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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH NOT HARD TO MAKE 'AtytumSuperintervdent A Doe GUESS Not PESTS OF SHADE TREE Re- GOATS MILK IS t Impotuble- Young Man Took Warning. StArilttl lie looked ubout him "My Oiarjei. said a sharp voiced woz tort ble, be nuitered an to her husband in -- a railway car, in legs 'Mv knet s'aiwut era nip i. Kean grt "do you Know tlmt you and 1 once had the .Milks out of io calves .uni eve-- i a roniam e in a railway car? EXCELLENT Nothing Better for Children, ae It la Almost Entirely Free From Problem of Dreaded Tuberculosis. veal Name of Last Relative to Visit Lunatic, out We Know It. are-jo- Proper Protection is Much Importance. tore up.aiui dou. ni h.. The lunati os MCiT'BeacS ; they howled and leaped In the blue sea, quite like tane pea pie. They enjoy the summer outing at our shore branch, the superintendent said. It does em good, poor dubs! ICb a funny th.ng about a luna tic's relatives. There are reliablnta tistics about the 'wayjiJunaUqj, re The comnTon' nillk goat can be kept by the families who cannot afford to keep a cow and as the milk of the goat Losses Are Frequently is highly nutritious it is an excellent Caused by Overwhelming Attacks ufcstitute for the cow's Wilk. For of Insects (Keep chitdren thire Is nothing better and It Pests In Subjection. is a well known fact that it is almqt entirely free from luberculosisr (By g A. FORRES Rut, answering a question of a cor The protection oftke shadatxeea s to whether it is profitrespondent-aand ornamental shrubs of our city .lives standby him. able to keep common goats on the. The relative a ho stands by a luna- parks against Insects has been for farm for the milking purposes, we tic least, who stops visiting hitn,,in several years a problem of increas- should as a general rule it la that say the asylum first of all, is a brother ing importance. Many of the moat de- noL The next relative to drop off is a sirable trees and shrubs are liable to Goats require the proper feed just wife. Tha sounds hard, but its true show destruction -- by obscure insect as other animals if they-ar- e the.aame little if pestq at all, by understood,' Dont count oa your wife if y outdare to give large quantities ol expected going to beconfie a lunatic. Next, hus- those immediately concerned. one lives near a large unless milk and Trees which have grown for years bands drop off. A little truer than where goat's milk, can be sold tc city wives husbands are, but only a little becoming more attractive, more valand rich patients oi Next fathers abandon the lunatic. uable and more highly valued year by hospitals it cannotprivate be disposed of to Next sisters. year, begin to weaken and decay, and physicians, i advantage. One relative never abandons him .Common goats are cheap to begin till she dies,' or he dies, she comes with; they cost little If a small flock regularly on visiting day, bringing unis kept on a large farm, aa they can derwear and ties, cakes and tobacco pick up a pretty fair living by brows provided, of course, that the lunain on the place. tic's a male. If it's a female this On the otherhand., the odor from relative 1b equally falthfuL And even the bucks is intolerable to most people though, as sometimes happens, the Goats are difficult to confine within poor, mad creature hates her, nurses bounds as they wilL climb fences ol her, tries to strike her a hen she visits almost any height, and their favorite him, she still remains faithful. When A Elm for Made sunning place is the, top of the barn ths Trap her visits cease they cease for only of Strawboard and Smeared With roof. Altogether, we should Bay that one reason death. the common milk goat is entirely out Tanglefoot Nor do I need to tell you --a hicb of place on the average farm. Used relative this one is." the owner does not know why. This to supply milk, for special purpose! is often due to borers or the scale or by people who are unable to keep Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Symp for Children Insects or beetles, the presence of cow they are more or less valuable. teething, softens tbe guns, red nee which has not been detected or suswind n eoileSe bottlej pnlnnres pected, but which injuries might have USEFUL AS HAY RACK LIFTER been prevented if the facts had been Sign. I this feast to be a mad revel? known In time. More sudden losses Arkansas Farmer Has Automatle Guess so; I can see the champagni are caused by overwhelming attacks for Heavy Wagon Bodis of bottles foaming at the mouth. Insects, which, although How It Is Constructsd. ' conspicuous, are not dealt with because proper measures of procedure The Tender Skin of Children I have an automatic unloader foi la very aenaltlve to heat Use Tyreea are not known. heavy hay recks and other wagon bodBut, of late years, a great work has ies that any one can operate who Antiseptic Powder for all summer akin affectione. It quickly affords the little been accomplished along this line knows how to drive a team, write F. sufferer relief. 25c. at druggists or through proper experiments and obFort Smith, Ark., tn the of Hathaway sample sent free by J. 8. Tyree, servations. Careful examinations- - are Chemist, Washington, D. C, Adv. being made of the affected trees and shrubs and the life history ofthe Insects causing the injuries is being Desperate Remedy. From the roof of a building the studied deeply. This is4n order that stranger looked down upon a park authorities in control of parks, boulewhose spare grass, scraggy shrubbery vards and streets, and owners of and Btunted trees were almost tram- lawns and other private premises may pled out of sight by a human mob tbat become posted on the habits and char surged round a speakers platform in acteristics of the pests, and know the middle of the park. hew to combat them. "Whats up? said the stranger. "A Take, for instance, the elm tree, suffragist riot? The spraying of large elms 'is, of "Worse than that," said the guide. course, a difficult and expensive operThe park grass has been in a bad ation, and the canker-wormwhich way for several monthB, and a local cause great injury to these trees, are politician has called a mass meeting of less susceptible to arsenical polsona Thaa many ather insects. A cheap 1L and efficient method of protecting the Hay Rack Uftsr. tree Is the preparation of adhesive Climbing Up. for trapping ths Insects Farmers Mail and Breeie. Figure 1 - Art in America is not - respected,1 preparations, which creep np or down the trunks shows one section of tbe frame as It said Arthur Stringerr the poet and f the tree while before the appears unloading, nevelisL "What ice does a poeC cut When the elm caterpillars are full Fig. 2 shows the position of the frame among us compared with a Rockefel- grown they leave the tree to pupate with the rack on it The posts A are ler or a Carnegie? In the earth, and the female moth 4 4s set firmly into the ground ' by Poets are rated Incredibly low emerging, being wholly without wings, These posts should be set about 6V4 in a hammock I As reclined here. can only reach the tree to lay her feet apart crosswise. poetizing on a farm lawn last' week, eggs by climbing up the trunk, The length and height of the frame a tramp approached and asked the this la encircled at the proper time by upon the racks used, BB are depend farmers wife for pie. a sticky band Impassable by her or She gave him pie, and, while he by young worms just emerging from the lifting braces, which must be well ate, they conversed. I heard a snatch the egg, the tree la virtually secure made and securely bolted to the posts yet not so tight as to hinder their of their conversation. against canker-worInjury. from moving freely in the loading ot You say you used to be a poet? The sticky substance may be apof rack, .The C are unloading woman. said the plied directly to the bark aa a deter- 2 by 6s bolted to the pieces braces lifting That'a the tramp Yesm, replied rent against the attack of borers,' or At their forward enda two - - short piece how I got my start. may be used on bands of paper, tin, of 2 4s (E) are bolted that strike by hr strawboard. For the elm the rack as it is being driven Not Disorderly. a trough shaped band, the In- against between the frames, tbua.hringlng up exhibto art the So you have been side of. which-i- s smeared with-the the lifting frames and raising ths rack it? off tbe wagon. ' "Yea, and I found several Whistlers Two crosspieces of 2 by 4s D) are there. bolted lengthwise to the post to give "You dons say! Why dont a guard the frames rigldityv Two hooks (F) put them out? Birmingham are bolted at the fbrward end of D to stop the forward movement of the lift' ing frame. These are placed a little At the Railway Restaurant past the oenter so as to lock ths frame "What shall I order for lunch? while up. Two pawls notched at one Since you need iron In your blood, end are bolted underneath the reck railroad some frogs? why not order frame with the notched ends against the rear bolster of tho wagon. This prevents the reck slipping hack aa It rises from thoraragon. Sui-den- HOWLAND iEXRY Un-load- leaf-eatin- mu&i leaf-beetl- e -- Age-Herald- Post Toaisties 7 lor Lunch - Appetizing - and wholesome these hut Summer days. No cooking no hot kitchen. 4 V Ready to eat direct from the package fresh, crisp ami dainty. Serve with cream and sometimes sugar-a- nd fresh berries or fruit p( . Post Toasties are thin bits of Indian Corn, toasted to a golden brown. Acceptable at any meal Post Toasties. SdJ by Grocer everywhere. . be-to- n tste-th- plo-nii-; Y 1 e,-;- tvtr slip-pet-- s y ' ' W o n f 1 t i U I i kjll V ir It Thi'iLs r tv ikr up Uu Jin at v Ik . iiu'tbs tbe I h vfiUll t -- 11 I w I r tvp ft t 1 i v. uv - vv MM A 11 a mist Plea for Mere Hygienic Gravy. U niart-jtin weekly paper -A rJ by the inttniUs of the military jit'fvTiH tin trim 'imat'i n, Mini loitfaU) vu fctttit b u prison at Fort l.eaenuorth,.oiTeis t,h l If the Tlie-- i for it ltitt.- - white 1011 watch it.e mild suggestion to tho cook: A ot ihe task with intrusted gentleman imthci t'ot.s, tmidi , t. soon to accompany the Ri ton,uk itn th ; making browu gra I Y tr ih. s begin to j.nrd ulus . bone steaks serud at this great whole in front It m.liis tluie U luar-C'ter. yxili lake tho troubte to toad j end of freight, long preoton. read a few lines in any old cook book ho will distoter that iLJsmposeible to use hot wateKand produce luinpless grayy. If he haa uny spark of sym pathy in his soul .ha will reulUel!tt uncooked flour Is the boupm ft lend of A little rcgnrd for the Indigestion great regiment that toasts hfre should furnish comfort in the consclousuows of duty well performed. i 1 - AtuVai-.yhos-- is-.uo- d . K n- - man look down hie voung-uqnnrrie- iinniedtatt a sTat, l .1 dif-i'-. -- n j v sitting bv, fe4' from THE RIGHT SOAP FOR BABYS SKIN i - t In the caro of babys skin and hair, Cutlcura Soup Is the mothers favorite. Not on'v Is It 'unrivaled In purity and refreshing fragrance, but Its gentle emollient properties are usually sufficient to allay minor Irritations, remove redness, roughness and' chafing, soothe sensitive conditions, and promote skin and hair health generally. Assisted by "Cutlcura Ointment, It is most valuable la tbe treatment of eczemas, raihes and itching, burning infantile eruptions. Cutlcura Soap wears to a wafer, often outlasting several cakes of ordlnary, soap and making its uae moat eco- Availability In Prospect fear am not worthy of you Never mind about that Between nomical. mother and my volt I Imagine we ran Cutlcura Soap and Dlntment sold effect tho nervsaary Improvements throughout the world. Sample of each Chicago News. Skin Book. Address post free, with card Cutlcura, DepL L, Boston. Adv.' Getting Close tb Nature. Tbis U an Interesting inortng picPa Explains.. what does . ture of frog culture. Pa, slo-n-mean? "Yejs, and If It were a talking movThat Is merely an Italian word ing picture, we might even hear the Now. for a little chin music, son. frog's croak. run along and play." Queer Struggle. Th'ere Is one extremely odd thing Up Against IL That woodpecker may be persHL-en- t wllch happens often in summer. but 1 think .he's beaten this time What Is It? -Whata-h- e Thnt there should be sueh a hot 7 trying Drill a hole. Into an Iron trolley time over the price of Ice, I 1 32-- meturcu that are dear (o you keep paaainjt. to return no more, Teu avek the suard who bravely save Tb you reaeon to hope on before, He la an opttmlef In spite of all ebatruo-tton- a Well that arise; e soon begin tq make up ' reassuringly -- ttma.. he replies Tile freight at last goes rumbling paat, you feel the train begin to start And hope onmea roy ly stealing bark to find a lodgment In your heart, Tou watch the rapid flight through apace, but welcome every jolt and jar TUI presently you hear that theres a hot box on the. baggage car. wwtrr ' to-do?- Is that amateur roualcul organiza- tion moribund? Its worse than that, as a door nail its as dead -- " . polo. Improving on the Idea. Mean Man, , Papa, I want an ioe cream sundae. All right, dear, remind roe of it galn, this Is only Tuesday. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought. HIS is the caution applied to the publlo announcement of CantorU-th- t has been manufactured under Hie supervision of Chaa. lI. Fletcher for over 80 years the genuine Cantona. We renpoctfully call tbe attention of fathers and mothers whn purchasing Caatoria to eee that the wrapper bear his signature in black. When the wrapper is removed the same signature ap- on both sides of the bottle in red. Parents who have used Cantoris for Kars little ones in the past years need no warning against counterfeits and imitations, but our present duty is to mill the attention of tbe younger ation to the great danger of introducing into their families spurious taedi It is to be regretted that there ore people who are Dow engaged In the nefarious business of putting up and telling all aorta of substitutes, or what should more property be termed counterfeits, for medicinal preparations not only for adults, but worse yet, for childrens medicines. It therefore devolves on the mother to scrutinize cloeely what site gives her child. Adults can do that for themselves, but tbe child has to rely oa the mother's watchfulness. Genuine Caatorla alwaya hears the signature eft T s, - I e , - Charley 1 1 . HATE-- g m re piled 1 tafttmnt-tton.sdlny- s ! 1 I Leaf-Eatin-g Leaf-Beetl- e, d , I - -- ri ft rnT'oTlf,'' eT'rTjn'nTE" 1, n a futniued tone Win, not only can t li mi- isery ji g l i also Ltr everyttnu.Mit ou hadn't, but don't you e.m re'tt ' to the tour viitli ten mini it was that pair of thing' ant d.sttabtng oile, or iwu one, pMs.it.d to ou Ihe Christmas e w re nun led that led to our tn .0 COiUt. t table Httlllg lute Hit ou ti nieiriht-- r how tb.it III tattnr.vt.'i j ol vihirv I sun union nicely e lhos-rv Bit v htt'.d, dont you? n lights uil, Charles, - a'l loo leal j i tin v stroll ,lv Mig-- one d.iv when we wrie doing to a . tuit u b;u) mttT f e p tn a sent, and he g Mrr Un 17 'A L' Of a coiitoi table theati? "hen ou Mi r n t locking I took your ht.id "" I must be ill earning' tin j u' tor tli.it pair of ill dull t h. hove wed ever beeo And vi ,one it, that's Jot What he married as doing Massi s. . unobs-Uint- Thus all day lows by starts and stops the priceless moments pass away And every switch along ths tins Is sst tq add te your delay; But even to the biller end 'the suard. with faith that ta sublime, Keeps promising that pretty soon ws will begin to make up time. Speed Net Necessary. Did I understand you to say that your daughter had already secured s Im ao position as s stenographer? I IL How was to when hear sorry glad they told me your husbands insurance was not large enough to enable you to live in the style to which you had been accustomed and that It would he necessary for Gertrude to go to work. But I thought shorthand was eomethlng which was hard to learn. Sbea only been studying It for a few weeks, hasn't she? Yes, hut we feel sure that shell be able to get along all rigbL You tee, the man she works for stuttera. He Had Observed. The teacher was giving 4 teat on the value of foreign money in America. When it was little llarrya turn, she asked: Harry, how much is a guinea worth in this country? Harry smiled and answered; "A dollar and a half a day. Everybodys Magazine. Royal Metamorphosis. The King,, changing Into four-hors- ed carriage, drove through the Cat' Where do yon tle section." j A characteristic example of kingly little tact. Punch. live, my man?' I ain't got no Tegular home Haven't any home? Why, that's strange You v - . MODERN CHILD. ai Thousands Havo Boon Relieved by tho Genuino WAY EAR PAINLESS DilUp AND INVISIBLE Writs ua and wo wUl-tel- l yo a true story how Geo. P. Way, the inventor, became deaf, and, Aou he made himself This interesting book hear. They Probablj WUI. - - - - ,1S .ABSOLUTELY, FREE. Womens skirts are to be tighter WAY EAR DRUZ COUPLIY than ever tbe coming season." I dont care, let em rlp. (THIOISCIXII ... 709 SCHERER 6Uim CETnOILtRCfnUI have good clothes Not for Long. to wear and you look as if you had Now- I am and iny plenty to rat!- own master! Yes, but part of tbs time papa has Yes, but you are engaged. 8Ilags Toe Bulky for 8wins. Swine raisers are advised against me, and tbe rest ot the time I n in tbe Not Always. feeding young swine extensively on custody of tbe court. A soft answer turns away wrath." The silage, in a recent bulletin from ths flrt Som eftee attonUba tb.On Thing Left for Him. Iowa station. It is too fibrous and "Well, Jim Jones only got madder Sivtnf tUXIcIfy f mind, kenyanr V tanli, fault axe you alwaya finding Wby low In digestible nutrients to provs when 1 told him be was mushy. GOOD DIGEST ION, 7 1 can to make satisfactory for growing - and - teeth- with me? I do ths best malar tow ala awd solid btk, Prtco, 9 (ta you happy. ; ing swine. rr.?; r. Washingtons population last year Theres one thing my first hueband Increased The hog has a digestive apparatus W. N. U, Salt Lsks City, No. by only 361. suited largely to concentrated feeda did to make me happy that yosve Old sows will rat soma silage; how- neved done?" ever, if fed to them it sboUld consti-tut-e - Whats that? He died." only a amall portion of their ration. Beyond the Pate. Why do you think you will not care Shallow Garden Cultivating. . Continue to cultivate all the vege- to associate with the lady next door? How can you ask? She has five tables in the garden frequency and children. Dont you know that fashshallow. This is especially true of l . , the tomatoes. They cannot be expect- ionable people never have nacre than Natures finest, put up Eke the tome mads ed to continue to hear fruit if this two. at tbe most?" Lind anil all your trouble saved. ThU extra essential is not properly taken care quality is true ct all lobbys Pickle and Condi meute of. Frequent cultivation in addition 8hc Invariably Has Help. and there is real acenoaey in their uae. folly tothe prolongation of the bearing -When lovely woman stoops to never And does things she should period of the tomato tends to lessen . do. the damage due to the blossom end rot of this fruit Keep this good It safe to wager she Is making , A donkey of some fellow, too. work going by all means. Every ene from Seville, long famed as the His of tho world bet olive. Only the pick home Suggestion. Giving Hogs a Bath. The wages of sin. said the speakKansas Agricultural College saYtf of the crop U offered to you under tho Libby Few things retard the growth of a er. "Is death, lebeL Either tbe Queen or Mansamiln variety Im' in favor of startin' a strike to hog so much as lice. Years of experience have shown that the best have em raised", yelled the walking Insist on Libbys. remedy for destroying the lice and delegate, suddenly waking np. fleas Is dipping in chemical solutions. Limhed to Men. Dipping also keeps the skin of ths Libby, McNeill A Libby spongy noses are not. ws red, Big, animal in a healthy condition and Chica-- o thereby aids growth. Because of are told. alwaa due to bibulousness. cercaused aometlmea a are by cheapness in first cost and lasting They qualities, most dipping vats are now tain disease. But did you 'ever sea A woman who had it? hunt of concrete, - - Mads of Trap for Elm Bo 8e- 8hould Lower Edgo jin cured About tho Tree and Crevices Filled in to Prevent Larvae Passing Through. Leaf-Beetl- e, sdeky- - material, - entraps great num- bers of the descending larvae. Used In connection with spraying arsenate of lead on the leaves, it affords a very means of keeping tho j satisfactory elm pests in subjection. Uss for Cull Potatoes. When potatoes come in, use the small ones that are, of the size of marbles for the hens and chicks. Cook them and throw them Into the poultry yard, and no preparation will be necessary, aa tho chicks can easily pick them to pieces. It is economical to nse potatoes in this manner, those that are usually unsalable can be converted Into eggs and assist In adding to the profit from the farm. Cowpeas In Corn. Every farmer should consider tbe sowing of cowpeas In his com. The cowpeas, besides enriching tbe soil with nitrogen, will furnish good winter pasturage, and if the com is cut for silage, the cowpeas win help the ration. About the best way to sow the cowpeas is to drill them In between the rows of the com 7 tha last cultivation of same. balance M, ... 34-19- 12. 1 . Selected 'Pickles .... Spanish Olives i -- 4 i |