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Show .1 i I t:US THiWTEXLY 4 1 any appreciable factor of that sum. If the men employed in the various THE JOURNAL, every line of business. If the advertising is pre perly done it is cer t lin to attract the attention of peo-r- CBLIBBID BT need of the articles adEAJIL& ENGLAND PUBLISHING CO, ple in vertised, and if Jt is convincing in lessees. its tone tho people will go to the advertiser to purchase, thankful at the-Eatjutd to be saved the t trouble of - a ' Thursday and Saturday, at Logan. Utah, search, nutter. aa sCDnd-c!a- s . H industries by which that fortune was built up had received an equitable proportion pf the results of their labor and the government favors granted ostensibly for their benefit, they- - would not have re any assistance in sickness or old age. Mr. Carnegie is giving away wealth that is legal y CARNEGIES GREAT qiFTS. Mr Put InIargemetsure would be Andrew Carnegie, the great theirs under an equitable method Editor: Aifguitar Gordon," Much 22, 1901 multi-millionair- - . jqjw-fc- e, - - i -- -- steel king, has shown, and is show- of !listribut:on. The systems under which the acquisition of: such ing, that though a The strength otw a ' mothers his beards mthe right colossal fortunes are possible, love was illustrated at a recent place. He considers it a sin to die should be abolished. fire at Hoboken , N J . A fire richand isdistributing ' his:mil-lioii- if The bather sometimes finds the sanl broke out, and - the, mother, with with lavish hand, yet 'with soft to his feet. It does and her three children made their way such .discrimination that evgryjJol-la- r not troubleyielding him and 'he goes on until sinks to to the, fire escape.' There they Ercsentlvheand will prove a lasting benefacdis crouched while the flames from the tion. education to covers to his horror Hgconceives that he has to fight windows below crept higher1 and be the greatest need of the age, for his life in a higher, ever nearer and nearer. and is dovotingYnillions and mil- qnicksand. Disease is much The woman might have eseajied lions of dollars to the establish: like the quicksand. jvith one of her - .children, ...but she mentof pnjblielibraries- - and tech- The- - first symptoms of stomach trouble could not have returned, so she re- nical schools. ' do not cause anxmained with them until rescued by is One of his latcst'gifts $4,000, iety. 'But when the the firemen, at which time, all were grows 000, the income of which is to be weak body through lack burned. terribly used for the- benefit of employes of of nourishment and disease of the stomtbe Carnegie company in its mint p, ach breeds disease d mills and woikshops, who may be of heart, lungs, liver There are dozens of or kidneys, the sufyoung, men in Logan injured while in its service, or for ferer realizes his end seeks for sponging upon- the earnings of their families if they. are killed, and danger medicinal aid. their parents and refusing to go to to provide small pensions for sne-Dr. Pierces GoldWork when'they have the oppor- as are forced to retire from the in- en Medical Discovery cures diseases of tunity. Home is the place where firmities of old age, or from de- the stomach and the young man should ever be wel- bilitating sickness, after long and other organs of dicome to share the last crust; but faithful service in the companys gestion and nutrition, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc., when whenever he ran, he should, in re- employ, A public accounting for these diseases have tbeif origin in disof the stomach aud its allied organs. turn, do his part iii providing for the expenditure of this fund is to ease C.. Coltiui-bnThomas A. Swart, of 1 was taken with Box toy, write: the needs of the family, and be a be made at the end of each year, severeOhio. hendneht. then cramp in the storaacti. nd my food would not digest, then kidney and a instead to of detriment its whose it is benefit so those for that help liver trouble, and my back got weak so I could get around. At lait I had all the comprosperity; If it were not for the iutended may see that It has not scarcely the plaints at once, and the more I doctored worse I got until aix year passed. I had be-- ' never failing love and much been misappropriated or diverted come so poorly I could only walk in the houe had abused generosity of the parents, into other channels. by the aid of a chair, and "1 got ao thin ITake np to die. Then a neighbor said, gren Medical Discovery and make One of Mr. Carnegies great m new man Golden many of tlio young men referred out of yourself.' Tbe first bottle another, to would either have to amend beneficences is the establishment and helped me ao I thought would get after I had taken eight bottle, in about six 1 bad gained found and was I weeks. weighed their ways or join the army of of a technical school upon an imI have done more 7) pounds in hard the work past eleven months than I did mense scale at Pittsburg, where In two tramps. yenrs before, and I am as stout and as I ever was. the sciences related to the manu- healthy Pierces1 think, Common Sense Medical I)r. on Speaking OP the benefits derived facture of iron and steel will be Adviser, in paper covers, is sen; free exto 21 one-ceof pay stamps receipt from advertising, the Philadelphia taught and put to practical applili-pense of mailing only. Address Dr. Record refers to what it calls ac- cation. This school will turn out Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. cidental benefits, of which it cites scientific workmen with trained as au instance the receipt by an minds and.hands, It will qualify American mine superintendent in its apt pupils to fill intelligently Mexico, of a newspaper from his pysitions of trust and responsibihome town. He showed the pa- lity in the iron and steel trades and it and allied manufactures, to the per to a wealthy-Mexicn- nr happened to contain an advertise- benefit of both the trades and ment of an ice making machine. themselves. He ordered one, and several were Mr. Carnegie is making rol-sold in that district as a result of use of his wealth, for which all . that ad. Almost every adult honor to him. Ilis actions prove Goods, -His person can remember upo n some him a lover of his kind.' occasion or other picking up some wealth is estimated at $1GG,000,-00old scrap of newspaper containing and he has not yet provid d an advertisement of something for the distribution of a tithe of it; shelves, they 'needed, or which aroused byt he is receiving inf ora ation their enrositjv and "sending for it. from countless sourccsas to where see These incidents may be classed goodly sums can be disposed of to come among the accidental benefits of good .advantage to his inform- see Goods advertising. . The regular, and to ants, petitioners and hoggin?- and be expected, benefits, consist of the he may, if he lives long aud is deA Word About Silks. perusal of the advertisements by termined, sneered in dying ' poor. ' three possible purchasers for every You will want a new silk waist name upon the subscription list. disEaster and your dressmaker for It seems a pity to add a will JSomc great advertisers who have cordant note to the above. Mr. just have time ter make it if reduced the advertising business CnrncgiV philanthropy should, you get the silk now. You will be to see the many pretty to a perfect system, fely upon the possibly, relieve him from' censure surprised new styles we ean show you. All their of five ad vast his to the of ns pos-aioperusal by" the new silks fresh from the best acquirement purchasers. The newspaper, wealth; but the system of econ- looms in tbe country. In price though, is only the medium, used omies by which he has enabled to they range from 33e to $1.7.).' See to reach a certain number of read- - accumulate it is open to attack, our windows for some of them. And Dress Goods Too. ers; the advertiser must do the and should be vigorously assailed rest.. He must have the goods until it is alolisled. If governWe could not begin to tell you the public want, they must sell at ment contracts had aim ays been all All we jve have in this line. the right price, and thp Jnforma-tio- n let upon the same princij les which eau say is that it is by far the best must ' be attractively worth d govern the letting of private con line we have ever had, and if you and properly displayed. An at tracts; if tariffs had leen levied will look at them you cannot, tractive ad is of more impor- for revenue only; if the govern fail to see something that is just want. Polka DoKPlain tance than a handsome display in ment owned or strictly controlled what you in all colors, new plaids and the show window, as the-- number the railroads; if laws had prevent- Serges cashmeres are all here and at prices who see it is so much larger, and ed instead of fostering the forma- ranging from I5e to .$2 per .yard. they are in all parts of tho county. tion of trusts; if disputes between The ladies- who are coming to capital and labor had been subject We have L. L. factory at 5c per to ' town arbitration next note legal so compulsory that yardSaturday a . I of importation-atyl sri arc"ReirrnfftowTriSTurtatns, foreign shoes oisomcthi:ig Mso they think contract labor rigidly excluded, f buying, and they know 'just Carnegie would never have been where to go. It is the same in 'able to pile up $166,000,000, nor Saturday V JOURNAL L03AN, UTAH.UA.IICU 23 IS01 . Notice of Mam Ncc'ing. A mass meeting of the citizens of Logan is hereby called to convene in the county court house, Logan, on Saturday evening at 7 : 30 oclock, for the purpose of considering the question of the overtaxing of Logan, property as compared with the assessment On property iu other parts of the county. 0- - -- AnTHON ANpERSON, . - i Mayor.- - Single Stone Rings- - Seem . to have taken-an- d held lead in We would call Kingdom. The city ordinances require that especial attention to our line of the limbs of all shado trees shall Birth Month .Stones. March is th be trimmed to a height of eight month of bloodstone. feet above1 the sidewalk; that all Who on theworld of ours their eyes brush shall be cut away from the In March first shall be wise; open fences ; that at every ditch crossing In days of peril firm andLrave the. sidewalks shall be properly And wear a Bloodstone 'to their protected by covered culverts which ji grave. shall not prejectabove. the -- grade, and that' all sidewalks shall be kept in passable .condition. Hereafter these ordinances will be strictly enforced, and all property owners are notified to comply with them McAlister Building, . and avoid prosecution. Andr ew Elia son. MAIN STREET. LOGAN, UTAH. Street Supervisor. HI! fc Xt .. .I, Notice to Property Owners. , ownDu & Johnson. - "V Spring is Coming! able-bodie- rilAT SUGGESTS HOUSE CLEANING. THAT MEANS NEW - h . n Wallpap T -iTO a, , 1 twenty-seve- Carpe1 n OUR STOCK HAS ARRIVED. t Everything new, handsome, the very latest in 'style and finish. We bought at just the right time, and will give our patrons the benefit of our, bargains. New Furniture An Every Variety, Every Style Tlio Famous Star tate Ranges, Stoves Washing machines, Baby Carriages. etc. nt j V. I 5 I i h 1 i : l . e 0. t i t - le I 1 h - 1 a i nj?r Es- GET CUR PRICES. to-da- I . 101' SPAlEr2nj Street, lop-- : Never before has there been such prospects for business as now. Everything points to a big demand for Spring and Sum- Silks, etc., and we are prcparedlortluftTdc-man- d nier; Dress with the best, cleanest and prettiest line that has ever and the prices are right too. , Wo ask you to graced our them even if you do not buy; itr will do you good to and and it will do us good to see you. the Dress -- ? . - 1 We Carry the Defender Manufacturing Co. Ready Made Sheets and Pillow Cases. Do You Need -- . a Black Dress? Our line of Black Goods is the best in the county. We know you will be pleased with them and when you know the prices you will le more pleased than ever. In the plain goods they range from a Cashmere at 25c to the finest silk warp,. Henrietta at $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. The Fancy Goods range from the 25c brocade to tbe finest filk and wool mixtures at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 per yard. Every one has heard of these goods; not every one knows what they are. Every one should know and - they would never have any other. They are made in good sanitary shops and every sheet is torn from the piece, so they are sure to be straight when laundried. We have them in hemstitched or Before you . buy plain hemmed. line come in and anything in this let us show you these. The pillow It is a little early to tell about cases are from 20c up, the sheets our (summer goods but they are from 75c up. here, most of them, and it will do Lace Curtains and Certain Nets. yougood to see them. This year aud the colorings are We always have had a big line daintier,, than ever prettier Iu before. of these goods, this year our line is price they go from the 5c lawns larger than ever aud the values and challie to tho finest have seldom been equaled and Mulls and oriental Kanoko atSjlk 50c never surpassed. The curtains to 90c per yard. range in price from 50c to $7.50 Columbus 4- - Bloach at per per Hair, and the curtain nets from 12XJ to 45c per yard. yard. 4 - . 6c |