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Show 7 r-- r OUKNAI A QjJ ' LOGAN, .VOLUME LIII. President had Previously Planned to Wield the Hook and Line-S- pent d, Banks Close AP) Both the London, Feb. Americah and British delegations to the London naval conference regard the position taken at yesterdays plenary session regarding submarines as representing a definite decision to restrict the use of submersibles against merchant ships. of Secretary The statement Stimson last night that he regarded yesterdays work as a sign tireant'-a- hie venieht for the conference attracted widespread Interest in View of the fact that submarine problems were referred to a committee for study without. the plenary session expressing a formal view by vote During a conference with newspapermen last night the secretary said In part: Concerning the plenary meeting this morning, I want to call your attention to the fact that there has been a definie decision by the Not a naval conference today. tentative one a definite one. The five powers agreed to restrict the use of the submarine against merchant ships to the same rules which are applied to surface vessels. I want to say about that, that I regard that single incident as worth the visit of the American delegation here in Ldndon. That marks a step forward in a matter that our country once went to war about The secretary also said that , the pet.us.liad. , been. given .Joeabolimovement for the eventual tion of submarines. Newspaperman this morning fired a volley of questions at the British spokesman concerning Secretary SUmsons pronouncement and were informed that the British . delegation gave uhequivocal adherence to the secretarys Interpretation of yesterdays events The American delegation met this morning to work out the desubmarine tails of American policy for presentation before the the conference committee of whole when the question arises The delegation in that body. expected to have everything in concrete form by tomorrow. out of Another development Americstr headquarters was -- that the delegation decided to stand unfirmly on its position that thecruislimited categories namely, ers, destroyers and submarines-- 1(Continued cn Page Three) Prettiest Wets Have Their Say Drys to Tell Today Their Story Tomorrow Enforcement in Half Dozen Big American Cities Attacked. Co-E- d Time in Houseboat Devoting Attention to Mail i 12 NUMBER 36 First Congressional Hearing on Merits Of Prohibition Law Held In Slaying Springfield, Hi.. Feb. 12 (AP) Today they observe the 121st anniversary of his birth. Particularly here, ' where he sleeps. And in Chicago, where he was nominated to the presidency. But also everywhere in America banquet halls, auditoriums, churches and from the rostra of little country schools, fast vanishing as are most of the institutions of Abraham Lincoln's day. Banks close, honoring his mem-orywho never had much money to worry about. Trade drags. The air fills with the oratory both of the glib of tongue and of the stammering school Annotated Proot Phot ' child. Charles Stratton, 20, law ttu Much speechmaking here. Aldent, who la alleged to have fatally len Nevins, New York newspaperstruck 8am A. Lawrence with hla man and member of the Columflat when the latter tried to ejefct bia University faculty, stands in him from hla Humansvllle, Mo, the Sangamon court roadhouse. county room, rich In me m o r i e s of the man he eulogizes, and states that there might have been no tragic era had the emancipator lived through the reconstruction period. Logan Home Building What his reconstruction plan would have been, we can only declares Allan Nevlonjecture, Society Reelected ins. We may be certain; however le would have opposed all conAt a meeting of the Logan fiscation of southern property, all larsh treatment of former con- Home Building society, Wed. evenfederates; that he would have ing at the chamber of commerce undue prolongation of board of directors was reelected opposed for the and the financial report of i Secnilitary government south,, and that he would ... have retary H. ' J. Hatch was given and oeen against the immediate grant approved. Directors were: A. H. Thompson, H. ; of the ballot to all negroes. Dr. B. C. Bean, former assis- J. Hatch, E: T. Young, Joseph tant state director or labor, not-j- d Odell, Alma Sonne, H. G. Hayball, L, Coburn B. T. that today Is the . centenary P. E. Peterson, J,Barter and George Cardon, Ai'fL Continued on Page Eight) Skidmore.1 Messrs Odell, Hayball Peterson and Cobum have been serving on the board ever telnce Two Men Charged the organization of the society Long Key, Fla Feb. 12 and rested by Uo days of excellent fishing m the waters of the Atlantic ofr the Florida Keys, President, Hoovei exercised the presidential preogative of changing his mind and did not go fishing this morning, as he (API-Refr- , Thurs- day; little chango in temperature. ID.IHO: Isytth'd, probably local rain or snows tonight aiil Thursday, no change in temperature. CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1930 , America Observes Anniversary of Lincolns Birth American und British Celebrations at His Delegations Regard Burial Plate, Spring-fielYesterdays Action as Bl., and Definite Action to Res- Where he was Chicago, Nomintrict Use of ated to be President wevthek ITAIf i r Fair tonight and Feb Washington, eshed 12 The (API first congressional hearing in the decade of prohibition oh the merits of the dry statute itself opened at the capitol today with a denunciation of the law by Chairman Graham of the house Judiciary committee and . a series of sensational charges concerning enforcement conditions in half a dozen big American cities. DILL 10NG THE E Debate on the Nonina-tio- n of Former Presidential .Condidate as Chief of United Stated Justice Resumed in Senate. Washington. Ini confirmatuS Feb 12 (tth atJanl Washington" oCharlesEv! of the United States todayjU5tlce as debate on ation was resumed in the senate. had planned. theehtethrH?iU ,caied attention to Instead, he stayed aboard the Abraham Lincoln houseboat Saunterer and devota eotneidence ed his attention to the first Whau fhft officials thed: and Judges, police should spend the batch of mail he had received even the governor of Michigan, since he left Washington Saturwere assailed by Walter Leggltt, nidaK0f the greatest a magazine writer, and the first Christ walked rights since Jesus day night. The mail was brought the earth, in conto him in a special pouch from before the committee.. sideration of thewitness greatest chamMiami, having arrived all ,the he pion of Without mentionllng names, property rights as a -latter point yesterday morning told of a party in Detroit on the nominee for by air mail. night of November 5, 1929, at United States. chief Justice of the Other members of the preswhich he said the governor and our people are find idents party, however, put out in 4aoc1aed Pro Photo the chief of police of Detroit and ing it difficult to earn a livelismall boats to continue four judges were present. their Gretchen Powell of Toledo wee hood and to lay aside a little for on the But this was only a part- - of old age, sport. Word was brought from vjted the prettiest continued the Washthe Saunterer by Lawrence Richcampus of Findlay collage. Findley, Liggett's general indictment. Go- ington senator. The views of Ohio. down denounced ey, one of the presidents secrehe the line, ing Mr. on economic ques conditions in Boston, Washington, turns Hughes taries, that Mr Hoover planned are to anchor off Long Key in the Topeka, In the state of Minne- his egal j ustas important as Hie court Is ability. sota and in Wichita, Kas., where Atlantic ocean shortly after noon Lusty Crowing Directors for the he said there was one of the building up a body of law, not and renew his efforts to land be enacted by congress, going right to roadhouses classiest another sail fish such as he into the life of the people and Beckons Visitors found, comparing favorably with caught an hour after he began permitting the corporations to those in New York City. fishing on Monday morning. the' pockets of the man on The president has been keeping he was asked by Re- pick Finally street, To Poultry Show presentative Michener, Republi- the The in close touch with the naval Increase in the cost of arms conference, it was Indicated can, Michigan, a member of the living Is traceable to' the ecoactiif stood he the and committee, by today judiciary yesterday nomic theories that the court has vity of Captain Allen Buchanan, Many Fine Exhibits on Display ready to furnish- proof of his asadopted as the law of the land. for Seventeenth Annual sertions. his naval aide, who was in teleStreet car fares, gas rates, the Fair the answered at but the with communication yes, Liggett phone same time expressed doubt that cost of telephone service, all are navy department in Washington A of cocks inand, lusty No crowing would ever be . called upon affected by the valuations fixed he twice at least yesterday. amid an approving to confirm his story because he by the court and never intended formation concerning Ithe pro- cockerels and , of - liens, and pullets in added he had the Tacts. - by congress. blems. -- hWas discussing eould cackling Dill said he meant no attack the- - Sidney- - Stevens- - building mui Liggett-- recentiyengaed-in.an be obtained. " on "the'" honesty of the court. ''' West Center street this morning One of thfe reasons Mr. . Hoobut on the economic theories of known that the seventeenth (Continued on Page Four) ver decided to remain aboard the made the Judges which force the comshow of the Cache county annual of Saunterer during the forepart mon people to pay millions of - Breeders association was the day was that the sail fish Poultrydollars of tribute that could hot . the 5 French Officers of The many exhibit on, more seemed to be biting with be obtained otherwise than by conbreeds fowls will choice of 3 frequency and regularity after these decisions on. valuations, Feb, Until tinue evening, Saturday Killed In Mutiny o clock in the afternoon. Here Is a man who was decisruary 15. observalso had The president ively defeated by the American Quite a number of persons inin 1913 ed that sharks seemed to be terested in poultry visited the people for president, because of comFeb, officers Executive of the French In the Hanoi, Horse less With Stealing show this morning and this after- 12 bothering the party (Continued on Page Four) (AP) Five French officers pany, are John L. Cobum, presi- afternoons than1 in the piornings. noon. Many school children have vice A. H. the also been attracted to the var- were killed, five were wounded, presi- Already two members of Thompson, dent; Twin Falls, Feb. 12 (AP) Two dent; H. J. Hatch, secretary and party have1 lost. fine catches to ious exhibits of multi colored five annamite troopers were killed and six wounded in a mutiny of Must Answer To men were held in Jail here today treasurer, and Harrison Farr, as- sharks whien attacked just' as poultry of almost every breed native riflemen at Yenbay, 90 into on charges of horse stealing, the sistant secretary and treasurer. was pulied being the known. quarry here. miles from , D. H. Thomas, W. W. Barber the boat. A. complaint filed against them beCharles Greenfield, of Butte Idaho Supreme Court The attack was made by 200 ing the first of its kind Issued in and Harvey Christensen comprise Montana, judge of the show for Tonkin riflemen by Twin Falls county for many years. the auditing committee. accompanied the breeders association- has had 60 native revolutionaries. alT alMitchell or Buhl "The pair, Since its inceptlon ' seventeen Smoot Eulogizes a group of interesting onlookers Pocatello, Feb. 12 (AP) E. R. revoluCreek Snoshone Buildby Tod foreign legedly Home inspired ind Shangle, about him all day as he years ago, the Logan gatnered Boise attorney, today had Risser, are Buhl 731 at arrested Airplanes loans cowboy, wire society has issued 30 days in which to goes down the rows of wire cagts tionary .agitation, jng locate mutineers to the In explain to Lincoln here Jail Abraham trying members Intending to builcj yesterday and lodged passing judgment on the many who have taken refuge in a forest the Idaho supreme court charges pending preliminary hearing. They homes In Logan. These loans durbreeds of cockerels, fine hens, lodged against hum by a bar disbetween Yenbay and Phutho. are alleged to Lave stolen two ing the seventeen years have am' cocks and pullets. cipline committee and upheld by organizations Revolutionary Feb. 12AP) The horses belonging to Frank Farns- ounted to $1,468,984.88. The aver- to the attractive Washington, Especially the state bar commission at a In active have been Abraham of worth of Buhl. The animals were birthday anniversary meeting here yesterday. on Page Four) ( Continued for several months. senon Four) was the observed valued in at $150. Lincoln (Continued Page The discipline committee Mexican President reate today with an address by Sencommended Rissers disbarment ator Smoot, Republican. Utah, from practice and the commiseulogizing the civil war president. HAVE FLAMES sion adopted the findings of the DAHO Message the down turn not us Let investigators. Risser was charged temple he saved, was the plea of with clients withholding a the Utah senator- Lincoln loved to Associated money. the whole union, not a part of it; OF VICTIM The bar commission yesterday he loved the whole people, not a recommended contempt proceedof them. In this same spirit New York, Feb 12 (AP) Presii part ings against W. L. Shattuck and let us join, to solve our problems. dent Pascual Ortiz Rubio of Mexithe Eastern Idaho Loan and Trust WashDill, Democrat, Senator co has sent the following message as Lauded n Abraham Lincoln German Lloyd Liner company for practice of law withNorth as a with followed To Press OBrien query asking Associated to the ington. out admission to the bar. Major Statesman and a Party Rests on River Bed The Apparently to the to what chance Lincoln would that it express his gratitude Man state bar 'association previously IIudson River in Pier i. chief to be named interest have American publ c for the today had disapproved of the acts of Much-Betteirr hto health after the Pocatelld,-Feb--12 r Inspect (AP) South-- e justice of --the United States, for --New York- - Feb 12 (AP) With iUxe..com.;iaay recent, attack made upon his life. as tern Idaho Republicans gath- he was aradTcaror his day."' The commission recommended fire still smouldering below decks, Mexico Federal Distrxt, ered here la.st night, heard Abrathe North German Lloyd liner In. connection with the regular the admission of E. P. Suing of 12 Feb." LAP) 11.1930. statesWashington,'" Lincoln lauded as a ""February Luenchen today' rested on" the dr.il of. Battery F at the local careywood, Idaho, to practice: J at the bedside of ham Attendants Kent Cooper, General Manager, man. and a party man, and listenriver bed at her ' Hudson river armory Thursday night" of - this -- Jess Hawley, representing west-er- n , The Associated Press, New York. William Howard Taft said today ed to predictions of continued Tdahot .and president of the., h wrecked hulk from toe week 'Maio T M, J, O UriciX' of the pier, was. -roustthat,,. ,obr.,Jute am I ..much success- for theparty grateful, apparenUy;;,M and ciiinui,sion(..,,.aiid fire com swept Emery. Owen, explosions in Prison United that" an(r anittt'rr"wttt ) Back; staler Assocwas me better he the than shown t by yesterday. ? courtesy nation. i of the Idaho Falls, eastern Idaho repreher yesterday. official an all give inspection over chief The former iated Press in spreading justice spent ; Geraint . Humphrey were unit. of Warren Two engine sentative, were present companies . theAmeriean union the news mother restful night, his nurses was.ab-sen- t. hold northern the the into member, .water Truitt, still. of Chlcgai,-Fet- e napxed presldentof citizens Din Logan pumping tinguished. I laid, awakeflliig only twice. transmitted from Uis 'capital" association and R. D. Nelsons in jail again. Lincoln of the ship in their efforts to represent ng various clubs and orthe attack of which J Mr. Taft was in such condition Merrill Day Pocatello was selectof the smouldering fire ganizations will be present to see of Chester out He extinguish penitengot conon arriving in Washington from ed was recently a victim and In las vice pifesidenL Today tiary in 1912, wthout telling any- and permit them , to search for what ' the boys are doing in the Settlement of nection with the condit.on of my Asheville, N. C on Feb. 3 that many of those present were one he was leaving. The state had the body of Gustav Francke, line of military advancement. his physicians and members of health. to Boise, where tonight a third electrician of the liner, who All members of the battery are concerned. similar affair will be held The Interest which this news his family were much (Continued on Page Four) was believed to have been trap- urged to be present, and the ofby ReI elements He all rallied almost ' Garment Strike awakened has immediately, publicans of that section. amdng ped in the vessel and burned to ficers extend an invitation to the sinreand for all calls however, my of your country practically ' death.' at t here the for banquet Speakers public to he presept cere gratitude and I wish to have ports from his bedside since have last In addition to Francke, a fire- general night stressed unity in Re- J Rraises Memory of the demonstration. New York, Feb. 12 (.Virtual this feeling expressed through the been fencouraging. was when he lost man life his and cited party ranks settlement of the garment strike, Associated Press, which I also wish Physicians, in commenting on publican toto the deNreboat a from of Lincoln which they Abraham Lincoln ?Mwn warned that ideals in which 30,000 to have express my sincere grati- the improvement, have persons of one of the Avowed Wet Wins force water the still were evident in the by clared rethe one time president of the been idle the last eight days, was tude and very affectionate shook the vessel. was no mention that but explosions To Loiran Students organization, -Election United States had a long way to announced today by Lieut. GovNorthampton people., ipjjg uptow Hudson river tube gards to the American made at the banquet proper of ernor Herbert H. Lehman. go before he roceverd his health. Pascual Ortiz Rubio. Tribute sa paid to tilt mem- Hudson & which the candidates through gubernatorial possible conMass., Feb. 12 (AP) Pres dent of the Mexican Republic. He is suffering from a complica- for the coming election Emerging from a of Abraham Lincoln at a iManhatten Springfield, railroad company next ory tion of ailments, a recurrence of falL held at he between The second congressional district, ference with contractors and Jobspecial assembly trains subway operates bladder and heart trouble being Includes Junior high school this morning. Northhampton bers at the Hotel Commodore. ;New York and Hoboken and Jer- - which An informal discussion behind attended by extremely poor cirMiddleton of Calvin Dr. George W borne Three Persons of Ntnolidge, has Mr. Lehman said that while the was for reported ,sey closed doors after the banquet cityat. fi nVlnrlr this in an illustrated culation. Lake Salt Troretc City, morning. was reported to have been for the lecture fascinated the student Die In Fire Narcotic Vaccine purpose of going over the, list and many xlsilors by his poranof political timber but no of (hr life and character was laid out in 1893- - The d strict bruising .. the strike to a close, trayal York. of the discussich was failr of the great emancipator. in France nouncement Found hall been closed bad sent Senator Gillett, Republi- - would be signed at tube had ine made. Feb. and of a fund With pictures perBrockton, Mass., to the house for many years day. 1 p. m. yesterday after In shortly C. lives H. de Governor material, Ir. Baldridge gonal experience Three persons lost their Mr. Lehman pointed out that as a- precautionary measure, as In an overwhelming victory in) Paris (AP) Experiments in at- - clared that Lin colons ideals are. Middleton showed Lincoln to the a fire which swept a Gran- - the union already was in subelection. vesterdavs special relieve the rested to in "burning 'ship the saving so tempting "mi man student 'gtlll with the Republican party great, wooden dormitory of the city 1 eld defeated Frederick D. "inside accord with the stantial Griggs, of 30 above the feet narcotics mud hypodermic top injec by the, he so . has others . Two ... aded that as long as the brave, and true, that . ian(j , farm early today. and the ' toe manufacturers an- - RPDublican. He will succeed feared shop officials tunnel and inAmerican to idol The retained those pre j' beeome an were injured critically. organization W. manufacturers. Kirk wholesale "V dress late Kaynor. to lother are described congressman the aboard addict the XmtoTrwould drug explosion heavy Temain'lir Dower titbit. stitution housed 80 inmates. ' was Oranfield 31.150; Settlement of the strike was said lecture At the rinse of ship might damage the tube The vote ureed his fourid on the ' the Academy of Medicine, Paris, The dead 24 749. Both live in Spring- - to hmge on IlL, ' this 'ModinoJDr officials morning Transit .Oriegs, Lre toTtauie to son, tor Principal Ahin the thrrery" wood byHe says he prepares tofioorof , a serum ward and carrv on in the face of mented , contractors that the jobbers limit Dr. Middleton on Id the gave permission to resume ger - field. . en biuldine with two of Two rand dates running on a their dress orders exclusively to snlendid address and expressed vice after an Inspection disclosed He made no men- -.. Tbrv were from reactions taking place near bodies bone dry platform received a shops belonging to where a hypodermic ,opposi.Jr.; the apprentice of the assembly. wnue wnlLvS cero mail and the spot ' vote. . Continued on Page Eight tors Association. , On the skin. needle scattering (Continued Page Eight) pierces rtrog & white man. c . he - co-e-d -- -- . ' -- , , - - Indo-Chln- a, . , -- at Indo-Chl- Sends . REPUBLICANS - Press na PREVENT SMOULDERING - BIG BAIIQUET AT POCATELLO SEARCH FOR BODY Luen-che- raft J BatteryF -- . - In'-stat- e - . . . Mont-pelier.w- as - en-rou- I te 444444444444 1 4 v t ur -- 1 , - - ty 11-T- - . . 1 1 ,,11- , . . to-ca- n, |