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Show :dc DC Little Chick i one inch or two inch' mesh. Poultry Netting in all ividths-ith- er Feed the little chicks, you fence, put of your garden, -- Chick Food Screening for yourwire doors; Screening for your windows. Screening for all your sleeping porch and Screening for your cupboards. We have widths froin 24 inches to now and beprepared. Buy your Screening fly timc.,, It wilLsoon be ; We Hog Fencing inches. o forty-tw- avc a inch. f twenty-si- x clu!ny Black Wire to you about it us talk The Most of the Best for the Least for-Ca- sh . TELEPHONE NO. 1. ::rc PWr NlUUk ' Whyjfot? -- and inspect our newly arrived Vhy not" come in today, line 4f , - - - -, mgs had to bo made in' the scalp in order to cheek the infection. Th Duster mi il that the jjuick bc'ti.m of taking her to the hospital wan the. only thing that "saved Ikt. life. At present she is rapjtlly recovering and will he able to dnie home about the last of the - - . y MILWAUKEE GEAR AND CHAIN DRIVE T of the' most earnest and is one ' active. I Senator J. W." Thornley is still suffering from rheumatism. The Kaysviile strawberry crop promises ter - be - Have you that tired, Worn out. feeling? TONE up your SYSTEM with a full three times a day. 25 cents a bottle. want-to-do-nothin- i exceptionally Week. Mrs. William Henry of School Concert. Idaho, isTri Uie city under TTie concert at the Kays ville the treatment of Dr. Terrill. ope'ra house by the j upils of the Kaysviile gralelst j ool.s vas..aii UnijUaTifred success and demcn-stratethe value of the musical instruct ion provide I by tin Hoard of Education in the schools of the county, as every s out in the county has the same instructor and the same instruction. Professor E. M Whitesides, pnneipul of' the schools, conducted the exercises which were opmied'witli prayer by Dr. J. II. Grant. The program consisted of songs and choruses by the grades, a flag (bill by the third grade 'and an orchestra number. Van Grant, one of the winners i.i the !at Davis County musical ipntestu-ejidcretvery difficult number with unusual execution pnd skill. Master Russell lUood Mat Norma Underwood tvi dered n v cry i leasing-- ; and t nfertaunng- - mstrumcutal duet and there was also an enjoyable instrumental dm tbv Verna and Robins. This selection My i tie was to have been executed by Verna Robins and Gladys Session,, but owing t the illness xif Miss Sessions vv bo is in (TSalt Lake hospital, M iss Myrtle took . her place. The exercises were brought, to a close by the entire school ings mg Annrica. The opera house was filled to Its capacity to listen to this eijicitainnunt- and there can bo no doubt but the patrons of the school were well pleased with thy progress their children were nuking in music. The grade teachers conducted the singing, the same as in the school room, ami the bright happy faces of the children proved that much of the liim-drnof the school room it, possible to keep the cemetery hi d been lightened by this special with lawns and flowers, insti uelitui. And the work was y S'tzer entertained o' exceptional. eharmder.espeially, , ilrs- members of the Hay. View in ieeable when the little tots lub irlda ,aud owinS to the faeetj the vast luldieine. The en- of arrival the lesson magazine tie program was heartily eneor- vvas purely social. ed whiiii we recognize' tis a hearty jjle noting wasaiternooutin4HuLeemt-Ht-f sjient in con-angrad versatiori and discuss ing the work Mrs.the musical instructor, of There were -- songs the year. Fmdr Sit or.by the hostess jmd .Miss Judd of Salt Lake, which .were greatly of the Fidlowing are the names A delieio'us Jumdi- - was enjoyed. school lli. vx pnpik in Kaysviile making the highest auunber 0f sirred and the floral decorations Mrs, Judd and !i uue ernlits for the week ending were exquisite. da ught era of Salt Lake ' y of town guests. Ktihm Williams, bOTo ; 'Walter Sh JthK), Nevvel Sanders. 2tki0; Word has been received in this K It Shrtf ttdd, r"Vernon of the death of John Carlyle, city Man-mIMans. 11, JvIO; Lavvrenee i usband of Pearl UlavvsoiuJLar-lvle- , 275 ; daughter of Win. Clawson and niece of John Uolemere. Mr. Tomorrow, Friday, will be field CarlyD was killed- - on Monday .lay for the grannmr grades of May 12th, by the breaking of a Mie Davis t ounty schools. The cable in the. gravel pit of a feature of the day will be the Seattle construction company at bad! game between Kavsville- and Renton, - Washington. From - a champions of the from a Seattle newsu'n'th ami south ends of the clippingwe learn .that the paper body e. uuty r.'s; e (fully Kaysviile now vvas hurled J5 feit by the broken bolds tip' i hiimpionslnp of the ci Me and that lie died half an eg ypp-fj-j, ngWoi,i. tti,.- ttentbn hospitair e ear Hountiful 't man was 2S pjie unfortunate expeits to win again this year. years of age; leaves and W 2rrFnr. for the round t,wo children. He was a' man of t'ip from aiy part of theeouuty excellent reputation and had been the lb' mherger route 1ms ill the employ of -t- he- constructbeen made.' ion company three years. arys-vTlf- ou 'CHAMPION -- BINDERS' OSBORNERAKE5 Columbia and Mitchell - Wagons Look Yourself Call and sec Over. ' WITH YOUR APPEARARCE? - ; Ions i Phone I .... ."Athletic underwear. KAVSVTLLS alilp-pln- . -- Tan Oxfords. Miss Ada 1 neckwear ' AI ' Jed, studyof our : department. There richness and dis-- ; tisclcct from -- sea colors In beautiful ' - Wash Ties. Fresh new dif-feie- 1 , Silk Socks., We make a ' Layton, Utah... E. Lyncb, Dairy Jnsje tor, for the Halt Lake City Hoard ol' illealth, was in town the Jbth "rtud-if- r. le" e.pe ts "tn visit, Xayivlll Hollar Mills, . VgotM. and Fruit Cantiing .siablltlmmnt, and Brick' Plui.t add teiliiy to tli gi.st w.alth1 of tha city. Osneral Fanning, , 1'rultaud Veg.takl. growing for and canning art Important Indut Maa a County High School, tileti. CUuichM and nw Opta lions. City Wstor and' F.lorlrlc Lighting art liouia of for luveitmout. tha ltaftex and lta up to data printing " plant. soft and caps. . - d Xrerything you need wait for you now. , ing J?nr.j Suits. , .7 Xk Shirts. you right. ' G9-- 2 t Straw Hals tnt-a- t THE IMPLEMENT MAN w is here- - r Summer-wea- we ruii-(ttition- McFej-st- , s About the biggest tiling 'that has struck Davis county this year was the rain of Sunday s night and Monday morning. itmhd jusfdrfterMIiT big w asTiouf, on the Xavis-;tu- d W ei me Counties ennui at Hiverdale and til ter the prolonged atroiit li he mu.slutv was unuMiidly weleong. About an inch 'and iglulf of water fell. IntilloAs very sick. tow n wasju each dairyman 'J'.ij'jing into ba t Luke at least onee a month, lit Mutest but the anitay otitic dairy farmsdn tjiis town, vompare favorably with the best in tile statJ. g of Clearfield, Com-trsrn- Friday. Grandma Shelton was a visitor to Salt Lake, during tin v eck . f - Miss- Emma Swan, of iSalt Lake, was in town the first of the week visiting with relatives. Miss Alice Edwards of Salt iiorrel Welsh of Morgan, v .ake City, was-itown Sunday ed with .vrnold jLirnes, Sunday, as guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Aitl.ur F. Harnes a, large number of Miss Hose Cheney entertairnd enterlain-friends and IvLitives at tln-iat an Orplieum party in - Salt InVioe in Salt Lake City on MonLake on Wednesday evening.' day evening in honor of the Mr. and Mrs Joseph Peak eli- tlm tieth rnniversaiy of tlnir te! tuined a number of friends to marriage. Among the Kaysviile dinner at their' home mi Sunday people present were lion, and Mr. iojui 1C Harnes and Mr. and Mrs. evening.- n foulard silk cra- vats. r ho:::::iiER &, flowers v t 2461 Wash. Ave.f Ogden. DRESSERS OR MEN" - John .Hectare Peters and. Conncelor .-- dteq Harnes. fi-o- at Law. and Cured S, horUT'iTmif day attention Elders Alma O, Taylor ami Erestmt twitter of Salt Lake City-- , who labored with. Hubei t Lartou in Japan, were in town during tlu weex visiting their auuiy friends. Utah Fresh -- Edna Evans and Ella A large number of people were Neilsou and Messrs Riehanl Hart arid UeoCge Hedger all of Salt present liom alt oei the ounty Lake spt nt Sumhiy in KaVsville to 1'niou met ting Sunday. Tin follow ing the Desert t Sun the guests of Miss Ih..el Harnes. Misses a txtsfllie. (1. M. T't-an- iie irge F were in M. t'amum. Tories Felt 't Itialy Horace t mnmi.'igs, Harold Kevin Ids, George 1). 1yper, J. Leo Fun Imnss nmb 1. S. Witleyatl "of Salt Lake City. During the set Cues e I iu'n'ioCs , Mr. An r AYhippU entertained Lhr a 'Tew' A lends at aPuteh Tuiuli Alv Soul Todav . at'his homein Salt Lake on Fri d ;i eve. nil g. ill honor of Am old (hi K.ituGlay ev eiuiig a unni M. 1 Larues, Mr. AVhppl and Mr. ter of irietuk of Lb Ur RuiuU 11 lLarnes ecame friends ill New Harton ti l'der. d bio a saipnNe York City. party uit bis home. Ti.c evuimg 1 Lard and Sausage our specialty - - Road Uommi.sNioner Uenmtt has got the sprinkling wagon started aut the state road and was in a fair way to put down the dust when the rain came Sunday mightWater is being seem ed, ru ly, irom tlm brmk v ard spring aud a standpipe Juts teen ereeteit at that point. A lone of nun tUT1 nv and 'rittns arc rlr V. State Road near John Galley s bed road where . vv. .01 .the . home, 'd and good drainage vvidem be j ditches cut. . -- latest price paid lor i .X a butcher tan anything use. i-r- - -- Market lajsiaielisat ' sf-wo- 1 - JamesChipman, Prop." is v. rv p!e iaiitly spgjit in iu i tun sie, idler vviiuh a vnv d. hi imiN lun.d' was servid Yinoilg l luue presepi Were Mom n gurus MsUVle- - iVvlru s, l.'vt. ( luiiey, Ulin a Sura, .Mollic l'.ariie.. Hmei ,.Nll y:v,.tp. ,lolu s Jan. t Swan Stron r. Ella mitli. .Myrtle. J. o i u J u.UUai Htoi-.p- ,luln , ss KAY3VILLE PKARWIACY 1 ERNEST LAYTON ARE YOU SATISFIED - us; Jittle--MALL-j-winegla- e, il - Lay YYagg Air 4 At tlia -- die, and MeSsis A. 0. Taylor, A M. Harnes, Yi'i..m Lr Gadey. A rthtrr hrmn Fn si. n Tut leTT Gtorge t in. Hey, Speiiuer H.u J. Hid op, L i ton, Ha-ol- d AVt 1 s!C .ui's iFtry !'a rt on.'-- .Mis, Lottie Vonrad .ml Mrs. Waltei ' Cottrell -- Vrejcription Druggists Myron W. Phillips, nt -- Confectioner KayS'Ville, Se-sun- are attolutely pure aud harmless.' Pure candies are good for the children, and ours satisfy natures cravings in this 'dirfection. For mamma' or your best girl there is nothing like them as a peacemaker . or as an offering of love or' good (will Jry the effects of a box of our -- Fin? Candy, and see hew quickly it will reach her T W art run-irin- g ' . -- bod si.il) WiMa.l, .MlbuUgL f.lie wud to s. tio.d the following day and played a Ait Saturday, in the wiling ior bead began to m t!fe late ov cuing began to swell. She.erame so sick that a .'by sie.au was called in and he V i hurt and ordeTiod-hc- r -- .AYTON DRUG CO. QUALITY COUNTS. J tube taken to ,tn hospital. At Jive oclock Sunday nflernbon s!,e was talon L. D S, liospital in the Harnes automobile and was operated M at 8 ocloejv. The wound had be--, come infected and several open- l to-.th- Jlah. . a large - tion before it has been picked out. Dont forget w i are headquarters for anything you may want. Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, and Building Material. Hard-war- e d -- -- Granite-Iro- n Ccme early and make your selec ; 1 consignment of Ware which we are offering at 25c. - - wer-edhe-ou- May-lu-li- t Ji -- ir, L Graduation and - - Wedding Presents l: cai1 1 do better than come here for them. Our prices are always right and the qualities always,., right and - the qualities always dependable. Ka'i ife -- HARRY DAVIS 'a. Thimble Club Banquet. 1 J. Sanders, insfruetor in be l.idi s of the Thimble I lub, agriculture in the Davis county oodi'i a 1. eeadguted sahoids. will otp.i'u of the children iJ third .ai niv ers.uv of the in- - who belong t5 the various 'clubs tie on the following dates, Ntitiition of their dub at through- AVorbi V.o.idn.en of the hall o i the summer: with a b.iippid last Thursday Kaysvilkv-M- ay 2d, June 10, Almist every men, her of 21 July 9, 22. 8, August Sept. tie i Lib v'a paesent vv ith their 5 at 1) oclock, a. m pubjinds; mot of whom aiv.mcm-- J Farmington- May 27, June II, i's pf G)e club. The hall vvas 25. July 10, 25. August 12, 25; decorate with the colors of the Sept. S at 9 oclock a. m., O !ih .v eibw and purple and a l.)'untei.!u4a pat was served. Sand For Sale A . AAF JohnLev i I lev wood' deliv ered" t ho son, en the farm, Raymond " 'reeling sped h and all present re- Mountain road ' O' J port a' very btyoyatle time. The of songs and program-consistFOR SALE Thoroughberd r.adings and other forms of White Wyandotte eggs $1 per social amusement. The club is setting of 15. Mrs. W, P. Eppernot the largest in the state bat it son, Kaysvills. ' . - ' AdT IKE WORE WITH THE GUARANTEE I tin ihuiglit, r of Mr. GTa.ly is and Mrs. Jed was hint while playing about the school vaid Thui s'.Ljy afteiiHum. by i;d i a liu and sustaining. a g 1 mt j cve-liiii- 384 25th g. WE 2-- ' Street. DM BRIEVE D 0BIHU1S j , - WHISKEY But we do believe that a little Good the house is a GOOD THING IN CASE Whiskey la OF SICKNESS 1 n Ogden, Utah. . pnra. Wr It la advtsabla to always hart Win, that a Uttlo oa hand. Ua ed 2A L Utah Iiiquop k 4 |