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Show t, r i 3t DC DC 0 DC DC SELL FOR DOC CASH-A- CASH PRiCES T DC DC DOC DC DC )O0T 0 cacht : Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Boots, Ball Brand Rubber Boots, n Shoes at Astounding Prices. . . . . . Outing Shoes, and Oxford Three-blitto- i Red Tag -- Sale Shoes -- yeV to dispose of, and, them and note price, you can't help butt buy. Wc have some i- f- you examine & HJ. Cash! 0 TrJiHoClare SHEFFIELD TELEPHONE NO. 1. )C' at Law. DC DtC DC -Je- C'l.AUOK di ! Osborne Cultivators JAMES T. HAMMOND SALT LAKE J. 315-31- 6 McCornick Block VI TY, - ERNEST LAYTON UTAH - , . WlfA in R. GAILEY Barnet Banking C, 2). Co ., K ay - ; title Mrs. Seth Buttedjfe KAVSVTUS and r.t Brick Plant add lUadll to tbo ftoalth of tbo city. Oonoral Fuming, Prnlt and Vogotabla growing for ahip-plng and canning art Important Indna-- , Irina. Haa a Oonntgr High School, Cburchtt and now Opora Homo. Clip Wator and Elactrle Lighting ara in Homo of ducomonta for lnrostmont. tbo Roflox and tta np printing plant. : Fresh and Cured MEATS Lard and Sausage our specialty A new line of white outing U. Miss lViseilla Layton, who has been visiting friends and relatives hire and at Layton for the past three months has returnexl to her home a t Tha teller A rizona. hats Kaysville nnd vicinity was by a good shower Tuesday Millinery. Adv. diortly after noon. It was the first showemCof eonsequenee for Mr .and Mrs. A. V. Hyde, 1of many weeks. Much liny was Pocatello, Idaho, have been visit- down and will be more,. or less ing in the city. dnnaged but the' benefit to beet fields ami will Joseph Barton' and two sons, be immense.many btlur crops of Price, Utah, were in town Sunday visiting relatives. C. E. Layton, of Downey, Idafirst- - of ho,' waso in Joseph Perkins, of Preston, Ida tin week on business. lie report ho, a former resident of Kaysville irthe water service on new the Was ii visitor the past week. just arrived at the Kaysville the-city-- Highest price paid for anything a butcher can use.- - Market James Chipman, Prop. the rigation project at Dowtfey M rsr, Pauline KaysYilla Msat Jones and Mrs. Norman Lloyd, both of Salt Lake, and Mrs. Reed Stevpns, of Oakley wire visiting relatives in this city Wednesday ; Mill, V.Ubl KytTlll.Bollr fruit Cnnlng MbUihm.Bt, And Office and Residence on Locust street near Bamberger station Hr ii The lmplement Man Layton PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N 1 per-feetjindt- W are, of .Downey, IhereHias. been a Idaho,' is .spending the week in plentiful supply of water every tryvn visiting relatives und friends day "since the " season opened. ll looking-weall over Mrs. Peter Barton and .her Props are' the valley both on iirigated and daughters Clara and Beatrice, all dry fawns and that conditions of Salt Lake, were lcceut visitors are evorAvhere favorable. in Kaysville. . Keep Out the Flies! Screen Doors In all the regular sizes Mrs. WillantjjAiHilb.y and dauglt. " of Fairview, Idaho, visited with friends ami relatives in Kaysville last week. C-r- architect, Jennie Phillips lias rcturn-e- l from the Teton Basin of Idaho, where she visited with her brothers who reside there. She reports' that The Keflex stands in. high repute with .the former Jvaysvilleites wlro 'reside in that valley. . Jn the case of Jensen vs, the Davis and Weber Counties canal company, tried in the district court at Farmington last week, received damages complaintent in the sum of $240. The canal company offered $2."0 as a compromise which was refused. The c..st the taxpayers of the county $214 dollars aside from the judges salary. The ease grew out of a claim for damage front alleged canal seepage. . filled at this reliable pharmacy are always right. You get what you want,. when you want it. KAYSVILLE PHARMACY XShe, House of Cold Soda -- the-purpo- se. Myron W, Phillips, Con fectioner K.ayS'Oille, Utah . - are looking for Shirts and Overalls at reasonable prices. We have them. . . . v- - Shirts at 40c. Mens Bib Overalls at 60c. Men's Plain Overalls at 50c. VVe have a complete line of the famous Paramount Hose Prices as low as the lowest Mens $1,25 Dress Shirts for 75c -- U. Burton its FREE o :;l J&hc House of Quality r liberty Bridal Gifts... 3 5 Acres and Liberty await you "the Oregon Short Lino, only fifty-seve- n at Trenton, Utah, on the main line of miles north of Ogden inthe heart -- of the famous Bear River Valley apple district.- - Five acres of bearing orchard withtruck, cows, poultry and bees will makeyou absolutely independent in a few years. The book 5 Acres and Liberty shows WHOS YOUR DRUGGIST ? The modern drug store, handles a large variety of goods in connection with drugs. The stock is apt to be the most complete and most worthy in, every wity in the store where the stock of drugs is most ample aud best. The careful pharmacist who buys drugs , with the iterests of his customers in ihw'OvUl buy- - his sundries ' the .same way. You can depend upon his having, what you want and you can be sure of "utmost value for the price. We want your trade on everything that druggists sell,, and ask for.it only on the. basis of reliable qualjty. and service. Reliability is our motto and wc adhere-tit in every de partment and detail of our business. v Let us be your Druggists- We will meet any legitimate competition and will not be undersold by any one. acres Hubert of Kaysville. to the has been reappointed of position county superintendent Cement work of all kinds done of schools of Davis county for a on all "' parts of the t o years termTHTnnig July 1, county (foundations, cement walks PH 3. Mr. Burton has served etc. All work guaranteed. three terms in the si me capacity Phone Harry Ross No. 1. and the appointment gives general satisfaction.- Farmington, Utah. Utah MORE SPEEDERS, Sunday afternoon and evening Motor Policeman Lister Gleason was the means of adding $70 to the city exchequer. The speeders seem to think that the' "Vigilance of our police or our reputation has been over estimated but when asked to put up security to insure their appearance in .nmurt they quickly ehangl their minds. With the new signs which have been erected limiting the speed to 13 mils an hour there is no cause for speeders regarding our streets as a speedway. If they want to speed there is a ten mile straightaway course to Saltair which was built for Also they will find it cheaper to pay speedway tolls than to strike up a speaking 'acquaintance with Justice Barnes. Send&r Screens JOHN BARTON, Kaysville, 'Prescriptions , A. W. Nance has returned from Southern Utah where he has been In regular sizes in metal guarding state convicts who were frames-Odd sizes made to working oil the state roads in that region. - order. Win do to William Allen, the - ft NOTARY PUBLIC. l nd. Miss Attorney and Counselor at Lav Roomi vioIin-aBd-jaimC-sta- Miss Bessie Larkins has gone to Preston, Idaho, where she will visit with her sister Mrs. bborge I. Blood. She was ac eunpanicd by tvo of her little ueices who have been paying a vieit to their' grandmother. Kill Cash ! 3C DIC modern school building. Thorough cultivation gives better crops. Better cultivation is attained with - Phone Wuatch lkr Bld. SALT LAKE, CITY. KAYSVILLE, UTAH parted for Kauias yesterday unrnirig to meet with the hoard of education of that place and confer us to the erection of a T. BARNES Attorneys-at-La- w ENT GASH STORE Lester Bybee, Kaysville, Ut Dont Let the Ground Bake HANCOCK & BARNES g-SalerJj1iBe - Utah Kifsiille, ii DC Save the Moisture . mi i The Most of the Best for the Least for Cah - 111 V DE i Peters Attorney and Councelor OIOROE B. HANCOCK & SONS,j the one way out the right road to success and true happiness. Provide for the future now,. by securing five acres of orchard at Trenton... Every condition favorable to success best of soil ample and absolute water five rights years FREE maintenance; prices moderate and ten years easy terms; close to good town and good markets;. liberal assistance' to actual settlers and in fact every feature that you could desire. .. Send for this very minute.- - It may be the turning . point in your whole life. ... Which come from Store are always prominently displayed. People know that our Jewelry. Silverware and Cutglass- - Ware are stamped with the Hall Mark, of Quality. So if you have a Wedding Gift to make, buy it here-t- hat will at once prove your generosity and your good taste -- the-Jewe- .a lry . -- .! .Hut-boo- .to-da- y: . . DAVIS HA'R'Ry Jetveler Popular 384 25 St, The THE Price STORE WITH THE -- JNJER.MOUNTATNT .REAT.TvLrrmpANY S.U. 205S TEMPLETON BUILDING. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH GUARANTEE" 1-- The Reflex prints Butter Wrappers. V k - yL 7 |