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Show THE TEMTEZZLT JOUEXAL, LOOAN, UTAH, JIAEC1I All THE JOURNAL is publishei'svsry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Morning , . . - Utah. Logan City, Caehe County, scnscRimoN- - bates. One Tear $3.00 0 - 3 Mentha 73 ets. Months $1.5fr -- Single copy, 5 cents. Cash in Advance. , ADVERTISING RATES. ' Local line, 20 eta. per line each insertion Heading Notices, TO cts. per line'each t insertion. Miscellaneous Column) $.-- a word each ' ' insertion. n 'Rates on Display advertisements ' made known on application.' Advertisements not accompanied by writ Ttn directions will be luserted until and charged accordingly. for-bidde- n, LOCAL POINTS. Best fie, Mack a yard. ami white calicoes Logau- Dry Goods - Co. A new floor .was put down in llio Comity Treasurer 8 office' on Thursday. Childrens hose fie. to 9c., the 20c. kinds for 12e; during sale Logan Drv Goods Co. a Everybody is invited to call at II. J. DeWitts New Club Saloon, W est North Main street and sample his wines, liquors and cigars. Linen towels, the 2fic. kind, for 17c. Logan Dry Goods Co. PMr. and Mrs. Frank Ilan-iare down from Kexburg on a visit to friends. Pumps fob any kind . of well - at A. II. Palmer The Plumber 3rd St. Logau Mr. Charles Dee, representing the Merchants Publishing Co. of Chicago, was in Logan on business yesterday Cure your cold in a few hours Bromo-La- x 23 cents, lliter Bros Cd.f Logan, Utah; Franklin Drug Preston and Montpelier, Idaho. IlROMO-La- x cures colds, 2fi cents at Riter Bros. T)rng Co., Logau, Utah; Franklin, Preston and Montpelier, Idaho. Bishop W. II.. Maughan, of Wellsville was on our streets on Thursday for the first time in several mouths. Mrs. T. D. Roberts sample hats will have arrived, and opening sale The will be held March s AT f ontingi for 9c. a yanL 12 Logau l)ry Goods Co, Hoy Briggs, a seventeerT year-ol- d boy whose home is In Bountiful, was accidentally killed while digging a well in Curlew Valley, near 23 1CJ1 Clearance Sale is Logan Dry Goods Co. Cash paid for potatoes at Caehe Valley Mercantile Company. BARRED PLYMOUTH ..ROCK Eggs for hatching. 50 cents a ball. J"A limited amountof wheat1 will be taken at this office. on Journal Subscription at 43c per .bushel. c. Logau AfRON ginghams at 6 setting. G.JL-Ha- y Drv Goods Co. , Now is the time to buy house plants at The Logau Nurseries. FOR SALE CHEAP Building Close, to lot. 5 rods byll rods. B. Y. College. Inquire at this office. - COMPETENT GIRL,, accustomed to house work, wants a situation in a respectable family. Wages $3.00 a week. Address P. O. Box 20fi, Logan. home. - . - T"- - , We place on sale our elegant stock, at greatly. reduced prices to er move some of the many things that we have too much of. .in-ord- William Burnside, a coal miner, has entered suit at Manti, against the Manti Coal Mining Co., for -- in $20,00(Vior juriesrecei ved --by very latest. the caving upon him of the mine Tiif. City Council met in regular roof, after he bad been assured session on Wednesday evening that it was safe, by the mine f but transacted little business of importance. It is reported that some nuisre ances will be Subscriptions exist in this city which have eeived at this office, $1.00 a year, required abatement for years, still for a weekly paper published at remain unabated. It has been reLincolon, Nebraska, by William J. ported at this office that aloug the Brvan. banks of the little Logau, eswant in the Anything you pecially where it flows' through the Co-o- p at ask Seventh ward, there are pigsties, sporting, goods line, If they corrals and outhouses close to the Grocery and Drug Co. havent got it they will get it for banks of the stream, into which, if by no other means thlfn peryou. colation through the soil, the rehome came Hon. I. C. Thoresen filth finds its way into the sultant from Salt Lake on Thursday. He The canal. city ordinances require says that if some of the Democrats such nuisances that snail not be hadnt fought him he wmuld surely e maintained within feet twenty-fivhave bagged that1 la hd board np of ditch canal or from any public pointment. which people may obtain water for contains I?ROMO-Lano Quipurposes, and then that 2fi cents Riter culinary cures colas', nine; there shall be no surface drain or Bros. Drug Co , Logan, Utahj outlet by which the streams could Franklin, Prestbn and Montpelier, be contaminated.' The law should Idaho. be enforced, -- no matter who it in fire laddies . The sti ikes nor how long their violadepartment tend to give a party next Wednes- tion of law' has existed; The pubday evening. The affair will he lic health demands it, and the held in the old Fourth w ard Co-oMarshal will have "public, support across from the courthouse, and iu enforcing the law. the boys are preparing for a royal good time. Lost gold $3.00 REWARD watch with house engraved on one K X side and II on the other. Finder Xv 1 will be rewarded by leaving at 4 Paintl Your X x X Journal Office. Corinne, on Thursday inomiug. Agents wanted, ladies or tnen, to sell gilt edge oil stocks. Queen Oil Co., U1G Market. St., San Francisco. Mr. Kobert Sweeton of Mendon, lmt who has been employed in Mercur for somo time, was iu town Thursday. He expects to' remain in Cache about three months, after which he will return south. Butcher ICmling . has purchased a very superior computing scale, which gives the exact' number of pounds and ounces, and the precise amount to be paid at any given rate. On Wednesday night .burglars blew open the safe of It. M. Holt & Co. of South Jordan, a suburb TiiREF.-year-ol- d Susan Corbett, of .Salt Lake, ami secured $40. of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. They also forced open the cash daughter of Corbett Eureka, was run over register- - uud obtained $12 more.-Na on the East Tintic locomotive by clue. on Thursday afternoon, railway '' People dislike very much, after and instantly killed, the body bethey have trimmed their trees, to ing terribly mutilated. have t hr bark peeled off by eattler The constitutionality of the Salt They objeeHo having their ditches Lake city ordinance prohibiting tramped in and sidewalks tramped saloon proprietors from allowing and befouled by predatory animals, women iu their places of business after they have complied with the between-hour- s of 7 p. m. and 7 a. cityordinanceSr-- I f owners hi., isto heputto attest. The allow them to .wander defense claims for women the same they should be driven to the cstny rights aeiorded men, and although , pen. the .ordinance inflicts' a penalty LOST At at funeral of Nephi only upon the proprietor, it, is claimed that it debars women from Tarbet, Gouts brown, glove for left hand. Finder return the exercise of a constitutional to L. K. Martineau, Logan. right, and of equality with man. goods are all in and we finj ire crowded for room. W have too many ilioss, . too muck clothing, too many, hats Conference time( is approaching also, and we want to fix you up before you go,-t-o save yon some money and to keep your money at SPRING . - Mens good strong working suits, well worth $4.00. Reduced to 3.00 Mens all wool bine worsted suits, good $7.50 'grade. Reduced to 5.00 Mens good all wool cassimere suits in gray or brown plaids, $11.00 values.. Reduced to 7.25 We have a. great many others at $8.30 $10.00 and $12.00, that simply cannot be equalled at the price anywhere. We invite careful inspection.' Boys good strong made suits, ges 13 to 20, worth ' $4.00. Reduced to 2 75 xt Boys all wool Bine worsted suits, good wearers and fast colors $G.OO grade, Reduced to .' p, o of-eo- at-larg- e, silk-line- x BuflQU. x v .X Seven X X X X X X X X for x x X x .X m-li- vs K X E . shoes. Ladies fine Dong shoes, lace or button ' all sizes, good $1.50 grade. Sale price 1.00 Ladies fine Dong shoes",' lace or button, good $2.00 value. A job lot all go at 125 1.50 Ladies fine Vici Kids in Vesting tops or kid tops, - good $2.00 shoes. Reduced to X A big line of $2.30, $2.73, $3.00 grades to close out ' possible for you to make a XX new buggy out of X ft your old one for G 0 the small sum of X Mens good heavy work shoes made of Kang calf, J ustl think, we xax make it X X X X 0 sX- seventy'-fivecent- 1 X s. The paint s 1 mixed all ready for ft use, so any one can X put it on. Its made of the ft ft best materials and a X' 3 I d will - not or peel crack the t i ni e the sun ; first s X X X shines Tbi it. 3 It has a gloss s like varnish finish that will stand ex- $ posure. . Drop in and welLteil you more about it. And well show you color cards so you can make your selection. Of course weve brushes to put it on with." s ! Riter I -, - with good heavy soles, $1.50 grades. Sale price 2,00 Druo Reduced to Logan, .Utah- ;- find Montpelier, -I . ' that are better values that you can get elsewhere for the price. We have a big line of childrens shoes from 30c up. One good line we have, the soles are slightly soiled from being finished before they were dry. Sizes from 8X to 2. All go at op. Grocery & Drug 5 jj Ttie Victor Soortlno X ( ARE THE AGENTS FOR rS See'theire!egant Idaho- - ISO We have a big line of shoes at $2.00, $2.25 and ? $2.50 . Go- no Mens fine dress shoes, any toe, splendid $2.00 grades. bits.' FranklirrPrestbn - the price. -- X X s WHW We have a big line of these goods at $3 00, $G.00, ' $7.50. up to $10.00, that can not be equalled at X X 5 4.50 Goods line of BaseCaH Go- - Gootfs-ju- s1 Arrived.' BALLS. BATS. GLOVES, .UTS AflD flASKS- - n |