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Show tempts to drift e the ball safe can win der the most desperate condlt ons or for the entertainment of the vlsitlni consistently. The batter must help against a pitcher who palpably .ta sc veteran, and fhe thousands .of persons MEET TO the base- runner his mows 'rattled. that he is bhml to who will accompany them. Hospital-ItDo yon realize the fact that thoua ys is tonmrk of wmen are now using just as surely as. la war,-th-e artillery thuig except the man al Uie plate iinJ year Fifty or tufautry allows the rutyier a flyii-- o.ui Ha must cover a caxalry 'ago Pei iefUania aided in the work of an instant of hesttation he (ho p'ft.her charge a., from ..t he .south. ON .BATTLEFIELD " yy ,!u x t i hf sto.it "t Some General Rules that A1J, Players Both on the Field TU hit slid run Tugtuix Jut' m t the same state will of the bat- - ''ay "It "is l,H arms wide 'open iii welcome ter gt mg or recemng a s.gnal so that trod ju imm nt, at tin tm a ile.t. and in the Grandstand Should Understand Hie men w both he and the raaney know- that on l r g man w b'V is'' agootl s ,i; i, iv KilterTf-- p .iritig the gray l when the batvt t loiidoss be Big RciJlTlOn Of SurVIVOTS Oi CflVit :'""u,s ? 'atious kinds will be the next pitched .balH the runner A Soluble An'ucptk Powder . . a l'u' '1mUi'k xetirane, but it is lciu r and. when two ate out to stact for the next base ' Tha plMinrsT. War at mucous as for a membrane remedy at Gettsbiirgyon' d u I y of the b a er By Hugh S. Fullerton is t o hit the ; .L. doutdoMea1. m such aa sore throat, ."vasal o iu!i bail- - and toward the spot most likely mis on nrst ajtJ tluu revisiting the scones where fectiona, July' 1, Inflammation or ulcer catarrh. pelvic ih teught. Little ' to be vacated the tnflelder who, the "closest students of the tlon caused hy female Ills? Womea Tnp' Ktdge . llth. J w ho have f metery Hill Culp's goes to takeThe throw at second base proper under the foUow(g conditions been cured say "It la worth k rtgtiiL, ' u. by tGupj Gupoujui ut the hit effective as 'll Winn two nun arc out ami a weak 40,000 EXPECTED TO ATTEND !oi I,'nek, the Stoti'e Wall ana other Us weight in gold." Dissolve In wate pl.U't s wilt hold tin in largely to the and apply locally. FOr ten year Detroit lost a worlds championship practically certain that theuext bjUl has proved, has been found inferior baiter or a slow runm r"- - at 'ho plan-pltnMiiea and to the sadnesses of pTLydia E. Ptnkham Medicine Co. has iifrtr'J and is one run when d no is one to li little win Uhirun to the and The difference hit (he by doing will be a good one to hit. and he wdl thing wrong fwonpHijimasoi mis Arm in arm with recommended Paxtlne In their private ; I X, Y no chance to dis- game the play tn the latter case be cago threw away two by wrong se-- "set hmiself" grab a toe hold, 'and that the enemr-lia- s Who Wore the Blue ahd Gray n,, MddVe,ih Confederate sol correspondence with women. m mg ''b or to with is with emit cover justifiable in what the play the highest double his chances of a base hit advance lecting. Pittsburgh, FY),r ail hygienic and toilet usee It has Ground unt rci 1X1 n p" tTiivTidt-t.Ihgt ii nil r tuir honor within graspr-ehos- e tn tbe-drTtr One oi ami run' tho pdSstng T,J" wrong just Ordiuaril'y both, The Detroit ' Team be Made will Ih.v Memorable look His , fQUa, 0n,y r0cf large box at Drugoy Her the fi.Ui of Pickonce and was beaten Philadelphia a and the Athletics are, good of signals ofleti warns the opposing Manv judges oblett u tin pi.iy upfiss on receipt of waning 1'pald e.ts torlc Conflict Thev will re hicharge -t outu, but s. ,ivlmi saw price. Tic Paxton Tolley Co., Boston, great Athletics came near defeat at teams, teams that h.t pausing ;inrh-th- cate tier or- pttoher'of the intent to l1 ;.t ops eg t'aoo the ui.iri l wig j Mass."" ,tit-"Al1 kvd r o p e Ut o d i yhy. n.uns hands of a. .much weaker team byiersin distress perhaps as often as any make the play The result ts thutttn'-JBy EDWARD B. CLARK. la will go to tht reels 'tifitps no one out two bits of .faulty play Wax juintis on V. Not one of clubs Yet Detroit threw away a pitcher 'pitches out" (that Is. throws SUING ION Dining t he; .place white Meade had id's ttrtTchih these vital things that affected great World's championship that looked the bull to the catcher so tar from the fi''1 and ihijd aniLptd.' ixtu iuTeinrr Mist daxs-avnd four July series was an error that showed In easy, and the Athletics came' near the plate that the batter cannot hit it wei king, the liutt letlehi of Getty sbui g ia directed ho s. mt tn ril ,fot ees In outlie R1 i a the , the scores ought-plate unnerxrei They were examples of same fate, by, lapses in their system and the being' prepared, will lignin tie tlitksiue of a I, ui ntiv.it rod's going to nuke u Rdent Barber Gets Busy on Thatch J i how the wisest of players and man- - In the Worlds series b. tween 1itts throws out tKe base runner Besides, tli't to Mil C vl ill tin e t ban two o? Sleeping Phoof tiiD tvf ' handing of the Blue mid the gitut tteiiath'n of va Oregon M'V, 'Vf will make the wrong choice burg and Detroit it looked us if the either the runner or baiter may inus agers Gi.r-but Mils time they will cant m mth ai ma Mn of what prohablv tographer, lifXhe defeiiMv o ml it tin g mu' when one of two things must be done Pirates did not have curve Jesuits tile with ' disastrous signal, V was ta dml-lt- e , half cenlurv imttleof the w.u al pitchers imnv and af! cl ton tv situation is a Mtuiv of tin' qu moes The plays considered here are those enough, or of sufficient quality, to pre- Still the signal is absolutely Hi nest J. Vloora, a d t hiuct Iasi these nn n of two thouh ft w,(.-- i tt u t neat 'v two vtars t photographer and" that are, played over and over when vent Detroit fiom slugging its way to sary when new players aie on a tean ill going beyond the lud dial nnih m aunies met on tills I" lot tin wit ma d. Other tales of hiod ltivr. Ore , who has been ti.iHi ra it is a studj ot the m of gnat the If club" is in sessfon. For, given victory Fred Clark was forced to and otteii between Mtetuns. specj,idTy held hen t lie) were fate n ill la lTT7 rm'rvtvahl i li.i'lis work.mal j passim? the last two weeks at the lioitlndn the game The great piotdeins ot tin situation and the stage of the game, fall back upon Addins a fairly good, when the runner ts a luslung-jr- ; fid rntn t t i Hon of the country, e fat tn eert ,ai".h of It E. Scott, secretary of the Io deadly flirt, tor t he Issue 7 ninety nine out of a hundred majoc but not sensational curve ball pitcher, entie player The greatest 'of teams game me When "to pav the mtudd It was wait umlt sourh-Htto both ion Commercial club, returned" home with vetthe st, and playeis have been Ur a number dose io ilioose beiwitii aitimpiltig tt odltig loites, was the success of the fans vvll asm tn'ie, . most of them a portion ofTiis hair league players can tell you exactly who was young and inexperienced gone. H dob1,y plat vvllvu litmts,ie till how that play should be made. It is In the opening game Adams was as of years abandontngTfie hit, and run ami tun is' nri iinrjTrfrn nTi'iigTho S dTiTTniat fir 'pray Tngi uni Uprvous TanTsfiaIeh as any 'pitcher defeat, to lie follow d by the lestma life the fit Id upon which' they were garden and making a lawn on the much to- show how plays should be ever was He was trembling and white runner startswhen he sees tlte best count, uiiffTiRov e all to plate the mu Mon of the I nion as it had in en before willing to tire for ranch. He was taking a nap after uke of their A perfectly, executed made, as when fron nervousness and the strain He opporlumtyx'ml the batter, seeing him tieldeis with rt gitrd to the stages of the first shot whs tired at Fort Sum causes lunch when a squirrel that had beet play may be correct at one time, and passed the first batter, w it haut gutting going, protects him by hitting the ball the game f r Ihe vetentns will not be dlrectlv en making its home in the house this the commonest hhiinhl of- - reallv '1 he-entirely wrong a moment later. I am a ball over the plate, and with Hush, or bj lullingof at. it. svt.aa to hamper tiHisI States government and r;uul d In rhoTrottv shut g p.ii k, liieh winter, evidently thinking hie long move aniT datels aie made the government of the catcher"" great matiugets going on the assumption that every one of the beat waiters and ane of the the'Tieedoni-nearly every state Is dotted with monuments to the vari- black loess would make an excellent A of the Do In the disposition of the outfield fneufs Crawford Cobb, howr to play hardest men In the business to boy in- America know-qnd In the combined have Inion to. make ous commands which took part in the lining for a nest, trimmed off a porpitch ho arrange baseball, and understands the rules, to at bat, Adams seemed in dire iroit teatii, have used this system with gi eat many captains--the Getty khurg reunion of the soldiers fight and whhh is laid out In approved tion of ... haiF while he alept which 'are the baseball primer. This-tell- straits There Jennings made the wonderful success, and Crawford el their infield carefully pay little atten of the north and south one of fhe great park fashion, with fine drive H rod. nts teeth must have beea and how the primer Is Interpreted greatest mistake of his c&rer1 He dotn falls to cover Cobb's movements turn to The BeconiTtihetif defenseand peace event of the century. The Kate beautifully kept lawns. TT'cre will be sham," nan the fori The "All .Star team of 1910, which leallv they rely more upon the tn of Pennsylvania some time ago ap- two Cirrups, known as No. 1 and" No. 2. coild, y aueiy feelphotographer and applied by major league players him nt work them .A sregarda offensive baseball;The- prepared the Athletics for their first dividual brain work of the outfield pointed a Fiftieth AtiniverHHry of the No 1 will cover 149 acres and No 2 cuiuag away the hair. I must have tilts Battle of .Getty shurg commission to will cover 44 acres Iho layouts of moved in my championship, was composed of about than they do of the lntlelders maklng of runs. There are two great sleep and la hia excite"more close is are because of crowd playas a they purtly of teams quick the make pioparntlotiH for the four days these camps are based on the use of ment he evidently pulled aome of the thinking that play teams! types ers as could be assembled. They held Iv itf touch with tlte infield and partly reunion, at which' Pennsylvania at a conical tents, each of which will, with- hairs out Instead of for one run at a time (a class now catting them. a meeting before they wrent Into the because of the fewer chances for the state was do aet aa host to the vet out crowding. TuVoinmodate that This aw'oke me and I let out a yell heavily handicapped), and those pereight first game against the champions and outfield to get into a vjfiitl play erana of the war between the states sons Inside the Inasmuch hs nooommodaFons. Jhnalmoat frightened tho squirrel tt play for runs in bunches I he outfield rejjlly problems discussed signals. The second base two in conditions last thousands of visitors who ere to be furnished for 40,000 visitors death. (0 Portland Oregonian. years a change man, shortstop and catcher agreed on more vexing than those of the InJodd- - wolt(j follow their march to the field 5,000 tents will ho required to give bas forced a revolution tn play ancL Mrm. Winslow simple" slgnSHo ""notify the infield The situation malijiy ta forced upuu of battle, ami appropi luted $150,000 for quarters to the visiting hosts. has brought a period of systematic" oothlrg (tyrah ft ChlMrsn tosthlng, sitlfoi ths gnus, rsdaoc Inflow whether .the shortstop or second base the infield With a runner on third uutl the purpose of entei tabling the vetTho quartermaster genera! In a attack with a view of making a,buuch Xluuanisys pnltMJoras wind eollojftn fcottinj man would take the tinow at second one. or none out, and the run means a erans. U is assumed that the shvsof runs at one time Roughly speakis tfr infield tie the compelled defeat, Then they decided not to attempt any meals will be served to the visitors 40,000 Veterans Expected. ing it may be said that fob five years The Usual Conclusion. It Is expected that 40,000 veterans in a manner similar to that used by other signal, but to play run and hit to come forward In iho eatly stages the American league Jsas been devel That young fellow told me a very to is foiced Not once, during the entire series in of the game the manager of the war, not all of them, however, tho regular trooim when tn camp for oping this Bstemxhile most of the touching story," run allow io to dedecide the whether which the were one run survivors of the Gettysburg battle will short periods; that is, by having each Champions National league-team- s they beat For how inuch?" The exceptions at a timeVTdubs cisively, did any batter fail to see score, or to try to cut it tiff, and must be found encamped' upou the field nmn go (o the kitchen with ills mess the runner start, or neglect to pro- base his judgment on lint ability of when reveille sounds on the morning kit to lie served there nnd dining In his were theffew York Giants In the ASK FOB AM. EXS , Ills piti lit r to hold tlm ollnr ty ain to It wlLL be a. dlffyieiiL r i tect him. bunched foul oj. other c o tt v e n h; nt p faces boi.AMijiUoe powder To ak Ini Four July played thex of, hoe. Kelley orna, low-Inprowln a bunions, firs utKfVP ' ta own' is whhli7 oT ijicn velllo than that store, Chicago-Whit- e the fife and course, ex "Tlnr run and" hit isj ruHSlgiuue, and-iNulla, Swollen and Sweating fwt. Boater Visitors to Be Cared Forr iVnms' drum corps of the two gicat uinilcs and Calluu spot. Sold vrrwbr, iSa. Sox. a team that, being strong in tremely difficult for inexperienced bat in enough runs Io ,vvm Dont arc, pi any aubatltut. flampl FRKE, Is 4o be taken Fvory possible care Atldreu Allca Olmated, Da Roy, N. Y. Adv. players. It requires a quick eye, a such as Detroit and the Athletics, sounded fifty years ago The call to of the, visitors. Tho sanitary arrange-jipitchers and. weak in hitters, played for one run quick wit and a qyilek swing to hit hard hitting and free scoring teams, awakening will bn a call to u peaceful nis which have been made are said Al) Right the ball after catching a flouting cun afford to let the oilier team gain celebration while the rail to the nwak ; to he the host that are The team that plays for one run at possible and two a its rather than risk run, ISO Uook There Is sand tn thl sugar. in a getting of call it, of runner whs the moving ening July, a time must have supreme confidence glimpse hev are the result of careful study by Groper's Boy That til right If yon The run and hit is. the most effect- or tiiree, as they can scoie more later. armies to ontiict and, to tliousandto ol uedical olltceis of the In its pitchers. The entire system is service, All the ose it for the dessert old such White the as' esChicago to a call Jems death men, and ive style of attack yet devised, based on the supposition that the xperience of the past has been drawn E'er yeais the vetemns have tn cn pecially adapted to the new conditions, Sox, the hitiess wonders" of the u on to make It ceitaln that the health pitcher is strong enough to hold the not the American ould allow to it league, tills reunion is and loiwi'nl run looking Monotonous. its usefulness as a producer opposing team to a low score. of the veterans will be conserved while 1 have seen Connie In advancing runners being greatly opposing team a run and hud to play probable that tlicie will he pri sent Wliatche gonna do Mack's Athleton in tlicv are sacrifice BusiKto first the camp. signaled tile closest inside, game many thousands of suivivors o' the knife!" ics, thre runs behind, perhaps In the ball pitclmd There was a groan from increased after the adoption of the Willi so imui tlmu Hands of old of the better Many league major battle. ni Hie Fulled Stales gov't in 1910 Tin late in livelier or their fifth "Im gonna play rt&'euttln you up. fourth ball, inning, supreme a dozn baseball men who realized in and utti mianee, taking; into teams., that la. those possessing - fast under an act of cotirtcfh has appro fired can is nor ever confidence in their pitcher, make the "Aw, you always want tp play doo- , There not, be,any s refus practically-waconsldi latlon the probability that the thatJenningawill vary the play when for tho of Intielders, money JOT.' ali is run It run printed prcpuialltn and base one by ing to let Adama throw away his own rule regarding safe, crawling up running runners are on first ahd third, one out the camps and for the mesHin of the wintlnr will bo warm, it Is expected run, tie and then win out The Chi game. Bush bunted,-- Detroit scored, a study'' of the stages of the game and a run to he rut off from the plate soldier vialtois. 'I lie nveiag" age o' that theia will be sickness, but tho All Dead. cago White Sox, under 'Fielder Jons, but had Bush been permitted to ''wait, When one fun is needed, any way to Fifittd Males govt rninent and the Do you suppose there are any me; and the Chicago tubs during Didime Detroit probably would have won that get to second base from first is the by playing the first base mu n and third the men engaged in'the Civil war wus slate of Icnt.sy Ivaniu are preparing who can prove they bad no vice?' close, and bringing the short only eighteen years, but fifty yeais that Chance possessed pitchers upon game in the first inning, driven Adams proper way. Remember that, in base baseman a for service which ahall be hospital forward and second baseman " soldier have since these 5oh passed seems stop whom he could rely, played the same ofT. the slab, and, had "Certainly." to any contingency.'" There they done that ruhning, the more the situation adequate them H "so at and p&rt only the fought 'iWhere's Gettysburg, their .condiproof?" atyle of ball and wop. But as Adama never -- would" have pitched to call for an effort to steal the less will be hospital corps dctiirhments On their tombstones." tions of the gamochange, the style again in. that series; as it was he chance io steal is given. The hippos in position I either to inake a iotig fast computation of age, was a true one the present rendy to to aid render first of play to meet them , must also steadied, won the game, came back lng pitcher knows that, with two out throw to he plate or to kry for theI average years of the veterans who will the Injured, und there will be many meet in Pennsylvania In July will be run- double play from second to first Not Worth It change. field liospitalH w Ith 'surgeon In atstronger and again still stronger and and a run desperately needed, the to have seen Evers and Tinker make t In about t years. Many of them, Ther-kre three ways of reaching won the championship for Pittsburg. ner on first will probably attempt did you name the baby NebuWhy double play from second to first even of couise, will bn much older and a tendance, where the sick can receive flrstbase: A base on balls, by being chadnezzar? In spite of that lesson Connie Mflck steal On the first pitched ball ; when both instant attendance. were playing close, chang- good njany of them, men who entered hit by a pitched ball, by hitting the did exactly the same thing in the therefore he watches the bases more "Ills Uncle Nebuchadnexzar has It is said that this contemplated ball The first two methods are so World series in 1911, refused to let closely, the catcher is expecting the ing their plait like & flash, covering at ages ranging from fourteen to sevto leave him $5,000." promised Induced more interest second and relaying the ball to first enteen years,wllL be younger, but all closely allied as to be one, and they Marquard throw away his game in the attempt, and 1b fortified, the Becond The boy may not thank you la after the old soldiers of the north form by far the most Important part first inning, and almost lost the game baseman and shortstop exchange Big at top speed, although they had played will be old men as the world views among I think he'd rather go out nnd life. and tlie south than any event which to the plate." age. of the sj stem of attack of any club. by it. nals and decide which will receive the in to throw than to carry around that $5,000. ttarn One of the greatest variations of the Many of the states of .the Union, lias happened since the day that the name. No .team ever won a pennant that was One of the mysteries of baseball, fgr throw. Therefore the runner, who war closed' .There is today at Gettysnot a "waiting team" that la, one many years has been the excessive steals on the wrong balh that is, play I' eve witnessed" was madeby north ai well as south, have fflarid apto send their veterans to burg a great national purk, In which and Mclnnls Athletic. Collins ofthe propriations decould the authorities that opposing compel Ohr Not' hitting power of ev4ery team Connie steals when the best twHve tho Gettysburg reuniorr and to pay ill ts included a cemetery where thou were playing-perha'em over ln the groove. It Mack, commander of clare a steal should not be made, is Barry Two college profes-of dead are soldier sands burled. ordiotheir The to the of than battle expense. Tjje Gettysplate they does not necessarily follow that to be leads. I believe the secret of his sue much more likely to accomplish the feet closer were on the sort walking together the turning point United 8tatea government and the leg do, runners were on first and burg is fecognijM'd, 1 a good waiting team a team must cess lies In this street: with pitch' steal than Is the one who runs at the narily one out and s run needed to of the war between tins states. , jockeying toof islature worked It bas Pennsylvania draw many free passes to first. The ers, waiting persistently to get the proper Instant. In other words, when third, 1 Do said must know," one, you to make a park of thq battle--fieln.ar-rbeen called one Collins time of beat the and and the gether again champions. have--- a - double-- . The- - other- - day 'll object is not bo much to force the pitcher outguessed and puzzled and you must you seldom can, and when and- - to ma rk nectrrat ely Generintended to try .the. double, play if declalve battles of "every ' woman d: pitcher to serve four wide pitches as then breaking up yotr don't need tott ts easy. During last it was stopped me on the street possible and to throw home If ally It is recognized fhaf Gettysburg point In It which haa historic Interest the in the both season I major leagues believe that Mack has the drives IF was not. Mclnnls and Baker were jhe jibftl'conflicthelped in When one goe to the field he can. tell ''Your name Is Mr. Kenningtoa, following system of --upsetting, oppos- runners violated every previously actfio derision prohablv by Iho fall of Just where Ibis brigade or that brl st It rw Isnt ing pitchers, no matter how effective cepted rule. They stole with none was where this engaged,-juVicksburg on The Mississippi, which gade on one the or two stole with Tier1 team out, starts out, Tils, Well, todo well!hlsfrlend replied, They may look place virtually at the moment emerge or that charge .was ipntje 6nd one thing in the first inning. If it first, second, third- - or fourth ball where the desperate defenses of "and was It? t!rat"Thirconfliet onThe just Pennsylvania starts to wait otrthe pltcheFlt waits' pHched," stoIe" even with the count one field was decided in favor of the north- positions v were maintained until the; consistently, every batter doing ex- strike and three balls. The season Very Many Like Him. ern arms. tide of battla brought either victory or children are more obSometimes actly the same thing Perhaps fqr was a reversion to the baseball of 15 comto one defeat immediate the which The ''of., the governpreparations ' than they are credited with Three" innings, everyTiatter will Walt years ago In base running servant ment i making to rarefor the veter- mands engaged aa long as" possible "before hitting. 'After reaching second base the probans at Gettysburg are Interesting. It was In 1895 thatongreBS estab- being. Little Robs mother, for in- Then, just as the opposing pitcher be- lem of the steal is much more compli They have been under the charge of lished a national park at'Gettysburg stance, was telling s visitor how "mas gins to figure that the Athletics will cated. Most managers oppose stealJames B, Alttshlre, quartermaster gen and gave the secretary of war 'author- terful another neighbor was in his take a strike or two and begins Shoot- ing third, except in' rare fases, on the home life when Rok, unnoticed beside era! of the Untied STates army, and ity to name a commission "to superinlittle oar. I dont ing the first ball over, the Athletics grounds that the risk does not Justi G the Henry Sharpe, cormnlBaary general tend opening of additional roads, her, put in his 4' change and each man swings with full fy the gain, as a hit or a bad error ot the United States army. Twq years mark the boundaries, ascertain and think Mr. Tate is so awful bossy, force at the first ball. Sometimes they will score a runner from second as he remarked suddenly. ago last March 14,000 regular troops definitely mark the lines of baffle of mamma, do this for two innings,, until the easily as it will from third were gathered in camp at Texas. The tioops engaged, to acquire lands which .Course he docs t lot of talking, but. In regard to the stealing of third pitcher changes; then they will let the berJilh of. the soldier throughout the occupied by infantry- cavalry and he never makes Mrs. Tate do a thing first ball go and every batter will hit With a runner on second and no one Texas encampment was almoHt per artillery, and such other adjacent she doesnt wanter. Ive noticed thaL" T yt I the Becond ball. They keep at it un- out, the sacrifice bunt, even with feet, made so by the plans which had lands as the secretary of war may L til, in some inning, they get the clusMEMORY IMPROVED. ball, seems the play if the scora been carefully laid to boo that perfect deem nee enaftry to preserve The tmpor ' Jr ter of drives for which they have been Is close that is, close enough for one Sines Leaving Off Coffaot, sanitation was maintained. The Unit- fant topographical features of the playing, pound out a bunchy of runs run to tie; or put the attacking team ed States army ws taught a b ? and win. Many persons suffer frona,. poori: in the lead With one out the steal is by the Spanish war, when ion of. Uhen the Union and the Confeder-a- t coffee never has suspect who memory no of is fhC .There way proving justified, especially when the fielders proper sanitary precautions and un prevderane reach Gettysburg on June anything to do with it. theory, except'by the scores, as Mack around second do not hold up ruriners 0 raxt theywil! find on the scene of paredness in Other ways coet' th gov The drug caffeine in coffee, acts Ta'about 'as "cornrtitinicatrve as a d"af wtiennhelives of more men than nefommsly P Jdtl eon fl iet- between ftwaTfd kit Injuriously on the nerves and heart, jrnmenHhe and dumb diplomat, but in the scores weak in watching bases In that sit were sacrificed to the' bullets of the hundred' memorials raised In cominem causing imperfect circulation, too i T analyzed it was remarkablfr tosee cation TwoulT advise attempts to oration of the deeds of their com much blood in th brain at one time, Spaniard how many of the Athjetits jbd the i itu - at -- every opportunity- - provided v a T,BtimateS"'Of the commissary mands on the great fields of the Penn too littlfi in another part This often same thing, and hit the same ball in 'hi team is ahead or only one run be and quartermaster 4. A, authoritio are hjlvanla battlefield.Theje are, more causes a dullness which makes a goo u certain innings Tbe idea oMhe sys 4,'j4 If nearly Impossible. n an two runs behind, attendance of fO.DiiO based upon over, 1,000 markers placed to deslg memory ci,:; I am nearly seventy years old and -J tem seems to be to force the pitcher stay at socond and wait for hitas ; the cost tho will It govnate probably historic Robber!" There are Connie Mac. spots. great was the coffee, that not know lid to do' the guessing, rather than to try chances of scoring on short passed In to act about ernment $360,000 part towers' built upon the field by the gov cause of the stomach and heart trou- to force b.r; to use his full strength, to outguess him And such a system, balls, wild pitches, or fumbles that drawn close with Intent to throw to as host to the survivors of the battle ernment eo that e view can I suffered from for many ye&ra, ' and to get him Tn the hole. which persisted In and changed auddeniy. wculd not permit scoring from second the plate. The ball was hit to Mclnnls and other veterans w ho attend the be obtained of the entire scene of the ble about four years ago." writes until in baseball means to force hint Into a would explain the hitiess, fruitless in- are too small to be counted on The on the second rhogfo bound, or rather Gettysburg reunion. : I battle. Fine roads have been con- Kauss woman. position win re. ro avoid giving a pass, nings during which some structed and everywhere attention has pitcher only justification for stealing third to his right, and as he was coming forA, kind neighbor Induced me to Big Task to Feed Men. . he must piftfr- - the ball over the plate seemed to have the Champ. ons bt his with two The survivors of the war from the been paid to every detail of the least quit coffee and try Postum. 1 had out, in my mind, is Jhat the ward and scooped the ball perfectly, and' was If the count is fwo and no strikes, the mercy, and the sudden, slam bang on- runner intends to bump or interfere he bad aft easy play to the plate In- north and south who will be present, importance in setting forth the history been suffering isseverely flesh. After using batter is morally certain the next ball slaught brings victory. with the third baseman and strive to stead of throwing There he fashed the "being old m$.n, must be cared for In of one of the greatest battles ever greatly reduced while I found myself ' will be over the Postum a little platewhsther It is There is science end ikil! in he force him or scare him Into letting the ball like a shot to Parry at second a way which would not have been nec- known to warfare. beats became heart My Improving. straight, or a curve and he' also actual hitting of a ball, tut the real bail go pat far enough to permit base, whirled, raced for first .and essary fifty years ago. The messing of It is expected that much good wilt and now I seldom ever noknows that, in his anxiety to' make value of hitting lies tn advancing fun scoring This evidently was McGraw's raught Barrys return throw on top of the veterans will require 400 army come from the reunion of the Blue and regular tice any symptoms ofmy old stomon bdses-- . The ' ida in at least two cases during the the bag, completing the double .play certain of throwing the ball over the1 ners who already-ar- e ranges, 1 great fiUld bakery, 40,000 tie Graybn the battlefield of Gaftys ach trouble at all. My nerve sro play" both plate, the pitcher will not dare put sacrifice bunt, the bunt, and run. that asi worlds series either that or .his It was a wonderful jn mess kits, 800 cooks, 800 kitchen help- burg. - Time has healed many wounds steady and my memory declJeCj 'x as much on" the" ball as he would do hit and run and hitting as th runner bs runrurs .blundered most aston 'bought and oecution, but do not ers end 13ft bakers This helping per The oi soldi rs have their better than while Iofwas using ccl. forgotten Postum -7 atthe differ taste, as if there were two strikes and one t hit li jike ntiated from the sonnet will be required to be in camp animosities more readily than , bare starts, advipe any other first baseman to fsbinglv ''N"o club that simply at-ball3 called. Therefore he is and run. for at, least seven days, and many or the" civilians. It is thought that thD well as coffee." . . , Stealing home is justifiable only un tempt it Kamo giveaby. ?otum Co., F ia Mich WrftJ -r tc V Jreek, rL tie once, conflicting hoets will mark tb Road to Wftllvie," r rAlXHL0ST BTELFTSHNES? ores of fragrance, to withhold them of his manhood dry up His flner'na -"' out without' fragrance, and ranges and ta diiwnanUing,-cieanpassing of the last tracer? the bitter - Postum comes , In two f from others, they vanish. The colors ture becomes atrophied He grows beauty, you let, the sunshine of life )ngt and storing materia! after. nesa ,ot the war between The states Rertilar (mofit be fc . packing from htinto your own soul Troy Standard- - tjje encampment Is over! Altogether Too Common jnland fragrance(Qrnot exlstTnllbe fin-- deaf to the UDioa-' of this Iastant Postum C great It Is One of the Worst : opened bud It is only when the rde fellow men. TearVthat never are Press--" boliing but the Human Race. ed for others woes sour to etrlrig- begins to ppen itself, to give out its '' e level Hei stirring i sweetness, its life, to others that its ing acids in his own heart. Impatience. Interesting. of hot v cup Do you enjoy going to "banquets ? Patience Small pane of glass are dlnary and Imagine fl rose tBat'would say to beauty and fragrance are developed.-Refuse'toi)pen"your"p'ur8e, for mocr ' t right Itself: set into the side of anew fountain Well, I can't say that'4 have enjoy gire' away 7 So .human selfishness defeats us soon you will cease to enjoy that A big cup all my beauty and sweetness; I must own ends. He who refuses'to give which you have. Refuse to Jove, anded them particularly; but they are it- - which the market affords. For them it pen so the quantity of Ink It holds can wt L I. will roll up "himself for others, who closes the you lose the power, to love and, he ways Interesting keejT it for njyself. 'will not be a case of hardtack, booGeg be seen readily a betp'-- " ' my fra- , petals of hls charity and withholds loved. "Withhold yourffectIons, and , Patrice Some people are too Imp Always? my petals and withhold iind poor bacon. , v Yes. I never get tired r ' the fragrance a of his sympathy and i you become-- a moral paralytie. - Bpt how Battle of Gettysburg C9ran)tv-love- . tient! Why csi't Uy 'H i grance, The e t fsainn nf the afate.nr v dil the' old stories Gut' behold," the 'moment te- the very the moment you open Cjids that he va e k tni.t to arreap its 50" af J treas- - thing rorers of rourJ How to Win Games SPECIAL TO WO" and-rCx- er - the-da- -- wtw - T - tsj-s'a- 1 - g j U- T 1 . re-t-- m i ! ! a'-?,- ) and-ru- nf ths?," , - - 1 v ,.Agiln-C.a4ee- e 'J' t -- j m m - e j ( L lil-it- f "h -- w t 1 cipt-cher- , I ,f-- r v I - tbe-ft-- of L"P ,.HAIR-CUT-BYASOUIRRE- rs t - , i pi-u- 111 e - j i will-luv- 1 r e-i- v i 111 I -- i v I y ui I tvHh,-e-t-1- -- VCt - te - d - vv s w e s - 5 rOOT-KAS- C he A. h t -- sot-diiv- t - -- of-H- ie way-holdi- - ng sixty-eigh- 1 pitch-erlQp- Absent-Minded?" ps etics, absent-minde- the-Athl- d y - the-wor- ld the-gam- d e and-aske- il-i- -- -- th-ne- 5 - v ?' f 'yt'i , of - -- pit-ehe- - Ti ,, I- e K. vet-tran- mOre-Tha- -: blrd-ey- i I 1 f-- or-tw- , 1 ingej'-pcr- stint-you- J nsn le f- , -- -- crles-of-hel- p 1 - . is-J- j j j 1 -- j i ! the-ws- 1 ' .. |