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Show ' COeOANUT GROVE, FLA., IAYSVILLE Latrel ai DECORATION DAY, 1913 matter Feb nxary 15, Mil, at Kaysrllle, Utah second-clas- s under the act of March ' This is a wonderful day, a living. The papers you marvelous age are wonderfully interesting. When sent me from Ogden takes $n new life and V you are away from home, everything sometimes trivial things become thrilling. I note that every few day3 a very interesting purporting to be a testimonial of some worthy A endorsement of Plant Juice. My curiosity is awakened I wonder the source of these unending chains of testimonials. I happen to ; I wish you would know some f the good people thus thrust into prominence rf he has Juice ard of Plant bottle a to him buy see Geo. Shorten and ask and hisfmdchemical make-publish to analysis desk of his room on the top 3, 1879. MY BELOVED HELEN: we-a- in-whi- Advertising ascription $1.25 per year when paid in advance. $1.50 per year ..on ! ac-Tou- nr overdue subscriptions or when JS?not paid in re advance. Office Phone, No. 10. Residence Phone, No. 34. " fi a WHY WAIT? riiere is plenty of , money bm hind i the project to provide ir rigation for the large tract nd aou.h of the Weber canyon above tbe Davis and-W- ebT -- ties eanaL " No reasonable ; - r W bought a gingham dress of George when he owned the wash goods counter He said it wouldn t fade. m the Ogden Z. CM- I, and George doesnt-li- e. -home-madscap, wr? ch I made T took it. home itwith some on George. We serenely from concentrated lye, anti it, didnt phase it. You can depend wait his report. In the meantime I hope Dad will survive without having to take any Plant Juice. lest George find a serpent in Its all right to wear serpentine crepe,- - but beware cannot express the feeling of love ihe Plant Juice. I certainly am feeling fine today, and I. have for YalL Ever your fond MOTHER. - and-wash- can doubt the1Trmmeia ability of the company to com plete the ditch, andprovide tlie water. No one questions for a minute the tremendous benefit , , that canal would be to the whole east side of. the valley. And yet many land owners in '"the region to be helped hold of the fromjnaking eontracts-wit- h Copyright, by Idiunn.i-r- 1913, m International lflc KxpoHltlon Co. Boys and Girls , Imposing Facade of Machinery Hall, the Largest Building at the tional Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Interna- Panama-Pacifi- c . of-ywe .Most every-o- ne mostevery- - oneof you like twgo to the picture iow and see the moving pictures, FREE. Every girl or boy who buys a 25c pair of hos& here will be given a free ticket to the picture show this week. Ana believe us on.Jhis irorclad assertion that we will give ycu as good a pair of hose as you: ever bought for 25c. Yiu can prove this by ccmparison ThaY is goodlogic isnt it? Tickets good . . . up year, old. If you want to get all there is in it foryourjnoney spend it at the company. - They are only ou delaying the dawn of that day when the Sam Kidge aad thousands of acres far ther south, in this and in Davis county, will be lifted to the high est posable state of cultivation They Bimply put farther away th time when all that region must prove the richest garden spot in the whole state of Utah They are standing in their own light. That may be their bus incss. But they also are prevent ing add riches for their neigh bora, who are ready and willing to complete their contracts, an hasten the ditch to completion. Every considerate n urges the land owners to the south to volunteer their help. The pro ject is safe and sound, certain of vast benefits; but it will never be built cth'RS the people Interest d prove-thei- r interest by their actual signing of contracts, Ogdn Examiner -- . - -- i , V Inter-Mounta- It - UAL PROGRAM -- Idaho, vjhch convenes June 8th. and Thursday of next expected that at Jrecst one" thousand delegates will Talk on the' Japanese Home. Song in Japanese Language. Exchange Programs. West Point to West Lay toil. Syracuse to Clearfield. Ckarfield to Kitysville No. 2. West Layton to Knysville No. I ay ton to West Point. ITaysv illf No. 1 to Syracuse. Kays ijlc No'. 2. to Layton. ii 1. Program to be arranged by local officers. be fcrent. Some of the best road experts in the country will be present and tell the deleg ats how and why to build better joads. Every county will be benefited by this meeting. assures Jrcsident J. A. Hendrickson of Logan, and the county -- that fails to send delegates will be sorry because it means better roads and general advancement in eviry commun- on-La- da v August (Page Song, (Something appropriate.) Talkjjm There seems to be an over supply of liquor in this community at this time although all of the ' county with the exception of the Lagoon has been veted dry terThe ritory. proper-auUiorlti- My Vin Country. theSeotch Home, August Song, Song, j ev S'li, I .September 28th. II.wc Rvnui of'a Bmutiful . o 1 I in-- this.,,'-uuiuu1 1 . ,( week. His pdfestion that all these patent Inedicines should be analized and the results published 13 one thing that vjipukl be brought to the attention oithe legislators. - ' .1 1 H. C. Bigelow, J.N. Browning. ! - 1 - 1 Dk wilLdm able to resume surely-buddin- it Kaysville his will Id-ah- 1 , g Aade of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled in the most modern Mill Packed in'the EVERY DEALER Neatest Manner. HAS IT , A Great 'Reduction ate tdl o bewed Soles, Mens Sewed Soles, Womens Heels Straight ned J jee b-f- -- - -- s 7 V V.-- A- w- X. 1 - Latest-Styl- telephone e SL 00 upr ..75c 50c Good Harness Repairing done at HANSONS ELECTRIC. SHOP . Ladies Trimmed Hats Horn Childrens Hats from 50c up. Untrimmed from 50c to $1.00. Utah g fn-ld- 7 . - w-a- r r. 'i mi y s- D-i- !I n 811 BANK EXCURSIONS NORTH lalmrx.It- " June 7 and 21 remem bored b hatAIrrWileox tM' over 50 feet frim a'seaffold, ia Oregon ;ho,j-- t Line. Low Letter B beeITaysville, Ut. Decoration fitfrrrghf a steel'mrib buildings atiar- - rates t Nortl.eru I tah and Le Jen: 2 Kegister-fjjy- celebrated here.- - A JastAlareh, points with Jong Jrnuts. Oth-.e- r old and ) program was rendered at the similar excursions on July J, ' and seven other o, and 19, also in August and SepJ. F. Fpul-- v cemetery in the morning, most Odhert-AViloo- x ft Cons, of th speaker being G. A. R. mtmhcgan, last Jlonday, to tear tember. agents for rates and steel electric fa? r f wiVn) an. har-"-f- A. P. Bigelow, Cashier Pres. E. L. Van Meter. Asst Cashr 1 7 -- bo tee j a-- 1 Pres. protected. T render-o- l Pba-an- 1 oof system. City - For Salt Span of 1200 pound, Jdsrku w,ll broke marf s, four years old, thrown from n hors last Friday, ecJt at the side of one; Also set and rendered unconscious for i of good second hzndwork shert time Tutjnot striously hurt. burglar-p- t rnr 1 , to-hi- Vaults equipped with electric Your- - businesrsrilicited.TafeguaTdedand riff Luis, luihuison arrested three imtuv the i barce of asjr.ttu y astFrulai itul Sit urd.iy. 1'lu- C'lty Justnemi 1'ine ot P bus hard Mrs. Jottpli Tipttts uf Ammo, posed a abor on the trio Idaho, and daughter, Josephjne are xisitnig friends here for.' n M rs. a: .M- - AL feiv day s. l.akt Eiti, ilauebter of Mrs Aur bee mail mg ksuutl Augustus DahLV.-bl- m tw sV ai "lN "P'-dcshop is still closed but .Mr. lahlrA,'r D. S. at the 'on two hospital is thinks he t recovering from his w k she and to is iicje. Me. ard Irs, J, though) at" which" serious illness lyts unnud of Sandy; Mr, and James, bod for so long. hirn Edward riiaflin, of Ogden, s s. ox is. a home again Bisliojx, Heher Outle, . wife Ixeneth, the nine year old son1 Rueben 1 Interest paid on Savings Accounts and Time posits. Loans made unreal estate. Tor Sale by All Druggists. 25 Doses, 25 Cents. MILES MEDICAL COT Elkhartlnd. een but ad all sum weekly, yiu are up a pumtatiw -- (if w. nt anT againa powitv ibJO injafe. isAt this an ineentibe to start an he ttoiit J or oing foreed am cunt and ol4tmr"ohe of our " and about t!25 worth of B,uk books? n, 'P' bJ and iienlnudisJ nulud- ue oi,r a no ,n pan of ouralk DAVIS. u .(ytitlMi sh riff Hams and COUNTY beputns ;i'ie toy nig tn Keato FARMINGTON, UTkH :mlly persrms Ur. and Airs J. H. Uobiuson a'"numhcruf friends at tin ir, home on lbeoration Day. A ong tlie out .of town guests dnu4iLul4-4liNt-Th-msda,vmght- Sin i It is not often that a man will discuss a live public question in esu advertisement but that is each what Mr. Ilurst is doing ' ... Known Everywhere As The VERY BEST Dr Heath will be a h ai 1 wUile-f-- t" "inL01 ''!jy,b;nt is wife take-- , a to the lionu I nigemonts a1 out power isi (Oisui lejativis in JhrJJLiL4dieni worthless to spnt next Ii i rHeatlintends U WoofL'stoti was r k" . Ib-put- Capital and Surplus $250,000.00 Resources Oven . -. -- rrrrr $2,000,000.00 MODERN FACILITIES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS We issue Foreign Exchange, Travelers Checks, and tLetters ol Credit. Anti-Pai- n IF YOU HAVE A BANK BOOK'I Of tur institution you haw start-- ! od oq the right rord to sueec'S.' j.ow er towers, just siutli and vv est lUHl -i- f-' o u -- a -- a ri re J it ' t o " y obu-th'"Hatrrr:r'ri,si rt. blew ar-- a- - ouut y thoueh it be t - OGDKN, UTAH Talk ou 'Homo Life m the Holy Land, thiartette, Memories of Haliltv liistnuiiental. The lloh t itv. m Ctah. v unnecessarily fromheadache. I was afflicted intermittently for years with headache and after other remedies failed. ' I tried Dr. Miles' Pills. For the past" ten years I have carried them constantly with mer getting instant relief by using one or two on the approach of headache They are alo effective for neuralgia, giving immediate reliet. C. M. BROWN, Lstherville, lar "Violin Solo Pioneer Sougs, " Ogden State Bank for Dr Miles Anti-Pai- n Pills, as there are thousands suffering September 21st. Talk on tbe Hreeian Home. The Ides of Hreeee. Recitation - $60,730 After-Effect- t. o 20th- .- Talk, Early Pills Anti-Pai- n "It gives me great pleasure to word of recommendation to-t'le- Exchange Program. West Point to Clearfield ' SyTaeuse to Layton Clearfield Jo Kaysville No. 1. West Layton to Syra use. 1 av ton to West Laytorn Kavsville No. 2 to West Point. Kaysville No. 1 to haysnlle No.J VTAH iunp LCS and PROFIT N, wuiN,ARuRsNfts8' U S HILL3' PETER BARTON JOHN W. GAILEY BLOOD, JOHN G. M. BARNES, HENRY H. BLOOD Interest paid on Time Deposit, We always have Money to Loan on good security. Drafts sold payable in all principal cltiea of the world. bus "e?s 0,,crteh Interest payable Public In quarterly. Notai Bank ofTer a September 14th. Exchange Programs. .West Point field. .Syracuse foCWvst Point. Clearfield to S r.n use, Most Layton to La ton. Lay ton t) Kaysulle No. 2. Kaysville No. 1. to West Layton. Kay s die No 2 Jo K ys llle No. 1. July 13th. July Bad r. September 7th to be Program arranged bv local officers. - J. R. GAILEY, Cashier. BRUCE MAJOR, Aaat Cashier t, They Give Relief Without Tann-liause- Talk on the Pacific Island Home, Songs m native language. . President R. BARNES, Director: Headache Aygust 31st. Star Spangled Banner, America, Battle llymn jjf the Republic, etc., etc. Talk,. How these songs were composed and by whom. The Declaration of Independence (In July Journal 1909 Then it is a prop of mighty prompted a persistent effort to Department u altvays ready to er)e you. CAPITAL, Dr. Miles from i Head-Off-- a My Watch on tin Rhino. 0 My Father, in Herman language. Talk,-Familia- Experiences All the people of Davis county extend sympathy to the family of James Dawson of Clearfield, , whose Jittle daughters, Lillian and, FARyHTNSTON -Hortense, lost their lives in the ' THE ROSE CITY. burning barn at the Dawson home n i.vuntx 0 uh( wtit 'f iLb Htul fertile Ihe Muler tloinl con Saturday evening. The people of hvt h rttwer m lie are shocked as never before and Hwrn cvuiitr) LhhIi "i ut Use II t hihI Meoir c hu r we hope as they will never' again LltfntA , rert 'A 6m r leme fail to he Words seem- empty: and still convey the sorrow and sympathy JoM'ph S. tlaikV log for the bereav- in apbastcr rilM. anl-l- m the people feel still ' ed family. eon fined to hix room -- To " Talk on the Herman Home. Instrumental Pilgrims Chorus comes. fore-ug- Harries Hanging Co. KAYSVILLE. 17th." 24th. Su-Cing- L. S. HILLS, NotKinf it Better tKan June 29th. o ' JOHN I should get busy and find out who is bootlegging the bdoze which seems to be dispensed on the free trade basis. Voting against saloons will not stop the traffic in liquor unless the law is enforced. Manyr people believe the saloon is preferable to the bootlegger and if they are allowed to ply their vocation unhindered it is only a matter of time when the saloon will be voted baek as the better of the two conditions. i - Our -- Song, My Western Heme Talk, The Spirit of the Home. Home Beloved Whcoro 1 Wander. Duet, Recitation, ( Something appropriate.) Instrumental Home Sweet Home. J agings yiccounl when tdrength, and you are thankful that save a penny hire, a dollar there. Annie Laurie. 'Song, To a Mountain. Daisyll Recitation, or Song,-- Flow Cent v Sweet Afton, T Ain Folk. Jipie 22nd. WmV 'fs of TnoHthenetir West Layton to Kaysulle No. 2. Layton to Kaysvile, Kay axilla No. 1. to Layton. Knysville No. 2. to Clearfield. & V ! t Songs, . x ilearfield taWest Pend. ll . um Exchange Programs. esPoint to 8 racuse. Syracuse to West Layton, Folk Sougs. Talk, Folk Songs and Home Songs, .Journal 1912.) r Sacred Songs (March Journal, 1912 Have as many of thtvsongs, men ity. Tioncd in the talk, sung as possible. Much1, entertainment lias been planned by the Boic Commercial club. The reduced rates July 6th. railroads go into' effect on Satur- National Song Service. I iw. j, TIBI August 10th. Improvement. Talk Improvement z Heines. Yards. Streets. Public Buildings. Recitation, Where the Women Trade August 3rd. June ,15th. - Wednesday f 2 ain July 27th. in Tuesday, to-1- NorthDavisStake. GOOD ROADS CONVENTION. Several delegates will leave this county Saturday - or Sunday to attend the fourth Annual Con ventiou of the Duet, Improve the Shining Moments. Good Roe 4j xAssoc iat i on in Boise, 53 S. S. Song Book.) i e ed 1 Stafford 2455 Washington Ave. QGDEN . M i Ilf neryT Co7 First door south Pingree Bank. UIAVl |