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Show THE JOURNAL, PAGE EIGIIT FEBRUARY 24 SUPREME COURT ,TO CONVENE UNDER NEW CHIEE f Club Leaders to Thursday, February 13, 1930 LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. UTAH Utah Pioneer, 1854 Dies at Daughters Hold Conclave a Here in March ft Home in .Preston I Preston, Idaho, Feb. 13 Mrs. Nellie Caroline Maughan, 76, died li Convention Starts March 3rd at the home of her daughter, Adjourns March 8th Mrs. Della M. Chadwick of this city, , Wednesday morning. ' Heart Four-I- I Club leaders from twenfailure was the cause of 'death. Club a will attend two counties ty Mrs. Maughan was bom at be held at the School to Leaders in Holiday Council Bluffs, ' Iowa, June 8. U. S .A. C. beginning -- March 3 to and supervisors from the Exten-an- d 1853. At the age of one year she Until 193G crossed the plains with her parMarch 8. adjourning JaKeduce Tooele. She livents and came Clubs Local leaders of Four-ed there until the ago of 18, slon Department will give instructo AUo pan when she went to Montana" with tion in organizing, supervising, and H. Clubs. Cruisher husband, the former Joseph Four Uife conducting Prolong W. Maughan. The couple came to Over one hundred twelve leaders. ers will receive instruction In Preston about 13 years ago. heme" management, clothing, foods About four years ago, Mrs. e London', Fth. U (,1)-T- he crops, dairy, sheep, poultry, beef Maughan was Involved in an ' and a statement Swine in ilea .v.Lons Forestry. heroic rescue of her grandson, is being A complete program given out this afternoon declared Shirley Palmer, from a burning direcP. D. Murray that Japan was ready to accept planned by house. She received burns m this leaders. for school the a holiday m battleship construc- tor of the episode from which she never enIn addition to classes, tion until land to reduce the ton- Each day, tirely recovered,' and which left nage of battleships to 20,000 tons a general assembly will be held. scars, permanent anu to reduce the maximum cali- Open forum discussion of prob- Kirs. Maughan was always aclems In organization and superbre ol guns to 14 inches tive ln church and Relief Society be conducted at these Tlie statement, which had been visam-wi- ll work. Lie of awaited view meetings. in. eagerly She is survived by three childThe club leaders will have proBritish and American apnounce-menl- s ren. In addition to Mrs. Cliad-wicwill and each that for said naval evening aims, of grams they are Mrs. Alta Palmer, to agree to attend the Little Theatre presenPhot Japan alstmwas ready Prttt At octal Winder, Idaho, and Mrs. Georgia of of Bearers. There life Torch of the tation the prolongation She is also SurEvana Jensen, Rexbrug. Charlea of Club be '25 a to pictured 20 demonstration is to Abovare years. battleships from Th United State Supreme Court will reconvene February 24 with a new chief Justice presiding. 26 grandchildren and vived' by Four-team girls l Japan attaches special import- Work by the Hughes, newly appointed to that place, and other member of th court. six ance to cruisers armed with 8 Who helped win the O. M. PlumFuneral services will be held inch guns and wishes to main- mer trophv at Portland Oregon, Friday at I p. m. ln the Preston Earnest Knowles, C. N. Maughr.n, tain "the. nunumum force suf- Oct. 26, 1929. Nanette Guilford First ward chapel, under the diProf. y.' W. Owen, Prof. D. V. ficient for the needs of national rection of Bishop E. A. Jensen. T. A. C. consideraJohn Pittman, into Quayle, taking defense, Cache Interment- will follow ln the LoH. Sm William D. other Prof. th, Thaln, by forces possessed the tion To Seek Divorce gan cemetery. C. Tuigey. Dr. O. Wennergrcn, and The maximum tonnage Makes Seven. Cent powers. should Robert cruisers Wrigley. Inch of six gun Uncanny journeys into the spirit world; a strange murder Comeback in be from 7,000 to 7,500 tons and New York, .Feb. 13 (Pi-M- iss in a modern home, with picturesque India as a setting a'nd mystery leaders that of flotilhr 4H Club Nanette Leaders Guilford, soprano of the School ho of The are adequately these Thirteenth Chair, Girls Glee Club the details should (Continued from Page One to Metropolitan Opera company, has of filmization the fantastic limited, the statement said. was coming today play, stage and attempting to sell their good Meets announced her intention of seekThe age limit of cruisers w the Capitol Theatre. Here March or boarder cows Gives Concert suggested at 20 years and the cows. The poor be ing a . divorce from Max Rosen, of direction his known Directed Tod for Joseph Browning, the and sold by should 16 years. always at concert violinist destroyers state- sooner the better. We should stick Ilalgreen, Feb. 15, Cornish, Where East Is East. The Unholy Miss Guilford, who is 23 years Japan is convinced, the new the to Road and other thrillers, ment said, that because ,of the to the good dary cow and build mystery Mandalay Three, who is 31. -- The girls g'ee club will nlrt, nnrl Dr. Rosen best bet v rail h rriil " "hittt Hph pmentTmm 1928 at the 23,Nov. were married in Cache Valley was the opinion of wrv COUUtl gan tabernacle March 5, at H The annual home of her parents, Mr. and At all the members of the committee club leaders pictures. uf defense. means as a it has been announced. 8:15, essary End e West on J. Gutman Margaret Wycherly, famous New York stage star, plays the Mrs. selecting the dairy cow3 for school will be held here, March have been preparThe the same time Japan wul cooper-th-in In com girls would she ave. she said apply the ng annual dairy sale third to eighth. D. P. Murray, roe uf n. J. Nelson, Feb. 15, 492 S. 5 Wv Rosalie La Grange, other powers concert all quarfor this ate with ing inof on grounds the employ County Agent Robert Wngtey stat state club leader will ter and are planning to give she created on the NeW York sta20 arl(1 I5ela J'uK03h fan? for the divorceof temperament. strictly i pulating luhkh one least hundred the to was a go compatibility real et pleasure jt a splendid performance. The meot of submarines against club8leaderg will be here to re- - !ous Hungarian actor and creater of the stage mle of Draeuta, is she said, I am convinced," concert is free. Everyone is merchant marine. to limit its around the countyof and sec tne ceive detective Calcutta n as two Delzante, agricul-jseethe for in Inspector cattle difficult is mysterious herds special fine training very dairy "that it invited. cordially Japan prooosed to its present many e success economics. home a solution of world and the to lmprov-jturthe to for were make who the how uncanny musical artists and being goes spirit they submarine tonnage subbe the will of life. have some penses paid through of married !miinier plot. buyers td force . The dimensions but bcn ln the valley and have offer-- 1 i cooperation of the farm bureau marines should be limited U. A. fixed C, 8. 00 be. per headland the" st)Cd more than $165 the ae - limit should - 4 tor good oa ry cows. These T 23 yearscanitoty Was as mos; even, that at price suggestion Another 1 Hoover Caught ot the dairymen feet that a good the limitations of the Washing-to air- - herd ot dalry cows with good care ton treaty with regard extended nlane carriers should be of less and pr0pcr attention is Lie best No Fish i nciutry we have in the county, to vessels of this class which the tons. fertilizer The dairy than 10,000 sug- The memorandum furtherof air- - business produces is a very Long' Key, Fla., Feb. 13 limit Cache Countys pQrtant item ln that the age 10. Hoover invaded the guif more than of agriculture. plane carriers of be prolonged to scheme When it comes to butter sub- stream today, determined to de-- 1- i 000 tons should at stitutes there is nothing that can plete the ranks of fumy inhabi26 years but should be fixed take the place of butter. There are lants of southern Florida's most 20 years for other types. many advertised subsLtutes but prolific flailing grounds. The chief executive was a vic-- j actual demonstrations have provtim of old time for fisnerman s en Hall that conclusively very Dance He returned nutritious values, no subst.tutes luck yesterday. from a long alter-nooequal butter. Cache Valley be- empty-handKilled can effort. While he rejoiced And ing a dairy section the people in the skill of others in his party, should by all means use butter ln no bait on the presidential hoox substitutes. to preference New York, Feb. 13 GT) A woSome special committees were attracted any attention from the man iden tiled as a dance hall appointed to get certain informa--tien-f- fish. hostess" ant'her- - escort were- Jailed, at its-nethe eomm-ttee- Accompanied - by - companions- - of 4 who early today by lour gunmen Manager Joseph vQuir.noy his vacation trip, Mr. Hoover set meeting. of the Amalgamated Sugar com- sail 'eariy for a spot about ten! alighted from an automobile, chased them when they fled in pany was unable to meet with thd miles off Long Key. He took snot . and directions, committee to discuss the sugar lunch with him and planned to opposite them down. The killers escaped beet situaton. A meeting will be remain for a least eight hours. nation-wid- e In their automobile. had with Mr. Quinney very soon. That the president is enjoying Several hours after the shootChamber The Presidency ,of the his trip was repeated again today woman was of Commerce feel that as Cache by members oi the party. ing the body of the He Smith, of as that May Identified Valley is an agricultural section, remained at the fishing grounds as been employed had 24. who thecomm.ttee on . agriculture is until last night a dance hostess. Her escort was one of the of the to allow Mrs. Harlan F. Stone, the of Bronx, 30, Carmine Barelli, The comm.ttee Is wife of Associate Justice Stone, to organization. who police said was known in well balanced and has a number of land her sail-tis- h and had and In various lines of it was indicated that he might rethe Bronx as a gambler -specialists to back a criminal record dating In all broadcasting, before the advent of Victor Radio, it bad been necessary to make allowances for tbe agriculture.' The committee s com- main out until a similarly late 1919. of Dr. the unless following: his hook found instruments. Practically all pdio receivers have been unable to give true posed George hour today, shortcomings of Stewart, chairman; Prof. Byron ready response from the fish bereproduction to low tones; many were defective Li tbe upper section of the scale, and a great majority gave French "interests that operate Alder, Ephraim Bergeson. Prof. fore hand. mail service from George B. Caine. George Q. a h uneven reproduction throughout the tonal register. The sun was shining brightly as J. the chief executive Europe to Argentina will , extend j n,an Hodges. John and his KrC. friends" lert-for- th e bahk.v Tr J. lie .. i&CIUPi but weather reports-aiut- nshmg an off: shore haze gave promise of cloudy Victor Thursday evening program of February 13th will be a merciless test of radio reception- - In many weather before the day was gone His reputation as a .good sailor, details and features all of them entertaining and incidentally, highly instructive this broadcast will he however, that gave . promise unique. Famous entertainers will be on the program. Tbe brilliant high noteatof the scale, in various instruchange in weather would not alter his angling plans. instruments will be put on tbe air. ments, will be fearlessly broadcast. Tbe mighty sonority of the 'The -- president, made It a pracdifficult instruments the difficult intonations of tbebumaa voice, such as a and 12 sounds, will ba .,-- , .Tbe SATURDAY. "VJCTOR-- ABlO tice 'hot to ' handle" Tits'' hiAE "of broadcast just as if all receiver could reproduce them. But riLCTROLA matters pertaining to the London J mumodem Tue complete, naval conference until after he On The Ran A Solid Construct'on Planned Tonnage Willing of H Jap-aia.s- j h, H BROADWAY THRILLER tlOW A TALKIE Butter Fat - Price First . 4-- Ex-'chi- ef Uc-mt- iy Yesterday TONIGHT. . ed AP)--Presi- dent . Hostess ed Escort ns A Novel Radio Experiment or xt 7 and a Gorgeous Radio Program . , Broadcast by Victor over a February 13tbnf8 p. m. Mt. ong-after-dark chain Standard Time most-Importa- Remember the date nd ship-airpla- ne and these facts: Bate-Josep- r.V fjoito! NowNo Compromise with purity of lone! THlIllS., FRI. low-voic- RE-4- 5 Year Broadway Stage NOW A TALKING THRILLER! instrument. Victor Radio and record reproduction tii touch same matchless amplifying system. there is no Musically, greater Victor instrument. has returned to the house-boSaunterer, where he is staying from each day's fishing trip. Mail is not taken to the Sounter from the Long Key dock until night-fal- L sical at About Lawrence 10 Only those who have Victor Radio can hear this sensational program really bear it, exactly as it sounds at the microphone. For no radio, at any price, of any design, baa VICTOR RADIO TONE, No radio can reproduce, as Victor does, tbe lower and upper extreme of tbe musical scale. And no radio gives the balanced, uniform performance over the entire scale that characterizes Victor Radio. Those who hear this Victor broadcast on Victor Radio will bear radio performance as it really can and should be real, vital, colorful, brilliant. o'clock each night, the Richey, one . of secretaries, comes presidents ashore with such mail as the president has seen fit to write. At this time, Richey calls the White House and gets a detailed re port, of. what is going ami J national capital. The chief executive has kept in close touch hi this manner with the London conference, receiving each night a report of developments from his naval aide. Captain Allen . Buchanan. Captam Buchanan, however, has not conferred with the president since their arrivlal here. His reports are received over the direct White Hopse telephone at the dock here, and are sent out to the Saunterer on one of the, fleet little express boats that Dly between the houseboat and the dock. 4 1 m-thc You Can HearThis Great Rroadcast- - Free on Victor Radio in your own home i , ! TOI I1UOM XINGS production with (ennui Nagel, Leila lljanis, Margaret Hjeherly if , Tml Brow nines first film! Th ultimate in talking thills and thrills! also Vitaphone Acts ' VICTOR RADIO is reputed to be the ! largest petroleum refin-- 1 ing plant is one operated by Dutch interests on the island of Curacao, which' has a dsilvcapa-- i What - world's j J jy i city of 175 000 barrel,.' of tul j 2 Victor Radio in a luxurious period cabinet. Equipment same as 2 ; cabinet cl tarc and body-wroug- ht r We have made arrangements to provide a great many people in this community with an opportunity to broadcast on Victor Radio in their own homes.' We will bear this bistory-makin- g place tbe instrument in your home; for you to test and compare, as you will, on Victor's or any other broadcast. The cost to " you is 4 arc not obliged to buy the instrument But we want you to discover, for yourself, that Victor Radio has totally revolutionized broadcast reception. We want you to discover the new world of enjoyment that Victor Radio will give you. Coroe in and select your instrument? rn Thatcher Music Co. - 39 South Main, Loaa |