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Show elderly people. A successful program and a delicious lunch were enjoyed by all present. . ilrs. Win. Wright is still ill. r. Tonev 1 i )- York. w -- - - '1 home" - KAYSVILLE NEWS from ,.lynmAlIrcd T1 tfrs. Alice Rich has beeiK quite n this week. ; arley P. Parrish' is erecting iodern barn. drs. Sarah Gam has moved to home here for the summer. jevi Joseph Wise is to marry U G L. k e-- g i r ft e x t - Y e d n t s d a y . 1 - 1 drs. Roy Chertey has bign vis-i- g relatives in town this week. 0. EXCURSIONS Jr. and Mrs. Wesley France Mountain Green arc visiting Ienry Rampton and family k an auto.-trito East canyon iday. frs. Win. Strceper, w ho was. rated On .two weeks ago is p : : )r.W. E. Whittaker was improved.-- ' vis-- 1 by Attorney Dickinson of ishington D. (!., this week. lrs. Etty Zink, a sister of F. Walton, is on a visit here. Her ne is in Sacramento California. street petitioned for by the idents of the north end of town "lie not'grantedby"theTounty r a Rigby, who . married nche Barnes 'of Khysville, has, ided to make .his home with mother in Centerville. Iorace Worsley has received relaese from his missionary ora in Australia, and is expect-hom- e the last of next month.j tiehard Mills has purchased 3 es of the old Cherry pasture 1 will cut it into building lots will erect two houses for him Smith, who Inarried ttie Coombs last week has ved to Salt Lake City. His (relation a department manager the Utah' soap factory makes move necessary. rhe Mutual girls gave a party ong themselves Tuesday even-- l 1 l v ( o.iii ! I ! ! v . ' i I I ( i v , re-so- v 1 -- - -- I , 1 ijo-r- "vv g?r-- -- i ( ) i 1 -l h-- . , i 1 1 vv thc-hoodo- over the Mountain road rematk ed that she had no idea that linn wre so - many -- beauty spuLs. around Kaysville although iad been passing through place on trains and in an or hum v vents. kravats for men who care CEO. T. BEESLY n Crystal Springs ICE Orders booked for future delivery. Phone 24-- 3 die-reside- both-Kay-sv rz:r. i Berries and Cherries ut tie is a sniall jiart of the attire lniHt euts a whole lot of ice KAYSVILLE, UTAH we liavu a bunch of keen styles I lome Baking prices theiiycway too An Expensive labit. Baking bread at home is an expensive habit, nesday. The capital city will lie at that Today, you eAri buy the future home of the happy young couple. William J. Millard local agent for the Continental Oil company has just received mi order to BREAD pat ujf a. sign in, the oil room at "" helK :sl hread M.ilmar' the"t). S. L. depot leading fNo Smoking Allowed.' Mrs. Peter M. Larsen of Robin, or five cents per loaf. Idaho is here for- - a few days The ingredients alone,-i- n small awaiting the return Of her son juantities would eost 8 cents. Ray from a mission, to Sweden, of over two years duration. Mrs. Jut through our gigantic oper Larsen is the guest cf her father ations, we are able to sell the ad step mother, Mr, and Mrs, Wn iread itself, for a niekle. Jenkins. If you are not already using Miss Ivy Millard returned, Sat this ou -- breacbiCs -- Jim months visit urday"fromatwd in her native town, Robin, Idaho Miss Veda Chedgzey and Miss Order a couple ot loaves from Zella Larson accompanied her on today, and see how her return home and they will your grocer the much better family likes it remain'for a few days in Farm home-hakehrt ad. ington. Miss Larson is a grand than William Jenkins. daughter of i Bentz deserving a George notice for the good complimentary care he is giving his- - section of -he state road, from the A. S. lose premises north Farmington to the cemetery on the south. At the time Governor Spry was here a few days ago he told George that he had the best section of road in the state. . Precinct Justice N. G. Smith ROYAL BAKING CO. had a difficult and . complicated SALT LAKE case to try on Tuesday, which on Centerville from was brought, a change of venue. Two young men have been disputing for some time over an irrigation ditch. Af hearing the evidence the Justice placed both parties under $200 bond to insure them keeping the peace. large-yhahitrAn- ey -- Central school .older. members took The d Two-Four-Ow- c- Ington i CALIFORNIA NEW TRAIN SERVICE Inaugurated April 6th, "THE PACIFIC LIMITED Electrically Lighted Equipment Standard and Tourist Sleeper Dinepb&ervation Car. Free Beclining Chair " Car Leaves Salt Lake daily 8 :45 A. M. imin-iienee- . parts of young hoys and girls, ile the younger ones represnted that looks well, wears well and fits well, you know that CracR-a-Jac- k Suit it is a ta $30 Limited, Angele Electrically Lighted Stand: and Tourist Sleepers Diner and Observation Buffet, Leaves Salt Lake 5. P M. Arrives Los Angeles 4:30 P.M The Overland Express, Standard and Tourist Sleeper Dining Car through,. Free Reclining Chair Cars. jgmt tr Arrives Los Angeles 10 :00 A. M, Two other good tralhs.dailyt The Lo d -- $15 i - Clifford When you see a Suit v i TablequeEN d to her home in Salt Lake er a two weeks visit with her ther, Mrs. A m and r Cheney. se," 1 t i reported quite 111 Miss Irtea Miller and Thomas Iowell, of Salt Lake City were married in Salt Lak City Wed- Ym, r I Dahl has sufficiently recovered from his sickness to be able to begin Jtilacksmithing again hut his five' year old daughter, is re of Id to 2. orth I xA. he Centerville Juniors wenjt vn to defeat at the hands of r i 1 are- - now re-ne- , V 9-- J. York. drs. Fanie Margetts has It t i,s VlMtmg With Ji is. ilLvjmt. resting am will m.uk J.iv Mr ?i shir mt io jus Th lu rvi.il in tin drjest YtThTT U'e li.'u' imniig of ,V m w h v n m n i sn. afTTTTI F 1m avliiTSTil F ilijia p u mist r.f ili th Mh. ij tstuhlislhd a modi i'.iii p it tln't tilt r ditidn.s alter passing Miss 'Nellie Hess cf Idaho, is litPll !,ts ' d tm site md is 11 ov idl'd This is the plant. po.v.j ' t visiting her mother Mrs. Arthur d hi i "iu rv a t luii o', list pp'nv 'the that A sever hailstorm visit, d tn Oil Dustin. G ,111(1 ol I v,l' I, vi'Ui tv, i tillin' p.i unni should praefar ms iif Harev King and G. n. a l.ulmlrv sf7ui w 1k' n tor tuijinio ,i Mr. ad Mrs. Steed Butterfield uinh eloped Beesfa, aUeniuun Gu n,i Tuesday Gut art sold at (ot, tin to phi .use of mail Ulof Foratelo, art; visiting Mrs. Butis farm the tmifrtrr-p- i mts motli'i n linti th''lmg II ti mil ot lip .ii l.jj them up tor the" Mr? lies loekiiig Sarah terfields mother, and tin acre and a half sliaw Mo ot tils. ,u in's leiuei U' ,.t. pi .thousand. ' afs , 3 h irr grrath" ; htrtof " NlSht telephone operator Miss hevey-par- f A'l ts prov idt d It will take two On iJie Beesley laitr the or thrie pais ti Pinplct the Lueyllessis in Salt LakeCityou was of such a eharaeti r iFTiT a few days vacation work, aUiL jnstall t it. nun hntrm ' There will In ti big Knysv die thu damage was rmt sn gnat ndiinee at the hall game Mie- A j anal has h.eti n n- rin t d h d atti en Mr. ad Mrs. Andrew Hess, of KavsviUe and Laj(toil oil r tl e Mrs Williaiu llnvvell. of Ogih h' vviU make it pdssd !, to Bingham, are here for a weeks havtoti nt surtaie. th, lake mv ithe fiehtSahirday nfter-- i and Dr. T. B. Strauss, of Gtv.u vacation visiting with relatives. the! upon, ot tut and tin hanks Layton tfiprACon all the Rivtr, I tah. wen the gucs-ts uf Mrs. Uampbell, of Indiana, the Mr. ami Mrs. .W. P. U unrs In e to an like arc favnd Um' playevl bet Ilppi tsmi mother- - of Mrs. Lewis ' Abbott, is Suudav. It wax tl u first visit t t t th it he pn s. nt siirf.i r w ill has sasmi hut the Jvay s ilhp hoys a Utah Visitor for h few months. of Dm tor Strauss to Davis have een visiting a Voodo doccounty he ais. d sevira! teit wjn n the who has givjen them 'the dope tor will nvir'into the turn that ddih h G he it and was tliemun Jr, and Mrs, pleased Q Knowlton Jn U will si are awav th.it ted bus lil.s lull' die eompli aft Mrs. a r the Howell, are Gup happy parents of a new ;rj. verv . to Artluu Watkins of by i ' daugh-Aiulre- Farmington Juniors THE ROSE CITY, t ct rich and trtft Puvtt county County of lb MlUr JPTorui coiuny, th Uffr4 grower of hot hOM lover in th of th fimou taouuUtlR rviuntry. n Wtr M orh KlfrptrtcIxMgwiif f rassft, A flit pine1 for Lwuie pi-es- 7 ! 1 Shoe Shop Jen E. Rich left Wednesday to a nd the wedding of his lmlssioners, FARMINGTON Electric leorgc M Cannon is building a v packing shed in the center of large orchard. ames Smith left for Alberta, iada last week to spend the imer with Lis uncle .John rish. .V A-l- NORTH and 21 Via Oregon Short - Line. Low rates to Northern Utah and Idaho points with long limits. Other similar excursion on July 3, 5, and 19, also in August and Sep- daughter born Tuesday morning. tember. See agents for rates and Daniel Devine is now wire clFef in place of NrAUTTiiiltfi furtherpartieulars. who recently resigned from that position. Doctor A. Z. Tanner and family kre moving to Layton where a larger field is open for the doctors scientific labors. Miss Sadie Foss was a Farming-tovisitor, from ireston, at the home of her parents, from SaturKaysville - - Utah day until Wednesday. Sewed Soles, Mens.....- -. 75c Mr. Bamberger is having a Sewed Soles, Womens. . . . . .50c fountain installed at the Heels Straight ned 25c drinking station eorner, on btate and 2nd. West Streets. Good Harness Repairing done at Mr. and Mrs. II, O. Back, ijnd HINSONS ELECTRIC SHOP their twins, attended the. John Back family reunion which vvus 1 ELEl'IlONE Leld at Bountiful Tuesday, Miss Clara Stee l and Frank Col meye of Kaysville, were married in FanuingtonJasU week and June e. atly mljJwiGwof atcher, Arizona, arc visiting with friends and relatives in Lay-teand Kaysville. Arnold M. Barnes .had an operation performed on his nose the first of the week,"Jy Doctor Stauffer of Salt Lake City. ' Ticket No. 309. held by Win Webster, drew the kitchen eahin ft givetr a wav fay John Bar tour th furniture dealer. The drawt ing was held at The Reflex office Tuesday afternoon. At the inv datum of (iiiomor G. L. r, me. .iiui-hIitgi storage improvement will Amniojiv of CoInGuli', the iihtor ncr in (hinge ot th,. votk nt ' ry valuahh to the farm-- i lu'4 of Ihe Helle ,itt mMed a session the gi e,b .! mi on Inar iivrne.if rs who si, ore their., irrigation of the governor's nv untmn ,it Pn s t on, Idol iv u Uv w.iti t'.tiiim I5tac i, in thi river as the - For further information see any Salt Lake Route Agent. Write for California Literature. Ticket; Office 10 East 3rd. South Salt Lake City T. C. Peck J. II. Manderfield A.O.P.A. J 0. P. A. Lon Angeles 8alt Lake City. When You Travel East o MARRIAGE LICENSES Co. Stewart-Burto-n General Merchandise UTAH OGDEN NATIONAL .BANK i r UTAH . $180,000.00 Capital and Surplus . . . The Utah National Bank has always main' tained a position of stability and offers to its depositors and clients a banking service of exceptional value. Cheeking accounts (large or small) Are cordially invited. RALFP E. HOAG, Tret.; W.J.PABKE&, Wcc Prtt.-JI- . J. PEERY, Yice Pjtz.; JL V, McLNTOSH, Guakier Jane. 4. .John Dont buy your ticket via. a broken route part oneiy-- ; tem, part another.-T- ell the Ticket Agent yon want to go "THROUGH VIA THE OVERLAND ROUTS AS FAR AS IT GOES. S. M. Christen- sen, age 31 and Hanna W. Neil age 32; both of Salt Lake Cit June 4. Frank Colmere, age 2 of Kaysville and Clara Steed, age 16 of Farmington. June 5. Ancil T. Johnson, age 50 and Emma E. Erickson, age 25 both of Salt Lake City Jane 5. Robert C. Longford, age 23 of Baltimore Mdf, aiu Beulah J. Haines, age 20, of Norfolk, Va. . June 6. Robert W. "Weech, age 21 and Stella Jensen age 19 ; both of Salt Lake City. June 7. II. C. James, Jr., age 27 and Anna Lininger, age 25 loth of Ogden, : Ask any turn, John G. M. Barnes has gong to San Pete county on business con imlnrfnr ESeted with kk There are Good Reasons for . this suggestion, Agent about reduced - fares at various times during , the year. " D E. BURLEY. Gen. Pass. Agent, they are -- Salt Lake City -- " . L T Through train , - service via the direct route, short rout, equipment the best money can buy, substantial road bed, new and dependable, and EVERY 13 PROTECTED BY AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEC, TRIO BLOCK SIGNALS, v In merchandising you buy the best yon can get tzr jtzr jncney, WHY NOT YOU TRAVEL. BUY THE O WZTJ v |