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Show TilE TRI WEEKLY JOURNAL, LOGAN UTAH, JULY 4 U01 V cbaflze Gfeanings, j,rt; fist lSV Ouinmv will no doubt by many of our rmeUmi JS? US she and her husband here a number of years aCo SK Kieh Uo. A sbe-be:- and he Winnipeg, ported ns nearly equal to alfalfa In value nnd superior to clover. Most of the yields were from' 12 to 20 bushels per acre. On the, college farm soy beans yielded 7.4 bushels per acre along side of Kaffir corn yielding 20 bushels snel coru a total failure. rim.W.WJ-- . Alany reports show a failure of seed tq grow. Shy beans for seed must be kept In cool.-- well ventilated- bin lu tbln layers. In buying seed empty the jacks ns soon as received and keep the beans spread out In a dry, cool place in a thin layer. II. M. Cottrell. . Qainney, of Lojan, passersby. The Canadian shepherd ilnuse thu may be to Ne''un ir - her cub caused said be a victim to the jiggers in an abnormally acute. form."" The organist suffers from jiggers when he fingers his favorite air ou tli&iail q, suseat.- aabe travels r Yhe butcher cannot forget his"trade on Sundayrbut f asses. .his ..thumb along the edge of his prayer book to seeTf It is properly keeiC, The tired seamstress makes over aaiu the dress that a client is wearing in a neighboring pew. C hfe H "S IRRIGATION V CANALS. - -- The! t Carry Ia Capacity nCect of Form, Friction and llant-tEast and south, ns well os west, the Interest grows In. Irrigation. Samuel Fortier of the Utah station lia Investigated the carrying capacities of a Eircplaiit. . Humber of irrigation canals nnd preSow eggplant In tlie hotbed ami r A Cowboys Sweetheart. sents In a recent bulletin the results of Tansplant high to other beds or pots. a liisjyork In the hope that they may aid jlant8,must Jiave Little bunch o snap, those who operate Irrigation ..meins rbeek in their growth means all the Full o' girlish auiumtion, tin rence between profit and loss, says Sort that makta a youngish chap In tne west to arrive at a better underLove the whole leunieo.reauou standing regarding the behavior and Salley. Lyes a tiasliia full o mirth. canal's. FORMIDABLE CUTWORMS. Laugh that ripa the air in tatters, carrying capacities of Irrigation Ia planning new systems It is necesAn' a smile that beats the earth In the sunshine mat it scatters, sary to kuow (he approximate volume Tried nemedtea For All (lie Tribit, Angels ha.ut got uiuch ihe best of water which each new channel will nandlni; aud. loloned Unit. O this wild ilowr- o the West. a most remarkaLaslyearomwml carry, and Mr. Fortier's experiments bears should Doesnt war no ble on outbreak the raelfle const la vengeance against the bo seevalue therefore also for of may toney clothes, British Columblrt-o- P au Injurious insect Aint no jewels on her flasbiu, bevdare to again. show tleiruelves We are rnxious-- Sort o up.arda hurls-he- r . ...1.5 F F i. .. ....... ..... nose named the variegated cutworm, and It near their camp.' When fuss fashion. hint an at you further extended also through Washington and dcwlopmentr, Bother crude an awaiting t tough in speecu Oregon into Idaho, according tp Dr. and this may be continued next When her thought she is expressing But I reckon the could leadi Fletcher of the Canadian expm.'mrntal 'week. Kiel) Co. News. -.- 18.9 retT. A farms. From his report tills cutworm cv,7 .City gal a modest lesson. ,jf A man bv the name of Kelly fell You bet Figuiei j.st seems to have caused enormous loss over a precipice thirty feet hight Juniper d eavv hers. lu all garden crops. It amounted, in in the dry bed on solid lava When she emus fact, to a plague, us it nttac ked nut Ivpofn thought, Idaho B S river near ...... ...j& 43 FEET............ of Snake Willi the music roui d me ringin,,, . .. i Vrtomatoes, cabbages, euions and only Ilis injuries Thu the heaven Falls on Tuesday. ought the of but cleared out whole-fieldlike, Fremont- - Co. i'o Hcfopt her style o minin, mav prove fatal: aud corn, as well as carrots, potapeas Seem to hit agaiu yer heart Journal. toes and other root crops. V' i There to tort o bre.k an scatter With the cutworms of this visitation week of last Tuesday afternoon cross SUCTIONS OF WESTERS CANALS. Through yer soul, each uoie a dart ever with thing green seemed to. go. to to shatter t!ons other than those for which they Tipped Hung enough happened a serious accident with They F.ytu awed y appeared In millions, damaged neive delight! are designed. The following are little Eva, the three year old ns badly ns does the aLny that. almost grain pard, right! lloneatlnjiu, The little which he finds himself justi- worm, ate daughter of Eli S. Lee. the fleshy outside pod of fied In drawing: child was playing around the hay Ought to sec her ride an rope! . out holes and lived Inpeas, scooped Sections of canals in earth, although winner! lardner, she a derrick which was being used to side of carrots, mangels nr.d tomatoes. Aint no cowboy on the elope carefully built of a lraiezo!dal form, Injured trees, fruit aud tiowers, stack the hay aud in some manner That kin bold hi own again her. with the bottom width horizontal, she got her left hand between one Ropes the toughest bronk, an tights tobacco, tasted the. bop crop, soon change to segments resembling fed night aud day and altogether heHim while cinchiu ou the saddle, ofthe pulleys and the rope, the those of an eclipse. lm red in such an unheard of manner same being in motion at the time. Makes a suddent j imp, an lights The carrying capacities of new Irri- ns cu astraddle On the to fill the farmers with consternacrazy The index finger on the left hand gation canals and ditches during the tion. Let him buck ! hus there to stay first season of their operation are less was tom off at the first joint and If he bucks till judgement day! Fortunately iiotall the cubAorms are tlian in subsequent seasons, providing the other fingers and' hand badly such voracious and general feeders as in etaked out Got ni a hope same the conditions are maintained. Mr. and Mrs. Lee took lacerated. the variegated, which is said to he F Id corral her on Ihe quiet The coefficient of friction in canals the little one to Tooele where the An let go the and bodied than the orheavier larger rope, that she wUl lined With sediment In good order wound was dressed bv Dr. Phipps. kinds. Wouldnt make no run to shy it. and long in use Is less than has been dinary Got an idle she would sttn 1, Lake Ioiut Cor. To. e e TranscHowever, science and practice have usually Supposed. Sort o g adjthat 1 had nipped her, combined to lay down sure ami safe ript. The frictional resistance of coarse Till the prsacner put the hi and lines against cutworms of campaigning materials, such n3 gravel, pebbles or whatever On us, cordin to tne scripture, degree of mischief. Briefly, Hive You The Jiggers? cobble rock, depends to a large extent But I aint dead sure, an Ill the accepted proceedings- ns advised on whether such material is well Let her run fur yet a while, the Canadian by entomologist, already In the far northwest of " Canada packed or loose. Adams in Denver Tost. Bartcn consist of (I) the bandmentioned, J. A inire mighty sheep ranches. On rough channel exerts a greater of freshly ret out annual 'plants ing fluence in retarding the flow of u small each of these a solitary shepherd with rings of paper or tin; i2i the She Didnt Wear a Mask. ditch than the same elegree of roughlooks after his huge Hocks from of the caterpillars either poisoning But her beauty was completely ness exerts on the large canal or river. with one shearing to another. Ilis duty trajw of fres.. vegetation tied in In tin past eaur.l l;iilders have to si, and pimit is to count the thousands bundles nnd. after being dipped. Is a of hidden by sores, blotches used Bncklens Arnica great extent overlooked the injurious mixture of pnris green and water or sheep as ihe) come out of their ples till she of the growth of aquatic plants. Then they vanished as will efleets other iKiisou distributed at short in;5alve inclosure. The e.Teet of water plants la terval.-. over Infested land when the lie stands at the gate aud with all Kuruptiooe, Fever Sores, Boils, tin flow. and lessening the capacity cutworms Feloas and appear.. A modification of Carbuncle) of irrigation canals may be much practiced eye takes note of the Ulcers, tide, remedy which lias given satisfacInfallible tor Cuts, greater than a rough, uneven clainne!. woolly cascade. By fours aud from it ue. tion. and the ease owing to its Scalds and Piles. In parts. of the arid west where such fives he counts It can be prepare and apwith which rapidly to a hund- Come, Bams. grows abundantly the plied. is kuowu rs the poisoned b.wi red, ami as each hundred is Cura guaraoieid. 2)3. at Riter in mie-i- a way he should built eanas Co. reached he transfers a stone from Bios. Drug as to preedit its growth. e.r. if this is remedy. This cons'sts merely of brm his right- coat moistened w!F: sweetened water i.tul pocket to his left. Are You Troubled impractical.li. to facilitate its removal. pnris mixed l.i the proportii n of The effect of a few months of cue is of this work is to pound purls green to 3u pounds f give the mi fortunate with pimples? 'SOY BIANS. dose bran. one of m If shepherd the jiggers. cloudy? At uight, if he finds himself, Tea wil make, a change. tVlint ItniiRa Farmer ThlnU of Lines abroad, his eves linoirlne Hoof For Ajitary. cures a foul TIi cm A Point A lion t Seed. Two views are shown i:t American prefixed upon the ,sky. and his It purifies the blood, The Kansas experiment station has Bee .lonl nul of our apiary, v. iiieii exkeeps shifting from one breath, mskeo vuur complexion black receive'd and reports from h7d farmers who ploits a novel idea li the matter of red pocket to the other. drives and pimples He is counti- clear, raised soy be;;iis in l.HKI. Those reports roofs. One presents the rpiary with ng the stars. without knowing it. heads from the lace 50s aod 25o 7fi count ies. One hundred the revolving roof iu a horizontal ms1- came from Take him from packages. For sale by Riter Bros.. and forty-ninfarmers write that t lie in the a soy bcnti is n profitable principal street of Sole Agents. crop. 44 have PVTf. a favorable opinion, hut need further ' n nfinr,L: trial; fil report unfavorably, and :tb think the crop a total failure. The othexeitement tjat the considerable, f' Muir uu.r lironsh p mi Tuesday oifflit the camp at around Jfprowlini: s ampedm and Lnseendy hour amUaiusin? lie dogs to the sheep No loss of i unmercifully. the herd-I- I and jLn was sustained Clms-SseChris. J (1. Muir and all safe found themselves someunext morning aMioiifch Mr. Muir came to what nervous. and procured town on Wednesday to camp with back went and rifle loaded with aud his in eye blood belt aud breathin': his in cartridges 1 l' one-fourt- . good-bedsT-for n. - Flats thus irrigated gave a poorett stand of alfalfa, wit lmut exception than! those irrigated but om-eThis was duo largely to the filling up of the cracks? in the crust with sediment and tliusi smothering many of the young alfalfa plants. . V. - rs - 1 7.- -- rtf-, . s s . Thin nnd Another. Satisfactory results in feding soy beans to Jiorses, mules.' dairy cows,, roung stock, sheep, lambs, hogs nnd joultry are rejiortod to the Kausas sta-- i fion. Many farmers report that Jhej! have never fed anything eipial to Iti, few Wiitetliat their stock could not; )e Induced to eat either beams or hay.i Results of experiments with sweet! beets. My farmers In Michigan Indicate! :liat n mixture of equal parts of sand; ind clay, or varying 10 per cent from: iual parts. Is a superior sugar beet, loll. . . - feeding sorghum With alfalfa has been found more desirable than feed-p- g either alone at one of the south? western stations. Colorado Bermuda onions and Arkansas valley celery aru 'becoming; items of note. The sunflower makes a considerable drain on the fertility of the so.l. It is claimed that Gonnnu-Ru.ssiafarmers in South Dakota have beeft raising macaroni wheat successfully for 23 years, using It mostly to Teed, Jtpck, as there, has been no market1 for It. ! a ' eon-clusii.- ten-tij.- es . ! -- j - lt ehiM During May an i of our tieigMmr w hb mfiViii g In m cb Mer infntum. r odors had it i all uf r .nverv. up hopes I took a bottle of Cham' erlsins Golie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to lh hou?e, tellii g thm I felt sure it would do good if ueci In iw according ti directions time the child had fully To child is now vigorous sod healthy. I h vo d v-i- lie i is recom--rreiidr- ibis remedy friqnently sod have never known it n fail. Mr. Curtis Bkr, TWk t altT, Oio Co. Sld by Riter' Bras. D-t- if To Cura a Co!d ia Ct9 Tay. Take Lxaive Rrnmo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund t He if it fails to cure E. V, Hoves signature is oil each ox. I 25 i. g .. ofik-ui-- I i - g.'e-.-.- yir i cm-plexio- . e ers did not express an opinion. Most of tile successful farmers plowed and hat rowed their ground ns for surface planting of corn. A few listid or double listed, either listing sliallow or else harrowing Hit furrows nearly Farly, Yellow soy. gave the fanners having best yield, only a success With the late varieties. of plauting was The favorite-methowith a grain drill, stopping up all' the holes but. those that put the rows 32 Inches part and dropping single beans two or three Inches apart in the row. Corn planters with drill httacliinerits and one horse corn drills wen frequently used. Objections were made too far that corn planters put the rows opart for best yield. The best yields were usually secured by planting as soon rs corn planting vqs tlulshed. Several fanners in eastern Kansas report that-- . with them beans may be planted any time before July 1. The. mine cultivation as for toothed corn was usually given. used. were cultivators frequently The season was exceptionally unfavorable. Hot winds aud drought from the tipie of blossoming to maturing cut the crop short and shriveled the beans. This was Immediately followed by hexvyandlong continued rafmrtbat Injured the beans In shock and stack, j The worst pest was rabbits. The yields were from nothing to 31 bushels of grain per acre and up to two tons of hay per acre, the hay being re MERBI VE,clear the complx the mind, headache, legulaiea the tmoh ao'd howeL, etimulales be liver. and in fact, a perfect I.f the health, Puce, 50 g'tar.ii ceotr. Riter Bros Drug. Co. j , on, givt-- t a uovMiicy to -- , Vuv Suffer With Hexdache when doe of .Sbermens Headache Cure will rid 3 on oi it. Thty are inetantaneoiis in their flDct, aiid perfectly ha.miees Keep a bf-in the house em erg nmes. They cure retiralgia2fuv and Dv-- a b.-For sale by Riter Br-i- s , S Agents. a fr il 11 rnoiiib 8Z03 1 fJnCD uv!. COHLi lntmlUnw IHhh r .. or ri,4n keruhen. ThouKHmJNot tewtiuj ki.ii4 ti.n over jear. nr (Iiia tiAititf them iirovfmanU. K ml orwnH l) ln i oV )g.rv. Hr frct-Tin I? K. 41 lietml f 4 up. Kftmfdo lump hn.!l. . i.e ' y t. waDtoneatfent.mffrcliHUlor iitdtMOtio' j evervtown. IDuatrutrd cntuin urtAiuNU i. ah uic )., of i mm ii 8end pontnl to esUrn olLod, 1L.A iH- Ct. full-The a Utr. Colo. fe-- Make u Holidiay of You dont go it. eas, EVERY day, - When you do- go, go comfortably via Denver and the Burlington Route The time is ALMOST as fast as the fastest and the service and Beenety better,. than the best. Thro tourist cats from Salt Lake City Sd30 a.m. Thursdays; 8:20 p ra. Fridays Omaha, Chicago, KPFas City. St. Louis, Thro palace blee pers daily at 3:15 p.ra. - , ,e'3iTe fcfcet Office, glJiy tell you all about them. 79 W. Second South Street. - K.F. Neslkx, General Agent, Salt Lake City. - r - I L09AR MAIL CARD. CLCSIKQ dr KAILS. Eat and North 8:00 and 1 :3. p.m. Freston branch 10:)a.m. Kalt Lake, Ogden and boutb A 8 p, id, Providnuce, Millville, 11 y ruin and Paradise. REVOLVINO REE SHE! ROOF, p.m tion tO'gliadc the hives from thenoon-iln- y Benson, ai d King Tuesday, Thursday and uriav : r p.n. sun. The other shows the roof on v a slant to protect from the afternoon Coliepi, 'Vlnewlay and JO:JiO a.m, summer sun or chilling winter blasts. AKKIVAL or waii l. The owner of the apiary says: The hives are the ten frame, with an all Salt Lake, East, Wogi, ffortli wool blanket between tin brood chamaeit -- .'itb til) :40 a. m. nc fl :2r p. m ber (fuel Jlie super! but held up from the Prnstoc brand p.io, , frames So the bees can pass over from Millville, Hyrnu: and Paradise. ; 12:X.e. frame to frame. The super Is then fillBer.sou, aa I King Tueoilay, Thors lay ed lightly with short straw. The ventiand S i inlay J t lation seuus tq be enough for tlds cli- Coili-ge- , j,,.. and at- Wofnes.lay n mate (Adams county. !!id under tyial l orOrtr .m. of four winters south o.f the fortieth iienwra! drlivery window open fro, a 8 a in. until ti p ou parallel and three miles east of the i j wL:lowijV.eo ,n'-- t v, ver erar teli-eMississippi- - ri (roin 12.00 in. to 1 :00 p ii . Mom-- y nr.mr a in.iow open Irom a.m Second Irrigation of Alfalfa. to 6 p.m. The effect of a second 'irrigation cf Robekt Mckdock, alfalfa to Induce ;;f v.:.i".i:. n mis studPoBtuiAster. ied at ttye New Mexico station. After 1 1 Ht-nioa- -- Prov-dwnce- r - M , i ' - i On V ycr-epu- h h WIIAU'SHWJJX.HIUW'WWWiWTllI - ta4bnajm - the first Irrigation the plats formed A bard surface crust about of an liu-thick mid cracked into large cakes iu drying. Some seed germinal-e- d and were Just showing (their seed leaves In the cracks when a 'portion |