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Show t THE WEEI2LY RTLEX, KAYCVILLE, UTAH IDO .HI LEftVE h:e IT OF? PRESIDENTS REPRESENTATIVE FAILS AND HE WILL RETURN HOME. PER-SONA- - Washington. The answer of the administration forces in the house to the criticises of the new currency bill made by the conference of bankers at Chicago, on Saturday will be a tightening up of the lines and a more vigorous Indorsement of. the bill as it now stands. Informal conferences of Democratic members of the house currency committee on Sunday emphasized the fact that the active supporters of the presidents currency plan expect to pass the measure through the house without substantial changes. The amendments proposed by the bankers. It was pointed out by house leaders SaWTday, all'were considered In detail when the bill orgtnally was prepared, and In the- long debate over its provisions in the bouse committee on banking and currency. Mexico City. The mission of President Wilsons personal representative, John Lind, has apparently failed, and he will return to Washington at ence. Mr. Lind called on Foreign Minister . Gamboa on Monday to say hut there was nothing in their conversation regarding the resumption of negotiations or to indicate that Mexico would recede from her position. Mr. Lind will sail from Vera Crus at an early date, presumably on a battleship. It is expected that William Bayard Hale, who has been in Mexico City in official capacity, will accompany Mr. Lind, or leave soon afterward. Rumors persist that General Tre- rino, who has been summoned to the capital, will become provisional president, but confirmation la lacking, and this report is offset by another that General Huerta has called in most of his retired officers and many of those on detached service to report for duty. General Felix Dias, who started for Japan as special Mexican embassador. sumIs also .said to have received mons to return to the capital. As an Indication of the cordial personal relatione established by Mr. Lind wit) General Huerta, the president placed his private car at the disposal of Mr. Lind, who accepted the proffer And will occupy the car on the trip to Vera Crug, good-bye- ... . DEMANDS CARRIED BY LIND. Desired Armlstlo and a New Election With Huerta Barred. conference Washington. At the with the members of the foreign re lations committees' of both houses of ' congress at the White house Monday bight. President Wilson read his message, together with the note conveyed by Envoy Lind and the reply of Peach day at Brigham City will be observed this year on September 17. It is announced that John H. Ge.g-e- r will suceed J. V, Eldridge, Jr., as United Sttata ioT Utah.- The teachers Institute of Carbon county will convene in Price September 3 and .will continue in session (Copjrrlht) ARMS ARE SHIPPED OYER PRESSURE 6EIII6 BORDER LIRE TO MEXICANS CAUSE! CLOUDBURST DOUBLE L i r urn TO! stds Criticisms Made by Conference of Bankers Serve to Tighten Lines of Administration Forces. - - it THs ufAH BUDGET IS SWEPT BY ELOOD Rumor Are Persistent That Governor Trevino, Who Has Been Summoned to Mexican Capital, Will Become Provisional President. ' 4 - due . E MISSION - dl asto f;.$s i MUCH DAMAGE AND ONE three day. John Culley, an Ogdpn druggist, has been elected second vice prtsi-den- t of the National Asociation Board Homes Flooded and 'Many Persona of Pharmacy. David Hunter Cook, who was bora Have Narrow Escapes From DrownIn Residence-Sectionthe Territory of Utah fifty-twof ' ing, the ago, died at his home in Salt years Flood. City Being in Path of LIFE IS LOST. - o Lake, August 24. Christian Petersen, 60 years of age, of Salt Lake, was almost instantly killed near the Garfield smelter Monday when a moving crane struck him. I The Scandinavian reunion held at Provo last week proved a success in every way, over 2,000- people from outside towns being guests of the city. Bernard J, Stewart, a Salt Lake tains above the town, stated a rag- attorney, was riding a horse near ing torrent down Murray canyon, Kansas when the animal fell, to the where are most of the residences. bottom oi a gulch. My. Stewarts leg SULZER AFTER MURPHYS SCALP Lower stories of scores of homes being broken. were flooded with sand and watei Mount Pleasant sent in the-th- ree and furniin numerous residences Send . Tammany Governor Hopes to best essays on Why Come to Utahture was almost completely ruined. . Chief to Prison. n the Utah Development league con- Charles assistant manager Hillock, 'Albany, N. Y. Judge Lynn J. Ar- of the Northern hQtel, was drowned test recently closed, and the first prize toes to J. C. Murdock nold of counsel for William Sulzer, in the cellar of hie He, with building. conalt Lake, one of on uer and other attorneys, .Sunday I Charles I and Oscar' yautr Mlle car accident street of the victims salted about their . plans for getting I to B&V6 ft stored stock ot on 4, has in. canyon July Ogden Uck tt Cl.rl,. (THurphi,. Sen.tor I Attempted 1111 sufficiently to leave the hosFrawley and other Tammany leaders, with water. The force of the current by haring them Indicted. It was de- caved la the callar wall, and the three pital for brief periods. p clared by one of them that they in- men John W. H. Morris,. a colored were caught in a whirlpool. tended to try to punish the Tammany Vautrln and has been arrested at Salt Upwall were rescued by preacher, Lake chief. Chairman Frawley of the legison a charge of marrying Mrs. a hole floor, but Hil- Katie lative committee, that has been rak- cuttingweakest ofinthethethree Schroder, a white woman, to physically, Charles Tillman, a ammunition, lock, negro. ing up the was beyond help when taken ouL and Leader of the Assembly Levy, by a negro, la at a Ewin Richardson, The plant of the Ely Light ft Powpresenting evidence against them to er company was put out of commis- Salt Lake hospital suffering from the grand juries of Albany and New sion and the telephone exchange severe cuts and slashes about the York counties, through which they to have been building was badly damaged by the abdomen, alleged also a negro, hope to send them Jo prison. Bert by Holly, waters. The flume which These and other leaders are to be rushing brawl. a during drinking was with water supplies the town charged with. having been connected washed It is not known yet whether the away, to an impeach with illegal conspiracy Lake banks will, receive any part Salt Many thrilling escapes were re Sulzer. w which Secretary of thatf.000,000 ported. Tina Lewis, a Treasury McAdoo proposes to die SLAVERY JN .THE PHILIPPINES-- . girl, -- carried her baby sister waist Ely, Nevada. One life was lost, many persons had narrow, escapes from drowning, the residence section 0f the city threatened with destruc- tion, and heavy property loss cansed Tuesday by a flood which swept Ely at noon. A double cloudburst, caused by two severe electrical storms In the moun- - - . PUT Oil HUERTA 8pelsl Permit Given Customs OfRifles and to of Allow ficers Export Ammunition to Federal Army. - DIPLOMAT8 ARE USING THEIR INFLUENCE ON MEXICAN ADMIN El Paso, Texas. By virtue of a ISTRATION TO BRING PEACE. special permit from the secretary of the treasury, American customs and army officers on Friday allowed the Britain, France and Japan exportation to the Mexican federal Great of Among the Natlone Which Will Supgarrison in Juares of 40,000 rounds ammunition and 400 rifles. The muport the Efforts of United States nitions, were bought for cash at a loto End Mexican Revolution. . cal arms store. It is part of 400.000 cartridges and a quantity of rifles Washington. Great Britain, France bought at the store several days agqn Friday's exportation Is only a small and Japan are among the nations which have Interposed their influence mmu ld b; upon the Huerta administration in Mexico in support of tbd efforts of believed tew the weeks, during past by agents of the department of justice pie United States to bring about , a to be for federate. - The charges are peaceful settlement of ipe revoltuiofl. The fact that diplomats from eome and the rifles Winchester brand are In boxes stenciled - Frankfort of the very countries which not only (Ky.) Armory. A carload of weapons have formally recognized Huerta, but and ammunition boxes is a part of a whose bankers hitherto have floated shipment that Is to leave Juares Sat- loans for him are using their influurday. The dealers are selling for ence on the Mexican administration, cash unconditionally, and the rule is is calculated to produce something to leave consignments at their back definite shortly. Official reports to doors and notify purchasers that they the state department show the Huerta are to attend to their own delivery. regime to be in desperate financial - ..lUr'Dwto . antl-Sulz- in-ict- ' - the bank, deep through the swirling waters a a cFp moving fun . Startling Announcement Made by from her flooded borne and then re-Commissioner in His Report. ngine tnd three loaded ore cars turned to help her sick mother to es-control and after a mad as yond MorChattel of The slavery, Charles cape. Washington. daughter well as peonage, is flourishing In the rls was swept from his arms, but she ul6ht of nearly a half mile, smashed into cars loaded 'With merchandise Philippines. This startling assertion was draged to &afety by two men. Comin a special report by is made The family of Nick Lewis, who and dynamite, but fortunately the missioner Dean C. Worcester to the' lived some distance above the floor dynamite did not explode. Diving from the highest point at the governor generaL Mr. Worcester de- of the valley, felt secure from the JBer different scribes in great detail the flood, but a torrent came pouring Lagoon bathing resort, Osel B. Hnerta. Fort of K, a the In company human traffic of quist, side down forms a beings, private canyon and entered the The president admitted to .his with little prospect of getting impossibility of suppressing the busi-- 1 windows of the residence. The action Douglas, was seriously injured. His that the mission of Lind was a straits, NANKING 18 HOLDING OUT. funds anywhere to meet the running ness under the present laws and the J of Tina Lewis in saving her mother neck wa badly wenched, and It was complete failure. the government or pay its futile efforts at new legislation which and sister made her the heroine ol at flr8t thought it was broken. The demand carried by Lind, which The Power of tho Pure Has Been Al- expenses ,of considerporch bal, troops, already restive because of de- have been made from time to time the day. . Pishing headlong from afifteen conveyed the distinguished lowed to Supplant the Power of feet of cement the the to walk, since the'Axnerican cony occupation ferred ation and esteem of the president, were ' payments, GOVERNERS MEET IN COLORADO. below, Madeline Hackney, the the Sword. " as follows. Philippines. The citation covers the London. The Pekin correspondent entire period down to the present Former and Present Executives Spaniard Attacks American. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L Thar there must be an armUtlc, of Salt Lake, escaped Worcester at Mr, Ray While time. Hackney says: 1. That there must be an honest of the Timet, describe chaotic condl Huelva, Spain. working Twenty-fiv- e . States in Session. valley owing his desk Monday, the American con with but slight scratches and bruises. It has been, and still Is, a common and fair election by which all factions tloni in the Yang-TseColorado Springs. Former and presto the dllatorlnese of the government sular agent at Huelva, William J. .hile riding on the thing for Filipinos living in a territory must abide. , Ne- ent executives from 25 states gathered at Lagoon with a woman' friend of inhabited to troops. He says that within a days that woa stabbed in the back by S. That Huerta must not be a canby adjacent forts 2,000 madman. My. Alcock's assailant was gritos, Tabbanaus, Eongots or march of the here Tuesday for the opening confer Salt Lake, Ralph W. Condon, 25 years didate at such election. the to southerners continue obtain ence of . governors. With they sat of age. was stabbed in the right shouldefy the to apwho advisnamed report, says the discussed Bejarano, Spaniard ,The president and the attitude of the Klang-Yi- parently is suffering from the delu- children by capture or purchase and Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. der by a unidentified soldier, who is ability of bringing Americana out of forta is so doubtful that the war- sion that Americans have stolen pat- to hold them as slaves, selling them Lane,- the presidents personal repre- said to have been jealous of Condon. as Mexico s soon of all parts possible. are bady wanted for an ents of an 'important invention be- to others whenever it proves finan- sentative, ,to advise them relative to which ships, To this end an appropriation of Theodore. Tobiason, named to sucon dare not venture longing to him. assault Nanking, has already been asked from conceed A.jT. Johnson as president of cially, advantageous to do so. Such the policies of the government Colorados welcome by Governor the Swedish mission- ,- has left Salt past them. unfortunates are clearly chattel gress. sold Ammons was further emphasized by Lake, and he Is now on Nanking is still violently resisting are often and slaves to repeatedly The president recommends to the VALLE REGINALD F. DEL three attack M. C. Cleeson of Colorado his new government by resold. and resiMajor been a of and He execise has says the patience people post the in districts Mes, other the and A Governor be Springs. response, by of Forest Dale ward for twelve he Still expects the situation to Two, Met) Swept Over Dam. William Spry of Utah, followed by the I years. general flabbiness of the provisional worked out along peacefuliines. Minn. While , hun- appointment of a temporary chairman administration encourages Isolated Minneapolis, Jacob Loew, 17 years of age, dreds of bathers and pleasure seekers Ban on Wiggly Dances. risings against authority. The power a committee on arrangements, centjy from Germany, suffered fatal looked on,two young men on an im- comprised the scheduled program For Pur8e- add,3 th correspondent. Madison, Wls.- -A ban on the tango, injm-jewhen he was caugnt be- to supplant the allowed were swept over the morning session." been raft of has logs, provised win be dances and wiggle tween the shaft wall and the platbunny hug of the sword,' and," conducted the government dam, one drowning form of an elevator in Balt Lake, put on alt university parties, accord- power can war Go Pensioners last falls in the swirling waters below the on the lines, the Hungry. death occurring a few hours after ing to information that is given opt forever.present and the other being reached after he London. Hundreds of army pension- the accident , by some of the members of the fahad clung to a pile of logs In mid- ers in Chelsea hospital, the old sold-- 1 V 1 While pushing a truck loaded with" culty. SPARROVf FOE TO WEEVTU stream for three bourse lert home of London, went hungry express packages, George W. Harper, Tuesday owing to the atrlke of elec-- 26 years of age, night clerk for the SEN0R DON ANGEL ALGARA Important Discovery Made by Idaho Decide Not to 8trlke. trlcians of the public works depart- Globe Express company at the R. G. end Wisconsin Scientists. Erie, Pa. A decison not to call a I w!" "depotT fell fainting' as the result use new A the for Wis. Madison. general strike of all Erie trades unions of the employment of n painthas . been sparrow English of a hemorrahage of the lungs and despised was reached at a special meeting of ers at the admiralty. found by T. H. Parks of the Idaho died shortly after. afterthe central labor union Sunday x Agricultural college, and James G. execof was the noon It the opinion Sheepmen of American . Pork are Bank Robber Escapee. Banders of the University of Wisconmaking arrangements to ship their utive committee of the body that such Randolph, Utah. Robert McGregor, lambs to" the Kansas City markets. sin. molders a move would the jeopardize who was being held in jail here for These two scientists, working to-- , Within the next two weeks there ' strike. robbing-thRandolph bank on July 23, will be as the known a pest gether against shipped by local owners In made a successful escape Monday, and Feeney Exonerated.. alfaira weevil, it was learned here ne!ghborhood ef fifteen thousand Saturday,-havdemonstrated that the -- Philadelphia. The - chargee made no trace of tho fugitive has been found, head of spring lambs. ' is not spread, through the seed of before the senatorial investigating Herman of me to report According Nanking Lost to Rebels. committee by Martin Mulhall against alfalfa, as the weevil feeds on the who made an state chemist, Harms, An London. leaves and stem of the plant, but not Exchange Telegraph Frank; Feeney, a labor leader of this of Ogden rivof the analysis samples on the seed. It thus becomes & naturc.ty, were declared to be "false and company dispatch from Shanghai an- er and Wheeler creek water, nothing al food of the sparrow. in a committee nounces that Nanking has fallen, de- - was found In the water that would without foundation, birthJUt The weevil is central labor prirlng the rebels of their last strong-hold- . make it dangerous- to the health of " the report accepted by done has Us .. siuce great importation committee meeting here Sunday the residents of Ogden. threatened one time at and damage' A runaway team belonging at GarKilled By Mexicans. Western Banks Will Get Their Share, the" whole Industry In Utah, Idaho runMexico City. The murder of Arthur land, dashed down Main street and southern.- - Wyoming.- - It 'caused Washington. Banks in the central W. son of over the ning and the western states soon will he Lawton, a British subject, and Eric great alarm a nong growers of the foot child T. Hudson, crushing the middle west al o. jgin receiving their share of the 350 Von Thaden, a German, on Senator on the pavement and breaking his fund that the gov- Edurado Iturbe'a ranch in western 000,000 who were Damages From Auto Owner. ernment is placing in the argrlculturaj Michoacan, waa officially reported leg. Two small children out and were thrown in the vehicle, Los Angeles. A Judgment for - Tuesday. states. , bruised. badly against Ralph Sterling Ferris, (Nearly Swims the Channel. Seized with despondency Max Exportatlon of Arms Permitted. wealthy young man of Los Angeles in Lowas rendered Sullivan F. were aged 55, committed suicide of Permits Tex. Dover, and Rawlins, Wyo., El Paso. grant Henry ed Saturday, according to customs and well, Mass., failed in his attempt to In a clothing stpre in Salt Lake, the superior court Friday in favor of military officials here, to the Huerta swim the English channel Tuesday. He where he had been employed nearly tienor Algars, the popular young Martin Wiezorek, whose infant son I first secretary and charge d'affaires Michael was run over and killed sev government to export 500,000 rounds entered Die water near thejgouih. Tore six years. . The. dead-- . body, withwan In drivbrain, automobile the to rifles wound an a. land an m. bullet 6:45 Met months water at with .to eral ago liberties of Mexican left take and (11,000 xif ammunition the the in by ugly embaaay Washingntndlng ' ' discovered by his employer. . e?4a buy mn thee the Monroe doctrine ie false. tn b$"FenT ico. j at 4: 03 p. m. Although there wai only a slight . Haye Settlement Plan. French Team Arrives ..... , Langford Knocks Out Flynn. Bryan Orders .Inquiry, Physician Wrongfully Convicted. in the grazing area of the ' Boston. Sam Langford celbrated Fourth forest district there has been New York. The French rifle team, Farmington, Mo. The state board Los Angeles, Cal. Wrongfully con- Washington. Secretary Bryan on Consul his return to the ring In. this city af-- &n which Is to compete in the internation- of mediation and arbitration has sub- victed on perjury testimony. Dr.1 Ethel- - j Saturday ordered American ncr?ase of 301,744 head ot stock al tournament at Camp Perry, Ohio, mitted to the striking lead miners of bert Duucanson, a graduate of the Letcher at Chihuahua to Investigate ter an absence of nearly two years In grazed on the area during the last during early September, arrived from southeaster Missouri, and the mine University of Michigan, is suing four the reported killing by federal ot Australia by .knocking out Dan (Porky) fiscal according to the annual year, Havre. There are thirteen marksmen owners a final proposition for the set- of his neighbors in Pomona, a suburb, Edward Hayes, an American, and an Flynn, his' old sparring partner Tuesstatistical report.' compiled by Disin the party. tlement of the strike. day night. unnamed negro. for JIOO.OOO damages. President Y -- ad-rise- of coun- - 1 30-3- 1 I - I I " merry-go-roun- d Al-coc- i Wu-Sun- g i Ifua-gao- vio-tor- n - 100.-00- 0 ' his-wa- 1 f re-an- I I - r i d I g " - non-unio- t e 1 e lgn - -- v i vr 5 j - - crop-movin- g 610,-'00- y, -- - ' -- se , -- Bull Young pay Die. Fjank Found Guilty.1 Los Angeles,--Joh- n V. ("BuH" Atlanta, Ga. Leo M. Frank was found guilty Monday of the murder Young, Jr., a ho was sent to a hospital bat April of Mary Phagan, following his defeat at the handa of emt.oyee at the local National Pen- Willird In the Vernon arena 1 eonjany's factory, of which Frank f Thursday night, ia in such serious con--z auyerintendenL dition that death may I I j- - - Rescued Pasaenger. Return. The steamship Seattle, Wash. Northwestern arrived from Juneau Friday; with fifteen of the rescued passengers of the lost steamship. State of California, eight member of the ships 7 and ten passwngsnv - - ' - trict Forester Sherman. The success of dry farming In Park River Mo. Thousands of men, and Curlew valleys this year Is asFelix Dali will not be a candidate women and children flocked about the sured. In that region 100.000 bushels for president of Mexico, at the election ttelegraph office here Tuesday and re-- cf grain are being harvested ari fin .October, - are confirmed in a tele ceived with loud cheer new of the threshed. This season 1.000 aefiss cf settlement f the Ct. Francois county J dry farm land wa brought nsder gram from General Diaz .himself j tjvation for the first time. ceived here Saturday. . miners strike. - Diaz May Not B Candidate. New Yorlju Rumors that General Women and Children Rejoice-Fla- t k5-lea- re-cre-wr 1 d . |