we spied through the glootnran imposing looking mansion with many lights agleam. the bell, we announced Ringing oureeltres; whereupon a hospitable gentleman came out and ushered ns into a parlor whose modest furnish lags seemed out of keeping with the dignity and alse of the mansion. 44Y1FHRN IV Hamlet Yes; I had a splendid part In the new show, but I er-- er took sick and " Do Critic Huh! You mean you didn't take well. D , Hard Work, Too. What do you want? demanded Mr. Newlywed as he confronted the tramp at the door of the bungalow, breakfast or. work? "Both, sir, replied the wayfarer, timidly. "Well, cat that returned the other savagely, handing outTirbiscuttmnd! piece- of steak, and youll have both. Whereupon Mrs. Newlywed glanced reproachfully at her . husband, for - he was giving away the first fruits of her culinary studies at the cooking school. - - Comprised Everything. An English physician, being annoyed by the talk of a pedantic, bore until be could stand it no longer, remarked: My friend, you and I know all that Is to be known." How ia that? asked the bore, highly pleased. "Why, said the doctor, you know everything except that you are a fool, and I know that. -- papa Is." When Boy ail qar t Put One Over on the Congrcssnai came over and also leaned an tbe fence on thu other aide. Glass Introduced himself. ad gel directions as to bow. to find tbe toy's father. Nevertbelesa, be slopped ts chat a while, but the boy wan silent and then some. Finally Clean tsrasd to the crops. Corn rows are pretty far smart, - - arent they? ha asked. Yep. Planted em that wag. rw - " ' When, later, we weal to supper, we were astonished to find o spacious dining room farakaked ae barely as the parlor. Its the true yeoman spirit.'" the candidate for Jwdjc. we got through a most meager i best we could. ' "We were up betime a Mit after sleeping in most primitive ters, that did injustice to the ooblo mansion, and after a breakfast oa par wlth the supper we gut la srur rig and started away. Reaching Ikt mum-mlof a hill some half oBe aaray. we paused to look back at oar nightie retting place. Just then hstiiws drew up beside us, What place le that? ) queried. "That? he replied. Why. that's the county poorhouse!" 1 ' Giving Pa Away. Mr. Goodly, said the little boy to the minister who was visiting his home, Ill bet you dont know where Oh, he's In town," answered the preached ; "Dont you remember your mother told me that when I came In? CARTER GLA8S of Lynchburg, Va., ponded the boy, briefly.' seat In, tbe lower house , Looks pretty small. to aw far ffci "Shucks? .Pa aint in lown.HeJ down and fast that tbe time of oar, said Glaaa. hidin out in the back yard.When he tied down In his district consider it folks Planted small corn." said tbs feoy, aaw you at the gate he said, Heres almost a sacrilege even to talk about and apat contentedly. where I beat it! running against him. - There was once Maybe you were a Httln lata In a time, however, when the votes didnt planting? suggested GIussl ' forfeited His Standing. come so easy, and In those days Nope," esld the boy nertHfly. Grandfather, you still belong Class made It a practice to get out In "We elm to have late corn." Old Settlers association, dont you?" Glass was now rather pee end. lie buggy and cover hts entire district, Yea, but Im not a member In good shaking every voter by the hand and looked at the boy sharply. The latstanding now,- Bobby. ter was chawin" tobacea nad gam kissing all thslr babies. ' "What's the reason?" On one of these tours Glass; driving ing calmly out lnto spacn. T wss making a little talk at a sup- along a lonely stretch of Virginia Hmonn, said Glass, clearing ldn per we had the other night, and I hap- road, came to a huge field of ucrgggly throat. There iant mack totsns pened to say that I thought circuses corn being hoed by a boy of perhaps you an n fool. Is there? were a good deal better now than they fifteen years. Glass drew hla horse up. The boy looked np tsidht suad were when I was a boy. leaped out of the buggy, walked over then spat rumlnatlrely, and leaned against th fence. After . Nope," he remarked,.. Jhaat . ,tk . "Different Directions. a moment tbe boy, stopping hoeing. fence." First Customer 1 wish to select s so-ha- rd . to-tb- s - vase. . Floorwalker Yes. madam. James, show the lady to the crockery de- partment. Second Customer I wish to select a vaws. Floorwalker Yes, madam. George, de show the lady to the p&rtment. New York Weekly. bric-a-bra- c Good Start. Is there to be a fly killing contest this summer? "Havent beard of any prizes as yet Who wants to know?" "My kid. Hes got a quart of files saved ever from last year." Wheels. in His Head? "Wot ye goln' to name the baby?" "Oscar." ( Oss Car? Why not be up to date an' call lm Trolley. Car?" (They fight) Appealing to Mother. "Mother," said the bride, have you an electrical cookbook?" 'Ab electrical cookbook ?" "Yes; I want to know how many volts to give a steak." -- - - be-ioua- now-Dvta- g -- respects to the horse of the I'iymu) dav, but of which there waa living at that time at least 14 tfestinct p mm ries The tapir, .now ta farther north than Central and South 11 re-lief- .- , Prehistoric Bones Aro Fo und - in a Maryland Cave o . Rr-dan- s CIIY WASHINGTON Bartender cf Prom In. .at Cafe Gives Customer Recipe for Making Thirst- - Charming. Do you believe In charms, Forty?"-- ' Mias Declares He Will. Be More Careful in the Future D HESTER,' chlerof a of the division of war claims of the pension bureau, is at his leak again. 'Commissioner SaJtzgaber decided that the 90 days suspension he bad imposed upon Mr. Hester wss F RANK aub-dlvial- loo severe for such a trifling lndlscrw tlon as Mr. Hester had committed. In tbe latters subdivision was a pretty temporary clerk who had completed her work and waa about to leave. She had beeo a favorite, and as she was leaving aba made a round t ihe jpom' and planted a. araacking kiss upon the mouth of every woman slerk. Reaching the desk of her now former chief, the smiling young woman, amid the Utters of the other clerks, challenged Mr, Hester with: "Arent you going to kiss me good by, too?" Mr. Hester, with mind engrossed on sn official paper, but with chivalry uppermost rose to the occasion and gave Ihe young woman aa good an oscula-lor- y farewell as she presented. The tale was carried to Commissioner Saltzgsber, who promptly suspended Mr, Hester for 90 days, for tNe etory had been enlarged upon on its final recital. InveetfgnUus fcy th commissioner resulted Its . tk . withdrawal of Lhs ssspensIoB' erfrr. Mr. Hester declares he ht guhng,' careful of bis kissing ia the fstsm to-b- e To Meet Demand for CudL Papa, bow often have 1 bold yew ' not to say 1 seen yon--- " "Now, ye look In terrupted - Uncle Charlie Sataer, laying down hla knife, and fork. vnyke you kill make your Hvi by grammar andblgber el.ieewtir's; ma and me, were Juat tv take in summer boarxra- - c2 C:? demand th, dialect if they yX y rates. So what 1 : r Vr hes gram rat's T- ' . Quarterly, e, c3 Ls-yo- tyr i "I believe in mine." f Jj ur t |