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Show THE Cirditoa Condiment. Not seeing from in The Journal anything this part of the globe for a long time, I thought it would not be out of place to let you know that we are not dead, just sleeping. the crops Twill here state that look around fine; and here, in ' some other than ,somewhatJater Editor Journal: -- -- ' . seasons,, but. L-t- ' out tik-i- t hi w ft will come a ITttle'varm we which have not had of weather, at a time; nor long very much, but we have had, and are having, plenty of rain; in fact, a little too Truck patches much at present. are not so good as last year, but there are some very good gar ain-igh- t i dens. There Jias been quite a numb-- r of immigrants come in here this I think nearly all of summer,--Wthem are very well satisfied, al though once in a while I see someone southward hound. -- Nosaetiuics I inquire the reason of this migration in so short a time. Some will Well, we answer in this wav: home in comfortable had a good . Utah or Idaho, or some other phye, and we are not used to living in a tent, and it rains too mtirdi; .the laud is too hard to subdue; there isnt any .land to homestead; all of this may or may not. lo true. Just as a pers a makes themselves be1 do not think there is lieve. much land for homestead close around here, but a little farther northwest pM east, plenty of good, desirable land i3 open for home- stead and purchase; the purchase price being very low, and on snob terms as to be within the reach of very one desiring a piece of laud to build a home and make a lilug f ou. 1st. Some will say everything is very dear. 2nd it will take a lifetime to make a start; to the first 1 say yes; to the second, Hats! If a persou only expects to live one or two years, then it will take a lifetime; . otherwise not. I consider, taking everything into consideration, that it does' not cost any more to live here than in Utah, from the fact that we get more for our farm products, such as wheat, oats, potatoes, beef, hogs, etc. Of course, Mr. Editor, we are not enjoying the Mi Kinky prosperity that you are, su h as taxes corruntion in polities ami other necessary or unneees.ar. evils, and may the gods prevent such. Wc arc aocussed (' having lots of wind up hcrevXTrue, wc have the kind that Mows some, but not, Jr down ami tears un even fla g in its was barns, siu.l and - etc., and I will say that if Cache Co. had no other attrac-tion- s fruit-tree- s, than taxes, wind and sugar beets, it would not be a very desirable to live. I shall not attempt to describe nil the beauties of this part of the country, for fear that a great many of those who read The Journal will move up here, and by so doing turn the cities and towns over to the Republicans, which would The lux-fatn- l. Journal arrive regularly, is much sought after and by all, and the only tar.lt is read I have to ' find is, that n,.s pot Lave a regular correspondent, so ns-tgive us the news of uurhcine town . Tims. V. Woolford, Cardstoa, Alberta, Canada. June 24, IDOL Richmond RitpL-s- , Ricnion 1 may now look for a better police service, as wc lme a new s'.iperintciricnt. The way it Monies abr.it is Hut Oity .Marshal Geo. E. Doty took for a l'fe partner iu the holv. bonds of matri r 0 P P Si$ Emulsion Scotts food and medicine the best teething babies. gain from the start. a free Jis jj 5 P f2 Srnd for -409-45 JOURNAL, LOGAN UTAH, JULY Y jj jj They d 0 ft sample. . 1 SCOTT & HOWNU, Chemists, New Yctk,' V. fear! Street,- - ' yx:. and i. 00; all drug-la- s. Q 4 l31 There is no longer an excuse for any one to endure the torture infixed Ly" piDs when TARLERS BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT will cure them, a remedy eo.jnoder ate in Price, 0 price and eo effective. cents in bottles Tubes, 75 cents. ' Hiter Bros. Drug Co. j monv, Miss Lizzie McCarty, one of onr school teachers. The event occurred on June 2Gth, at Logan, and they gave an At Home on the evening of the 28th, at which a fine tixie is reported. As Lizzie lias been very snicessful iu the management of the little- - folks in our schools for a number of years, we look for some improvement in George. Their many friends ex- tend congratulations and wish for them happiness and prosperity. A. U. Ljungman, one of our elderly and highly respected citizens, dropped dead on Tuesday veiling of last week. lie had returned a day or two before from Salt Lake, where he had been attending the graduation of his daughter. He had not been feeling well for a couple of xlays and fell while his wife was preparing supper for him. The funeral was largely attended on Thursday. The sompathies of the entire community is extended to, the family, llebcr J. Johnson and wife are happy over the arrival of a boy baby on Friday of last week. Mrs. leterson,.' mother of Section Foreman Geo. Fames, died on Friday of last week, after a lingering sickness. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community. Mrs. Mary Allen and her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Parsons, left on Saturday evening 'of last week for St. Anthony. There they will be joined by a party of friends and together will drive through tli.e National Park. Quite a number of young people took advantage of the excursion last week and visited Salt Luke. Prof. J. P. Griffin of the A. C., until his family, have been rusti-catiu- g in these parts the past, Tj. This signature Laxative Is on every box of the genuine e Tablet. curen tbe rcuedy that it cola lb oue day ai ef suns. Nothing tastes good, Nothing gives pleasure. The mind is dull and sluggish. The will is weak. Little things cause great irritation. Whats the matter? The proliabilities are that the stomach is deranged and the liver involved. ' Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery makes a man who is run down and- dispirited feel like a new being. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs f digestion and nutrition, stir3 the sluggish liver into action, and increases g the activity of the glands, so that there is an abundant supply ef pure, rich blood. blood-makin- Mr. Hdward Jacobs, of Marengo, Crawford Indiana, writes: "After three years of with liver trouble and malaria 1 pave tip all hope of ever (tettintr stout again, the hst chance was to try your medicine. I h.td tried s all the home end received but After taking three bottle of Pr. llercc Golden Medical Discovery and oue vi.T of hi rieasunt Pellet 1 am stout and hearty. It is due entirely to your wonderful medicines." Dr. Pierces Cotmuoii Sense Medical Co., Brotno-Quinin- , tdi piece as well as an ornament and an ornament ns well as a Tfthe stomach, liver and bowels piece. fail to perform their functions and regularly naturally, the h.ood contatntited becomes ownDu & with im- Joirai, - littU-rclie- f. dis-tor- 1 THE Buffalo, Utah 6. kite Tithing House Corner. " MONEY TO LOAN- - Everything Guaranteed 1st Clan lhe only shop in town that ma- i nufactures its own Bologna sausage. " SUhIMEBB27GBSI0NS OFFICER8. Mohes Tmatchek. Irehil-n- t Geo. II. Champ. Vive-- resident. VIA SAN7E FE BOUTE 1 A, H. Thompson, Secretary Treasurer. and TICKET RATE 1 & DATES OF sy 2H-2- Both. U Kansas Citv and ieturn,(3L.0C cheapest puce fob St Jueej h and return, $32.00 June Il-m- h. end Sr. Taut and return, Minnespoli $38 75 June 0-- 7 July Il-J2;- St. l.ouia and return, $3J.50 June II 12rh. Chicngnnd return, $41. 10 June IU (arpenfersA 12th-Jul- y 20 Cincinnati aud return, Detroit and return 151 00 July Milwaukee and return, $45. So July th Louisville and icturn, $47.50 August -- 22-23r- i . 'Missouri River points nd return, $44.00 Daily June 20! li to SVpt. lltb. Chieaso and return, $50.50 Daily June 20tli to Sept. lllh. St. l)uig ami return, $51.50 Daily June 20th to Sept, lltli. Proportionate iae to other polnti From West of St. Louis and Cliick'10 toSOdave return limit on above rate. For further information address, O. F. Warren. Gen. Acent.A. T. itcS.F. 411 Dooly iroilcMilg, Salt Lake City. , riy o f Lafdts - !!:rdvarc Store, j c . r -- b-e- re-iet- ed j . July $43.50 rd. v j June -1 1 ( SALE Ft. Tanl and Minnen polls and return, (38.75-M- H ! & Gos-- , Fish and Came in Season. tb. Has Moved to its New Building on NO DELAY. f.m f- - MAIN ST BEET, Loan Corpopilioii , n-- time- purities, and the whIe ffetern is Next door to U. 0.. in e.nnquenc.- debilitated. UEIL BINE is remarkab tor itstflijapy MAIN STREET. LOGAN, UTAH in cuiiog the ailment of summer, and the dtenrdirs prevaUnt during HEADaUASTSPaS hot weather. Price, 50 ceuts. Riter For chclca Prino-Beef- , Adviser, containing 100S large page 3, in Bros. Dra Cj j Hutton, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of Veal and Pork, Sausags, 21 one-cestamps to pay expense of mailing ciriv. Address Dr. II. V. Pierce, CAL. AT N. Y. statistieal report were rendered. The primary grade of theSecond ward furnished a song, and Miss Hendrickson of the 7th ward reI week. cited cleverly. The City Council held a special Miss Nettie Ainussen sang a meeting on Wednesday evening of song, after which (Elder Ralph T. last week, at which Mr. Garff of Mitchell made brief remarks, dealLogan was present, lie presented ing with the benefits to be derived a scheme for uniting all the settle- from attending the religion classes. ments of ' the county in one big Dr. J. M. 'Tanner, Supt. of concern and putting in un electric Church Schools then addressed the system. Nothing has been done conference. His remarks were Miice the meeting, but there seems timely aud eloquent. IIc believed to be quite m amount of dis- the religion classes would develop satisfaction with the 'project. into the strongest organization of U.L. the church, aud in singularly eloX Ili.-rnorjtl, July 1, 1901. quent terms urged the young people to take advantage of the opA Good Tim at GreenviHi. portunity offered to acquaint themselves with the gospel's teachings. Editor Journal: The Y, It. Elder James II. Linford also M. I. A. 6n the 2(ith of June gave spoke briefly. Elder Ariel F. Car-do- u a (lance ami reception in honor of pronounced the benediction. our missionaries. About eleven VThite Man Turned Y low. oclock a short programme was rendered. Elders Nyman ami Great consternation was flt by and the friends of M. A. II sang Oh My Father, gity f Utah nUV,. .r,m?nvr ,,'Trv Lexingior, Kv., whea th-- 8i he beautifully irSS :! w a turning yellow. a.'C H Hi sk'ii A Mormon s TT i ulelity..o slowl v recited I i evr-galso changed color, Miss Harris also sang very sweet- - aQ(1 Hr t 1. We had Smith field music. Allmj4ljyheeuffr.l was Yellow .Du .i e II had a good and one long to be re- - wiBirta'ied by the ben. diet m,?'it membeml. Then h wa- - d- b nefit without Greeuulle is still in Lie swim, vin-ttrv Electrij Hitters; tte We aie all raising acres ami acres wonderful Stomach and Livi-osugar beets. Ligand little are and he writ-.-- : "Alici helping to make them a success. two bottles 1 wns wholly taking We .pleased to see Sister cured. A flial is tuUli Eliebeth Palmer home again. She lrs inrii. f.r ail prove Liver S'ouuch, has been down to Suit Lake. visit- xnd troubles. Only 50u Kidney ing with her daughter, who has Sold by Uiwr Br e. Drug Go. ' had sickness in her family for some time. Wc are pleased to learn all An Enyincer Fast Run. ' are improving. An engineer on on of the loids We are not behind the times iu Imre in Kieakiog li-- t nigtit enieiintr living up to the Lords command- of fast runs said: Although mr ment where" he said: Multiply mad.ioe i not once let a cold slow, and replenish the earth. . Mrs. bettr-- of me and hours the h'x Nignr presented her husband with gt machinery is no match for it s pair of twins 'the other night. my I have for years kept r bottle of Sister Cliloe Smith and Sadie PallUl-at- n Killin constantly in my mer also presented their husbands cab. and a or cold gets whn cough with baby girls. All are doing a start of ihi sinds'd etnedv U nicely. Piice 2'c. Mr., and Mrs. Jas. A. Gragnn is iu(bni a cold dav. and otM For Iliter ta'o Bros., by speut Wednesday evening at Mr Sole a Agei.ti, and Mrs. C. A. Nymans. They are both teachers of this place, A Good Cough Medicine. and we are always glad to see hav3 Mnv trion-an'rp them. to beabh and hinpihess hy etorel Respectfully, the UiH of Ctmmherlains Cough ' S. H. N. R.nidv If Bfflieed wih any or lung trouble, give it a throat At The Tabernacle. fi.r it is cer ain to prcvejfcene-Gii.il- . riG, The Religion Classes of the Couwha that .have Stake held their conference on Suu- - all othftf$tiPa'ra-n- t for years, have day afternoon. The meeting was t ielded to this remedy and per fe cl well attended, and a good- - spirit hialthbcm restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the c'imate prevailed throughout. President H. A. Campbell pre-- 1 of famous health resorts failed tp hidciL aud bcnefl tv- - have - bern" t er m a neatly fxetvLes and prayer by Elder A. cured bv its use. For Sale ly Riter 1L Cratiuey, a , general and a Bros. Co. j Mc-Ne- A clock should be more than It should comb nJ timekeeper. beauty and attractiveness Mith 1 curate timekeeping. We lmveiI a clock but looks well and times well, too. Tastes will differ 1 will prices, aud we can fit all L,t ditions of buyers limits. All hav the sweet cathedral ehimeonJ Huy your clock of a praeticaTcloek maker who kuows howto take cine of it for you and will do it. -- J;ny here and we will see that von have A Cup cf Lane's Tea at Night moves tbe bowel next day, and its continued use will cure habitual enns'ipetiou, sick headache, and inriutestmii It will do you more good, and cost you has rpoiey,than any other medicine on enrib, Your druggist. will rfui d you the purchase ptLe if you are not SMtnfiud. Price 25e. and 50c. a pankae. For sale by Iiiler Boh., Sole Ageu'S. A a fif-ferit- D Then the baby is most like ly nervous, and fretful, and u H doesn't gain in weight. fi TRI-WEBNC- SE33H&-8VL03A- Mid-seaso- -- N, -I Clearance Sale n - OF - rsWALL PAPEH . The middle of tlie v rlprper season finds us with a number of broken comodd walls or ceilings. aifse out wh will cut tlig priq in half . Jlemember thiiis not yheap irQ I made t sell ciier ply, but line stuff jwper of rll kinds tlii season patterns. 1000 rods at 10 each always reds at 2 :. 1000 rolls at 15c each always sells al 30c. 500 rolls at 25c each always sells at 50c. binations in our racks lugh-giad- e 1 Soils. Hundreds of Borders to match from. -- A.H XDcru.Tole Ail paper trimmed free of charge. son;' LgrV ZBPH THOMAS, & Debonturo Savinos Baulc. Hrlicis of Iut3r8st Ccnpons dud Behsnturo Bondf, Scries "A,M B, caa cash.ihc5i aoWwAt.thIs.iaaL -- 53 Jdy lit, 19C1, cn C T aid 5, icHl , MAIN STREET, LOGAN, , UTAH |