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Show rXGEFOUI? THU JOURNAE. First Congressional .Hearing on Merits of Prohibition Law LOCAL JEWS Large Eggs A. C. Hale of Millville has a (Continued from Page One) exwhite hen that expose of Washington liquor con- tremely leghorn white eggs.lays One large ditions and . appeared before a was exhibited at The Journal ofDistrict of Columbia grand Jury. Tuesday and weighed exThe jury, which Investigated con- fice on ditions generally, returned only a actly four ounces. few indictments. Improving Chairman Graham, at the out- - Reported SALT CELLAR DANCE , R. Thomas and Orson A. the session, which was one James both Down, down, down they went into the e.uih, and they .saw former 7 members of Garff, the Eleventh ward bishopric, who miles and miles and miles oF a regular undergo ound salt tunnel the town. ness on the stand engaged In recently underwent Operations at local hospitals, were reported John and Peggy thought the Little Black Clotk knew a lot exchanges of debate with com-abo- the by the attendant nurses today the to the world to have brought them here, and mlttee members, said be Improving nicely. Lay X ut T' JS to have known about th.s place. w n&d niorcement Blair and Freed Coming The person, wht) called himselt their Srilty for ten years without ucii satisfactory Lester Freed and H. S. Blair, r 'results. companion, showed them around. ' automobile men from Salt Lake was went over Today's then went further! tunnels, given hearing They through are expected to be In Logan to. ami fuither until they came to huge looms made entirely to those attacking pres-- l morrow night when a convention cat conditions u!nder the prohib- 0111 ifion act. The drys yet iiave their and banquet will be held at the j?1 Bluebird at 6:30 of all Cache On they went until they came to the salt ball- - sury to tell. room w he; e the chandelier spaikled as though! Enforcement has left a train Valley automobile dealers. Plans of consequences most deplorable for the summer selling campaign made of diamonds. will be outlined. '1 see i sited a grotto where they could hey glimmering lights reflected in an underground iimoUntmg to over 1,360 have re- - Sale on Mens Suits and Ifats. lake, and some ot the salt looked gteen and sortie suited in the last ten years from Smith Clothing. Advertisement gray, but some was so white it almost liuit their .enforcement. clt- fifty-on- e hundred and "me t,ves Insurance Man Here The children were given a dinner of chicken and vegetables X-eraiWalter M. Jones, western diviand delicious blueberries for dessert, and then they went back tomtoms. in one year there were sion manager ofthe B. M. A., has 77,351 arrests for violations, al- - been ln Logan the past couple of the ballroom. or real, days checking on his local busiThe colors and the lights were like dazzling crystals and then tored ' the irst year under ness. Mr. Jones is returning heme D.uring the music began. Folk songs were sung and everyone danced. prohibition there were 29,000 cases from Boise where he visited Lee Well, they had never expected such a paity, and they had never instituted, and during the last Nokleby, a former Logan resident dreamed there was such a place as this tn the world. fiscal year there were close to who has the agency ior the B M. A. at the Idaho state It was surprising how many surprises there were still left in 70,000. capital. Demand for more prisons has the world and how many places the Little Black Clock knew. atnd been to new Goes ones made ordered, Body Brigham They had never known there were actual rooms made out of which it is said will not give reThe body of John Alvin Hansalt under the. earth. It was the Little Black Clock who had lief from except for sen, who dropped dead at his a period of five years or possibly home ln this city Sunday mornbrought them here. tcn. Prison population has Jumped ing, was taken to Brigham City They were lucky to have him for the leader on their adventures. for 100000 ln today by Alonso Lindquist of the (Tomorrow The Clocks Party) five-Lindquist Undertaking .Parlors. we when corruption, Ftfheral services will be held at - children bribery, demoralization of the Brigham City on Thursday and on the louAiev1 citizenry, disrespect for law, boot- - the body will be taken to Sait beMarch -j The following they and kindred offenses, does Lake for burial. came engaged in the operation logging not such a picture call for the of a large farm owned by the fair, dispassionate Judgment of Lemons From Linnartz church located between Logan nien and women to come togeth-an- d Louis Linnartz who is spending DEPA Mendon. Upon this farmjcr and reason over what remedy a vacation on the coast was for remained nine can be devised to they years,; sad abate this heard from this morning in the' By Mrs. Ruby Jensen where six children weie born, condition. form of two bushels of lemons Hyrum Correspondent after which they moved to "No one wahts the restoration which Mr. Linnartz had Here became Hyrum. of old the conditions or the from the lemon orchard ofpicked they HarJ actively engaged in larmlng, hav- - &aIooh7rGraham continued." We ry Stoney, a former Cache Valley a of farm Tributes south iUg purchased may well ask. cannot control aind resident. The fruit was received Worthy Hyrum. During tills time four regulations of liquor traffic sup by George Lamb, proprietor of additional children were born. of prohibition? the Grill Cafe. ply the place was of the Services in Hyrum In April 1910 they returned to What use of more laws, drastic large Juicy variety.It their native land to visit their ahd partaking of the spirit of and relatives, and partic- vengence, rather than justice? VALENTINES for Mrs. Clawson parents A Beautiful Assortment at ularly to gather Mrs. Clawsons Natural liberty of the Individual genealogical records, returning in has never been totally surrenderWilkinson's August of the same year. Further ed to society, but only so much Advertisement T. Alban Commissioner of Mother as oris needed to work research been has the made and preserve Clawson Comes From Sweden a record dating back to the year ganized entity. Found Offices Closed to Cache Valley --- Freedom of decision, as fa what 1600 has been completed,Robert W. Garrett of Mt. SterlUno or eat may drink, wear, is ing was transacting business in In 1913, they retired from active -- Hyrum. February 12 The funas as fundamental befreedom of the county seat He found Ma- farming, and moved to Hyrum eral .services for Hedda Like in the del- upon arrival in today. ever lief ln religion. that the were where they have resided Logan, tilda Anderson Clawson, their retirement, a. egation of powers to the federal county and city offices were closheld Mchday Feb, 10, at 1 p. m. since. dealSince sovereign ed today. The' postoffice of bejnple yrk,thas. government by the and ln the Second ward chapel with good states, all not delegated were re- business houses were open during Counselor Joseph T. Nielsen pre- been performed. served. however. Lincolns birththe The warohwhoir, towier Twelve children have IxhAi born siding. Individual man has a large re day day, was not on the calendar of the direction of A, J. Petersen, from this union, ten of whom servolr of powers. when Only of the merchants comfurnished appropriate numbers. survlye as follows: ones choice overt acts" breaks holidays The choir sang, "More Holiness William C., Alban T August J., the pence orbyInjures society can mittee of the chamber of comGive Me. Opening prayer was Edwin, Otto P, and Lehl Clawson the individual decision be assail- merce. cf all of Hyrum, Utah;. Mrs. A. F ed, and then by Elder John A. Carlson only to punish the Oil Men Coming The choir sang, Oh My Peterson and Mrs. J. L. Brown of overt acts. Logan. R. T. Hemden, vice president Father. Ervin No law can ever be enforced of .'11 iEl Hyrum; Mrs. Mrs. Maughan, the territorial office at Los Wellsville, and is Alvm that of destructive Jensen right and Angeles of Texaco products and The speakers were: A. J. Pet of Ward. College Individual he added. C. A. Turner, district liberty," ersen (who also read a sketch manager You may create a guerilla warofMrs. Clawsons life), Bishop A. NINE POUND will arrive In fare and conditions reeking with at the Butte office a. Ahen. Carl P. Anderson or BOY ARRIVES Thursday to go over busimurder, robbery, corruption, vio- Logan matters Clarkston, Bishop Lehl Olsen of Ilyrum Feb. 12 with Leo Hansen, Mr.nnd Airs. lations or evasions aruL dlsrespect ness - River --Heights, President IX M. Merlin Eliason manager- - of the- - Texas - company are rejoicing over for all law. Every law to be interests in this valley. Mr. Bickmore and Joseph F. Nielsen. the safe Hanarrival of a nine pound capable of being enforced withj During this information the services, vocal baby boy. Mother add babe are out such a train of consequences sen received Lizzie doing fine. solos were rendered by must not be Inconsistent with the while in Salt Lake on Monday Lemon of Logan and JadC Wahlen mind of the people of the country where he attended a convention and a piano solo, Nearer My God as being right and must not be of Texas company dealers and To. Thee, by Vmne Clawson. T nc Dill Among the Op- destructive sl in dividual liberty." distributors in the intermoyntain Beautiful That region. choir sang, posers of Hushes Directors for the Golden Gate and the benediction was pronounced by President J. B. (Continued from Page One; White. Logan Home Build- were very! irnpies- - his economic views, -- The servlceshereontin-ueirtgr Society Reelected sivo and full of eulogies of the "Is tlie will of the noble,, useful and faithful life and not to be considered at all people (Continued From Page One) Dill argued that declarations in the services given by the departbehalf of Hughes that he was ed, and the untiring love and age size of each loan has been of her faitliful husband. honest and able were bcggme f 2 009.43. The amount that has The large, honest, upright family the issue. been repaid on loans to date Is Mr. and Mrs. Clawson will alThe only chance that the $687,430 85 The value of matured to a as stand monument ways people have to pass on a Judge stock is $777.100 00. of the United States is here m her memory. The soclely operates only in 7 5 V At the Hyrum cemetery, the the senate' and makes loans only to L S ar,C,hrl:stT I Logan choir sang, Rock of Ages", as the paL him became i,e build homes Persons Intending rest lug ln a ianaaa mortal remains, -lowered torby-the- -' people--a- t beautiful casket,-wer- e wthe polls, n now told Mr. Hughes mire rrtarvJ Hatch has served as their last, resting place.Jolin A. of the oreMzatlon Israeisen 'offered thodedictory t the beginning. 'J6hnL:Coburn prayer is now ln the office of the comThe Washington senator ex- - pany attending to its general Upward of twenty grand daughbus- ters had charge of the great pro- pressed the opinion that the su- - iness. fusion of s floral eiAblems, and the preme court has become the' ' - first "following-sonacted as paitdepartment of the govern-" -. 1 bcarets: T.; ment.4' Edwin, August y., Otto and Lehi He referred to the that One of the largest Mr. Hughes is almost fact Clawson. 70 years ever congregations that gathered old; one of thu oldest men ever in the Hyrum Second ward, filled appointed to the supreme court, followed the auditorium and Jn and I wonder if it is benumerous automobiles to the cause said, tire president just wants cemetery. to assure that the present views Hedg'd Matilda Andersc'n Claw- of the court on valuations will be OGDEN LI KNTOCK in Storamalm, undisturbed. son, was born Ogilen, Feh. 12 AP IM1V Hogs March 12 1858. She Sweden, to the on attack Referring 484 for mar- ,49 1, receipts spent her girlhood days upon a Hughes made yesterday by Sen-- ! ket; about 23e inelmling higher than early jes- large farm owned by a captain Idaho, (crtl.iy; two flecks mixed wcih!" of the army, performing the f e naror! thJ how much mixed grades and underweights thinking Idaho helped bring about: 1123. was married to Carl John this when appointment hej Cattle: receipts 281. all Tfor market; marched up and down the land Meady; part load 1192 lb. steers On November 30, 1881 she and) calling for the election of the $10.30; lot 1130 lb. medium steers $9; her husband were baptzed as man who appoints Mr. Hughes few medium feeders small lot tlie gotd heifers $8.75; odd lots medium warned that unless undergrades !pePle better treatment from and good rows Lo-few veal calves Eider Charles ,Lundberg gan receipts 1,384, Ineluding lution not of bullets, but of1 7 market; no early sales. During their married life ln ' ballots. IOTATOES Sweden two children were born, I intend by this vote to doi Fota- Udeago, Feh. 12 AF I SO William C. ahd Richard J. On what I can do to put a stop to track 291 ; October 9 1822 they embarked what I bd.eve is MH.U tu n. shipments 850 ears; tradupon their journey for Utah ar- - greatest-dangerto the ebuntry ing slow, market steady; ttisronsin riving in Logan November 10 of m putting men on the supreme satked round while occasion-- , n November who pick-2will court the 7 al 2.60; Minnesota sacked round! I 1882, shortly after arriving, thejtng of pockets permit of the common whiles 2.35 2.40; Idaho sacked Russets H mm second son Richard died. Both! people. . 'yJ !a agentsS? - I over-crowdi- ng ! HYRUM i . RTM ENT at f . v , I . Wednesday, February 12, 1930 LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH Mrs. C. R. Jonea who was opera few days George Nielsen who has been ated for appendicitis the Logan ago, kr reported to be recovering driving truck for Steam Laundry, who recently'un-derwe- nt nicely. Niesen Operated an at the operation hospital, is said to be ln ther serious condition. a ra- Autos ln Wrec- kBud Pedersens automobile was badly wrecked last evening when it collided with one belonging to Shoe Cyril Bancroft, of the Royal occurRepair Shop. The accidentred on West Center street- Lusty Crowing Beckons Visitors to Poultry Show (Continued from Page One) school kidles who visit the show are the displays of rabbits and pigeons. Officers W, H. Ewer, president; Carl --Rasmussen, - vice - president; A. Anderson, secretary and Bodies, Fenders, and Tops re- Josepn Directors H. T. Wilson, T. J. Row-leAuto new. like made and paired Daniel Scott and Edgar Ever-toMetal Shop. 30 No. 1st West. Phone hav edone much the last few Advertisement 130. days to make the poultry show Interesting and worthwhile for all Engine Makes Run of visitors. A run to the residence 1 Charles Kearl, west on Fourth south was made by the fire de- ESCAPED MURDERER BACK IN PRISON partment on Tuesday afternoo,n. Smoke had filled the house but (Continued lrom Page One) there was no fire, the smoke ab defective a from having escaped sent him there for killing his chimney. wife. There had been another man. Nelson had fired. A jury set his Recovers Illness punishment at life imprisonment. Mrs. Hal Farr Is recovering niceThe old man has been living in a shack on Calumet harbor, on ly fro,m a recent sickness according to word received from Cali- what he could make by helping fornia where Mrs. Farr has' been fishermen. Arrested on suspicion, this winter attending to her aged his Identity was revealed. At the age of 61, after 18 years father, John F. Wright. It Is understood that Mrs.- freedom,- - Nelson wtll " have to go suffering from intestinal poison- back to, pay his debt to society unless society's spokesman, the ing. board of pardons and paroles, says Leaves for Work differently. for Charles Goodwin, salesman left the Union Kn.tting Company, today for Salt Lake and from there he expects to leave in a couple of days for the east where he will begin work for his company. Mr. Goodwin enjoys an excellent knit goods business in the Dakotas and Minnesota. y, n -- Farr-haxbe- Utah Republicans Honor Lincoln Salt Lake City, Feb. 12 (AP) Utah Republicans will honor- the memory of Abraham Lincoln at a bansuet of the Republican club of Utah here- tonight, and members of the state house of representatives will pause ln their deliberations for a time this afternoon to repiember, the emancipator. John W. Seaman of Cedar city civil war veteran who saw Lincoln numerous times and talked with him for several minutes on one occasion, is to be the principal speaker at the evening meeting. Others will Include Rev. John E. Carver of Ogden, - - Judge Dilworth Wooley of Manti, Richard W. Young, Jr., Walter Adams. Imer Pett.' Republican state chairman; J. Howard Garrett, president of the club, and E. Gi Howard. John C. Howard will be chairman. PLUMBING THE REST IN TERIALS M AND WORKMANSHIP en Baugh Plumbing Satisfaction Guaranteed 123 S. Main, Rhone 57 or 735-- J Good Pictures VALENTINE DANCE PROVIDENCE, THURSDAY, FEB. 13. Advertisement Popular Young Couple Married A shower was given Monday Mrs evening at the home of Ethel Clark for her daughter Bertha who is being married toThe day in the Logan Temple. evening was spent ln playing games. A tasty lunch was served to fifteen guests. Many ucei'ul and beautiful g.fts were received - In Poor Light with a Modern Kodak Camp officers of the daughters of Utah Pioneers are requested to meet in the Relic Hall Thursday, February 13th, at 2 oclock. County Board officers will convene at 1:30 oclock. 2t Announces Ms triage Mrs. Ethel Clark announces the marriage of her daughter, Bertha. to Josuh Purser, son of Mr. at d Mrs. Plrl.p Purser of Logan Th; marriage took place today in the Logan Temple wl h Joseph R. Shepherd officiating. Miss Clark is now a of the U. S. A. C. and Is well known ln the musical circK 1 of Logan, -- - - s . -- V Now you can take good pictures inside your house or outdoors when the skies are cloudy. Modern Kodaks, with their fast lenses, admit more light to the film for better exposure. Come in and let us tell you njre about the Modern Kodaks and their extra picture-makinability." Look over the unusual values in our complete, .moderately-price- d line. g -- r ; 4 i - -- - i - 41 MAIN 210. - .I t-- Advertisement Pond Goes to Preston Scout Executive Preston W. Pond, accompanied by C. S. Leaf, swimming instructor of the U. S A. C.., goes to Preston tonight for the final indoor session of the Scout leadership training school for the Franklin and Oneida districts. Instructor Leaf will speak on "Putting the Out in Scouting. The next session of the school will ba the windup and will consist of a five hour hike. I930s XW PRICES BRING &BYEAB WITIIIN REACH . Goodyear builds more than K f all Urea sold in America 50 ether - maker divide the remainder of the business. All Sixes All Types Double Eagle New Heavy Duty Standard f?i For the The New Style Matchless for the money In looks, construe tioo and performance. Full Oversize. Freeh 1930 "firsts lifetime carefully mounted guaranteed and backed by our year rooad Service. snato?SaP-- . - $18-fro- m i I JL35 $35,55 Blaag r3otqg $10-1- lT-1- graham-paig- onethef e motor cars Complete Garage Service 55 W. 1st N, Phone 3901 Logan, Utah 2.40-2.5- , 29x4.40 Balloon Cord $6.30 30x1.50 Balloon Cord 7.00 29x500 Balloon Cord ,8.85 29x5.50 Balloon Cord 31x600 Balloon Cord , 12.75 32x6 Hevy Duly (Oversize) Truck Tire, , s . Goodyear 1 $150-6.5- in High Quality Rock-Botto- at Low Cost I rhrtnf0! All Prices ALL GOODYEARS , herroWrshc F i We now cll Goodyears for Kttle more than the cheapest makes. Yet we can prove that Goodyear are lupcrior even Urea. Reason enough to highest-price- d l I - ST. KJG AN, UTAH d. r -- For Sale New English style home, 35 South 2. d West. Call between 3 and 7 0 cvlock. John M. Richards, undertaker. Phone 3, . i |