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Show A T1 1 fah Krportrr 1 jiaily JL !- -: KTI. i 1- BOAT. VM We paid a visit to the dock-yary to not? the' progress of the work ou tLe ft; Coriuitf, and found it a uir-vd - w. .Xb.Yfi:Ur(; u JlufTb10 and j t tbtr f plug h I'ol !. K V up cslertky and M-i- r i- - . h t- 5 - ..K- - tbf reins behind the - li.l t j it ts- - oar countrys' tuo railroa Jvtie uk If - ,x. ni a t!ii - p ti'f rtz rac,e of. putting fur the -- priug 'eoateMs. are reported to hav by the eiUz as of ! -- a M-ila- st.-ck- d U-iu- iv, Thornburg an 1 ;,tci.ddr, of the Lutei State,t' f. T. T. --U to- - briuj, oat 'h 1 Ci-- !' 1J J. E. Aroiy, C-ip- - il jors Sou h tve promptly re.pond- rf tne-vor and Couucil the je-- j le-- " . i prubsUlug the bridge. Colorado new oil house, JTTCaisS'rs will be an orno v.iletfly tiri-henament to til t part of the city. ' fc d, .rt-r- t, y carrier tivdiy, and nCewotiid ask our subscriber to uotilj We h.ive a new por-ionp- if the paper be not properly delivered. is preparing to come back Mr. Holli-tmd reMiuie hisr-si'lenclu this city, of .Inch he is a well remembered pioneer. , TIC!, er e Yebird ys beauuful, balmy sunshine. rougbt out the tdies aud cLildren, mak-:i- g the slreets look like setup, ic t Tbero are many of our merchants now p.t the respective seaboards purchasing t vks of goods for the opening trade of 1 , S. proui--Iimle- a- M Fpring. . iC- Tne Episcopal chapel wv? crowded at, ervices on yesterday, aud the Hector, tevj li. b. Dann preached eloqu ut s. Ira Tingley is in from Salmon River, loger'reiidy fir the fcptiug freighting. Ills w s the first train out trout Corinne ill. d. IS EQUITABLE LIFEASSUEAUCE SIFT ERTERFiliSE. ocietpof (lie United States- rwxiiE rxDERsiaxED to an. 1'2() Broadway, IVew York. A- not nice that he purposeslegs raising by sub- Y" Isirli, $13,009,000. , luuual Luome, .etr Tlir L'ljiit ibis 51,021,111. jf sat s rjr rr desirable trm of policy And tivoitr pn rt acccjiUux note for it II Tickets at ae-co- iii 1871, lib.-raiit- k crjHM-atiou- HI. sel-ete- t t gera-bii'K- -- j Inquire of D. W. Parkimrat. -- BISTHH feL2S-t- f art of i 3 Git, 8 tr 78 Rocky XIountaia coal, tho best in the country, by the ton or car load at low I prices; and lumber of every description, j at Sam. Ilowes, west of the depot d!9-t- f j fhe Only Fir SUW IlOfEL. The material progress of onr city is won to mbtace a hotelof sucU style and between p size that it will hae uo suja-rio- r Omaha and Sacramento. Tho content-- l plateti structure will be th property of a company of capitalists whose opulence, ia connection with their well known y is a sure guarantee of the success cf the undertaking. An eligible location will be secured in a few days, aud contracts made for the werk,so that the grand edifice may be completed by midsummer. By request, wa witbholl, for tic present, the names of the pr jectors, Wt there is no doubt wLatever of determination to' give to Corinne tke mo- -t capacious ar.d elegant' Lotet on x higbway. ria ijii 19 s IJ 5 u chart;. - jriM;nu lii truns-contuieut- Sam. L. Tibbals. Talar, $2,500. I for families cix o. r stj 1 lire i a 1 -- Proprietor. ujl iuu amn 2C8HS. fTATltiKERYj KEW V7ALL PAPER, POCKET ClTLEltr, , - j JONS OF ALL SOT KINDS. cqent-rlttQrlyveui- ng enterprising proprietor has already On Terr reasonable terms, a pbll SALE kuned fjma and hnr .irel f very rich tuinirg profitable patronage. or- - infew the Tntu Goldberg is knowu all through Thel Wayne and Eureka Lafavette,Tintrc Anthony Mn.iri(C Led., Shafts have in all of these to such an exfent that his or- - t c.tirus. theif re tliepurrhas react infcTtn hint- tf uui marked for ard k,1w wbat he is For partieu- every town and r lrs apply to, or address,bajintr. iu tho thre Territories. I. J. il. Simmons. Salt fcbJO-tj Lake City. CUh.. I li-.tric- t. heen-stiii- L i I WHAT-NOT- r. Trnsfees anil J. II. Wi.KKa,Xs K. pAIUiMl', Ill.siHlS Faulo', R W. E. Jtssr w, C. L. - L ' Repttlrlog always promptly done. am bound to sell as cheap as any house in Utah. Uy Motto It, L.tve and let Rive., Quick $alt and Saall Pnltt. SALE ROOMS: Montnnu stroot, (Two door, above Peat Office,) Coniulttee. .G. - PILLOWS, C05IFORTS, ' & BEDSPREADS. CORINNE, UTAH. Dvvio Canolasd, Vi. S. V.'au i u. WiI. i. Y.'ooitHrLL,. STkV I.NSOS, I' MATTRESSES- I S, BRACKETS, t MIRRORS,. SPRING-BEDS- ,, N. J. W. IESHER;. KsTaciJ, II An-Lit- r I,II'!!W1V & M IIENTil A3I F Wholesale and Retail irnt. CLUB SUBSCBIBTIONS TO TIIB LIBERTY MEAT MARKET. Montana Street, Corinne, i (First door East of Trumbo's Auction House.) TUI MARKET AT found tho choicest CX ALWAYS HE varisties of GRAND GIFT ENTERPRISE. fLASS TICKETS. lot) Subscribers cf $ -1 each, rc presenting 20 .. 40 V GO 3 I Ml 4 K lOO 5 A z AND Each class Is distinct, and the subscribers to any one of them will reap an eqntd benefit aeeru-ifrom the azzre,Ve result hoxtxin ssthe full compdment of 100 ntmes to a class is filled the amount subscribed will o applied to the purcliaxa of tn kets, and they b d jxi ed for safe keeping with a responsible until after the drawing. party ' For further particulars apply to P f Cojimissiox Mekchasts. Corner Montana and 6th Sts. nt REEF, A1UTTON, FORK, BACON, HAMS. SAUSAGE, LAUD, ETC. to bo of tna best the affords. Hotels and private, families willmnntry find it to their advantage to patronise the Liberty, as we sell superior articles cheaper than any other market in the countrv. Give ns a tri.L All Warranted tn oci-t- f f for which SOFAS, c-- AL , REFRIGERATORS, DESKS. Kv,-r- VEAL, ' UEVLTR IX ' TABLES.. WASH STANDS. KITCHEN SAFES, CRIBS, LOUNGES,. - BURRA US. ci (D1BLES IR LTLQcal an! merchants Zpr dafl A. TOLLARD, CHAIRS. General Nupnutendent, establishment was Fr.uIT AKO CCNFECTIGuESY. with a splen hd GIB re Cc groceries and liquors, the same Pot tiding, Corinne, Kali airH-t- rst ctass style of merchandise fc hot i: nTK a nsr be u n Era. I'URBTfDEK tx-pc- e UKOIKJU L. HOLT, GOLDIIKIUiS. of - . The time and place of Drawing will be duly announced. 1 n t t i cau Ih purchased of the Treasurer. O O.tidBuKXE. w.th Waiter tro.. Salt Lake City, by w horn t he pxve Is will be retain-- ! niml the dialling Ukes :ter woich he wlil hand over to ih Prize holders tl.i ir smoun s and s;i ly the to the dmrjwwa h rviiibi fore n nu !.. in livldual subscrdln" for two tickets will be entitled, lu'nxiuctitin by a m nitHr, to ihe free us tf the Reading Booms fsr six nibuths. fd-a- r, MBBnrwwr3,a o al TLis fine new e. toio.ly th-i- r Iffi !- dec.'O-t- f Im-titu- FAX FRANC cn-tT- -- To aid in tae maiab-nactnJ support of the n. until m. h tune as pubUc patronage i be sufficient to liable it to be ABOVE td GENERAL house FUfi.wHmG goods. e UTAII li-h- AND GOO losicliiir Xoom ly 15 CO. IK new furniture sml new teds: Iln rtsutis. tras a:.! wat r in each; wide halts, wd! and airv; dtRit;-r-Hilarfre; tuhle exc JU nt ; ! ati jii it liouse et ntrai; cars to amt from passnu the dx-r- ; roach r ati l from steam- p eiiiveiiij lioat lamliucs and trains to the hot 1, free uf K Bar Farnitare, AND oni:Sires hotel, KEARNY, d-- Plated Ware, Salt Lake Exchange HOTEL , POST STREET, - 709 The ! i'ance. r.oi. will, after d.- - luclo-s in nrred it carrying out the donated to tne Honse In the City . VICTOR COlI DELLA. jl3-t- f ps, CnANDELIERS, iAvm 499 it ti 25 100 Gifts. Having recently taken this house and thor oughly refitted and renovated it, I purpose to Veep i aa a FM.ST-qf.AS-S ir 5 it GO . . . RB, $590 lam consUntly recriving and opening oat 399 full stock of plain and fancy furmture, such aJ of $109 eath, (( 28 HS9SE,. CORIXAK, xT Divided as follows: us Wanted lOhOn) bushels char- to delivered during the summer, jcoal, F IT H IT 1 1 Appropriated to Gifts, .W. H. GLASCOTT, Local Agent. m u K, CUTLERY, MIRRORS,. n-- c 2,500 s su-pl-.- nlf-'r'ls- i GLASSWARE, . utaii. :t d n il The Corinne Base Ball Club our lead off, in the cijy anniversary, with a grand ball in the Opera House on Friday evening the 21th instant. This is to be a glomus occasion, for the boys have the emiles and favor of the ladies to encourage them in making preparations for such an evening of pleasure ss Las never before been epjoyed bythe peo " pie ol Corinne. mm-lortab- - d rjontana Street, itM QUEEN SWA RE, s mr3-2- coiiirs:K, Each, r Mi(ili)LITAi IS, Whoieixlend Retail dealer a lu CRINA, luvmz them out. in heu of the money, iu 1,000 $3 ' due. jxiu.icx f ... The t .veeilf nee oL taia inxiltn lo'n piitald.) cannot be too' arm y a kuow.edcd. its story Add that on or before the wi a of ih the story and nolP' success i.f a Cene.lms dc.lu, prud inly and thoroUuiy j'lisiwd. It was ergmiz-- i ou a prim ip.e of Hovel an i eculiar It proposed to FIRST DAY OF HAY, jive ml proh.s to th msur d. paying only 1. ial liuefe.tou its capital; and it has accomptb-heits jiurjiox.. jnji career pf prgriss alioi' ther There will he a unprecedented, it has distanced all rompeii ors, an establiihed its if ujxm a foundation as of adamant. Iu ex pens ox have been less thau DRAWING FOR GIFTS those f any other new co.upmy in projoruon to its luc one .Veu 1 ork Ojirrrrr. Lint iNsrnvscE OnwrasT. One of the strongnder the mpcrvbdou of a Committee est, saf st, most successful, and best iuau.i.-fnt-S'u.iuk 'Uir most proiuin, hfcplzcns. and of this e. aracteF iu New York is condiict-uoou the same pr.Wpe whhh tho i.'pu ablo Life As.urancs Society of the at tile isle Grand Gift G pr.iVed so succe-s'iUnited aUiUs. Ifvlsjtcntl'nl. of the dercautiie Library rt. for the of the New York Obsrrtrr, Assoc Lktiou of ban Frauciaco. . lr. Inme, states: he EqmUhle Life Assur&nco Society of the I'niied Suites has ben founded wuh a view to meet the wsnts of ail parts of our wide eou.try. It- - fonud-r- and direcor are chi, tiy religious and beuevoient men, and I trust ttie'diy is not far distant, hen it will become o wt.lely known that all our ministers, S. seer taries, aud tnt u on salaries generally, will be avail themselves of its rich advantages. r y i (East of the Opera House), rf tli$ i nr uu claims, when f-- r 4 $5j, 0 OlQ, 7,000.000. Cu'infss, ISC9, S t r e e t, Corinno, Montana i scrip tun the sum ol Cash HOBBS & CO., G R A IM D. chana-piousw- ill Ja?t year. J. II. I Muter is going to Nebraska this eekto I "ok after the mterer ts of a Yir-gicolony, on the llepubiic.iu Fork, in slitch h is intere-teDrink from the bubbling fountain. Drink it free; IlOTE! S & EESTAl'ltAX 1S Twas gad Sirason, and tis (lood for thee. UiiTbL Th crowd visiting tho new eteambpat u jestirdiy, was I irge and connnued rough Ibetliy, We were pleased to be la lie- th ro admiring the progress of vetk on the now vessel Betwem Thiiil and Fourth Streets, Mr. Far well and family, formerly of his ei y, returned on yesterday fr..ru the 3UI.M1 1 ;aEEXLHM), Proprietors ust alter an absence of eighteen inonihs. I will go into huin;ss immediitelv. terej dee to see LimMa Corinne again. Iivo iare too lizy to come and get n.is FIUST CLASS XI. W HOTEL is now .lower and g trdru keds or at to the public. The r w.uie are neatly ami open nothing i.is n-- n furaSiied. The tabl,--s ure tilways go to ilcX'utt Co.s, or with the the market II iribiit A llros., ami sec nr-- , ronio before I're-- L Ovrt rs always on haml and served up in es--, ro tiey are .11 gone. anv sty e 'i hort 'mince. Fragrant . an 1 the graceful narcissus should i The Hvr H stocked with tha Lnest Wines. o ai around every bom-- . not-Liiuors, ari l iiar. ui T1IE Will TIIF. BAI.L. . ser-taon- s inrvrfoA lti'?letripolltin t el of naval architecture. to far as it The huge r.bs of the vessel 7rogri-ej- l. all ia. are place, fivtdjSrm as ,the founda-iio- a of Jthe, deep over which kliejs soon to gli le, in majesty. Thes? timbers are tizL't inches in thickness and onlyv ten itieLes gp.irt, secured with knees and heavy galvanized spike in the strongest Tucthod known to modem shipbuilding. It is a wonderful sight to behold tbd illative frame woik as it now stands on the like a (treat lev'uthau.aud such ft is, fof. the length is 130 fruabows to'6tern-pos- t feet, an 1 the boats breadth of beam t w r m.1 be on the plaukiug put during pies, eut wee., and before many days more she wilt bo ready Ip move down the ways into the broad bosom of Bear lliver, the chief triumph of the mountains. Mr. Diefcudurf is alino-- t constantly present l ia the yard giving his attention to every detail as the nkillfu.1 builders proceed. lie has now telegraphed lor lea uoe ship carpenters who are- to reach here and these, with the large force of mechanics uow engaged, will be able to finish the steamer before the time originally fixed the 1st of May. The machinery and engines were, shipped from St Louis on last Saturday to-nig- MICKLLANK(UIS. IS! K LLsYN HOIS. M yes-tirdu- f ibaut Xowa. rrr - MIFCFLLANEOFF. FOR SALE. Three, pocil cily .Lots near the business centre, suitable to erect shops or dwellings ou terms easy. Apply to D.. J. Toohy. Corinne, Utah. l(IlF.THAM FABIAN, General Smi't cf Grand Gift Enter prii v At the Salt Lako Exchange and Heading booms, marft-t- f FOR Wileox & Gibbs LeKrr Keep constantly on hand a good assort nient for the jobbing trade. Orders by tu ail. will receive prompt andi raivfal attention, , Goods shipped east and west oo the-lin- e of the Railroad' the same day order are received, nolStf Family, Sewin? ;.!achinc HEIL & P1SCHBACK, iviUi all the Improved Hentaa Sheet, ran Riii" In price from 5S5 to $250, direct (between Fourth and lYTlh.) from the Factory. Never, and Lunch at all hours of Uw used.. Apply at tills- day and night. The bar- i fnrnlahed fith the, choicest wines, liquors sod cigars. Give . m at-taclintC- Rt., i Oyett-- r - m calk dec23-t- t rpV U |