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Show tf mug Pam Eight " Eiftii-si- x : L. REACHES EVERY NOOK AND CORNER OF DAVIS COUNTY. VOLUME IX. 'wzi.: KAYSVILLE AND FARMINGTON UTAH, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1913.' 'V Frank Rich has the measles. k Ulghlf prop roa tows In th ruld.t of for and produettra orchard. tlcU lo of milk. Ha Cannery anl R Uer "111. O. 8. L. Ryf ha fln, eomuiodiona depot. Good jut point (or thOM eklng uburban amran for trult and table urnwing Supply point fur farmrra. T 4 Mrs. Ahvood Brown has gone rrnpl') to Preston, Idaho, for a visit. John Ford has placed a new iron fepee in front of his residence. E. P. Ellison arrived from Calwhere lie lus been look ifornia, Ronald Earl is to be released after his cattle and dand ing froiji small pox quarantine, interests. l O s. csTO-- C L - A . ;,v . x. , - " -- c Mr. Emma YTfds Die Word has just been il iu this city that Mrs. SYade, lonnerly of this lied at the home of her dztU-trr;- - THE MILLER FLORAL COMPANY UAYTON . b V. :vi A rec-lve- 1 . ." vS j in- - Idaho. TLa terment will be held in the 'die cemetery tomorrow c' in Pocatello, j I will L. 5 at I ' be taken tt eemetery; There will be L . funeral services here. A mcra ey tended notice concerning tha Ubath of Airs. Wade will appear -- poou. TheZStiortLine lias moved the Mrs. Win. Wright has been old depot to the new right'of quite ill the' last week, She has way where it will be used for a dropsy section house. Mrs. C. E. France is visiting The school children of Layton with her daughter,' Mamie, who school Nj. 1 will give an operetta l'ves in Sa?dy. in the Layton opera house in the AY. L, Robertson "as visited near future" by friends from Nevada, SaturDr. Ileath expects to move to U day and Sunday. FarmingtohTandit" is rumored Several people from here tli at Dr. Tanner will replace him the funeral of Mrs. John at this place. Hampton, Sunday. Alrf and Airs. Philo HZ Mrs. Walton, who was recently ha v e go a ntoHSTnit h field, operated on for" cancer of the they were called on account the illness of' Sidney Kent. ; stomach, is doing nicely. Tfie remains p. m. and will M ? N M vl M. I. A. DAY. hX was M. I. A. day lor . Friday Nifth Davis stake. The events stiirteil atll:33 in the morning at the opera house, who the contest for pses jnTiterary and r at-t.nd- musical prog rant loi - ev-.uu- . llowsr j'ongrcga fi .heHr-Xb- n.ng ' Trail:1 V- - w : I z . J . i i ?!. Axx! Hur Juvucation.VTZBisBop Marchm - M he r mutual officers were en the health of Reporls jis-to Clearfield. tertained, Tuesday evening, by Airs. Ei P. Ellison, who is staking Explanation of AI. A. Day, Miss Susanna Rich, at her liome.-- treatments in Ogden. for rheuma11, C. Burton, Kaysvilh. , are to the effect that she is tism, Cornet C. E. France, John M. Cannon, Solo, The Lazt Kc: House Miller iToral Company. Carnation improving. of C It. Egbert and some others are Summer, fester Glexscr. Born to Air. and Airs. James Kays' ille. piping the water from the canyon on son-T uesdajr Lc: a Address, Success tf their land. , " AI. Strong, Kaysville". evening. On the same day a son Mr. Taylor, Who purchased was born to Air. and Airs. C. AY. lustrumental contest . . H J Eloise Burton, Kaysville. pa'rt of John AI. Cannons orchard Creen of Elwood, Airs. Gfeen is emeiits find rontimwil ompl .lyiineiit. Sin li lias rejii eteii tin opportunities to The Miller Floral company is other important iniprm ' lias started to erect a dwelling a sister of Airs. Nalder. H I this favorable. trade will should. them work First prize. enei very end generously bgoin cntrrpnsrs upn qow busily engiged in erecting on the land. ami-p- ut fou- 'icwardid in loalt Ilattie an date at Guthrie, Clearfield,... early Coal. Largj Consumption-onew houses for yvkieh 50,000 Airs. Rebecca Da) ton of San I to tln mm era Second age prize. Extra Employees. During tie joist firing season Many of Centervilles prominent Diego, California, has been spend-- ! square feet, or two carloads of Birdie Adams, Layton. The jilalil 1ms eimsuined Hjiproxi-matej- y 'Rapid Growth. citizens attended the exercises ing the last ten days with the j In earing for the product .of will be used. These houses West Poll' glass Ivy Singleton, -Oscars of ei id. The next! TJu ill Frrvirrs t,y men extra given in Farmington by the family of Bishop Layton Bishop I a, be use(, . these ten 2' hpusts Declamation, ,in -.Z5j'.'ido,..AY y o sc a sp.lITt' is eieetrdT() Salt Lake Commercial club. be employed eaiistantly and dur-ti- n b c Lraj le iu Layton became acquainted with H mi la Kaysville. res, nations and pot plants. The and ill -- the iteigholHdmod of 50 eitrsH Mrs. Dayfton in West Virginia injpg, Klalio,-- Wisl. iligton or 50 ing the summer I Original Story, f Mrs. Alvin Duncan has return- ?0 I t lilt ptvsui le l,wo eKpiinsiun of eonl r heating purposes. roses, three for wilt find work in imding the Oregon. years ago whde cn a mission Kaysville. lliillips, . fromed The com jinny lias recently pur Salt Lake where she has in that state. prium i'y to .t n up new earnatious and cue for pot plants. buildings. Tlds mums Hmt the Airs. A'ocal Solo, .teen attending her mother, '$ho lu the chased re a right of way for a road Hie rude j mrtlitest tojn be of men number houses unploycd To for heat these I)rov,de Thurgood, Syracuse. Bert Smith of the Harris Wool i i has been operated on at the just west of the Bamberger line, all times during the 'ear- will lark ol sunshine mak'-- it t . at Retold TheOld will be horse boiler a Story, j powrer Salt of company, Lake, was in town Holy Cross hospital. 00 te 33. This 'alone is of "to grow lowers nt'all seasons o thus nuuding the danger total 11. E, Smith, Cle' Airs. as be will installed during the week buying wool necessary and Seatllo, Tneohia, Vie- visitors i ml emjiloyees crossing Violin Solo, ....Dale T great value to DavH county and the year, Airs. Shepherd, who married rom .local sheepmen. Part of the j soon as the houses the-trw ill ks. A double row of at and Vaiieoui'er torm .is proper reeeiyi It. in particular. Farmington Layton. at I finished Ivy Ford, and has beenstaying wool bought will be loaded, to (stimato tlu money value many- oi the t lowers Irorn this Sdver I.eaf maples lias been hard -.Pres. father-in-laAddress, with his Ilyrum Tranountnii: and edcn Abond A ne - of such an offioe )raiidto the com place. At. the jiresmt the com planted along the new roadway, ' ,iriproo( enterprise 4 Sweet Quartette, Ford, has gone to Idaho to visit u.OOO pounds will be the "clip f ;iig with lireproof vault andan has a man lool ing o er tlie ; w liieh when grown wiirenhaiiee where-th- enmuint j largo jnu.y - Eve,' munity . .SyracE' " relatives there Upon returning xom this point. k el m tin ilrieV and" 1ietlir beauty of t lui plr.ee.' water system are of capital is invested a nd irler-Jui'- i' independent Benediction, 7. . ; he and his wife expect to go to residents the Tuesday evening Following the c Poston. . of Layton gave a farewell party 2 horse oU Turner and AI AY. Crum. draining of a eertain jiond, about meeting house. power plant which lie will is -- inaimg'i r, ' i.l f n mile cast of highway No.l j in house' at Knowlton the Clark ' at The Bucklin mining company Layton opera use for garden and domestic purparticipant W. M who and V. honor of the Jeffries ighwny pre8eY running pA Cram, .secretary, family, Lave been making great progress wtre each a THE ROSE yClTY. poses and will also be available I -- Fart of westward from Five Points be- reiC so m trv will .Jr. to itsi Chelsea, remove, Hamilton, from the Reading C for f jre protection O'lihly .t f fl.lMirri fili. lMt cimii) lately in "their claim. The ore is U'im.i'f ihM Hillli'r fcior' riiip4tiyi U'H' - a fariu two blocks southwest' of tveen Kaysville ami Layton,, as AU th numbera much richer and they have de- Oaklahoma. Alusic, a program! Barton Brothers will put in Ktuivr "li. tmwat hl lu.tt.. H' been rented the drainage of nid pond would coived and showed c uiiuubila c .i.nl. '. I.im ali'W if lit- f m.n amusement1 J a goQ has house ar.d tli. most coilrt water provided of stream dancing a anc minute veloped gan0n per pump f..ru Ha W.lnr Mock und J'ltir.c I lK)n : ball games wliieli willbe start jimjiro'e t!ie public highway ns paration and studion. l.lulil. k Hum I' lor r ilki. of which formerly flowed down for the 230 present end at a late will irrigate 35 acres this year I well as the laml of abutting Dphere after i hour the guests departed u at 3 p. m. next Saturday. an 0q acreg subsequently, the canyon. Aliss Camille Abbott returned dvl- TWrty-firefreshments. from .11 paVo( having delightful AA ith-Bafrom Accident. a'visit Meets to -was schools d l;.ra evening, Tuesday The Cinterville appropriated gave to make the dr mnkch,jpe with relatives in loeotallo, Idaho. - w'id improvements. seran exhibition of their work for was successful S. Clark quite one, Folio', .Joseph Layton vs. O. S. L. Clerks. Cook Commissioner stated that i this year in the meeting-houswhen Stake offl the last Airs. Lizzie Bteed AYalker, and Thursday msly injured pr0grara east-LThe ball' game at Layton Sat tlu and evenings. public Ills highway running bull. m. A. 'icious officers I. Friday a pily Thursday Thomas E. William' spent Airs. John Hughs qic" improving attacked by afternoon was between the from tin ward . a large" audience r ethe above Syracuse meeting kiL broken ludricous was hnningg 0 just ir. health after several weeks of da7 m Sllt c".' ise needed grading for a dis- - f;cjd attended to view the work and O. Si L, clerks and the Layton knee joint and also sustained u iMncss. ' pct t parkt 7 tam-of about two miles and thatin good nature forTi.; fjne gQn wag torn to Air. to hear a play that was presented team and while there were many!I below the knee. fnuture Airs. Rumina C, Robinson bad good individual plays it was a aQ(j jr8. J. E. Bodily on Thurs-ver- y Air. Clark whs on a horse, close some of the residents bad mule JCaysville game which i by the youngsters. unsatisfactory game from day 0f iag(; Week. a Kensington party at her home 0 the" west of his barn, ami "as tk. proposition to grade same if y followed and is givez last Alonday, in honor of lnr trying to drive a hull when the the county would furnish a grad-- 1 elsewhere in the paper, Bishop J.. N. Ford has greatly start to finish. The final score Barton of Kaysville, Spencer the of whole the story.l 12 tells to the in law, Mrs. Hazel T. 13, and pay lor one half of the appearence changed Br. Alorton . writes f ugly brute suddenly ruslml at nr ees has accepted a position at the daughter lie home. his as looked though! about lunch it the start In A Robinson. labor. The propsition Kranci3co that he is inr surroundings delightful the it and ry horse the knocking has completed the cement bank the Layton boys had a soft snap, Davis County cannery, . w,as one of the features. ri.hr down in .a heap- together;, waa accepted and commissioner health. which broadens the road, and put shuting out their opponents- - and autliorizcd to have the - The Thornley-SteAirs. David AIcFerson,. i Air. CkrkVUook . j Airs. Harold Robinson amrshnltc horMri'aningmi ' cement sidewalks from the street hitting at will, but loose playing j I an(j daughter Alary w g. The horse ruiv a" ay ' lollow- " ora done. pany, Alonday, receive- r.,i dmi ithter nf l'rovo arc here to his dwelling. He has also and bad luck enabled the visitors L. .Sheffield Farnk ,0l k on Clat Id visitors ludl. Mr? Alonday. the of sheep at Ogden t dragJ Qgden l,1;l,le by for a weeks visit witlr relatives. O. S. mcred on their range. to ruq in eight men, and although made a new driveway. to hoard the t ol the he stt plaint himself MctrimolisJ d up g Air lleman js I Hyde John Rentimiester and : family . . . of the home boys again dug out in- called lor help L. R. It. comj.any wore about; to hdong to AliUer &I he where stable r aJcw days, make leave for Black PineIdaho-o- n re to lead build a bunk jiou.se in front UM ifornia and were sent h tothe house. & have the Allen into curried fop and was Thornley, AVeaver iccn hert where? they will make critical the Thursday, hits at period near - the - Layton I Cotlll 0f the drouth in ( safe his aud -cents sinomoiH-Dr. Tame r "as per sold a wool clip at 13L ; e guest' of Mr;!.i home. their . aliaiuit Salt r whih-waLakers, , J gave" the game to the contrary to t.ii M't'thi brnkuTi rurmbtr," .l.tif rPingham parties- are pound. There were 1800 fleeces rules of all the to he 10 into when entered Lame number for the t the so According near aagreement c the break "as in the clip which average Dunifer) of Denver Colo. e beea ha' should Sn the of to mad it the. the consentd was considered closing was game A little mistake wag a visitor Lt the Davis p unds to the fleece. joint and an out- Ld Miller the was taken j ublie highway by the railway about Air. Reflex Layton victory, as they easily the this last several (lark Cq necessary. days cannery , classed the visitors both in bat- afl of Floral company, furnishing t the L. 1. H. hospital Alonday company at tlu point jn question, Brown work. field AVih-oin and eries and asked that the commissioners Mothers the flowers for the CX3 O morning, where doctors had and have AVaite and of Fred the most family, game celebration. pitched and' Baldwiii asdsted Dri Tanner' take the matteriipwith the railDay U Idaho sixth raoVed from here the inning, referred in was luck Downey, rotten way cqmpany. lt in tending the member. purchased the roses from t commissioner Ford. when eight men scored against and are living near the Davis Farmington company, but th$ I Brown next A communication was read inning County cannery. hm. In the wvre short on carnations so they COUNTY COMMISSIONERS with men Porter-AValton ' up from Ernest Burnham relative to cot the first three MEETING Nora Stoker has return- - bought some from the condition of public highway ill( Centerv of the the first four balls pitched, c onipany, Sandal lUd home, after spending, severale No. FullkHMu-tLan30, .in Bountiful, near the good was his support. Ueeks m Kay sville with herjw-gam'.Mayl.Hli' 131T f Alessrs II. J. AVilson and Ray J.J Ir Atkinson' and At Sheffield Park was put in at the last of the I residencesof At Layk Clcrk II. O. Pack in Mrs- 'erett Jol nson. Eyan, the Lagoon race cource County A. L. Burnham. The matter was but failed to save the day. ter their 10 race attendance. .The dance and program given promoters shipped II. S. Jomi.Ii personally ajjcar-u- l r f erred to commissioner Burns - tlie Lagoon race horses lrom the under on Friday evening PUMP INSTALLATIONS. before the boarl and jirdtest-e- d "ith power to act. Couer DAlene race the trackito club Commercial The County Assors report the of auspices against the Utah Light ,and The Utah Power & Light com- was a success in e'firy respect. meet AVednesday Air. Lewis Ale of the doing con- showing the assessed value company Railway a with are them, there also Cornick that shipped of kinds were A large number property for pany reports present. work on their railway various which he purchased from livery struction examined and number of installations of centriwas the year 11)13, . Stoker met with a . man, Ernest AYalker. This leaves ir Davis county, under the fran- ordered Judson this F, locality in filed. fugal pump8 chise heretofore granted them for which will be used for irrigation. very serious accident on Sunday, j onjy four or fjve race horses at commissioners purThe the claimed county was the reason that it Now" when the canal is broken While standing on the bank of tke j,ag0onf owned by Dr. Berry, said be- suant to Sec. 2655, laws, of Utah did not railway coinjainy Airs. Ruth "Clark Griffiths and and water is at least three weeks jThe Davis and Weber Counties construction work with 1907, offered for sale the real their gin it where her friend Airs. Crow of Appleton in behind time, the far sighted canal, near the plate the time specified in the fran estate described in the notice KAYSVILLE. away last week; he fell, Alissouri, were guests of - Airs. farmers who have installed inde-(bro- heretofore published and sold a last chise. his leg in two places, Griffiths relatives from resi- u pendent plants are congratulat- breaking Arnold D. Aliller representing number of pieces to several treat-o- n is of this of water Ogden, Dr. AVardleigh in themselves upon having Vs. cdtain "atcr users of Syracuse dents of the county. the Thursday w..tk, when they proceeded on asked" for further time in which the hour, evefy hour at the ing him and at last reports d injured man was getting along as towards Payette, Idaho where to construct . cuherts'-o- n turn of a switeh. their Christopher Boyntop. has a be has could arc to as well expected, looking up from .Burley, Idaho, pay their husbands A. E. Annis of Clearfield, water ditch "here it crosses the ruitable location for farming and visit his to a in stalled, n ten horse motor; and family. blic highway and that . they " . Marriage Lictte. stock raising. Monday the two pi 500 gallon per minute centrifugal T. J. Smith jls expecting to like-t- o have the county pay would will irrigatej. AJay 14. J. W. Carlson, age ladies visited Saltair, where they he which with his new Steudebaker carj receive pump of the expense. 'After due AI. Krugel, age 32, took-part Eliza the " lake, tomatoes. and They in and 41, orchard oi 30 acres dip sometime this wekZ of eonsijleartion it was drJeredthat 65 bt th of Salt Lake City. . a lies party1 by ere be accompanied to irrigated The land Owner will leaslarge tract of said water users be given thirty Leslie Knowlden, age relatives. . ' feet above the intake of the pump Alay 15. and near Farmington. 20 acre3 land to organize days in which the "ater is to be pumped W and Jeane W. Service, age and. week the held last .culverts garden land, balence pasturage, A jvmriiUo was ADMISSION prejiare to construct 19 ; both of Salt LakeCity. from the eanaL a of organizing and the matter of the county pay- plenty ol water, barn, fully AIav.j9. John A. Ale Donald, fir the purpose Robert' John IL Blood of Kaysville was Aliller ing ,a part of the expense was equipped fish hatchery and pondr,j I 21 and Elenora AJaybfiTy, laeball team. has installed a 5 horse power age .rent cheap for cash or on shares. ( hsirmaanU the organization and taken under advisement. which age 19 ; both of Salt Lake, 1 3S4 inch pump W an me tor P.M. AT 4 GAME GALLED T. A. Phillips was present and, Call'Dale II. Parke, 60S Boston re 'appointed as j May 16. Edward L. Guild, rive directors will irrigate 20 acres' of beans Utah. AValt- - aked that the county join with Building, Salt Lake City, Gregory, , I j' -- Adv. age 30, of KVman Utah, and ic:rows:rujan iT and grain. 107. p.mr.tdri. Jr . (Hark Knodton. .l.ixrcrlf god Rioses Hides m the Ttlerhone r.Tebgne v) The- - l f next week ' ---- A - ...... 9 . .... ! Cl f r 1 .......... , -- Ft-di- . I - 11 lr 1 i. 1 - J ...... 1 - s 1 1 , I -- ....... w ; r I PARAUNGTGN - I tSe v SYRACUSE e, q Alon-nraa- -B- oth-evenings c I I w the-failu- d 1 - -- - y 1 - rD CZ3 CT I u The-coinmit- 0 te base: BASEBALL d KAYSVILLE Satir. May Saturday May 24th lil . t ke to.-Tuerd- n ay ar-ri'e- 0, S. L. a -- ( 25c, n D.R. Jl I 1 1 c v |